Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1912, p. 3

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ECONOMICAL WHOLESOME / HIT VIN FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE CONTINUES TO DRAW CROWDS TO ARMOURIES. "My Lord in Livery" Will be the Playlet Presented This Evening-- . The Booths Are All Doing a Good Business, The Festival of the Empire wn the armouries. The goes | v t | A. Kelly, M. Volume, and 8. Gin. | The aceompanists were Miss M. [ Meek. A. J. Bates, C. Hazlett, and ! lL. Dyde. Ty | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTORER 10, 1914 GREATEST: INVENTION EDISON SAYS IT IS HIS STORAGE BATTERY. Cost Between $33.000000 and $4. 000,000 to Perfect--But Wizard 7 Claims it Will Revolutionize Cer tain Phases of the Entire Trans portation Field. Death of Miss Florence A. McArdle McArdie passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Mec Ardle, Ing, in"lhe thirty-first year age, a victim of consumption. She had ben seriously ill for the past month. Deceased was well known and greatly beloved by a large Besides. her parents she leaves THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE, on Tuesday Evening. Oct. 10.--Floremee A Gananoque, te, Ont, Det. 10¢ 10 am it. tawa Valley and v Co vu St. Lawrence Northerly winds: fair and cool Fri. day, east winds and conler. even her Tuesday of First street, on friends two cirele. of Don't Wait rrily on i 3 merrily brothers, Mark," of the Saskatoon Furniture company, Saskatoon, Sask, and Herbert, of Front of Leeds and Lansdowne. township, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Kenney, of Jones" Falls, and Miss Kate, at home. The funers) witl take place fiom the family resi- ince, op Friday morning, to St. john's church, and thence tothe Ro man Catholic burying ground. | Riv: Father hefpoe will brate the mass. "The coal schooner Britton arrived. vesterduy afternoon, with a cargo for th: Steel company of Canada. Miss 8. A. Cross, North street, is analined to her home, quite seriously Among those who are enjoying the New York exeursion trip which was made Tuesday morning, age Mr. and Mrs. George A. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks, Miss Bertha Key- worth and James Bedard. Miss Sadye Meggs is representing the 'oal' Willing Circle of King's Daugh- crs, which is being held at 'Aylmer his week, workers go home, in the evenings fati- | New York, Oct. 10.--Thomas =A gued, but return the next morming | Edison has struck another resounding or afternoon with fresh vigor. i chord upon the harp of fame. Thi. Mra. J. C. Connell, president; Lieut. | time it Is a storage batiery that fur Col. H. R. Duff, chairmen, and all the | niches Lhe theme, but it is a batter: jconvenors and workers, are well pleas- : as different from the commonly know: ed with th¥ many features of the fete, | type of lead battery, as the wonder up to Wednesday, having been eon 1 ful Moving pivture camesa is differen: gratulated on all sides. With the aid | from the first kodak or the brillian of the weather man, Thursday, Friday | tuncsten lamp is different from the and Saturday ought ta be bumper | yellow, smoky incandescent i his . days for the festival. Alls who have | the early davs of this slectei al ern uot yet been to the armouries and wit The "Wizard" himself sgys that bi fessed the splendid affair should has | new battewy is. the greatest accom he plishment of his life. It represents . : i ten years ol labor and the expenditui well attended, considering the inclem of between $3,000,000 and $1.000,00 ent weather. All the features were | a : Moy ually as good as on Tuesday even | machine alone which he invente oe : y i to wind the tubes of the battery ing snd some of them were improved. 3 Th Front the from buckling cos The 14th regimental band supplied the ron music from one of the galleries. The | 1,500,000. Mr. Edison raked ane scraped the earth to discover the ek grand march scored another "hit," by | , its completeness and elegance and! ments for his battery, and the found that those more suitable wer variety of costume and uniform. i What was declared by many to be | nearest at hand--nickel and steel. Th one of the most appreciated and clev- | new battery costs twice as much ¢ erest amateur theatrical, seen on such | the old lead storage battery, but i occasions, was the musical absurdity, | efficiency, life and many other point Crazed," produced on the stage In | there is said to be no comparison. the gun shed, under the direction of! Of the 150 rallway, financial an Clonal J Bn. % rue, Sommandat - engineering men who made the tri of the RM.C. As on Tu sday evening | from the Penpsylvania station ix two perlormances, were given. Mr. | New York to long Branch in Beach storage batiery train Smith," (Major J. P. Shine), who | wae writing a play, and "Mr. Brown" | wok there Were'no, Shepley at end of the journey, aod their clair (Col. Crowe) a playwright, dwell in | s house F te ie i rie ihe abi Siu. os ik 1 ue Jum | that the new Edison storage 'batter > on s y - I pire * OE ings. goouf. is destined to revolutionize certai phases of transportation, weat un H. Crowe) was the other character. | © cin were : . musie wed Sant hg at challenged. The twenty-five mile tr; Ea director, and W, E. Bassam as | each way was made on schedule time one of the criers . | about fiftv4ive minutes each way, witl 3 3 7 ev Ry | "My Lord in Livery," under the di a net cost of power of less than $2 rection of ( apt. Prideaux, will be pre- | There were no delays or accidents ani sented every evening for the remainder | the 'only way one could know that the three-car train was being pro of the week.' ¢ was n The dances and songs at phe enter polled by power within itself, was t lift up the seats in the cars and ob tainment in the Indian booth are an attraction. | serve the rows of silent cells beneall each seat. There was another rush for places 2 at the tables for high tea in the, Experience has shown that a trolle evening. The Congregational amd fine requires a power station genera Baptist. ladies served splendid ' J SUH | IOBK © shades of color |g 600 hp. to move a theee-ca. meals. The Anglicans will "oper- 'ed satin. The handsome collar Is o | train over its lines under all condi ate" this department on Thursday smoked fur, lined with ivory silk tions. Experts assert that a 100 evening. | AVR p. Edison battery installation accom It has been announced that Fri plishes the same work. The reason day and Saturday will be bargain hs siemt for this is that each car is on the days at the fancy work booth. Has Been Purchased by Mrs. Russel multiple unit system, that is, . each The farm produce booth, made Sage. ar is complete within itself, requir posible by the generosity = of the New York, Oct. 10.--A giit of $150, ing nothing outside the power in i ta farmers, is doing a profitable busi- 000 by Mis. Russell Sage in behalf of | wn battery' eolls to propel it. The ness. Chairman J. A. Minnes, with the birds of North America is an storage battery system does away with H. Macpherson, secretary, and the nounced. Mrs. Sage has spent approx overhead wires and poles, bonding ladies, are handling lsrge quantit: imately this sum mn the purchase of of tails and the - eitive equipment les of the offerings of the soil. Marsh island, southwest of New Or I. = troliey line system, to say no- The flower booth is considered by leans, Louisiana, with the intention oi thing of the. saving in - depreciation many to be the pretties in the dedicating it in perpetuity as a re sharges: place. fuge for wild birds. : In the ordinary storage battery Ye Olde English Inn, at the left of The island, 75.000 acres in area, has dreet oar, the battery cost is figured the gun shed, is a "thing of beauty." long been a great resort for market | ireet car, = per oar 'mile. .or seven A number of the nurses from the gunners, since it is a famous winte at, joven con's pet ow oe The general hospital are noticed at the feeding ground for ducks and geese. Jdcilam per ope tion with the Edison | South African booth, also mingling as well as smaller migratory birds. | *Xpense in Shao! on i among the crowd, disposing of pro- Recently a 13,000 bird refuge on Ver | battery ie pas Th A lead grammes, drawing tickets, etc. million bay was given by other hundred niles. i . on year An official programme should be Wealthy donors to the state of Louis | battery has a life of he Edieo , secured by everybody. It is most iana. ; vears at the most, i Re i. n = attractively printed, and contains It is a matter 'of record that during | tery fis guarant or live to, aly, all information. It is the beat: twelve months of the killing season o | has been in actual operation or Ly gouvenir of the show. 1909-1910, the enormous total of 4, | years, and severe factory tests give The fur shows of John McKay 265.585 game birds was slaughtered ir |it an estimated life of from ten ta and George- Milis & Co. are hand- Louisiana. fifteen years. The cost of construc: some T. F. Harrison, W. A. Mit | uon- of an Kdison storage battery chall, Ww. J. Crothers and the New- | Fight Disease. street car system is said to be about man Electric company also have | Don't catch cold, don't catch or ip |seventy-five per cent. of the 'ordinary good exhibits. ¢ . cur any disease. You can't if you [trolley system. 2 ckad The programme put on in the 'Wood is right. Life and the vita Its greatest service is expats 3 gun shed on Wednesday afternoon. 'glements that fight disease and weak | come in the branch line field -o : rai by a number of the puplls of Vic- | ney are in the nlood. Strength and | roads, those costly, but Becossary, hick toria, Louise, Frontenac, Macdonald | effective resisting power can be had by | tacles of all great railroa -" ' ; and Sydenham schools was of high 'yweof Wadeis fron Tonic Pills (Laxa | The cost of hau'ing the extra freight order. tive). of an ordinary $vad battery system Choruses were sung by = thirty | They are a great nerve strengthene [for car lighting, "as compared with love "Hail the Land," and "O Can- | and Glood maker. In boxes, 250, a | the Jead batteries, js about $900 a lada." G. Montgomery recitated McLeod's Drag Store, 53 Brock street | vear, the old lead Dafteries for a "The Plaintive Kettle," and recita- | ;ny dor above King street. Mone |six-car train weighing 2,580 pounds, tions, "Things Inside' and "Hands | pack if not satisfactory. " | as compared with the weight of 5X All Round" were given by K. EI . pouids for the Fdison batteries. liot and H. Jack respectivaly. "The There are seventy-two uses to which {| Flag above the school-house door' ! the mew batteries can be put which : touch practically the entire gamut if electrical operations. Until the weather neces- sitates the baying of Win-- ter weight. BAKING Suitings POWDER NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS SrEalog x. atival was ROBERT PAYNTER has taken Over the business of the late Jas, Davis at the old stand, 26% PRINCESS STRERT. AH kinds of Shoe Repairing li done. All work guaranteed. Coatings| reamed We Are Ready With a complete showing of all that is correct for F all and Winter Wear : ' & Our showing of Dress Goods embraces all the newest weaves, and are to be had at .50c the Yard and 'Up. In Coatings we have the new "Chinchilla Cloths," which are to he greatly favored thig winter, Also a number of smart lookitg TWEEDS, in Stripe and Plaid effets. The values speak for themselves, at_ A SMALL SEAL CATCH. the Behring Sea Season the Poor est in Years. Washington, Oct. 10.--The fur seal DI season in the Behring sea has dosed with the smallest killing of eils in many years and a total ab | sence of Pelagic sealing, according to eports fo the Department of Com nerce and Labor The result has em, it is declared, a considerable in rease in the number of seals which were threatened with extinetion by the vanton slaughter of Pelagic sealers The total number killed off the Pribilof Islands during the season Was 1,764, considerably less than the aver ¥e in the past. These were killed by American government agents and th skins will be sold in London in Janu ary, the proceeds to be distributed a.ong the Tnited States, Great Bri tain, Russia {nd Japan, in accordance with the terms of the treaty signed by those powers for the preservation of thy seat there. tas is now ready. Especially saitable for Entertain- ments by societies or con- ventions, Large, and private. - 4J. J. Lackie's 168 Princess St. LATEST IN EVENING CLOAKS A stylish long cout for evening ee Returned do Toronto. A HAVEN FOR BIRDS i Mount Chesney, Oct. 9. Farmers are glad once more to see the fine weath er and are all very busy getting in their crops befoms the frosts. Coch rane Bros. are in the vicinity ones more threshing and filling dios. © Stoness bas erocted a new silo. M, Duecetts, of Battersea, did the work. Goorge Thompson 1s engaged for a while running a threshing machine, owned by a company near Sdhbury, A. McCallum is preparing for the fall rains by shingling his barn, H. Keel er, Battersea, fs doing the work, -J McGrath 1s erecting a new silo and will soon be ready for filking. F. J. McGarvey has completed his contract with Mr. Daman, Sunbury, BE, % Ewing has returned to Toronto after spending a two weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John Mdiarvev. M. Mo Garvey and G. Patterson took in the Odessa fair. Duck hunters are very plentiful and reports are that ducks will be scame for late hunting. Visi tors Miss Maggie: Sullivan, of Rockwood hospital, spent Sunday | with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Me. Grath; Mr, and Mrs. Prank Carey and family, of Toronto, at GG. P Patterson's; C. Stoness at James Me Garvey's: D. McCallum and J. Ooch rane visited friends in the «ity on cently: H Hawkey, at II. Shan non's. Sunbury, ' "Store of Satisfaction" TRINESED (IIE ASE) (1 ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Wholesale Retail THE NEW COMPANY BUSINESS 2490 This is the number of the l.imoges China Dinner Set dounat- eyes . WE GRIND YOUR LENSES NEW IDEAS LARGER We fit them to your face Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. KEELEY, Jr, - Optometrist 226 Princess. Street. "Phone 027. ed by Robertsons', Limited, at the Armouries It pretty ones - You may have %he lucky number that will win this set We Eh not, don't be discouraged have lots more---very Jenkins' Fall and cheap. Come and se2 them Some men do their hest and others to do those whp are best. J Vanishing Cream, 20¢., at Sargent's Drug Store. If you would be popular you must be willing to be bored occasionally. leave second ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Fine China Wms . Rich Cut Glass «i Scourge of Drunkenness in France AND Paris, Oct. 10.---Again a unani- ; «| Mous call is being heard for som Songs. "There's Only One Flag." | check to the terrible scourge of 'The Carnival," and "Jolly Jack | alcoholism. \ A Fa i inter {if were sung by C. Dyack, H. Willlams, | The people of the Scandinavia *fiifand W. Evans. Goldie Bartels, in ' oo niries are being pointed to. Fifty har winning manner, played an #ir | yours ago they had fallen to the from Faust on the violin. . W. Fajr | lowest degree of brutality and were and G. Kirkpatrick sang "Hail 0 | ainiost lost by the abuse of spirits was recited by'J. Chown. We have large quantities of PIG LEAD - and - SHEET LEAD in stock. For Successful Baking. Don't waste flour and other good materials trying to make good bread with poor yeast, but use White Swan yeast -- Cakes. Live grocers sell six cakes for Sc. Free sample on request White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limit- wd, Toronto, Cnt. rusts METAL fe TORONTO Good King George." C. Vokes, G. {but in two generations. they have Macdonald, J. Renton, I. Hughes, ' by reforms in the liquor traffic, if Van Mills and R. Hughes took. part ; yndergotie complete - rageneration in the saluting of the flag, the lat: | cannot France, it is asked, do for ter being the bearer. herself what Sweden has dome? Miss I. G. Bureau, was the con: ------------ venor of the committee which trained the children, namely, Miss- es C. Loviek, I. Allen, E. Englisa, 9 Restores color to grey or faded hair; Cleanses, ¢ools and invigorates the Sealp. § Removes Dandruff-there- by giving the hair a chance to grow in a healthy natural {THINKING Leaving Church Life. Church Life, Toronto, regrets the oss of Miss Mabel Selby, the retiring soeretary-treasurer of "the company, who. shortly returns to her home. in Kingston. It. says that she will be lowed by many cordial wishes for ralth; ; X fature. The computly feel he loss | § way and stopping its falling ly, for # voted horse oart + al to the furtherance of the |j Out. Keeps hair soft and ay ssy. ---- ls not a dye. Gift to Dr, Edwards. On Thursday morning, De. J. W, Edwards, M.P., received. from a friend in Monfreal a fine Irish blackthorn walking stick, with a silver band. The doctor is now ready, with his shillalah for the campaign next year in Fron | | Clayton Power Contract. Clayton, N.Y., Oet. 10.--The vil lage board has granted a perpetual franchise to the ertown Ligh. and Poor company, fo the pur ; poses of furnishing light, power How to Make ; 8nd électricity to the: river town. { The principal condition attached to Bo the absolute granting of the fran- : chise is the agreement that the Clay- ton concern should furnish light to the municipal . building . inthe vil- i a ~ Then you should think of us. We have pre- "pared a most wonderful exhibit' of The re son's Newest and Best Footwear Productions for Men, Women and Children. Our Fall and Winter il Coats for Bays and Girls if have become famous if They are made to fit all | ages from 1§ to 17 years, | have trimmed sleeves, cufts and velvet ii collars, and the fit and jl style ave simply charm. The colors Injured in Sanaway, | KEEPS i nt Parlor Matches of gory bet corey pine. Every stick a Every match » ght' Well packed, dark a abiing wih the mersamie pilin of * 3% ! E gw If you have aShoe need now or contemplate one soon, it's to your interest to drop in here now and see the stylish new Footwear. You will be under no obligation to buy, because you look. i 5 ] It LEE i i rH $3 8 i | i$ i fl ing. o It would be a pleasure for us to show you how and why we can and do sell " Better I { ; : i 1 | ] i ---- 1. 0: SUTHERLAND & BRO. 5 bi

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