Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1912, p. 1

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| YEAR 79-NO. 244 TURKEY'S WAR DRAWN FROM GERM ENTIRELY SHUT OUT FROM WATCHING WORLD. British Influence Caused Turkey to Make Peace With Italy---Greece's Note is Now Heing Considered by the Turkish Cabinet. The FUND ANY + land had a narrow escape from death London, Oct. 1%. The Porte did not | declare war on Greece, and it i= re ported' that she has withdrawn her troops from the Grecian frontier. That the whole of the Balkans will now be drawn into one general maelstrom of warfare is, however, not doubted here, The fightin, areas are momentarily almost entirely shut out from the watching world, despite the presene of some sixty eager special correspon dents representing English and foreign newspapers, It 15 known thal Southern Bulgaria is so congested with troop trains that the Turkish minister hunself was compelled to Jour ney from Sofia to Constantinople by a circuitous route. He leaves a city jed of its manhood. There is _omething intensely drama. te in the spectacle of the Balkan states pictured in the 'Times, which is always eautious in expressing an opinions. Whole natioos are. seen marching to battle, leaving behind only women, children, and old men. The little. ki will' soon be Lem- porarily a td. Even Con stantinople is bereft of most of its horses" and vehicles, Its. streets echo the lootsteps of troops hurrying to the front. * ' the rallway in British Influence, aris, Oct. 18.--La Liberte says a peace between Italy and Turkey was largely due to British influence in support of Premier Poineare's pol fey. © Pesce Negotiations were hanging fire when Sir Edward Grey telegraphed the Turkish government lo. com This was not im: ¥ 40 Inter des fe the Turkish 8 dell hg, stated that further procrastination would mean the immediate opening of hostilities by the Italian fleet in the Aegean sea. The Turkish cabinet immediately telegraphed, (nstructing its plenipo- tentiaries at Ouchy, in Switzerland, to ' 'mcoept Italy's terms. Italy, relying on its own Atimatom, sought Grea! Britain's influence, knowing that an ultimatum conveyed through tho British ign speretary would warey more weight almost as if Great Brit. ¥in were behind that ultimatum. ------------ Turkey Draws Near Fund, Berlin, Oet. 13. % has withdrawn a sum fy TO ported to be $17,600,000, from » ing to a special despateh many, from Bucharest, Roumania. The money was deposited in Ger- many during the reign of the Sul- tan Abdul id, and was ear-mark- ed exclusively for a war fund. Germany has cousented, says the correspondent, to its delivery to the Ottoman government, and the gold is now on the way from Kustendje Roumania, to Constantinople by steamer, Grete Will Be Next, Constanti le, Oet, 15. The Turkish assembled today to consider the note sent by Greece, which has been only just received, as the Turkish minister at Athens re- fused to transmit it. Similar action to thet taken against BServia and Bulgaria will probably be taken against Greece, as the note found to be identical' with those ved from Sofia and, Belgrade. ' Turkey Will Wie. Sh, "Be Lon . © 18, ~~Judging from reports of impartial correspondents with Turkey has really taken the by surprise in mi;- ing a movement of troops towards the frontiers without wait- ing for a formal declaration of wa by Greuce, 1 ae foal result will be, taey say, That Turley her well-trained troops up codil at the Balkans. into miro! of d try to assert her real dominions. rovery bo HON. ¥ resigned nD on MONK the naval issue CANCEROUS GROWTH, Bismuth to Ald the Use of X-Rayy' Treatment. Paris, Oct. 15.-An important dis in connection with the diag nosis of cancer of the stomach was made pulfic this week at the Surg cal congress meeting here. * Hitherto it bas.been pointed out, al attempts to exan ine this cmgan for eancerous tumor by means of the X-rays linve proved nearly useless, as it was hard distinguishable on the plate among apd, gther organs ly the mass of muscles of the abdomen. - Two French physicians "have now found, however, that if the pasient drinks a sélution of bismuth befor examination, ths stomach, when filled with this liquid, which is opaque to the Rontgen rays, be shown an a very clearly delined mass. ; Should any gaps appear in' the stomach's ontling, these must bo dig to cancerous bodies, which fill up parts of the stomachal cavity and oceupy | the spaces which, in a normal pamson, would contain the bismuth solution. In this way, it is asserted, tumors cap be diagnosed and exactly located ab the very first symptoms. Arent ab hss "Deon wrodsed among the members of the congress by the discovery. N i wif NOTHING TOO GOOD RED SOX Boston Mayor Presided at Recep , tion in Famous Hall Boston, Oet. 18. -- Through street lined by thousands of spectators, th Boston Red Sox, world = champions ol 1912, paraded im swtomobiles yester day trom Fenway park io Faoeu! hall, where they were congratulated by city officials and thousawgls of "th followers of the game. ) The "joy feast' in Faneuil hall wa presided over hy Mayor Fitzgerald who congratulated: the Rex Sox fu bringing the pennant to this city, Joseph Walker, former speaker ol the house of representatives, and oth Fors made addresses, NM Juke Stahl and other mem bers of the team responded, thanking the paoble of Boston: The players presented Manager Stahl and President James R. McAleer with loving cups. INFERNAL MACHINE IN MAIL. Found by Postal Clerks in Chicago' ~=Names Withheld. Chicago, Uect. 18, -- Clerks sorting mail in the Uhicago post office discov- ered what ® believed to be a dynamite bomb wrapped in a package and ad- dressed to a man whose entity was pol disclosed. The explosive was rollyd up heavy cardboard with both ends seal. ed with plaster of paris. A fuse, 'to' which a paper filled with matches was tied, protruded from the eentre of the rol. s mn boo {IS RIOT IN 7 DISSECTING Ro Philadelphia, Oct. 18. Sophomores and freshmen of (hg pctiee Chiruru. ical college so fat forgot ves ye in a hand hand conflict, was over the dissecting room looked as though it had been a slaughter house. £55 he aoplibin Virew ro One of t ores arm across the room at a freshman who was di part ur the compliment by of an shdis, y Daily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912, PITH OF NEWS GETS HIS DISMISSAL. | | | George Mann, Old Civil Servant, onton, Gets Notice. Eda Alta., Oct 8S. Mann, Indias agent at Hobema, has bean dismissed by the govern- ment. Mr. Mann is sixti-eight years of age and has been an active worker { among the Indians since prior to the | North-West rebellion. Now old and wom out in the service, he is the (recipient of a curt notice from the cc: nservative government to the effect that his services are no lo desired. Th: action has aroused iNlignation among the early settlers who have | known Mr. Mann for so many years. | George Mann wae, up to the time of the TWellion, Indian instructor ut Frog and Ounicn Lakes. During the re- bellion he was a prominent figure, "taking an active part and becanse oi his acquaintance with the to aphy {of the country and his intihate know- { ledge of the Indians and their charac- teristics, was able to render valuable | service. He was taken prisoner by { the notorious Big Bear at Fort Pitt 18. George {at the hands of the very men thai he 'had done all in his power to aid .He was rescued at the close of the rebel- (lin afd returned to his duties at Op- {ion and Frog Lakes, where he served uptil nine years ago, at that time be- ing transferred to Saddle Lake. Five years ago h: was transferred again to Fo ema, whore he has s'nce held office. The dismissal comes the more as a surprise as Mr. Mapn was appointed because of his popularity with thr Indians, his wide influence over them rendering him an especially useful agent. TWO BARGES FOUNDERED, FOUR OF CREW DROWNED | Three Men and Girl Perish--Captain and Son Found Afisat on Hatchway. Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 18.--Four persons lost their lives when two barges went to the bottom of Lake Ontario yesterday morning near Galloup Islands, twenty miles from Sacketts' Harbor. Those drowned were all Canad- fans, and were J. D. Schamp, Stephen Lebuse, Fred Lahance and Alice Derusha, the 16 year old daughter of Captain Derusha. The boats encountered 'a heavy wind and storm about midnight, and the tow line between the barges "H.B." and "Menominee" and the "The Butler" parted, permitting the first two to drift, ; The drowned were on the "H.B* I'Yesterday the steamer '"Nicaf- agua" sighted the tug "Proctor? 'and the "Butler" and towed them to Cape Vineent, later returning to pick up the "Menominee." > A short distance from the barges the crew picked up Capt. Derusha ! and his son, John, who had been fouling on a hatchway all night. just as they were teady to attach lines to the "Menominee" she too, want to the bottom. The boats were the property of the Ogdensburg - Towing company, and left Oswego Tuesday after- noon for Ogdensburg. TO SUPPORT MR. ROWELL. Waterloo Temperance League Ma) Place Man in the Field. Berlin, Ont., Oct. 13. --A public meet- ing in the interest of Leader Rowell's "abolish-the-bar" platiorm has been called by President C. K. Hagedorn, of Waterloo County Temperance League, the object of which is to con- |} sider the advisability of placing a, temperancé candidate in the field for eleotion: 'ine temperance men of both ties are strongly in favor of the atest movement in the political situa- tion in this riding Split in Militant Suffragists. London, Oeci. 18. --Militaney within! the ranks of the militant suffragettes has caused a split in the leadership of the Women's Social and Political Un- ion. Patrick Lawrence and his wife have disagreed so seriously with Mrs. Pankhurst and her daughters as to the 'upion's policy as affected by the resent situation that the/ association 8 ceased to exist. "Tiwi Lawrences will retain control of the newspaper, Votes for Women. Ths Pankhursis will start a news faper which will be known as the Suffragette, of which Mise Christabel Pankhurst will be the editor. This will pe the official organ of the union. Mirried His Telephone Operator. Hartiord, Oct. 16. After 4, romantic vourtship, Col. Patrick MeGovern, six- ty-three years old, of the "Aetna Lik Insurqoce company, former state senna ton, repuplican political leader and the richest frishman in Connecticut, was married to his telephone speentor, | Julia Pillsbury Kinghorn, a girl half her husbard's age. and the couple left | to spend their honeymoon in New York city. It is reported that Col Metiovern gave his bride a wedding present of a large sum of commonly believed to Le $50,000, Printed Warning in Schools. ~ Clevelapd., Oct. 18. "Consumption t+ nut inherited. It is caught mainly thtehigh the sputum of consumptives." words may soon confront every child in Cleveland from cardboard placards on classroom walls. The state society for the prevention of tuberculosis has obtained the per.) mission of the state commissioner common ls. * * The Smartest Styles In $2 and $2.50 dete at Campbell Bros., the big hat + -- ; . { acilintion to with out Saturday. or written court ol I tion ed down hy T the legislature at the forthcoming bye- ! tenable. the spirit of confederation. I havémot read any pvern ment's position, but I cannot think it pediency or' justice could not, therefore, justify the te of the jail building when the inated in large red capitals, these | PIOR Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIPLE FORM. The -Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the Worf From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex. changes. Streng anti-Christian feefing is re- ported to he ing in the Chaoan district of South-Western FipRien. The issue of a loan of $1,500,000 at a maXximun interest of eight per cent., was authorized by the Peruvian Cham- Ler of Deputies. St. Cathavnes Board of Trade will petiticn the Grand Trunk to provide better passenger service between that city and 'Toronle. Hon. W. TF. White, minister of fnunce, opened ths new $50,000 -public hospital erected by the citizens of Smith's "Falls, Ont. William' Kitchen, the United States consul at La Laguna, Canary Islands, suicided by shooling himseli. He was a former Uanadian. This winter United States auto mak- ers will ufge on many state legisla- tures a uniform code of automobile laws for the benefit especially of tra vellerd, The Grand Trunk railway of Can- ada has beaten the New Haven rail road and comcluded arrangements whereby it will land its passangers in New York. }- The Hamilton police have run down a party of Roumanians who have been stealing Cobalt silver ore and melting it in the plant of the steel. concerns, for which they nck at $1.50 per day. Twenty-two miners are still missing at the North Mount Lyell mine, Tas- mania, where a disastrous fire broke There is little chance that any of the entombed med are alive. » At Chalons, France, Another mili- tary aviator, Lieut. Blanc, was killed. He was flying in his monoplane over th: entrenched camp here when one of the wings broke and he was thrown from a height of 1,200 feet. That a withess giving either verbal testimony in a British i from prosecu« testimony, is ent hand- of Mont- he gencral%elfh the f a i ustice Dunlop, real. The Central Vermont Transportation company has placed "an order for he construction of two steamships ghat will cost boats will, beginning next spring, be used i dence to New York. McGILL PROFESSOR SAYS more than £300,000. These in a night service from Provi- ONTARIO IS IN WRONG Declares That the Position of This Province on Bilingualism is "Untenable." Montreal, Oct. an interview on the bi-lingual schools i in Ontario, Profi. Dale, the education and your knickerbockers expert of McGill University, who will likely | jJumbia University, said : president of the British Co- "I have no hesitation in saying that the Ontario government's position cn the bi-lingual schools seems to me un- statement of the govern- defensible, either on grounds of ex~ "Any educational advantage that might follow--even if it were proved considerable, which it is not en: to ke forcement of these by-laws." SHOT BREAKING INTO JAIL. Drunken Man, With Queer Mania, Killed by Sheriff. Muskegon, Mich,, Oet. 1%. Edward Fromme, thirty-five yeary of age, who when under the influence of liquor, is said to have had a mania for break: ing into sleeping there, was shot and killed $ early other people's houses and Thursday by Sherifi Nelson, when, according to the officer, he at- mpted to break into the county jail. He was entering the kitchen window sheriff fired. After a Fight. Sunbury, Pa.. Oct. 15.-Clyde L Lincoln, white, of Williamsport, died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital, after a boxing match with a colored boy named Tyson. The referee noticed the boys were wenkening, and stopped the bout in the fourth round. The last blow struck Lincoln on the check. The fight was scheduled to go six rounds. Tyson's home was in Harrisburg. Object to Tax on Laborers. St. John, N.B., Oct. 18--The Ship the St. John council protesting a tax of i affects, others, men broughs amobg of here for the winter trade. Free.' "A guarsrised tooth brush free ' at Best's to-morrow, of paste or box of powder, "New Tobacd inn Library books." Briti | 4 CASES OF TYPHOID. Outbreak in Asylum Has Reached . Serious Proportions. Hamilton, Oct. 18.--The typhoid outbreak at the Hamilton Asylum for the Insane has reached serious proportions. Five more patients were taken lo the hospital yester- day, after the death of Dr, Jeffries, one of the medieal staff. It is said that there ae at lerst twentv-two typhoid cases in the instituticn now, and that the epidemic = is steadily growing. NO MORE "OFF TO SIBERIA." Will "Abdndon Using it as a Prison Centre. New York, Oct. 15. --That Russia is to abolish the dread decree of banish ment to Siberia by order of the czar, {is the news received here in advances from St. Petersburg. The authorities recognize that the dumping of convicts in Siberia is seriously hampering the { development of that country. ROOSEVELT IMPROVING. Hopes to be in Campaign A Two Weeks. Chicago, Oct. 18.---Col. Roosevelt's surgeons, this morning, issued o bul letin that convalescence progresses favorably, and unless some latent in- fetion manifests itself, recovery will be rapid. Col. Roosevelt said, this morn'ng, he hoped to be in the cam- paign again in two weeks. FATHER VAUGHAN GIVES GOOD ADVICE To Old Countrymen Coming to Can- ada--Leave Eye Glasses at Home. Moose Jaw, Sask., October 18. Father Bernard Vaughan, who ar- rived hers yesterday, being inter- viewed regording his impressions of the west, said: "To my way of thinking, there never was a land that was so ready to give a living wage to any one ready to give in exchange for it an honest day's work. s "My advice to old countrymen gain in i | coming ou' to this country will in futuie be: 'Leave your eye. glass at 'home, and your knick- er bockers and your hyper-criticisms and your superiority. Put on a pair of overalls, pull off your coat, rull up Xour sleeve and put your back inte your work till you are through with it " 'Then. instead of being all in, down and out, you 'will comb out on top and becore a useful membes of an enterprising community and not at all a bad advertisement for the Old Country." " FATHER VAUGHAN ADVISES Old Countrymen to Leave glasses at Home. Moose Jaw, Sask., Oat. 18. --~Father Bernard Vaughan, who arrived Kere vesterday, being interviewed regarding his impresfions of the west, said : "To my way ol thinking, never was a land that was so ready to give a living wage to any one ready to give in exchange for it an Eye. | honest day's work, "My advice to old countrymen com- 18.--In the course of | ing out to this country will in future + Leave your eye-glass at home, and your hyper-criticisms and your superiority Put on a pair of overalls, pull off your coat, pull up your sleeves and put_your back into the work till you are through with it. #* "Then, instead of being all in, t certainly isa violation of {down and out, you will come' out on ol not the top and become a useful member an enterprising community and at all & bad advertisement for old country." : TOOTH PULLED, BOY DIED, Spinal Meningitis Follows Probably Faulty Teeth Extraction, Philaddphia, Oct. 15. Bernard Fitz patrick, a seven-year-old boy, died in the University hospital from spinal meningitis, induced by am operation performed to extract a tooth The little fellow suffered agony for a week, and when his jaw pan to swell pis mother applied the usual home remedies. When these failed he was taken (to a dentist apd the fending tooth was extracted. Surgeons at the believe a sharp prong was removed and that this is what set up the ir ritation that caused death while in convulsions. THE VOTE IN MACDONALD. Is Not an Indication of Agricultural Opinion. Montreal, Oct. 18.--Hon. Pugsley, when asked if the [bers party woyld still continue to advo cate reciprocity, notwithstanding their defeat in Macdonald, said he was nol in a position to say what the fibeini party would do, but be did not at Wilham "The who voted for reci- procity at the general election were busy with the harvest aad it was only Federation of Canada writes to a $750 desmanded there ung resiprocity. You must remember from all outside laborers awd work: | that Macdouaid result men coming bers for emploveient, » It largely Ove with each tube { Can a byeelection they did not trouble jto go to the polis. , tp say the western farmers do not was sy Hove about by W | votes." . 2 inch silk ribbon 1c, silk bib, 2 for 25¢; bair mets, Sc--Dutton's. Joseph Martin, M.P., believes that ii have been bor- NO Salicase $1.50 great value. 'Dut- ton's. there : of | University hospital say they | tach much importancd to Maspdonald. 'h farmers | l As Result of the Borden Naval Policy. 0 RETAIN HIS SEAT GPPOSE GRANT PLEBINCITE. WILL WITHOUT BU1 if. T. Marechal to -Succeed to the Order Swallowed Everything ernment Proposes in Hold His Office, Ottawa, Oct. 18-~--Government of- fices are all agog today with the re- ported resignation of Hon. F. to sh Whip Cabinet--Hon. L. P, Pelletier Has | Gove | a LAST EDITION, SPLIT IN THE CABINET: MONK HAS RESIGNED on ie ---------------- { Monk, minister of public works, over | ithe naval question. Mr. Monk was {in long conference with Premier Dor iden this morning, and although his lactual resignation is not yet befor the cabinet, it is thought it will cer tainly be accepted when it does ap- pear. ' There is much speculation as t the cabinet discussion which precipi tates Mr. Monk's action, but it is thought in the main, it was the re sult of Premier Borden's proposal ol an emergency contribution of thirty millions to Britain. All Mr. Monk would say when interviewed this morning was that he would fight for the submission of such a proposition to the people bifore it was passed {by parliament. The inevitable split #h the nation- alist-conservative cabinet was openly avowed last night, after a long cab inet council meeting in the after- noon, followed by a conference ot ministers in the premiers room, which lasted until ten o'clock, L. T. Marechal, the prospective new minister to succeed Mr. Monk, arrived in the city yesterday from 'Montreal, and was in conference with Mr. Monk and the premier. Mr Marechal will probably run in Hoche: laga, where Louis Coderre, M. P., is expected to make way for him on promise of a Quebec judgeship. This is about the only Quebec constitue- nney which the government dares to open at prefent. Mr. Mareshal will, it Is expected, come in as seerotary of state, following the cabinet shift of Hon. Dr. Roche to the [nterior de partment, and Hon. Robert Rogers to the public works poptfolio in suc- cession to Mr. Monk, / Mr. Monk's resignation does hot, as yet at any rate, involve his re tirement from politics He has re- signed qn a question of policy, hold ing firm to his pre-election views that before embarking on any naval policy, even as an emergency coh tribution, the people have a right io be 'consulted, and should he consult ed by plebiscite. He will for present retain his seat in the house, 'and will during the coming ses oppose the naval policy of his colleagues. Mr. Monk sincerely believes in his views both in regard to- the navy and in regard to the non-interference of Canada in Great Britain's foreign policy. He does not wish to go qu.»t ly into retirement by accepting ihe iprofiered judgship, and will fight. (cr {his opinions in the house Whether or not he will be joined by Hon. Bruno Nantel, minister of inland revenue and mines, remains to be seen. The latter & apparent ly wavering between the desire to hold on to office and the desire to keep his pre-election promises. Hom. Mr. Pelletier has chosen the former option, and will swallow everything the government proposes. In view of the new developments it is certain that there °will be in the commons this session an independent-national ist wing, which will make. things de- cidedly uncomfortable for the gov- jernment, ate Lavergne Turns Tail Oct, Armand ' Ottawa, 18. «Captain Lavergne has sired the minister militia his resignation as military attache for Canadas to the Balkan war. In official circles this fs taken to dicate that Mr. Lavergne antici | pates his services will be needed here as nationalist, lieutenant, following { Mr, Monk's resignation fron the Bor den cabinet on the naval issue, LITTLE NEWSBOY HERO YIELDS UP HIS LIFE Me Sacrificed His Leg to Save the Life of a Young i Gafy, dod, Oct. 18 William Ragh, ! the crippled newshoy who sacrificed is leg tu order to save the life of Miss Ethel Smith, who wae terribly burned in the explosion of a motor eycle, died this morning. He was thought te be eonvalesornt, but con tracted | pneomonia in his weakpess Miss Sthith has slmost completely re swovered. Filly square inches of Rugh's skin has grown on her limbs. } Men's $1.25 night shirts 75¢.-- Dutign's. M. W. Reade, K.C., Berlin, has boon appointed jumior judge for Waterloo county. 5 gos) |, aes aaops Buap Ang, Former King - Manuel, of Portugal, was taken seriously 5 wiia on Hs from Vienna to. a . "59.60 leather suitcase $6.50. Dutton's. ; the | | D. { FRANK A MUNSEY given over $1180060 campaign this year Says he to has velt's DEPRIVES MAN OF HEARING, Locomotive Driver Trying to Repair One Sustains Injury. > Del, Oct. 18.-Samuel E. Cary, aged thirty-five, a locomos tive driver on the Pennsylvania rails road, was made totally deaf hy the whistle of his locomotive, While taking the locomotive inka the roundhouse the cord attached to the whistle broke, causing it Ltlow continuonsly He went too close ta the whistle in trying to repair. it lost ving in an instant. He is now dead. at con municate with him in writing Wilmington, to hix ! is necessary to s¢ To Restore Cement Duty. Ottawa, Oct. 18---The Order-if= Council under which provision was made for the remission of half the dufy on cement entering Canada bes tween June 1 and October 30 will probably he permitted to lapse at the end of the present month. The duty was reduced as a result of a cement famine ii the west, and resulted In large importations from the Unifed States to supply the demand. As the situation ip the west bas been ree leved and blading" ogrrations wil be light during 'the winter months, the remissions will cease at least na« til Hon, W.'T. White delivers his budget speech ~ Fell in Love With Nurse, ston, Pa., Oct, 18. John a silk worker, was acciden- t in, the feg by a friend Ea Hoe tally she { while the latter was cleaning a re | | volver. The bullet entered the eal of his right leg and he was removed * to the hospital While a surgeon was probing fig i! Hoerle fell wildly in love with » pretty nurse who was assisting the doctor and proposed marriage to het the presence of the attendants. The young woman blushingly rae fused the offer and retired in favor of another nurse, Ottawa College "Sore" at McG Oct, 18. --~Coni'derable dignation has heen aroused by attack on the Othawa Collage by Mill Daily, of a recent Gszue © Ot tigwa p Twa, ins the the The attack wad headed "A Good Riddanoe™ and in it they charged the loon! unis with being unfair 1 visiting that they played "dirty" thelr home grounds: versity y teams in football on Piecadiffy Two Fifty Hats The best hats ade for two aml = halt. tworge Mills & Co, sole agents, Men's extra heavy sweaters $1.00 atid $1.: Dution's, The proposed to Canada of the ight Hon. Winston Churchill, first I of the admiralty; bas beet aban doned Teachers requiring studies, ate. will find large ajsortment st Dut tons Sepator Weldon Brine ton Hevhurn, of ldaho, disd &¢ Wash ington, Thursday, after & lingeting Hneme, He was sixty veaes oid. * Corsets to suit all figuses from 50c.--~Dutton's 0 vist R lor States United ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 577, 230 Princess Street, The Old Firm of Underinkers, 254 and 206 PRINCESS STREET, Phone 147 for Ambulance. STOVES AND RANGES, The best lot we have sever had; Dressers, Stands sud Beds A ire Eesasonabie prices. Al Tu QUEEN BEE" TEA |i i the highest standard 6f Tea Good» ' ness. No change has Yeen made in the quality in ® spite of advhaced prices. No other tea Is "justs A8 good." Packed in Ceylon snd Importéd direct, THREE GRADES: 7 § Ih. Caddie .... .« $2.00 sath 1-2 1b. snd 1 Ib. pRES © cv... BBC 1-2 1b. and 1 ib. pkgs $9¢ i.

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