THE DAILY BRITISH HIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1912. ; PAGE THERER. cled in town to-day "THE THIRD DEGREE" Me nd Mr © CHIMNEY. ISLE . 8 7 demi { Toronto, Gut, Oct. IBeh, 168 mm id i tre Will be the » it the Grand To- iawn Valley and t pper Si. Lawrente. Event i For regulating the Eth dL . » *H Strong Westerly winds: cicariae bd 3 i becoming canter. Sumday, westerly bowels, invigorating uthatiand, . | FORMERS OWNED BY THE]. chen RLL the thas or tape Seiidng fale and much roricr the kidneys and : spend the d : : LATE JOHN D. FLOWER. Lion and the Mouse," is responsit stirring up the lazy : CF ro r some Gime, dell, } Mes. Tea A. Kip Sells Site=Obd Club | 000 : Th Me i ah o : liver - - - . > Hi s nal hy i i Hot Property Long in the lherp br minen a oi thi Fe i { Continued from Page ! 5, fa ay Lf . 4 . i Flow Fan ily, ix Purchased Ly exist is cities The sce or » Mrs, Harold W. Davis hold her post. doin Tiel. TOLD i gney, oy : .- itn. laid in New York. the rai be very oman iS ~ ' uptial reception at hb +i E ' MY), on i t Re . . ada : i i Dr. Morse's ni pion at hee pretty bos ? Magu, Tobi ot Ry on Stuart street on 'Thursday and | ri : . : arieton 1 'For irst tim ; of Fi Root Pills Davis, Bir a Pra ant A | Genital, tin, arrived ue tows ot Sri uch of the Jute jou. Fiow police: derartment. Which niereste brey Davis of Hamiton, M ber {603 av. Albert strot Ii : . oy CD AETOWE, many instances have tres r id to adore ro WilkTn returned toler Utiim quisition for bart assisted the host n : a 3 ba taining her gue i he din i wm Frida ite pending i _ on . el 3 x Ins nd ie subj ct! x . s » . ve proved for over 160m the tea table, which wos pret foral days in own, the guest" of Mes. |p Ce He a tu ssocia a Da can CY Ih Jhnt : Jashion: Lily arranged with £3. Uraig, Barrie street half a centur : F ihe purchase of the and a Ss a ri : a [ p Y, in Ams, Was pi P. H. Burke and son, North-] 8 well k as a summer rv | Pay should fuvite a large audience did le for Fall and Winter every quarter of the Bois, Mrs. J. } ot i [eote, (meen street, ure spending a fon wear We, are in a posit on to show you from one of | th) By i i > MOCIA- | YEverywoman,® Monday 3 < (days with relatives in Hamilton. \ i . n ¢ ' a, onday and Tues. George « A ' m § ' &arnum « uf world, absolutely safe Mrs. Georg ; detiay. rs. Miss Lirumniond rewucned on k hn i Ba : day . wherisos 8 iT nra ts ouny. ¥ § by i. i n t ca, and 5 . 3 pA : * 5 dus from Toronto where 1 Wit i Sur: . and most effective. iris Who assisted were Misses Jessi til (pronto where shy i h st of the stockholders wer urpassing ize and magnif ome tin | : I A " nee a and Una Polson, Miss Jean Dull, Mis pis © a. *y purchased °F anything whic h has hereto % been offered to the n { -- fariory Pit, frueiph 1a { nd at i Pt 25¢c, a box Marjorie Lui, oad of the Island ; eling 4 gers Mins Katie Workiian, Mie | FATHER TOOK HIS DAUGHTE a: of A ae ex-tensel| LOE OTgauiation, Jos Daley, Miss 3! (Hdrieve 3 A es BO i - A HEE product M 3 : a 1 Hen i | beaut i ad 3 3 woman," which will } Tiss Hilda Hague, Miss Sibbald Ham | From Chine wy Tavudey to Prevent : IEW 0 # A WML De ton, Miss Edith Fraser, Mise Mossi | Mes [m : : Wade, on Thursday, ed on the onday and the largest and most per- Marriage, V1 yr ang 22n It does not look as though the] The assoc i went out of getive [YO Manager other than wedding between the Ihvision xiree; [€X1 1 As ago and uid attempt to present tin Wednesday afternoon the ral H hiness lavundryman and a sixteen | of 1 members are w liv i€l'ng organization a mate} LWA played for the Grey tubhy year-old uptown girl will take place, | 11y Property passe. tt {2rge and so completely at the country citb and won hy Mrs [omuccount of the father of the gui hands of the late Johan NOL 1 EK. Spell. Alter the mateh a jinterfe, oo ibe wedding had bres shle luncheon was ser | arranged tJ take place an Gw City including Mrs, VV, ( t {hast evening but the father went t ! € \. Fk. daell, Miss Mor {the Inundry on Friday afternoon and |farthe 1 e Bt. 1 . tion to the hundred and, fifts Mabel, Dorothy anil Marjori i fenused quite an exciting time for i $s approached by M ros fi re. Which are required in the prs Hlield, Miss EKmnia and Flsie Pops fwhile. For the past few days the | 0 Mr y \ ; ibd to work the ted { Misscs Marie and Dorothy Carruthers, [girl has been living with the Chios i i f roof a op. | BEe0IC effecis, an entie SY HiDh | Mi Hilda Hague, Miss Jean Uuf [ man and has helped with wis work |®TtY and 1 0 owns the histori. CTCHestra is carried by the com | Mi Marjorie bull, Guelph; Miss Ma Fhe father heard that a wede ling was HIReY 2 on Mr. Cross consider he gan ion carries three jion Les fe, Miss Dixon and Miss Nors lg tly to take place and detern hae an treiased one i vadcs of "Nery and costum { ordon. : : ; s It at a stop to it. | beauty p ol the Si AWTen i ncludes a grand ? [ : | The Chinaman in question i ¥ 4 {SUI pera chorus, in a | Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mackay; | Walkerion, Gut., announce the engage Hobertson, Mise Fdith Goodwin, an Miss Mabel Hichardson. e » » fectly appointed stocks in a trav- 8] f Dress Goods in Canada a feature which all that is nove! later int ¢ hands o ay 4 this product As Mp i | un dur 3 } . El $ the awner a lay in New York has been + |e and n eautiful ney - d for the tour spectac] WER Ve andcorrect i m co tor, lt 1 bright voung man. Rent! tinto the Ruundry busine " | ment. of their daughts velhe | p Bicycles [| [i sii vuteic ould on o tyrant atmerly of Ham Lhe marriag: | money | HOARY el } | witl take pee qui mn Wednesd, | i : $25.00 | [inn EL Hyslop wheels represent the B.S. Robe " maximum of reliability and {] [stret, eniertfnpd at the ten hi LIVING CHEAPER IN CALGARY {named Fort Haldig t Oct, service, .with real and sub- a y afternoon in honor of Mrs | {this isl: that the blood Massacees!¥ he will 3 the ces stantial value positively trons. os 2 ike 3 : | Than it is in Kingston, Qatside « f ' Valley ana W ing were! ral character of Martha Morto guaranteed. All sizes for |}| Rents, planned; it was the home of Joseph | Comedy, The Senator Keeps y . Brar t oted Ir r of & 104 The pls Nis men, women and children. Snell, Johnson street, i oma Pollie, li cH 8 Mel, the play was introduced : 3 f is K 5 Here the redsgins gather r y season at the Garrick Mail Prders filled promptly. entertaining at a girls' tea, on W » 0 ' 4 their ammunition hefor t ns ) York City, where nesday alternopn, in honor of Mis: dow i i bean of Rar ; Pol their blood tides, At the ak GF 8 ceessiul run of fou Jed ain HYSLOP BROS. Ltd. = [|| Marjorie bu. of Gusti. Hor mom than five somes. Ma. Pollie |(heFF Dioady raids, At the arenkin;| '00 suceessiul wun of four months. Shuter'and Victories Streets Melelland, "Out b {i with Fepard lo th : 1 divin burned by a band of nerics E ro t 1 th a . met ; 'a > Z ¥ eliand, erburn, a warring rents 0 « y i 7 ee 2h rag a i TORONTO I issu nvitations for a t fis cheaper in Calgary £1 1 A a hi or his local its i re 3 ; Piles Cm in 6 to 14 Days. moon, for her daug de i Foti pe Us hh | SA MEE II nt mer oy cay ane Be |B Store of Satisfaction 1 ow C--O ---- "The Senator Keeps House," We make College Gowns to order. EDGARD RIEGEL LPHOLSTERY, OILOLOTH, CARPET LAYER [lived to live in much smaller nre any Sing Hoe yt erit ¢ "py \ {than they do here, In connection wit ¢, Blind, Bleedin O 1 i : se N . N : on onto IDE & bumbel {pe fhiset 'of the real estate hi t ww Piles in six to {on wirtoen da { 1 s that ny »' . " n Repairs Furnitures in ail SBiyles. : | oe te: ten Lh . uv [ut west Mr. Pollie saves that Ve EL Le en fler at ELE Pe) CCE FEVER TREE TE TEE eo lithe ten val aturday, Oct. 2600 Hates Hensounble, : . » . ts a bigger boom in Kingston ove i re y ] ot : 3 LA) oh Manion I pica | Edmonton and Calgary real estat nigh The "company yon will receive « : aned th I ye Queen 8 1 QUEEN'S STUDENTS! | 2] Drop a Card or Call. rs. George the third Monday of the wonth dur * [than there is in those ies, The ; abi h bi Tor ou _ Sh Thea hi b Clarence St n he winter, at 0l i Fad ronal leountry round about those citiem i | oun, a ing ' York and th» Studebaker 4 . ; the wint I sire 3 2 t chur \ ; i nish » d Mw - ll. . ar divided into town lots for 4 ml " al i 1 1 3 M > a id to tae ha hy Mrs. 1. G. Smith, Gore street. will lout and this stufflis all being market Gi Yew labard inn labrary book ed a rea remarkable pany of . . . 1, bro et, Cw ; | Lrahson's. | farceur r the play The action of v PATENTS. NOL receIve ain until November. ed in the east, Gas LT. E. Dailey, a farmer, near W the plece all takes place on the NY. 8 y a » Wy NNT , ¢ AY tertown HERBERT J, 8. DENNISON Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hilloroft." re The Love of Money. | . is suelg Samuel | poanim vi cars of an rerland T, imti- REGISTERED ATTORNEY, - | 1 f | Roventein for 85.000 for alienation of | a4 1 ¥ (formerly of Fetherstonhaugh turned to town, to-day, after spend his wife's affections. * 7 | | I've just mad a discovery 1 y 3 +14 +1 | -- - Dennison "& 0.) ing the wesk in Brockville, the gue fi always beep inclined to rehe : : . 4 | { i | 4 aha} at the idea that "money is the root vew labard 18 Years' Experience in Patents] | of hor gunt, Mrs. Griffin Gibson's i Genuine Service, 1 Ex-Ma i and Practieab-Engineering, Mrs. J. B Craig spent Friday Star Bldg, 18S King St, W,_, Toronte plan iain Ry We can Show You the largest uh to like to stay by scripture | VY HIE. © ! * Hueth a er, t eve ime The But in this up-to-date world. on of thar wedding on Thursday. [Companion enters a home it do assortment and greatest variety ' w Gliett tor blad ' Giles that home a genuine servic town, on her way from Cape Vinn to hor bome in Ottawa AMABBA asans a. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walsh, of Vancou " ver, who have heen Setcling some} cannot get Mong. very well withou te iB] tine in Toronts, are exjpe in town | money It brings wus half the SON ; " : lescrihes the purpose of the pu E in Canada. Just Ar IB] today, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jame | blessings w ! and enables us | hag a ay jie exactly Fhe paper 0 ) ? " were af 3 nto 1 i nigchievous Rion George street to help along th ther fellow ag!) | i mischieyou | Mr. Cornelinsg Bermingham, returns i well bn : everal ht : | thous il an die h P tr 5 This is one of our specialties Brown' S Fie ipl vn Friday, irom New York, whe | OW find that scripture i ght | th y bo lat ot Toran Pind . en pastime, recreg ii that . was spending vee {after al Tut loesn't sav a J e lat st ope ic i opu- | i fT tis to ti : 4 . . ; i Mies pling po' Dunoon, Seat { mone , k on root of all evil, lar music at Dutton's {eager and sianahle young peo We invite your inspection. | | "Love of money is the roof ob le what ind 'athletic ¢ Butterscotch hi : . x l & " There is a big differenc 20c. per pound {i ENKINS' i ountable fe ey Bo ey o Ugly i the yor to a « 3: the t 2 . > | " { vi {f th vorld than the Ver guished Y I : n Te { iJ li wbundance of it. T helieve 'tha Have Al Gone. a and Europe. Whether ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED A J.REES| HALE Eo Fa ak : il Saturday Specials [[jhen wi of us have enouen \l achievements, or felling of th Wine Chima . t f - i i supply all of our uwormal wantza | 166 Princess St. Phone 58 ! "he thing that makes so many | Face a Siehi. But a Short Time | : il # - > Hii people narrow is not money but stuart's talcum Walers i he A fH, a o the the love of it, and even then h Worked Wonders. greedy g ing, which many do {add to y ttle 'hoard, is thie 1A KIF : more to the ar of poverty than th 2 via Reve serials at least ¥ fh -1 | {tl love of money: 4 | vd 1 Compan y 3 ! Y 0 S pil . Hi The ineldent that inspire Y ¥ FIVE y 208 other ¢ plete at HE DAIL NEWS | . bring out these some what incohor } § bi os \ tion to son fH BANQUET HALL S lk ii{ent remarks was an article ths ! . ; optributic WE b : | have just read supporting the pre g A 5 ES oko ne tes ie advice Th i } ' 1 5 Hioant system society 4 oe 3 Ro y ath « por id Fr 4 : € of so with all it tl injustices to working men and far 2in |, cher aL RET Ltn ani | Best Makers Best Clothes 1S now ready. Espeeially | wealth apd put more mon into the | suitable for Entertain I New York Ties [[ishas' oF ue bane the | an | Le 1913 wilt boseut with sample con Just Test Our Better Clothes ments by societies or con i] of them would got greedy and grasp ; a Ci ha | nuest I ventions, Large, and ing for more, others would go t | Every new subscriber who s AES ad : 2 er ~ private. Just the opposite extreme and live : > % E $2.25 for the fifty-two Ww 1861 Men) { . J. J. Lackie's 168 Princess St. roof vy 11S TP I : | ? ] Sisits ' 1 I n ra titrd ad Mon. Many of our customers IHlives of over-indulgence } ON iy nf T1913 'will: receive. as A mil : . ! Kons f have been waiting for | We want to remember that mone ; F Companion : oe . Lis one of the grandest tl gs in the { an . y 1} f BEG PA a ------ these for some time = Hr Bfaiiqust things 1n th and Cal : 3 World, , because of what it will da | | auisite ne We ngw have an excel: Lid all of ns have a competency Man atharwice girl ix shi | pani enders: also, - * lash This Se 50 Be lent il $ and the H {thers would be legs of virn ani funy an ne ; iy Bu nl i ba 3 ea n 's est Overcoat. ent collection ! 1 i RR { tracted with her? appéarance. Poor lof The Companion for the remaining oy) more of comfort in this old world. |, wit She doefn't yet kabe that | weeks of 1912, free q int men i Shes i; th " 3 3 3 i 'ort i & ? r i The Phi osop har Stuart's' Caleiom "Waters wilh quickly | NE Jhis s Compsnion, 144 hud : wih rot ) IR irda ane " il sranslorm her into i perfect dream of | Ber 8. Boston, Mas 75¢. i i UREAT SUCCESS. krone po 13s at ging brit | "Ringston and Ottawa. M ther s B Wi SC { H il] The Plowing Match Held at Leanos R pris » a . a - nf | Ridonu. Ring jor ¢ a Non | 9 ers e ! : So | L the late © AS in th watlt © are 4 The a Swift & %1 de anv day New t ats iil . This Week. Th ant irate. The do ib ora day ard Thursday . Swift ke #1 do sday and Monda or 3 } {| Groat snocess marked the first plow. | come pinpsh 8 hut merely allay sur | i aaa ah io Sat I'lie one thing in ie mg match, held at Lemnox, on Tues face irritation. "Huy 'tough syeups.". Gilmonts arduy and' Hondas : se w Lag, t was held at Henry Jlunter's Skin-hea mut 4 am owithin 2. On Bapt, 23rd. a number of A ---------------- i arr mand in sis the Ne id i held at Hi fo kin-hesith tome fror thin ; Silk Fi t Soft Hats fil: farm, north of the * Grand A Trunk | Skin tissise ix made from ths blopd, | riends sathered at the Home of Mr Dl snes: » : te [li tracks, and the sGii was good. The | and ae it is u tendency of naluce tolang Mrs. 8. Craven, Hawley, an Fall Sh s We have just received |i vice Sinners. worn as igllows : Walk Shrom of a geod shate 4 finpasitice pressnted Mr. and Mrs. John Uraves oc . ing flows, sod, John Kent, Thowgs | tArotigh thy Kil, naiREALY ampunities | yup on address snd & varie 1 -- . out ia Pate oi Tan and a good assortment of fj °% (ows suloobe Rent Thomas |00E en. the dusinte nthe form of | dhawor. , these specials i in Browns, i Wilkins, C. Gosden; boys' class, sod, Pimples, 5 RE lac ah ps i Waders "Rodak filme." at Gitson's. ntl Fawns and at fiji Charles MoKim: boys' class, stubble, | TUPLcns Dut Stua 3 tn REIS. Mr. Thomas 'has been fhatalied i: Areys a a iH] Joseph Keitt: suthy plow, stubble. | BASE 8 remarkahkle aetivity in the | his new position as station agent | A pleasure t Yeasonable prices. : Perey Prostans' 'gang: pl stabbi | Blood which seeks the skig us an out: $to- the B of and CN. railways | ot for its unpopities. These are A a mA A AA EN i § i i Jes y, in th lave of P. J on fre" MN aan thrown, off +n - invisible mise or gas, | 2} Deseronto, in the place of ¥ s 2 McKeown, who goes to Smith's . \ BSS. are censumed in the oxyges of the sie . \ : A A nei AT ons on x tnd ih a few days all imperfestions of Falls. bd" ibuon" L. B R M S O N a Sheulation sd of skin hénlth are overs Pion ws Nr and Yee Joh 4 : / J 0 istrie Mowers, Empey Hill, met at heir | |} Bingston's Cheapest Clothes 338 Princess St tL alt blemishes disappear snd the shin pnp snd or ; On Friday, October 1th, the 15th | becomes as ear and smooth as a) POWe on oy ny ast. and: pre annual. convention of phe WMS. oi | baby's. Go to the rt stare to-day sented them wit 8 kitchen shower. | mr -- pret -- ; -- ii the Napanee disiriot, was held in the | --sny druggist can heti-gnd | "Buy kodak Sms" Gibson's 3 r : -- : ii Methodist church, st Odessa. Ten pus- get a Fox. of Starts ply he Wailers | Georoe Jeofiver; Inrimér, Was justant | Gregg Haight has soid one of his} "Menthol and Eucalyptus" = cough ilis¥ies reported having raised the sam tril. They will cost vou anly 50 ily killed on a Michigan Central cross | farmg on tae Lake Shore drive to | cahdots. fiibeon's May ist and nearly all jeents but are really worth many dol. {ing iu Merson township, when bie | Wiinhot B shop of Rese Hall, and! My pnd Mrs. A. R. Boyes, late of ite plan. of work foe tars to hd your face is marred by ronaway korses were sttwek By a spe (Bas rented his other farm to J. A | Danse. are tow located at San Jone, resigned © a8 pies, blotches, blaskhdads, | cial. Ties. Mr. Haight has retired frow | California. Mr. Boyes has invest © aed Mrs. AL e. Conv 3 +g "Bye kodak Sime" Gibson's farming, and has secured a resi [a4 in a frolf ranch. He was for elogted. Wal Seaforth is without coud ad un 1, in Wellington. merly of Napanee. able to "Now Gillette razof blades." Gib} Peanut ae shasld hale ao oot e's | plain il dy in Ciindapes ant rth from 51.50 and 81.25, om sale Sai-