THE DAILY BRITISH WHIU. THU RSPAY. JCTOBER 17, 12, ITE LATEST TIDINGS! THEY RIDE TO SCHOOL. | MONKS WERE ROBBED. THE MINYAN MAN. f i "Consolidated" System a Boon 10 Ginsing Worth $500 Pillaged at Oka | Unique Profession Found Amongst the | | Manitoba Children, i Monastery, ! i Asx a consequence of the scattered } population of Manitoba, what is, in the Two Mountain diz | i stepce for & amber of | ! known as "Consolidation of Bchools" | iret save in the Trappists c¢rchards in some of influential syna- | | The Whig's Daily Condensation o; | has been brought forward. Comsolida- 1, 8t Je acph's nd other surroubsdin metr ropolis is that of a| | : { { : i | | PAGE ELEVEN. | B_ BLAKE THOMPSON, ' Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance| -- Agent for-- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance toy: | OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. = MARKET SQUARE... "Phone 1288. : KINGSTON, ONT. PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFESY POSSII'LE FORM. lar pest has ruined the | tion simply means the merging of two | ijl ces the apple trees have suffered | "miny on the News of the World From Tele or more small, ineff . 5 nt school dis-1; be § ti jeadly slug ae '" bh is of] graph Service and Newspaper Ex |, | : Na { immensely from the deadly slug. re | "minyan," which is of] ricts into one larger and 'more effi-| The Trap pist Monks, through the | Hebrew origin, denotes a qui rum/ of | changes. clent one. 1atpe. @ g n ors to | ; ¢ ient one, large enougl in Buber: to! work of one of their members, Rex ton aduit males above age of thir- produces a4 3C eet, gr: ded, if Passi e. | Fath er Leopold, the bhorticultunist, | teen necessary to attend 4. place of € I¥ and spirit 80 st 5 at | A y : hl Wilh emergy ana si 0 strong What | ong one of the youngest and most dis- { worship to enable a service to be ful William Smith, Owen Sound, charg | with added life, good work can be tinguished Fathers of that sustere or; | ly and properly conducted--in other | | i led with the murder of Geovze Green, [was acquitted. , Lhe subsaied steamship service be {tween Vancouver and Mexico has been | discontinued. St. Catharines is asking for au done and oo eh i errit i lone and large enough in territory | qo iter vi siting many of the leading | words, the ier pamber of wor that th " on may that orden 4 Jaxati ja 2 Tug | orchards in Burdpe last year discover. | shippers for a complete eo ngregal ipn- # 00 € . i ax ie. 8 ie : 3 {ed a remedy for the many dtadly en- | ul service. Unlesy ten or more are jp 1 5 OC O v ay Produce oil ent fund. 0. an emies which have beep playing great | present, most impyright parts of a| mn th ork:in an up-to-date 11 | havoc among the vagrous class of fruit | service have to be fs fad . i Et TR estimate of the cost of hydro-electri [OD the workiin an up-to-date anc RR EIEIO C.F TTA SN power for that city, BOR aa aDDEl, ays i. 17ALE ltrees of Jato yemrs. The reason for tis universal cus-! fd oa : x Ones | ( ~ 3 3 * Mareoni will probably lose his eve Fane Jn the Canadian nz et. "Jt was a hard fight to keep ahead | tom, which is an e tial in Hebrew | Chi rem Sry 3 for ? Fletcher 3 sight as the result of his recent auto cons@gation is the conveyance to the enemy. this year," said one of | congregations, and strictly adhered to | AN ) molfle accident in Italy. and from the 5h wo! each lay at the | the veteran monks who has spent by orthodox Jewry, derives its signi- . . Colonel and rs. Mapp of the Sal | 4, 00 C0 all children of chool | Pearly forty .years in the cloister, | ficance from the words of the Psalm- The right W hite Sation aemy will jeave Cusada to lagi os "who Do over a certain distance {speaking to a Montreal Standard re- | ist which says, "God stapndeth in the i 2 4 3 > wo oe A y s > zt 3 a * < f x up work in. South America. . | from the schoo! house, thus eliminat- bresemiatve bak - had lo work SongTogatian of Sed. hag ar ying - Sit Fhomas Lipton, at present inf ino tho clement of unfairness that bard and we have suooeede in saving | that the Divine glory pests in the or white clothes New York, contemplates paying his] ow exists in the rural schools owing | ©0F fruit trees. While the crop will | midst of the congregation when this long-deferred visit to Toronwo mest. th. different distances at which the hob be ad large as last year, still it | number is present. ow e East Lon- * week. children live from the school. and at] Will be. an average ope." deni sypagogues and other minor con. can be had only when hildren live from ig The vegetable erops will bg in the | gregations situated in pppul lated Jew- you use sccompaniment of | P The harbor board of Quebec ks an -Jthe same time placing the cost of : nounced It will consist of Willian | conveyance on the whole district. In |33me proportion, ish quarters do not, a$ a rule, employ . Prio:, ex-M.P., chairman; J. B. Manitoba consolidated districts, all] The Rinsing plant of a famous medi- | "ming, Hh. En OF. professional wor The {otelber, and Alfred Gravel, pupils are conveved who live over cinal plant prized by the Chinese as shippe s here are sufficient volun- in N. M. Patterson & Co., Fort Wil lone mile from the school house, Jt |such is being cultivated by the monks. | tary attendants at all the services at liam, grain brokers, are building s | has become customary ta use covered | Ab present there are several acres un- | these places without them. It is only new 100,000 bushel grain elevator | vans for conveyance. These are not]der cultivation, the value of which is | the magnificent synagogues compris. and will do it in forty days. always heated, but in some chsesys $40.000. It sold in China for $15, $25 | ing the "United Synagogue, * "one of A whaling fleet has returned fron [carbon foot warmers or soapstone are and $305 postnd while a rare species | the most' powerful' bodies governing the west coast of Vancouver island | used i the plasty is sold for om $460 to ie Tel Hgious affairs of the eoRmanity, harm and reports a catch of 586 mammal Just when and where consolidation [$600 a pound which are situs in S0me 0 08 without fe Jeast Jars to oa senson just closed. Thi fon a small scale began, cannot be The plant takes seven years for full aristocratio quarters of London, who OMO bleaches and puri- value is upward of $500,000. old, but the first law of which we Sakeinr, though after four years |employ "minyan men This is ow- fies better than the sun Charles H. Ritchie, K.C., of the firp § read was passed in Massachusetts in | portions of it like the seeds, which | ing to the laxity of members and oth and country air. OMO of Ritchie, Ludwig and Ballantyne, § the vear 1869, and to-day it forms a|grow on the top, may be used for dif- | ers in attending makes not only a better Toronto; recognized as one of the § part of the rural school system of ferent purposes. There are only three These men, who are drawn from wash but an easier wash, lenders of the Ontario bar, will Ix | 32 states. Eight hundred completely places in Canada where the plant is | the foreign element of the community for no rubbing or hard offered the appointment of high coun sonsolidattd, and not less" than two cultivated, the Trappists having the | resident in the ghettoes of London, work is required. judge. thaysand partially consolidated, | largest supply. The Chinese keep the | possess all the features of their race, maskatchewan liberals have filed an | schools attest to the remarkable adap- | great medicinal value of this plant a | the typical beard, a symbol.ob who other election petition. This one i | tability of the system to the peculiar | profound secret. doxy, and, above alls simplicity of against the return of J. A. McDonald needs of agricultural communities. Recently, during a severe storm, | dress, which is in accord with their in North Qu'Appelle. 'The usual alieg In Eastern Canada, consolidation | robbers entered the ginsing garde n, | humble calling. They are always | ations as to impersonation, ete, ar | W2% introduced as part of the "Mac- | situated in the woods some distance punctual in their attendance, and sel linens, dresses, blouses made, donald Scheme" in Nov: Scotia in| from the 'monastery, and stole $500 | dom stay away from their respective efc., ask your grocer for James Weldon, sr., aged seventy 1903; in New Brunswick and Ontario | worth of roots, besides destroying the | synagogues. Any day they may be | " vight years, a well-known feed dealer 1D 1904; in Prince Edward Island in| lattice work and doing other damage. | seen entering or waiting outside any Watertov N.Y.. is dead. He help 1905. For a time if bore good fruit. | At present a vicious dog guards the | of the West End synagogues in read at Naw WT 2 18 ces dcond "P [but has not apparently taken hold of place both day and night while a few | ness to play their important part in ed to byl d the first roklroacd bl ihe people with any great force. Bome yards from the garden an old log cab | the daily services, which are held Naithern New York, ; flisiricia continued the consolidation, | in called 'Solitude de Marie," stands | morning and evening. Some are mid- At a mesting of the creditors of thy ut others thought it too expensive| where a monk sleeps with a loaded { dle-aged, but the majority are elderly Pugsley, Dingman a defunct stock brokerage firm of R. B and dropped out. gun hanging on the wall men, 'who have already surpassed --rmited, 1 ---- Toronto Lyman & Co., hdd at Buffalo, N.Y Manitoba may properly be termed When the reporter visited the place | their usefulness in other spheres of it was announced that the total lia I the "Mecca" of consolidation in Can- things looked as if the marauders were | activity. eR EE, bilities were $383,752, and the asset: | ada. Here, the people have taken| aking a second attempt on the pre The remuneration of the "minyan $100,421. hold of the plan from the first volun- | ices "as the brother must have heard | men" varies according to-the position Hon. Sam Hughes, minister of mili | tarily, and aided only by grants from | Lome noise in the night for the gun | and status of their congregation, but Wo = 8 tia, apd defence, will grant the re'f'the Department of Education. This| yu. taken down and was resting on a | usually ranges from four to seven I+ has heen nature of * Bis pore ils infancy, : vou in this AR ¢ onn Te ricita, tan ilu fone rood Bare but Experim s thint tities winnger the health of Infants and Chikdeen--L 4 ainst Ex poerhciat, What is ASTORIA i 4 Castoria = for Cast 'ares | gdrie, Props on hing yEnns, Tis g it contains nefther Opis Morphisie ner otl arcotic OMO cleanses thoroughly substance, Ws age runteo. 1 destr Yorms and allays fevorichu : » more than § v years ib hos been in constant 8 Hat of Constipation, Flatuleney, Wind Colle 1 Troubles and { Diarvhoen, it reguintes {) ET | amd. Bowel, assimilates the Yoeod, © ne healt! and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea 1! other's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS the Signature of OMO removes stains from fea, coffee, coco, fruit, etc, like magic. To get spotiessly white Bears . Safe and sure but must not be used for colored articles, woollens a flannels. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPARY, 77 SUARAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. quest of Armand Lavergne that h |elass of school, judging from appear-| 4.) near the window from which a | shillings per week, exclusive of ex be sent as a Canadian attache to the | ances, has come to stay, in the West, good view of any persons entering the | tras, The extras to which the men RADWAY'S READY RELIEF army of the Balkan confederacy, an The Department of Education, in| domain could be seen. Last ®ar the | look forward to are these: (1) The an- the young nationalist wil leave fo | 1905, realizing that it is better, both monks sold nearly $2,000 worth of th+ | niversary of the death of a member's FOR LA GRIF PE the scene of hostilities probably with on economical and on pedagogical plant to a New York firm, but Brother | parents, when that particular member | or Mturate thick flanne! with the Re- |i the next few days. grounds, to unite the many small and Stanislaus, who has "charge of the | has to recite a special prayer, which thre at Gi ve the Fil i fan rey rts The disturbance in the lower St. weak schools, dispersed over ax place informed the reporter that this | cannot be said without the quorum of. | matter from the bowels and alter the | Lawrence Valley Tuesday has de- | extent of territory, in a few s Fong, year there will be no sale, as next | worshippers, and in commemoration of y rear a large portion of the batch will | the event it is customary to distribute | conditions of the system is disease | veloped into a severe . storm now | well-equipped and well éefidneted B Wacptonter of (rentment coe half centred in Newfoundland while the graded schools located at co venient have reached its full maturity, and | charity, and nearly always a benevo- hot water, sweetened, if vou like, and | Area of highest pressure covers the points, had an amendment to the will find a ready market. lent person will leave a sum for dis- four to six of Radway's Pliis. In fits | great lakes and middle states | School Act passed, to permit of nit The poultry department undér the | tributign amongst the humble "mm. oy mines you phe fey, Frost occured Wednesday morning | being done, 'and Virden as jhe Bust direction of Brother Wilfred is prob- | yan men'; (2) an important confirma- be cured. pBect-tea diet, If the disease in Ontario, Quebec and New Bruns Sonsolidated i + sp consol] ated ably the largest of the many progres. | tion, viz., when a male attains the The weather continues fine In 1906 ¥ gull J PIS, Olan ae ast | sive works seen around the farm. {age of thirteen; (3) a wealthy wedding; schools have been form Pp There are at present two thousand | (4) a memorial serxice. Ix obstina wick. A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t. SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY How Mrs. Bethune was Re. stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. Sikeston, Mo. -- "For seven years } I was in bed for four or fivedays ata § cramps, backache and 5 - 5 + § : £ z Ask for RADWAY'S and Take no Substitutes | and warm in the western provinces DALE'S, Fine Cakes Sultana Cake Sultana with Nuts 25¢ per Ib WAYS OF THE WORLD, ) Wedding in Hand Worth Many "Promise. London, Oct. 16.--"First she would and then she wouldn't," an old vaude ville ditty, which was the rage o London some thirty years ago, might well be made the title of a little dra ma in real life that was plaved a! Dungiven, Londonderry, the other day \ young man was seeing his _ bride off from the railway station on her way to America, where he promised i join her ina month, when anothér young man was observed dragging he baggage from the guard's van. Asked what he meant, he appealed to the girl not to go to America and he would marry her immediately. The other you man got angry at that and bundled the boxes back into the train, while his rival as quickly drag ged them out again. The gir! was in a quandary what t do, and "You'll have no luck if you go away" from the rival swain wet tled the matter. She decided not 1 go, and get married immediately rath er than rbanco the Amegitan wedding next month. he brother of the girl, who was ac company ing hor, sympathized with tne disappointed pridegroom, who now was in tears and said he could not go to America, because "I don't know the way." he said. There was an immediate wedding, amid tremendous rejoicing in Dun given, and all the muzzle loading guns in the town were brought out and fired incessantly. CALL FOun REFORMS, Whiskers and Evening Garb Burn. ing Topies in London, London, Oct. 16. --With the approach of winter the old question of the re form of men's evening clothes crops up again. There has been much talk about the revival of the side whiske and the ruffled shirt, "but neither fs likely to be taken up very seriously though |a Kmited crop of short whisk is bding cultivatedpfor the forthcoming season. The Outfitter is of opinion that more fancy waist coats of different lines will be won this winter than have been seen since the early Victorian days, drab, fawn, and various shades of gray being the most populsr, with V-shaped opening and four buttons. Double rows silk braid down the sides-of the trou. sors will also be "the thing" to be in fashion. BABY UNHMURT UNDER CARS. Freight Train, Which Killed Mother, | £4 Niagara Falls, NY. Oct. 16 - the ra i dtopid at the to buckle on an , and was down the my (and ovsrtaran] As in which (he baby and its parents were riding. Wre. Smithson was lied pr ayer her body after slongthe Fin i tan year than in the three yedrs previous ly, the total number now formed being 26, while there are probably over a dozen in coursé of formation. One of the strong points in the con- solidation system is the successful conveyance of the school children. Tt has been conclusively proven that where. the children are conveyed to and from school they attend more regularly. Of the 50 vans employed in the year 1911 by 20 schools in opera- tion in the various parts of the province representing ~all kinds of geographic conditions, only 30 trips were missed during the whole year; but little knore than one trip for every two vans, and these vans traveled over route varying in length from 2 to 9 miles. One route traveled was 11 miles in length. Our Marconi Stations. The great towers at the Marconi wireless station near Glace Bay, Cape Breton, which have been of so much interest to visitors to Nova Scotia for the past ten years, are being removed and replaced with a number of smaller steel masts which will answer the same purpose as the 250 foot towers. A new sending and receiving station is being established at Louisburg. Manager Woodward of the Marconi Company says, "It will hardly be com- pleted within three or four months, as it is a great undertaking, and when finished will be one of the largest and most important stations in the world. There will be at least twenty opera- tors. employed at Louisburg continu: ously and the greater bulk of private and commercial business will pass through Louisburg." The erection of the new station at Louisburg is under the personal su- ision of Manager Woodward, the Prd dings being erected under contract by Rhodes, Curry & Co. Still Going Down, The decline of two points in the Department of Labor's index number of wholesale prices for the month of July, after a continuous rise for twelve months, was followed in August by another drop; the index number standing at 133.4 as compared with 1348 the previous month. "Last year, Jowever, at this date, it stood at only 127.2. - Tht decline during August was due chiefly to decreases in prices of grains and fodder, fruits and vegetables, with slight increases in dairy pro- ducts, fish, metals and coal. These index numbers are percentages of the uverage prices of some 250 articles during the decade of 1390-1509. Leads AH Canada. For the first time in its history the 'city of St. Catharines, Ont. holds jhe fre reatest percentage of increase in bail fing permits of all the cities in the Dominion. The percentage of in- orease in Bt Catharines in August was 757.4 per cent. Experimental Farm at Fredericton. The Dominion Government has bre seventy-five acres of land an Sxperimental farm at Frederic v mein An optimist is a man who is thankful for a lot of things he had Hosta t get ©. Woman nks tl Fale wit a Cheer Aho > chickens, five hundred hens, six hun- dred dundks a large.number of pigeons and prize roosters. Beveral prize birds are now on exhibition at the Quebee Fair. The Trappists have the distine- tion of making a great financial sue- cess of their poultry department and of raising some of the finest birds found in any poultry yard in Canada. Ap up-to<date piggery is now in course of construction, and will ac- commdate about six hundred pork- €TR. The cold storage plant inaugurated last year by the monks was very sic. cessful, The bee hive industry is another of the progressive works and last year the monks sold out their entire stock of honey. Thirty years ago when four monks entered this place to start their work in Canada after coming from France it was # howling wilderness, to-day fifteen hundred acres of the two thous- and which the monks possess are un- der cultivation, being fruitful in every respect. In that "valley of peace" where eighty monks now toil as strict | vegetarians living on only one meal per day for eight months out of the twelve, proclaiming to the outside world the fruits of their patience, per- severance and industry, as the motto says, "Labor omnia vineit," A Tale of Kitchener. Ny Always a lonely figure at society func. tions, Lord Kitchener was the guest of a prominent London hostess recently, lookitg & veritable wallflower. Al though he is really the kindest of men, people seemed to "fight shy™ &t him, or perhaps were nervous at in- truding on his habitual reserve. -- his stern countenance is not inviting. However, an unconventional Canadian a hed him with: Took here, I'm a Canadian. I don't want a formal introduction, but I would feel proud to shake the hand of Kitchenér, of whom we in Canada feel so proud." Kitchener' # both hands seized him immediately. "That's just what 1 like, no formality," he said, and straightway he entered into a Leart-to-heart talk about Canadian co- operation in naval matlers, praising Mr. Borden for his patriotic speeches on this subject.--Torouto Star Weekly: He Won't Go Fishing. "Hon. William Harty, of Kingston, who has lived through a stormy poli. tical career and amassed a fortune in business, ha: a side to his nature which his closer frends may guess at but can never entirely fathom. This is manifested chiefly in a hatred of physical cruelty. He is a hard fighter : a political campaign, but the in ie iction cf suffering in any form, whe- r it affects man or animal is his bitter abhorrence, and be Kili go far to prevent it. This humane ten dency is carried even to the extent of refusing to go fishing, entailing as it would the sacrifice of living creatures lor the sake of sport. Such a strange characteristic is fot the result of any fad or some personal colle, but is & natural outcome of a high sensitived ness Lo pain. rr: The chap with a theatre pass is easily taken in. Probably the Worge thing about being in lots with & girl is the io terest you have to Pretend to have in her family, | terbury a series of these niches is oc- Dog Saved His Life, Robert Macdougall, one of the me- teorologists at Ben Nevis observatory, hatl once & most exciting experience when climbing that mountain. His only companion in the ascent was a collie dog, to whom, he says, he owes his life. When manceuvring. on a | snowslide about 1000 feet above the halfway station Mr. Macdougall lost | his footing, and as the surface of the enow was glazed and hard he was soon being whirled down a gully at an alarming pace, . sometimes hewnd foremost, at others the reverse. It) was at this Juncture that the dog's | sagacity came in. As soon as Mr Maecdougall began to slide it caught his coat with its teeth and greatly impeded the downward progress. The dog uitimately guided him to a place of safety after the twain had slid down on the snow for nearly 1.000 feet Strange to say, neither observer nor dog was much hurt, and the former, breaking epen the door of the hallway hut, lighted a fire. Here he was | found by a search party hall asleep, | with the dog watiching over him. The Fatal Niches. ' Canterbury. Cathedral, like most great cathedrals, is decorated with in- numerable niches for statues. At Can- cupied with statues of Kings and Queens of England, and there are only four niches left unoccupied. An old tradition has it that when all the niches are filled the throne of England will come to an end. Queen Victoria was approached with a view to a statue of herseil being placed in one | of the four remaining niches, but her late majesty was aways of the tradi. tion, and refused: One wonders whe- ther in the future there will be four monarchs of England sufficiently in- different to superstition to defy the tradition and allow their effigies Ww fill the unoccupied spaces, Londons Famous Bow Bells. Bow bells, the peal of bells belong ing to the Church of 8t. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, London, number twelve, not ten, as reference works state, and are rung officially by the Ancient So- ciety of College Youths, founded about 1637, who are probably the old- eat guild of beliringers in Europe. The College Youths, some of whom are promising lads of fourscore, have nev. or rung a complete peal on Bow bells, because with twelve bells there are 479.001 600 possible changes and to ring these would take neariy thirty. eight years. Their peal on twelve bella ~technicatly called a "maximus™-is thus never more than a fraction of what it might be.--London Family | Herald. i This Was In 1806. } Says The Lovdon Times of May, 1806: 'A decently dressed woman wae fast night brought out into Smithfield | for sale, but the brutal conduct of the | bidders induced the man who was or | pretended to be her husband to refuse : to sell her, on which a seene of riot! and confusion highly disgraceful t | our police Took Hace." es : 1t * the easiest thing in the world | to beaf the ils we haven't. be The mor: a woman talks the less | : she seesns to think, : Occasionally a wan commands re bh: spect by merely looking wise, KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! It surpasses all others in quality and flavour because the pe s by which it 1s made differs from others. ously sweet and non-irritating. SOLD EVERYWHERE: It is deli- 10 A PLUG ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufactirers, QUEBEC fo Dr J.Collis Browne's The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered The best known Remedy for CouGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like 3 charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectunily cuts shart al attacks of SEASMS. Checks and srreats (hose Los oftca fatal diseases TEVER, CROUP and AGUE The only wellingive in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RMEUMA TINY, Ch lorodyne is a liouid Laken in drops. grmdusted soomd ng # I? supariahiv » Fieves Pain o; whatever bind © creates wo é ablaya irritation of the mervems system When all nther vesved re bud cfacts, und Can be taken when wo other mgd INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNL'S CHLORODYNE. The immense success of + this Remedy has gives rise to many imitations. NE Every bottle of Gennine Chlorodyse bears on the stam ine can be tuleraied CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY ITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chomivie Prices ia Teagland Vii 2/9. je Sote Manclecturees 1. T. DAVENSORY u.. LONDON, SE