"STARS OF THE TORONTO « « VHHHHH Bie Ecan FLyinG WING HALF u Frank Heflernan, Ouawa College's best all-round ter than ever. College team last year, wonderful pluuging runner. player, who is 'always in the game. the star half-back of ¢ . -------------- ---- Bir MARSOEN . Ou T3106 SCRIMMAGER $ wr vis he Toronto team, ' was hali-back last season, and he is bet- Fagan, the flying wing, is also a graduate of He has a great paiv. of Ottawa hands, and is a Marsden, the serimmager, is a big, strong This team looks likely for the championship of Canada this year. STOCK OFFERING UTILITIES IMPROVEMENT COM: PANY FORMED? Curb Brokerage Has Grown Very Expensive----A Dispute Has Ariser Over Profits--=To Sfudy Steel Profits. » Montreal, Oct. 22. Doherty & Co., are offering $10, 000,000 preferred stock of the Util ities Improvement Co., oh the basi of $1,000 preferred and $400 com- mon stock for $1,000 in cash. Thi is the new company, which this firm has just organiged and has a total capitalization of $40,000,000, of 'which amount $25,000,000 is 6 per cent, cumulative preferred and $15. 090.200 semmon stoek. Tha amount to be outstanding at once of each tssuo is. 810,000,000. The firm an nounces that one. half of the pres ent $10,000,000 offering Is heing taken by the same London interests who a short time ago preferred stock 'of the Cities Ser. vice Co. and tock of the Consolidat- ed Cities Light, Power & Tract'on Co. [It will be' recalled that when Messrs, Doherty & Co. offered the stocks' of the above mentionel com panies they were largely ovecaub- scribed. The new company nas veen orn: ed to take over the following | rop- erties: Toledo Light and Railways Co, (Ohlo); Danbury & Bethel Gas and Electric Light Co. (CL); Branf- ford Gas Co,, Limited, (Ontario); Woodstock Gas. Co., Limited, (On- tario) ;- Athes Railway afil Eleotrie Co. (Ga.); Coshocton District Gas and Puel Co, (Ohio): Bartiesville Gas, Electric and Rallway Co, a A w Henry L.] purchased § (Okla.); Empire Gas and Fuel Co.. (Kans, Mo., and Okla.); $2,800,000 G-year 7 per cent. notes of the Southwestern Heserve Gas. Co According to' compilations by Doherty & Co., the new company in 1913 will earn 6.2 per cent. on its common stock; in 1914, x.2 per cent., and in 1915, 10.7 per cent, It is proposed to pay 2 per cant. div- idends on the comnton stock during the first year, which rate will De increased 1 per cent, per num netil 6 per cent. a year Curb Brokerage Fxpensive. New York, Oct. 22 It was not many years ago when any one who looked like ready money and not a wiio did not, did business .on the curb unmolested, andi everybody who had nothing better to do in Wail rltreet called himself a curb broWar The various police magis- teates can testify to that, for when a crook was arrested wlio happened to be working below the dead line, he invariably styled himself "a curb broker.' To the real curb brokers this sort of notoriety was very dis- tasteful, and these happenings went a long way toward formation of the present association. From $12.00 fees a year, which was the fee of the association for several years, it was raised to $25 a conple of years ago. Under the new rules, however, a member must pay $250 initigtion fee and $25 annual dues. few Purchased Texas Land. New York, Oct, 22.--The cate of capitalists, headed by Dr }. 8 Poarson. the moving spirit in Brazilian Traction company, has purchased 60,000 acres of land in Texas to be used for farming for $1,600,000 Large electric power station will be installed to operate syndi- OF COLUMBUS (IN WHITE SWEATER). champl on, and J. NN, Constant, of New dirt track champion, who rode at the Dunlop meet Canadian champion. 1 meet again in the TMC. Constant wen spill in the first rece and was meet ¥ 50 CENTS FOR WORTHLESS HAIR TONICS--USE OLD, HARMLESS "D ANDERINE" GET RESULTS. ® derine from any drug store or toiled 'feo mter, and C ter the fest applica tion you ly it was the best ine vestmaent. ¥ ever made. Your halt will immediately take on that life lus tro and juxariance which js so beauti- 1 the ENIOR O.R. ----r F.U. TEAM pumps for irrigation and total cost of improvements is estimated at $2,000,000. Railroad 350 miles long will be constructed from EJ i Paso to Mexican North-west to pro- | vide transportation prospective tenants. facilities for Canada Copper Co, Quebec, Oct. 22.--A company cap- italized at half a million dollars, un- der the name of the Canada Copper company, has just been incorporat- ed under a provincial charter for the purpose of extracting copper in the eastern townships. The head. quarters will be at Arthabaska Messrs. L. P. Decourval, civil engi- neer; L. P. Crepeau, K. C., and A. Blanchet, mine owner, are among the principal promoters. To Steady Steel Prices. New York, Oct. 22.°--The fact that certain of the largest steel compan- ies in the United States have noti- fled their various representatives to maintain prices around the current level regardless of the action of competitors is a strong feature of the situation that carnot be over- looked. It shows that steel manu- facturers realize that Inflation is a detriment rather than a benefit to the industry and that the interests of all concerned will be promoted by the maintenance of a reasonable rice level. Dispute About Profits. Toronto, Oct. 22.-- The Millerett mine in Gowganda, which has just completed its new $50,000 mill, and | is in a position to operata it sue- essfully, is to be closed down at the' end of this month. Members of the close corporation operating the mine, it is stated, are. engaged ii a dispute over the distribution ot yrefits, and as a result have decided {o. etose down till the dispute is ended. Financial Notes. During + the past week 303 shares of stocks in Porcupine and Cobalt mine were dealt . in on the Standard Stock Exchapge, Toronto, the total valuation of the transactions being $101,210.73. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has declared a bonus of one per cent. in addition to the usual quar terly dividend of two and a half per oynt., both payable on Dec. 1st to shareholders of record of November 15th. The stock of the American Mining and Exploration company, listed on the Paris Exchange has advanced from 81 to $10 a share eince last No- vember. Ea 8. Emanuel and Edward I. May have been elected members of the Nsw York Stock Exchange. B. (. Winans, vice-president of the Nowminion Bond Co., has been ap- notated a director of Tooke Bros, limited, in place of Garnet T'. Grant, Tatanto. Koplications will be made at the gaming sesmon of parliament for the ncosporation of the London-Wash: iagton-Ottawa Insurance Corporation, end the People's Trusice & Security company. During the months of September the Canadian banks increased their note circulation by $2,833,817, which is not neatly so large as the increases made in that particular during. Au- gust or in September a year ago. A section of Consolidated Swale shareholders are dissatish with the fat dividend action of the board. The action in declaring a straight di- vidend of four per cent. without im- dication of future policy, is criticized on ali sides, as leaving the stock ina ver unsatisfactory position. The world's gold production in 1911 was 4.65741 ounces, valued at £05, - $0,000. Ths value is the greatest of any vear extept 1909, when gold (0 the value of $99,673,400 was pro enced. § Cheese =ales : London. 13{v: jeville, 12§0; Napanee, 12]c.: Picton 18 1-160; Ottawa, 12§e. to 12 13-16¢.; Troguois, 13je. . The Tlumphrey Unshrinkable Under- wear (o., limited, has been organized with a capital of $500,000, to carry on the manufacture of pure wool na- dgrwear, at Moncton, N.B. A French Verdict. A siog hunted through the forest of Foutainebleau took refuge in the gar den of a certam Mme. Brouilot. The lady's som refused fo give the ani- mal Gp unless paid the sum of 100 francs compensation for the damage it Lebaudy, the ily refused by MN. nantly o master of the hounds, who any responsibility. - "Very well, said the young wen, coolly; "then we will keep the stag. He dil so, and they Killed and ote anumal. t The muster of the bowie Woaght me Vel: had done, but his request wax ndag- | COLD IN THE CHEST? fect Cure, For bad colds on the chest, rub thy chest and between the shoulders well with Zam-Buk at might. YH vou suffer from catarrh or cold { in the head, just insert a hittle Zam Buk at the base of the nostril, and the balm becomes warm, inhale healing essences which vaporize Sores in the nostril, which are some times set up by catarrh, will yield to Zam-Buk treatment. Mrs. N. 5. Babeock, of Matawatch- an, Ont., says: "For a loag time 1 had a very disagreeable sore on the inside of the nostrils, which gave me great pain and caused much aunoy- ance. 1 feared it would turn te can cer, and all I tried proved unavail- mg. I was ordered to try Zam-Buk, ard 1 sn glad to say that the sors that defied all other remedies was ov ercome by one box of Zam-Buk is now quite healed." as the cure for frost bites, ison, piles, n really. All druggists and _ stores, s0c. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25¢. tablet SCOTCH HUMOR. ulcers, eczema, urgica Sure see the point of a joke. doubt the celebrated wit to an English joke. A young Eng- | lishmran at a party mostly composed | of Scotsmen made several attempts to erack a joke, and failing to evoke a smile from his companions, ! he became Angry, and exclaimed, "Why it would take a gimlet to put a joke into the heads of you Scotch- men!" One of them replied gimlet wud need tae ed than thae jokes." , "Ay; but the be mdir point- A well-known idiot, named Jamie Frazer, surprised people sometimes | by his replies. The congregation of his parish had for some time | distressed the minister by the habit | of sleeping in church. He had of- | ten: endeavored to impress them | with a sense of impropriety of such conduct. and one day when Jamie was sitting in the front gal- lery wide awake, when many were slumbering round him. the clergy- man endeavored to awaken the at tention of his hearers by stating the the fact, saying, "You see even Jamie Frazer, the idiot, does not | fall asleep as sO many of you are doing." Jamie solemnly replied, hadna' been an idiot I wad ha' been sleeping, too." Hugo . Arnot was one day waited upon by a woman who requested , him to advise her how she might} best rid of an admirer whose jimh | portunities caused her annoyance. The woman was the reverse of fas cinating, and Arnot, being indiss posed to flatter her vanity replied, "0. vou had better marry the yel- low! "Marry. him!' sepiied the ished woman. "I would see hanged first." "Marry him, then," persisted the humorist, "and I'll bet he'll soon hang himself." A clergyman was preaching in a church where there was a choir | that monopolised the psalmody. Ha) listened patiently to a complex viecs of music. When it was finished, he rose and solemnly sald, 'Now that the choir have praised: themselves {et the congregation unite with me in praising the Lord." i aston- him Dr. McLeod and Dr. Watson were ia the West Highlands together on a tour, before leaving for India When they wer crossing a loch Ip a boat, in company with & number of passengers, a storm came on. One of the passengers was heard to say "The twa ministers should begin to pray, or we'll a' be doomed." "Ah, no," said a. boatman. "The little ane can pray, if he likes; bu? the big ane must tak' an oar.' The following story illustrates the disadvantage of baving an article in common use called for after ona' own name. The chief of the clar Mackintosh once had a dispute with a cabman about his fare. "Do you know who I am?" indignantly ex. claimed the Highlander. "I am the Mackintosh." "l don't care If you are an um brella," revlied the cabby, "I'll have my rights!" Millions Given Away. 'here are on an average 300.000 vis itors the day in New York. Oftén there ate many move, seldom any less. Most of the visitors are there on, pleasure bent, or are passing through on pleas ure bent in other places. Kven those who go to Manhattan on business de cide in favor of the "combination cocktail," meaning a mixture of busi ness and fun. Every visitor 'gives tips, whither he stavs at a hotel or pot il he vats friends he Lips their ser vante. The tips given by the average {persons of means amount to much more than $2 the day. Few tips less | than 50 cents the day. It is a low es {timate to put a dollar as the aver {age amount given away evety dav ju tips hy every visitor to the great city i 'That means SHO.000 the day "in lige inlone, pot including tips given by New Yorkers themselves. that is about $9,000,000 the month or $H00.500,000 for the full year of 360 days. Through this petty upping graft alone more than S100.000.000 the year are paid by {the rest of the country-for the upkeep ol the metropolis. We are not com plaioing. We are not suggesting a remedy. We merely call attention to the matter that some may grieve over it and others may laugh, though thos who laugh are not by any means the 'ones who have recently made then leontributions. -- Charleston News and | Courier, i i =HE DAILY BRITISA WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1912. Rub Well With Zam:Buk'!---a Per | Charlottetown Business Men Take and | l Zam-Buk will also be found a sure i of Drayton, N.I., occurred at her home r cold sores, chapped hands. |j,o¢ week. Mrs. Edmunds was a Miss blood: | Hattie cuts, and skin injuries | her marriage and moved to Drayton Fan invalid for a number of years and ; was seventy years of age. i vived by her husband and two sons, Dean Swift said that it required a {Miss Maggio Pinkerton will be pleased | operation to make a Bents. ito hear of her marriage last month NO {ta R. referred | Quesnell. B.C. A-FOX BANCH, DEAL. Option on Tignish Place. Charlottetown, PEL, Ret. A syndicate of Charlottetown business | men has taken an option om the Dal ton fox ranch at Tignish. The price agreed upon is $600,000 The ranch contains twenty pairs of what are claimed to be the best foxes in ths world, and the owner, Hon. Uharles Dalton, guarantees fifty pups to. be { born, it is said, by July Ist, 1913. For | every pup short be will pay the syn dicate five thousand dollars in cash Mr. Dalton retains $100,000 ' stock in the swodicate and will manage the | ranch for ome year, or longer if de sired. The deal involves a yuotation {to parties in Russia of six pairs ol} pups to be delivered in Russia for the | lump sum of $100,000, which will like {ly be closed within a few days. ») Most Popular--with Most People for Most Purposes --Comfort Soap. - Fa) 3 . ~ » PEARSALL'S MILLINERY FEATHER MONTS We have the finest and largest assortment of feather ever shown here, ranging in pice from 35¢ to $10.00 BEAVER HATS We have sold a large quantity of them and a lot te come in and try one on. Prices from $3.60 to $6.08 each ENGLISH FELTS AND VELOURS Fine Flexible, Plain and Two-tone. Large and Small Shapes. Come in and see them. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PRI The death of Mrs. Wiliam Edmunds, mounts each. McRae, Jasper, previous to . sell yet some thirty years ago. She has been She is sur- The many friends in Westport of J. Carson, an enSneer, of "Ant 1, Pen, \.§ "Here, at Last, You who have only half-liked is really the union suits of the pagt-- comfortable slip into a suit of the new, ------------------------------ better kind -- the kind a man underwear can wear with genuine comfort for you! and contentment. "Just ask for de Closed-Crotch COMBINATIONS The part that was always so troublesome in the old kind now sets as snug as can be doesn't gap- doesn't strain. Truly it's an improvement you will appreciate. Some trustworthy store you pass every day has an array of these combinations in stock that includes pour favorite weight and style. Ask for Pen-Angle Closed Crotch the new underwear idea, and look for the trademark. PENMANS LIMITED SWEATERS .* HOSIERY, PARIS . . CANADA UNDERWEAR NUNSHRINKABLE™A py, wo -- The Greatest Values Ever Offered in the Greatest of all Musical Instruments. Victor-Victrola Mahogany or oak $100 Mahogany or oak Mahogany $135 THE $200 VICTROLA reproduces the voices of the world's greatest singers in so natural and lifelike a manner that you actually FEEL the presence of the living Artist. Double-sided Records are 90¢ . for the two selections. Ask for a Free copy of our 300 page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 5000 Records. Call at any of "His Master's Voice" dealers everywhere and hear your favorite music on a genuine Victrola. When thinking of Christmas Gifts remember the Victrola and the famous " His Master's Voice" trade mark. Use only genuine " His a Master's Voice" Needles with Victor Records. Victor-Vietrola © XI, Victor Victrola Fa hey) Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., CASTORIA Hear Caruso, Kubelik, Schumann-Heink, and Kirkby Lunn the Bag of great English Contralto, at Stat D. J. DAWSON'S 244 Princess St.