Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1912, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT, x ! : ri DAILY BRITISH WH.G, w PUNESDAY, OCTORER 9. 1912. ITALIANS LAY BLAME|THE GAME AT BOSTON] 7 IN THE SECOND OF THE] WORLD'S BASEBALL SERIES. | MR A" { FOR BALKAN OUTBREAK ON SIR EDWARD GREY. The Game Was Played at Boston, | Wednesday Afternoon ' -- Wood | Responsible for Boston's Victory] on | Tuesday ~ | | Leading" Rome Papers Say That His | Passion for Dangerous Intriguing | is Endangering the Peace of | Europe. | Rome, Italy, Oct 9.-- Leading | Ne w York 'a n101000 italian papers who are largely sym- | Boston . 3000100 pathetic witia their erstwhile encmy, | = Turkey, in the Balkan embrogile, | Boston, Mass, October *. --Snappy | are today blaming Sir Edward Weather and prospects for a great Grey, British foreign minister, for [crowd and a fine game in the world's | failure to prevent actual! hostilitiss.| championship series at. Fenway. Park, | To the Balkan states. They say his were scheduled this morning. Inde | passion for dangerous intrigding 'p® ndent opinion this morning natural in diplomacy is constantly endanger- Lily favored the Red Sox for "the series | ® ing the peaee of Europe. The | 10%: Manager John Mefiraw says he | feeling in Austria is toat European {and his {nants are not at all diseour- | : BN ! diplomats will now have trouble in | #2 ged. The tight has only begun. Man | . a j confining the war to ths Balkan | 28°F Jake Stahl says his Sox can re | states peat yesterday's victory times enough | to cinth the pennant. | ' = Will be 'Hideous War. | "Chris ty" Mathewson and othe: | New York, Uet. 9A" London cubls | Ne® York veterans attribute their de i 5 § Ww supe to the Tribune this morning sy feat Yous rday to Wood's superb pitch % g. A. py , Cans sport 9 that expert military opinion says the ing y A. Hewitt, Canadian sport | jing writer, inclines to the view that war in the Balkan states will be one { of hideous and chaps s 1 ' | Wood was practically responsible fou | § i af inexamplec the victory, With somebody else pitch. ferocity, and. whichever side is success. | : ful, the peace of Larope will be des jing, Mr. Hewitt. seems to think. the resulls will be different. | | : > * : jperately imperiled. | Whe weather ot 130 o'clock was) | B Y C : Owing to delay in arrival, they | com ovine soe ath WF ie. n buymg Your Corsets. 5 Athens, Oct. 8.--General Ricerotto played. Garibaldi, who fought for Greece | This was practically a hali holiday | against Turkey in 1847, has again of jor o Sonton: apd those who could) IN Fo . der en : foe oki Boston ae : ho Prd id , & . 3 But get the best mn style fered his services to the government. not get seats in the - - are specially priced to clear AG 1 Conti 5 took up their positions early in front | d - . f = Y : A ueneral Conflagration, of the newspaper bulletin boards to | . Pariz, Oct. 9.--A general conflagra get flash results of the game, The | an satis action. ou tion in the Balkans is expected by line-up will be : \ . h ) : | : "Ek ) h th » ' officials here within forty i hours. | OL --Hooper, r. f.; Yorks, 2 b. ;| in ave it a waysin renc em out this fall Montentgro's declaration of wir Speaker, ¢. f.; Lewis, 1. I; Gardner, 3 . - , """ against Turkey is regarded merely us |b; Stahl, 1 b.; Wagner, 5. 8; Carrigan OF Model Corsets We the beginning. It is believed the other c., Collins, pe } : units. in the Balkan coahtion will fol- | New York-- Snodgrass, L I; Doyle, : : have the smart new ' ' * low suit as soon as the mobilization 2 b.; Becker, c. i.; Murray, r. I; Mer- of their armies is complete There is <kle, 1 b.; Herzog, 3 b.; Meyers, ¢. ;| \ / f | a fe + now that the r¢ Fletcher, a s.; Mathewson, p. { £5 . Fall Models, and we Plain and Raglan Shoulders' MilitaryCollars, only a faint hop répre | v y sentatives of the powers will avert Umpires--hiem, Evans, Rigler and | / : general hostilities. O'Loughiin. i ied ; h absolutely im ervious to water Montenegro's move ig considered in| Firsts innings Giants Snodgrass | 81 want you to See t ell. ALR A i " ' Paris to be all a part of a prearrang- boosted second ball pitched into left | ; » . ed plan.' It is asserted that Greece | field bileache rs_for double. Deyle fan i Q ; was first selected by the Balkan cen' ned. Becker was thrown out at first | Ii ; .-- A : . federation to force the issue and in. by Yerkes, Snodgrass going to third. | § Ei I'hey are Black and Fawn Fabrics amd some augurate the war, { Murray grounded out, Collins to | 4 ' This could easily have been done by | Stahi. No runs, cne hit, no errors . Greece by seating in the (freek Par | Joston--Hooper scratched hit he- | \ A w " $y . ~~ oh neat color mishirres liament the deputies from Crete, which | tween Doyle and Merkle, Mat he "Ww "oD | was certain to prove a casus belli to | ! de fleeting if. Hooper then stole se | Turkey. Greece, however, declined to | cond, Yerkes was sage when Flet« her i : ; accept responsibility for starting the | diopped h's fly Speaker bunted to- | ; Ny . All sizes $10.00 to $15.00, Hame of battle. . | wards third, catching the Giants flat-| Remember Your New Fall Suit a | fcoted, and the bases were full. Lewis | Servia and Bulgaria Allied. | grounded to Herzog, whose quick | 9 > London, Oct. 9.-That Servia and | twow to Meyers forced Hooper at the t k Y | k Y Bulgaria are now officially 'in alliance | Rlate Doyle retired Gardner at first, | on a e ou 00 oung Yerkes scoring on the play. Stahl] with Montenegro in the declaration o oa LIVINGSTON'S Rar afm Torey was dd ape ari Wie WE Unless it is fitted over Corsets that gives your ' King Furdinand, of Bulgaria, with a | (2 Doyle.' Throg runs, three hits, Go " hgure slenderness, and the New French Model well trained army, was . hurrying | ©¥70F | Second ionings : New York--Merkle ! B KR O C K S T R E E T Path ward to fake Soman of thea! | struck out. Herzog smashed a triple Corsets gives th this slenderness. % hed Balkan troops. There was een i Seinle riderable skirmishing on the Turkish | to deep right centre, sliding in before | the return. Meyers' drive down third | voundary lines i ! base line took a bad hound, striking PEPER EE | Gardper in the face. He was almos. | Special 4 | knocked out, and lay on his face] RILEY ar MUN Y Lk. * v Be Mead . ath oJluoper aot T'o-Morrow : ee. «0 8 Matthews ( i y Wellington ~~ Tottliff, of | Heyer Yerkes to Wagner. (One run, | Morning, Oto 12. Ld Glenvale, fell off a load of - % | two hls, no errors. | + hay on Wednesday morning Joston--Currigan grounded out via . at eleven o'clock, near his «| Herzog. Collins easy, Doyle to Mer | home, and was killed. James | kle. Hooper doubled down right foul tam 1 through Merkle, Yerkes out, Ses Reld & Sons received word 4 line ! # | Fletcher to Merkle. No runs, cae hit, We Are Offering A very large range of of the accident, and were arge o [ no errors the remains © 3 hil imnings : Xow gras Made from a very fine quality Linen Finished 2 | Med to Hooper ovie fouled out ol It is 1 stood Me. : Jota Satire am" hea, 3 iar fire rmded ou, wats English Pillow Casing, with 2 inch hemstitched with weak shel, sad fo $|eror ends and pretty design stamped ready to work. off the load, receiving injur- Boston--Merkle jumped in the air to ies which caused his death % | knock down Speaker's liner, and he al These are usually sold at $1 pair. He was dead when found him to first, Lewis flied to Murray. Deceased was fifty-six years «Gardner grounded out, Doyle to Mer of age + kle. No runs, no ils, ay ctor a Yours To-Morrow Scotch ool Flannels Bectmrmtersmsesriesd ipl to ih. ionize, over Hooper's | While the lot lasts : : aici s GENERAL PLOT OF CONVICTS Hero que fy to Spesher ; Suitable for Waists, Shirts, To Eseape From the Penitentiary at | wi 9 bot fox Was aud: i went | 29¢ Each. New Westminster, B.C f as a single lined t yas hits, no errors Skirts, Pyjamas, Etc. New Westminster; B.C, Oct. 5. Aq | H00POr One run, pe ran ; mint. ts he drat of Ci apm |oten--atabl pri out. Wau No Telephone Orders for these. Filed to Murrs . son, killed by escapin 8, { ; oT \ ap ue convict 1e {great stop of Uarrigan's drive and the fact that there was a gen |° i t first: No runs, no 3 ' ' ' J eral plot of the conviets, incinding nas 1 uoRs-oll : several murderers, to make good their hits, no errors Preset Sem CPEFFPPPPE AGES STEEP op 8 Fifth innings : athew on fanned escape. This plot was frustrated hy 1 & i =o dil Snodgrass. Doyle flied] to | the eourageons wark "of the guard whe, ! N be fo find to . bat bis lke at hin pout of duty. |" | "pte Calis Suniel, Hooper elineator Ior ovembper Fete lineck a single to centre, his third to N WwW les Stenting Coal From Shed. I The sun came out and Murray | . a : y Some person or persons have heen and Snodgrass interchanged positions, | N stealing coal from the back shed of {the latter going to right. Fletcher | OW Ready. J D. Hartman, Princess street. Monday, | di opped . Meyers' throw and Hooper | : w---- IN wo as one of Mr. [Hartman's sons was in| w as safe at sveond. Yerkes tripled to a : Vo the back of the house, he heard a | contre, scoring Hooper Speaker lined | Herzog, { * . » uoise and Yooking out into the vard!to Fletcher, who threw to | - x _ saw a man jump over the fence with a d subling Yerkes at third. One run, | * ' oats and duits | [Ex Els | | y em---- eran -- | Sixth jnpings : New York-- Becker | { TT ------ { grounded; Yerkes to Stahl Murray i L ° { again singled to right. Merkle flew Just arrived the very latest New York Novelties. Farms For Sale. {ht to Speaker. Murray was caught | : . {trying to steal second, Carrigan to Suits $1 5 to 37 50 " Wagner, No rums, one hit, no errors. fj } : 2 Mollowing. are mmong Boston Lewis mingled to short, too o a 'R : TY rine farms we have for hot for. Fletcher. Gardner sacrificed, AL C ts, $1 2.50 to $50. sale: ; Mathewson to Merkle, Lewis going to SHOT WHIL E DUCK HU STING. second. Merkle dropped Stahl's high " Price foul back offi first, and gets an error ba . 18 Acres .. .... 51.100 Mathewson i threw Stahl out, Lewis An Accident to Richard McGeein, of Portsmbuth. 30 Acres .. .. $1,600 ! going to third. Wagner was touched Acres .. .. ,. $2000 out on the base line by Mathewson Richard McGeein, a young man om Ae $2,300 No runs, one hit, one error. ployed in the Locomotive Works, and res coe BR whose home is in Portsmouth, was ac 1 Atres .. .. .. $3300 STOCK MARKETS, 1 |cidentally shot while duck hunitng at | - i Acres .. .. .. $3.500 -- the foot of Amberst- Island, on Mon: Acres .. .. $4,500 F. RR. McCurdy .Co., Clarence Cham day afternoon. He and George Wood, - : . Acres .. .. .. 83,000 ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager. ot William ic were together. Tha : : ? 83 2: x Prives. Oct. Mh ormer was walking 'in front when the All Pure Cashmere Stockings hres {aaa Cioig Peps 0 lore, wan aiken fo whe a i : i : oan Montreal. ly. Some of the shot entered the loft : Acres... .. $6,000 / ~iy (hand of Mr. MoGeein. The two young + Remembis to Visit Bpliond ali s and-feet, Acres .. .. . $6,000 Counoes .... > : ne men returned to the city and Dr. fund 0c dre LL ae] Comme i a [Ror Hanes tended she smi 7 Brees armel Tae 227; | hunter at the Motel Dieu, where the | x The. Festival of the Empi e A 57.250 Rails. : : 144 (shot was removed. Mr. McGeein "re airs [OF A ES caves vs $7.500 Foo. at 1463 (turned to his home: He had a nar Acres .. .. .. Big WA Power. = 81 {row escape from fatal injury. Acres .. ..... $7,250 a is Hy : - at the : Acres .. .. .. $8,500 Spanish River : Lat 2 . "(i rr A a pan , Buy face creams. "Gibson's _-- 100 Acres |. | swo00 WE rina eight waeet. of the ~ ARMOURIES Aches .... $14,000 New York. TGUT,R. at Guelph, has been appointed > 0} | to. the position at Brastiord, and will ee To me Won ' ; majority are in the i os ' ; 571 be succeeded by Mr. Auight, Exgter. / A 6000 CAUSE. HELP im LONG | Township of Kingston. CER... on -- 273k | Fresh baby foods. 3 ] oy J i . Reading... . ori .. 175} | Bowmanvifie ratepayery carried by > : BRloh i papi ss vite NE 3 tery large majorities by-laws to ex : T J. LOCKHART Steel DEEL ie pd SHIMON on waterworks and : : 3 oi 1}; Erie RIT = Ce on wywerayy. a 15 1 Sh S | SS x Cation or Chom, sae: "Sting i1{ The Lockett Shoe Store KINGSTON, 0 ONTARIO. oe amg Bl -- ; eee et Sitvin Soak : "Celestine Vichy," Zoe. "Gibson's."

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