OVRIL GIVES POWER TO RESIST DISEASE v THE DAILY BRITISH &Tins SATURBAY, GOTORER 19. : Tips For the Farmer BY USCLE JOSH, 0008080000000 00000000 * LAE LER TERE NY The biggest peach orchard in th world, and one of the finest, that o tie Bagley estate at Americus, Ga. says the Springfield Repubiic {hes, an, just been cut down and burned, {end the land is to be given over cotton. Tae orchard contained 2 a, We have large quantities of tunada METAL £2ea. - and - ¢ PIG LEAD - and - SHEET 1£AD TORONTO E. BLAKE THOMPSON, | Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance Agent fore J ~~ Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance Co'y. | OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARE, | 'Phone 256. KINGSTON, ONT. | | | * | 004 bearing trees, and for years has been first to supply the market with | Georgia peaches. This year, whik the receipts ran nto the millions thousands of bushels of peaches went Ito waste, and the owners believe { that they can raise cotton at {gre ater profit on the same ground. : 2 Canadian Cows. No. 4 | Acording to report of the for ~ | Record of Performance Pure- | bred Dairy Cattle, just issued by the {Live Stack Branch of the Pederal | Department of Agriculture, nearly | five hundred cows in Canadian herds bave won, on performance of milk production and regular breeding, certificates of © Record" of Perform |ance. This has been accomplished within the six years that the test: have been in progress : | In an Introductory paragraph this {report points out that While this {work is of great benefit to the rais ers of puresbred stock, it has eves |wider influence in furnisihng to the jowners of grade herds, reliable and | valuable information to govern th« selection of balls to place af the head NN '" Thank You, Mother-- NN "You've made my head so much better. That Menthol- ated Vaseline is wonderful, isn'tit) "' "Yes, dear. There is nothing that « soothes and relieves a headache so quickly." Mentholated Vaseline Mentholated Vaseline is a wonder- ful relief for nervous and tired head- aches, It is simply a blending of Menthol and "Vaseline." It is ab- - solutely pure and harmless, and has no bad " after-effects." Mentholated Vaseline also relieves cramps, neuralgia, etc. Put up in handy tin tubes. Druggists everywhere. Do you know our other "Vaseline" specialties--Cap- sicum Vaseline, for colds; Vaseline Camphor Ice, for chapped hands and lips; Carbolated Vaseline, for cuts and scratches, and the rest? They will help you cut down the family doctor's bills for a lot of minor hurts and ailments. a no substittte for * Vaselioe." An interest- ing booklet telling all about it costs you nothing but a postal showing your address. Write to-day. Chesebrough Manufacturing Company (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Avenue Eddy's Silent Parlor Matches Made of very best corkey pine. Every stick a match. Every match a light. Well packed so that a match may readily be extracted in the dark--no fumbling with the inevitable spilling of the matches. AND ABOVE: ALL EDDY'S a surety of the best possible quality and full count e E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers. also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissue Towels, etc. -- ° A Ee ---- {of their herds. © Tha chief aim o: this work (5 stated {6 be to develoj jand perpetuate high producing | strains of dairy stock under normal lconditions of management and feed LE | I sddition to the {1ations, standards for registration {ete., this report furnishes a com | plete index of the owners of quali together with the record, ! of each successful animal {Anticipafing a keen demand from (breeders and owners. of both pure jLred and' grade herds of dairy cat- {tle, the Hon. Martin Burrell, Minis- jter of Agriculture, has authorized | the printing a large edition ot jthis report, which is distributed b; the publeation branch of the Depart {ment of Agrealture, Ottawa. rules and regu 14d COWS, e, ete ol | " ' } Building a Silo. | The silo should be | finds access spoiled silage the result. The walls | be so rigid that in no part can the; |¥'eld even to the slightest dbgree to {the outward pressure. A silo should | have the greatest depth possible sg fiat a minimum of surface ex SUT air ait {te he must is posed on top and greater pressu {Secured A gilo built 14 by %4 or 36 {would be mgqre practical than one 18 iby 32 feet. The best results will { be obtained ir gone and one-half or {two inches can be fed every day aft- ler the feeding of silage begins. The {greater depth also provides for (he 'storage of larger amounts of food | ae r cubic foot, and the lateral press [wre is 80 great that air is excluded from the sides. Silos should be rats t proof, chiefly because tney enter the isilo through the falls or from be- 'neath and admit the air and 'thus [spoil the silage, A silo should be {built that will stand the test of | time, wind and fire. The durabl silo, properly built, may cost a oh itle more at the beginning, but w: | be gheapest in the end | A farmer usually does not have ithe "time to spead repairing and , beriodically loosening and tightening {bolts and stays, especially when {there is so much other profitable | constructive work to do on the farm. { A silo whose walls will not be affect-. ied by the silage within, or moisture | conditions without, that will not burn lor blow down, is' by all odds the {cheapest of all silos. The farmer ought, to choose a silo that he can construct at a time when other work {18 not requiring his attention It is {not such a complex building, but what every farmer can build his {own, and thus save the expense of lexpert labor, either in masonry or {skilled carpenter work. The silo, like all other farm build- tings, should be constructed as cheaply as possible, if other requis- {ites are not hampered. The one A POSITIVE CURE FOR ANAEMIA The Mest Prevalent Disease of 3 Girls and Women Anaemia ean be cured--positively and effectually by RESTORATONE TAB- LETS. Not a mew discovery but/a time-tried. remedy proving wonderfully suscessiul. An anaemic person is suffering from A Watery Condition of the Blood, | She is pale and bloodless, has pimples and blotehes on the face, and suffers from headache, indigestion, constipation, nerv- ousness, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, puffiness or circles about the eyes, swelling of hands or feet. All these S3uiptoms may not be present, depending on the severity or duration of the disease, g - Do Not This Trouble. You Can be Cured. RESTORATONE TABLETS, as well 3s a blood restofative, are an unexcelled tonic, tissue builder, and promoter of 'good health. This is demonstrated by the prompt return of healthy color to the cheek, the palioe disappearing altogether. RESTORATONE TAB. LR re : Nays Jeompt - action; moreover; the results are per- . MOt Aransitory. §-a consequence they well de : popularity they have won. y Y Stve; the : A Trial of One Box Win Genvince You. The result will undoubted! be the most unique and striking testi- mofty you could have. RESTORATONE TABLETS are a special remedy---especially adapted for the troubles of girls and women; positively curing anaemia, nervousness, headache, correct- Lake ing irregularities, and relieving and permanently restoring weak- ened conditions. The many words of praise from users™of these tablets afford conclusive evidence of their sterling merit. Even though other remedies {item, that of cost, is one that ex- » Plains why silos are not being con- | structed more generally, Silos that require professional la- {bor are too expensive, hence a silo ishiould be decided upon that will ba {cheapest and at the same time have all the requisites of a good silo. The {1einforcoed golid wall of the concfete {aud ease of comstruction. The stone {6 brick silo in cost of construction {and ease of construction The stone {of brick silos require expert masons, While the refuforcad concrete silo can { be built by the farmer at a time when I his farm work is not pressing and jin the assistance of common labor Injury to Fruit Trees. A groat deal of wiuter injury has | been done of late years to fruit trees in Ontario. Baldwing seem to bavé suffered more than ihr Varieties. Ip many eases a number Of trees in-grehards show some dead limbs, and in some cases trees are wholly dead. 'Investigation will show that in almgst all cases that pirouble has begun with partial roo killing. Prof. J. W. Crow, head of the Horticultural Department of the O. A. C., writing in the 0. A. © Review on this subject. says that the injury seems in many cases 2 have been due to a drying up by evaporation of moisture in the trees rather than to the actual degree of cold experienced. Windbreaks. he says, which check the force of the wind, and thereby reduces evapora tion, are important in summer, but !still more important during the | Winter' for the reason indicated y found that trees in sod, if well nourished and not starved for , are ax a rule less Mable to winter killing nioistuy CURED OF DRINK RY SIMPLE RE) x A Devoted Wife Helps Her Husband to a Cure Through Samaria: Prescrintion, de careful Mrs. S.. of m 1 n pair \ loving father and a when gobeg he Trent provider husband Linking ha ) had gradually fallen into bits, which Tuir health and happin Hamed his created that kills conse all family But read ha home, had un and that ence, love, honor and breaks Wer img hh Drik tomach and nerves unnatural craving tiem M Trenton ont Samaria Prescription stops the erav. ing for drink. It re the shaking the appetite ana gen ink makes drink i "nn nauseous, It and hospitals dis 1ONeR nerves, eral health, tasteful and es regularly by Physi and is tasteless solving instantly food Now, if which the tell them of Samaria "re you husband aproves used vou know ar fallen If brother get oursalf curse rink 1 ription have a father friend on ting its hold, Write to-day . A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa maria Prescription, with booklet giving full paru testimonials, price, etc, will be free and postpaid, in plain sealed package, eo asking for it and mention! Correspondence sacred whom the habit help him or absolutel to any o ing thls paper ly confidential. Write to-day. The Samana Remedy Co. 49 Colborne street, Toronto, Also for at Jas. B Drug Store, Kingston Dept. 7, Canada Mel eod's sale QUEEN'S - CAFE Luuches served -om Lhe shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, Sbe. n, FANFAS & LU. Nd Pdpeces Riresd Take in Tim the proper help to rid your system of the poisonous bile which causes headaches, flatulence and discom- fort the proper---and (he 18 By common consent help best BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere, + « In boses, 25¢. Ki Busi Sgsion Baise cones Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty sixth year, Fail term being Aqgust 30th.' Courses ig sk keeping, Shorthand, Tele. J foaphy, Civil Berviee and, Kog- Our gradusies get the best positions, Within a short time Over sIXlY secured positions wits One of \he iargesi maliway cor. porations in Canada Ealer any time. Call or write for afore. ton HW ©. Metcalfe, Pring a] $1,000 REWARD For information that wiil lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffeting from \ e( ed orvherd $ water in the soil pes on, delays cooling of the autumn thus Pproie g h and rendering the sabject winter © be by trees damage under to Th corrected i 8 can { draining Another danger fs found in excess give of fe lzers, causing laie It seems possible, Prof to overdo the leguminous crops, and thus get too much nitrogen into the soil under | certiin conditions On the other | band potash, phosphate and lime tend 10 earlior ripening of the wood { Prunf during the dormant sea ison, tuo, by stimulating growth | may, in northern localities. be eas- ily overdone, One of the . chie: { causes of winter killing fs found in injury to the trees Injury may be {caused by overbearing in one vear [thus overtaxing the vitality of ths | tree As a guard against this no Jive should be allowed to overbear {the surnlus fruit being removed by { hand. The greatgst caure of kill- ling, is found in "actual injury to jthe tree by careless cultivation | Among other things Prof Crow | Bos s0 far as to say that he be- i Heves fully 90 per cent. of the win: killed injured trees that he has been during the past.year weawel or injurbd as a result of the ¢ of borers, unprotected frac. 5. sun-scald, canker, etc use Towth j Crow says, t use of | ter or Notes of Interest. On cold evenings, especially if rain threatens, the milkers should be pro vided with shelter. On a cold, wet night may easily eome a check in th milk flow that eannot be overcome a winter, Warmth and comfort are feed economizers. You may be perfectly sure that the cow that has something wrong {her disposition is by a i that the stewmey Heifers of the dairy breeds, if jgrown, should be bred at a little la year old. { Be very gentle with the nervous cows { They are always the largest and rich est milkers, when treated with wlerasgion. Any tendency hogs should by oil-meal, bran mashes, other having a corrective character. I'he man who sticks tp hog wheth er they low wiil right in the end every time. neep the pigs up during stormy davs: and hard wind about as bad as rain Fhe sunshine will make stretch right oat Give chance to ue in win Mee that the milk How that ha stimulajed by the rich autumn gra is maintained by judicious feeding ly ginning before the grass fail With a young horse or two for sale cath year of the type suitable for the market demands, the fan noticeably inareasod J. HH. Monrad, writing Bairyman, complains of the which would tr be mor prevelent in unfairly using phytographs gerate the appearance of dabry co This is done by placing the camera aear the rear of the thereby making the udder appear it really $s. Pouttry houses should be thorough! leaned, disinfected and put in repair before the rold weather sets in Plump chickens ave wanted in ma ket: remember that lousy chickens will not fatten. Give the later summer-hatched chicks a chance to eat their meals without being run over by older birds All the milk they will consume i help to the mouftjng hens with owned ne man fsn't. Just right upper wel over con to constipation 1 feeding fedd be overcom or are high os come out euld ar ua the pork them a day It every een 1NCome i in Hoard's m el + seen OF I European countries, ad of exnp WE cow, larger tha Produce and Prices. Kingston, Oct. 19 --Market reports the following Potatoes, 0c. a peck; cabbage, 5 doz.; celery, Be.; lettuce, 5¢. a bunch onions, We. pk.; carrots, 20c. pk. new beets, 20¢. peck; ripe tomatoes, peck; chickens, 10¢ to fowl, 10¢. h.; potatoes, 75¢ bag +. A. Mekarlane, brock street, Fo porte grain, Hour and feed selling as follows : Oats, He: 124¢ to lh loeal wheat, $1.15 bush; ford wheat, 8de.; peas, $1 to 21.10; yellow feed corp, de; bakers' four, v2.90 to $110; tarmers' tlour, $2.85 to | e310; Hungarian Patent, 10; oat- i meal and rolled oasis, $3.50 per bar i rel; cornmeal, 8 to 3225; bran, $24 {per ton;. shorts, 38 per ton; haled | straw, $10; loose, PX; hav, loose, $17 to $18; pressed hay, $16. to $17 | Meat--Meel, luca, carcase, Pc. to { Ate; prime western, lle to 120, car | case; cuts, 10c. to 20c.; mutton, 10 {to lhc; lamb; 134c to 20. 1b; liv hogs, $825; dressed hogs, 12¢.; ven fle: 124e. Dairy ie. to i creamery, Ah rer 3 gee, & Butter 3 print ac, "to Atk i" doren. John McKay, Brock street, reporis as follows The hide market is steadily declining, owing to poor qual ity and poor demgnd. We quote hides No. 1, trimmed, At 1le.2a lh; and bulls, Hoc. a 1b. sheep skins, fresh the.; devine. 81; veal skins, 13¢. per Ib.; sheep skine same as hides; tallow rondering, 5c. per 1b.; wool, washed, 2ie. per lh; wool, unwashed, 14¢. per Ih.; ginsing, $5 to $6.50 per 1h.; horses {ices No. I. 8. ed hove prices are for No. prime stock; blue pelts and unprime acuord mg to value. / The Dominion Fish company reports the following priges : Whitefish, 1° fh; pike, 10e. Ih.; Chinotk selmon, Be. Ih, Mppersd herring, fe ; mouth bloaters, 0c. doy; perch, the; salt codfish, J24e. 1b; halibut, 15 2c, 1h; fresh * haddock, © A 3 b.: stead, ood, 13. Ih: ; fresh mackerel, 15¢. Wb. oysters ; fillets, 5c. lb; frewh senelis, 20 ta 8 per quart: shell oywters a dos. Yar: An army officer, writing of the im portande of the horse in warfare, save that a have pot aPpreci demasnd for bors Prat. a ------. -------- TROT TR TR NN TT TF A NR JJ ANY brands of Baking Powder contain alum, which is an injurious acid. The Ingredients of alum baking powder are never printed on the label. Magia. Baking Powder contains no alum and is the only baking powder made in Canada that has all the ingredients plainly printed on the label. EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED #8 REA thier b We wit! | ONLY 28 PACKAC A We | Address t EVERY BOY A Ei i 3 "or over PIFTY YEARS 1} 1 not be TEA TH BOW FLYNN, Tre RADWAY. & CO., Ltd.,¢« Montreal, Ca D WHAT THIS nd & Wt . Hlutng } it ba pi us iay TIE MARVEL BLUING c0. Soest. 8 103 NC GIRLIS ALWAYS PLEASED WITH OUR PREMIUMS x Pr Ly <2 ¥ IB. pencil EB. CITA 10 TN ne CERYOE Riwnd HIVE Rw With cvery pay these 1 Ars padi (IF YOU WILL FS OF MARVEL Ly A Kk o 0) aple Ii 8s a val Thus writes & peo LET. k AGREE TO SELL BLUING AT ONLY 10c. PER PACKAGE. r 2 al lat yase bob ren "Wate ¢ FREE This 150 PIECE Complete Scholar's Outfit FREE BOYS AND GIRLS, NEVER BEFORE IN CANADA HAS MH AGRAND PREM UM BEEN OFFERED AND 50 SASY 1 GRAND SCHOLAR'S OUTFIT CONTAINS, t color yp inter cast, 1 n pack very Toronto, Ont. uapded fo us by one ONTOS JUDG L citison of thay piace, Radway's Ready Relief For External and Internal Use CURES Sore Muscles Toothache Neuralgia Sprains, Strains Headachy Coughs Bruises Backache ey Good for Pain-in the Chest bagel Athigtes Pain in the Kidneys Setftica in wonderful He I > r ive } t medy has proved Hse Sore Throat Colds Pheumonia Neuralgia Rheumatism If the best, y YOArs ton, Ont, nada, No. 2} i oe, | welinos | RA MIL The modern tendency in ale drinkin 9 [CIAL D ALE towards the lighter brews, O'Keefe's "Special Extra Mild" Ale.is joy in the amount of alcohol--but high in stimulating health-giving properties. It is a particularly desirable ale for. the home. oo y 43 utamobiies have failed to help you do not ably lessensd the 1 ie: Order a case from your d Evaporation of moisture from the surface of a tree under the fluence of wind may, he says, n duce he temperature of the t several degrees below that of the «i 0) {*iperature. . + Another cause of winter killing ig ° Netvoas Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poisan, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Special Complaints that cannot be cared 'at The Ontario Medical Institute, 263 Yonge Street, Toronto, Je or went Na § og or miles in the srmy. One of thes animals, be says, is for every plovee. Immense numbers of horses per posible oeic| I E. BEAUPRE, LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR, 'PHONE 313 on sure cure and permanent tin \ druggist's at so cts. a box, six boxes for $2.50, postpaid, om receipt of price by a ressi ish in every war Toronto, Canals ie Toray or them. dena the', of 5 mpaign,