Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1912, p. 11

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NO RHEUMATISM THIS WINTER Thanks lo GIN PILLS ON'T you want to have ONE WINTER iree of Rheumatism? Don't you want to enjoy life as other men enjoy it? Don't want to eat and sleep and work as healthy, normal men do, instead of being all crippled up with Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble? "Then take GIN PILLS and conquer Your old enemy for good. Mr. Beandr did, with the belp of the GIN PIL 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. March 29th, 1912 "Itaffords me great sure to inform you that I have GIN PILLS for about six months, aud that they have dotie me a great deal of good. 1 have had Rheumatism for a couple of years, and this winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS. f highly re commend GIN PILLS to the public." A. BEAUDRY. NOBODY SEEMS T0 mck QUEEN'S AS A WINNER, McGill Expects to Defeat Coach Sliter"s Team in Kingston--Ben Simpson Thinks Argonauts Have the Strongest Interprovincia Team, > Fhere are many admirers of the Un taric rugby union who think the win Bers of their serwes will walk off with the dominion championship, says the Toronto News. "dack"" Williams will play half for Ottawa in Saturday s against the Montreal team, moving to leit half, his former tion. It is expected that Mallett, the sta kicking back of the Hamilton Tigers, Will be whipped into shape in time to, jump ato the game against the Argos on Saturday. y In Ottawa they look for a clash be tween Meindl and Ottawa for the Can adian honors, lor the Montreal uni #ity has almdst as many supporters ip the capital as have the Ottawas, Montreal Gazette:-- The MeGill team will no doubt detest Queen's at hing son on November 2nd and Varsity should win both games against tm Presbyterians, which will make it a Lie ut the end of the season, so thai centre match Gerard posi Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are sold every year through the influence of those who have been cured, and who recommend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, start in right now om GIN PILLS. « Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. If you want to try them first, write for a free sample to National and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 148 With the "Rooster" on It Is crowing louder as Me goes along. Only 46e per pound. For chéwing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN, Ontario Street, Electric Restorer for Men 0s phonul restores every nerve in the vim snd vial. Frsmature ay and rit weak ort ness av OU & new man, "Price ELA ie For male af Mahood's drug store EDGARD RIEGEL UPHOLSTERY, elicLorn, CARPEY Repairs Furniture in all Styles. Rates Reasonable. Drop a Card or Call. ' 35 Clarence 8t. y or two for Drug Varsity and McGill are likely to mee: once more and it will be on neutra, grounds. Ottawa will gikely be the chosen battlefield for the final game. Toronto Telegram: --Hamilton Tigers are sore as pups because a protest Wenl against them, but to their cred It it is said they took their medicine and kept on playing. They're - bette sportsmen than some other peopl whoni we hate to mention. That the Argonauts have the bes loam in the interprovineis! union i the opinion of Ben Simpson, the vet eran liger centre-half, who officiate: at the Argonauts-Montreal game las Saturday. Simpson has warned th. Tigers that they have got to play th game of their history to save themsel ves from defeat on their own gridiro: this coming Saturday, when t ey try conclusions with the Torontonians., H. thinks Argonauts will beat Ottawa and make 4 three-cornered tie betweer Tigers, Argonasts and Ouawa. . Frome General Sport, Seouls for the maritime provime hockey league are already on the trial They are offering big money down eas THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TIDINGS. FROM. OUTLET. The Late Michael Fodey Whe Died in Kingston. Outlet," Oct. 22.--The farmers in this locality are nearly through threshing and corn cutting. A pew iron bridge is being built here. 1t| was very much needed. GCG. Turkle- ton of Caintown, is foreman of the employees. Mr. and Mrs. - J. H. | Slack and daughter, Vera, returned "hotihe on Monday, the 14th, fron a visit to their daughter, Mrs. + Wil- | liam McCready, Francis, Sask. Mrs. | Edward Vanderburg returned home | last Tuesday after nursing at Brewer's Mills for the past eight | weeks. Miss Ethel Running of | Montreal, is visiting here for a short time. G. A. Bradley and B Slack of Athens and Mr. Kelsey, of Charleston, were guests at J. Reid's on Sunday last. Mrs. John: Fodey returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Milne, Brewer's Mills. Wilfrid Fodey made a trip to Kingston on Monday, the 14th John Fodey of Idaho, who has been absent from this vicinity for the past nimeteen yeras, will spend the winter with his mother, Mrs. Michael Fodey, and family, Mrs. James Fodey was the guest of Mrs. James Lappan on Thursday last. Monia Slack and sister, Hazel, of Sand Bay, visiteu friends at Woodvale on Sunday Miss Roxey McCready is spending a few days at Josiah Running's. The people of this were shocked and saddened when 'word reached here on the 6th of this month, that death had claimed a friend and neighbour at five o'clock that Sabbath morning in the person of Michael Fodey, who passed away at the Hotel Dieu, Singston, where he had undergone the second severe operation in a few weeks. It came as a great Blow 'o his family and friends as he was thought to be gaining nicely, until \ few minutes before ha expired, wing to heart fajlure. The remains were brought to his home here on Sunday night, and on Tuesday the 'uneral took place at St. Patrick's 'hurch, Lansdowne, where a re- ujem mass was sung by Rev. Tather Kehoe. The body was then aken to the vault at Lansdowne, 'ollowed by a large concourse of eople to pay the last respects to a much loved an? respected man, vho had spent his whole life ig this 1eighborhood. The body was left '0 the vault that his children, who wrried home from the north-west, night look once more upon the face f a beloved parent. community this year. Lesteg Patrick declares that po coun Hiract jumpers will be allowed to pla: on the coast, He is advoeating a com mission and an annual world's hocke, "ad" MoCoy, once the neatest anc pretiiest prizehighter in the ring, has decided to become an evangelist, He as had enough of the great whit PUDGET FROM ATHENS. - News of the Churches Laying Grano- lithic Walks. Athens, Oct. 22.--The contractors are 'aying mew gramolithic walks. Work m the new post office is progressin ueely. Abel Kavanagh has purch he residence occupied by the late W. AFTERNOON FROCK IN little frock in tobacco brown satin bordered with flatly applied "CASCARETS"' MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT A 10 Cent Box Will Keep Your Liver, Stomach and Bowels Clean, Pure and Fresh for Montns. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness. coated tongué, foul taste and foul breath--always trace them to torpid liver, delayed fermenting food in the nowels, or sour, gassy stomach. liver, delayed fermenting food in testines, instead of being cast out of Given a well made and absolutely simple shade and it can be made Into a most effective toilette with the addi- tion of handsome and unique attachable accessories. elaborated by the sash end and ne ckpiece of embroidered white silk. inset with pieces of embroidered filet, outlined with Irish beading dnd baby Irish edging. ed under the girdle belonging to the frock, is weighted at each comer. Weights also hold down the points of the collar at back and front. the, SATIN AND LACE, frock of a becoming The effect of this has been absolutely changed and The sash end. tack TO BE A VOCALIST FORMER KINGSTON GIRL HAS CHANCE ON STAGE. | Miss Grace Lyon Engaged tol Understudy, Leads in Gilbert and | Sullivan Productions, | Believing that he has made ine "find," ¥. K. Zueitel, business | manager of the Gilbert and Sullivan | Festival company, has engaged trace | Lyon, Winmpeg, and a former King | stonian, a daughter of H. Vv. Lvon, for a season with his company, to un derstudy Blanche ruflicld ine Pinafore, a genu MATTER WHAT COFFEE YOU now drink, it can't cost over a cent a day extra to drink the finest coffee in the land. This is Sea! Brasd grown from selected seed under the best agricul- tural conditions. Box Calf and Tan Calf, leather lined, double sole, Goodyear welt. Just the Boot for wet Fall weather. $5.00 a pair " Patience, The Mikado and The [Vir ates of Penzance. Miss Lyon is eight een vears old, has received all her voe al and musical training in Winnipeg She was seen m the part of Joseph me In an amateur production of 'ina fore at the Walker theatre last win ter. She will not play in Winnipeg with the company, but will go with them to Duluth, Chicago, Minneapolis St. Paul and Kansas Usty, It is un derstood that her first appearance in egulate the stomach, remove the sour, the ordinary course of events, will be | undigested and fermenting food and]. Minneapolis | 'oul gases, take the excess bile from| w "Siewart stage the liver and carry out of the system Lalbert and Sullivan all the constipated waste matter and is enthusiastic over the pos- | ywisons in the bowels. _ |wibilities that have opened for Miss A ° Casearet to-night will surely Lyon. He was, when interviewed by | straighten you out by morning They {the Winnipeg I'ree Pres#, a little averse work while you sleep--a 10¢. box from | to giving his opimion an the grounds | vour druggist means vour head clear, that Miss Lyon is inexperienced in stomach sweet and your liver and professional work. He stated, now-| 4 hs. lever, that she possessed a sopran ' sls clean and regular for mont 4 : n vowels clean z -- voice of good quality and range 1 v do not know who has taught her, i said Mr. Stewart, 'hut she has been | well trained. Her voice is well placed I. Moulton. Arden Lillie has pur- 'hased Charles Wing's house, Elgin treet. Mrs. Bottomley has leased the worge Brown house on Church street, 'he students of the model and public whools enjoyed Thursday and Friday holidays, the teacher being at Irockville attending the Teachers' In stitute, Field day at the high school was bserved on the 11th inst, | There was 1 good programme of games and sports luring the day, followed by a concert READY RELIEF Ziven by the students in the evening RA a. sae you liss Pattison, Toronto, hay been en- ot w ask hy 5 ii en for raged as lifth teacher at the high chool. An extra teacher was required rE § SOME AMUSING LETTERS. wing to the record attendance - this erm. SELECT OYSTERS : 4 Preparations are in progress for an ------------ nter-depominational Sunday schol DOMINION FISH CO. ally on world's temperance Sunday. 63 BROCK ST. "PHONE 502 Rev, Lieorge Edwards, pastor of the Methodist church, conducted anniver- The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 ycuais, has horne the signature of and has been made under his pera Ta sonal supervision since its fninney, Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just-ns-good *? are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-E perience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless sabstitute for Castor Oil, Paree goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Jt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destrovs Worms and allays Feverishr ess, 'or more than thirty years it has been in constant use | relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Cole, feething Troubles and Diarrhoa, It resuldes (he Stoma h and Lowels, assimilates the Food. «iving heathy and natnral sleep, The Children's Pana a---Tho 2-othor's Fric nd. GENUINE CASSTORIA ALwavs put i# perhaps a little rutted at Simnes, % Bears the Signa St iil ' vn any judge, Miss Lvon . . prove.to be a veritable find. Of cours '| . # she ts nexperienced in. stage deport- | - We y ment and that sort of thing, but shel F : ' has confidence and ability, and 1s al 3 A & ~ & 7, 4 1 most bound to succeed. | : Kind You Have Always Bought "A hind, such as we confident In Use For Ovei" 30 Years 4 we have made, is an illustration of the | THE CERTAUR COMPANY, 7 BA SAY NTHEDT NEW Yon cory amateur theatricals In ai way. Guelph Will remain in the Canadias basebal| league, They have succeeds In ramming snihcient money to encour age President Mahoney. Christy Mathewson wants one morn chance to win the worlds basehal Shasnpionship. He says he would have retired had bev successful 1m th, last game ai Boston. Maryland citizens ave 'plann a big reception for , Herzog, the atta: hero of the world's baseball series Last fall they had the pleasure 0} honoring Frank Baker. the system is reabsorbed into the blood. When this : poison reaches the delicate brain tisspe it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick oning headache Salts, exthartic pills, oil and purga tive walters fgne a passageway for a lay or two--yes--but they don't take the poisons out and have no effect ipon the liver or stomach Cascarets immediately cleanse R RR| READY . RELIEF RADWAY'S Radway's Ready. Reliet should be well rubbed is Re surface until a glow ly produced, with a burnlag senshtipn. Few cages re quire the Radway Pils. Some do when a dose on retiring would be taken, Ask for and director ot | the iestivai | company, Between ¢ ) 24.--The Daily T graph's Paris correspondent sends Ye following story : When the sultan of Turkey gave omlers for the mobiliza tion of the be sent to the king of Bulgaria a sack of millet with the following letter : "Ferdinand Ef fendi, mobilize if you like, but assured thers are ag many soldiers iy Turkey as there are grains of millet in this sack. Now, if you wish, de clare war." The king of Bulgaria', reply was in Kind. He a very mich smaller sack filled with tin, grains of the most virulent red pen per of the country. With it. wemi the Milowing declaration : "Dear Sul ban, the Bulgarians are not num erous, itis true, but be assured thai to stick vour nose into their affairs is like sticking it into our national condiment. Try iv and see. They'll sting you so sharply that the whol of Asia will not be able to save you." ary services in his church here on the #th inst, In the evening Revs. Messrs. Montgomery, Westell and Lake, resident pastors of the Presbyterian Baptist and Holiness Movement aksist Wd. The men's choir rendered excellent nusic, Last Friday evening Rev. C. W. Trotter, formerly a pastor of the Holiness Movement church here, gave € talk on his experience as missionary or several years in lgypt. Un Sabbath last Rev. S. Burne, D.b,, mstor of St. John's church, Brock Alle, occupied the pulpit of St. Paul's ftesbyterian church here; the oveasion WING Bnmversary services. In the ey ning services in the sister churches vere withdrawn, so that the building fay taxed to accommodate the con megation, On the Monday eveni ollowing a tea was served by the lad: es, followed by a programme which onsisted of musical numbers and ad. Irésses by resident ministers, Anniversary services in the Baptist hurch are announced for next Nab- the purchasing of a piano. Mrs. Wil ham Johnston, Mrs. C. C. Black and Mrs. V. L. MacKie attended the W.( I.U. convention last week in Ganano ave. The district Sunday school con Notion is to be held here on Novem ber 7th and Sth. Improvements to Church. 22. Christ Church The Cataraqus, Oct. ss is having a new furpace instafled. The Methodist church has new metal shingles on the south side. Rev. Mil ton Perley has returned from Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ward are home from New York. Mrs. Affred Mnight is ul in Kingston general hospital B Kish has sold his farm fo W. Gordon of Pittsburg. Mrs. Brebner, Kingston has been the guest of Mrs. T, Guess. Miss FElleda Bennington has accepted a position in Kingston Dusiness Col lege. Mrs. McCoy is visiting her value of like ours, it frequently hap understudies are require be very long company pens that It may not require a tenor, or a this experience . of know where to look i No Trouble in Navigating. | Man., Oct. 21.--J. P don, assistant chief engineer of the = Hudson Bay railway, that { i we) alter shall | before and we bass, ours les Pas, Got - Miss states Peta wi Ann : A BABY PLAINTIY. The Youngest on Record Sues Fo © $0,000 Damages, ath. The Methodist Sunday school nd Epworth league have undertaken daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Cassidy. Liretta Haveock, who has just return ed from the continent was here for a short time, before going to her honu fine there should be no trouble operating che grain route via Port Nelson ie | believed there would be no trouble { from ice, and navigation would he | You ugh To Get In Touch open cight months in the Year. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 24. Anna No lan, Joungest plaintiff on record perched primly on the edge of a chai in supreme court and gazed with th wide-eyed interest of two yeams and ten months at a jury her action against seventy-seven-yeat-old Eliza beth Bryson for $5,000 assault mnd battery. NoWhere does the procedure tell what a lawyer ie Tan. the young lady be is op tizes jurors with ig Irish blu at Glenora. €, A. Adair has a Mrs that on Ww pow informed depend The farmer the safety of the countn his vate This 8 course of erection will Stop Your yew red Mas returned from Chicago Cough i Hurry ere "she spent some time with her nea he ah _ R. Ellerbedk, Mrs. Cur tis, and famaly, have sold their farm Eave $2 by Making This Cough and moved to the city. Miss Pearl Syrup at Home, " 'ousin, Collins Bay, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, J. Ward. Cooke Bros. = are building a new granary. This rcaipe makes 18 ounces of better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for $2.50. A few doses usually con- Sunbury Items, Sunbury, Oct. 21. --Farmerr are now busily engaged in ploughing and With The housing their fail erops. e Pres- | Sutherland byterian society will ogive their an-| { 5 nual concert in the ball on Wednes- - i : : "NO-BODY LOVES A BALD MAN" hoes ; Every day we see YOUNG men and i for 8 |day, October 23rd Hen Jackson has sold his dairy farm and may return women, who have grown prematurely gr y. re 4 They, immediately fall: ito the * "0 Its-as much your advantage as it is ours, Were bound to get together sooner or to the city. The Methodist Sabbath school will hold their rally day on € I are closely associatéd W OLD AGE. later. Why mot now? Yon want good shoes we sell them. Td new silos have been erected this fall and the majority of them are now well filled. A, Jackson, who has been ill for some. time, remains in about the same condition. Mr. and Mrs Matthews of Battersea spent Sunday with friends in the village. Pastures jeontinue 3 and milk is above the average 'for this time of year. P. H, who underwent an opera- tion at the Kingston general hospi- tal some days ago, is slowly improv. ing. Mr. Henry. wife asd family moved to the city. last week. A piece of lead pencil an inch and & hall long was removed from the of two-year-old William Tulley in & Rochester hospital. The baby J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. fell while playing and the pencil penetrated the fronta! bone above the Home of Good Shoe ~ Heft eye, entering the brain, } aaa ry Sunday, October 27th. A numper of Itis extre ? i Come in when you're ready. = F i fm ¥ Hig 7 § a

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