Schoolgirl's Exhausted Nerves Headaches, Dizzy Spells and Weakness Overcome by Dr. ~Thews OF NEIGHBORS THE DAILY BRITISH ,WHIG. - " CERTAINLY ENDS ~~ STOMACH MISERY 'Pape's Diapepsin®™ Relieves Yow * Indigestion in Five Minutes. Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when he TELL Us. | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS | -- The Tidings From Various Points Is Fasgern Ontario--Whas People | Are Doing and What They Are 1 Saying. 4! . A I. > food you eat ferments into gases and Miss Gallop. At about the age that most girls are working hardest at school, studying for examinations there are {mportant physiological changes taking place which are an additional strain on the nervous system Mrs. Gallop has had experience Ip the cases of her daughter and grand- daughter, and for this reason hor let. ter is particularly interesting to par- ents. Mrs. J. A. Gallop, 135 Victoria street, St. John, N.B.. whose husband is a carpenter. states .-- We have used Dr. Chase's Nerve® Food in ofir family for nervousncss. headaches, dizziness and nervous dyspepsia, and have found them satisfactory in every particular. My daughter [essie was going to school, and hecame quite run down in health. Ey the time ghe had used three boxes of this remedy her nerves were steady. her general health was excellent and she was en- tirely free from headaches and dizzy spells. We are more than pleased with the results of this treaiment, "More recently we used the Nerve Food granddaughter. who was out of school for nearly a vear from nervous trouble, afd noticed improve- ment in her condition at once." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 0c a box, 6 for $2.60, all dealers. or Fidmanson, Rate & Co. Limited. Toronto GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has been thoroughly renovated and refurnisiied. Special enis an Specialty, Bar stocked with Hquors and cigars : t yard and stables In y ! cholcest | elty JOHN COUSINEAU, Proprietor, A Great 'Bargain Good Market Garden of 30 acres, frame house, with all out: buildings and furnace within § mile of eity Limits, $5,000.00 Norman & Webb Real Estate. Life. Fire, Live Stock, and General Insurance, 171 1-8 Wellington Street. 'Phone 730. stubborn. lumps; vour head aches and you feel and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's BDiapepsin. It makes such misery van ish in live mipuies. H your stomach is in a continuou revoli-~if you can't get it regulated please, for vour sake, try Diapepsin it's so needless to hyve a bad stomaci make your next meal a favorite foo meal, then lake a little Diapepsin There will not he any distress--ea without Tear. ius because Pape's Dia psin "really does" regulate weak out-of-order stomachs that gives it it millions of sales annually. Get a large tifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief gnc cure known. 1t acts alwost like magic i is a scientific, harmless and pleas ant preparation which truly belongs in every home. - Amherst Island Services. Steila, Oct HH. ~Harvest Thanks Services Were hdd fa St Al an'= church, Stella) and Christ { church, Ewerald, Aorist Island, on | Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 2nd j and rd The ladies decorated (he | churches beautifully for the occasion { 'The appeal made to each congre {tion for funds for the remova: {the church was heuridy 1 sponded to | The special preacher, Rev. W E { Kidd, M.A, rector oi Napanee, preach ted two excellent and inspiring ser {mons., At the sarviee at St Al ban's, Sitlla, a solo entithd "A | Dream of Paradize,'"" wis beautifully | rendered by Miss Kathlesn Nelson. : Sik giving i Death at Godfrey. Godirey, Oct. 14--The death ocewr? red of wre. John Hill, at her home. on September 2h. Decegsed was well and favorably knowsw in the surround ing distriet. Lp 10 a8 year and nine months ago she mnjoyed good health, when she was stricken with paralysis, which ecntined her to her hed Besides her husband she leaves twoodaughters, Mrs. T. Sigsworth, Hartington, and Miss Annie, and one son, William, at : home. The funeral took place on Fri- Yonge Mills, Oct. 14.--Mr. and Mrs day last, to Bethel church, and was|W. H. Briely returned to Brockville largely attended. Service was con |siter spending a few days with their ducted by Rev. J. A. Waddell, Har |sister, Mrs. Ferman Fyre. Mr. and rowsmith, in the absence of the fas | Mrs. ¥. W. Furniyef, who have been sor, Rev. CC. W. Crane. The remains | spendifig their honeymoon with the were 1aken to Salem, her former home, | latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex and placed Jn the cemetery there. { ander Gibson, returned to their home 5 J {in Watertown last week. Miss Jenme News From Westport. | Page, Mallorytown, spent Saturday Westport, Oct. M.~W. ('. Nobes, oi |and Sunday the guest of Mrs. G. A. Kingston, spent Tuesday with friends | McNish. The Misses Beatty, of Lacs in town. © R. W, McDonald is spend- [downe, were guests of Mrs. James ing a few days at home. Miss Mur-| Purvis, on Saturday. Mrs. Arm- 1 Butler is visiting friends in Perth: | strong, of Midland, is visiting fiends James Magee, of Brockville, is a busi- | here. Miss Helen Purvis spent a few nas visitor in tewn. Wy A, Bell, of | days last week in Brockville with he Delta, was in town yesterday. J. fsister, Mrs. J. A. Derbyshire. Mrs Sexton, of Delta, was in town Tues | R. G. Eyre spent the week-end at Mal. day and Wednesflay. B. C. Taggart, | loryvtown with her sister, Mrs. Blake B.A., of Perth, spent Saturday and { Dickey. Orson Burnham is laid wp Sunday at home. John Adams, oi with a sore hand. P. J. Purvis and Perth, was tn town yesterday. I. J [Flmer Gardinen pail a business trip Gallagher returned, Monday, from nto Athens Thursday. Miss Minnie trip to Warkworth. Mrs. E. W. i Gibson returned home Saturday after Molton and children left vesterday to | spending a few weeks at Sand Day spond the winter in Liverpool, Eng.' Mrs. LeRoy, of Minneapolis, is the Miss Maggie Deacon, 8f Cobalt, is guest of Mrs. J. A. Dickey. Mrs. the guest of Mr.vand Mrs. D. A. Bates is spending a few days with McKee. James Mulvillo: returned on | her uncle, J, J. Dickey. { Monday from 'a trip to Calgary and | i J | Edmonton, Alta. : Received Bad Fall rr. : 15.--~The rally day Doings at Enterprise. | sirvices were held Sunday. October "Fnterprise, Oct. 15----Mrs. Shields | 6th. Rev. 5. A. Kemp preached a has moved to Tweed. Reuben Mae- | vary practical sermon to 'the Orange- | Donald, of Saskatoon, Sask., called men of this district. Miss Mabel Kerr, { hare last week. 8. B. Merrill is] who has been serigusly ill at Madde, puting in & new cement crossing in | bas returned to her home hore. Mrs 'tont of his hardware store. Messrs. | Dunning received 'the sad intelligence 2D. Wagar and E. D. Grant, motor- | of the death of her father, which took ed to Napanee on Monday. Miss | Place at his late residence, in North Ruel Toowpson of Centreville, if port. on Sunday. Alonzo Black has pending a few days at her grand- | purchased the Stinson property and father's, J. I. Loucks. Hugh | Will become a permanent resident. J, Hinchey is spending some time at | ¥., Shorey and family sprot Sunday Mr. Graves, Tamworth, visiting friends and | With friends in Kingston. ¢ relatives. E. D, Grant has moved | "ho moved here recently to run the ints Mrs. Mary Wagar's house, on £75 mill, has secured a better posic Concession street. Rev. J. 8. Mae- | 100 and left on Saturday. Mrs. Pe Mullen. # former pastor, preached : oF Gonsolus, one of our respected oc- in ide Methodist church, on Sunday | *g*Barians, had the misfortune to evening last. A young son has | #lip on the damp ground, thereby re- come to brighten The home of Mr. ' ™iViNZ a wost serious fall. Dr. Far- and Mrs. Robert Potter. Wm. Dil- ley was called in and it was found she lon shipped a carload of cattle and | had both arm and shoulder broken. 2 She is doing nicely at present. The sheep on Monday last. little son of Royal Mason is also 3 | nursing a broken shoulder, as a result The Late Mrs. Howe, of a fall he received a few days ago. Allisonvills, Oct 15.~Migs Eliza | George Keicheson returned home on Pige, with her mother, left, last | Thursday, after spending the summer week, to spend the winter In Flor- | in Wisconsin. Miss Flossie Lawrence ida. They intend visiting rela- | has returiiéd from a visit in Siduoey. tives in Chicago for a couple of" | Mrs. John Bush and sou are visiting weks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pearsall, | her parents in Saskatoon. C. A. Cal of Mount Pleasant, and Mr. nnd | lery is in Campbelliord and Madoc on She was in her min<ty-second vear MrS. Charlie Thomas spent last week with friends in Belleville. Miss Carrie Isteed spent Wednesday in Wellington. A uumber from here took in Roblin's Mills fair. At Yonge - Mills $ | Canifton, , Get. and friend from Thurlow, visited | his usual trip. Percy Farnham has ve- Charlie Thomas over Sunday. Mr." turned from Wevourn, Sask and Mrs. Walthr Clark and two | ---- aughters, en and Muriel, from | y Los Angeles, Cal. sent last Soin Died at Creighton Mines. with Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Valleau. | (reighton Mine, Ont., Oct. 14. -- At Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Barr, llinols, | this place on Monday evening, Oct {INVICTUS are in this vicinity on a. month's . 'th, there passed away to her rest and visit. Bruce and Emerson McFaul reward one of the most respected am attended the funeral of their aunt, | best known residents in the person of Mrs. Rowe, of Bloomfield, on Fri. Mrs. Joseph McDonnell. The deceased day. Mrs. Rowe made her hom. '®8me to Creighton Mine from Claren- with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew | don 'along with her husband and fam Dorland. She was nigu:y respected. | IY In the year WL. During het so --- ~ {Journ here she look a leading part in CR | every wovement that pertained to the {well being of the community. She was {a membtr of the Preshyvterian church, and was a good, as well as a faithful church worker. She was always wil CHILDREN Bug-to 'lént a helping hand at the Sunday school picnics and church so ' cians. In times of sickness and trouble Mean Their Bowels are Waste. |she proved a friend to-those thus al- Clogged; Liver Sluggish and Hicted. Her kindness and good hearted- Stomach Sour. ness and cheerful spirit will be long re ; . : {membered amongst her many friends ~ Your child isn't naturally , cross, here, at Copper Cliff and at Sudbury. irritable and: peevish, Mother ! Ex. | The late Mrs. McDonnell was born at amine the tongue; if coated, it means | Bathurst and was the fourth daughte: the little one's stomach is disordered, | of the late Ms, and Mre. Kirkhem. She fiver inactive, and/€ts/ thirty feet of | married Joseph McDonnell of Claren bowels clogged + fou decaying dou in 1894. Four children were horn waste. = by [to thems, one son and three daughters, Kvery mother realizes after {all who survive her as well as her husband, wother, live brothers and . two sisters She had been feeling unwell all sop mer alihough her death and 4 gh ge friends. bed ten days and was ounly consider. death. She sulicted first from Yonsitits | MDCOBSCIOUSNIESS jus! twenty minutes before her death. fuperal took place from the home deceased on Wednesday afier- Ovtober Yth, and was largely at: funeral service was con Thomas MeNaught, the y here. Part favorite Jdeses, Lover Owes, at the juperal | remains were 4 and were in: . Vet. Tith LE i £8 # i ¥ i ui HE 1H L h wd daogerousty ill five days before her | ¥ FRIDAY, DISTRICT DASHES. News Clipped From Our Many Ea changes, Louis Metann, Westport, 12th for Watertown, N.Y, has secured 5 position William Bovee, Belleville, fell at chool sprainiog oth ankles. He will e Ing up for one Lume John Leslie died at Clinton, on Ok tober 6th. He was the son of rhe late #slie, 'of Thurlow Mrs. Franc Burns, visiting her par ents at Mount Pleasant, died, Mon day porning, aged thirtyv-twg years. Misses Irdie and Agnes and Master mbrose Mulville were visitors at the diss Rennedy's at Forfar, Sunda; ast, Mr. and Mrs «estport, celebrated ding on Satwiday, Oct. 3th by taining a number of friends. ™ Néill Watt, engineer on the CNR. at Forfar for the past year, has been transferred fo Lombardy. His friends will be sorry to hear of his depart ure. At St. Michael's church, Belle ville. on Monday worning, Miss Maggie Whelan and Michaz! Hozan were married and will reside in that ef'y. . J. i. Foster, Denholm, Sask., sa 'ormer resident 'of the township of Huntington, harvested a record crop, and kas already threshed 1,000 hush. els of his wheat. W. R. Babcock, Ameliasburg, fell from' his waggon while drawing ap ples to the wharf, and was padiv In jured. He is in Believille hospital. suffering from blood-poisoning ; Magistrate Deacon, Brockville, im- pcsed a fine of $50 and $10.24 costs on Robert Scott. an ex-county cen- stable of Portland, who pleaded guilty to supplying liguor Madden, a member of the prohibited list. A pretty house wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Chant, Chantry, on October 8th, when their eldest daughter, Olive Melissa, was united in mar- riage to Myles G. Jeffrey, Lachine, Que. h t on the where he James FE. MeCann their silver ned enter ~~ Absolute Impuience. New York Times Lord Rocksavage, who leads the Duke of Westminster's set, Is hand some, a tine rider and polo plaver-- one of the best in England--a su- perb shot, and very, very smart hi dress, He was strolling one warm and sunny winter morning on the teirace at Monte vtarlo. From the cut of his grey flannels, a pickpocket realized Lord Rocksavage's opu lence and attempted to steal his sov eréign purse, But the young noble man seized in his strong brown hand the _ pick poeket 8 grimy paw, agd looking at it disgustedly, he said, as he flung it from nim: "How dare vou put your hand in a gentleman's poc- ket without washing it first?" Avoid causes of itritation in the family circle; reflect that home is the place in which to be agreeable OCTOBER 18, 1912, i tq Jonas | PAGE ELEVEN. Wl --- \ oy Ne The Magic Touch You, too, will look back on the days of soap-and-water, Spring and Fall Housecleaning, and marvel how you ever got along without RE-NU-ALL-- the wonderful preparation that relieves housework of all its drudgery. . pM It i¥ so simple, yet so effective. It ix only necessary to prepare a cheese cloth duster with RE-NU-ALL--and dust! At the magie touch of RE-NU-ALL three things happen--all dirt, dust, and grease is "licked up "--the original polish returnsZevery germ and . microbe is KILLED, No muscle-tiring scrubbing---no exhausting polishing --no air-poluting dust raised. Just a wipo over with your RE-NU-ALL duster and the surface is RE-NU-ED, ; whether it be of paint, enamel, or metal . Find out for yeurself. Your grocer, druggist, hardware or furn. iture dealers keeps RE-NU.ALL in 3 sizes-- 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Canadian Wood Polish Co. Hamilton, Ontario ye time. 7 = Ee The modern housewife knows the importang ; part the range plays in the household economy. She knows how vitally important it is to eliminate from the kitchen all posible work, worry and waste. And the range is the soul of the kitchen. Its influence is felt every day and all day by the entire The Gurney-Oxford Range is a strong advocate of modern household economy. Not only does it cook and bake without disappointment or failure, but it is a positive influence ce for economy. It burns Kingston. HONEA ae + ii 3 Lie e The Range is the Soul of the Kitchen Modern woman demands in her work modern time and labor saving ideas, and modern woman is right. The Gurney-Oxford Range is the fruit of constant effort, research and experiment to make and keep abreast of modern ideas of efficiency. The Gurney-Economizer (which is licensed for use only on the Gurney-Oxford range) for regulating the drafts by one action: the Gurney method of dis- tributing heat to all sides and corners of the aven: economy. . et] X Ww : : NN - SIMMONS BROS., ot