Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Oct 1912, p. 6

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PAGS SIX. T™E DAILY nnrasm HG, THE ORPHANS HOME AWAITING THE REPORT! A FARM HOUSE BURNED aE ETING HELO A LRNOON, THE ANNUAL ON FRIDAY A Surplus of $77 on the Work--Addresses Were ed by Rev. 85. J. M. br. A. E MPP. ine year just has been of unprecedented satisfaction for the Orphans' Home, "as was set forth from the reports [Jad at the annual meeting, in the school room pbuilding, on Union street, on Frio afternoon. Mayor F. J. Hoag pre- sided, the staff and the children be ing present, as well as a number the lady directorate and friends o! the institution, The report of the corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. «. Chown, read by Miss Muckleston, showed that the beginning of the year had found few children in the home, but now thers are over 50 in residence. The Chil dren's Aid agent of the eity, J. (C McConachie, has sent in 26, and has provided homes for six of t.ese. The health of the children has been good no contagious diseases developing The children have taken a keen in terest in the school garde: , intro duced by Miss E. Wilder, tie schoo teacher, and Mrs. B. W. Robertson had given spades as prizes Men tion was also made of the efficient work of the half-day teacher, Misc O'Connor. Fisappointment was ex pressed by the removal of the kin dergarten from the home by the pub He school board, as at the suggestion of that body expense was gone to in equipping the department The usual outings were provided, and spe cial indebtedness for these was cred ited to Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Lady Cartwright, H. C. Nickle, the of Quinte Steamboat company and the Woife Island ferry for picnics en Joyed, * The report Ross, clogea ol of the registrar, Mru J. Crawford, went to show that the number of admissions, © including those in residence on October 1, 191: (62), were 106, of which discharged There are now 30 in th home, with 82 beds. The ties of the children are: Canadian 89; English, 11; Sodteh, 1, aud American, 5. Kingston contributed 79 of 'those, the tenac 11; other counties, other countries, 3. Mrs. R W Garrett, treasurer, re ported the instifution to be finan- cially "well above water The ceipts, with a balance of $79 on hand in September, 1911, Were $4,361 The maintenance of the home for th Year was »4.28 on hand of ir leaving a balance Rev' 8 I. M Compton, of St. Andrew's church, the children and friends. hat he Snstitution brought home : @ solution of one of the Frvtdiug Nucla! Problems, the caring « ie Young. Natiopal and not High ol to Ideal s! gnificance way ork done by such Institutions 4s this home--tending the children who would otherwise ba adrift in the 'whirl of Hee. connection the speaker declared that he sincerely believed that nation's best asset was its men and Women, who were living lives of Christian ussfulness. He viewed the work from two aspects, what it meant to the children, and then to the lives of the workers, In ths latter they are being human. iged. Hé declaPed that, if' was the fact of the common Christianity that impelled interest in such ihsti- . Mitions. The aspect of the state towards this and kindred work, and the in- creased Interest it is taking in care of its rising generation, - wa one of the points emphasized by Dr. A, E. Ross, M.P.P. The member eaid that the attentive ear of the government to such work was ob vious to all who observed the signs of the "times. Compulsory ed- uaction was enforced; child libor kept well in hand, delicate children were taken care of. and proper sanitation was enforced sthool rooms. And the went still further, in compelling~find aiding in a medical inspection children early in MHfe, and 13, minister addressed He, said In this officals home on helpfulness cleties, hy appointing congratulated the local its successful year of and trainiog. The children fooked very happy! seated together as they were, and |!be back of one contributed a good programme. Choruses "Somebody," "The peck." "Down in the dear orchard," and "Good-bye to mer," and girls, Miss Wilder accompany ing. Emily Anderson recited "Cause papa's trustee," and "Red- headed Jim" was recited by George Elliott. Miss R. Smith sang a solo. Canon E. Loucks offered the open- ing prayer and pronounced the ben- ediction, after which the ladies in- spected the home. Sum- 'The Beauty of Health. There is no beniity so attractive as the beauty of health. It js a kind ol bewuty almost any one can have. pay. endure i pimples, blotches, ete. not only mar. personal appear. shoes but are si ofl dangerous Sloed ade's Iron Tonic wore the blemishes ume. They are a and Hood Hargraves to the Years a Denton, ry. Hargreaves Roanoke, | Year = Deliver. | Compton and | of ths: tay, H {their Bay | 26 had been! ! Superintendent national | county of Fron | and | thrown | umm g aun | Shows Onward Progress in its; Worl al i Trunk | by the movement of the contractors' | headquarters that of | | Sealey Guleh bridge has been { pleted, and the rails are cree : As a consequence | Messrs. | NEW i work the | i pleted and accepted by | warehouses, in| governinepi-t of | aiding | orphanages and children's ajd so. [ner of He [on Friday fon one Wood- jod crossing the oid | Of fell off and struck his knee and his were sung by the older hoys | SOLIC TOR CONCERN COLLECTION. OF CITY ING GARBAGE of Health Liability, of Report to { Evening. Dis Con The Board Again a a tractors--Will Monday the ity Council on of Health held a spe clal meeting - on Friday afternoo: when the question of garbage colle was again considered. The foi lowing members were present Strachan, ehairman; Alds, Taylor, J. B. Meweod, officer Dr. A. R. | The Board tion medical health iam 5 A ¢ mittee had at the last meeting to city solicitor with r cuting the garbage neglect of duty, but had not made a written was deemed wise to let stand over until Monday when the committee again and report to the Monday evening Considerable discussion took place | whether the hoard was in ¢ to summon the contractors for neglect of duty The by-law states that the medical health office shall lay the city off in districts ar house in these districts shall vigited twice a week, and if fo reason the contractors fail duty theu they can be sun moned and fined for g R. B. Williamson stated that the city had Loco laid out in districts the contractors had been givgn a cop of the routes After working or these districts for some time the lectors found it more convenient change their routes The city clerk stated that he had reported the, city to the Provincial Health Officér for neglect to take uy the question of a filtration plant and had received a reply. The vincial officer asked for a report, en appointed interview th rd to pro ymtractors, fe as the golicitor | report, the matte afternoon would mee council © he n as to position avery be any col RID L AND OF WIL D MU STARD of Guelph Farn Has Remedy, Foronto, Oct. 19. Prof. Todd, the provincial se®etary's- departmen *he % superinte wt the agriaifiura Guelph and Whithy farm xperiment recent tried te of wild mustard. A Rac comprising one: hundred wa sclacted hear Brockville this which was sown in barley and land was sprayed with a ted solution of sadphate of After 'a few weeks had clapsed a examination made, and Prof Fodd [reports that every: trace eof the wild mustard has disappeared To test. the value of this treatment othet seefions of the province will be selected next year and the same m thod applied, the Kope of ridding the entire agricultuml district. of thi weed pest. Thinks He srk at the renorfs an e rid the land acres sHmmer oat dila copper was in GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC. on Main Line. The onward progress of the Grand PacMie main line, is markad On Prince Rupert, the section east-, ward from com- ing in- to New Hazelton J. W, Stewart and P. Welch the contractors, have announced that everything connected with their will be removed from will ters, be their perthgnent until after the line is the railway This Includes, in addit considerable staff, large barns, offices and some The contractors will | headquar- con fon ipany to a 200 teams i start almost immediately to haul the 2,000,000 feet of lumber for the buildings required FELL OFF A WAGGON. Called, fused its Excitement But Aid. cased Ambulance Sailor was Princess the strest falling mploved left his WAS very at and [hvision bY a mae a waggon. The man was e of the boats and had job and gone on a spree. He nearly "all in" and was sitting of Feawick and when the vehicle track and the evening of on Hen lure} 3ail drys waggons car knocked out a tooth injured He Anderson's groves, was thought that his leg was so Uorbett's ambulance win called. By the time 3 arrived, hos ever, Mr. Sador hadi satlicontly covered hid senses to refuse help of kind and lunped away. Success of German Insurance, Howmilon Times the CGermen workingman's govern ment insdvknee has reached gigantic proporti. ne Out of 16.000.000 labor ors in Germany 14,000 500 gre Carey ing sick insurance, 15,700,000 gee car rying invalid and old-age insurance, and, with the artizans in small Shao facturine eitablishments included, 220.008 workingmen are carrying ~b dnt insuranes. iy every, cave there is not only a benofit paid in money for ace. He (knee was severely parried over io and it Froken and kis "os any the Juss, but at the same time pro- phy lactic measures are followed. This it especially illustrated by the acei | dent-previntive measure which every where is seen the pvidepee of the higa- i vyluation toy to the laborers hesney on Friday "of Fx week to a Herald reporter, gunde silver?" newspaper man. Ng," : answevad the face, "it was Tike. a = Wondn has sald his bewutitul farm home at to Havid Wood, of Point oR nT work, tast w. t to | but J moned and ordered him removed. 40 to pro | the big { had Sealey | to Hazelton, and that the latter place N com- | A Is 'toler asked the | in ee f 1k * openng days of November .i to] WILLIAM SHAW, 1 OF LEEDS, HAD NARROW ESCAPE. SS i H. Flemming Druggist, Fell Un | conscious in Central Drug Stores! Contract for the Roofing of thu New Armoury. is A dwelli Britton farm, t of the town, arly Thursda) ing' was oceq- who awol the building he Id de and conten! ' ¢ Oct. the old les wes fire e sue" dv William Shaw ght to find d hs all ito get out. Pu ng are a total loss o ner Briton arrived {terday with a eargo of coal 0 'Fleming Ewd ur the Central Drug Stee, is ¢ bed, sceicuiy ill He suffering, fo~ some days as his sMiployer, £. Sine jaway enjoying a ten days outing ir { New York Qity, M~. Fleming tried hold out wartil his em plover 8 return but a little before nos Ibursday if fell to the floor of the store ur scious. Dr, Davis was at once Gananoq | house « couple of ye db degre morning pied by about mid flames, con 10 hes part Wai his i been non { his lodgings at once : The Sananeyue-Clarton ferry boat { Yennek, by Captain Kenny, m ade bh r last trip for the 8 3 ay to meet a number New York exgursion she steamer Captain 63 cently purchased oy v0. J. Mun { this town, has been brought up from Alexandria Bay and will Je refitie Kenny, made her last t ip of the sea- on of 19. Miss Lott Réot aff « the Central Dre 1g and Book Siore, suffering from cuticular her right arm, ard hac be for several days Mrs. Harold H. Horn Island formerly Miss Briggs, is spending a town with her parents, David M. B.iggs. The contract for the roof: f ty new armory has been awarded | W. Bennett & Son I'he roof is t be of galvanized 100fing and i pected that the building wil be them to begin operations next owl the ro o of the poisonin en laid u of Wol ar: M time i M: short Mr. and {to i is ox read tor week Mrs. Frank son Courtenay time in town, parents, Mr. and nay. William Pratt left this morning { for Toronto, to visit h's brother-in Ld Robert Sheppard, patient in ths ! Wellesley Hospital, Homewood place, la that city, Wallace are spe" guests 0. tue Ms J. J and farmer's Court TO SHOW THAT BECKER Victim of a Gamblers' spiracy. Ucte 19 Sullivan," ted Urder of to unfold Was The New i buoy the York, ack indie Jacob ness with t} | punmen for n i thy sid a I feat ah | bier { up" him | pros oy fou Herman Rosen on the witnes today's session of | trial, his CONIPITACY by Rosenthal, tha tried Talic r's version the gam and 'fran murder. I hroug planned to go far wu contention that Becks ty do with the the of a 0 ueged kill for to Becker the defence ing their nothing but was himsed * Epiracy. murder victim con IS MALE, Decide Bg Reques of Church? I i 19. ~The resalu ion, be | synod df the Province of Can } session here, to create | of the Anglica was earried PROVINCE des Anglicans cntreal, Oct, fore the ada in | province utarie, | nea un church i Weather Pre SUT tions. it [85 regular first storm period will he stages as we mio November, 1. etn parts of the t.r will be pass fron that is, country the thermom rising, the barometer with growing weather, in west will cloudines and during storm iafling, the oul atening Lif rain and snow rotation Each of will pass in regula Hy ac the. coun the first fair falling Thess rain or while sections wes huve rising barometer { change to co'dur, westerly winds and | | cléarine weather. -- Hicks i fastwar ross try ection, during qr rm period, day or two of warm, hreeding weather" with ometer east' of storm areas ditions are followed by from tha west, storm areas 83 a ste © we Bogus Bills in Galt. Gali, 19. ~Uolnterfeit § and S32 Uowinion notes are in circulation here. One of the latier, passed on municipal officer, was detected §; town (reasuter Uet. un the | Black ski ts, $1.39. --Dutton's. The latest member of the British nobility to acquire large fand Lok ings in western Canada, actording to a london despatch, is Lord Joey, x miflicuaire, and the owser of man, collefics, who has paichased 21.90 | acres of farm land near Forty George B.C, on the Grand Trunk Pacific, ior which he paid seariy $450,000. Jt reported that he intends to embark {PR colonization scheme. chers requiring studies, ete, will find Jarge assortment at Dut- tons. Uhardes Davie has refgned tie position of teller in the Merongnis Bank, Athens, 10, aGeept a position in the Bank of C at Brockville Fanatics nightdress-s from 50p~-Dutton's. Trunk on the prac®eal reconstruction of its bridge over the Grand River ati Brantford, at a cost of about £40 000, : "Joek straps," 'at Gibsen's ; Ou Friday Charles Minaker, Fi i ton, wl engaged in picking app! Ms orchard, fell from a tree firoke his arm, Corsets ig suit all figures Trom S0c.--~Dutton's. Rooserdit was able to sit up Frida. 2 Jock strops." Gibson R Seott, » RTRs ai was Nilet in a head-on collivign pies on Work is being started by the Grand | at Park. | Men's all ¥ SATURDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1012. Zi do nak a Aradaches . 25 5 & for fox, 126 <r For Cooking and Drinking, also for. =Oake Teeing ant Making Fudge. SHE LOST HER HAR AND GOT y BACK WITH HERPICIDE dandruff | re ] why pacida heck Don't ause inc wi id @ 4 Herpieide thre trhinge of t scalp stog {i autly. Others imitate notdar claimy, ihe or I desirover 1 Her Applications of this wond byt aimned at an postage or silver beoklet to Th it. JR. Detroit, Mich 5 He rpicide 1m yv all dealers that fied 13 claimed your moovy dition. When th been de HAPPY HOME RANGE | E > When "HAPPY the hest large require Range, examine the HOME. handsome Vol i This Range is made of material, in design, has a ventilated Oven, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, So Se We carrwallkinds of Heating Stoves, tLLIOTT BROS. Phone 35. 77 Princess St. "Aree i Need act, 2a foie eA hrnt ort wm Herpicide FOR Young Men," Middle Aged 'Men and Old Men $7. 50 Men's Tweed Isters --converto collar or tweed or black S. B. style with velvet collar | : at "$7 50 t { Tm $9 50 tweed } These i § to or best choose from. In blacks, any style, value in the city Al 26 range i. all new shades coats are the i A AP a i AA iI 8 At Pl A PHAN, A tl $1 20 Fine, hand tailored Overcoats--mate- als are imported and styles are up to the minute, rd ed mm | $13.80 A large range of high class goods' to + choose from. *Anyof the latest styles you wish. These coats are same values asishown at 815.00 and $16.50 aroun! the city. Our price OVERCOATS pn | 0:ly $8.50 $11.50 $13.50 { 1 516.80 $1800 Every coat is a peach See them. 3 | dt RONEY & CO. 127 PRINCESS STREET Rh asset. riously effect. | ap Le Nerns Jeni 2 Advertising gives permgnency to a business. It establishes a trade, a connection tation, a good-will that greatly enhances the value of the business- -that becomes a valuable Especially would this prove true if merchant or manufacturer desired to sell permancy of the business thus established would be worth a great deal to the purchaser. these and other advertised bueinesses can posed of in the open market for large J. C. Hoagland started the advertising of Baking Powder when he ran o small drug store in Fort Wayne, Ind. He persisted in his tisihg, spending for newspaper space every dol lar he could get togather. ble in selling his business at a sum that meant » fortune for him. Advertising had given it a per manency worth millions to the buyers [ the business is capitalized at $20,000,000, and the common stock pays 12 p. c. gv Se a repu the The The money that has been put into the advertis ing '01 Slater shoes, Ogilvie flour, or MecClary's stoves and furnaces could be realized on if these businesses were to be sold. The advertising. done year after year has given them a per.an ency that a Change of ownership would not inju- e reputation or good-will of be dis ounts Royal adver Later he had no tiou Tod. y TRAVELLING, | ER REELS Goo 4 going Otc Ol ( miskaming | Raiiw to Newcas | he st { and } Nort hern sive; to all and Campbe Chath N ie, {ruro, to some and © Maric field Navigati m Nor ert ¥ ret to some |} tickets good 12th, exeept steamer lines { NE oints full particulars, apg J. P. HANLEY, ( Johnson and | { Corner | Ward RAILWAY, IN CONNECTION CANADIAN PACIFIC Hunters' Excursion ROUND TRIP TICKFTS AT SINGLE FARE Femiskan station Brunswick to gtatior Havelock te agle un Taris Ake Parham to Calatl Kets good 112 ticulars set Offices F. COXW at K. & P Ontario "LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM ROAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTH. Str. ALETHA { Leaves Kingston dally. except Sun bday, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter mediate Fay of Quinte ports; call ing at Deseronto, lorthport Belleville on Tuesdays, and Baturdays Fretght handled with and care at reasonable rafes. I > JAB. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P, HANLEY, Ticket Agent. and Thursdays. despatch seuss onion piston Se CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES | EL] AD Hut are Te bi and Submartes Signals YOU A CORE SESE « Det. 1% ws Nov. 3 Kov, 2 « Nov. 8 Empress of Britain .. Empress of Ireland .. Lake Champisin Lake Manitoba Empress of Bri ir Fin nress Tickets rd all information thom ALY #tesmship agent, or FF. CON. WAY, GPA, KR & PN. Kingston, on 5 Jee Hunters' Excursions | | "ALLAN LINE TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL LARGEST STEAMERS, MONTREAL _T0 GUASION, BARE & LoNOON_ MONTREAY to LIVERPOOL MONTRY EAMPIAN AL te GhAsuow" MONTREAL HAVRE-~LONDON Stenters torian fo Gla te Havre and Lon Seandinnsion and Fre. nud mii Steamers sn arey ad Que Class (1) Cable Passengers. THE ALLAN LINE, ¢ Cruise See Egypt, the Pyra- mids and the Holy Land Adelphia cruise on the palatial CINCINNATI the pl S. 5. C Eauippbd with every wt modern hotels JAN. 28, 1913 ting FUNCHAL, CADIZ, GIRRAL- « ALGIERS, GENOA, RNC ne, SYRACL NE, rorT SAID, JAFFA PIRAFELS., KALAMAKY, NOPLE, CATTARD, MIISSINA ERMO, AND NAVY AND 80 navs $325 4} HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINE 4% wor lorml agent THAT To BACLO With the "Rooster" on it luxury of Leaving New York Wway, AT A Ont MACLEAN 5, aries Street 4 Erom a Sanitary Standpoint You Guy hovld exercise ax health Le ml Have Good Plumbing in theay o smh maya dora nd wi $ 4 pte saps flasnlotus In ou Work We Keep Abreast of the Times David Hall 66 Brock 8t. Phones Store, 335. Hestdonen. 556.

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