A CASH RESERVE To control char the bauk. Ris name" becomes e The with the sport of man chance the a« ilation. of Fund by opening Aeeont im with i Begin a Savings it x THE BANK OF TORONTO CAPITAL $11,000,000 AND RESERVE. . , an enes ESTABLISHED 1855. Quebec and the 112 Branches in Ontario, West, KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. NEW SHOE KEPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has taken Syer the _busir the | h Jas. Davis at PRINCE 58 B' a All COURT OF E NOTICE IS | By the Caurt Revision tle against the 113 for the severy will meet in the ity Buildingss toliows of I WINTER STORAGE FOR MOTOR CARS Special price if arrange- ments are made a' once, Bibby s Garage BROCK ST. | { iy Hay as 1 Mondaw, Noy | Ont io Wards p I slay, Nov Sth ind Cataragui Wards Wednesday, Ne ith Phursday, ith ith <t. TLawrénce Ward and Riclegu Fronteny Now Victoria Wards i Ww k of W P 1912 SANDS, Court \ le hee Ringsioa, Oci. 19th, INEXPENSIVE JEWELRY * DO NOT. IMAGINE Bé- CAUSE WE SELL SOME ARTICLES OF JEWELERY THAT RUN INTO HUN DREDS OF DOLLARS THAT WE DO NOT HAVE LITTLE PIECES AT. . MODERATE PRICES. PROBABLY KINGSTON IS PLETE THAN THIS RESPECT. FROM A SILVER THIMBLE TO A DIAMOND RING $500 WE CAN SERVE SATISFACTORILY. R. J. RODGER Diamond Merchant (Formerly Spangenberg's) 347 KING STREET Where the Clock Walk, NOTICE NOTICE 18S HEREBY GIVEN an application will bg made of the Kingston and way Company | Kingstor Company Rallway « IN RE- IN STOCK MORE OURS NO STERLING AT 25¢ OVER YOU TWO PERSO ONS JAS. REDDEN & COS. ALL «THIS WE EK. is on the | Kingston and [ emb oke Railway Compary "thanked Free Demonstration: < Estate For Sale A Attractive Propasiians at Right Prices Donk sold brick Bagot and Gors brick detached nditlon: a * Real | Save 75 p.c. On your Light Bills by purchasing Guaranteed Tungsten Lamps o FROM SCOTT & RYAN 118 BROCK STREET. 'Phone 1215. veniences re best het ween en bio ive figure Far full particulars » p | ; a above and many others numerous (6 specify), includ : same of the finest ned located . residential fn city ESTATE SAN RD AY, Ox JORER -- 1912 THE DAILY RBRRITISR WHIG. 19, 208 PAGE SEYEN. a AAAs VARSITY EASILY How (NSENERTS] | "OPERA J HOUSE NIGHT 1 ie INTIRCC ILLEGIAEE TRAC CHAMPIONSHIP. THE | Queen's Made Only Five Points sad t THE PE OPLE'S FORUM y | A t To L Hoyal Military College Four A United Play Company Presents «THE THIRD DEGREE A Play in Four Acts, by Charles Klein Author of "The Music Master." Prices, 25-50%5-$1 on Sale, 'Varsi «0 With Eig! Pe 5 Varsity ; Led With ight vind | CONDENSE >: ADVERTISING Queen's, ronto | secutive Imsertion thereaft cent = word. Minimum one lusertion, Ie; fle: six. 81: one month. 83. made th Sn meni, HELP W ANTED, 32 pomta; . nan 3 Semts naw i ight inte, ar wen s Royal i LEO nts nun MONDAY & TUESDAY "* i - OCT. 21st & 20d a HENHY WW. SAVAGE OFFERS The Inspiring Dromatie Spectacle, FVERVHONAN a ¥ HE pilery Boy. arr x events placa fourteen Env. ANT. i Hy got a § AP RAL Yo fed | Shirts. w oRKROOW, JOR tn Carne ani and four ai sei nds "i vo ( YOUNG { recond ! {last with For Queen's, ( nid Mackinvie third. third th ns 1 vdenhend second this i high jum, i in itt BATION ! vali-mile reese, pole « was mn Foster v th in the Pligrimage in Quest of Love, BY WALTER BROWNE, Oviginal New York Cast and Production Driomatic Eusemble of 150 People. The Largest Production Ever Toured Smyphony Orchestra. Superb Scever) PRICES. 25, 58, 75, £1, $1.50, $260 LEN on Sale, ¢ Her AT ONCE, FUR MACHINE 0 third rs. Fur' Finishers and Ha a ood » or was thi RMA Fens each in ge s «nx wl and Girecns 15 | rh race STEAY in PITY MEN, vines 5 per n. ber Lonive 14 a the wb visiting re oh > track of. In anjuet, | Sents Wednesday, Oct. 23 JOSEPH BROOKS PRESENTS now { ity of Toroito ns LLIGENT 0 monthly Tr newspapers Send for partiruiars 3.869 Lockport, GOOD PAPERHAN r good Brush Ha FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE, ny err Pres Thousand Dollars the Net Result. been announced, from a WM. H. CRANE Fr meting of the committee in charge, | A NEW COMEDY, that the sum of $17,891 was cleAred | ihe Poival of a Empire, held | 'The Senator Keeps House the armouries last week, © The re $1.50. Over Eleven tt has ba {in WILL START YOU dal 1 home ir i ee th from affair ations $13.151 ul were H.R of the trade the of ipts the various features of amounted to $9,351.21 $1.800, making a The expenses of $1.260. ! Duff presided at the committee in the rooms on Friday hole affair, em- | came a a Votes of thanks Mrs, J. CC. Connell, Women's Aid hospital; Lt.-Col. H. R, | Bair, chairman the festival com- mittee, and all the of 18 who con- {tributed so much to the success of the | a (affair. Then the ladies extended a 2,000 Miles of ub Lawghics vote of thanks t. all the gentlemen! Matinee, i0, $1, Children, 25% who assisted And, again, the] ning, 2 Jo waren 0, thanks of the hoard of governors and -- staff of t general hospital, and the { building committ of the Empire FUN! FUN! FUN 131 Ying wing was tend red to the ladies who =r Lot no innocent man escae i participated 'in the festival All who gave donations, in At the great MOCK COURT TRIAL! under the auspices f BOYS DLE the farmers of the district, PARTMENT, Y.M.C the for their generosity. Grand Opera House The statement of the receipts and ON donations, made by the treasurer, is (a8 follows | Receipts--Automobiles, $54 | admission $1.1%1.80: candv tahln $282.49; chafing dish, $301.21: Thursday Evening, October 24) Iho momade and flower stalls, One of our most £846.11: am, $432 Indian citizens will be charge booth, ] fur coat, $249.65; Promise. Regular Mother Goose. $71.23; poogramme Startling Developments $348.87 twenty-five cont table $568.15; gun Tickets on sale at 1 room. $344.19: gergeants' Whooth, Store, Oct. 18th, $60.90; total $9 251.21 Open at 30 Ww J Gallery $500; H. W. Richardson janonymous, $864; total, Grand total, $13, 151.21 io ' 21 { and "don total of thh feetis Lt.-Col | meeting board evening, hodying pleasant | Were PRICES --25, &e, 1, Sents on Sale Monday, SATURDAY, OCT. 26TH Matinee at 20 Faeniug, ~ HENRY 0, OFFERS . | Rupert Hughes' Tenvel Farce | Excuse Me A Pullman (aruival in Sections i Hillis Sweatman 3 ¥ Originn! | FIRST-CLASS NE CLTTE of when weeks ending ed ihe work, "ean \GE Great A FEW PLAIN COTTON exten Lo ir y Tero = president of Sari ety of the of ee ire YOUR $200 me or ro RTUNE pire K w i a' Mass | i i mn ane yrs For \ e mL un " NYE O TWENTA FIVE A ' and WOMEN, iy fen Rix hay in r Tie of . hove ax a Via ola Oper w Ho 29 [RAILWAY WAIL respected 1 with Breach] Court Rules. | Ludicr An evening voung 50: of ous | pi IN EVERY 5 Cents, ook FMEN WANTED, ' wa glow's M called rid Court 15¢ at y cats, % Vf Scott, $1.000 company $1.000 $3,800; | check room, $26.00; Clark & Co., sonps. $38.65; farm products, $1.- 6598; fancy work table, $884.86; committee, $546.50; firogrammes and Situations. Local hits hadees, 7 nurses . alumni, °F refined fun supper table $707.40: PRICES--33, 30 and Donators Miss 00; Hon. William Harty CA. onl anadia: i Locomotive GRAND FOOTBALL MATCH Queen's vs. Hamilton Alerts | In Queen's Athletic Grounds | Saturday, Oct. 19th Yiame called at Everybody expects win © R.F.1 and to be playing in { Championship Finals, i Come and them action Admissidp, Bleachers, Grand Stahd Reserved To Plan noon on $5 iC on NTRY | | i | "learanLe oLn 1 1 Ox Ahn i er Street money Invest stocks | { i He idle or in high | yielding at have them. Clarence 8t. | let your jat low interest. grade bonds and | least 8iX per cent. We Howard S. Folger, 44 Clyde, 'Limited, Lanark, | corporated to carry on the ibuving and selling real estat {S40 000, R. €. Rose, I kely public schools in Money to loan on real otuer 'satisfactory security 8. Folger, 44 (larence stret Mise Annie Lawson, Pi-ton, the pavement, breaking her She is an aged fads Danial Pettengill, Monday last. Do not LABIES TO DO PLAIN r home. Ww has been in hisiness of capital | 3 pm. -- cr ---------------------- the Alerts Cnamplons! the Domini ti uj 1 250 i lis WEEKLY FOR FEW B.A. ele ¥a tor county estate and Howard | i Smith's inspe C hundas W he tod ot eee in abe; Seats fall on ight HOWE START A 33 500 WS k ot i | { till o'clo the 12 game in Ugl the day Wellington dnd on Important Sale OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Piano, Rugs. Brussels and. Tapestry Carpets, etc. | We Rall Rireet af' the therein * Grand Mann Side Tahies Loanges, ' tm Tables WE GUARANTEE ' nh » oe Wl 2,006 LAFORERS y -- Sardines Columb for 1% ve i carat Sardines wa factor afar ret ats sper Vom ENTE RPRISING CITIZENS i Ar hi oT wig on. . received instruct ridence 53 October 1 Effects ting of Uprigh Mahogany Mahogany have nt the on T House cons wert many forced ander in all Seuges of ture Stavanger Prese Co. Originators and Fiest Introduce. ers of Norwegian Sardines, © Wi hu ™ : Trade $450--A Jot 404 x 135, leading part of ¢ $1,300 @-room \ house in morthern par: of city: only $2560 cash requir- od down, 7 $2.000-One end of a dgable stone, - eloge in; a good house; a fine frame with improvements, Albert St. 2,800--8olid brick: all ime provements, Johnson Street, electrie lightivg, §$3,200--Stone house, Svden- bam Streef, electric light ng. ' $4.000-eAn up-to-date, sold brick, hot water heating to ' be sold subject to renting antil May next; an Al pro- perty. $3,600--A splendid Grocery Store and Dwelling an. "Montreal Street: hot water heating in both dwelling and store, improvements and good barn; rend, $35 per month, R. CHAS. BELL THEATRE Monday, tober 21st 2 AA VE bave" ness, sir chtnin k other Tables, Davesport Chairs and Rockers i Chakras ihree Huite in Brussels and Lamps, fine Phonograph SMieel Eongravings other (uriains Bookcase, Mantie Pedestals, Oak Frat targe Mant Mirror, Oold Frame Wardrobe in Onn rom and Pease Beds Springs, Ma LoRs es Bed Linen Wash Stands Dressers, Tolle Nets. « hes Marbl '| he large feather, Mirror China hay oni ine Tapestry Can Elton ten Ry Hh 150 Res rds hands me Lave n WNrit Dash iow Mahoxar Rack Set Gian Hepp Northern adian "Company there Township of = : ! NOTICE oF BY-LAW. NOTIEE IS v HEREBY GIVEN, that the Township of Kingston | Council will al its next meeting, io] Finis" Risthon. EatTcrt ESA | Weloek pom pass. Iy-taw 10 Frome | Bia Bc inaics he EWE et ae Gm, | Phuc Ware id Glass 'ana Crock ! Township. now included in avd! | Stoves. Tent apd Swing. Ww i 2s ng Bars uf Sch ection Xa thine, large ah Of Kitchen Sundries! 0 form ay Sale at 18 o'clock | part of School Section No. 3. J. BE. HUTCHESON & 0 ! All persons to be affected by the Anetioneers | passing of this said er wit] govern themselves accord CHAS F. ADAIR, Clerk, Township of Kingston ated al Uataragui the 10th doy y of iy mea. Part of John Carson Este on me BEEN INSTRUCTED estate (0 Cabinet ' velopment on ihe Canad James fond Br on, Muss Stork and Rireet, B ete inexperienced salesmen on our Xmas goods send postage. twenty Nichols Co. Toronle, ceEnin Cana SLRSCRIPTION A for the City of permanent MAGATINE either sex, ton; steady, turds profils; exciodive experience preferred, Last write glick Wm Da 144. 5 Ohareh. Sire re al & a, Sale by fab. First lasertion le a word, Each con- charge for ~ three Insertions, DERSON'S | MAN, e XK WORK PERSON corresponding | "ns: EARNING re time ¢ Wwe TWENTY. CLERKS " I>Ly ir M AND Bl SINESS $106 id Tanadian okers les DAY AND IPWARDS MADE 0) ramipive free per RATES LOST, FOR SALE. FACE, Reward "OLD WAT H, Ores A WELL-BRED HOUND; WILL MI ¥ er halt day A fax r v Address \meog - K PAIR oF WAL Nt r AND OAK A FINK orp GOLD.RIMMED S day a i 2 ' SLT FOR K's FINANCE AND INSURANCE. AL SEYEN-RUOM MINGLE etfs INSURANCE, --- T. J gent, 15% Wellington Si: ident and Health So ENE Ly {ar --_-- Fire, AT AR Lite tes '0 Jssued FHE 210.00 BLS = Aloo APPIN GARDINER. FIRE, Insurance and Cus- Real Estate ad a share of your d 67 Clarence 'Phone 306 {BATEMAN & A®ident, Br PRO. ty Keres i alse J Ontario Dattersea, Ker; Loan FOR oR CITY wer EXCHANGE INVEST. 1863; NAC LOAN AND So ty; ablished ' t sed cit municipal mortgages eived and MoGiL, edta i PERAT.| L001 tau al Sale on fa es and al. 87 { interest ALY Manager, HORSE current Mont i eie------ row rR Ro maton room Street im remndeltod Wathen, 47 sd EIGHT JONDON, AND GLORE Hh, mpany, Avallabie addition (oe have for Hability of at lowes! ire renewing old usiness get rates Strange Agents MAY IVaastr is Syn BATRICK ¢ ' city possibic or glvis fram Prone ALSO » a "i xX or | ° FLAGS, AWNINGS, CEM ping outfits, marine supplies English ralocoats Canve kil bags, hoods, motor Frank W_ Cooks, 'Phone $81 or 23. TENTS CANORS, tishing tackle, iunch averything in slik tants. spray supplies, $1 BUSINESS CHANOKS. i ai HH ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START afl ar iness at home: no he yuur own - free hooklet; tells own 2.469 Jockport, NN boat 39 Clarence SG ONE Heacock r------ SIX Wages about FARM ON VOHK ROAD, tram Naphried ARCH) rEOTS. HENRY FP. SMITH, ARO HITEOT, ETC, 268 King Btreet Phone 34d, ier Fred AVERS | NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI< tects, el Oifices, 268 Bagot st "Phone 608 lowe CEMENT snr WITH 2.150 FoR LOUK, 1,000 PR Aq HOSE, [rowen & SON, ARCHITECTS, ER chants' Bank Bulldings, corner Brock and Wellington btreets, drop a card De i. --n i, aR ® Hot SE, NK wi rao ALL a bY tir A DWE 1INGN andl ty will ay it "| MEDICAL. BATEMAN & GARDINER, Pee REAL -- -------- ig om, Dona'd 156 | en ARE EN ANE WARD, M.D Surgeon, nt 'Phone 5 bh TO LE Tr. Dot n4 1013 i ne bon, DR. GAYE, SPECIAL- boolean a Ear 124 neon ' 8 \ppolintment Ww few FREDERICK A. i Laur Hax Hot se ron Hi OFFICES ne. Apt rence Sires ATED IN YELEGRAPR Balle y. CO. EB Kirkpatrick UPHOLSTERER. FLIRNITI RE, can and dry re MER. Meo. STOR ALE vlise UPHOLSTERING, RE. wors, hair mat. Drop a card or IW. J. GAVINE, Cry pairing and carpet Can- | renovating FoR e! Br ree wi HEAT. private % \ arm ROOMS, wITk all nodern oon City Park. 0 £ STUNAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA dry, alry roomp, aboslutels nok roof; our own lovk rost's it Storage, 3109 wR "Phone §2¢b GROUND FL oor LARGE FRONT HOOM, WELL TOWN | y sMALL ¥ ARM TO EXCHANGE FOR mi McCar Heal 2 Brock Street hing ¥ FURNISHED Dw TOU . f a MES ™ao i y NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPINC machinery; will pay good price. for same British Whig Publishing Company. e Wd noowus oN 5 6 1 BRIGHT, (OMPORTABLE wi RNISH. ww 1 a ngle ANG or EVERY DE- ences ret class work; best used; one trial will ing your repairs tol Barrie Street, cor. of | LIGHRY er only, . 3 es STREET -- of hs 206 West, OF CONGHESS HALL, KING ---- i nd bright, alry ¥ DMON TO ress LISTINGS per HORS TAKE NOTICE, THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves: pay highest prices. see me re anyone else, J. Thompson 3 Princess Btreet, next St. Andrew's Church. YEN TLEME Te BRING THEIR loth and have It made up into u gh suits Price and wor manship guaranteed to please, Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice, Thomas Gallo. way, 1x1 Brock Btreet, - Bibby's Livery . R hear "HEALTH WW PHO 44 ony. Feett. Asherof Ww Re Offien So bY au. of eroft Offre nhone THAT AUSINESS NOTICE. ' RETISH COALS! COALS! COALS WHY PAY ' when you "an PERSONAL, --W oD no 1 > prices gar installs. HORDSCOy Je v ba -- ANDRES CEMENT | walls and Hark wii) i i de t iimneys 3 "lear, TY Stay M CHARLES WHO _ BIRTH. a gro whe and skin removed permanently Years experi- Jd. Lake, Eye and Ekin Btreet | HAM, MoLEs, WAhTS, marks 58 Bagot PRENTAL. Las, nos, ne. Prin: ey Hirest AE. KNAPP, BA, moved to 25% WINDOW CLE ANING. ! ow a He r-- ern for LAC ® you n CAN. ity srARKE AYD SPARKS, DENTINTA, Riveet ington Hington ¥ Bone "218 ny Addit DR. ©. 8 wt 133 Frincess Phone PARTIES, BALLS Breakfaxi ets Bont able Rilverware & Phone $42 CATER vo Wedding ote; 0 Linens aud Hambrook DOA, PBENT, and Bagot. treat. Tele ON sIupeoN, int, © corner Entrance on plone 628 LDS, Princess Bagot ~ | 66 Shay Reid Ed or ® FUEL VALUE The standard is found in our Coal. SITUATIONS VACANT. 4 ia rid wean et, He Auction on Batu Wn ast. at Lass 43s. Baisriting. uid Fondry Shatin, consist VEBicies, Bi Terms cash. er. ete. ihe A |ET