4 .that the powers have to-night. The Daily British Whig t YEAR FIERC 79 -NO. 236 E FIGHTING RAGES N MONTENEGRO FRONTIER The Litte Balan State Ig STRIKES AT ITS ENEMY ; - INTERVENTION SEEMS TO HAVE COME TOO LATE. . Austrian: Troops Will Try and Pree vent Balkan Armies From Unite ing--It Looks as Though Turkey Will Cruse Much Bloodshed, Constantinople, Oct. 9.--Flerce fighting raged last night om the Moutenegrian frontier. To Prevent Forces Uniting. Vienna, October 9 Twenty-five thousand. Austrian troops yester- day marched into Novibazar, a strij of land situated between Monten egro and Servia 3 This is believed to be the firsl step in actual interviéntion by the powars of Europe to prevent .war in the Balkans. These troops will be able to pres vent the union of Montenegré aad Servian forces if ordered to do so. Fifty thousand more will arrive by Charges d'Affaives Get Passports. Cettinje, Montenegro, Oct. 9. Plamenatz, the Montenegro Charge d'Affaires at Constantinople, has been ordered to leave there to-day The [ Turkish ' Charge d'Affalres here hs been handed\hls passports by the (Montenegtin government. The Note Too Late. Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct, 9.--The Aus- trian and Russian ministers yester- day presented to the Bulgarian gov- ernment the powers' joint note en gaging to see that Turkey institutes reforms™in Macedonia and Albania. but calling on Bulgaria to dsmobil- ize Immediately . It is presumed here that similar notes have been presented at Bel- grade, Cettinje, and Athens. At Cettinje the move is decidedly late, warp having already been declared. In & hurry, as a means of forestalling the note. Diplomats here say they hardly see how the powers can consistently insist op the demobilfzation of troops formal ly engaged in war. Their ally, Montenegro, having started hostilities. Bulgeria, Servia and Greece, too, may i na sense be considered as committed to the struggle. The impression here is waited tao long. } . Messages for War Zone Censured. New York, Oct. &--A strict censor 'ship on telograms has been institufed by the Bulgarian govefhment. All tele gtams for Bulgaria must henceforth be written in plain language, accord ing to an official note issued by the International Telegraph bureau at Botne, Switzerland The cable companies announce that despatches for Greece in code or cipher are not accepted. Fighting Montenegro. Montenegro is the smallest inde pendent kingdom in Europe, and has a population of not more thaw threo hundred thousand people. ' Ig area is: but little over 3,600 square miles, Poor and barren as it ia, this little mountain land bas always excited the deeper patriotism and an _uncongquerable love of freedom amongst its people. "My country." said King Nicholas on one occasion, "is a wildurness of stones; it is arid, it 1s poor, but I addre it! If I were offered the whole of the Balkan peninsula in exchange I would not consider the bargain for one mom- ent" Every Montenegrin holds the same opinion. The war stréngth of the Montenegrin army is probably between 30,000 and 50,000 men. Every man in the country is liable to military service from the 18th to the sixty-second year of his age. By sea, the warlike little kingdom on the Adriatic is quite inaccessible to- the forces of Turkey. Inland, it is protected by wild and rogged mountains, and its roads on the frontier have by deliberate policy been kept in almost impassable con- dition. Ne country less inviting to invasion could be imagined, and as warfare has for centuries been al- most a natural pastime, they are certaln to give the Turks a lively time. of It in any contest. - The Montenegrins fri them- selves trom actual Turkish domina- tion In 1697; and ihe last vestige of nominkl overlordship by the Rorte disappoared with the sigs of the Treaty of Berlin in 1878 wo the acknowledgment of Montenegrin sovereignty by Tarkey in 1909. London police are on the lookout 1 Pankhurst, reported to on way from Paris to London. is wanted, charyed with, inspiring militant suliragettes to violence. The last war in the Balkans. broke in April. 1897. as & result of to recover Crete. 'have n i uh He | Otta Birket The pi ton are by presen be des upper absenc war, trade in i ports. of ants, ment gineeri were urged Kingston, Ottawa, is not likely to suffer by a Balkan according to be KING } on NOT YE throne of l NICHOLAS Montenegro iT VACAN There Are Only Two Places to Fill in Ontario. wa, Uct t, ex-M.P upon remier pro: © at t as the alt: with by house. S two e during Canada's Oct and com Canada's trade with Year amounted to $574,386, mostly mports; the tlaims of He pointed out, however, Ontario Kingston forfeited 9 The (Raims of T +» lo a senalorship, Hon. R. L. Borden nised due considera the ex-member that thor vacancies at has resolution of the enalor SuMvan, ol his seat owing to two sessions though case to the senatorship had not yet heen for finlly declared vacant. Balkan Trade. Canada's trade officials of ithe department, Turkey last megce Canadian exports amounting to only $17,601. Little or no trade is done with the Balkan states amounted last year to $588,994, of which $135,347 waa in Trade with Greece Fitler of a school ng. several Fortune for Eleetrical School. Philadelphia, Oct. 9.~Under the vill Alfred Iactmrer, admitted to probate, nearly all of his fortune, which is valued at $2,000,000, will, upon tite death i the widow and expended Moors, wire. manu of other annuit in the estab) sh I of electrical en Appointed Connty Judges. Ottawa, Oct. 9.--Arthur Mahafiy, M. As Cank ous «= two danger Dero on Su 0 dhe Hix The Olin Bhpost mised. Ly ears. char rr in © the Gendmnu Montreal, Pattersen, brought who is Ivy PP, will be the county Muskoka and Major Ontario county. DRANK A ol ol judge McGillivray, CONCOCTION OF THE DOCTOR'S a Result and Three hire, ickne Que hax men and has ill. OWEly her, Ihe u nday migh wtion the with a guests doctor felt Sunday night, (wo of them dying on Tuesday. is saad the line into the United States. Two Are Dead Are Seriously i. + Ces, entled mads %.-A myster the lives of two more The dead men. are Joseph Desrocher abd Peter Lomicux, and the sick Joseph Ouellet A aud. J wen were all attacked t, and they stated that their condition was produced by got it the home of a doctor who was entertaining them on Saturday night. : It appears that when the supply ef Mgucr gave out the mented it manufacture, doctor supple decoction of his own tl effects Lik have crossed to Higher Duty on Stone. wa, tit presenting the National Builders' thinge waited upon Hon. W. T. White, this moming, with a demand for the higher duty on every tion of kind ol building quarry blocks, coming in {rom the Un. ited States. Consideration was 9. A delegation re Fx stone, save rough pro- ------------------ He has B. H. Reynolds New Inspector. Mana, Let. 9.- Ottawg, has been appointed travelli wigration inspector. well | known in' sporting circle®™and has fre- quently acted as referee in big lacrosse matches, the Citizen for D. H. Revuolds, of He is beens on the stall of the past twenty-five Faces a Serious Charge. Oet. before msurance | broker, 9. ~Thomas W. I was Judge Laiomtaing, d with baving committed ag i- tion pa Soung w ug in the general hospi 8 precarious condition. oman ital ' Dire Punishment. eh, oi ET : SI atl Doral isha bi-lingual James school law, -- co TYPEWRITER IN PALACE. George Has Machine foi Private Correspondence. London, Oct. 9.--The typewriter is being used for the king's privats correspondence for the first time, ai Balmoral.® The queen, however, has her letters to" her iriends sent out in the hand writing of her private secretary, or writes them herself, for Quegn Mary considers «disrespect / is shown tc friends by those who act as tholdgh they did not care to give the time needed to communicate with them in their own hand. Queen Mary's hand writing, by the away, is both beautiful and legible. KEFERENDUM AT ST, JOHN. 3 ------ First Vote of Kind Under New Commission. St. John, N.B., Oct. 9.--St. John is utilizing for the first-time the machj- nery provided in the new charter un der which the city is governed by commission. Because the cpmmission refused to reenact a by-law com: pelling shopkeepers to close at seven odlack, which had been" quashed by the eourts, the advocates of it have secured a referendum. A light vot is expected. A CHURCHILL MAY DIVULGE Imperial Naval Poliey at Sheifiel on Nov. 20th. London, Oct. 9.---In view of Pre mier Borden's torthcoming statement as to Canada's naval policy, it is not without significance that Churchdl to speak at the Cutlers' feast at Shef Geld. on Nov. 20th. : Anticipations are that the tord of the admiralty may take first naval policy. MAKE AN APPEAL FOR MISSION FUNDS The Words Retrenchment and Re: treat Are Unworthy of the Church. Brantford, Oct. 9.---At a session of the Methodist General Board of Missions, Rev. Dr. George J. Bond of Halifax, presented a resolution emanating from the foreign mission committee, relative to the inad- equacy of the income to meet the present situation. "The board," read the resolution, "cannot 'extend itd work either at home or abroad." "Tes bperations both China and Japan are hamper- od; and sorely against its will, has been compelled to de- cide that not a single additional man can be sent to either of these strategic centres 'during the year." The résolution spoke of the words rétrenchment and retreat .as, un- worthy of the church, and made an appeal for greater consecration and increased liberality. PLEDGING THEIR BODIESN § Doctors. Ready to be Used for Scientific Purposes, $ New York, Oct. 9.-- With the purpose of extending the study of disease and fo eliminate the baneiul treatment of mcompetent physicians, 200 member of the Associated Physiciand of Long sland, went on record as pledging their bodies to science-to be used for autopsies for special investigation his action was taken at a meeting op, Hoffman Insland following an cnerge tic campgign of pathologists in the as sociation who forsee a great boon to humanity in the education of the gn eral public to the necessity of such work Although the law specifivs that Ao the nearest of kin belongs the refusal of an autopsy, the physicians practi cally will make wills stating that it thiir last wish that their fellow physicians have the privilege of mak ing such surgical examination as they sé fit is ACHESON LIVES ON. Graduate Who Lost Both Legs May Recover. Vancouver, Bef... Oct." 9---Dr ton Acheson, who was siruck by a street cur ond fearfully injured a week go, his righi collar bone being rok on, and his right leg just below the knee, and thy Jeit below the ankle, being amputated, is doing as well as can be expected. The doetors think he may recover. Dr. Acheson is a graduate of Yoronte University " 4 Clin- foot Yo -- pri Jo Elect President. Paris, Oe France, biggest republic on earth. is going to elect a president soon. There are fous or five candidates in the field in this country, which differs from America in that 'the president is not elected by the peopl: directly, but by the legis lature. Among the presidential possibilities ate Premier Poincare, Georges Cle menccad, Paul Deschanel, Leon Bour Rois, Theophile Deloesse and former Premicre Alexandre Ribot. Probably th most active candidate is Antonin ubost, (he president of the senate. President Fallieres' term of seven yours will end January 17th, 1M3 9 the second _ New Dircetors for Bank. Montreal, Oct. 9.--It is announced that the following gentlemen will be elected directors of the Merchants' bank of Canada: George I. Cains; George F. Benson, Edwardsburg: F. Howard Wilson, and Alfred B. Evans. Will do the Work, Ottawa. Oct. 9.-C. L. McCool and T. H. Mofiatt have been awarded th KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, a seriesy ol Winston : has accepted an invitation | this | | opportunity of delivering an import, | ) ant pronouncement as to the imperia) PITH OF NEWS Veiyaithes. From Near Jou "tt Pcs THE - LATEST _ TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex- changes. ' > Ir Montreal dith, NH Rev, Dr. Fenwick hs the superintendent ions in Aewioundland tohn Marshall, Sault Marie, has ben sent to penitentigry for ten years for crime against his own child Fhe CNR. will spend £10,000 000 for terminals, tunnel, ete., yt Vancouver, B.A In returp the city gives the com pany 110 acres of tide fat lands Fortius Noble, organist of' Minster, Eng., cone of the ngland anusicians, Canadian : Frederick Young, saide to he of committed suicide at Mere been appointed Methodist © mis- Ste York ablest I8 giving recitals early north of I next I'he of a Danish-Ger man aerial postal service is under' dis veut establishment . | OCTOBER 9, 1912, | man, NUN FOR SIXTY YEARS.' Bernadine - McElroy brates Diamond Jubilee. Parkersburg, W.Va., Oct. 9.---The diamond "jubilee of Sister Mary Ber nardine McElroy, a Daltimorean. . by birth, and for sixty vears of the re ligious profession in the dojgter, was celebrated at the De Sales Heights Convent of the Viltation, vesterday A grand mass, attended by several priests of the diocese, and sung by a choir of pupils of the academy, the public featire of the dav. Sister Bernardine received a: cable blessihg from the pope, and a written one from Cardinal Gibbons. Sister Cele. was SEVEN LIKELY DROWNED. As No Trace of Their Yacht Can be Found. Rimouski, Que., Oct. 9. --After threo government steamérs had searched the gulf of St. Lawrence thorougity, it feared that seven "young French anadians, who went out on the acht Jernadette, on Sunday, are lost as a great storm has been raging since then. Mosh of the belonged to thks plaie and the habitants are plunged into ing. -t ( ¥ ig mourn AGED MAN SHOT WIFE Then Suicided--No Motive for the Crime. Bulinlo, N.Y., Oct. 9.---The dead bodies of William Reinhardt aged eighty, and his wife, aged eighty-five found at their home by a milk this morning yA revolver wat hard indicated that the old man had shot his wife and then himself motive known They known to quarrel, And Known were is Werle never } SMRE. WOODROW WILSON, Wife bf the "demwersetic candidate for LE. president cussion between representatives OL Denmark and Getmany and of the Zep- pelin Airship company. The missing 200,000 from the Nat ional Bank of Cuba mailed to the Park National Pank in New York was stolen in Havana, as one of the listed 210,000 bills has been found. CONVICT SAVES THE LIFE OF OVERSEER interferes When Prison Official is Attacked and Stabbed by Negro. Philadeiphia, Pa., Oct. 9 John Ed wards, the inventor, who js a prison er at the Eastern penitentiary, saved the life of Overseer Talbot after he had been stabbed and slashed hy Lee Atwood, a negro prisoner serving en years for robbery Talbot had gone into Atwood's cell to inspect it. The negro lunged with a shoe Kniie and éut off his ear, then he stabbed the keeper in the back Edwards, who v in the corridor ran in, kpocked the negro down and threw himsell tupan him. The tw were separated after they had severe ly injured each other. All three men were taken ths prison hospital I'he negro was put in solitary confine time locks that ment. Edwards ated are in use in x banks and is the inventor of a process in the mechanic arts that has netted him much money while he has been in prison and own many patents. He was one of the most expert bank thieves. in this state. GIRLS USE NAUGHTY BUNNY HUG TO ROB Quaker City Beauties Dusted From "Reading When Men Are "Squeezed." Reading, Pa., Oct. 9 Resides reduc ing the sentence of ninety days to about fifty-five days, the police escort ed Julia Bradshaw and Lillian Mat? thews, two Philadelphis girls, out of the oity. They are clever pickpockets and were arrested ghost two months ago in City Park. Their plan was to pick out a victim and give him an example of the "bunny hag," at the same time relieving the over pleased victim of his wallet. They pleaded with the officials that they would get owt of the city and never return if their sentence was re duced. Friends from Philadelphia sent thm transportation. They were es. worted to the station in the polices pa trod and put sbourd the train. sev | as to my Colds Cause Headache and Grip. Laxative-Bromo Quinine removes the cause. There is only one 'Bromo Quine." LookMMor signature of E. W, Grove, 25e tied up in storms. y morning that the Ontario governme THIRTY YEARS HORROR FOR ITALIAN WORKMEN | Who Attempted to Kill His King-- Solitary Confinement Will Drive Him Insane Rome, Italy, Oct. 9 Thirty years' solitary confinement in a dark round: ed cell, and food passed through by a guard whom he cannot see, was the sentence to-day, on Antonio IYAlba, a day laborer, who attempted to assassinate his king. Nearly all the prisoners who have received sentence in the past have gone sane. passed, mn GREEKS WAR ON BIG HATS. Government Imposes "Fine of-$40-if They're Worn in Theatres. Athens, Oct. 9.--Even in Athens the war against. women's large hats is be ing waged, and the nuisance has reached such - a stage that the gov ernment has made a misdemeanor for a woman to wéar a large hat in a theatre. For doing this she is liable to a fine of $40, which, it is stated in the official decree, can be paid by the man who accompardes her, if he wishes. M. Emmanuel Zimbrakakis, head o) the police department, is the author of the decree, and he says that men who have paid their way to see 4 play should be protected in that they should hear what is going on on the stage. Thus hats of a traordinary dimensions, covered with ornaments of flowers, birds fruits, and other 'artificial decora tions, shall not be pernfttad In case a woman cannot or will nog pay her fine she may be sent to pri son for the space of fifteen days. 80 see as well as AWFUL \ PERIENCE, Cripple Forced to See Her Brothers Murdered. Vernon, Ind., Oct Chadles and John C. McQuade, brothers wealthy farmers, were murdered two thieves in their home near here A crippled sister, who made her home with her brothers, was obliged to sit helpless, saw her brothers killed, one shot to death. and one stabbed It &s said the murderers se. cured consid@able money South 9 while she PARTRIDGES ARE SAFE. Government Will Not Allow Shoot ing This Season. Catharines, Oct. 9. Dr M.P.P., made the announcement St. Jessop this nt a plo and by recent order-in-council, has hibited the killing of pheasants Hungarian partridges this year. Double Their Own Pay. Mexico City, Oct. 9.-The Mexicap deputies have dedded to double their own pay, bringing it up to 6.660 pesos, (approximately $3,000) a year. The motive announced jor the in crease 8 to "render the legiclative body independent of the executive and judiciary." Counterfeit Canadian Money. Ottawa, Oct. 9.~The Dominion gov- ernment finante department has issued a warning to all concerned to watch out for counterfeit one and two dollar Dominion notes, and notes of the banks of Nova Scotia and Montreal oi the rame domination. There are a lot of them ahroad in Ontario. Bumper Orange Crop Reported. Los Angeles, Oct. 9. -- Bumper cit- rus yield in Califorma, the largest ever produced and aggregating 50, 008 carloads, at an approximate value delivered to sastern markets of nearly $40,000,000, jg the es iimate announced of the crop for 1912-1913, The Duke of Connanght will attend the Canadian (lub's luncheon ian Tor- onto on October 2ist, to take place at the King Edward hotel. 'Ask to see "Alkury" &t "Gibson's." a victims trom No | this | LIBERALS OF ONTARIO = IN GOOD : v ' Provincial Reform Associa tion's Great Meeting. THE STIRRING NOTE BY SIR WILFRID LAURIER. SOUNDED The Spirit at the Gathering Was Militant Confident--The Of ficers Elected the and for Year.' 9 Liberalism in Ontario evidenced its rejuvenated {vigor and ivity in the optimistic {and aggressjve spirit which charac- | te rized the largely attended and rep- jresentative gathering which vyester- | day participated. in the eighth an- For meeting of the general reform | association of the province In- | tense enthusiasm greetgd the pres- ence of the two leaders, the veteran chief in the federal arena, fresh hig triumphant tour, and the young .captain of the provin {cial forcese, with such an account of his first year's stewardship as enthused and cheered all his loyal followers The proceedings throughout breathed the spirit that is infecting | the whole party It is militant !and confident. Organization work was perfecte provision - made for the formation of Young Libera) clubs throughout the whole pro vince, and, reports of a most grat fying character were submitted There was a splendid attendance ot the stalwarts, the men who have borne the heat and burden of the day, and a remarkable influx af young men, eager and strong, anx lous to give freely of their best for the service of Liberalisin Toronto, Oct | new Officers Chosen. . The officers who will guide the association through the coming new year of its endeavor were elected follows President--Hon zie King, ¢.M.G., Ottawa Vice-Presidents--F, F. Pardee, M P..- Sarnia; 'C, M. Bowman, M.P.P Southampton; A. J. Young, North Bay: Edmond Proulx, M.P., L'Orig- nal Treasurer to General Secretary Toronto Auditor Executive as W. IL. Macken ~E. A Toror Dyment =F. (i. Inwood J.-F. McKay, -Tofonio. Committee--Hon.. Geo P. Grabam, Brockville; Lieut -Col A. T. Thompson, Ottawa Hugh Guthrie, M.P., Guelph; J Mi Millan, M.P., Alexandria; H M Mowat, Boronto; Dr. B. G. Connon ly, K.C% Renfrew; W. 0. Seale) | Hamilton; 'F. D Kerr, Peterbor ough; J Ww Curry, K.C., Toronto 1C. A Foster, Haileybury; John | Lenifox, Hamilton; J. E. Atkinson | Tordnto; J. l. Regan, Blind River ® Heartsome Message President's hone Liberalism 's | bright 81 yHon |in the- address [st tent, | Laurier, {the gaps liollow hi {gotful of self and {sacrifices as the Newton W Unanimous in and ae ited the proviacial leads I I Sir Wilfrid's chivalrous deve Mr. Rowell 's party has fo ifs many splendid ha gamed spiret of hberalism brated, and abroad through hreadth of the been for fire alway in the darkest ho Mackenzie hing, Ar, the § of the wnspiring with whict wesdent arse at he opened the pro tising manfully above our lender, great og bade his f in the file Howers and pluie prepared ior might Rowell lose uj emtinue 1 white whilst, for Cases demand respon ed tation And moral earns t he nd st nosy aample worthy of tradit than has to its it the dominion (Prolong: mn thi mors years," 4 Sir Wilfrid Speaks. Sie. Wilfrid Laue | duced by Hon, M { expressed Lhe ef was then wkenzie hing, i gratitude of the Ont { Reform association the {chieftain for his kindness jcluding his triumphant province by meeting, | Sir' Wilirid was greeted {of cheers when he came was extremely delighted {warnith of his reception feeeded: "I rejoice that it {fortune to be present with jreformers of Cntario when with such useful work gs doing. 1 rejoice that you are {ready for the next test in the Hon as well as In the province ! "As a result of this tour one thing {1% apparent to me, and it jx that the {liberals are more steady than {years past in their attitude toward liberal principles, and that , the servatives are. not altogether satisfied with the administration. at Otiaws. and are commencing to show signy of wavering. It is evident that the peo ple have wen thinking since the elec tign of things that they did not ex press at the polis, and | believe thai today Untario would not send back to Ottawa such representation as she now has, but would choose s bet ter one. (Applacse.) : "We suffered," said he, during Inst election by what is called the British-born vote. Most of the Brit ish immigrants are gemersily radicals 'in England, but strange to say when they come here they often becomes tories. AR the last election we had to tour visiting their you good engaged now You are getting domin for con a the Ensuing nual be ja in Wilfrid |e wh ye LAST EDITION. FIGHTING FORM EDWARD foreig n vunst ul, except ountry that There was very generally ag that, A « no reason for men, goming to which they were not familiar, and "findihg a French Canadian at the head of £, WE turned agaist us on by a omew hat mn At. all ev I make the Faoglish th hiberal headed by that these with alin re that accoun IClous can ents think rachoals fan now inderstand on h it one of French ongin, is principles of (Appl was we that party, eo thoug hw + party based upon the true bnglish "e) given an exceeds dial reception, the cheers him vhmost equallin weleomed Nar 'Wittig Ww and Six \ylesworth also liberalism W. Rowell ng! which those hims Allan grveled which Sir Ro spe Grorge I Yarht is Missing, Riy i 0 ir ~atordaw men left hers Bernadette, coms Harold Blair, its owner, n.anagers of the of if Rimouski, and the vess wipee Supday On seven young en board the yacht mandiixd of the firm not bern seen May Have Been Swamped, Oven Sound, Oe. Capt. *Jarry™ leit Thunder Bay for Christian on Sunday apd has not reachs vet. A blow runing cn Georgiun Bay, feared hat may w amped out in Coushy leland ed ha Collingwood heavy been ii boat anveld his have-hecn Tugs are carch SHOWS BALL PLAY: SLAYS HIS FRIEND Youth Uses "File as Bat, amd Metal Pierces Pitcher's Side. Y.--An of baseball ge world imprompta technique winatured argu Sere led town downto work t of of un il tragedy ina wn shop late esterda) To illustrate the batting me player Frank tir ghteen year-old metal w ot hl wit) + bat aL ad eventoen years old, of an packs wooden George y fellows tof | first insecurely and at big r dropped, » WR hod vorite shaus, wrker i bh to him bi Groshaus m the tohesd, add Lhe snl directiy hos ah =» DIED. Kings fhmes ears 81 roet LANCeS Ary attend ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 577. 230 Princess » The Old Firm of ndertakers, 254 and 386 PRINCESS STREE® "Fhone 147 for Ambutases. STOVES AND RANGES, he best lot we have ever had, also Dressers ands and Beds A fall } asonable prices At Turks, "FESTIVAL © OF THE EMPIRE inthe % ARMOURIES OCTOBER 7 to 12 Everybody Come . JAS.REDBEN & C0. #