Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 7

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YEE DAILY BRITISH INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, f SALARIED , Should save systematically --something every week or month, _{ Happenings in the City and Ficinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. . New figs at Carnovsky's. #1 motor veils, 0c. Dutton's Pears and grapes. Crawford's, | H.W. Snelling went to Montreal on Friday. Special tooth paste, Sargert's rug Store. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAulev's. Phone ? Pears and grapes. Crawford's, { Mr. and Mes. Tunstall and son, Av | nold, left' the city to spend a few days | in Montreal. Babyv's woal bonnets, 25¢. Dutton's J. E. Angin and his sister, Miss Lizzie Anglin, Battersea, left, Friday, for Brandos, Map. : Ladies' up-tgtdate dressmaking, Terms moderate. Miss A. Reyes, 22 Princess street. Men, don't Nie. Dutton's, 1 Blue grapes and pears. Crawiord's, H, Cunningham, piano tuner, || King street. Leave orders at Mc. Auley's book store. i Men's waterproof boots, $2.75. tons, Herman York, toronto, will ten years in the penitentiary criminal assault on a cousin. Linseed Licorice and ( hlorodyne, the guaranteed cough cure, Sargent's Urug Store, Mrs. Frank McGein, street, Hotel Diew hospital, is doing nicely. Music teachers supplied at Dutton's, 2% Princess street. Blue and green grapes. Crawford's. F. Conway, Union street with wife snd two daughters, retugeed home, to-day. from a trip to New York. William McMaster, of Montreal. willl releree the Varsity Ottawa. College | rigly game in Ottawa on Saturday. | "Fresh Huyler's sweets," (ibs ns. | Arthur Sparham steward of tha | steamer America, is spending d.few days at his home, in Brockville "30 new Tabard Inn books." Gib-| n's. Blue grapes and pears. Crawford's. Bandswan Murray, of the Salvation Army band, received word, on Thurs day, of the death of hix mother in England, : Black cloth skirts, £1.39. Dutton's. Alfred Johnson, Farl #reef, has ro turned to the city after spending the nast six months in Claresholm, Alhe, ta. wir hot water bottles are all guar- anteed at Sargent's Drug Siore, "Fresh Huyler's sweets." Gibscn's. | Aon sley Burrowes, forme: ly ~of Kingston, continues to make a hit as a rhort story wriler in the Saturday Evening Post and Collier's Weekly, Men's drawers, all wool, 78¢,. Dut. ton's. Mrs. James Ferguson and daughter, of Sunnyside avenue, Toronto, are spinding a couple of weeks in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- vel Armiel, York street. Mendel"s $15 men's suit sale, turday. 1 Twa boxes of cigars are still gwait ing the holders of tickets 26a and 23), at Kicking Horse Pass booth at the Armouries. W. H. Macnee was the successful winner of the box Thursday night, ' Mendel's $10 turday. Mrs. Con. Millan has returned home, after a visit to her husband in Cal. gary, but will' return again in the course of a month to take up resi dence in that city. Mr. Millan likes the y-anythisg will be saved. which means the blighting 6f dreams and plans for £ Otherwise not like! distress of mind, and the future. Lt A BAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH ' THE BANK OF TORONTO " 2 tubes 2c. at { For your sparg Dollars will help you, 112 Branches in Ontario, Quebec and the West. ABSETS ... ..... - «ov + $57,000,000 # aes EBaere se sy an KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, : i Manager. miss this ! Sweatirs, | Dut sped for «a HOWARD S. FOLGER INVESTMENT BROKER, BONDS AND STOCKS, L ESTATE, INSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN. Attractive Properties for sale, ranging from the modest rot- tage to palatial homes in the best localities in the city and at right prices. OFFICE: No. 44 OLARENCE STREET. BEAUTIFUL HAR AT SMALL cost A Simple Remedy Beautifies the Hale, Cures Dafidrutr, Stops Falling Hair. What a [ty it is to see so many people with thin, wispy hair, faded or streaked with gray, and reclize that most of these people might have soft, glossy, mbundant hair of beautiful col. or and lustre if they would but use the proger weatment. There is no ne- cessity for gray hair under sixty-five vears of age, and there is no excusy {for .anyone;~young or old, having thin straggling hair, either full of dand- ruff or heavy and rsok smdling with excustive oil, : You can bring back the natural col or of your hair in a few days - and forever rid yourself of any dandraff and loose hairs, and make your hait grow strong and beautiful by using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem. ody. For generations common gar: den Sage has been used for restoring and preserving the color of the hair; the Sulphur is recognized hy Sealp Specialists gs being excellent for treatment of hair and scalp troubles, If you ame troubled with dandruff or ftehing scalp, or if your hair is losing its color or coming out,, get n fifiy cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist, and no- tice the improvement in thu appear ance of your hair after a few days' treatment. Agent, G. W. Mahood. ¢ § oT" HIGH-GRA x of Pembroke "Phone No. 995. | ---- 2 HOTEL Sg FRONTENAC KINGSTON'S ~ BEST HOTEL Sa | ! i 1 ele laces conte, Sa WATCHES " LION = MOUSE | PRICES Leo QUEEN'S ATRLETIC COMNITE, | | i ! who was operatéd upon in the | | WHIG, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1942. PAGER SEVEN. TA. gm (GRAND X OPERA ) WOUSE SATURDAY, OCT. 12 atinee at 230, Evesing at Nas The Lyceum Themtre, New York, Sue- v ve | CONDENSED A DVERTISING RATES ------ Ie a word, Each con- 4 | First tnsertion | secutive lasertion . thereafter i one lusertion, 285¢; three Insertions,' A NOTABLE CAST, Be: wiz, $1: one month, 83. j COMPLETE SCENIC EQUIPMENT. 942, 56, The. vi ~--~20, 50, 735, $1.00. Seats now on sale, a a Na CARD OF THANKS. and family desire friends who have iy shown their . tip LGIRLS WANTED. uring their sad te the Jackson Fireet, { HELP WANTED. YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN sip ping room, Apply, Mahood Bros BOYS BOWLING Apply, Ffostenac Clab | 3 | : ALL I. Grant te their many and gener to them Mrs thank kindly cympuathy [PIN APPLY, AT ONCE Press, Wellington bereavement AP. | A HOUSEMALID: GOOD WAG 1 In iY, at once, to Y.W.( INSon slreet ES, ho. § SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEFART ment; steady job to the right kind of boy Apply, Business Ottice | Whig. ; i BULLETIN FOR UNIVERSITY DAY Wedirfesday, October, 16th ANNUAL GAMES, Beginning at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Throwing Hammer, Running, Jumping, ete. Queen's II. vs. RM.C. 1, same day at 3 p.m. First apd one of the, best games of the season. i For.the two evenls the admission | {to- all parts' of athletic: grounds is | only 25 cents. SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 19th, QUEEN'S VN. OTTAWA, Game begins at 2 Admission, 25¢; Grand Stand, 50c; GENERAL SERVANT: NO ply, in the evening | Robertson, $2 Lower | A GOOD washing, Ap Mrs McK Union Street { { mr ---------------- -------- a 3 DAY AND LPWARDS MADE BY inexperienced salestmerd or women on our Xmas goods: samples free send postage, twenty cents. J. L.| Nichols Co. Toronte, Canada { GENERAL SERVANT, ar] ne washing or ironing Ap- | ply, between 7 and 8 in the even | ing. to Mrs. Sherman, 313 Uni.| versity Avenue Goon once 35¢; 7 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding | for newspapers; no avassing. Bend for particulars, Prues Syndl- cate, 3.9680 Lockport: N.Y. ir | - . Seats, Tic. [aN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE y E MAID; who thoroughly understands cook | ing. alse young girl about 15 or | 16 to help with work and who car | sleep at home, Apply, Mrs 0. ¥ | Armstrong, Aberdeen Street i' Ruarantee that every (in ONF | ff "Crossed Fish" Sardines' con- ains the finest selected auiumn caught fish. carefully cured and packed in pure olive &il the highest grade obtainable We also guarantee that 'Crossed Fish Sardines are packed in our own factories in patent solderless sanitary tins and that' the uimost eare and cleanliness are rigidly enforced under éxy supervision in stages of manufacture Stavanger Preserving Co. Origi ors and First Inteodur. ers of Norwegian Sa ANNOUNCEMENT. order to. correct the misunder. in"the mind of the public the Painters. now on strike are not allowed to accept orders for work ~we desire to state that sucn fs not the case We are prepared execute all orders for, painting, paperhanging etc, in 'the latest style, best quality and finish, statements to the contrar: nowithstanding. A postal card mailed to any of the journeymen will receive prompt and careful attention PAINTE * UNION N NC of all TOWN: REST start at onoe large demand for 8 assvred - Elim Cempany, Portland, Oregon i i 1 i | 425 | an | clawn IN EV ¥ TOWN i salary and expenses commis | sion: must be aetive, ambitious i | nN WANTED, or energetic, splendid opporiunity former - experience not n gsary write for particulars 2h. Creo Cempany, London, Ont he ¥ | CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES ties, Scoteh, English and Irish party arriving about October 12th and fortnightly after The Guild il Drummond Street Montreal snd 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto Ont est basemen CANADIAN GOVERNMENT WANTS Haliway Mall Clerks, Mail Car. riers, Post Office Employees many appointments coming: ex. cellent saliriés: write immediately for full particulars Franklin In.| mitute, Dept. §61 8. Rochester, | PAINTERS In standing viz, that to ---- TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE receiied by the BRecretary-Treasurer of the Kingston Healties Limited Boura of Trade Chambers, Kingston Ont, up to Twelve o'clock noon, Fri. dav, October 18th. 191% for the ex. tension of the Stephen Street Sanitary : In tne City of Kingston. Plans neafiles and specifications may be seen and all Information obtained at seigineer on and after Monday, October | Office. of the Secretary or he SITUATIONS VACANT. MAGAZINE MON AG either sex, to steady, SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS for the Clty of Kings. permanent position large profits; exclusive territory experience preferred. but uwnneces say. write qlick Wm. Dawson & Bons, td, $1 Church Street, To. ronto i i { * the MEDICAL. 14th Au accented cheque able to the Secretar accompany each 3 Jhe lowest or any sarily accepted Ali tenders must be supptied by the Engin GEORGE TE -------------------------- CLARENCE A, HOWARD, M.D. ' Physiclan and Surgeon, Dona'd| Bireet, Napanee, nt. P.O. Box 252 for $100.00 r~Treasurer, as security tender not neces pay- must 1 { special form | r RIGHT Engineer MACNER, Sec. Treas st, Nose, Throat and Ear, Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Sun- day, 2 2 to 4, and by JH cent a ward. Minimam charge for i= | | | | ANYONR ANYWHERE CAN _START | wm {POWER & SON, | l. | | IMMEDIATELY, 'Phone 1% | SHORE REPAIRING { } DR. FREDERICK 'A. CAYS, SPECIAL | Wellington Street, corner Johnson. | E PEOPLE'S FORUM MRINDLE night 104 Bagot FRIDAY sapphires Armouries, Tuesday Piease leave it with ningham, 21 King St on supper night Henry Cur reed. Finder "4 FINANCE AND INSURANCE. => Agent 16% Wellington 80; ent e o % Life, Accident ngs Health Policies Issued. ---- ey ina op---- GARDINER. FIRE, Insurafite and Cus- Real Estate and a share of your hy §7 Clarence 'Phone BATEMAN ® Life. Accident toms Broke, Money to business Street, Kin 308. n. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Boclety, established 1583: president: Li.Col Henry R. Smith money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al. lowed 8. C. MeGlil, 87 Clarence Street. Manager, LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avajlabie assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for Security the unlimited lability of CILy property {insured at jowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business gel rates from Strange & Strange Agents. 'Phone 325. USINESS CHANCES. a mall order business at home: po own boss canvgssing: be your tells how. v Send for free booklet; Heacock. 2.968 Lockport HENRY P. SMITH, ARCRITROT, BTC, 258 King Street. 'Phons 345. NEWLANDS & wON, ARCMI- tecis, ete Offices, 268 Bagot ®t 'Phone 608 . ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Ba n Bulldin corner Brock and Wellington Sireets, drop a card WANTED--GENERAL. TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS, Cox. venient te college phone Apply ¢ Box 110, Whig office A SMALL FARM T0 EXCHANGE Fon & city property McCann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock Streot FURNISHED DW FELLING, ® OR rooms; also a smaller one, Cann Real [Estate Agency, Brock Street 0» « 8 NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPINC machinery: will pa Need, brice for same ritish Whig™ 'ublishing Company. TEN ny ™o suitable muxt Box LAD for conve 109 threes po housekeeping to street cars fice ent wi be No Or EVERY Di. scription; first class work; best: leather only used; one trial will suffice, Bing 'our repairs [5] Beott's; 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West FOR THE WRIST "THE GUARANTEED Kino " THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It 8 crowing louder as he goes along Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. appointr-ent { (IMMEDIATY -- ! threg DENTAL. A. EB. KNAPP, BA, LIDS, nns, ~ moved to 258 Princess Street. | October 1912 ELY, Kingston 11th, Removal Notice. western country fine and will remain there. Children's sweaters, from 50c. ton"s. Miss Jessie Reid, of Kingston, will take the leading role in "The Yeo "Phone S14 1 ' har Dut No 109 Wt LISTINGS ho ™o 1 IE FOR SALE. A BLACK ANI TAN FOX HOUND two Years old. a dandy Apply te 531 Albert Street 190 LOADS OF GOOD CLAY. APPLY at corner of Markland and Patriek Streets, or Norman & Webb A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK Sideboards, the best we have ever & reasonable price at 'Phone 706 a T OF PART LOT RIGH- Joyeevilie, formerly krowa Igorm property apply d Rireet, Kingston THREE PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE in excellent condition: new tres: 4 reasonable offer accepted, Apes ply to H. W. Day, Morcoft, King Street W iE SOUTH.EAS teen FOR Iv ro. 8 model home, twenty acres fand: all kinds of fruit; alse acres of land in New Ontario. tire " Dr. Jake, Satterses, « 10 On ---------- er -------------- ElGHT nénsr POWER MOTOR (direct current: also seven.-soom brick Albert Street; ims» provements just remodelled, With barn Apply, BE. Wathen, 47 Mack Etreet, hone $84 TENTS CANO fishing tagk house FLAGS, AWNINGS, camuing outfits, marine supplies, lunch ote, Knglish raincoats, sverythin, in canvas, kit bags, silk ténts, b a, moter boat suppl Frank W. Cooks, 39 Clarence 'Phone 891 or 28 T DRIVE HOUSE; TWO LOTS AND sight: a snap for splendid building quick huyver FARM IN MAXITONA, CLOSE TO RR. for sale or exchange for properiy In this vicinity e ha, 8 ROOMS; NIOR 0 : LINGS . IN ronTs. th AN & GARDINER, 67 CLAR- ance Phone 386 Kingston, Ont. Arr Y Yo FinRNisu 1656 King FlRNISHED 1435 King Stree HO Sy Arey, 1 FR. Princess St FRONT nished DROOMS, Apply at nE NICELY 1 184 " F - OFFICES IN TELEGRAPH Apply, © RB Kirkpatrick Rtree! HEATED Build 2 "noe STORAGE FOR FURNITY RE, MER. cthandise, ote: clean and dry. Me. Cann, 8 Brock Street LARGE URNISHRED nRooM wIiTK or 'without board; all mo n " yeniences. near City Park. 3» Wellington Street FURNITURS, ULBA oms, aboslutely your own lock and Oy Storage, 199 Queen HOUSE, STORAGE FOR dry, alry ro roof; rost's 'Phone SITTING, on ground entrance; sisg om Apply, PRIVATR room and Redpoom with 'prifate upstairs bedr " Whig office SPREE offices np. off down. Fe King CONGRESS BALL, KING Flats and brigh alry 3 lee -- OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH wiTnour DRUGS Rn, &. Asheraft, DO. 136 Wellington S¢ Officn hours: 10 to 12 by. «rf ointment, Croft, DY Hours Office 'phone, 447 phone 1,08 CATERER, ~m. Residence ny furnished isekeoping street fice ° rn AT A NACLEANS, man of the Guard," to be given hy aris the Toronto Cofumbian Conservatory in the Royal Alexandra in Toronto, later in the season. Baby's wool coats from B50c. ton's It had been hoped that Hon. W. R Hearst, minister of mines in the Whit. H ney govermment, would have heen pres 'nt at the fall eanvoeation at Queen's University, but unfortunately he had to cancel thy arrangement. "Red Cross Cough Syrup," the king of cough syrups. Gibson's. The following ladies' nanws were omitted from last Wednesday's report of the high tea soryed by the Meth. odist Indies at the Festival of the Fm. pire : Mes. Brebner, Mrs. W. Spooner end: Miss M. Greaves. The greatest variety of operatic and popular music at Dutton's, 209 Prin. cess street. The X.W.C A. held its first gymnas- jium class at Queen's gymnasiom on Thursday evening, under the direct ion' of James Hews, physical" director at the college. 'Ihe class was the larg- pest the Y.W.C A. has ever hold. Men's" flosce-lined . vests, 50c. ton's. {8 FPARKS & SPARKS, Dentists, Have moved to thelr New Offices, 158 Wellington Street, corner Brock, over. Carnovsky's. LT RT $6.75, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $35.00, $40.00, $45.00, $30.00, $60.00, $75.00 AND $180.00 EACH. LET US SHOW YOU 'WHY OURS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. / PATENTS. ™. _ HERBERT J. 8. DENISON REGISTERED ATTORNEY, (formerly of Fetherstonhaugh Dennson & Co.) 18 Years' Experience in Patents and Practical Engineering, Star Bg. 18 King St. W_, Terente Dut- | | | | R. J. RODGER Diamond Merchant (Formerly Spangenberg's) ONE TABLET sufficient for TWO PERSONS Free Demonstration : AT 2 A. GLOVER'S ALL THIS WEEK. Telling Distance by Sound. There is an old saying that if you | can count five between the flash and the thunder you are safe. Mod ern science tells us that if you can see. the durh at all yo» are safe because if it struck you you would have no time to sec it. The speed of lightning is atout 180 times that of sight, 'The old idea was that if you could count five the storm was a mile 'Away, which was considered a sats distance. Sound travels at the rate of 1143 feet a second. about a 'mile in five seconds. In order to count seconds accurately, many photoghars start by saving to them. selves: "No ¢ thousand, one jone thousand, twd one thousand, three one thousand." ete. This ou about ey right Mate between each eount one, two ete. If stop at the ra of seconds, ou UPHOLSTERY, OILCLOTH, CARPET LAYER, Repairs Furniture In all Styles. Rates Reasonable. Drop a Card or Call. | EASY HOUSECLEANING. Housecleaning becomes easy when you let us help you. We clesn or*dye a host of house: hold articles. Send for list Dut | ~Major H. P. Bray and Mrs. iy. went to England on Friday at noon, where the former will attend a vourse of instruction. In his absence, Sergt. W. Hopkins will be acting ser fgeant-major of "A" battery, R.UC.H.A. I Ses our bargain wil case, $1.50. 'Dutton's. Corks and 'rubber rings at Sa ; Drug Store atginl $450--A lot' 40 x 135, _lemding part of city. | $1,300--A house in northern General ¥. w. son, who have short visit with the former's brother, Benson and Miss Hen- ing another street, left for Montreal on Frida noon, before sailing for their home 1 here wax to the con AND SPARKS, SPARKS § ftreet, Kingston | . { 169° Wellington "Phone 248 DR, C, C, NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. 0 | Weicker, - assistant, 133 Princess | Street. 'Phone 735 | S. Bi. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT, | ist, corner Princess and Bagot. | Entrance on Bagot Strest. Tele- Phone 626 { / { DRO ' Caretaker, office cleaning nases, ete PERSONAL, CARD TO MH. STEELE 38 Clarence Street, for attending far. to | | HAR, MOLES, WARTS, - BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently without 27 experi. eune Eye Ear, xin Specialist, SCRr; years' Dr. Elmer J Lake, Nose. Throat and 258 Bagot Street. TO NEW PASTOR OF CALVARY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Representatives of the First and Bethel Churches: Brought Greet. thgs--Rev. Mr. Butler Made an Address in Reply. The congregation of Calvary Con gregational church tendered a formal reception to Rev, 8. T. Butler, on Thursday evening. The chair was oe- cupied by Wallace Gilmer, the church secrotary, who, in welcoming the new pastor, hoped thai the change from his former position in E ginnd was: as welcome to. hm a arrival gs gregation. He re marked on the sacrifice of their new i DENTISTS | 1.50 black underskirts, $1. Dut Want to time. With = little Prac- | preacher, who was leaving home and | olonel T. Henson and wife, kK i i s. The annual fall congress of the Sal: vation Army will take phce in To- AD, nasi work. djatant Allen, a local corps, wi present at t services, and it i at al number of the members of the lotal will also attend. Satufday's Whig. Saturday's Whig will sadable Articles. The b | Jot a mile for each seco tice with a watch le you, tals is accurate wp to half a' minute of more. : If you see a steam whistle blow. dng and note the instant it stops you count the seconds until you Jose the sound and by allowing a fifth nd you ean Judge of the distance. The same is truc of gums, or an explosion, or even of hammering or any loud sounds. : The man who buys his Liende gen * Jota Gibeoa' A al - Al ih » friends in the old land to re-adjust himsell t6 pow friends and surround. mgs in this country. He assured the preacher of the heartiest welcome, not otily from CUsivary, butdrom the oth. er Cengregati rehes in the aly, Songs and recitations by several of the vousg were given, also an r. Rev. E Rice gave a short addiess, . i Mr. Butler on behalf of Congregational charch. Mr. and Mes, B. W. Robert - son and Mes. A. P. Mershon conveyed #* tinge ler, in oepl he spoaches ir. dior, ¥ fet chamois vests " world's n stage, hut it Incke ria, E, = J When oblies Gail" take Giieon's i Cross € = : 0 rerty solic] ed and Avenues , THAT I WILL BUY Il kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; see me before anyone eise J. Thompson, 3123 Princess Street, next St. Andrew Church. 'TAKE NoTIC a DETACHED oR TTACHED iouse of from . ms; price not to exceed $3,000; will pay half cash; give full particulars and where house may he seen. Apply to Box 45, Whig office SEMI-DE hb to B GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date sults Price and work- manship guaranteed please, Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallo- way, 31 Brock Street, near to « Ei Wedding : i To PARTIES, Breakfasts Banquets Rent Dishes able BHverware Reid & Phone $43 or 30% BALLS alse and k mbroo RUSINKSS NOTIOR, - -- PIA ------------------ COALS! COALS! COALSI=WHY PAY ich high coal bills when you oan ® Kas for rooking? [gop a eard to David Marshall, 191 wean Bireet, for prices on Kas Insialle. > tion ANDRE'S CEMENT rement nike snd norete work; win ge gravel iI dn repair € himneys TRY ona * Mixer ¢ All kinds handle plastering Wilitam RELES Or your of Si rent UPHOLSTERER. W. J Gave nairing UVPHOLSTERING, ne. Carpet work, hair mas. tress renovating. - Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Strent 12, BARRIST. NE, nnd r------------ CUNNINGHAW a mup Balicgi ora ers and ESTABLISHED 1866 Bithy's Livery. It is Burn spending but ob best results with | law Office, 71 n Clarence Btreet, Kingsto ---- IS ECONOMY ? neither saving or taining the east delay. our Coa FT and address by them, also the sympa thy extended to him 'in Bis late he reavemienit. He aleo expressed his de rite 10 be of help, mote éspecially 10 the young people The reception came to an early close and all welcomed their pastor with the hand of fellowship before dis persing. ------------ N Soft Hass. : See our showing, $1.50, 82, RW, § Campbell Bros., the style centre for men's hats. : Grmpes and Peprs, Preserving pears and grapes. Craviond's. . J aprile, A better . Saturday. Hever to have EE -- Billy's Accident. Renfrew Journ W. C. Carruth «Ml has to ue ths crutches a Nitle, but thic "one ought to make ham laugh enough to throw the sticks BWAY. A Pembroke friend met ithe genial ily" on the last day of the Sust fair ~ horpilel, " "Heard vou were fu the Bill," says the Psmbroke man. "¥en," was the reply. "I had to have the cartilage taken from my ges SM hase . > "Well, now." says the person frown pectoral Pembroke, 'sure amid | didn't sven hear you were shot I" Soe Mendd's windows for Saturday tet be Mi pte ee

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