iy Pick thicse Plivns Our new Fall Suits---our new Over- coats---our new Hats and our new Haberdashery are all lined up ready for your choosing! The first picking-- the earl picking i is always the best for the Hd go first! : Fall Dr of Safts in many fabrics. They're certainly Beauties! Overcoats in dignified or Snappy styles. did showing. Your Overcoat is here! : Correct Fall Hats, new Neckwear! Shivts-and other choice Toggery. Classy and exclusive styles, Suits $12 up to $20 Overcoats - $12 up to $25 ut what ean you tellabout values by reading figures? Not a solitary thing! Come in and look at the new Outfitting, that's the only proof that counts! LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET new and handsome A splen ---- TE ------ [Special | Sale To-Night, 7.30 O'clock. 360 Gingham Aprons Made of fast Colored English Ginghams, in Blue and White Assort- ed Checks, worth 30c, 35¢, for 19¢ Each. White Muslin Aprons 'Plain styles, extra size quality. Regular 30c, 35c¢, for 19¢ Each. J White Embroidered Muslin Aprons Regular 50c, 60c. On sale 39¢ each Handsomely trimmed with fine Em- broidery and Insertions, straps over shoulders, splendid quality of lawn | iii Pur Cashmere Stockings For Ladies and Children, TE lities Jeon 35¢ pair. % oe On sale 25c pair § + dance at Bath on Friday night. ' Dutton's. 4 THE DAILY . WG. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, ioc Al. NOTES AND ITEMS OF | | GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | -~--What the Merchants Offer 10 the Readers of the Whig. "Buy drug store wants." Cibson's Flannelette blouses 50c. Dutton's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders recaved at McAudlev's. Phone 564. Joseph Ahern, Montreal streetf, injur at the locomotive works recently, is doing nicely Children's sweaters from Dutton's. Ladies' Terms moderate. Princess street, A number of young people from the city attended the bachelors' i 0c. up-tc-date dressmaking. Miss A. Keyes, i Baby's wool hoods, 25¢. Dutton's. H. Cunningham, - piano tuner, 21 | King street, leave Orders at Mc | Auley's book store. New fall stock of men's, women's and children's shoes, low prices but' great value.--Dutton's. E. E. Leach, and sister, Miss E.. Johnson street, returned from New York ou Friday. Men's fleece-linel pants 60c.-- union of held io Monday ihe fail rally of the local Christian Endeavor, will be Princess street church, on evening. "New' Gillétte blades." Gibson's. Men's sweaters. 85¢.--Dutton's. Mrs. George Hunter, Collingwo)d street, and her niece, Miss E. Green- wood, Toronto, returned from New } York on Friday. . a Men's all wool underwear T5¢.-- Dutton's. (Constables Samuel), Arnmiel and James Craig returned home from foront, where they placed three boys in the industrial 'school. Black sateen blouses from Dution's "The home of high class sweets' {vibson's Red Cross drug store. ews Miller, business manager When Bunty Pulls the Strings, the Grand on Thanksgiving day, inee and might, is in the city $9.00 leather suitcase $6. Dutton"s "New Tabard Gihaon's, R. W. R. McRae and Mrs. E. Sher- wood Farewell, Winnipeg, have ar- | rived in the city to be at the bed- side of Mrs. McRae, whose condi- tion is very serious. "Buy ae store wants." Men's, $1. Dutton's. 25 night shirts Kingston and Napanee played golf in Napanee on Friday, Kingston winning 12 to 9. The Kingston players were Mess 8. Davis, Mcintyre, Hague, . Plummer, Smail, Farrell, Boak, Anderson. Ali wool hose 2hc.--Dutton's. "I'he home of high class sweets." Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The police received a call from th outer station Saturday morning, and Constables Arniel and Downey plaecd under arrest a ®oman named Mr Elizabeth Keenan on a charge drunkenness, Brassirrs, bust distenders, sani- | tary towels and belts.--Dutton's. 1 i §e.~ for nt mai 50.--~ Inn libeary books." Gibson's 76¢.- I'wo drunks were before the police magistrate on Saturday. One was Po a dollar and costs and the other was, given a chance. A ybung man taken | in charge a few days ago was ordered | to be removed to Rockwood for treat ment. "Ruy cough syrups. ** Gibson's. : Women's strong winter boots, $2 --=Dutton's. A number of young Tr onle from | the city drove to the farm .f B. Mc- Master, on the Pittsburg road. on 'Tuesday night, and enjoyed a pleac ant time. The affair was in honor of Miss Emma Oslen," Earl strec', who is leaving for Montreal. Why continue to pay remt when you can just as well use such pay- ments in buying your own home? A number of attractive modern housg¢s in excellent location now on hand at special prices. For full particulars consult Howard 8. Fol ger, 41 Clarence St. Curzpes Bad Fist. Lord Curzon, when a young man at college, once found his bad handwriting stood him in good stead: Writing 'two letters, one to a rela- tive, the other to a chum, he en- closed them in the wrong envelopes. It chanced that in the second letter he had made some uncomplimen- tary remark to his relatives. and on discovering the mistake he had made he awaited developments with anxiety. There presently came a letter from the uncle. "I have tried hard to decipher your epistle," it ran, "but your writing is so atrocious that I cannot make head nor tail of it. However, I guess the drift of it to be that you need some money. you rogue, so I enclose a check." To Do Research Work. J. M. Scott, B.Sec., a School of 3m. ing graduate of last year, in the de partment of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, has been appointed to do research work in - chenfstry of food at the Macdonald College, at St. Anne de Bellvue. Mr. Scott spevial fred in organic chemistry and is thus well fitted to carry on this important work. Mr. Scott's home is in Toron- to. Do you wish tg sell or purchase | real estate? I can accommodate Fyou on reasonable terms. See my partial' list of properties offered in advertising column to-day's issue. Howard 8. Folger, 34 Clarence St. J. BE. Muckle has accepted a posi- tion as soloist in Cooke's Preshyie: rian church and will begin his dut es to-mo row. Whet Dume Fortune knocks at o man's door he alwavs "rubbers" to see if the neghhors are looking. (A man will never reach the top wha ie t00 lazy to move: until he is push: October Etude 15¢ at Dution's {was mn ------ to-day {Galloup islands on Friday, ! twenty {ing SATURDAY; - PASSED SCENE OF WRECK. of the Cabins. r+ Ringleader, i he sed the scene of the wregk Oswego, vessel pas at the and setur the cabins, of to re The steame of ed a photograph of one ol which was all that was lef: mind one of the sad fatality. NM. T. Co.'s elevator:-- he tug Bart f lett cleared with the barges Hamiltog and Winnipeg, to load grain at Port Colborne; tug Bartistt will return 'ort Dathouste with the barges and ngava, grain-ladem, Montreal: the steamer Mamiltenian cleared for Belleville to load cement for Fort Wilham; tug Thomson, irom Montreal, with three light barges, will clear for Montreal with three prain from | Melrose | barges; tug Hall cleared for Montreal, with the barge lron Queen, grain-lad- en: steamer Fairmont is due to arrive to-night from Fort Wiliam to dis- charge (0,000 bushels of wheat, will clear hight for Fort William, to load grain jor hingston. The schooner Julia B. Merril clear ed for Oswego on Saturday. 'The steambarge Waterlily was at Crawford's wharf, on Saturday, wind- bound. The heavy gale, which set i late Friday might, compelled a numbe of vessels to stay in port. The steamer Rowards arrived from Charlotte, with coal for the Montreal trans yritation company. The a shooner Ford River, is at Rich- ardson's wharf, loading feldspar, for Charlotte. ; 'The sloop Maggie L., arrived bay ports with grain for Richardson's elevator, and the slpop Granger came over from Wolfe lsland, with kay. The steamer Midland tucen passed up on Saturday morning. The steamer Simla is due to pass up Saturday might, light, from Mon- | treal, to Port Colborne to load grain. | Ihe. steamer Aletha made her trip! down and up the bay on satirday. | I'he steamer Hideaun Wing was down from Ottawa Saturday evening. | Capt. ( rawford, who recently resign- | ed from' his posiiion-on the steamer Wolle slander, has been se cured as | captain of the steamer Miss © Vande berg, recently registered as a Canadian hoat, running from Og densburg. Capt. Crawford move | his family to Prescotl he | able to secure a home. Niagara river draft is now down three feet, being only fourteen feet considerably lower than last week. | Gran coming into shipping | ports slowly, but in good shape, ard owing to fhe lateness of the season | receipts will be heavy after (he shipping season is over, with big de | mand for storage capacity. Bids of] 3 1-2 rents for storage are made, but no capacity on the market at! that price, and vesselmen are confi | dent they can get better than that. | The water is lowering, and thas | means smaller earrying capacity from | now on. The demand for tonnage | for early loading is not enough th] force rates up. | | from Prescott to will #8 s00n Ad in 18 The freight market shows littl change. Shippers are offering 2 1 4; sents to Buffalo, and there g son e| inquiry for storage capacity at fou cents, we PITH OF WORLD NEWS. From Telegraphic Despatehes and Newspaper Exchanges, The Bishop of Loudon has opened a bazaar.in aid of the Keewatin diocese. Owing to the ever incressing cost of coal l'ritain 18 looking to other seur- ves for its fuel supply. Peat may be used, : Earl Kevill, Port Credit, was strack while crossing the G.1.R. tracks and hurled into a ditch. lle is dangerous- ly injured. The Persian capital, Peheran, is roen- aced by S00 horsemen under the com- mand of the rebel uncle of the reign- ing shah. the British admiralty has invited | peity officers and men to vol- | untéer for the Canadiam cruisers, | Niobe and Rainbow. Rev. James Endicott, D.D., late of, Japan, has accepted the - position of field steretary of the Methodist mis sionary SOCIELV, Mr. Giaboury, a bi-lingtial school in- spector at Ottawa, addressing a meet- at Uyrville, took strong object ions to the bi- lingual regulations. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt is out of the hos- pital and has failed physically. 'The charges of fra against him come up at the Toropfo assize in November. I'he keel / plate of the new super- Dreadnought will be uid at Ports mouth, Eng., on Monday morning. This i= three months earlier than the appointed time, How.to Keep Sick. Keep the windows closed all the tune, especially when you slegp--fresh air would keep you healthy, Keep the sunshine out of your home --germs don't like sunshine. Never take a deep breath--that would give your lungs some needed exercise, and, besides, you might rip a bution off your vest. lh meen Don't disturb the flies--you'll miss a | lot of filih if you do. ~ Eat any kind of food regardless of its nutritive value--sawdust and excel stor are gool "fillers." Swallow your food without chewing il--vour stomach has no teeth. Eat irregularly~by all means keep your stomach dico:dered. Never take a hath-soap and water are enemies of disease. Never exercise in the open air; let a game of cards in a room filled with foul air be your most vielnt form of exercise--y our body craves exercise and fresh air. Get very little sleep--your nervous system will soon collapse under the | stra'n. Drink any old water, the dirtier the! batter--you'll very often dind typhoid in water. op a dirty house--dirt gad dis tase go hand in If you get diphtheria don't' use an- 4 taXin---anti. toxin will cure it. You wan. smallpox don't vac cinated. i» "oh Don't pe particular about your milk ~~that's a good way to get sick to keep the baby sick. *hat's the . use being healthy, Balletin. are | od ! . ET, Want to be Kept Busy. Monday only we will mil ten ! where liquor is OCTOBER 19, 1912 { And Secured a Photographs of One | for . 7. 30 to 10 O'clock M AN OPPORTUN saving, ITY buy needed articles at a considerable to These specials were pinched much below their real value and we expect to turn them into cash before 10 o'clock. 193 Pairs Ladies' Kid Gloves A fine make Real French Kid. Glove, This represents the balance of a maker's stoc k, held in all sizes, nearly Black and White, in Montreal, "in the regular $1 makes, Yours To-Night 48c Pair. 240 Large Sized Bath Towels In the Natural Shades of Linen, with Fancy Red Stripes. These Towels arc 45 in. long, 22 inches wide and extra good value at 5C¢ pair Yours To-Night 18c Each Or 35¢ Pair 'Stocking $ All wanted sizes. shaped ankles for Women's Cashmere Seamless ge Fall 'weights, 2 good makes at 25¢ pair and 35c pair Women's Cashmere Stockings A A particularly good make, Fine «» ~"™N_> English Cashmere, with extra strong oes and Heels, 50c Pair. Stout Women's Stockings now ready. Both Cotton and Cashmere Hosiery, with wide legs and properly™ stout women, 35¢. 0c, 75¢. Everything Required in Children's Stockings. Ribbed or Plain Cotton, 10c+to 25c. Ribbed or Plain Cashmere, 20c to 50c. Special Strong Stockings for Boys' Wear. Right Makes * of Underwear for Women. Light weight for Fall wear, 25¢, 35¢, 49¢, 75c. Medium Weight for Fall wear, 35¢, 25¢, 50, 75¢ Heavy Makes for Fall wear, 50c, 90c, 75c¢, $1 23 "Trotter, who won the Jog e at the Festivgl of Empire, has disposed of his prize to J. H Mendels, a dry goods merchan! of Kingston and Perth, for ¥30. The cali was shipped on Saturday to Perth where it wifl feed in pleasant pastures and beside smooth waters, Suitease $1.50 great value. Dut- tons. Fully a dozen teachers fn the pub lie schools of Washington are teachers during the day and waiters in resorts is soMP at night. Hoods Sarsaparilla Acts sap and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and in this way builds ids 3p the whole sys- tem, am, Take §, Tngtat, 4 Tsing Haodh, Ge soda, Butterick's November F ashion Book FREE. Get one To-Night Ss We have some very mice, soft Slippers + for men. Some Wide ang easy. Some "high cut. Black and Chocolate colors. pice from $1.00 Up