» THE DAILY BRITISH HG, TUESDAY, aus TERE OCTOBER 22, 1912. | NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT pis " ee her Appeal must be met, with a res I SUCC -- A distinguished English actor . Hooper Clitte, has the importan |e of "Nobody," add practically act VEVERYWOMAN™ | aT THE GR AND | as pilot for the different events. Hi MONDAY NIGHT. Kav © his purt a masterly presentation ' As evidemoe of his worth, it is only - A necessary to say that he supported the One of the Finest Plays Ever Presi). Sir Henry Irving and Wilson Bar sented in Kingston--Played to, re tt. Youth, Beauty, and Modesty Largest Audience of the Season-- | companions of *Everywoman' are in ni teresting characters, taken respective It Will be Given Again To night. |, iy by Marion Dentier; Lea Lébure anc "le meratul, he just, fair, Kuby Rothmour. The work of each To everywoman, everywhere Fas was good and much admired Her fnuits are many. Nobody's the! The singing of Hetty Morsden, han blamed' | maiden to "'Everywoman, was ver Henry W. Savage's great play, | sweet Kathleen Aerrigan as Truth "Everywoman," was presented at toe jand W. J. Mahoney, as Flattery, abl Grand last night, the largest [carried out their parts. Words o audience of the season--an audience | praise are alse due the charagter o that taxed nearly the entire seating | Wealth, taken by Nestor Lemnon; Wit capavity of the house, and it scored |less, by Chas, Lambart: Age, by Theo a great success. As a dramatic spec | fore Ward; Bilufi, Maurice Drew; Stuf tacle, it has but few equals, and well 1.) Loring; Pufi, John McKee; Passion merits the prase bestowed upoa it by | tieorge Dunstan. Scores of other cha the press, in all the cities, where it has | acters were well presented. One of t been presented, Jf. is.8 strong play, most realistic scenes 1s that given o given a strong presentation, as every | Broadway, New York, at midnight or role is in able hands, and of the char- | New Year's Eve, when rich and poor acter which takes a hem grip upon!jom in frolic. It 18 not an imitatior one throughout. Everyone in the large [by any means, but the real thing, anc | arlous places passed, by Staff Ser- ate of the Equitable policyholders audience had words of praise for thefone cannot help but-feel that it i | eant Law, they arrived at the prom- "We desire to record, on their be | production, and the fact that the aud-| New Years eve, and he ix down in ol | sed land where they were given alo alf . bo . apreciation of Sir Richard's} lence appreciated it, was shown by the | New York, seeing the sights. All th wrief but interesting description of} "® - the ap] { services, which is so] rounds of applause throughout, and other scenes are just as interesting. fie chief places by Joseph Gurd, sharastes ) ane : the many cuctain calls. It is a play| "Everywoman™ will be at the Grand | 20ontreal. Sh wy Cartwright was that will remain in the memory of ail [for a final presentation to night, and The programme followed, which| Sir Tacha for the Canadian} who had the pleasure of witnessing it, [no person in Kingston, who is fond o | vas very much enjoyed and warmly | pointed a trustes oe . He all their life. a goot dramatic and musical spectack | wplauded. It included the following: | policy holders of the Yuita) e Apart from the story of the play, {should mise it. olo, Mrs. J. Evans; violin solo, Miss | Assurance Sodety of New Yo there is much fo be said about = the | widie Bartels; reading, Miss Edna| 1899, and has acted as such other features. It 18 beautifully stag 3 Ake; vocal solo, Miss Percy. sinu ously until hid death. His ed, the gowns of the ladies are exquis The provisional members of the] .omstes at the time of his deat h we! ite, the music captivating, and the eague annoynchd were: Hon. Pres, | flor. WaMace Nesbitt, K.C.,, © : tev. G. I. Campbell; president, not ronto, and Jon. William Harty, et selected; first vice president, Kingston. fiss Drury; second vice president, {iss Allen; third vice president, Miss tose Merritt; fourth vice president LATE SIE R. J. CARTWRIGHT. Toronta, Oat, Oct. 22nd, 10 samt. tawa Valley a Upper SUL Lawrences « Southerly win fir and warm fo day. Showery to-night and on Wed. Resolution of Fxecutive of Equit-| 2 ais . able Life Assurance Society. Weather Probabilities : o ~ The is a py of n reso | i lution passed by the executive com | EET MESES IEE A mittee of the Equitable Li ance society, of the United Beld on October 16th Inst : the death of Sir Richard Cartwright LINEN Si 7 Who are they? -- = Wheredo theylive What do they do? and an engrossed copy of the resolu | "Three pertinent questions." following ENJOYED BY QUEEN STREET | CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE Assur- | States, Monday Evening n *A Trip Palestine Nllustrated' -- Provi sional Members of the Epwort} League Were Anncunced. The young people of Queen Street] Methodist church were treated to sa wovel entertainment on Monday vening called "A Trip to Pales ine," which included a number of hort speeches, a musical programme he appointment of provincial officers or the Epworth league, a personal anvass for league members and efreshments. The Sunday schoo! oom waz crowded to its capacity and sveryone had a good time, mn Get Oxo Cubes, A daily cup of hot; steaming, ishing Oxo is better than tes and coffee. One of the finest safeguards known against colds, chills, and uenza. One cube to a cup, 4 cubes ~10 ¢. 10 cubes--25 c. dion will be sent to the family of} the deceased as sooun as if is pre-} pared. "This commitiee has learned deap sorrow of the death of Sir Rich- | ard Cartwright, who for many years sorved the sociity as a trustee in| Canada. : } "A man of noble character and dis vinguished public service Sir Richard | nad a clear understanding of the | sacredness and beneficence the in-| stitution of hfe insurance, and un} The Sunday school was arranged to, (iringly supported it with vole and | epresent the trains and boats, b¥} pen > vhich one makes his way to the Holy; -f, brought to the office those mas. | And, and after av eteutsion, ob «acly qualities which had made him | Yhich everyone wad treated to copy a leader of men, and. with rare abil- : | i be with | befor PATENTS. HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON RREGI TE RED ATTORNEY, (formerly of Fetherstonhaugh Dennison & Co.) it Years Experience in Patents and Practical Engineering, Star Bldg, 18 King St. W,, Toronto Cotton Root Compound, RE yr three Gagrees feng ho | m= No. agg Mammwe Pe EE LACKIES BANQUET _ HALL of John Brown & Sons live in Belfast, Irelan |. They are Irish and make Shamrock Brad Linens. They have a wide reputation for qual - ity, style and excellence of value. When you try Brown's Linens you miss all linen worries. They are beautifully fine and every thread is pure flax--when ironed they shine like a lustrous piece of satin. = f the Whig. and a deseription of the ity and devotion protected the inter "The Senator Keeps House." William H. Crane, who is coming lo the Grand on Wednesday, Oct 23rd in his present big success "The Senator Keeps House," ha been on the American stage jus: fifty years, He began his profession | al career with the Holman Juvenil. ett: secretary, Miss C Opera company, at Utica, N.Y., ir Sha Mreasurer, as § hap : . 1863, in°-'a production of "The | anit, Miss E. Lake: assistant or J ! " Daughter of the Regiment.' anist. Miss : corresponding sec- 0 i" r " : big "The Senator Keeps House | oiary. Miss Ida Willey Bey gle fa e eac inens suitable" for Entertain- | wiaten, William H. Crane is to pre- While the refreshments were serv- | ¢ = i OHI OtIA PY j sent bere, is a comedy of present] ) 4 personal canvass of every per ments by societies or con | day life in Washington and was] ,, 3 the hall was made tor Jer ventions, ) Large, and | written for his use by Martha Mor- | embers for the league, and seventy ve new names were enrolled. The private. ~ A ik ton, who had p reviously contribut- aeeting broke up about ten o'clock d : ed several hits to the Crane reper. J. J. Lackie' « Jo CKle 8 { tolre. It is in four acts and reveals ; - 9 168 Princess St. We are special selling agents for Brown's Shamrock Linens and sole agents for the is now ready. Espec ally SEE WINDOW DISPLAY: Come and get acquainted with these two world's famous makes at i STEACY'S "Store of Satisfaction" | Mr. Crane again in the role of 1 Mrs. Allan Brown, Glenora Road | United Stat~s senator. which, by the received the sad news of the death of | way, he has not undertaken since » ter brother, B. Winters, Minneapolis, {his earlier great success in the { Winn., last week. Mr. Waters vas Lloyd-Rosenfeld drama, "The Sena: ell known in musical circles in the tor," which marked his first individ- I'nited States and was called the { ual starring venture after the disso- 'Silver-Voiced Tenor." He had been'n { lution of the famous firm of Robson : "health for some. time. 'and Crane. "Excuse Me." | Henry W. Savage's production ot | Rupert Hughes' farce success "Ex- i cuse Me," which comes to the Grand {en Saturday, Oct. 26th matinee and | right, was called by the New York Herald "a trainload of good, clean { infectious laughs." = The entire ac: | tion of the play takes place on a {| Pullman train, and hence the piece | has heen dubbed "A Pullman carni- va' in three sections." The piece comes here directly from a season's Household Economy How to Have the Best Cough Syrup and Save $2, by Making It at Home, Cough medicines, as a rule, contain a large quantity of plain syrup. If you take two gups of granulated sugar, add one 'up of warm water and stir about 2 min- utes, you have as good syrup as money could buy If you will then put 234 ounces qf Pinex . Satisfaction guaranteed or Optometrist. "Phone bia money refunded. KEELEY, Jr., 226 Princess. Street. | JENKINS || es Specials | Cheney. | All Silk, 2in 1, Man of our customers have been wai ng for i these fur some time. We tow have an excel- lent. collection and the price is the same as before "New Soft Hats The one thing in de- tind io H in Hatsis the New inest Soft Hats. We bmve just received NESTOR LENNON "Wealth," in Everywoman,™ Grand AS at the ueenic effects wondertal, "The "comfy has its own orchestra, and everything 15 given with such a pohshed that therd is not hing more to be sired, IL is trul- 3 musical and dra matic treat of the highest order. hung: stonians are, indeed, fortunate to se- cure such a good attraction for two nights, and at ithe final presentation, which will be given to-night, the thea- tre should be filled to capacity. "Kveryvwoman,"' a strange title foi Ga play, deals with her search for love, and portrays the.story of her life af er she has taken no heed to the ad : throughout vice of Truth, and yielded to the call of Flattery. Adele Plood, in the title role of "'Evervwoman, gave a true portrayal of a diflicult role. Her work was wonderful. In" the and she has a great many trying situations, she showed marked ability. To the andience, it appeared as if she were Living the part and not merely acting it, so much so, that in one ot her strong scenes, when she called out tor someone to help her in her time of trouble, one almost felt that the play was a reality, and that Get Rid of Piles at Home Simple "Home Temody, Easily Ap. plied, Gives Quick Relief and Prexents all Danger From Operation. heavy parts Send for Froe Trial Package and Prove it in Your Case. Don't even think of an operation for piles. Remember what the old family doctor sald: Any part: of 'the | body cut away is gone forever. One or two applications of Pyramid Pile Remedy and all the pain. fire and torture ceases. In a remarkably ii short time the congested veins are il reduced. to normal &nd you will soon be all right again. 'I'ry this re i markable remedy. Sold everywhere at drug stores. Send for a free trial package and prove beyond question it ai the right remedy for your ease. even though you may be wearing a » truss. send in the coupon below at once for the free trial treatment. It wil show you cobelusd what Pyramid Plle t Romady + will Theo another abe i gre Dan oo | FREE PACKAGE COUPON... Mi ds. a trial treat: of Pyramid. Plie. finish, | de | rin at the Studebaker Theatre, and the cast seen here will be the sam. as played those cjties. PITH OF WORLD NEWS. From Telegraphic D Despatches and Newspaper Exchanges. Peter Sayers, of Guelph, formerly o Esquesing and Nassagaweéya, died sud !denly in his 67th year. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy pro poses to assume the title of Emperor of Rome at an early date. The cornerstone of a new Roman Catholic church to cost $30,000 was laid in St. Catharines. A farm hand named atally injured while threshing near Hepworth, his arm being caught in the machine and torn out. Walter Manuel, eighty-six years of age, tell from a ladder while picking apples at Whithy and was instantly killed. It is rumotia that Hon strong, provincial treasurer, of mani toba, will reiwre from public life at the end of the parliamentary term. It is understood that the Canadian Northern R.R. is going inté the con duet of hotels in the various large cities of Canada as a sideline to the transportation business. In one of the biggest on disorderly houses ved hight distriet, 105 prisoners, 52 of whom were women, were taken into custody during the early hours of Sun day morning. It is stated that the CNR. linally decided to establish its main ear shops at Rideau Junction, a =u burb of Ottawa, where its company a few w.wihs ago purchased several hundred serves of land. At Watertown: N.Y. about, Fred Pendergast, ¥-year-old son of John E. Pendergast, proprietor of the Hub restaurant, was accidentally struck Wn the right eye by a shot from an girgun and will loose his sight. The ore product of the boundary and Kootenay mines was over fifty tons. For the vear to date over 1,900,000 tons have been shipped. Demonte tions at Nilson prove the existente of platioum ores in the ab tod coma. re i all of Kinds x TT % i wotit, .y were injured as a result of Mr. C Gary She Using truck Yy + train op A grade crossing. Burkholder. was Hugh Arm raids made in Montreal's has while playing rn Bap Sahat ia a | (50 cents" worth) In a 16-ounce bottle, and fill it up with the Sugar Syrup, you wii l have as much cough syrup as you could ¥ buy ready made for $2.50. It Keeps per. fectly Any housewife can easily pre- pare it in five minutes. And you will find it the best cough | syrup you ever used- 3 cough. You cap feel it] tdke hold--usuai- ¢ly stops' the most severe cough in 24 hours. It Is just laxative enough, has a good tonic effect, and taste is pleasant Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. It is a splendid remedy, too, for whoop. ing cough, croup, hoarseness astiima, chest pains, etc Pinex is the most valuable concentra- ted compound of Norway white pine ex- tragt, rich in gualacol and ali the healing pine elements. No other preparation will work in this formula This recipe for making cough remedy with Pinex and Sugar Syrup is now used and prized In thousands of homes in the United States and Canada. The plan has often been imitated, but mever Success- fully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded goes with this recipe, If the genuine Pinex is used Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you, if you ask him. If not, send to The Pinex Co. Toromto, Ont. COAL! The kind you are locking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. -gven in whooping Three Houses on King Street West overlooking the Lake. 00 Solid Brick $2400.05 West end of city and 12 full City lots. $3,000.00 Double House on Elm Street, rents for $17.00 Electric Restores for i s ho Nordi Wednesda Prices Remained Higher. Belleville, Oct. 21 other bumper crowd at the market this morning, but prices in all de. partments were well maintained. Po tatoes were again scarce, and it now appears certain that the rot is even more serious than had been previous- ly reporied. Some farmers who have clay soil state that he a total loss. Even in sandy land the destruction is serious, amounting in some cases to half the total yield Some sellers this morning got as high | of | the bulk Eggs were as $1.25 the offerings se plentiful, but than last week, at 35 cents to cents a dozen. Butter sold at 25 cents, the bulk of it at the figure. Timothy hay fer, at $12 to $14 a ton; mixed hay, $1010 $12; baled, $10 to $14; chick to $1 a pair; fowl, Bde to a pair; docks, 50c Lo 50¢ each; nd wheat, none offered; hogs! £ per cwt.. dressed, $11 per ewt.; apples, $1 to §2 per barrel; ides, efty 11 1-2¢! country, 9¢ to] 10.31.20; eaMsking, 12¢ to lie; $e to 12¢ a bag, though id at $1 10 32 to latter 68s iz ht. Disease. Dem't etch cold, don't eur any diseise You ean't i your ood i= right. Life and the vital! elements that fight discense and wepk- ness are in the nlood effsctive pesivthng power wwof Wadeis Iron Topic Live. They are a great nerve wy ged and Blood weaker. In hoes Sa, at Mcleod's Drug Store, 50 Brock street, one dosr above King siredt, back if not a Listac tory. catch ovis. An Odessa Kigagement. Mr. snd - Mrs. Harvey Odesea, announce the to 3. Herbert Lindsay, DLS. of Prince Albert, Sask, eldast son of the late James Lindsay, Hornby, Ont, the marriage to take place November. iti dN, Pall and Winter Importations, Prevost, Brock sleet, has Teoeied | ab his fall & i There was an-! IJARDINIERS We can Show You the largest assortment and greatest variety in Canada This is one of our specialties. We invite your inspection. - ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Fine China their crops will | prices slightly higher; is slightly eas "Kips, | i Stevngth and i can be had by | Pills (Laxa-} Money | ! aie : engagement | of their eldest daughter, Brenda R. in| For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge, © 'The World's F avorite Refreshment LIPTON'S TEA It sustains and cheers. | Eddy's Silent Parlor Matches | Made of very best cor e. Eve stick a match. Every match py tiny Well packed 30 rk io bY Tio arerviacted fn the --no fum eviiable of the matches, AND ABOVE All EDDY'S a surety of the best possible quality and full count The ef. 2.4 EDDY COMPANY, Limited