Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1912, p. 6

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ce OF WORKS THE BOARD (To Assassinate Gladstone Disclosed } by McCarthy Letters. TO MAKE LAND DEAL WITH DRL {ndon Oct Letters of the late WwW. G. ANGLIN, { Justin 'McCarthy, Fong the leader of {the Irish parity in pasliament, to his : sm gr literary collaborator, Refased Permission to the G.T.R, Praed, - published yesterday, give de Company to Place Weigh Scaler iy of a plot to assassinate Mr woh the Street at the End of its 4 ladetone at Cannes just after the ar New Freight Sheds, rest of James Carey, the leader of the : | Vhoenik Vark murderers ig 18%2 The Board of Works- met On ap, Irish member of parliament told Thursday afternoon. Those pres- Mr. McCarthy that he received infor ent were Alds. Elliott, (chairman), mation fhrough a reliable Fenian Peters, Couper and Litton. i source that n well-known desperado Dr. W. G. Anglin attended tBP p.med Cuplain, had arrived at Cannes meeting to offer the board the lot {. .. the [nited States with the oh adjoining bis property at the end jeet of killing the premier. of Cherry street where the Kingston |= My. McCarthy informed Herbert Realties company want the street (il,dsione, who was then in London oentinued © from Adelaide street The latter took certain steps and told through to their property. Dr. Mc. MeCarthy the next day that he Anglin proposed to the board to had reason Lo believe that the man exchange with him the city's sixty- had left Cannes. ; six foot lot farther | up Adelaide Mr. McCarthy expressed the hope street for enough of his lot directly that nothing would ever he told to in front of Cherry sireet to have Mr. Gladstone himself, and Hurburt the street put through. He also Gladstone seemed to assent to the made a second proposition that the suggestion. city take the Jot wud give him a honus. | ~ It was remarked by the chairman | that Dr. Anglin would be giving the city a forty foot lot in exchange for a sixty-six foot one. It was also ro- | Mexico Uity; Oct, 1X.--Veace for all marked that he would own about iy what Felix thaz promises in a pro- thirteen feet on either side of Maris clamation copies of which have reach 3 y t be objected tO ed the capital. gitar hich migh the lot which President Madero and his family are would otherwise front the street. bitterly assaiied in the document. The x "Ad. Couper moved that the president is accused of being a mur board concede to Dr. Anglin, sub dérous tyrant, whom haz catls on all, ject to by-law, the exchange, on specially the army, to assist him in ve the lower overthrowing. cohdition mg give 18. This Diaz promises that once pation o been restored fo the country wis sarrion read from James will be honestly conducted. In the Eh pe oe employee of the meantime the provisional government ion asking to be allowed to wii, he says, be earrid Won by go corn on the street. Al. tical affliations So far advance are sel] pop d that he be given the the plans of Diaz and his supporters ans ppiviieges as the other man Jaat i are said 10 have already Re who had a license for selling pop- '¢0led a provision: o . corn. He must find a place, how- | ever, and obtain the permission of | the owners of the propert yin the | vieinity of which he wished to sell. N. E. O'Connor asked to hava the | fountain 'removed from the end ¢f his building on Clarence and Brock streets, in order to enable him to open a dopr in the end of the building. The engineer was in- ; structed to report. «l to be an unjustifiable embargo on A communication was read from ».| British ports. Various chambers ol A. Wright, freight agent of the (3T. | commerce throughout the country are i., asking permission to place weigh being inyited to appoint two of their scales on the street at the end of the most influential members t6 become company s new building. Ald. Littop delegates of a strong deputation objected on account of the traffic | which is to go to the commons at the around that corner. Ald. Couper sug carliest possible moment to stop cur gested that the space be ledsed. Ald. rency being given to the report that Peters also objected on account of the (he dominion needs all its present sup- trafic. The city had practically given plies for its 'own use, and that ex the company a block of Wellington portation is out of the question. It street. Ald. Litton moved that the 1s, therefore, felt that a pronounce request be not granted and the mo | ment J this subject would be ol tion carried. 3 material assistance to stop the report. A request was considered from a man who had worked on the Barrie street | job. He had worked only dne day and n unable to continue on ac . a had been the blisters on his feet from | Decline in Official Records Noted I turning the stone on the driee. _ He | Last Month, wanted to be paid for the time he | Ottawa, Uct, IN~--The department/of was oft, It was decided on motion of labor's index number of wholesale Ald. Couper that the matter be left prices continued to decline daring Sep to the chairman and city engineer to tember, standing at 132.5 as compar be adjusted. ed with 133.4 in August, and 145 in The city engineer reported to the September .of last year., The - down hoard that the boiler for thawing out | ward movement was due chiefly to de the sewer grates in the winter was of clines in the price of fresh vegetables, no further use, He was mmstructed to especially potatoes, while there were prepare specifications and the board slight increases in several commodi "would call for ténders on a new boil: (ties, notaoly dairy produets, fish; . jiron, hides, hoots and shoes, anthra- er : Leite coal and miscellaneond building | materials, DASTARDLY PLOT. Is A MURDEROUS TYRANT. So Says Col. Diaz Who is Leading New Revolt. peace has EMBARGO ON CATTLE. sure to hemove It. London, Oct, 13.--The Canadian Cat tle Importation Association is 'exert members of the government with a view to the removal of what is deem THE COST OF LIVING. A letter was received irom Fliza J. Shane asking for dumages for injur jew received by a fall on hang street. The matter was relerred to the city solicitor. f A letter was read from John Strange Clarence street, asking for 313 com: pensation for the removal of the shade tree in front of his othees. It was de- cided to pay Mr, Strangé the amount asked. New Styles -in Furs. The best that nature and workmanstép can produce are and we invite your inspection. Camp: bell Bros', the makers of fine' furs. skilled hers, Tot Killed by Whiskey. The chairman said that it was a Philadelphia, Oct. 18.---Whiskey, poor rule that would not work both |kept in the house for ways, and suggested that hereafter it | POSes, caused the d h of four-yeut. people want trees cut down in front Old Robert Maher Of No. 466 Nort of their places, they puy a fee for the twenty-fourth street, when the lad work. SE {found it while searching for a pio Ihe board also decided in response | ture book. Robert was unconscious to a complaint, to have a temporary when taken to the Garretson Hos three-plank walk on Alice striet from | Pital by his father, Patrick Maher, Alpert to Alfred. jand died twenty-four hours later. THe? little fellow was one of a ' family of seven children. One of hig {brothers is ill, and the whiskey was jused as a liniment with which to {rub the sick child. It was kept on |A shelf, and was there found by the WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC. E Man With Aliases Sought by Do minion Police. | boy. Montreal, Oct. 18.<The existence of The sick lad is in a serious con= the so-called white siave traffic, which dition and the. Maher family is in /in the past has been.regarded as al- sore distress over the death df one most non-existent in Canada, is now child and the eritical condition of being closely probed by the dominion, | the other, vincial and local police, and-their | investigations thus far have revealed that a traffic in women for illegal purposes is being carried on. Serge, H. Giroux, of the dominion police, sent Col, Percy Sherwood, chief. commissioner of dominion po- lice, to assist the provincial detee- tives, Stated, Tait night, that the re { cent clean-up of the dubious quarter ' of Quebec resulted in the a of 1 : i et-- Queen's Students Will tind the biggest and best stock of hats and caps at "The Hat Store." George Mills & Uo, , Banks Withdraw, : * Berlin, Oct. 18.--~Fear that the pro- posed petroldum monopoly under the auspices of the Geri an government was a one-sided arrangement unduly favoring ths interests of the Deutsche joan, | as named the & Sraseines bank, the BDisconto, : G aft, and the Bleichroeder bank to refuse to join the ryndicate. The three banks declare it to be un- true that their refusal was inspired by their relations with the St Oil company. Sentenced for Ninety-nine Years, St. Lows, Oct. 18.--Samuel A. Cheatham,' whe killed © Warz- burger, and Mesto od . wer's pawnshop anuary, guilty to second degree was sentenced to serve ninety-nine years in the pesitentiary. 4 "abo Ne Paton Uet, 18.~The government is der" From "i and ve i As ea for. ane, on : -- The ear Soh --- "A man seldom realites that he's a Sool vail other people have kmown it ee men who, it is alleged, have * at agents for an old coun: try Fren n who (ravels un many aliases, \ Mrs. Campbell | elections | Efforts Being Made to Bring Pres | ing every eliort to bring pressure upon | redicinal pur- | pleaded murder and | i THE DAIL¥ BRITISH WFIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912. IT 1S AN EYE OPENER i a | THINK NEW YORK 1S NEAR THF i WORLD'S CENTRE. i - -- ¥ { of Fleetric Built----Plan Railway Miles be Toledo | Three Handred | limes Are to i Reorganize the New York, Oct. 17, --The country's anal position is an e¥e openel not only to bears, but to the entire world. Panies in Europe uged te | cause panicky markets in' New York. | The Baring panic ,did. Last week | Paris and Vienna had a smash in | values. Its effect in New York was ia reaction. This does not sow that the Stoek Exchange is independent {of happenings on Europe's bourses It simply shows that new conditions have arisen. Wall street becomes nearer being the world's great money centre than ever before. 7 Interurban Line. Edmonton, Alta., Oct. 17,--Official nnouncement is made that the Ed monton Interurban Railway com pany will built 300 miles of 'elec | trie lines to connect Edmonton with numercus towns in central Alberta J. W. McLeod, contractor for con- struction, has 150 men at work ou the grade for the first unit of six miles from the northwestern city {limits to St. Alberta, where a powe- fiouse with sufficient capacity to op- rate £26 milés of line will be erect- od. Steel will be laid the coming winter and it is planned to have the fine in operation early next June. Reorganization Plan. Toledo, Oct. 17.--~Under the To | ledo Railway plan of reorganization | stockholders of the company, it was !gald, would be called on to pay a | $7.50 assessment, and those who pay | will receive $7.50 in preferred stock 'and $43 in common stock of the new | company. Those who do not accep i that plan will be given $13 in new ommon stock for each $100 of old stock. Holders of the $4,866,000 consolidated bonds will receive an "equal amount of new preferred stock | for their bonds and unpaid interest. i Just Formed in Alberta. { Edmonton, Alta, Oet. 17=~-Ths | British Trusts, Limited, has been in 'corporated under the laws of the Province of Alberta with a capitali- zation of $500,000, The company has been formed for {the purpose of carrying on extensive | financial operations in the western: | provinces, more particularly in bring- {ing British and foreign capital to Canada. The board of directors, with E. W. Dade of Edmonton as president, {is composed of several of the most prominent financiers in Canada, | among them being the Hon. Rufus + H. Pope, the Hon. Charles W. Cross, { 1. F. McDonald of the Royal Bank, ' p-- Financial Notes. { W. 6G. Ross, president of the Ashes | tow Corporation of Canada, has elected a director of the | Frust company. | Cattle from Alberta ranges in west tern Canada sold at $10.25 per ewig. | on the Ulieago market. The price is a new record for grass beet, It was paid by a New York concern for a load laveraging 1.540 pounds. Buffalo mines declared an extra div | 1dend of three per cent., pavable Nov ; Stabe 15th, to stock of record (ietoher | Gross earnings Canadian rail roads for September show an increas: of 14.1 per cent. as vompared with the earnings of the same roads last vear. Mysterious selling of La Rose of the same nature as has characterized {he stock of laie carried the shares down | to a new low record at $2.10 yester 44ay, with a broken lot quoted as low as $2. Whatever is behind the move ment, gpd brokers confess that they y Are at sea regarding its true import- the selling 1s most insistent. At a meeting of the creditors of the i defunet stock brokerage firm of R. 1. Lyman and company, Toronto, it was announced that the total liabilities were $353,752, and the assets $100,42]. The Cape Breton Coal, Jron & Kail: Way company has announced its inten. tion of appointing the Electric & Gien eral Investment company as trustees for its issue of special first mortgage gold bonds in place of Lhe present in dividual {rustees. The National Trust company will act as Llransder agents for Toronto rail way stock, » Another cement plant is under wa, for St, Mary 5, London. Options by parties in Toronto and Montreal have been taken. on a portion of the inex haustible supplies of limestone rock product available there, and it is pro posed to install a plant for manufact- uring cement from this source, . Porto Rico Railways which has held up remarkably well notwithstanding the fact that its dividends have been imperilied by dry weather and plague had its first slump on the Toronto market, selling off 3} pomts to 72. it as semi-otheially announced at Berlin that the government will jn. troduce a bill hHacring the Standard il company from ihe wholesale oil business in Germany, been Prudential of His Mistake. It was Jonnnie's firs: dav at school He was, of course, delighted with it While the teacher was pot looking he gave vent to a very loud laugh. The teacher looked up, "Who was it that laughed" she "asked, "Please, ma am, it was me, but | dic not mean it." "hd not mean it? the now . , said John, "I wg laughing up my sleeve, but | did know there was a hole in the thor es Your Corn Troubles. said The Split & Normal Machine was one of the first big revolutions in adding 'machine construction. We took an ordinary adding ma- chine and so arranged it that you could split it between cer ain columns so as to carry simultaneously different kinds ot work on the same machine. For instance, in statement work, you wanted to put 'the month, date and amount. All'right, you split the ma- chine into three parts; put in the month, the date of the month and the amount and the only thing you added was e amount--a great idea. We have sold thousands of them. Of course, we have had imitators, but then we have more skilled inventors than all our imitators put together. Buryoughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146. Bay Street TORONTO Ly EE QUUSNSS TALKS 0 San healfective, dveltiacuenis Shoulda be newsy. Jome thought I given to prepara- tion. Talk to the public through your advts. as you would to a customer before your counter--- plainly, simply, and to the point. Tell him the merit of the goods you sell, or the value of the service you can render him. Show him how he can save money by trading with you. These are the things he WANTS to know. People read the news columns to get the news. They turn to the advertising for precisely the same reason. If the same article was stuck in the new's columns day after day, it would attract few readers. Just as despatches ih a newspaper reflect what is going on in the world, so 'the ad- vertising should reflect what is going on in the stores. . As the Watertown Standard points out, thi are happening every day in our stores that will keenly interest the people. There are new lines of goods, bargains on shop-worn or unseasonable stock. The public is anxious to khow about these things, drawn by that keenest of all motives -- the esire to save money. Tell them each week about the news of your , Store, Mr. Merchant, just as definitely as the re. porter tells his story. Then the public will read . your news a great deal more eagerly than "it reads anythin 1 else in the newspaper. For best results. advertise in The Whig. » EE Si ------ I ALLAN LINE REL TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL Hunters' Excursions|] GEST STEAMERS, MONTREAL Good going October 7th to Nov. T0 GLASGOW, HAVRE & LONDON 9th, inclusive, to all points on Te: ------------------------------------------------------ miskaming and Northern Ontario a Railway to Campbellton, Bathurst & JAVERROOL, Newcastle, Chatham, N.B., to Am- ish, 16th herst, Truro, New Glasgow, N.S, "24th, 2st and to 'some points on Canadian In se Northern and C.P. Railway. i Also good going Oct. 17th to Nov. 9th, inclusive, to Sudbury, Marie, Penetang, Midland, field, North Bay, Coboconk, Lind- say, Parry Sound, to all points on Lake of Bays steamer line, to all} pointe on Muskoka Navigation Co. and to some points on Nor. Nav. Co All tickets good to return until MONTREAL "VICTORIAN" . "TUNISIAN "VIRGINIAN CORBICAN MONTREAL 'GRAMPIAN "PRETORIAN HESPERIAN" . WCANDINAVIAN MONTREALHAVRE~LONDON 18th, Nov. 17th 20th, 24th 2th Nov. ir ---- Nov te GLASGOW, 12th, Nav 8.8. Lake- 'Beotian ret All corn troubles cease when Peck's Corn Salve is used. It removes 3 (sorts of corns, quickly, swrely, and withbut pain. In big boxes. 15. a: Sileod's Drug Store. . 53 Brock strent. one door above King street, | | i Our Ready-to-Wear, Tailored and Semi-Trimmed Hat Section Is a constant scene of busy activity." To many the display of beautiful Hats is a revelation, to all a delight. Hats rich in color, exquisite in graceful iines, fascinating in a great degree. * i » These Special Offerings Saturday Splendid showing of New Trimmed Velvet Hats. A very special Call LED ANN TT dee TE Eee $0.00 I -------- - . Misses' Trimmed Felt Hats is a variety of smart effects. Special values for Saturday ~2 5... Yeu | tas 4a al 7 174 WELL"NGTON STREET KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (Rritish Whig Publishing Co. Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, alters. Furriers, Confectioners, ers, Druggists, orists, (Grocers, I'ry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard, ware," Stationers, Etc. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order | | | | 1 | i | Steamers Seandinaving ang res 4 t torian to Glasgow and all Steamers by steamer lines Nov. 12th te Havre and London Carry For full particulars, apply to J.P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A., Corner Johnson and Oat. Streets. KX 12th, except to points reached One Class (1) Cable Passengers, i particulars of rates Jnl Agents, or THE ALLAN LINE, T Yonge 8 ete Toronto. ree IN CONNECTION W.Til CANADIAN PACYFIO RAILWAY. iLL SERVICE H KE i unters - Excursion ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE October 7th to Nov Ith, stations. Mattawa to Kepawa, ing, Northern Railway points In Quebec, New and Nova Feotia Oct. 17th to Nev, 9th to stations Sudbury to 8. 8. Marie, Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Parham to Calabogie All tickets good to return until) Dec. 12th, 1912 Full particulars at K. & P. and € P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. at all Temiskam- stations. and Brunswick, -- "Moantreg). (Quebse, Liverpool "LAURENTIC" "MEGANTIC" with Elevators. Carry String Or. chestras. Umsarpassed Accommodation for Passengers in all classes at low rates. "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" Cabin Paseagersin One Class Ouly (vis, ID) and Third Class. Every Creature Comifart. Send for Map Folder and Handsome Booklet. Passages snd bu k Augean Bosh Pasayn sodbor fiheeimal orenie. SR patrick ad Toronto DYAL LINE ROYAL LIN THAT TOBACCO CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM With the "Hooster" on It : ig crowing goed along 5¢ 3 r chewing and SHIPS, LIMITED. Finest and Fastest Stenmah on the Cnnadian Route, i. HOLDING ALL RECORDS. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. BRISTOL. Montreal. Bristol. Wednesday. Steamer. Wednesday Oct. 2 ..Royal Edward .. tg, 2' ROY George .- .+ Ro: ward .. Nov. 13 ., ai Geor, 'WINTER SERVICE, HALIFAX TO BRISTOL." nS ouder AF he pound. Fe AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Sfrest. The 'A Mother for the Men. K. F. Sam having taken over the laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re- sume business at once under the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY. First-class work guafsateed. All buttons replaced and rips sewn. , Give us a trial and you will be well satisfied with our work. Goods called for and delivered fo all parts of the city. 'I"hone 1182. K F. 8AM - Prop UAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM-| -- POAT C0. LIMITED: BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter mediate Pay of Quinte ports, call- ing at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays Write or see any steamship Ageni, or CANADIAN NORTHERN S. S. Limite? 228 St, James Street, Moutvesl. -d SELECT OYSTERS DOMINION FISH C0. a A ; -»

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