GREAT BOOK SALE We hate just opened 2.000 volumes of reprints of popular $1.25 and $1.80 novels by the leading authors of the day at our well known standard price of 48c volume. fan gtles will be found the folowing: | i Amon MAX, by Katherine ik. Thurston, author of "Masquerader." The CaravBners, by t "Elizabeth and Her German Garden." Somhow Good by Willlam de Moyan. The Colonel's Daughter, by John Strange Winter. The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne, by William J. Locke. A Pagan of the Alleghanies, by M. E. Ryan, author of »Told in the Hills." The Dop Doctor, by Richard Dehan. The Varmint, by Owen Johnson. Cynthia of the Minute, by Louis Joseph Vance. The Osbornes, by E. F. Benson. The Groen Patch by Bettina Von Hutton, Squaw Elouise, by Marah Eilis Ryan.' also scores of other recent novais. All at uniform special price o 48 cents per copy. e author of } author of "Pain." ¢ i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, COUNCIL IS OPPOSED | lo ABOLISHING THE MARKET FORESTALLING BY-LAW, ed Out of Order--Most of the Aldermen Seem to be Opposed to] Raising This Market Restrietion. | It does not look as though the city | council of 1912 has iwith the proposal to abolish the ma. ket forestalling by-law. . At 'the coun | cil meeting Monday evening a report | of the members of the city property! vommittey; recommending the abol ticy of this market measure, but the | discussion that resulted showed that | the feeling of the council was agains "| the removal of the restriction which prevents merchants and hucksters pur chasmg goods on the market beiore ten o'clock. However, it was event UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 25. ually discovered that the . property | |committeo had no right to bring ina | report upon the matter as there was | j= quorum at its meeting. Therefore the report was ruled out of order by Mayoe Hoag. When the report was read Ald. a greet eer y HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN High Grade Tailoring Specialists in Made-to-Order Cloth ing. Every order wil ind tailored to your own measurements in real tailor chops. fo Classy. styles, good linings and évery part of the garment" well needicd, \ Prices from $15 to $30, agent for Kingston, T. LAMBERT Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE SAVES WORRY, _ SAVES MONEY, SAVES THE HAIR Mre. Lea's story is a typical his tory of hair troubles. After cvery thing else falls Newbro's Herpicid: brings relief. Jt would be just as el fective il used first. Newbrg's Herpicide "kills the dan: deaff germ and prevents falling hukr it stops itching of the scalp' almost instantly. No matter what the claims of others, Herpicideé is the only gen- uine original dandruff germ, destroy- , If you want to free vour head of dandruff and stop fallag hair, must sooner on later resort te - New bro's Yerpikde. By using Herpheide first you save voursell worry, which is' desirable, ya save money, which js o considera tion, and vou save vonr Rair, which is the most important of all. Why not profit by the experience ol Mes. 8. A. Lee, of M0 South 4th St. Pichmond, Va.. who wrides : "Four years' redidence in India ruin ed my hale until it was but two in ches long and very thin. 1 tried everything in Europe and America without benefit until I was induced to use Herpicide. My hair fs now * Tong, soft and silky and natural col or, while before it: was quite gray. - fifends pever tire of admiring air." you er. Applications at good barber shops Send 10¢. for sample bottle to The Herpivide Co., Dept R., Detroit, Mich > Newbro's Herpjcide in 50c. and: $1 izes mm sold by all dealers, who guar antes it to do all that is- claimed. Mf vou are not satisfied your money will be refund JE B: MeL od and I. T. Best, cial agents. spe: / REE FOR SALE] G6 Mot frontage on Johnson street, full depth, for. 85 4 foot, only good for one week. 50 foot frontage on Princess street, depth 110 feet, wit barn and henhouse, built years, for $1,150, 3K CARROLL 14 Market 8t. 'Heal Estate and Insurance, Health and Beauty Answers BY MES. MAE MARTYN. As your hair Is short and thin and y A hare S06 much trouble to wake it = up and lebk neat, try sbhurpooing Tt with a teaspoonfel of canthrex dissolved in a cup of hat water, Tis shampoo is the one generally used by the best hairdress. ers to make the hair look thicker and lustrous. It produces an abundant lather, drics quickly and not only cleans the halr and naw well, hut sWops all Irritation. gives the sealp a feelin plemiug freshness Canthrox makes ut efightful shamp. and will make your hair soft apd fluffy. You will have litte troa¥ie then to make your hair look alee never yse goap for shampooin ag. 1 mikes the hair Beitte havsh wn lakes away the = look, (a) Tr ot rid. of nd stop, ality Air, see. reply ww" Merirude . Cora 8. moving wrinkles. your complexion Are constantly This comes frou and an 'over-iadu! Mercedes: You say is liteloss and you tired and drowsy too little exercise Rence in heavy fou Kish condition of the of proper nourishment for the body Here is a simple and inexpensive recipe for an exceldfnt bioed tonic and body builder Buy at any drug stor An. punce of kardene and put in half-pint aleohol (not whiskey), thet aud 3 hatt Suptal Juar and hot 'ater to make a full quart. ke a tableapouniul before each tear 20. onde. 3 is Hpkrities and enriches the oad It will give you renewed energy and your complexion will as. sume its natural health tint. Gertrude J: The dandtulf, itehin scalp and brittle. Talling hair wit Fsplil ond of which you complain come from. a diseased sca) due te the prefence of germs he surest Way to get rid. of .ithese troubles quickly 'and femove the germs will be to shapipuo twice a month with <ka- throx and rub into your scalp twice @ Week, a quinine hair tonic made by dissolving one ounce of ouinsola in haifa" pint of aleohol (not Whiskey. ' then ding pa a pint of water. Use tone art it will ---- ee ru tation, stop Your alr "iB sul aad make it soft and [rey CER emir ni Te 3 ng poriant' # fant Sire Be vlood and a lack Co Meta Do A lato ne paste with res move the fuss from your lip without danger of | 4 bg lence. Just mix vaough po elatene and waler 1h cover the pred SUTTRCe, apply auc iter two er three minutes rub olf refulliy. One Neen exvepting wh th A a where the grow: i: vyuite thick or siubburn. Ford La: what " Shine a have 0 much money in vainly tr ing to a gel tid of your fai: | Rave: ol = alr Shh re EH £ my Giusy rhepuke ORS He more Gat in triok his id 5 very soothing wear woar a Vel , your com you y causing a sug-| {Stroud declared leet opposed tu | | he abolition of ghe by-law, which was] {in the interests of the housekeepers. It ! {should remain, he declared. | { Ald. Givens said there were two tsides go the Question, of course. | | However, he claimed that the force of | "the by-law was crippled by the fact {that a farmer can'go to any store keeper he wishes and sell bis pro duce Lefore ten o'clock in the morn ng. ~ The by-law applied only to the | market jlace, Ald. Givens would not say whether he was in favor of abol ishing the bylaw or not. Ald. Couper declared that the for | stalling by-law was just a farce, He was a grocer of thirty five years ex perience and he pointed out that the by-law did nqt aficct him for in these | davs of tdephones all a grocer had | to do was to telephone to farmers | the afternoon or evening before and | order all he wanted. That constitutés | a contract. The farmers always hdd | that the by-law was a hardship. Ald. Couper held that the citizens did mot | get their produces any cheaper by ve | tafning the forestalling by-law fon | they can purchase cheaper in the stores than on the market. 5 Ald. Elliott said that he had been defending the by-law for eighteen years and he wanted to say that it would be a mistake to abolish it Hie held that the bulk of the people looked upon the by-law as a pro tection. Ald. Elliott was a Hitt surprised at the attitude of Ald. Giv- ens, who was very faint-hearted over the matter. Me would advise him wu keep the by-law as it is. Ald. Kent remarked that jst at this time when the cost of living is increasing so much everything that would tend to reduce that cost should be retained, and the forestalling by: law should be kept in force asa pro tection to the people. The only argu ment he heard in favor of the abeli- tion of the bylaw was that the far mers had to stand so long on the market. Why do they come to mar- ket so early ? Ald. Kent asked. The housewife could not get to markeid much before nine p'clock. let them come to town later. Ald. Couper said the farmers came early in order to get a good place on the market. Ald. Kent replied that any place on the murket was a good place. Ald. Turkfngton stated that .it had been wported in the press that he had seconded the resolution to abolish the by-law. His constituents were all after his scalp the next mormng. and lis had a hol time of it. He wished to say that there had been a mistake ns he was nol even a member of the property committee. Further, he fdv ored retaiging the forestalling by i i | | | out in asking pro Ald. and remarked that the ladies were who was the chairman of the perly committer. He advised Givens to let the bylaw stand avoid trouble. The mayor ruled the report of committee out of order as thers not a qnotam present when the mat ter was eonsidered. aw. Ald. Bailey Victoria ward the was & HUSTLERS AT WORK, Pressing Hard for Members for Y.M.CA The workers in the eter silin cam: paign, run by the Y.M.C. had sup- per in the building on a even ing, and the five teams made reports. RR. H. Ward is captain of the team which led for the first week, with Richard Atkinson's group second. During ithe first week a good deal ol preliminary work has been done, and it is expected that the "harvest'" will be made from now until Nov. lst The campaign closes on that evening. The "Y" and its work was never in « more optimistic position.. The gym- nasium classes have heen re-organtred under Instructor H. Rhines, and things look bright for a good winter's work. The reception for the seniors is billed for. Tuesday evening. ® DIED ON MONDAY. Me. Ww. wl dslley 4 Mas Suafferes From Mears Failure, eh Sivdeshuss atieet, on & oni nt ote! , after an iliness of eight months THE BUSINESS any sympathy tin attendance were {Clugston, was presented, digned by the niajority | Stroud, i trie land Cowdy streets. {is by expense | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 CITY COUNCIL SESSION ANSACTED ON MONDAY EVENING, Report of Property Committee Rul- | Grad Trunk Request to be Recon. sidered--Board of Works Out of Funds, a Vote of $2,000 Made. The City and' Council met last evening Mayor Hoag and Baillie, . Couper Elliott, Fair, Givens, Harty Litton, Rigney, Ross, Shaw Sutherland and Tarkington. These communications were re- ferred to committees Festival of the Empire Crown. Eliza Shane regarding injury account of defective sidewalk. W. D. Sprague for tree removal. Pr. G. W, Mylks for removal standpipe. C. A. gineer. Kingston Realties Co., asking elec light on the corner of Stephen {Alds. Armstrong, ent, rg purchase on ol Jennings re consulting en asking abolition of and forestalling by- clerk tolls County market law. B. W. Robertson and others ask- ing that crossings be laid on Earl street from Barrie to Bagot streets, The board of bealth ree ammendd | that the sewer on Stephen street be extended up to a point 132 feet doi of Division street, on sanitary grounds. The Garbage Question, The Board of Health reported re garding the lability of the garbag» {contractors, It met on Monddy aft ernoon and considered the opinion of City Solicitor Mcintyre, that the contracfors are not punish 'able by fine or imprisonment. Th only remedy against the contractor action by the corporation by reason of their breach of contract. 'To do this might be difficult, and it would have to b¢ shown that the city had been put te {expense to collect the garbage itself I'he corporation may discha~ge the contractors and employ other person: ito complete the contract during the {unexpired period of the same and the corporation might claim from the contractors any additional cost and incurred by it. Grand Trunk Request, Board of Works recommends that on the communication of = Wright, agent Grand Trunk asking permission to install a weigh seale on Place d Armes the request be not granted Ald. Harty asked for information u to the matter. He thought the seal would be for the benefit of merchant: and-others, rather than for the bene fit of the railway company. Ald. Elhott stated that hoard meeting, encroachment on the be 80 much as at first supposed. Ald. | Litton was of the opinion that the er- ection of the scale would intertere with trafhc. Ald, Klhiott agreed to withdraw clause in his report, and allow Board of Works to reconsider -th ter, Ad, Elhott. informed vouneil that the Board of Works had expended it appropriation and could do 'thothing more unless given a further sum of money. (On his the linance committes was instructed to provide $2,000 for the works committees. There was some discussion as to tree trimming and the erection of more lights on the streets, The recommen dation by the Fire and Light commat- The riba {reel since the mat motion he erected at dark spots was earned. The Finance Report. These recommendations of finance committee were adopted That the sum of $300 be placed to the appropriation of Board ol Works. Tuat fifty feet of bose bg pur chased for the fire and light 'depart ment. That the th: crown used at the tival of the Empire be for the sum of 38; City committee to furnish the bulbs for lighting, and to choose suitable place for #rection of same. These accounts were ordered to be paid: Board of Works--Pay 15th, $1,424.07; Angrove Bros. re- pairing bicycle, $1.25; the Barber Asphalt Paving company, asphait, $1,234.90; the Bell Telephone com- pany, rent, $10.50; railway company's tel, message 56¢c: tha Frontenac Lumber and Coal company, cement, $310.44; 'Grand Trunk railway, freight, $255.08; the Frontenac Lumber and Coal; company, lumber, 263.14; Great North Western Tel. company, sages. $3.85; Silas Griwshaw, = $61.75; John Hazlet, insnection roller, $20; Hooper & Slater, lum- ber. $4.09; H. MacRow, stone, $432.15 James Sowards Coal pany, wood, $44.40; the Standard Publishing company, vrinting, $3.75. Parks--Pay list to Oct.' 15th, $45.42; John Corbett, supplies, $4.40; Charlie Purdy, smithwork, $4.60, Board of Health--Guild & Hane son, directory, $2.50; the Jackson Press, printing. $8: Dr. A. R. B. Williameon, stamps, $5. Police St. John's Industrial school, board, $48.90; Victoria In dustrial school, board. $28.93; Thomas Lambert. clothing, $17: Charles Donoghue, oats and bran, $38.80; E. Purdy. hay, two loads, $100 Reward, $i00, @- readers of thls paper will 'hi nivgsed ta legen Thal there i= at least cone droaded disdase that science has heen shies to eure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catdrrh Cure Property electric ing =a a ponstitutional Caarch h are is osaken Foy al od ra of 4 Canadian Pacific | who advised | for damages sustained! | wagon } REID'S Ql the ; A Common } | | i Balm. will give tee that a number of additional lights | the nasty lphiod vou can just fed tap feeling Fes | purchased | the | gust | ; Dolan, i men's Herald, subscription ' $2.785.65 com- | { RC.HLA | 36; Ww. 5 supplies, S2840; ere. plies, ¥24.06; 1he Standard Publisiring JAMES REID'S the ' it was learned thal the, street might not ir list to Oct. 1912. I, SHOES FOR WOMEN WITH TENDER FEET. Ra The Restshu is a fine shoe made in up- to-date styles but- full of solid comfort made in fine kid at $4.50 $4.50 Live oF WENGE et ANE Other styles in Cushion soles $3.00, - $3.50 - $4.00 MANUFAZ URED BY THE RAMSFELCER/ERLICK CO CINCINNATI, OHIO, : We also handle "The Red Cross' -the Nurses Shoe, Utz & Dunn Cushion and ctc, which are all foot comforters. ABERNETHY'S A COUCH BY DAY AND A BED BY NIGHT! re » o yn - > Confectione of the / delicious time favorites, lightfully pure A BOX OF CANDY will gir man, SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 * ry' w -~ choicest - sprt., Every variety, all the old«! everything de- and good. make. a pleasing woman or child, | A large Auxurious piece of Furni | ture during the day TOYE'S BREAD Which can be converted into a ful! size, comfortable bed In a moment's notice, ALATY REID'S LOW PRICES Is all that good brea shold' be. It not, ek it a trial Nt a A A NN I ih R. H. TOYE & CO. you use it? The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 NOSE STOPPED UP WITH. CATARRH Treatment for Gives Ins Sense Colds and Catarrh, stant Relief. KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co, Limited, Proprictors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners Bakers, Druggists, Florists, | hy (Goods, Boots and Shoes, Faney Goods, Hard ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory : King Street West KINGSTON. You the Ne, head, Flv's Cream relel of the strength top. VOU Ar DOs an after ap it pair No matter how miserable with-eatatrh--- or -a--cold--in I nose stopped up, throat (running, dell pain in the cough, fever, foul breath, vou stant the root are head ey d ry It gets right at trouble, cleanses, heals and the raw, sore membranes, discharge so that blowing the minutes it doing work of clearing 'the head, the and soreness are relieved, the breath and the stuffed This cleansing Balm contains nd other harmin ens constantly In a few not spitting. Grocers, hecomes natural is gone. antiseptic mercy, _ goaine drugs. It is easy to apply, plea ant to nse, and never fails fe relief, even in the worst eases Never neglect a cold, and the miseries of caturrh vour friends with vouwr ing, spitting and foul breath Se, bottle of Elv's Cream Balm fre your druggist, and start the treat ment at once. You will find that will be the best investment von eves mads, Agent, G. W. M: shaod ing healing, or 4 q to don q nor oi > hawk (ret suffer ' Fre Lamon tally Mvp Ty Fak wading Walter | Ma en ' bon rank raviway, lark, mijn freight repairs, & Sunmo supplies, $29.1; Jolin Mehenz 216.35; Canadian Flectric wmpplies afid repay RIM. Td; wrinl {hl compan rawlord, eaal, ¥{ Jd Gan appiratu fire apphes, wi, blotter mp, $47.18; wipany, ress Connpaty irkpatrick. du JN; +. Kigney Lip Toronto, 33; ¥1,099.62: the J SW; H. Mackiow, Canadian Eleetric Company sniract, $750; Uanadian ress company, pros iy PFablihing company, 2; Waterworks departing sy, Bell Telephones compan? nd messages, $31.10: Kiegs alway, Licke Chie Liearge Aeyels repairs, wilway company, TW ¥ r buyin 1, pol company the tm R68 ' I He uction t ee ------ on $32.55; Bell Telenhone cow pant wal telephone service, $21.35; M harnces and repairs, $15.8 Heat and Pgwer departmen' $12: Kenson Searchlig) electric lantern. $10; Joh $3.75 Fire wi vo ii, iy the Relining © Linperis I's he Jatt CO got ) com oriwtt nat John formes brick J rad t Shim ny, Law hn th enrtag Light service, company, Kelly, horseshoeing. John id Fx Philips "rd nm i, imi Walsh, ml wn whedden Forwarding , X22: Domimon Ea express, Kw: 120 8 MeAdaw and €. « K. Craw ackson Pris wh 1" [1 hier rarts ie $2; grate. lighting 8. | dry company, pu iron Light department, street Lamps, £5 I alger, wed, rinting I~. 15; Makes from ¥ ent rehable For Home Bread F housandse ol fetiers, of White that it &s Northern Fs [| H your gaocer Se. Aish Whit pouting ged Ie watery dmg le ' + THR nw Printing---The Jackson Press, $6 the Standard company, $38.65. Contingencies--The Rell Tels phone company, rent. $25.50: R W. Boyd, cab hire. $1; Cily Registr office. 14t of deeds, $5.16; Gres North-Western Tob. conpdny, me (sage, Iie; 8. McAdam, stamps, $0 the Shedden Forwarding compan cartag~ (Registry office) $1: Lew': 'wefveager work, $25 a band. concerts, $2740. Waterworks Bopartment--Pay bet i September rth: 329.601: Hordon Ad ot loge, $3; 1, BB. Angfgve, manbel: top, $7.10; wil Tolephine company £5.54: Booth & compan, slack oa 'Ca customs, duty FLU: Wilbam Cockburn, smithwork £145: Dr. 1, CO Connell, rentlies, $65, It. Dalton & Sows, ippiins. 3 La srand Trunk railway, cariage, Imperial (hl company, oil, $16. * Ne perial © Oil 'company. oil, $2.10; the Jackson Press, envelopes, $00; Con Rarkpatrick, entry fee, 2%: the Light Department, gas, $2.40; John Jowery borsechoring, $1.40: MeKelver & Rirel supplies, $10.49; MeRetvey & Nireh Sunmonk Bros. sup coal, « 85 sw SKan good dosn't Ho prove y Swan ¢ from Out... roma, ni, the ton dre svat Fy ichinkions "i f 3 Muller €. Arrives the { anndinn Varie | 4 hye ms 51.5 Hlernoon to visi: sages, EEPING a bask account for "household expense." and ° paying all bills by chevjoe has many advantages. It shows the bi Janee an hand, the amount expended, provi wes receipts for every paymert and does not require 8 large depot 10 begin : with, " - ¥, priatmg, $16. Light, Heat and Power--Payv lst vernment, meter inspection, $46.50 Gartghore, Thomeon Pipe & Foun pei Ei, Satish Whig Fup , 'mdvertwement. $21 ® Pembroke rain » 815.42 Septembér 30th, $1280.01; Dommion 1 , $1,492.58; Thomas Vanhorn, tof compan