Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1912, p. 5

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" '1 | OF THE "SPOILERS." | i NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR HIE NET." By Rex Beach, Author of "The Barrier," "The Silver Horn," and "The Spoilers." Just issued, an intensely thrilling tale, in the sw eep- ing, vigorous style, for which Rex Beaeh is famous. Beautifully Illustrated and Artistically. Bound, * Price $1.25. Grler a copy at once from R. UGLOW:& COMPANY 141 Princess Street | | THE OVERCOAT SHOP QL. This is the time you think of Overcoats. Lambert's shop Is the place you @ 14 go to, He has a good selection of fabrics and will make a coat #o°puit you at a very reasonable price. T. LAMBERT Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St. » Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance -- Agent for ---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance (oy. OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. MARKET Sa - i. ¢ i y7 2 'Chocolate Temes BUY GUARANTEED STOCK. Only a few Shares ($50 each) of the Stock of the Great Gult Lands, Limited. Stock can be exchanged for land if desired. It is expected that every share will be worth four times its present value in three or four yea:s!™ No dompany can pay the dividends that a Land Company can ply. It can't go bankrupt for the iand will always be them an ever-intreasing asset. The Company bought at the beginning of A big land boom in the southy, Make your dollars work so that you may take it easy later on. What is 3 per cent. in the bask com pared with quadrupling your money in four of five years? ' «Free literature on application. J. 0. HUTTON 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. Solid brick, nine rooms, electric lighting, hot water heating, on car line, close to schools and Queen's College. House practically new. Double . Jot. Excellent location. Corner Union and Froutenac Streets. J. K. CARROLL 14 Market Si. Real Estate and Insurance. 'Phone 68. Residence 874. ; | 132and 134 Princess St. KE 1 oe i . THB DAILY BRITISH WHNG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1012. UTILITIES COMMITTEE THINKS UNDUE DISTURBANCE HAS BEEN MADE By Board of Health Over City's Water Supply--What Prof. Con- nell's Report Shows--To Ask Provincial Inspector to" Report. The members of the Utilities come! mitte, with Mayor Hoag, considered the question of the hest method of purifyiog the city's water.-on Monday afiern oon. This was the first meeting since th: Board of Health, last week, deiided, after a lapse of (wo weeks over the period of time allowed the ity Council to take steps to progide for the purification of the water sup- «ly, to report the council's inactivity o the Provipeial Poard of Health. It is 0) vious that, though ths Utili bios committee, as a body, had not eriously considered the matter, a rreat deal of interest has heen going n among ths individual members. A resolution was passed on Monday out- lining the progress of the committee, hat it had under its consideration bh: pocessity of filtration or sewage d'sposal systems, and with this end in iew hed instructed the chairman and energl manager to communicate with bs Provincial Health department and isk for. the services of the district b ath officer, for consultation and re xrt upen the came, d a report from Prof. W.T. Copnell, on th: city water supply, which show- d the true condition of the water at the tavs. Tests were to be made on onves from the shore, and intake npe., \ De. Conpell reported that since May Ist to October J2th of this year, twen- y-four samples of cjty water had been aken from the tap in Queen's labora- ory and examined. In only ome of hese samples (October 2nd) has been ourd any bacteria of intestinal ori- [*rin, when tested in J C.E. amounts. Fourteen were free from bacteria in 100 C.E. amounts, while nine have shown these bacteria in 100 CE. amounts, but not in amounts of 50 "E. or under. Water before chlorina- icn shows intestinal bacteria in at least one-fourth of samples of 10 CE, mounts), and Calways in 50 CE. unounts. Water open to pollution be fins to be aA mengee when bacteria arc resent, -consistently in 10 CE. wounts, and mengce becomes greater he smaller the amount of water which ontaing these pacteria. Chloripation f water, evan in small amounts now ised, has beem satisfactory in that nly ¢na sample of twenty-four shows hess intestinal 'bacteria in amounts f 50 C.F. or under. Further evidence a afford:d by absence of any water married disease during the past sum- ner. ' L. The" commitiee was of the opinion hat the Hoard, of Health had made due disturbance over the matter of he water, when it was in a satisfac ory condition, as the report of Dr. 'ounell indicated. The chairman said hat h: ecnsidered its action ill-advis- 4, whn it went on shaking up the matter, without sufficient duta. This was the first TEN CENT BOX OF "CASCARETS" insures Yon for Months Against a Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation or a Bad Stomach. Put aside--just once--the Salts, Ca thartic - Pills, Castor Oils or purga- tive waters which merely fone al passagewsy through the howels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or atim- entarv organgy and have no effevt whatever upon the liver and ston ach. Keep your fnside organs pure and fresh with Cascarvets, which thorough- Iv cleanse the stomach, remove the undigested, sour and fermenting food and lowl gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the aystom all the constipated waste mat ter and poisons fn the intestines and bowels. & A Cascaret to-night will make yon feel great by morning. They work while you sleep--never gripe, sicken and cost only 10c. a box from your druggist. Millions of men and wo- men take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Bilibusness, coated tongue, Judigestion, Sour Stomach. or Constipated Bowels. Cas- carets belong in every household. AMPLE MILLINERY at WHOLESALE PRICES. | © 19200 SAMPLE HATS "| "Beavers, Velours, Pressed Beavers, etc. Trimmed and Untrimmed. Children just love to take them. The chairman, Ald. Rigney, present | iperday in the harbor, at stated dis- | report of the water's, | conditidn th or) brought up. The treatment of the wg ! ter with chlorine has insured compara- tive safety. At the time of the Board | of Hea'th's recommendation, the | chairman held, there was shsolutely | since maiter w | no record to justify it, as the water | did pot warrant agitation. Ald. Ross believed that the city wae in a good position at the present) but now is the time to fortify itself against any trouble. He said thal i i { when the last trouble was being ex- | perienced with the intake pipe, and | the people were greatly inconveni | enced, Kingston's water supply was in as bad a condition as that of Ot tawa at tue recent typhoid epidemic. | He eail the thanks of the citizens was due 0 the late Ald. Carson, for the attentign he gave the trouble at the time, pl That the installation of a sewage disposal system is the only way to rectify the trouble, is the opinion of Ald. Harrison, and he stated his views to the committee in no un-! certain tones. He had personally communicated with Hr. McCullough. the proviocial health officer, and asked questions regarding the sol- ution ~f the trouble. This official gssured him that the "key to the situation' lav in the proper disposal of the (itv sewage, apparently that, ! with -a filtration system, the water bad ic he treated with a chemical, {#8 is being now dome in the city. The alderman had asked how the i sewage from the boats and steam. | !ers in the harbor would affact this,' ~ and was assured that nature would take care of this. Dr. McCullough also siut<d that in a short time the, law would be enforced making all | munici; a 'ties take care of its sew- age, and water supply. Ald. Har- |3ison contended that it was the | height of folly to continve pouring this contamination into the harbor. and expect to have safe water. He held that the city has to face the problem of th~ disposal of the sew- | age. Of course it would be expen- | give, but it would be to better ad-!| 'vantage to exprnd, say, $200,000 on a proper solution of the trouble than one quarter of the amount on #n inferior and unsatisfactory sys-! tem. | Ald. Ross was inclined to think that sewdg~ disposal' and filtration systems both would be necessary t ensure absolute safety. He also gives an-ear 0 the question whether | the sewage from other places flow- ing throngh these waters has not to be considerad. He said, that Dr. Maloney, the newly appointed dis- trict h-a'th offcer,, would be hh valuable man for advice on the' subject. He is to be a resident 4n ¢ Kingston. | | A). Bailey disagreed with the | chairman. The city had had ex- pariences and did not want a repet- ition of such. He, with Alds. Shaw | ana Harty, considered it a matter; for expert advice, and no steps to be taken until such were secured The committe: will recommend to council a $100 increase in salary to William Cullen, head éngineer sat the waterworks. Mr. Cullen ap- pliad for the increase. W. H. Wood- row. night fireman at the = water- works, also asked for an increase, and adiustment of wages, which was left in the hands of the gen- eral manager. The apnlication from the Kingston Realties that the city pul in the water and lighting om Stephen street, wilere its new houses are to | I ba recommended to council. . The Realties will do the work. ! The members of the board present | were Alds. Rignev. (chairman),' Ross, Harrison, Bailey, Harty, | Shaw. | ! Italian Broke Leg. 'onto, leader of the liberal opposition | Autonomy and Imperial Unity. C\ ih 1 - Children's sizes, 8 to 10 1-2,-in Pateals, Tans, and Gun Metals at So Every Girl in Town Wants Them. " Gua Metal " " Patent " Infants' size 5 to7 1-2, in an Button Boots, sizes 11 to 2, $3.00 to $3.50 i $2.75t0 $3:50 * $3.00 $2.50 Gun Metal and Tans, $1.85 and $200 " ABER ¥ THE SELF-GOVERNMENT ------ OF CANADA 1S CORNER STONE . OF IMPERIAL UNITY, Address x "Canadian Autonomy and Imperial Unity" by N. W. Rowell, K.C., Before Queen's Theological Alumni Conference. Queen's theological alumm confer- ence, together with a large gathering of students and citizens on Monday ev ening in Convocation Hall, listened with close attention to a splendid ail dress by N. Wi. Rowell, K.C., of Tor in the provincial house, on ""Uanadian Autanomy and Imperial Lpity." After being briéfly introduced, receiving an enthusiastic welcome from the awd ience, Mr. Rowell proceeded to shaw | In a most practical way how Canada's self assertion as a unit in the empin had tendered to strengtnen the ties of imperial unity, 'The late Principal Gragt, he said, was one of the pion ers in the study, and presenting to the public the subject of "Canadian If we pause and think over events in recent years, we find Canada assert ing her autonomy more and more as one of the portions of the empire. It was thought at first that the asser tion of autonomy would tend to bring about a separatist idea in the minds of the people. It wus going too far, many thought, to speak of Canada as a nation. Wé ate now recognued both here and in the mother country as such, not as a result of legislation to that' effect hut simply the asseftion ol our national status on the ope hand and the recognition of it hy the moth. iii _ NETHY'S Confectionery | of the choicest sort, Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lightfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child, SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 to TOYE'S BREAD you use it? Is all that good bread shod H@% Do It not, give it a trial. er country on the other, Just as om ' status has improved, however, so much | | greater has grown our love and loy alty toward the empire. We are Nani ons by. descent and we have the Brit on's love of self-government. No you + be built, was approved of, and will find that where the Briton is allowed | to govern himsell, the larger his Lib. erty, the greater his loyalty. | The'granting of responsible govern { ment was strongly opposed by thos who considered it fatal' to the wynily of the empire. Others, on the other hand believed that only by the grant. | ling of responsible government could | K AAA Fancy Paper Boxes, Cléthiers, Hatters, {KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff; old and Farriers; b | Fr R. H. TOYE & CO. po Ans Sad Proprietors) for Milliners, Tailors, Confectioners, An Italian, employed on the rail- imperial unity be established. 'The self i road construction canip, near Long government of Lanada is the corner | Lake. suffered a broken leg on stone. ol umperial unity "Monday, while he was engaged in| The one idea is that of the central doing some work in a cut near that ization of authority; the other weing | place. A large stone fell from the the granting of authority to the out side of the bank, alighting on his lying units and making them one with ! leg and breaking it very badly. He {the empire by their devation. The was brought to the city on Tuesday (More you irust the people the greater | morning over 'the Kingston and [their devotion. ~ Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Faney Goods. Hard ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. }iis to raiss the semior Pembroke railway and conveyed to | the general hospital where the in-! jured leg was attended to. { To Turn on the Light. i Manager Folger stated on Tuesday morning, that he expected the electric light would be turmed on in Ports | mouth in a couple of weeks. The city | has constructed about ope mile of poles and wires in order to supply the r village with lighting. There have been | applications lor twenty-five meters and the contractors have been wiring the houses, 'The next extension of the city's hghting system will he Catara. qui, Calldd a Meeting. The executive of the S.5.A. AA. has beets called to meet at the YN.UX., om Wednesday evening. 'I'hig is a very important meeting and every school should have representatives at it if they intend to enter a team in the basketball gers. Ihe Y.M.C.A. have set aside Tuesday evening for the use of the 3.8. AAA. and the executive wants Lo start the series as soon as possible. To Raise Y.M.C.A, Membership. The ins, R. H. Ward, Ham- ilton Edgar, H. D. Wightman, Fred Haffner, and Richard Atkinson, and young men engaged in the member. ship campaign to be conducted by the Y.M.C.A,, from new until end of the month, met and had sup- per at the "Y" on Monday evening. | There are five teams. and the object Canada's relation to the empire iy | considered under three heads. Impes ial organization, imperial trade and imperial defence. The first the <veak. ! or showed had during the past {ow years reached a high state of perfeét ion in the colonial conterence which is now a body represented by each unit of the empire having regular meetings and a regular organization. This con ferepce recognizes. the entity...of . the colonies as sell governing dominions and units of the empire. The speaker also dwelt on the trade] and defence relations showing the de | velopment of these also had bee along lines which lYended to make! Candda a nition. Mr. Rowell closed with a splendid tribute to the pat | riotism of Canada and an 'enthusias | tic eulogy of the - great empire : which ye are one of the sélf-govern i ing unfls. i Principal Gordon in very fitting | terms moved a resolution of thanks | to Mr. lowell lor his interesting, i structive and glogquent address ° spoke m sturing terms of what "the flag meant: to ue and our responsibil ity in maintaining its place in the British empire. The resolution was seconded by (i. M. Macdonoell in which he "éxpresped admiration for the ad- dress but thought that Mr. Rowell should hd¥e discuksed the naval gilu- ation as it was in 1912, and the rela: tion that Canada should bear to the i { } i Of | 1 W Office and Factory KINGSTON. : King Street West si, Electric Restorer for Men estores Deore; teusos rosin wi - ema *eainois ad by a i wil Walled to aay sddrems.- Fhe Boshotl Dreg #4. Catharines, Out. F6t sale af Mabood's drug store. royal navy. Circumstances had chang ed the situation very largely Mr Macdonnell said that he followed My. Borden very caretuily in his addresses wy bogland and be conenrred that Chnada should make a sperial emer gency grant. The whole resources i Capada should be put at the back of Britam in what he regarded as a crisis in the history of the British empire. Mr. Rowell, in reply, brought rounds of applanse when he declared that he had. sought to avoid controversy snd in any case he did not care to discuss the matter as it stood at present in view of the fad that the premier had not yet stated his position in regard to the matter. It would have been presumption on his part to have con- sidered the issue belore the prime min. ister had spoken. KING Y | A GRIMASON HOTEL las changed hands and has n. thoroughly renovated and refurnished RFS . Menls a Speclaity, Bar stocked wilh Hquors aEd cigars Best yard and stables In otty JOHN COUSINEAU, rréprietor, * choicest | | i SOMETHING USEFUL i v 4 2 IN A FOLDING BED. fakes ap wvery Hite room nakes a double bed 2: a mom. notice, and niw » 3 BISSELL'S CARPET SWEEPERS, The kind to ask {or at | JAMES REID'S. The Leading Undertaker, Phone 714 virtuous mind iu A wie pally i ie fae Taunt TR

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