Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1912, p. 5

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EVERY EVENING AT : THE ARMOURIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE, THE LADIES OF THE DIFFERENT CHURCHES WILL SERVE HIGH TEA AS FOLLOWS: WEDNESDAY .--The Ladies ol, the Comgregational Churches, THURSDAY. ~The Ladies of he Anglican Churches. FRIDAY.--~The Ladies of the Presbyterian Churches, High Tea served from 3.30 to 8 o'clock'. . 25¢ EACH. Illustrated © Official Price, each. amd Baptist TICKETS FOR TEA. Be sure to.procure a copy of the gramme to send to friends at a distance. sale by R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141, Princess Street THE OVERCOAT SHOP This is the time you think of Overcoats, Lambert's shop is the place you should-go ko He has a good selection of fabrics and will make a ecvat fo icyou' at a very reasonable price. T. LAMBERT Merchant Tailor ~ 157 Princess St. Pro- For 25¢ BUY GUARANTEED STOCK. Only a féw Shares ($50 each) of the Stock of the Great Gulf Lands, Limited. Stock ean be exchanged for land if desired. It is expected that every share will be worth four times its present value in three or four years. No company can pay the dividends that a Land Company can pay. It can't go bankrupt for the iand will always be theresas an ever-increasing asset. The Company bought at the beginngng of a big Iland boom in the south. Make your dollars work sq that-you may take it easy later on. What is 3 per cent. in the bank com pared with quadrupling your money in four of five years? Free 0, Jusrasyre on, application, 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. 132and 134 Princess St. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER {6, 1912. POOR CROPS TO BLAME THE ADVANCE IN PRICE OF MILK. FOR THE Milkmen Raise Price to Seven Cents Quart and it May Go Higher-- Difficulty in "Securing Winter Feed. Will the price of milk be advanced still higher this winter?" is the ques- tion that the bousewives are asking. Within, the past week the price was riised frofir-six cents, to-seven cents per quart, by several of the dairymen, and it is stated that owing to. the crop isilure the price is likely to go still higher. At Ottawa e price has been raised to nine cents," and it is predicted that it will go as high as ten cents before the winter is over. All the farmers have hail a bad gea- son on account of the poor crops, and the dairy farmer certainly faces a hard winter. : in the first place, the hay crop was very light, as a great deal of it was destroyed by the rain, while the con- tinual wet weather was responsible for a poor grain crop. A great deal of grain had to be left out, and it went to waste. The fact that the corn crop is so poor, will, no doubt, be the hardest blow to the dairymen. A great deal of it, which should be in the 'silos by this time, had to be left out' in the rain, and it is stated that no machin- ery which was ever built, would be shle to cut it. It will have ta be cut by hand, this will mean extra. expense for dairy farmer. Farmers did their best to save grein, but they could not fight weather man, and the people in city know jusi how disagreeable the weather was all summer. The rain was general, and farmers all over the country are complaining about a bad geason. and the the the the Frank R. Pember Coming. Frank R. Pember, of the well-knowp Pember Hair Store, Toronto, is com ing to the Randolph hotel on Monday, October 14th, 'with' a full line of la- dies' and gentlemen's sample hair goods. He also carries 5 large stock of theatrical goods. A tablet erected by Osborne Price, ol Brockville, in memory of his father, was placed in St. Anne's church, Eas $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leasi cne dreaded disease thay science has been able to cure in all Tts stages, and that is Catarrh.. Hall's Catarrh Cure is .the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh be- ing a constitutional disease, Jentiter constitutional treatment. fall': tarrh Cure ds taken internally, act. ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there. by dest¥oyin the foundation of the disense, an iving the patient strength by building up the constitu- tion and assisting nature in doing ite work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tire it fails to cure. Send for lis: of testimonials. ddress, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo 801 by all Druggists, Take Hall's Famil MENDELS pation. Telephone 532 Two Big' Money Saving Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY ave will Place on Sale Ladies' Winter Coats 50 In oh ¥ and medium sha: les, this season's very latest styles--no two alike, and worth.-up to £16.50, Friday and Saturday $10. 00 for your pick All sizes in the above 'ots, so come early and get first choice. Men's Department Free Trousers Friday and Saturday We pride ourselves on our extensive showing of a s and Y oung Men's and consider we can give you better value at this price, As an inducement to have you come in ai let us prove it, we will give absolutely Free on Frida One extra pair of Trousers with every $15.00 Suit sol , New Fall Overcoats Suits at $15 than can | 'elsewhere. ayand Burlay A big VarioR! te to select from a pleasure to show you. Our special Overcoat at sizo is a dandy. Come in and try one on No obligation to buy ~ Saturday Night at 7.30 pm. Workingmen' s Special Sale pairs of Heavy De Ccttonades, Molesking, Bedford price as high as $2.50. I Saturday Qords, 'Ete Night at 7.30 p.m our windows Overalls anid Pants in Bhios, Blacks, Khaki, : Your choice for 75¢ a pair (A limit of Two pais 10 each customer) Striped N Ete. Ranging in { 75¢, y Pills for consti sign she will catch him. Piles Quickly CALVIN COMPANY WEDNESDAY J After' being Ashore Belog Morris. burg for Six Weeks--Dredging Had to be Done Around Movements of Vessels, The steamer Britaonic, ashore at Weaver's Point, just Morrisbairg, on August 24th, Jeased by the Calvin Kingston, «<n Wednesday Previous attempts to: release stranded vessél had failed, the lowering 'of the water. vin company week, and did rome dredging around the steamer. Steelicables were fasten ed to trees on the | river, and after some pulling, the tugs Frontenac and Johnson succeeded in floating th: Britannic. The vessel is not damaged a greet deal, but will require to go into dry dock. very old boat. At present she is he: ing brought to Prescott, and late: may come to Kingston for repairs. The Britdonic, si purchased by H. land, Ohio. She whks coming up the river, light, from Montreal, charging a coal cargo, grourded. BY THE ON vas. re the The C when she Movements of Vessels, Wego, The steamer Missisquoi was nert 'rom Gananoque, to-day. in Ov ¢£0. The schooner Ford Richardson's. wharf, spar. The schooner St. Louis is at the dry dock. from ~ Charlotte, with | coal for Queen's University. Tha steamer Sowards arrived fiom Oswego, with a cargo of coal for fowards. he barge Sherman cleared Thursday, for Charlotte is at] feld- River loading dong 'Ins steamer Rideau King cleared | for Citawa on Thursday morning. The steamer Simla is due to ar- rive from Montreal to-night, om her wav to Port Colborne, wifi | pulpwood. M. T. Co.'s elevator: --The steam- er Beaverton. from Fort William, discharged $8,000 bushels of wheat, and cleared to-day, for Belleville to load cement, for Fort William, tug Bronson, from Montreal, three; light barges, cleared for Montreal, with one coal barge and one grain barge; tug Emerson, cleared Montreal, with one grain barge and one coal barge; the tug Thomson. from Montreal, three light barges: cleared for Montreal, with two grain barges; the steamer .Kin- mount, grain-laden from Fort Wil liam is due to arrive at 10 o'clock, to-night, to discharge; the tug Bart- lett cleared for Port Colborne, with the barge Ceylon, to load. grain; the steamers Canadian and Turret Chicf, are reported to be cp their way from Fort William, grain<laden. To-night May Robson. "A Night Out," in which May Robson will appear at the Grand to-night is an ingeniously eoncoct- ed comedy, dealing humorously with the neongruities of heredity and incidentally pointing & mora! for the benefit of mothers who with hold latch keys from their sons It's situel cgs are fraught with cheérfuincss and merriment, and the action is the sort that neve: lags. Th. story follows the in- eidents attending a little escapade in which "Grandmum' and her two grandsons become the principal ac- tors at a nricrious resort to which the boys have been induced by their grandmother to take her, in order that she may assure herself of the h less nature of their recreations While the trio are 'seeing the tights" the place is raided, and the complications which ensue are side- splitting. serosa will be Missionaries. Rev. O. L. Kilborn, the Canadian Methodist missionary to Chengfu. China, who is supported by the Tor onto East District Epworth league, states in a letter that his three chil- dren who are being educated in Cdnada, have decided to be foreign missionaries. Dr. Kilborn is a brother of Dr. R. K. Kilborn, ot Kingston. When a man is chasing a girl it's g Pyramid Fie Remedy Han Made the World Glad. Many 4 Dad cass of 'piles has Yeon fis value and you can get the regular size 50 cent box from any druggist but be sure you get ihe kind you ask for: imply send your name and address te "Pyramid Drug Co, 4468 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, Mich, and you wil) receive a sample package of the great Pyramid Pile Reedy in plain wraoper by return mall, all charges prepaid. Bave yourself from, the surgeon's knife and Ws torture, the doctor ané ; Remedy wil Here which 'went below. | companiy,. of , afternoon. owing to' al- | resumed operations last) She isn! ce her accident, was | . Morris, of Cleve | after dis-| The steamer Jeska cleared for 0s | { Alexander Moir Given i The schooner Guido cleared tor | on!s "he steamer Aletha made her trip | und up the bay on Thursday. for | | Vears ago Miss Seats Vas 4 rsdn: BRITANNIC TIT) bgite side of the | = HIGH TOP BUTTONS FOR WOME ___ The correct Shoe for Fall 191 Patents at $3.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Gun Metals at $3.00, $4.50 and $.5.00 Tans at $3. You are invited to call and in- spect our stock of new Fall Foot- 'wear. ABERNETHY:S SE -- : SCOTCHMAN WENT TO JAIL. Reprimana by the Police Magistrate. Magistrate Farrell disposed of the | cause of Alexander Moir in quick order, lat police- court, Thursday morning. | Hig case was the only one on the cal { endhur. | Moir is the Scotchman who applied James Stewart, postmaster, for as- acting for St. Andrew's | society, Mr. Stewart took the trouble te get the man a job, Working on the roadway, and also gave him a little spending money to see him over a time, but instead of appregat efforts of Mr. Stewart, Moit to sistance, and, | short ny the was arrested by the police. Wh'n told the circumstances, Magis trate Farrell gave Moir a severe ré | primand, and imposed a.fine of £3 and costs, or one month, and as the | Scotchman without funds, he to go to jail. Moir certainly had plenty of nerve, as while he was under the influence of { liquor on Wednesday aiternoon, he again walked into the office of Post | master Stewart. Thi® was more than the genial postmaster could stand, however, and he had the man arrest ed. Any Scotchman who would do such a trick after being given assist ance by St. Andrew's Society, he con sidered should ! pay the penalty. KINGS' TON N NOT ALONE In Agitation for Reduction of Mem- bers of Council. Kingston city council voted down a motion for the reduction of the aldermen serving the people. That the question has been considered in gther places too, is shown by a notice of motion, which has just been made by AldaKent," of Ot- tawa. He¢ 'advocates the doing away with the board of control and aldermanic system, and substitvfing therefor an adequately paid commis- sion of four, including the mayor, with the recall Initiative and refer- cndum vested in the pcople, the members of the commission to de- vote all their time te the business of the city, wtih 'the excepti'm of the mayor, and that the question be submitted to the electors, at the next January election, and if car ! ried, that legislation be applied fo: to make the vote effective, DIED ON THURSDAY. A School Lad Who Suffered Heart Attack. Edward T. Timms, Timms, foreman of streets, home on Albert Street, on Thursday morning, afier an attack of hear trouble. "The deceased young 'lad, i will be remembered, was hurt last March while playing on his way to school and was laid up for some time but recovered. About a week ago he had another attack of his heart' and never rallied. He was fouricen ' years of age and attended Macdonald school and would have tried his entrance this vear. The deceased was a bright young lad and was a favorite with ail who knew him. [le leaves to mourn a mother and father, two brothers, George and Frank/ He was a regula: attendant of Urin(ess street Methodist Chuich, From son of Thomas died at his R. J. REJD WAS INJURED, Fell Off a Scaffold and Strained His : Back, R. J. Reid, Princess street, received injuries by falling of a scaffold at the rear on his building, on Thursday morning, about nine o'clock, The ma sons and carpeniers were engaged in putting up an addition and a scaffold had been erected just outside of one o iki windows on the second flat. Mr. Reidwas in the act of getting down, whin he missed his hold and fell slighting on his Lack, and receivi very | shaking. In ane rirained his back and skinned his Arms, aut wus able to be around again, H. 's waiking very Jame. pS AGL OF Sue To Gameral Mospiial by Mise, Mary 3. Seow, Toronta. asitor is the cigy pi Kingston and . ained hor associations with many of "ae charitacle institutions here... This | Spent the money in strong drink and | had | doy afternoon. at . . - Confectiogery of the choicest sort, Every de 3 varfety, all the old- a everything de- Hghtfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift to man, woman or child, SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 TOYE'S BREAD i oP Is all that good bread should be. Do you use it? Ir not, give it a trial R. H. TOYE & CO. stm w-- eT SOMETHING USEFUL :PAST FIETY ? YOU | NEED "CASCARETS" i | What Glasses Are to Weak Eyes, Cascarets Are to Weak Bowels gi 10-cent Box Will Truly Amaze You \ to the | they Most o'd Lowels People must give regular, help, constipation, is perfectly natural as natural as it is walk slowly tive as some sufier from sion else Ihe condi It is just for old people 1 For age is never = ov ac youth, The muscles are elastic. And the bowels muscles al old people need Chscarets One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes with glasses asx to neglect thy gaotle aid to weak bowels. The bow ols must by kept active. This is im portant ait all but never so much as at fifty Age ws not a time IN A FOLDING BED Takes very Tittle room and makes a double moment's notice up bed 'at a lows are ~o ages, for harsh physics Youth may occasionally whip the bowels nto activity. But a lash can't be used every day. What the bowel of the old need is a gentle gud natur al tonic. One that can be constantly used without harm The only, such tonic is Unscirets and they colt only 10 sents per box at any drug store They notk while you sleep. BISSKLL'S CARPET SWEEPERS, The kind to ask for at JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phone LLL Cruelty to » Caf. . he heen fined TOOK A WEAK TURN And Fell Oft Waggon as He Entered Gate, Wellington Toplifl, of Glavale, whe met death by falling off 8 sageon on Wednesday morning, in the act of driving through the gate at hi pome, when: the accident occurred. 1p the carly part of the morning he wa busy in the field loading grain, and hag londed the waggon. At the gate be fell off, evidently having taken » weak twa. In he struck hi bead cu the sidé of the waggon. with the result that he received § bad ent Whn the hited man, who was whl - him in the field, and had walked 5; 'n the Brocky ihe police court h hind the wagygon, saw what a Maidan township of Bastard, was fin happy ned, he immediately went to his fed 310 and ¥15 costs for being drank arsstance, but life had departed. while a member of the prohibnted lst The decossed leavps & widow and | ion's Corpers, four children, two of whom are mar | Linsest Licorice and Chiorodine ths sird. Mr. Toph wae Gl) six years of | guikanteed cough curs Sargent's sage, and had lived in (thin part of the | Drug. Stove. country for , and was A number of foreigneps greatly respected by ie who'kvew { Lr wor at road eh Kim: The funeral will take place Be taken on ths forée Fridey. 150 o'clock, « nxele laying is begun. L. Me. Danby will officiate : was . His get in irom =» was. mn that i¢ 2 after egy the A Kilburn man for cruelty to a cal. Wanlu tis rid of the animal, he hung door, and when rescued it such an exhausted condition had to be destroyed. [Thy , wards explained that he thought mg was a painlegs way of putting cat to death man donne Jaye applied and will be > when the Pains Have | ¥Yanished Neuralgia Completely Cured. The cure of Mr= FL. Barrell, 'Guinrie, PF. Q. 1a another viclory hy Dependable Furs. We have for years had the repuls- able furs, and this season handsome donation is the largest yet received. Miss Seoti's generosity is, such appreciated by the Board ot Governors of the hospital, as well ae ay the ladies, who are working so de votedly and varnestly for sweet char ity. Wen. attes of land have heth puschas ed in Seis Falls Tor a. proposed clues may interest you. Sold ot lete., neck pieces and muffs. Hon of giving the best values in well made depend Hood's Sarsapariiia. This greul modi eine has succeeded fn many Cases where others have uiteriy failed Mra, Barrell says: "1 suliered Intensely trom neuralgia in (he head, face and shoulders. 1 hud used various medi cines withoul reilef. !heird of Hood's Sarsapariiia an 4 (Gecided to try It, snd 1 Sloss the day 1'a1L 1 took 1 several months ard now feel well All By pains have vanished" Get Hood's Sarvaparilia today. Bold by ail Su evel where, our store ix even more popular han ever with those who want choice furs. See our showing of Persian 1 amb, Mink, Alaska Sable, Japanese Mink Camphill Bros. the hpkers of fine e fury, Al: the Leading Makes Of fine hats in the ! shore styles, $1.50, 82, ¥ i at Campbell Eros, the ng SA ? :

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