Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Oct 1912, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1912 THE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WIIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kingston, Outario, at $8 per year., Ediilons at 2.30 and 4 p.m. WEEKLY BRIYISH WHI 16 ges, published in parts on Monday and e {nut rosy 'morning at Sh Po Onl ited Mtates charge for postage had to be add making --_-- yaar $3 and Weekly $1.60 per year, drnment engineer who was sent fo re Why aot sewage disposal, if it- is the port gn the subject ry better 7 Store Closes Saturiay | Try Our Special remedy ¥ Men were not only paid ten shillings ; Ti Rasen | : Hyslop Bicycles $25.00 Hyslop, wheels represent the | maximum of reliability and | service, with real and sub- stantial value positively guaranteed. All sizes for men, women and children. Mail orders filled promptly. HYSLOP BROS. Ltd. Shuter and Victoria Streets TORONTO DONT WAIT] J shrank from the "task, « till your roof leaks. Inspect our stock of Reany Roorinas now, We can quote , you attractive prices on the best hrands. S. Anglin & Co. Wellington St. North Fo Fine. Photas LTR fe Fall and Winter Outfit Suits (Tweed and Serges), Over- coats: (Tweeds and Beavers), Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Mitts, Gloves, Boots and Shoes. " Lowest Prices and best quality in the an. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. % VES AND AEA, assortment for sale, reasons a iso dren Beds, Dressers, Stands ables, Fu jaitute of ad Wh gaik and So ¢ * tree Oppos sles Whole pis Bstet, Ontario a BIG STOCK OF STOVES. I have a big Sock of Firsts lass ters and Stoves which can bought "very . cheap. onc The time to bey and get for cold weather. Also a fine line. of Fyrol jure: Uoods, ete. Furniture a aisiany, ; men, hifed sto take the life of low, and acco ints ) thi acenracy of whi Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; ish, and cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED rapid, styl. J. G. Elllett, President, Leman A, Gulid, SeeTregs. ---------- TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Street, Toronto. of the farts in connec Rosenthal murder, to it, Thet a fe- etigaged in gambling like 'thems:dves, but disgruntled hecause of : | | The recital Lion with the by | the men who were contributory i= made in surprising calmpess. the overtax to which he was sub mitted hy the system, tel of 'proceedings, with great deliberation. , They all agree im the ftory that , Rosenthal had become a souice .o y irritation to Lieutenant' Becker, that | something had to be done and "done | quickly, in order to prevent the ex posur.s upon which he was bent, Tt { is charged that the ligutenant in spired the murder, suggested it, bur ried it by his imperious. command ! The guamen inthnat that they but that they | did not dare to digplease the man {whose function it was to prevent wrime. They acted eventuaMy om the their H. E. Smallpiece, J.F., PLUNDERS OF THE UNDERWORLD. representative. assurance that they would be tected. It is a gruesome statement. is the heartlessness contact with the underworld had rob- bed them of all sensitiveneds. stience they had none. They pro its plot Con were to have no worres about the they had to take in their shocking and brutalizing business. Worst of all is fhe sense of inse-ur ity in New York. Witnesses who told | what they knew have disappeared. Whe gunmen themselves feel that they ary doomed, and if ever they get out will make themselves scarce about their! old haunts. And why should they be promised immunity ? attorsey wanted to get at the "higher up,". the real criminals, have been profiting on the spoils of the gamblers. He-ix striking at the police system and all who have been sharing in its 'plunder of the under world. : steps men. whe Some days 1 ago a' woman, Jormed a grass widow, one who found herself a misfit ia marcrie +] was arrested in Chicago for systemati thieving. She confessed that she had been robbing her employers fo years. Her first offen touched th conscience, but later she soothed it with the reflection that she was jus tified in adding criminally to her in- come on the ground that she was unable to tive on the miserable pit tance she was doled out by her em ployer, Nhe was educated, active, uséful, and 9 her service was in demand, but he (dafly task | was regulated by a systen which valued hen labours 'at. & much per week, and tis sum was not sufficient to meet her 'wants, regard less of the egpnomics whith she prac ticed. Her defence, when asked fo an explanation of her misconduct; wa that she had to steal or sell her vir tue, and the court seems to have "heard her plea without expressing an: | opinion, 'A Hamilton paper, commenting upon the case, confess, with hum tiation that ~ it repmsented a trae condition of social Kfe. What, asked the Spec tator, can He done about it * "There jis mo sentiment in business, and such problems are ever regulated by the lag of supply and demand, where unkonism cannot fnteevene." The federal gov: emiment "can appomt a commission, and it can enquire into the {acts Commistons in Fugland have laic bam wonditions, the existence of which Tha city auditor, who cannot be ac cused of any partiality, and whos only object is to state the facts ar he finds them, makes » revelation wit) r-gard to the power question. 'Toron to, it-will te remembered, went int thy light snd power business on it own account. It made a contract fo a large bulk delivery di power pe year, provided all the machinery fo distributing the same, and bid for th public patronage. To command the public supporf th city was. obliged to cut rates. As § consequence some time ago the cit; was reported to be running behine financially. Now the auditor an nounces that the 'net shortage to Jone 30th is $290,600--and this sum will b increased by the atdition of various to BI98518. The mayor takes exception to the statement, an' intimates that it is capable of modi fication, but * the auditor kmows his business, and presents an exhibit upon icf he stakes his {H The Toten'o News says that of the "total indebtedness $117,208 represents "the deficit for last vear, which th 'auditor has carricd forward. So muck the worse. The 'explanation empha sites the fact that the municipal plant | now is pot paying its way and never can " while the present competition con tinues. The people are getting what TORONTO Al AKD ITB POWER. WOMEN 2ND WAGES QUESTION. have appealed to the better nature of mankind, and parliament has pass ed laws of a remedial nature, J England, men gay, ks more and more comnitiing itself to socialism. e leaders in parliament are not so- cialists, as they are generally kdenti fied, but, they are men who that legislation can do a great det for the masses, realize results. . These men are not a wreck of society. They are occa- sionally called bad names, but they are doing a gréat work, and must be wished abundant success. society ? Rather they are adjusting the relations between the people and' fixing them with a firm and faithiul hand, This poor woman, in eno, hav saying that when released from prison she hopes. to live® honestly, and pur: sue a course of conscious rectitude. How can she if she is dependent her labours for her living and wages of the shops go no higher ? By taking service in the home, servant, Here she gets the food she requires, in sufficiency, and a wage that is as high as she can earn behind the coun- ter. A change of occupation is the only resor(, because the law of wip- ply and demand is utiglierable co long as employers are content' to act upon it, and there fs nothing to force his hand. on the | as i # is called "cheap light." 'The house end store rate is low, but the rate iz pot reimbarsing the city for its out lay, and 'the deficits are bound to ac- cumulaté. FEveptually they must he wiped out by taxaticn. , The Toromto News mission should have established a mo- nopoly of the eléctric supply in To- rento by purchasing the Toronto Elec tric Light company, and that reforms shoukl Le made in the system of man- agement sa that, profiting by the re- duction of rates, the commission may enjoy a surplus instead of suffering a loss. Torento was nat made to fol low the ¢nly course that was open to Kingston. Here 'the €ity bad to. buy the company's plant; at an arbitrat- «d value. of machinery which it would not oth- erwise have acquired, but it got a menopoly of thy business, ,and it is doing fairly well by it. says the com- scntinl---<that the wants of the city are nol promptly met. In the beginning pf" the year, at the very first meeting af the Utilities. eommitice, the man- ager outlined his needs for the year. In September the committee gave at- tinlion 'to his recommendations, and it is. apparent that the commit: tee moved teo slow. The department may survive this dilatoriness. If it dos not the committee is to blame. EDITORIAL NOTES. ---------- The convicts' best friend, w.r Ar.hibald, the federal parole officer, ic eritieally ill in Ottawa. The prayer of 'uy good men is that he may speed- ein Tha Red Sox men, the winners of {he wo id's championship, in baseball, will receive $1,024.60 each from the gate receipts, and the Giants $2,566.46 exch. This, in addition to the sal- aries of the ands, makes the moome 4 epi- of typhoid fever. So rays a gov- - | of those whoss | a day gnd given refreshments who at Ld' th: Ulster but demonstrations, aad prominent men w attend- all small cna stiod guard, ere promised all expenses if they ed. this, surely. i iia i i Some fund was providing for and it was pot a According evidence laid before lithe senate that ihe of Tait and Recosevelt cost $1,163,000, and" of Wil- There's mon- 8% committer it was stated noma lions son and Clark 3265 46%. { {ey in polities, to be sure. Every dol {far of (his vas it expin liture was up by twinned with usury put men who expected it to be re #0 far abandoned to a crooked life as | Jones of population and subject The distri SH ™tustrial «nierprise in and they are passing | laws which are producing marve¥ous | making | Wrecking | ing confessed her sins and accepted punishment, puts herself on record as wh n he got the tar. housekesper, cook, or nurse. {Hae be laughingly rejected. | It possessed itself of & Jot The management lacks on one es-| The Th n the West. Hamilton Herald j AL ie clear that reciprocity is nut a cause to comjure with in thosé Maui {tol a comstituencies which are near 10 the result * is not likel; opinion 1 the from 'urcan influences. But the Macdonald election 110 have apy e fect on punlic lin the grain-growing west, whyre people are roi to ba weaned {the r desire for wider markets, prefer? acly thy market to the south. They | Ww "id continue to favor reciprocity un i til, through the development of in- | the west, the} economic situation out there hecomes : better balanad and more complicated | Tax Valies and Real Values. { New York World The appraisal of the real estate of | ths lete Jehn Jacob Astor in this ity | Her the state transfer taxes exceeds yy I twenty millions its assessed valuatio nf { for taxation. 'The apparent ratio oi Plax assessment to appraised value is cnly sixty-six per cent. Over in| | Brogklyn, property about Fulton | | street and Ashland avenue affected by | te Fourth aveniue subway was ¢ pt $1,651,400 in 1910, and is } \ | the owners asx worth $40153,056 ard rg | damaged £3,000, 000 iy parti use | Un» property the d by a su} preme court justice and assessed HHO ot $5200 is now valued for sup way damages at $270,761 ov mn | | | | | | | PRODUCES THREE COLOR CORN. Wins Prize by Growing an Ear or Red, White and Blue. South Bend, Ind., Oct. 17. | with Wallace Foster, "the flag mgn™ | of. Indianapolis, that he eould not raise an ear of coin with kernels of | fred, white and biwe has becn won by | Melvin Gi. Huey, a pioneer, of this! |e y, after four years ol experiment i 4 Hy Wallace gave Huey a valu-| ale sik flag as ms reward, with the] opinion he does not believe. the feat had ben duplicated in the United | States, Two ears of corn have been, placed on exhibition here. The color- | ing effect is perfect. Huey was elated | He said : | "I met Walluce at the state capital | five xegrd ago and fle sinted to al big silk flag, ex] as utd giver! it to nrg &s soon as . ne him a red, | | white and blue ear of corn. I- told | {him he could give me the flag, then 1 {would send him the corn as soon as 14 {rea h:d home. 1 snt him one red | | ear, one" white ear and ome "blue ear. tried | again, obfinug some dark red corny for seed. 1 planted it in a hill with} th: others. The triceolor wags produe ed and Wallace will get kits corn." Aw ager ROMANO Ko oF Br OKEN TIRE. Accident Put Motorist in Hospital--| Falls in Love, Savan Hah, Ga., Oct. 15.---Han «n the tl in the and Mvs. Sidney CUnarswell Jones, in the spot whore "God Bless Our Happy Home" ought to be, is a chattered | automobile tire, and the young bridal | couple explain to puzzled callers that if it. hadn't been for that tire thte] woalda't be any happy home Mrs. Jones waa Miss Kathleen Mit- | thelson, and a nurse before hor mar- riage. Ons day two husky stretcher carriers brought to her ward her fu tore husband, . who had bern gently lifted from en automobile by a burst- ing tire and deposited thirty yards away on his left leg, the leg breaking in several places, So soothing were her ministrations that Mr. Jones fell in love with the purse, and they were married. Then Mr. Jones sent for that shattered tive, and it-is cone of the couple's most cherished possessions. she is True Sportswoman, London, Oct. 17.-Miss Lottie Dod har, perhaps, the finest record of any sroriswoman in England. She won the All-England lawn tennis champion ship five times, oufried oil the supreme honor of, ladies" goli at Troon, in 194, and has distinguished horselt at hockey, archery, swimming and skat- | mg. She dlsg reached the semi-finals | ofl the ladies' goli championship in 1568 and 1899. Miss Dodd now devotds | herself almost exclusively to archery. | { ! 1 | | pt. 13. ging | residence of Mr | 5 | | i $3.50. $4.50 and. ups 10 p.m. Sharp $4.00 Men's Shoes BIBBYS, Ltd. OVERCOAT ELEGANCE Mr. Young Man, we Want You! We've smart Ovgreoats built for you and other young men who are * live wires" with flashing in their eyes and hot blood in their veins. . "It's a peach," "Its a bird " are express ions we hear daily when Young Fellows see these cleverly Tailored Overcoats, We're showing every new kink in tailor. ing . Every new coloring in fabric! Overcoats 1 $12 Overcoats $20 Overcoats $15 Overcoats $22.50 Overcoats <9 * Overcoats $18 | Suits i $20 Suits $15 Suits $18 Suits $22.50 bits OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT See Our Display of Men' s Fine Shoes $4.00 and $5.00 BI BBY S Limited ) 78, 80, -- ra. PF. J. JOHNSON THE 'LEADING FLORIST A full line of .Roses, Car- nations, "Mums, Valley, Vidlets fresh every day from our own greenhouses. - Also Fine Ferns and Flowering Plants. Bulbs for winterylowering imported direct from land. Potting Soll, Fertilizer, ete: "PHONES: Store, 239; Rusidanus, 1442; Greenhouse, 239% Cl L. SEDROCIE FURNITURE Iron Bed Special this wedk $2.50, ash Some special ones ut $5.76 and $6.50. S------ BR.SOPE DR. WHITE Ed f Springs, $2.50, 33 50, shse Massremmen, $2.50 to si. 00, Drescars, Chitfoniers, Tables, all styles snd finishes. R. 3. REID at i i i { ' | FOR | son of the year. | Up-to-date pr TE - Men's and Boys' Decartimatal Store 82 PRINCESS STREET. J Blacksmith Coal | : High Grade : DRURY 8 Coal : Wood Yard | R PICKLING || We carry a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. :-:- D. COUPER'S 'Phooe 76, 841.8 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. i KIN GSTON Is going to a hig elty Everything points to that end, and it takes a long time to make everybody familiar with a new applance In addition to population OUR SHOWIZPOMS this the is continually chauging---some' moving out and others moving ih That is why It takes continuous ad vertiging to bring any special thing to the general atteation of the public That is why we keep ham mering away about our "Cook With Gas" proposition We know goods---It getting in people We ton. ér--- once used Contain just what you want; n smart Hat at a moderate price } The popular Soft Felts we { have in every shade.. Nothing | more comfortable for this sea- attention mourning Prompt given to i Special- | always | orders "GEDYE" * Millinery | weve got the just a matter of touch » with the never loge a cus tried, always is COOK WITH GAS. CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts : C. C. FOLGER, GENVRAL MANAGER. ------ Store, 178 WELLINGTON STREET. Private Fitting Rooms. 'Phone 225. X00 REY] ; RAW FORD'S VTE,

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