Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1912, p. 11

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SR i ------ _-- TRAVELLING. GRAND TRUNK S¥svem § "Farm Laborers .-- Excursion OCTOBER 14TH. | inni 00 Winnipeg - $10.00 . i Onedialf cent per mile beyond "to! Macleod, Calgary and Edmonton. | Low One Way | Second Class Rates : TO PACIFIC COAST. i Tickets sale dally until Oct. | 10th. Liberal stop-overs allowed, For full particulars. apply to J.P. HANLEY, 'Agent. Corner Jolhingop and Ontario Streets. | { on " 3 KINCSTANS ALLA LoL Y CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, | HARVESTERS - EXCURSION CANADIAN NORTHWEST ON OCTOBER 14th, at 11.30 a.m. $10.00 TO WINNIPEG, beyond Calgary low rates MelLeod, Proportionately to and including and Edmonton Full particulars at K. & P. and] CPR, Tieket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF BOAT ©0. LIMITED; CITY. CIRCULATION Trouble for over } over fiftee: 'Thomas Copley, |. vanting anything done in the Carpen- . lof QUINTE STEAM- | 03s rders will THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1012. a AGENT | | Of Leading Montreal Daily Endorses GIN PILLS IVE long years of sufle g from } Kidney Trouble xes of GIN and it's That has lie experience Mr. Eugene sel, Chiet City Circulation Agent of la Patrie, of Muwntreal He describes it \ feelhingly Montreal, May 3rd, 1912 "I have been suffering from Kidney ve long years, 1 tsatistn in &ll my bones could not sieep nights and ¥ sions could hardly walk 1 had been t ed by some of our best Physicians but without relief and I lost pounds. One day I met 6f our leading hotelkeepers, who Leen cured by your famous GIN aud hie advised me to try them. So | bought two boxes at my druggist's aud before | had useil one box 1 felt a big change Before 1 finished the second ofie | was completely cured. I can assure you I can hardly believe it for if I had only known what I know now I would not have spent over One Hundred Dollars for nothing when two boxes of GIN PILLS cured me." EUGENE QUESNEI, GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide reputation, by the way they conquer the niost obstinate cases of Rheumatism and all kinds of Kidney Trouble soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Stuy and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 149 Iso Kile and eS ol 8 Telephone 987 Drop & card to 19 Plone Stree! when "F line. Estimates glven on all kinds and new werk: siso Floors of ail kinds All receive prompt attention repairs | been { Taronto {| financial page at least once a week | ia i local stocks. | pany, have been' supplying I to the papers, TO MAKE A CHANGE! {ODE PORE BROKERS. TORONTO BOARD, s-- { NEW ON More Dutch Mowney to be Sent Into | the West-- Another View of CC. P. H's, Financing. Toronto, Oct. 9 he Toronto the governing committee of the! stock exchange It custom of a number dailies to publish on of the of yields of table investment Of late Aemillus Jarvis & com- getting eradit in the introductory | Hines. Somebody, 'however, has evidently "raised a holler," for Jar- vis & company have been notified that this proceeding of theirs is a | violation of the by-laws of the stock { exchange, and must be-discoptinged. | The publishing and 'investment yields is, of course, regularly done by Montreal brokers to Montreal papers; and it has never been sup- posed to be a violation of stock ex- change ethics, i More Dutch Money. Oct. §.--Dutch inter is reported, will in. the! coming year, invest more than $2.- 400,000 in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Sagkatchewan, where London, ests." it giving highly satisfactory results." | says the London Financier. ge Dutch banker who reeently visited! the west is reported as saying that! the people of the Netherlands ate | awakening to the opportunities to be found in Canada, because values are increasing rapidly. Everything | depends, however, on whether the placing of money is capably earriad at We lke farming properties yest," Another View. New York, Uet. 9. -- The New York American hai the following on (.P.R financing plans: non 40 Queen Street. BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun- day, at 4 p.m. for Picton and juter- mediate i. of Quinte ports, call ing ' ab jleserofito, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fretlght bapdled | with despalch and care at reasonable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. Kingston Business College Highest Education at Lawest Cost Twenty-gixth year, Fall term begins Aqagust 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele fiaony, Civil Service and Eng- s Our graduates get the best positions Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway core porations In Canada, Enter any time. Call or write for Informa- tion. H. ¥. Metcaile, Principal Kingston, Canada. J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. \TWO CRUISES CLEVELAND 0,006 Tons), From New York Oct, 19, 1912 1913 From San Francisco Feb. i 1 OR = OPTIONAL | 18 TOURS (13 Boas in fucka Duration 110 Days Each Tozc m » . including 'all mec. 0 { Fone aod athoves shore excurions, carri- ete. Oroos HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE AY. N.Y. agents CANADIAN PACIFIC NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES are entirely different from others both in their composi- tion and their effect--complete evacuation without purging or discomfort. 25c. a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. 165 | From Yard to Cella We deliver at latest prices the very best grades of coal. This is a good time to put in your supply for next winter, P. WALSH 855-57 BARRACK STREET. EMPRESSES fr ey wo Aik, GR Empress of Ireland Lake Champlain Lake Manitoba Empress of Britain .. eee Empress of Ireland .. Lake Champlain Lake Manitoba vs 0s ONE 4 wenn Got. «Oct. 12 Ot. 18 veins Nov. 2 +.Nov, 2 Tickets rnd all information from any steamship agent, or F. JON- WAY, GPA, K. & PR, Kingston, SHE SUFFERED - : i 7 E ii Em 6% if i iE - i : { a ¥ te § it 2 BS - - hd © - - n = : ; ES » 2 3 ir : £ f 3 f i i i H He other pleasant gs bomdy. much double track mo use. "Canadian Pacific is planning surprise for its share It has just anpounced the | issue of $60.000.000 of stock atl i175. and has already begun prepara § {thins for ssumg another 560,000 (6k { par, perhaps at the sanie figure, or] {the proceeds of the. $60,000,000 that 3 has been officially avthorized and that {will bring $105.000.000 cash to the Lirdasury, #50.000,000 cash will be used (to retire bonds. Then 315,000. 000 will jbe taken from the treasury and added {to the other $45,000,000, making an { othe ro S60.000.000 that will be ex: that this great work will probably be { finished in time to take ad: antage of) (the opening of the Panama canal, f which the U.ited States Government has kindly constructed for and out Bf which it is doing v thing possible to bar ships flving the | United States flag." an { holders new pended in improving terminals. Of thi $25,000,000 will be used in Vancouver $20,000,000 in Winnipeg and $15,000, JO00 in Toronlo. 5 "lhe new stock issue of £60,000 06 will produce at least $100,000 000, and practically all of that will be used for double-tracking the svsten from the Atlsntie to the Vacilie I here is al 20) | Canada " ove : ' ' Financial Notes. The Spanish river pulp & paper mills have listed an additional $500, 00 of preferred stock on the Toronto and Montreal stock exchanges The new power house of the MeEnan ey mine, the Crown Reserve's valuable property in Porcupine, is practica'ly completed, and work on the new ml i» proceeding rapidly. Ihe production at plant of the Spanish River pape r company new records, The New York bank statement is dis tinetly disappointing, surplus . bein reduced over $5,000,000 to $4,100,600 tis stated that the directors of tie Windsor hotél company, Montreal, are considering a proposal rewived frou American interests who desire to ren: the hotel on the basis of a rental ol something hike $200,000 a year. A sharp advance in the price of cond evidently anticipated - throughout the west, if the g¥iiin congestion ind: cated by the late harvest develops. The ordinary hall yearly meeting of the virand Trunk raw of Canads will be held at the City' Terminus He tel, Cannon street, london, Eng., os October ith. a pena the Espanois | pulp & continues to create = MOOSE, THE TRUE ELK. Stamping Ground of Monarch of the Forest in Ontario. Every hunter who visits the big game region in the north of Ontario Carries with him a seeret ambition t« kill a moose, but as a rule he does not go to the r hi plave to gratify his desivey. MIGSE Phare never found very close to eivilization, and with the rapid advance of settlement in On tario, thay are being gradually driven back to the northern wilds. , The district in- the vicimity of Ruel, Ont., on the Lanadian Northern On- tario railway, Sudbury-Port Arthui live, is one of the big stainping groupds in Ontdrio, and prospectors and bushrangers who have been through that: distriet this year report moose plentiful. Al Ruel, a boat ser vice on the Opickinimicka river to 5 rd lake and Shining Trpe takes the hunter into the heart of the dis- trict where the moose are found. The Canadian Northern railway of fers the moose hunter exceptions! ac commodation. An information bureau for the bemefit of prospective hunters has been opened by the railway com pany at 68 King street easy Torendto, where information about the country and booklet may he obtained. Write a card to-day, it will reeeive prompt attention. Mrs. William Turnelifie, tiln Miller, Ont., committed suicide by taking a dose of paris Exton during a fit of s 3 was fifty-four years of and had pot beem in good R toe a a : kes more eye-opener to make 'the foper \vees the exvor of bis uo Mh, ! 1 | 3 --A new twist has | t { been given to stock exchange ethics these | and, of course, | Ik { One | made the discovery he was alter, an equal amount already investe Usp 160 feet then fish is SAVING LABOR, Machine That Sorts Diamonds In. vented by a You 1 i descend in- Kimberley hard dia- it into Ld to the has | | s separated from the ro and other large miner u mixture { minerals of as coneentrates. care k ; necessary to zo trates, t many t nothing This ; pi : iors n i 4 re rough diamgpds laborious essential part until it was Cars age, the and i wained bat SOW was Ww nS opera but it mining seded a few 3 Among the employes jin the FOI WAS 8 RYO fellow tan, who quietly went to work to find way to separate the diamond from other. stones more quickly and vakily than could be done by the siow progress of hand-picking. He was not discouraged by his many failures day, bv the merest accident,. he A diamond and a garnet happened to be lying un a small board en the bench where he wammworking He raised one end of the board. The gar net slipped off, but the diamond re- mained This was worth investigat- ing. He found that there was a coal ing of grease on the hoard which had retained the diamond, but: not the garnet. He procdred a wider board, coated one side of it with grease, and dumped a few handfuls of concen- trates on it Then he found that by holding the board in a slightly inclined position and vibrating it, all the concentrates except the diamonds moved the lower wind and fell off, while the dia- monds remained in place. Then invented a machine by which his dis. covery might be utidized. Consider able study was required to perfect the apparatus, but at last machine was completed, and the hig diamond men were invited to witness the new method of separating diamonds from the west of the concentrates. The in- veution was an entire ps more simple and complete saving time, labor, and loss of dia- monds eould not be imagined. The entire work is now done by machin- ery; hand-picking has whaoll superseded, and both the inventor and he mine-owners have profited hand somely by the labor-saving .device. a at ne super- sgriing- ved a rougi 1 to he the ice for been iy The Brush Turkey. The brush turkey, which is in Australia. New Guinea, the mon Islands, Borneo and many other parts of the globe and which is a dis tant relalive of grouse and the pheasant, belongs to the moundbuild- ers, or megapodes, and is remarkable in that it anticipated man as the in ventor of the incubator by a few hun. dred thmsand years or ge, When the ng season' arrives two or more hens, with the assistance perhaps. of a cock, build an immense heap of soil, mixed with decaying ieaves and twigs. These mounds in New Guinea are sometimes 11 high and 25 feet in diameter apd some have been found 15 feet in height and in circumference. The hens scrape with their enormously fect (henes mega found Boio- the nes feet large podes) a it heap and in it deposi the number of a score wards "covering over the course of time the heat generated by the decaying vegetal hatches the eggs. The chicks, which have been ving and fattening on the food yolk, grow nd shed their nestiing down and develop their first suit of feathers while still within the walls of their ivory "cradles." When at last they cut their way out of the shell, they rest for a few hours in the mound; then they wriggle out, the quill sheaths peel off and they eannot only run but fly alone. hoe What Did He Get? A certain English comedian engag ed a particular Dublin jarvey to drive him 'to his hotel. 3 "What do I owe you, Pat?' he ask- ed, at the end of tha journey "I laive it to yerself, yer 'onour!" said the coachman. "No, no," retorted the comedian "You must tell me what the amount is, or else I shall have to call a con- stable and ask him what the proper fare comes to." "Well, yer 'onour, its loike this,' said the jarvey. "When the late Sir Henry Irving came to Dublin he used to give me & sovereign; Mr. Lewis Waller gave me five.and-twenty shil- lings, and Mr. Martin Harvey thirty shillings: but, begorra, you're a better actor than any of them, so I laive it to yersell." . What the cabby finally got is not stated. His Craze for Whiskers. King Alionso, who recently spent an enjoyable holiday in this country, has not of late been indulging in any new whisker effects. . Three years ago, during an absence from Spain, His Majesty, in order to relieve the monotony, or create a sen- sation, or for some ocoult reason, grew side whiskers and had his hair cut short. It was said that the King thought this arrangement made him look like a British admiral, but Queen Victoria soon dispelled' this aimable delusion by telling her august spouse that he looked 'more like an English' butler." Straighiway King Alfonsc went and had a shave. Burmese Women Vote. Although the right of the Burmese n fo vote also carries with it eligthility to sit on the Rangoon coun- cil, no woman has ju availed hersell of this privilege. r+. Hia Oung, » prominent Burmese woman, widow of the late comptroller of the tressury, thes ---- : CANADA'S GROWTH, i Census Report Shows the Rate at | { Which Industry Is Expanding. i The ts of Canadian | manufactures 1911 are compiled," C 8 1 < & 1908 for © year 1900, &n. increase in-fen years of 4508 w number of working establishments; « $798 29.008 in the value of capital; f 175108 in the numbe. of persons of $127 274301 in the f salaries and wages: aod A187 in the value of pro censu he 4 following statistics give the! ' domparative figures for the two census | years 1900 and 1910: Establishments in 1900, 14.660; in 1910, 19.208, an iu- crease of 31.12 per cent. | Oapital, 1900, $446,916,487 $1,245,740, 406, increase of cent | Employes, 1900, 339.178; in 1810, | 514,287, increase 51.62 per cent, Jo Salaries and wages, 1900, $113,249. 360; in 1910, $240,523.65], incresse 112.38 per cent, i Products, 1900, $481,063.375; 1910, | $1,164,775,532, increase 412.13 per cent, | During the past decade there has been evidently a steady tendency to- | ward the merging of industries. Theré are fourteen industrial estab- | lishmenta in the Dominion each hav. ! ing a production of five million dol- lars or over apnually, and one hun- | dred and thirty-six establishments | each with an annual production of be- | tween one and five millions. | Over hall of the total number of | factories in Canada, or 7,902, are in | in 1810, 178.74 per ducts is given as $578,763,118. During the five years from 1905 to 1910 the three Prairie doubled the annual value of their in- | dustrial products, the figures aggre. | geting ' $35,000,000 in 1906 as coms | $70,000,000 in 1910. ! -- Establishments 1905, 354; | 1910, 430. Value of annual products | 1906, $28,155,732; 1910, $63,673,609. { Saskatchewan--Establishments 1995, | BO; 1910, 173. Value of products | 1905, $2,620,172; 1910, $6,332,132, Albera--Establishments 1905, 120; | 1010, 290. Value of products 1905, $5, | 116,782; 1010, $18 698,826. The cost of raw materials used in Canadian factories in the year 1910 was $601,140,765, which when deduct. ed from the total value of finished | products leaves a total of $563,634,767, representing the value added by manu. | facturers. | Song and Dance "Cure." | In a letter quoted by The London | Times, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, who has been exploring' Arctic Canada, says: | "There are two ways of treating dis. | eases or injuries among the Kogmol. | liks (Herschel Island to Parry). These | are: (1) Blood letting (apparently re- | ferred to by some writers as 'counter | irritation') and (2) magic. In regard | to the latter there are certain in the community known as doctors. Their treatment is by songs and| dances, with sometimes a sieight-ol- | hand trick or two, and neither the | invalid nor the sudience take any ac- | tive part. The details are somewhat complicated, and I have seen no per- | formance so far. After the perform. | ance the doctor is paid--in the old | days the fee went as high as two to thiee whaling uniaks (big skin boats), | If the invalid is poor everybody gives | the doctor sometlling -- a fox-skin, spear, bag of oil, or other things of | value. If the man treated ¢ with- in the year his wile or ¢! set | the feé back--under other conditions | the fee is retained. . It would seem that little progress | is being made by the religious workers among. the Kogmolliks, but | in the mstier of secular instruction | it is different. A surprisingly large number can read and write a little, In the evenings the people play whist, casino, and other games with cards, | as well as checkers and dominoes. In | these games all members of the family, from about 10 to 12 years of age, usually join. Cleanliness is ine | creasing. Everyone washes with soap | and water every morning, and the wo. | men especially frequently take sponge | { baths. Bo far as Mr. Stefansson can | isee the Eskimo people are learning | more of good than bad from the whites." | S------------------ Dearth of Seals. 1 : | i dd i s » Reports from St. John's, Newfound. land, state that the sealing fleet of | Newfoundland had the worst season | in the history of the sealing indgstry. | The total catch so far is only 50,000 seals, which is less than one' boat secured in 1910. The fleet comprised 2,000 mén and many vessels, hey struck: an ice "pan™ with 30,000 seals which they | speedily slaughtered. Then followed | a hunt by steamers, ploughing through the ice for the main herd, which usually floats down on ice from the Polar regions. The search was kept up for hun. dreds of miles through the ice in every direction, but without success. The fleet then sailed south to find the main herd but in vain. The aver. age catch is 300,000 skins, representing | a million dollars. This meant a stagger: blow to the general trade | of the colony. . International Boundary Survey. The international boundary survey rty which has been marking the! ine between Alaska and Yukon Ter- | ritory has cothpleted the task of sur. yveying the 1 ineridan from the Pacific to the Arctic Geean. At the north end of the line a bronze monument' was placed just out of reach of the highest waves and smaller monuments were set avery three miles along the line. Geologists accompanied the expedition and made | a complete survey. First Defllvery of Wheat, " Threshing has been ubder way southwest of Regina, snd at Moose Jaw Sept. 10 the first delivery of new spring wheat was made. Singularly enough the name of the farmer who , is. 'Mr. 'Sack Frost, who for six successive seasons has made the first delivery of new wheat to the flour mills at Moose Jaw. The | load sold by Mr. Frost graded No. 1 Northern, Stl -- son the fence to avoid A \ --_-- sie side, but he gets it trouble wi from both I When 5 man acts as if ha were go the' maybe it's a priv men} | PAG ca E ELEVEN, PACKED IN ONE buying low grade coffee. An extra half cent or cent a day will buy . and you will know the exquisite flavor of the finest coffee obiginable, _ E. BLAKE THOMPSON, | ' Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance || ----Agent for---- id | | rig Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance Co'y. OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. ELLIOTT BROS. | see POR = Gas Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil Stoves and lee Doors, . Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, Ete, ls H Ovens, Refrigerators, Cream Froezers, Screen Garden Hose and Sprinklers, --e AGENTS OR ies The Celebrated and Water (Coo er, | Phone 35. Filter "Brownlow " ges | - King Geor KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! It surpasses all others in quality and flavour because the process by which it is made differs from others. -- Its deli- ciously sweet and non-irritating. SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10¢ A PLUG ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC Em------ DJ Collis Browne's 77, 1 Jv, ed THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENL.BE, Ls The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for | CoucGHs, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like 3 charm in & DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Checks and arrests those foe Effectually cute short all stischs of SFASMS. often fatal disesses FEVER, CROUP and AGUL The only palliative is NEURALGIA, GOUT. RHEUMATISM. slorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to tie wislady. It swwariably relieves pain of whatever bind | creates ou cules vetvenipng sleek ; allaye irritafion of the wervous spatem when atl of han vempdass fil leaves" 5 bad ects: and can be taken when fio other medicine can be ioierited. INSIST ON HAVING : CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. i WITH EACH 5" ond i Fah BOTTLE, Chane aie ten ner Be LER Jedi ult Cita te many imitations. Prices is Bagland | - bio Wh 2M. BA - ory dots of pcos 8 Sole Masufastorers bears os the stamp LT. DAVENPORT the sams of the Lig, anaginn, Pe. J. pi -- ee of

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