Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 1

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I YEAR 79 NO. 238 Fr Nt Kiting 'Regarding 2 ~~ Water Filter ; THE BOARD OF HEALTH FINALLY | DECIDES T0 TAKE © THIS STEP, The Provincial Board Will Now Send un Inspector to Investigate Kingston's Water Supply--Utili. ties Committee Not Agreed on a Filter. Fons Basnd of Hlealn, on Thursday Leraowa, to meport the City Council to the Provincial Board of for not furthering the schems of the instalation of a tillir Lo en wure the purity of the drigking wate of the city, fix weeks ago the lo eal Board of Health, reshiving the al most unsafe system by which the wa- tor lined by 'the citizens was being pul {by the Hetbment of chlorivey recomuignded the installation of a filter. It instructed the (ity Council that if steps were not taken to pro- mote some method (6 envure pure wa. ter, in thickly doys:it would vepert it to the Provincial Doward of Health. The board at the time recommended a fl | One of Ws Aufl, Jntringed. Speed business had been dis posed of at the meeting of the board: on Thursday afternoon the "chairman, 'Archibald Strachan, asked Ald. Bailey what the Utilities committee had dome wgarding "the instruclibn of the board, Ald, Bailey was unable to, re- port definite, and as far' as the and other members of the board could hear, Ald. Rigney and his Sompitiee had not, as a body, seriously conwidered the matter. Ald. Bailey intimated, however, that the : commitdee was not a unit re filtration. being the best plan of purifying the water, and stated that he now, personnlly, from advie réceived, was contrary"minded. Pr. A. R, maon, medical henlth; officer, the present system. of ter. After ot bers of the wept ava aa. Sine tion, # : and J. B. Mcleod de- The chairman olaged that thoy believed citizens in genta! realzid the situasion, and were fu favor of a filter, } weeks grace mow, and in the re por the rospiidibill lity would be lifted oe the Poard of Heglth. The provincial board. will likely send an inapector to the city to investigate. ---------------------- pont UNDERWRITERS FAIL TO CL&AN : Much of "CNR. - Debenture Loau "Not: Dispoped of. ! London, Get. 1l,-Seveni, e cent. of the CNN. ten milli alae debenture loan is lol with the under: 'writers. 'The result of the loan is what tho stead of beng summoned for a hear he 70 REPORT CITY COUNGL | ~~ T0 PROVINCIAL BOARD TO STAY TILL 1914. Crown Princess of Sweden Likely Visitor to Canada. London, Oct, 11. ~"It ix almost cer: taifi that the Boke of Connaught's term in Canada will extend another your," says a which is generally reliable on sy matters. ' "It is very, desirable that he should be at the bead of the Canadian government when the Prince Wales and Prince Albert visit Cand in 194. An ox tension of the dukels term will be very popular in Canad&. The duchess and Princess Patricia are coming in April for a few weeks Visit to England, and will visit the Crown Prince and Prin- cess of Sweden at Stockholm. Vro- 'hibly the latter will visit Cpoada next autumn." HIPPIE Pe INSURKRIUTION IN POLAND, Paris, Oet. 11.--Reports of a possible fusurrection in Poland have resulted in secret Instructions being given to the financiers in Russian Polifid to transfer thelr documents and valu- ables to Moscow. TEE 0v 20% S20%002009%9 MUNICIPALITY MUST PAY FINE By«law. Vancouver, 13.U,, Oct. 11. -- If the municipality of Point Grey does not HOW Puy a fine of $20 imposed on it last week by the magistrate -of the South Vantouvsr police court, because ong of its automobiles was caught speeding within the eity limids, police court prosecutor henvedy will issue a distress warrant inst the mumici pality. 'The Point: Gey council by 18 | Victoria, B.C, Oct. H:--The forest JAIL FOR SPEED FIENDS IN NEW YORK STATE = "i Etat the pi - rested and lod police for violation dinan ug. Foteign drivers heretofore, when apprehended - by offivers; have been given the Privilege extended by magis trates to statd drivers to appear in court in response to summonses with- out. arrest. use 80 many have ignored. such summonses the magis- trates have determined to take away the privilege. Word of their decision has been sent to the National High- ways Protective society. "Klondike King's" Wife Lost Rings Victoria, Oct. 11.-Bobbed of two diamond rings valued at $1,800 whil, absent for a few minutes from her room i the Empress Hotel, Mrs. Al exander Macdonald, wife of the lat, ir Macdonald, known as the "Klondike King," and a pioneer in the early days of Dawson City, iy secking the assistamce of detectives in 'the retovery of the stolen jewels, Mrs Macdonald resides near Victoria, Leaves Provincial Railway. Torodto, Och. 11.---J. H. Black, former supefiniendent of the T.N.O { rall%ay, has been appointed genera! A a8 new company forme from the amalgamation of the North ern Ontario t and Power ecow: pany with the British American Pow or company Co ------r Mf I ' fl ii: il Nr "NEW FLOUR MILLS IN WEST. Minneapolis Firm is Arranging for Three of Them. Vancouver, Oet. 11.--A. C. Van Haglen, president of the Union Mills company of Minneapclis, has been in Vancouver several days investi: gating conditions with a view" fo starting a flour mill "here with » capacity of 3,000 barrels a day. Van Haglen has just contracted for a large mill at Moosejgw, and has almost completed arrangements for another at Macleod. . Grain Elevators Promised. New Westminster, Oet. 11.-In the course of a speech at the Con- servative. Club, J. D. Taylor, M.P., 'made the announcement that tha dominion government was entirely In favor of New Westminster's har- bor scheme and would at the public expense dredge the river from the mouth to the outlet of the riv He followed by announcing that a Alberta grain firm had agreed to establish two grain elevators on the Pitt river. -------------- AVOID ROYALTIES. Timber Taken for Railway Ties Confiscated. branch a few weeks 200,000 "ties which had been cut in the Tete Jaune Cache country by Cowan Bros. & Cook, from the Fdménton and Dunvegan railway. The firm had, it is alleged, entered lon tifaber belonging to the province and cut "the ties without icense or the payment of ground gent, and were smuggling them out of the province without paying the royalty of filty cents per thousand feet on them. The result has been a fine of 8250 for illegal cutting and the con- fiscation of the ties. Sold by public auction, these were bought in by the contreetor at $2.50 a thousand, This ill bring the province in about £15, 000, ago seized some MAN FELL 176 FEET Into the River Below and Met His Death. Edmonton, Oct. 11.--While changing his footing on the top tier of an im. mense gteel bridge of the C.N.R. over who hold a contract the Pembina riverhat Entwistle, Jos eph Johnstone, structural iron work- er, accidentally touched the trigger of the pneumatic rivetter, which re- bounded, * striking" him on the fore- head, and he was sent. hurling through the air g tertible drop of 170 feet to the river. below. The {falling man struck an outjutting beam on low- er deck of. the , and the body's | drop was. d "4 A ty Wutar P on his wifd a : x HW "STILL FIGHT IN TRIPOLI. The Tarks ' Lose Heavily=--Time Limit for Peace. ~ Rome, Oct. 11.--Italian troops, up- der Gem. Reisoli. occupied advanced positions west of Derna, last ni alter an all-day battle with Turks and Arabs, according to messages re- ceived to-day from Tripoli. The Thrkich and Arabian force lost heavily, Gen. Reisoli's report said, whereas the Italians had only a few mer killed and wounded. Final peace overtuges between Turkey and Italy have been delayed by the position of Turkey. Italy has fixed Saturday as a limit, after which it may break off negotiations. r------ CHINESE CELEBRATE. 'Tis Their Independence Day-Re- « view of the Troops, Pekin, Oct, 11.--The anniversary of the Chinese revolution was celebrated Thursday, with great rejoicing in Pe kin and ths other important cities. Festivities lasting three days have boen arranged, and all the houses are decorated with fags ' A reception heid by President Yuap Shi Kai was attended by ail the nota 4 bles except the Manchu princes. A re | view of the garrison of "Pekin, compos ed of 16,000 troops, was held later in the day, and this called forth a re markable demonstration. MAYOR HAS DONATED PARK, Brockville Receives Offer of Estates "For Public Benefit. Brockville, Oct. 11.--Mayor C. W Maclean, who recently purchased the old chemical works property at the foot of Ford street, has asked the uneil to grant a continuance of Wa- tot. through the property in or t he might donate that fi and being instagtly vast of the water works. 'Whirled Girl Around Shaft, 84. Thomas, Oct. 11.--M t, the sixteeh-viar-old da of Da Carrigan, Rodoel her body. was alko badly injred. : 10.000 Jews for Saskatchewan. _ Saskatoon, 'Sask, Oct. 11.--.Jacob Sklover, author and journalist, who is here, is interested in securing 10,000 Saskatchewan lor "bwin fell, alight- | hibited ily Britis KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 19 Despatches From Near And Distant. Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIPLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of " the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex. changes. Canadian Methodists are to found Christian university in China. The gun men who shot Rosenthal in New York, were identified in court, A citizens' committee of Toronto has been formed to investigate the Toron- to police methods. James Bruce, Hamilton, Ont., acquitted of the charge of Miss Ziebe with poisoned candy. According to western advices an am- bitious scheme is now on foot to dredge out the two arrows between Lilloet lake and Lowér Lilloet lake, thus reclaiming about forty or fifty square miles of the best lands tres versed by the Grand Trunk Pacific in British Columbia, There has just gone into effect: op the Grand Trunk Pacific, from Prince Rupert to Hazeltonga new time-table which will give the Yat ter point a for- ty-six-hour run to Vancouver. This is cutting down the time remarkably less than two days between Vancou- ver and Hazelton, where less than a year po two weeks were required. was DOUBLE LIABRLITY, Toronto, Oct. 11 --Farm- érs' Bank 'shareholders will be notified this week that they will be required under the bank act to pay the double liability which they, have been fearing they would be called upon to do. 3 Sheer Pev He "PWIN FREAK" DEAD. Succumbed Within Hours of Each Other. op ulington, N.C, i calle Christine, id to greatest A or Bama amatomy," ex- d all over the world, once pre sented to Queen Victoria, atid possess. ing apparently two te and dis- tinct beings with one ly. died, yes- terday, at the old homestead in Co- lumbus county, this state, where "they" were born in slavery to negro parents. "They" died within a few hours, of one another, aged about six- ty years, Bodies Few WILL RE-WEIGH CHEESE, Ottawa, Oct. 11L.--The government proposes to ap- point an official to re-weigh et Montreal cheese consign- ments from the Ontario and Quebec factories. In this way it is thought that the erratic scales can be located andgthe factories using .them brought to time Ea Ere TL, MEAL E LET TTR YY Quebec Saguenay Tangle. Quebec, Oct: 11.--It is likely that the provincial government will take no action in regard to the petition of Messrs. O'Brien and Doheny to put the Quebec and Saguenay railway in liquidation, until the return of Sis Lomer Gouin, who is due to arrive in Quebec next week from his western wip. Féw Labor Disputes. Ottawa, "Oct. 11.-The autumn months so far have been character ized by comparatively few indus- trial disputes of a sdrioug natare in 'Canada. Practically the only dis- pute of any magnitude is the miners trouble on Vancouver Island. | CHARLES R CRANE Viecheignts fps Soames U8 Be i Soi is the time for Gr are al their best, fat d, € : murdering | + TEI PGP a 12. DEATH CAUSED BY BEATING? Investigations Will be Held Into Death at Belleville. Belleville, Oct. 11.--A coroner's jury will "investigate the death' of James Doyle, aged 55, who passed away Wednesday night. On Sept. 21st, Doyle was assault- ed by a young man named Thomas Harding, who was found guilty of the offence, and was to have re- ceived sentence yesterday, but ew- ing to his assailant' gserious condi- tion, was further remanded to jail for aweek. As to the direct cause of death the investigation will no doubt determine ft. It is alleged in some quarters that the beating he received at the hands of Harding hastened death, whils on the other hand it is stated thay death was the result of an attack of pneumonia. The jury after he- ing empanelled, adjourned without any evidence being ®ubmitted, THE VERY SUDDEN DEATH Of Wilfrid J. Bulloch, a Prominent Gananoque Citizen, Gananogue, Oct. 11.--Wilfrid J. Bul. loch, first vice president of the Par menter & Bulloch Co., Ltd., one of | the leading manufacturing firms ot eastern Ontario, died suddenly' at his home in Gananoque late Thursday evening. He was taken ill during the early evening. Deceased was one of the leadivig poultry breeders of Can- ada, proprietor of the Glenholme poul- try farm and also a member of the Wyandotte club. He was a eon of the late William Bulloch. A widow and three young (children survive, . RABIES AT PARIS, Boy Bitten by Dog is Sent to To a ronto. Branthyrd/" Oct. 11.--Rabies is re ported in Paris, Ont. . A boy was playing with a dog in that town on Sunday morning when the animal sud denly turned around and "iAt him. The Paris thief of police had the dog shot, and its head sent to Ottawa To-day the report comes that the dog's head was infected with rabies, and the boy has been taken to "o- ronto fat treatment. TOOK WIFE FOR BULAR TH SHOT HER IN MoU George Van Pelt, a New York Sales. man, Saw His Mistake Too Late. New York, Oct. IT. -- Géorgé Vap Pelt, a salesman, recoiled in: horror curly yesterday morning when, firing at a figure in the kitchen of his 'apartment in Harlem, he saw that he had perhaps fatally wounded: his wild. Awakened from a sound alee Van Pelt failed to note that his wile was pot at his side and, hearing fool falls, mistook her for a burglar. She had risen to get a drink of water A bullet entered the woman's mouth. i Dr, Carret Gets Nobel Prize. Stockholm, Oet. 11. -- The. Nobel prize for medicine this year has been awarded to Dr. Alexis Carrett of the Rockefeller institute, New York. The award, it is announced, is made ip revognition of his achievements in the suture of blood vessels and the trans planting of organs. The Nobgl prize is valued at $39,000, "Extinguisher" For 'Outbreak Yaris, France, Oct. 1l.--Representa- tives of the powers in conference here still insisted they had hopes of put ting an extinguisher on the Balkan outbreak. . Nevertheless, all the nat ions concerned are rushing troops to the frontiers. ENDED HER LIFE IN TUB OF WATER Hamilton Woman Fastens Herself to + And Turns Facet. Hamilton, Oct. 11.--Mrs. Bdward J. Hales, ag&d thirty-five years, who resided at 17 Nightingale : street, committed suicide yesterday 37 fas- 'tening herself in a bathtub at her home and turning on the Water, The woman had not beem in-good health for some time pest, and it was thought that her act was due y to her mind having become unbal- anced from that cause. Only a year-and-a-half old baby was in the house with, Mrs. Hales when the mmitted and she had some time before the weeks ago it was thought tha Mrs. Hales' mind wag becoming dpranpged, And a special ed to attend her, time she bad been im-- rently. The nurse, t the woman would be safe, went for a walk, the baby and woman's three-year-old son, Kenneth, being in the house at the time. Kenneth was shortly after- wards sent with a note by his mother to 102 Steven street, aske ing her sister-in-law to k boy for the afternoon, but He left and did not return. Mrs. Stevens subsequently went to inves- tigats the reason of his fallure to come back, and found the house locked, and later discovered the In Placing Richardson Work- ers Under Arrest WSTICE IS OUTRAGED POLITICAL MENIALS OF MANITOBA PREMIER. Donald Walkinshaw, a Prominent Ansurance Man, Taken Into Cus- tody--=His Friends are Refused Permission to Confer With Him. BY Winnipeg, Oct. 11.--Justice has again Jurday. The i heen outraged by the political menials lof Sir Rodmond Roblin, in the arrest mad: at Rathwell of Donald Walkin- | shaw. This is the second grrest that bas Len made this week, and the lib- «ral snd independent workers support ing R. 'L. Richardsen in thé Macdon- ald bye-electicn campaign fear that Sir Rodmond * will turn his servants iJeose with orders to corral as many of Mr. Richgrdson's supporters as pos gible, so that they may be put out of the way until after election day, Sat story of Mr. Walkin shaw's arrest. was briefly related by E. J. MeMurray, who has been re tained to defend him. Mr. Walkinshaw is western manager of the Western Empire and Accident Insurance com pany, with head offices in this city, end recontly came to the west from Toronto, having Kved for a time Cobalt. He accredited here with tha highest character, \ progressive in politics, Mr. kinshaw volunteered his services two weeks in the campaign for wider markets and freer trade with Great Britain. He was sent to Rathwell to canvass about ten days ago, and was arrested on a charge of ° intimidating electors Mr. Walkinshaw was brought Winnipeg on the Souris train. His friends met him at the station; bul Detective Charles A. C. Ross peremp torily refused to allow him to speak to his fnends. They managed, how ever, to afrange with him to try to secure bail and to get counsel. Mr. MeMurray, his counsel, made an application at the jail for permis sion to eve his client, which was refus ed, and it was discovered® that Mr. Walkinshaw had been rushed off to Portage la Prairie, the evident design being to make it impossible for hab eas corpus proceedings to be taken in this vity. Mr. McMurray, who, with a host of other citizens of this city, is extreme ly indignant at the abuses of power which have been exercised this week concluded his remarks with the fol lowing words: "It is a disgrace, a erying shame, and we, is citizens ol a free and British country, should re sent it. If the law, in the hands of political minwons, fails to protect us, [then we must become a faw unto our selves and be willing to die, if. need be, that we may hand on to our child ren the traditions of Britain unsoiled by tactics of political buccaneers.' The Telegram says that J. J, Sal livan, arrested at Carman a fow days ago on a charge of infractions of the election act, was released yesterday from custody on condition that he re- turn to Saskaschewan and not take further part in the election in Mac donald. The constituency of Macdonald has always been regarded as a conserva tive sironghold, but Since reciprocity becage an issue in the west, party lines, especially in the rural districts, have been altered very materially, with the general result that the con servatives have lost and the liberals have gained, at 1s Wal for ta Two Students Arrested. Winnipeg, Oct 11.+Two Winnipeg law stud nts, canvassing for Richard son, ths oproution candidate in Mae denald, were arrested to-day and lodged in jail here by provincial po lice. This is the last day of this hot political fiyht. Weather will have remarkable effect on the éloctions to-morrow. If it is a fine day, most of the farmers will stick to their thréshing and not bother about voting. "This will offect Richardson seriously. LIVELY TIME IN LIMERICK, Attack Crowd Returning From Anti-Home Rule Meeting. Limerick, Oct. 11.-While the people were leaving an anti-home rule mest ing here last night, they were attack d by a mob of hoodlums. An auto mobile was stashed, and many others were stoned. The people in the cars were compelled to take refuge in the Fost oflice, where a number of win- dows' were broken. The polics repeat edly charged the mob, and used their clubs freely. ipEsTIFIED WHITEY LEWIS As One of the Men Who Fired a Rosenthal. New York, Uet. 1]. Liovasni Stan ish, who was in the Metropole hotel when Herman iosentha! was murder ed, today positively wdentified Whitey Lewis as one of the men who fired the shots which Killed the victim. He was pot sure o jlhe other thivee gun men under arrest. $1 per pair. George Mills & Co. b-- 816.50 ladies , counts for $10 at Men Whig conditions | er 2 | © LAST EDITION. THE DESPERATE TACTICS ~ OF THE ROBLIN FORCES THE 14TH RIFLE MATCHES To be Held at Barriefield on Thankse giving Day. ; will be held at the Barriefield ranges on Thanksgiving day, by the l4th Regiment. In the morning there will be regimental and Power cup matches, the former open to all members of the regiment, ex. cept named members. The latter is open to teams of four previously ramcd members of each company and band. The first event of the after: noon will be the open match, open to all members of the permanent or ace tive militia, civilian rifle association, Queen's University rifle association, end the Royal Military College. Shot concurrently with this will be an open to teams of five from the same. Seventeen prizes. will be offered in the Kirkpatrick up match (regimental grand aggregate of scores in regiment. al and open matches). Extra series at 200, 300 and 600 yards will be shot. Entries unlimited at twenty-five cents; pres, entrance money. tra series of aggregate of best score at 20, 500 and 600 yards will be held Five matches THE PRINCE OF WALES Has Entered for His Course at Ox ford University, London, Oct. 11.--The Prince pt Wales to-day entered Magdalen college, Oxford, as an ordinary freshman except that he Ig accom- panied by hig tutor. It is stated King George favored the Prince running free with the other students but Queen Mary insisted on of tutor accompanying him in his cols lege course He will spend one term at Oxford, then one at Cams bridge, before going on bis Canads - ian tour 3 IMPORTS $1,000,000 a Day. + Growth of Canadian Purchases in United States, . Washingson, D.C, Oet. 11.---Ex rorts from the United States to Canadas are now averaging $1,000,000 5 day. Three years ago they averaged 4 half million dollars a day, and a dozen Years ago they averaged a quarter of a million dollars a day, This large growth in the exports to Canada occurs chiefly in bituminous coal, automobiles. umd other rriages, manufactures of iron and stebl, lume ver, corn and GUonfanuiactured cottons Kingston vs. Gananoque. The Kingston Collegiate . Institute rugby team will meet the team of the Gananoque high school at Queen's athletic grounds . on Saturday afters noon, at 2:80. Ligeup: W, Evans, full back; Brownfield, Cooke and J, Stewart, halves; J, Evans, quarter; HM, Ferguson and Booth, serim- mage; Lyons, Brintnell, C. Toland, RB. Stewart (captain), R. Young and C, Stewart, wings; spares, Githert, Rol» erteon. McKenzie, Wikatley and IL Toland. Will Unveil Monument. The members of the Woodmen of the World, will on Sunday afternoon un. veil a monument at Lstaraqui ceme- tery, in memoty-of the fate William Toner, jr., who was a member of order. The members of the order wil meet at their rooms at 1.30 o'clock, on Sunday afternoon and go out te the cemetery in a body. Stolen Bills at Belleville. Beilevile, Oct. 11.-Beveral of the stolen Bank of Montreal bills taken from the Néw Westminster branch have been detected hore, but so far it has been impossible to ascertain who brought them into the city. Meiselman Costly Milk in Montreal. Mouotreal, Oct. 1].<Local milk men have advised their customers of an in crease in the price of bottled milk to tem cents mn guart, while eream is up ten cents a quart, to Sixty oenta, Black sateen Houses, from 75¢. Dubs tons, ; Chestnuts at Carnovaeky's. MARRIED, SMITH-~BISHOVP In Kin Get, 9th, Wis by Rev, T, at the residence. of the parents, £2 Ontario Street, Olive Bishop to Gordon Smith formerly of Joyreville, ~ ston, Ww on 254 and 208 PRINCESS STREKT, "Phone 147 for Ambulunee. STOVES AND RANGES, The best lot we have ever had; al Dressers, Stands and Beds. Hine" 'Phone "QUEEN BEE" TEA is the highest standafd of Tea Good. ness. No change has been made fn the quality in spite of advanesd prices. No other tea is "just ns Packed fa Ceylon and Imported direct, 4 95. 5 THREE GRADES: 5 1b. Caddie .... .. .. $3.00 each 1-2 1b. and 1 1b. kgs ...... S0c Ib. 1-2 |b. and 1 Bb. pkgs «9c 1b, Also an ex A fu Reasonable prices. At Turks. |

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