Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Oct 1912, p. 2

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PAGE TWO. THE DAILY B RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. OCTOBER ps «9, 1912, ' some in Solid specially low $150. Covered New hogany.. $25, suit ideas Prices up to to} on 35 your taste. Tables match at $1.50, $2.25 up to $490 to and. Carpets to harmonize and color effects, Rugs in tone OHLCLOTH best Seotch 4 Hwitzeriand, Some LINOLEUM AND Large New Stock makes of CURTAINS from iermany and England wonderfully pleasing effects, Repalr and Upholstering work promptly done. ' 'Phone 40, Yours T. F. HARRISON COMPANY This season's Rugs and Carpets are handsomer and chéaper than at any time in our thirty years Iu business. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, BLINDS, CURTAINS, COMYORTERS, GENERAL 110USE FUR. NISHINGS, CARPET WAREHOUSE, < \, R MeFAUL'S anata Lif Assurance Company only Canad fea Gre ri have doub throuen pain hol how a pal oy will shape for ou cheerfully given by J. O. Hutton, A ry? = treet. Wood's Phos Great Faglis Jules aii invigurates the w. ayn, makes in old Vains, ures 'Handsome Residence For Sale" Kensington Place . New brick, 9 rooms, hot water heating, lirge ff verandah on three sides with fine view of the water facing Kensington Park. Cement walk, sewer and Bee t and water, etc, to | i Ma- Why McKay's F urs THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S; HONO | STUDY dt | POLITICAL SCTENCE STUDENTS WILL The Social and Moral Conditions ol Kingston--Elections in Faculties Friday--HRBudget o! "and Years on University News. By Queen's Correspondent The honor students in political sei lence are busy getting first-hand in- | formation concerning the social and moral conditions prevalent in King- {#ton It is their purpose to make a | study of the housing problem, which {| now faces the eity. In this connec- { tion they will give thie result of their re a in regard top the poportion {of people living in their own houses | and compare it with the numbe= of citizens who occupy rented houses They will report on the extent to which overcrowding exists, and on A BUSINESS Bui uilt on the genera! level of rents and their { tendency. They will also come to a QUALI i Y | dafinite conclus'on regarding the | questions of sanitat'on and fair rent as, connected with the houses of workingmen. Anower factor in city life which will come under their consideration will be the recreation facilities of Kingston, Questions such as these will be answered Does Kingston provide 'a sufficiency of recreation facilities, free or otherwise, for the young men and women of the city? Do the saloon and the park answer the needs? The nationality | city will also com | tion The place | Grefk and the China | of the city will be set forth.. Their numbers, trades, religion. isolation | prosperity ard status-~ss citizens wil) all be elucidated ~ Another festure which prove valuable to the connei lors. will be the conclusiobs arrived at for the.provigion of the future growth of the In Yavifie plans for the futu*e, the students will offer suzeestions re the orovi sions for roads, harbore, doeke parks aod plaverounds. They will work en The assumption that Kine ston 'will have a population of 40.- 060 the course of the next len | years and will plan accordingly Some of the class will consider the f nart nlaved bv the university in the life of the city. Others will dea) with questions of taxation, with the taxation of unimproved lands, ete | T~ another section will fall the tack of reporting upon the labor condi- | tions of Kingston, woman and ~hild tovmant the position of trades . "wD Did it ever occur to you Are so well known ? all nrobloms of the in for investiga- sf the Jew, the in the life shonld city ¥ city. Aa wr TRY NOLANS Special Blend 01 High Grade Coffee, 40c a Ib. 338 Princess Street, Phone 720 Prompt Delivery. IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had better stop at. once or you'll loge your job. livery Hine of business: ypionigm, strikes, the level of wage \ ® clo to t 'Drinking p In closing its doo 0 next and the soeial welfire work earried the i usands of om von bv employers will all come in for have ves of sobriety eongideration, and We are so sure The results of this investigation benefit you that {should prove of inestimable benefit if afer # trial you in the way of providing valuable Pe 0) i i » ! benetit from 8 use 'civic data, while the students at the same time will profit by dealing with concrete and practical problems. When yeu stop in restored "ta } industry ORRINE wil to you ths to get an money wil that we say fail your think of #obey en vrinking." save: besides, more to thelr higher wages the wmoney you'll men are warth ployers and get Costs only $1.00 a box. We have an fnteresting booklet about ORRIN we are giving away [ree on ro. Call wt our store and talk W. Mahood, Agent, nd Hagoy Streets, News of Arts, The fréeshmen's reception has postponed till Oot. 30th The opening meeting of the A. took place on Saturday morning eo speaker was Rev. Neil M. Leclfe Th Cause of i result of the elections in veur "13 Artd, on Friday, wae as follows Eczema Explained Honorary president, Prof. J. I. Mor ison; president, J. H. Mclnnes vice president, Miss Flora Fair; orator debate medical Mr. Graham; secretary, J. I. Lamont agreed that [ treasurer, Mr. Forbes historian, Mr ma and other skin diseases {1 " Ri a 5 ented in the blood, but are caused | lannaker; poetess. Miss E. Chown wvriads of apleroscoplie prophetess, Miss Gilhooly, gnawing the flesh just below epidemics The patient perfect ti healhty, | only the that diseased Hence that you the Hak per! that been corne QUM After Nears of yrities are slow is is skin Medical Election. election daw of the Aesculupian sodety, lectures wave sus pended during the afternoon. The voting commenced at two o'tlock and closed At five. Excitement was gh, And a keen interest was taken fn the polling, the offices of president and seetctary heing especially canvassed for, that evervwherg the seniory | were seen button-holing the other stu- dents, chiefly the freshmen, with whom it was thought the treatment they received on Thursday night would naw agreed cure the Ekin through medicine mus be In y order to penetrate pro p Tan say in congide nee the irue remedy for si¢res-the D.D.I scientists ate Friday being Pr this you wash with Hguid you will find tb We positively assure vou i Will vou try a botlle on Gur recommendation? Besides the regula Dollar Battle we can now offer you an arrangement with the Laboratories, a special large hottie at only 265¢ We are not ] how long this Shfer wil be open al It Is open to-day, and by taking |... a. " x it up you ean gel instant reltef from | SV their vote. io thal awful itch and an early cure, geo. | The ballot counting lasted until nine W. Mahood, cor. Princess and Bagot | o'clock, when the results were given "eas a -------- the eagerly waiting students, Er ollows Aescalapian p Honorary sident, Dr. James Third; president, J M. Kclso;vich-president, J. H. Walme ley: secretary, 8S. W. Burden; assistant sorvetary, K. L. MoKinnon; treasurer, J. M. MelLachlan; committee, CC. K Wallis, J Reott, T. CC. Matheson, W. McRarlane, M. Coghlan. Concurgus-- Chief judge, J. A bie: wenior judge, E. Williams; jumio judge, C. EF. Hannah; prosseuting at tommey, C. I. Stone; medical experts G. Williams, A. Johnson; shat, F Tougher; clerk, F. of. Joffrey; crier, W. F. Clark; chief of police, E: F Carefoot; constables, J. W Colton H. Tagyard, A. E.\Wartman, F.C Crawford; grand jury, W. K. Grant, Jeffrey, F. H. Clark, J. E. Cane, R. Donovan, H. G. Murray, of. An grove, RB. RB. McGregor. A. D. McConnell, of year "11, has returned to college but has not de cided whether he will nesume Hs sta dies. e Tw nurses of the general hospital i Y * : [held an informal dance Friday night. Hi. Ww. Newman Hectric (o. at. which some of the students wees : preaent. 79 Princess St. Phone 441 © BO i to as 8 pre Attention ! Ss Do Every kind of Electric and Gas Table Lamps and Desk Lamps for] study. Extension. Drop lights, Green Shades for Eye Comfort Locks, 2 Way Sockets and Tungsten Lamps. i Comp stock Elec: tric supplies. ¢ 8 "TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened in Kingston and Elsewhere in 1887. H A. Calvin was elected a gover- nor of MeMaster Univergity for a year. ; The rector in charge and parish- foners of Ernesttown are arranging to bold a service commemorative of the formation of that parish by Rev. John Langhorn, 100 years ago. Mr. Langhorn arrived in Kingston, then call~d Cataraqui, Sunday. Sept. 30th, 1787, and proceeded early the same dake Park; whete he awss wyreral gut. nt Tittle baby gil was bors a Ye, and Mrs. James Dodge in the Smith's Falls hospital on Friday. The infant is entitled to a silver cup do ' week to Ernesttown. . Molott, daughter ott" Market nrices greted: fresh pork. Thresher's Corners,» 10¢ per 1b.; ham 12%c to l4c In; Ont., on Thursday, a_ bacon 10¢ to 128: potatos. %0¢ to $1 per bag: ge bd T30 put dunen; novel Josée shot | EAFTOM H6¢ bush 2 CPE fat to 5 Tar os? PALA P EL SPL PLL OEE V PEE } Told in Twilight $4 +2000 re dining room were red carnalgons a Ting r ta Zr flowers, M Mi Le M Shortt M Jones Sy M Crowe Ww Fairlie, M Brownfisld, M Daley, is Bulivan, M and vas 'tub to-day, M A son, of 'a e we yr, 8 mn, and Knight, od shadad « bie w acefu} 3 and c was presided 3 { amp bell and Agnes ardson served ASSISLINE were rs. FP s jces and t girls 88 Mabel Brownfi-ld, Miss Mari slie, Misses May and Rese Rogors, iss Min Gordon, Miss Charlie Miss Eleanor Minnes, Miss abel "Rie hardson and N Mildred The g Mrs Isaby Misses Ethel aldron, Misses Anna ar Mi Dawson, mons, ay and 1d Margaret Mes Dorothy Miss 3 Shortt, isses Massie, Miss Bessie Richard Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Edith Dorothy Goodwin, Miss Phyl s Miss Alice Macnee. Misses and Agnes Browns, Miss Kathleen Miss May Chown, Miss Fran Miss Gertrude Powe isses Mollie and Kathleen Saunders Miss Parkin adge Walter Macnee, Union street, hostess at a very enjoyable ncheon and bridge at the Country her guest Montreal. The D. 8. Robert Mrs. in honor rs. F. Botterel, of 1ests included Mrs Mrs. Carman and Miss Molso Montreal, Mrs. J. Cappon, Mrs. rmpbell Strange, Miss Afic Mug e, Mrs. Bate of Ottawa, Mrs. 1t Dawson, Mis. R. E Kent, St. Pierre Hughes, Mis Macnee and Misses Jonnie Norman-Taylom Slub M i M d Cobourg, and Miss Ma Mrs. B 8 M have been the guests 3t, Te i. 4 te wen ag M ri oi it appon, have been the guests this an te has been spending t Folia, th A most enjoyable high tea was ven on Wednésday at the Country | Migs | The guests included arjorie Pe Miss May Rogers, is8:8 Mar and Susie Anglin, isses Kva and Mabel Ric hardson, 8s Mamie Garret., Miss Osler, jorie Starr of itler, Royal M litary entertaining at tea ogia y Rav. Danicl College the hour on and Mes who Mos Strachan, of Mrs. | Johnson have onto Miss Beatrice spending mn. Rev. street, Birch, the Bagot week-end in Hamil H. Cameron, of Woodstnk for two weeks of Dy rs, A. P. Kolght, Alice street Mra. F. Botterdl. of Montreal, ved in town on Friday and ie mt of Mra. Walter Macnee, reet, and later will Mrs J street has and ar th visit Barrie Me. and Mrs. T. } vending a few davs in Hon. W. J, and Mrs. Harv son Hamilton Hearst, whe week of My have retu AT id Mrs, » Sauit Miss W. PB Ste, Naomie Nickle Marie, Dixon, of Te the me ts the guest of Mrs Wiliam street, for a Xas, su e river, me Brock stroet, pos Mrs. John Fairlie, returned to | { street. Union | roed | } _- me --- wr ate A Ae aE oe OA ltl tl as tt tl Pr at a Tae ret ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY of ENGLAND | JUST RECEIVED. PRICE 65c Cosmopolitan for November Now on Sale. Articles and illustrations by Chambers, Gibson, Morris, Oppenheim Chester, Harrison Fisher and others Spring Majd Music. All the music of 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. ~1q this popular Opera now on sale COLLEGE BOOK STORE "Phone 919. o-Night Will be a good time t it is-not a bit too soon, as the cool wave will now here and you will require a heavy garment, » pick out your soon ('oat. be Y od 57 og Weishow new Coats only, We We show the pick of Canada's premier coat makers. > I show newest styles only We show a hig range of nobby garments at $5.00 and up. [t is a pleasure to show our Coat May we show them to you? Kid Gloves Have vou tried a pair of our celebrated Ethel Kid (Gloves, the $1.00 Glove with a hig goat intee back of them: All shades and all sizes. Same quality as sold in other $1.25, ONCE WORN, ALWAYS WORN. stores at and the hilerwenr the ( orset Juy Hosiery, Ribbons an Wool Gloves at this money, store ed hest sor { | gest variety of ilats to be { found { to choose here New Capes 25¢ to $1.50 New Stiff Hats $1 to $5 ABLE "The THE NEW HATS Hat Store." This store has the big in" Kingston and we are the only direct Hat importers. [Its easy New Soft Hats 50c to $5 Fine Furs. 5 few NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. I show you the hest of Clock In We can 5.00 worth Can- ada. Sra not only clocks,' and $5.00 It's for the man- Its a special, equal to other hut tel, better, i --h You be the judge and com- pare. iy FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH BROS. shalt pa Mrs, W from Ce the Friday, for Nit turned home on where she has month, the guest of pF. Fairlie Rev. Dr. Tryro, N.5., have 'have taken a house for the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Logie have been visiting Mr 'Macdonnell, University Friday for Sierra Made, to spend the winter Mrs. Adam WW. Coclu street, will recive on | har 22nd, and on the third Tuesdays thereafter. . heen and and family, a artdved in Lown and Nilson street Mcleod on have arrived at Macdonnell and Mr i edt on wiiin | gl avenue Cali Alferd | gf 109 BROCK STREET, uesdn (eto | and fourth Roses, Lily of the Valley, Chrysanthemums and i - Carnations. All fresh. { 36. | Fairlie, of Des Moine guest of Rev. John Brock street Mcleod has returned several Me. James lowa, is the Mrs. Fairlie, Rev. Norman to BnockyviBe, after spending days in town : and Mra, to-day for Gillies Depot weeks vith Mr. and Gillies. x Miss Elsie Brown and Mis An Store 'Phone House 0257. | J. Rtuart MeCann left to spend "a Mra. Austin Me: Fir We Orind Our Own Lenses Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Our large show rooms 'are replete with all the | newest Far Jf models, facilities and experienceen- | able us to give | great values | in Furs. Low er prices than | ours, means lower quality. | WATCH OUR WINDOWS. EJ 540 Hatters and Furriers. . Our i | Don't endure the suffering that Sal : above Ring street. gibbon, Montel, are Waiting Miss Ward, 162 Johnson street, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailie, street, have retyrnsd from Dare Montreal Mr. and Mrs Datos A. Cays, Bar rin steel, announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise May, to My Wellington W. Gibson, the wedding to take place in November. Y{Continged on page three) to 1m sme their who come mn Many us for peojile eye examinati agine that there is foreign = substance in eyes. i 'It is sometimes hard to con. vince them that these gritty sandy, seratching, Irritating conditions are symptoms and effects due to refractive errors which may be: corrected by the use of proper Glasses. Let Us Take the Grit, Out. 1. . Asselsine D. 0. Registered Optometrist & Optifian B42 King St. Phone 1019. i Stop Salt Rheum. and similar afiections cause on permit them to ¢ chromic. Bear in mind that Wade's Ointm is positively guaranteed to cure ke ma (Sal 3. Od Sores, Bed Sores, Piles, Catarrh, Dandruff, and all sealy and itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, Me. at Melood's Drug Stare, 53 Brock street, one dom Why band ovér your money fo the banks for them fo invest at good in- IMPORTED BULBS E.K PURDY'S y § | i = fT -- a | | | Jewelers, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET. Hudsen Bay Sable Ermine, Persian Lambs, GOURDIER'S 76-78 Brock Street. Minks, at A Double Dwelling * onta Vine good ernents, otner lot, E. W. MULLIN Beal Estate Bought and Sold, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, JOHNSON & DIVISION STS, "Phone 539. COR, Don't fuss, don't worry--we'il launder those COLLARS, CUFFS AND PRESS SHIRTS to giadden your heart. There'll be no blisters, no biots, no saw edges to irritate your peck. Scientific clean- ness positively assured every time. DON'T FUSS Cor Pritcess & Sydenham Sts. "Phone 22. .

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