Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Oct 1912, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, lrHE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR | adbinistraion of jusiié has be 0 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at ye King Street, Kingston, | made a mockery and a shan, and -~ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912. wha | | Ontario, at $8 per vear. Editions at 2.30 and § p.m. i this is 'something that noone WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages, published In parts on Monday and Thursday morning at $1 a year. To United States charge fur postage bad to he ad , making price of Dally $3 and Weekiy $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid. styl. ish, =nd cheap work; nine improved Presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 2. G. Elllett, President, Leman A. Giflq, See~Treas respects law add order will tolerate EDITORIAL NOTES It is time the street watering carts | Were put away. They were out yes | terdav and {ome of these i which the people laughal to see | covering a street an TORONTO OFFICE.~Sulte 1% and 20 Queen Clty Chambers, 33 Church mud was severnl inches : plea > \ jtreer. Toronto H. E Bmaliplece, J.P. representative. | deen. POWERS OF THE PROVINCE. i One of Sir James Whitney's police g ie S 3 { magistrates is the smntary of the f iil A } | ; Hamilton has a sewage disposal [rat place all the navigable stream | CoI"ervative assouistion, and gna works which cost $125,000, and, with are pct under the control of the lo j the ell Jor party sonyen!ion ta < ? : 3 Bgpeebridge. The justice departments certain suggested improvements will, Federal legislation is ne : s : in the estimation of the engineer, cost | cessary, and it has not been secured io Ontario and Manitoba are gradual 1 230,000 more. But notwithstanding | In the next place the great dakss can 1° degenerating. 2 this it is calculated that between 3. not be pressrved from contamination | At the nomiuntion meeting in Fast 000,600 and 4,000,000 gallons of un | without the co-operation of the Creat { Middlesex Hon. Mr. Hanna was an sewage goes into Burlington | Water Ways Commission and con | nounced to address the people, "but go on current legislation by the states bor Lid mot Nr, dering on the lakes, or by the | itowell "snoke." his tional assembly. re Water pollution Wa great and overwhelming subject, and it is so im 3 wt a date by which "all municipali- | | ortant that there musi eventually be | the most cordial and harmonious ac tion upon it. Pending it the power ol the provincial authowties is circum . soribed. But such power as the pro { Tuestion and Mr. Monk is vincial hoard has it should uss to the * sung that he shall be tuté book now there is a law to that | ond that 'the water the people use i is gratifying to know that AT ! ' ) ' effet, but it is Jike 80 many other | }imestically may be pure and heal. | '* ©0e man ia the government 5 4 re 3 s hi o laws, only made to he broken. In the | the vit bis word above his party at gislature. All this season's models Traveller's samples. The New Ulsters Hardly two alike in the lot. New College Ulsters, made with two-way collars, single and dopblesbreasted styles, new shades of Brown, Grey, Green, in Heavy Scotch Tweeds. Sizés 34 to 44 The Chamberlain Overcoat Style --=Three-qrarter length, made with Silk Velvet Collar, Fiy-Front. . . Y . vs ' ha Colors are Black, Greys and Browns Choeviof, Beaver, Vicuna Cloth, Sizes to 44 > IN treated Bay daily, and this will long as there is no law to prevent it. The Times says that the Provincial Board of Health has been': taking up the subject of water pollutioh and has | - Log Banis ¥' Everything for Poultry 3 do so unless Fhe premier and RO care to na { colleagues having a great spect for the leader of the opposition {Is he now their guide ? . Jr. Bortlen, in opposition, held thai {| the people, or the country, should +e consulted with regard to the navy are ties must treat every particle of sew age before it is dumped into any body of water." Has the provine:al board power to enforce such legisla tion if it is enacted 7? On the sta simply in: consistent ther whe CHARCOAL gov- not | Supposi, with a change of ernment im Manitoba, which is impossible, Sir Redmond Roblin, Ee a THE CO-OPERATIVE PRINCIPLE. for | participating in an election, were ar. | rested and locked up, und refused bail d communication with friends ! The ing is not incopeeivable. Some act the de «ot the employees in order that kighest skill might be employed; vartmental meetings were called for an Mr. Crothers, in an addres, before the Capadian Club of St Thomas, expressed the opinion that there wore thousands of 'honest wage who were not receiving the for their services which Something more than Hon. of details; them the agents | the factory | examination were called, and at workingmen of wrought together; and was printed for the elucidation of fag tory ideas, and the dissemination wreful information. Faeh year prizes( | unfit to be premier of aggregating $1,200, were offered fox [ought to settle it, bat will it ? Some ihe best suggestions; and of the 600 received Jast year, 1,087 were Jdopted. Not only was the factory made the nest, in its consisaction and equip- ment, bat the firm intercsted itself in village life; ia the houses the em- s.0yees used; in the gardens they cul- cvated; in the churches, schools, pisces of amusement; in the public poses." What? "To devise means fond family gatherings. President for bettering the "conditions of the | Patterson, in an article on Dayton employees, and the comfort of their Ji Te, said: "Labour does not want frmilies. not as a matter of philan [to be under obligations; hence, when throphy, but as a means of increasing | #<!l treated, it will return the treat their profits." m.at. The quickest way to reach fine retalls the experience of the | winking people is through the kin- Cash Register peaple, with thelr féal { durgarten, lunches for the daughters, factory and factory provisions, in| slocter hours, and everything that 1 Davion, Ohio. The 'Pattersons dis | shows consideration, even though it rovered early in their business carber [dais not cost much. Perhaps one- the necesgity of intersting the men in | {nurth of our people misconstrued ow the snocess of the factory. The pre intentions, did not appreciate what sident moved his desk into the shop # done, and left us. Now nearly among the men: he cousulted them; he | ll pre loyally seconding every el invited suggestions; he permitted them | lore." to shar: in the earnings ol the work: | + An employer in Kingston last week as well as in the yesponsibilities ol | to'd the Whig that he was adopting management, the Patterson method of handling his Thera was committee system of #u The initial steps in the move pervision, by men chosen from ranks; > fur- onze were offered for improvement; classes wore opened for the training conventions BLUE we that may sometime happen. Mr. Dufi, magazine | obseurity to become minister of ugri : & 'ulture under James Whitney, earaers Excellent for lighting "furnaces or stoves. "Have you tried it? Only 10¢. per bag. 12 bags for $1 00. compensation nnd who was called out ol they demanded. a a sense of duty was neccssary to get the best out of men. The farm la- bour question would never be solved until the labourer, was given an inter eit in the output. "l wold suggest," said the* minis- ter, alter a yuvar's experience, and a personal study of many "labour dis f puter, "that the Manufacturers' As i sociation, the transportation com: panies, the great employers of labour while deliberating upon the best means of enhancing their dividends, appoint committees for other pur Sir i We are offering a Fine Twill, All Wool English Serge Sait, fast color, hand ma le in the smartest style, Sizes 34 to 44, Bibbys Special $15.00 £ oi { «ays Mr. Rowell is a smell man and Ontario. That 4, | one may be disposed to enquire, Whe a- | the dickens is Mr. Duff that he should | udge of any man? The women of Chicago propose to {drive Jad Johnson, the pugilist, of the city. His wife, a white man, suicided because of h.s ness, and now mdictment for trifling with minéteen-vear-old girl"¥ He has stir red up the women's clubs, and they will probably defeat him though he carcies | 'the belt the nocker of the world. out wo- OUR GREAT $4.00 SHOE foolish is under and abducting a as champion La Presse says that Mr. Morgan, the onscevative candidate in the one selected by the party vention and the one cotemimgnt's 'aiting to it is --has be:n abandoned to his fate. Why ? : & BIBBYS Limited not want to accept the responsibil ur it. Isa't that cowardly * Men's and Boys' Departmental Siore 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. Richelien con: endorsing the We arc offering a bench made Shoe for men at $4.00 that Leats any shoe without . : mm offered at the price anywhere, Tan, Blacks, Batton or Lace styles policy even enquire what la New York a league of theatre WELL DRESSED FOR FABL + + This 1% really not diffieuit "iffyou know with what satis faction .to our customers we dye or tleah a coat, suit' or skirt---and at what little cost R. PARKER & Of, Dyers and Cleaners, been formed. A mittee samples or censors every play that is produced. = The approval aon-approval of this commities tles 'the question 'with the league, and ts signals avs being recognized by the By and by the bo is in control-will learn rattons has com- men. or ment were encouraging and the ther he went the greater his ores, set. sae est of the people. olfice--whid hat the public taste is rising and vill not tolerate anything that is un- clean. RASCALITIES IK THE WEST. _-- 1324 King St. | for all | Flowers, fresh -------- ---- , TEA! TEAl TEA! From the Tea Gardens Ceyvion, uncolored, and of the flavor, Green and Black at 30¢ pound, at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Outarie Streei. Finest of nest pet Blacksmith Coal | ----: High Grade : DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard | sister the and no They 8 no evidence in support of aarges prefeived against them, wy were dismissed. There was course for the injured men. wild not prosecute the crown. in the last election several liberals "table men, were arrosted by the sovincial police and jailed. Bail was cused, and they were not permitted 6 communicate with friends. One iy released without a hearing of his i'nged offence, and told to leave thw onstitueney. Two were held in cus "dy for days, and roughly treated. ay were thea dismissed. No evi 'once 'wae submitted against them. to Rebellion. On the motning after the Macdon ald election, in Manitoba, Mr. poral] handed oat for publication a state ment in which he expmissed his satis faction. He seemed to find in the return of Mr. Morrison a vindication of his party. Reciprocity was surely wv | dead and buried. In Ottawa Mr | Borden professed to hear the echces of a demonstration which took place {im Winnipeg, and in glorification ol Premier Roblin and Hen. "Bob" Re ' gers. Now, and from an unexpected | source, comes a candid discription ol. the westerh event. lg is from a con. | STOVES AND HEATERS, , 800d "assortment: fof sale, reason. 3 io 1rg Beds, Drossses, 8 nds Able. urniture bought and weld eM MH. SUGARMAN, 232 Qutarie Street, Opposite Craig's Wholesale Grocery, > Ontario Street. Incitement London AMvertiser meitement to webellion no longer makes Briton's quake. They have been iamiliarviced with it by privy coun cillors and other public men of rank und station--the Carsons, the Smiths, the Laws, and the Londondervys Wheg- the Chartists talked to this fa- <hion, the classes were panic-strichen, and flooded London with troops. But the Chartists belonged (0 the lower |§i orders. To-day. rebellion has become : ---- genteel. It moves in the best so- ciety: It has blue blood and glares through 'a monocle. Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock streef, has received Watch our windows seasopyable Cut every day from our own greefi- YOU Ses A fine stock of Maims erns and Flowering Plan Bulbs of all descriptions. Wed. ding and Presemtatior Rewqust and Baskets. Floral Sprays and Funeral Designs a speciality | } GRIMASON HOTEL | . Has changed hands and . has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished Menin a Speciality, Bar stocked ~ with choicest Hovunre and eclgars Best yard and stables in city JONN vo SINEAU, Proprievor, KIN Is going GSTON big city | BIG STOCK OF STOVES. 'have. a big Stock of First Heaters and Stoves waich 5 ht "very clea). i 5%. thoe to buy and 239; Resid- Greenhouse "'Phones--Store, ence, night, 1212; 23s to be a Everything points to that end, and it takes a long timd to make everybody familiate with a new appliance In addition 5 te population in continually changing--some moving out and others moving in That TRY NOLANS Special Blend Of High Grade Coffee, 40¢ a Ib. i'r, de Van's Female Pills . A reliable French regulator: never fail. These sills are exceedingly 1 in reguiating «he feaerative portion of the female system. Kefuse this the they of Furnl- ete. | servative and addtgssed to the Otiawa Citizen. It corrects the cotclusion which had been reached at the capi tal, by Mr. Borden and others, thai | | Fediprocity had been forever disposed of. "Ii," he writes, "the east think. recipfotity was buried "they will dis | i i { "hey could not asrtain what wre charged with. = A legal gentle nah who 'appeared in their behali was osnlggd, told to shut up, and lat ll - his fall importations for his *aloring department, consisting in aiting and overcoating in great va "ty ol patterns to choose from. Also 'arge stock of ready-made clothing gents' furnishmgs. 'isaulted because he wanted to copy te information paper. One side may = fs bad as the other, actinding to 'Lis most impariial witness of the "tian, but the liberals have courted "vvuiry, and been ref it. The "only men who guilty the conservative impersonators, d 'on 'conviction they shoull have con sent to the penitentinry "for =» 'itn of vears. They were brought be- When vou make your mark in the world see that it is a mark of es teem. Hi rs of J Hh te + OF TA fe ce Kd joany address. For sale ab Mahood's drug stove. i 338 Princess Street, Phone 720 Prompt Delivery, 3 AMASAAAAASANNAS $4,100 will buy "one of the ! best built houses in the | city. if taken now, subject | to lease until May 1st, will te held only at this price | for a short time. Could | not be erected with Jot ats less than $5.100. lot water 3 heating, finished attic, hot ' and cold water and washing tub In cellar, * hardwood floors on first flat, gas and eclectic chandeliels, best of woodwork, House built be one of Kingston's leading Contractors. £olid brick and very warm. Near Col legiate. MAAAALA ANAS i FOR PICKLING We carry a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. ::- a D. COUPER'S md "Phone 74. 341-3 Princess St. | Prompt Delivery. Swerve TE is why it takes continuous ad- vertising to bring any special thing to the geners! attention of the public. 4 That is why we keep ham- mering away about our "Cook With Gas" proposition. We know we've got the goods--It is just a matter of getting in touch with the people. 'Wd never 'lise a cus: tomer--onee tried,. always used. COOK WITH GAS. CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depis PRNERAL MANAGER, te TT JS EE. My RAWFORDS Coat. 4

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