Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1912, p. 1

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The Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912, ; LAST EDITION. YEAR 79-NO. 249 ! so | OUR INDIAN POPULATION, | | A BENEFIT Tu THE CITY. A BRITISH WAR FLEET Canadian Redmen Increase by Few MONK PLAINS Remarks of a Member of the Fron. A TERRIFIC BAT ILE X } Hundreds in Past Year. y tenac Cheese Board. Ottawa, Oct. 24. --The total Indian! Aas fgets At the meeting of the Frontenac {population of the dominion on March | . Cheese board, held on Thursday af-| « : RUSHES TO THE LEVANT i cisco wy we sail Goodbye ts sri | the annual report of the superintend- qui made a few remarks relative to tent of Indian affairs. In addition | Borden Cabinet the board, and the treatment it re-| i there are 4,680 Eskimos within the . ceived at the bands of the city irom . . n . n w confines of Canada, making _ 8 native : conneil. He said that he had been y 5 General Sir John French Is p population of 109.556. This is prac- A MAN OF HIS WORD iy Ja De ny products | Wovnded Cared For mn Villages ." : tically the same as for the previous! « \ voar, hers heing wb increase of onl pire, had raised niore money than : For Miles * | Recalled. : a few hundred. The general "healt any of the others. Ile pointed ont i ; that the agriculturigts and dairv-| . : ---- En {of the Indians for the year is re I f bh Strict ve ' {ported as good, being confined to out- | yg PREFERRED HONOR TO A |penesit. and he was of the oninton ¢ x 5 1 5 i HOV 1 i i -- 3 ENGLAND IS NERVOUS| [audi + BE reer) va om. ha ha Shean board ahonta Tocuve | h also somewhat prevalent amongst the | m---- { batter treatment at the hands of the | i ' Co _ | redmen, but the number of Mtal cases | Mr. Monk Was Pledged to Consult. | sty Sane]. ang Phi ast jwo/ i ' : y o e ABOUT PROBABLE DEVELOP.| |S : 2 : 'was small. It is noted that tuber-| ing the People Before Anything yon -- io, TOF ty Tor Phi Morn NGG "THEIR. WAY OUT OF MENTS IN BALKANS, : : p Bl] cvlosis continues to prevail, and will| was Done With Regard to a) medation at the city hall and also | CNC To a ? : i Whkinge of do _s01 bg A a Ti Navy. | felt that the city council and some " _X TRAY. Ea coeplal by lr i 1 The . is P wl 15 : cer acceplance hy h the meas. | Ottawa, : Oct.. 21.--An explanation | Of the citizens wera givine the board en Opinion in France is Pessimis g . {information given them on m a rather cool reception. He thought - 1 , , " 4 5 enti with reference to his leaving the cab ! . R In Which the Bulgarian Troops tio--=Turkish Victogies Would be ; ures necessary for the prevention of | g the board ghonld receive better | Preferab 1 he Peace 4 F Ell the disease. .It is noted that the met and the grounds upon which thal treatment at the hands of the coune-4 Placed Them----This Battle May | E id id _- a o bi 4 | eflorts of the department to have the action 18 based er contained in * ell. Decide Issue of War--Report in MEORE we TINEA 1 nos ; | Indians engage in agricultural pur- statement issued by the Hon. I. | ------ aie Constantineple is That Turks 'AUC fe. > p : " ce .. | Monk, betore he left (ittawa Tuesd 3 EA 4%. PRESS Through the Caucasus. suits is meeting with gratifying suc | Gol Tr er minister said: | FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. | Have Won, London, Oct. 24. --England is cess. j= bso ; re i S-------- 8p 1 Cab nervous about the probabie deveion- ae oahu iutely Wiedgea Hea oth | Colored Cheese Sold on Tuesday =) oe rs Oet. 24. News fil ment of the near Eastern war, fol. ¥ nt y templated with regard to the 'naval For 12 3-4 Cents. tering through from the theatre of lowing her declaration of neutrality . : t Empire to | question would be done without con At the Frontenac cheese hoard on! war, in the Balkan states, this mom The third battle squadron, which Fy. 5 Uniform Regulation for F sulting the people, so that even ii it Thursday afternoon, colored cheese ing indicates that terrific three | was under orders to proceed at the A | be Passed. {had been' somewhat more urgent we [sold at 12§ cents. A bid of 12 9-16 days' battle in the neghborhood of end of the month to the Mediter- \ é London, Oct. 24, --The question of | 441} would have had the right to claim cents was made for white cheese, but | hirkillessa 1s still in progress. No ac ranean for a twelve weeks' cruise, : the peculiar anomalies of the natural { for the people the opportunity to ex. |it was refused. There was boarded: count is given of the casualties, but C. 1. MeQUANG started yesterday uuexpectedly. i Sl | ization laws was raised in the com | press their opinion.* 175 boxes of white cheese, and 632 !:t is certain they are heavy, as wound a at lath broker who. Is Orders had been given for tha z 1. , ll | mons when Sir Edward Grey declared "l do not think that the govern boxes of colored, as follows: ed are being cared for in all villages Rely ceed Ma tephens as a ships to coal and leave on Sunday, 4 F that persons naturalized in Canada |, nt would have had to declare itself! White--Glenburnie 60; Hinchinbrooke | for miles around. Every little ham eT Rer t he Montreal Harbor but it is now, stated that they wil | ; did not thus become British subjects! . (he problem and then throw the | 25; Parham 20: Sunbury 70. let 18" a hospital for maimed Turkish | . : ---------- a start without taking on coal or oil } 4 : in the strict sense of the term, they | responsibility on the people, but it Colored--Arigan 30; Elm Grove 40; or albed soldiers. Death and injury, | VL UP WITH JOHNSON fuel, and put in at Gibraltar to re- i 3 } [only being naturalized as within the [gang to me that the prime minister, Gilt Edge 50; Reenan's 60; Bav View distributed by the latest patterned So : : ha plenish their bunkers before pro- ; p imits of the dominion. | with the mformation obtained in Kang 40; Latimer, 50; Glenvale 60; Ontario weapons used on both sides, are some is and American Sports ceeding to the Levant 1 i Sir Edward said those inequalities [jun could lay the proposal before | 27; Parham 30; St. Lawrence 45; Sil | thing frightful. # X : al . 8 Advices from Constantinople state ¥ A had been recognized and 'a measur¢ !narhiament and then have an ad ourn. | ver Springs 50; klginburg 60; Wolfe It is stated here that hing Ferdi zations Spars Fite i vew Yok, Uct, 2L~A combined al. that Turkey's disposition of its mill. will be intgoduced during the present |p..nt for five weeks and permit the! Island 50: Metiraths 30. anand s Bulgarian troops have trapped t 25,000 'lurks in mountain passes. They |templ ol all sporting organizations tary resources is governed not onlv session which will seek a uniform law people to pronounce on such a ser lhe following sales were padesiAt 0 ; t the of- are fighting their way out with cour jhere 1s beng made to oust dack™ by tha attack of the Balkan allies. GEN. SIR JOHN FRENCH for the whole empire. lous matter. 123 cents, John Gibson X but by the menace of Russtan ag- | Recalled to England over the Balkan winrar "1 felt } bad no other course open, | fering of St. Lawrence, Silver Springs, |ageous desperation Johnson irom sporting circles.s dint. gréssion in Asia Minor. { tuation DEAD MAN GRIM FIGURE and to have waived my right to keep Elginburg, Wolfe Island, Ontario, | Une of the outer forts of Adrianople [ish sporting organisations announced The whole Ottoman army in Asia : -- ------ my promise to the people would have Glenvale and Gilt Kdge; L. W. Murphy | was blown up last night, with the en to-day that Jobnson would "peeves cannot be transferred to Europe lest FILM FRALL ALLEGED, been a betrayal of their trust in me. 8t the same price, secured Heenan's [tite garrison of three hundred Turkish | 8gnin, undey (heir auspices, appear in the two Russian army corps at Kars ASTRIDE ENGINE PILOT ln every part of the country, we abide [88d Gilt Kdge. Mr. Gibson made a bid |intdntry and artillery killed, the British {sles 1 y of 12 9-16 cents for white cheese, but Military experts here who know the and Ardeghan cross the Turkish Bogus Certificates Attached to Sin by the judgment of the majority of th -- We now, thedefore, place the [it was refused. | Adrianople country thoroughly state Missing From Boat. frontier. Sets at Ottawa, . . people. Herein lies the Turkish explana- Ottawa, Oct, 24 What ig be- John Magiero Latest Victim of Grade solution of the problem in the hands ---------- that this battle will practically decide One of the deck hands on board tion of the Turkish retreat along the | lieved to be an attempt to evade the . D 1 at of the exght other provinces, but | SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 the issue of the war Ihe Balkan | the steamer Kenora. which arrived extended line of war. Outlylng|provincial law, through the utter ng Crossing eath raps lieve, for my part, that if the matter ! states are far better equipped than|on Tuesday night with grain for places: will not be defended serlous- | of fraudulent fin, os hustling, F i had been carefally expounded in tue | SUPPLY LEMONADE supposed. They have several dirigible | the Montreal Transportation Co., ly, and no strength will be wasted | porting to have been issued by the ails. bec, the verdict would not have differ- balloons in action. One of them was | took French leave and has been in unimportant actions. : Ontario Board of Cencors. has bees Niagara Falls, Ont., 'Oct. 24.--Sit ed materially from that of the other -------- Blows Jeaurcay, snd al the or . Sausing the captain of the vessel unearthed here in the seizure of six | ting erect on the pilot of the engine, | Provinces. | : vere killee wy well-aimec urkish | much anxiety, as his whereabouts Gen. French Hurrvies Home. sets of films in local moving pictur Fr unsecing et staring straight "As far as being of assistance to tre That IS the Suggestion of Rev. R. shrapnel which penetrated and sef five | are unknown He helped to tle up New York, Oct. 24.-- General Sir | theatres by provincial inspector R shead, and one arm hugging the sig- mother country, such a verdict, ren- J Blassford--Si . th to the gas bag the vessel upon her arrival, but has John French sailed for Liverpool | R. Newman of Toronto. nal flagpole, a dead man, afterward |dered without an election, would have . igning ; e T a ,not been seen since. As he did not __this morning on the Mauretania. mt ee idntificd as John Magiero, of 2,448 [been of far more weight and influence urks Claim Victory. - {secure his pay, the captain is at' a A London cable save: The Express THREE NAMES "ON BALLOT. Allan avenue, an emplgyee of the than the decision of the government 8. Constantinople, Oct. 24.-1t is oll loss to know what has become of understands that General French. -- Union Carbide company, Rode into the | 88d party in parliament. My own be-| Hamilton, Oct. 24.~Rev. R. J. M. [cially announced and is, therefore, fe | him There was a fear that' he Set of 4 3 aiag of the British | Four Nominations Made--Mix Up | Falls street station of tik New Xork pw Rha whe uch 4 Probie: inset | Glaustord, of hues I'resbyterian eden with Suspicion, by igreignaa Mizht hare fabeh inte the water A merica on nN > Central at seven o'el 9) night. © *y am eC je urch, orgmlo, spe ing at the On- re, a AW Lurkish army has rout and been rown Barn hue. . T "Berlin on tn ss A Fhe man had - leit work & few mine | bY political eonmderations, their judg- | taric Sunday. Se iation, sug- ed the Nervians, to the number of a pm pp Denver, Col., when he was recalled smbility of un Second hye clerts Ly in utes * before that hour, and it is the [Ment is Javariably right. usted that the schoiacs he protided | buidred tuoussnd Loup, in the heigh LOYALISTS CRUSHED w Jandon a ) : " vorth Waterloo. Four chai aan Es g neral belief that he was struck at with lemonade during the summa borhitod of Rumnnovd. The heght was | 8 tis t this curtailing } i ; : WEL | hs Union street crossing. ~ imonths. He argued that it was given 8 bloody one, says the proclamation, g n ated N : on > € «i 1 is given : . : of General French's leave is in con- Roiingle rot 18 leasned on go Persons walking on the platform for {them at home and he could not seo | ou P'urkish arms triumphed. The Tur - nection with the war in the Balkans. pear on the ballot papers which ap thir trains at first thought the man {any grave harm m supplying it ia the | Kish roe voceived this news with Among naval officers it was sald printed. As far as can be learned no | 4 be a dummy. 4 ~ a {Sevbath schcol, jgreat Inthusiasm, A i #4 to-day that the Admiralty considers | candidate sent to the reer ie | The body had been held upright by | ANTHRACITE IN ONTARIO MAY | A resolution endorsing the ides of en . |Felix Diaz and the Whole of His the prospect that the powers will be | his resignation. 2 'Tike fact that the shirt was pulled BE IN PAYING QUANTITIES, [furthering temperance edppation and Rumors Are Thick. Sawa into the confitet ss threaten- -- from te trousers anid bustin hosed the introduesion of Som heme for a| london, Oct. 24.--The air this even Rebel Staff Were Cap- ug. over the signal Hagpole. e hat re | o . a systematic and intelligent pledge sig |ing was thick with Balkan successe -- BIG WHEAT PRIZE mained on the head. There was a Syndicate _ Exploring Melancthol ing, was adopted. The meeting also [against the Turks, but nothing au § tured. French Opinion Pessimistic. fracture at the base of the skull, but Farm, Which Has Supplied Owner expressed its approval of the inter- {thentic has arrived. The Greeks ar | Vers Cruz, Oct. 24.-Felix Dias Paris, Oct. 24. French opinion is be. WON BY CANADA the kody appeared unharmed. With Fuel for Years, ng lesson comnutiee 8 eflofts to laid to have defeated the Turks in' iy u a of his tuff ea cape i i i eset + av il fe pi | thas i h the le © % ' * . Shining degided ely, » simistic on the SUSPECTED OF THEFT. Shelburne, Oct. 24.--The township have she ion pledges sighed before | Sheckal Puss, and the Bulgarians to tured, yesterday, and all the rebels the outsel D San Siyation. At of Melancthon, Dufferin county, may | : Li won. Kirk Rilossa Hort : Only he | wore disarmed. The casualties wore Fas ¥ ly 1 EE 2 Ov ~there ha een We oq to the Halkan allies A their u Mh i. Holmes, of Raymond. Alta., Cap Mink Furs Disappeared From Home shorgly become famous as the location! JOHN CUPPERNOLL DROWNS. bre I oss a io . oF any battle of |! ignifi nt. I'he [dveramunt Jorves of the Cross agamst the Crescent, but . of Employer. ol a genuine anthracite cosl mine, il | ee { this ontury. orcupied the city with very Ligie op« at the present time feeling, especially tures $2,500 Farm Engine Hamilton, Uet. 4. --'A search that Siplaration, work now being conduct. | Thousand Islan! Park Man Loses | voy aR ae v Colona) in financial circles, is that 'Turkish at Congress vas being made by the Toronto police on the farm of Henry Stoddart, Life in River. - ! CAPT. E. RUSSELL HALE General Luis Valdez. and" Colone Victories would be preferable ior the Lothbrid Aha. b pn "oi for Agnes Mchissick, a young Scotch ahaa eo ilies Bosthwest of ary Watertown, N. Y.. Oct, 34.--John | Stes te Yimines 'antes: with thei: reper peace ol Athhridge, a., October 21.--Th | {omestic, who was suspected of hav ess than Y Willes from lo- | Cuppernoll of Thousand Island | Writes a Letter Regarding a Mili. | columns ol leceral 1roops, Wer & / In the diplomatic and political world seventh International; Ury VFarmin:s ng stolen hundreds of dollars worth | FoRLO, results in the location of a! Park was drowned off Clavton when tary Grievance first to edter the place. They met with fear is manilested that the Triple Kn: | CONgTess is open, the ceremony bein: {of mink furs from the residence of W, Pay-seam, ss is hoped by a syndicate | hig skiff overturfied. - No one wit- Capt. E. Russell Hale who, until a {°0ly slight resistance tente i tending to disruption, leaving | Performed by Lieutenant-Governor I'ui | A, treland, Madison avenue, Toronto, 8aid to include Toromts, Butialo and | pessed the mecident. Frank Dano short time ago, commanded the Can. | Colovel Jose Diaz Ordaz, of the France isolated once again. joa. Harta. Delegates were presen | as ended as a result of the death of | Kodster men, which holds an option | of Grindstone Island, while passing adian Permanent Army Service Corps Ernest dgddet, editor, of the "Lelair' t oii aa Se 2 upady_ and the ihe girl at Lakeside. on the farm. in a boat, eaw the overturned skiff in Mingston, and who was transferred |lix Diaz with his troops when he a Pa w ; ca § delegates or or he with visfu, | She had told a sensational story of | For meversl years past Mr. Stod [and made an investigation. Cupper- | to headquarters of the filth division |first proclaimed "he revolution, hay ward Thy 2 V. is wot: Ring Xd Brazil Chili Persia. in Couptries ving "been lured into a taxi cab [darf has turned up coal in his an | noll's body was found in seven feet at Quebec, has written a letter to the [not yet been coptared. He is a gous Britain: an Hn ned ¥ vance, Liret | ytoxice and. ix fact, oy art a while walking near the union station | gual plowing, and has been burning (of water. Three brothers and two press, airing s grievance he had with [sin of Felix Diaz) % Hrita, and Hussia. At present Great world Yoo.ai Bakdad of th fin Toronto, and taken to a house iy 4¢ fuel in his own stove. He once | sisters survive. the militia headquarters: at Ottaw; The federal i when they onier® ritain 18 po longer i the some camp : announcement was made | where she was locked in a room with | : ---- Rin . hem bn 3 as Kussia Diplomatic discord reigns. ' of the winer of the championshi pd . & h sent a sample to geological experts, 2 . Since going to uebec he has resigp€d | od the city first took possession of the : ------ TY prize ot a 31500 farm engine for the prt. ni _-- Ty who told him the formation preciud- | FORGET BETS ON MORGAN. his commission. customs house They then seized (he ; best wheat grow dor: dry farmins ion SUEAPRG. DY. Jumping rom ed the possibility of coal om his! : - ' While in the permasent fore, Capt. |p onicipal buildings and the telegra Si. Russia Mobilizing. Condit reas Re BL gn of in iy dow. an mguiry inte this hae buen land. The developing syndicate is | Puts Up $5,000 That Richlieu Re- | Hale forwarded a bill to Ottawa, in a ; ol 8 ih St. Petersburg, Oct. 23. ln spite ol |,000 Albert x, secured the award Tu} aon. by crown atiorney lh 9 working ona theory that the = geo Jects Conservative. accotddnce with, be says, & certain qu. gu. 00rity of the men of the. xes oftiotal h the Russian reserves in (, oom fold Attends ten out Woodstock. : log%is may have been mistaken, as| jy 1 q {paragraph in pay and allowances re \ sy enth ont of ime northern gasus, including the Cos I aia ny pn was drawn to 'There is a suspicion that Miss Me: x yi to have bem oy Co | Montrea » Oot. 24.--A feature of tha gulaiions for certain of his expenses bellicus Nmetoent reg men ' with 3 Sacks, and in the Irans-Cancasus, fade the award --_ it Judges whe | Sissick was the victim indirectly of [thev are aa bye-election campaign in Richelieu, | Foadquarters refused to pond to fantry surrendered their: arms have heen called out for service gd th 8 ue ' wan not confined to | an operation performed in this city or halt, he 2 in. chat where voting takes place to-day, has "hie roquest. Then, as n'soldier. he eg mutiny on Uftober 13 mmong Eo pay it, f ir were appoiate { igromto. About a week ago she left | Mr. Bonter, | engInoer i cha ne been the standing offer of Sir Rodol had to be satistied with orders from Lhe reservists of the scoud levi "WEY a aM a tates and four frop. | Lakeside, stating that she was coming |of development. is so confident o phe Forget, M.P., to bet snybody any- [his superiors. But since he became a [and his followers Armavir, and in the Cossack town of RAGIROUS " ines honor i | here to visit a sister, but apparently [finding an outcrop of the pH thing from ten cents up that Mr. Mor. 'civilian, he wrote Uttawa again, ask {were then surrounded . . Kavaski, in the huban district. : . : she had no ster living here. Un her {seam near the surface that no A ri | gan, the conservative candidate, would ing for the payment of the amount Already officers. are speculating 8% The pathetic appeal of Ramil Pacha SIR MACKENZIE BOWELL fet, she complained of pains and ling is being done. - A scraper is being. |}, ,jo.ied. . |intimating that he would take action |to the fale of Diaz and the othefs to Europe to prevent Russia from' ' full B "Ll was being treated for ptomaine pois- [sed in the first stages of Speations, Arthur Eeremept announced at So- lif it was not paid. Subsequently bel ficers of the Mexican regular striki Lutkey in the back, while it Fell Downstales in Albany Club ning, -but the discovery of a vialdaud the engineer says coal has been rel that he had wagered $5,000 on the received a cheque for the full amount. ! who were led into this uprising. "= d 3 ue a whi had contained strychnine may | turned up in every load. liberal candidate. | Capt Hale adds that he ™ ROL ,is surmised that the captives wilt be i is fight Dg fer is lide in Macedonia. anses m the Grand Yizier 8 know. Toronto, igficate the cause of her death. The assertion is made that the op- writing to the press to make a per-li ted with leniency and, alth ledge of concentration of Russian | Toronto, Oct. 24.-While on his wa a ion-holding syndicate does not pro- ) {sonal complaint, but to show the or tried v oy ol Se, i Qa ot hb 5 SDS 50 BROGES. |Last tos et I SMUGGLERS OUTED lima comp Tu to Vie oh ling oe te . tah Xi Mackenzie Bowell, former prime win puto It is said there is plenty of ceive from headquarters. If there was oa 1 Yoon - a expected MONTREAL'S TRADE MENACED.|ister of Canada, tripped and fel: iN 10 WED money in the treasury, and that, one | CUSTOMS OFFICERS a reason lor the militia department faba $47 ump. 1 1h : ------ twelve sips to the landing | Helv ponte man alone has contributed | irefysing payment when he was in the £0 G 1 Lack of Ocean Tonnage is injuring] Ho sufierd an abrasion of th no oC $10,000 towards development. The ex: # service, why was it overlooked when of Mexpo, as was Lenera u Grain Export. and superficial injuries on the chest : inn + joration work has created something Murderous Attack on Border to be ve became a civilian? he awks. Mont Ly _ ISir Mackenzie was about fo leaw superintendent of Mexice Railroad Pp in farm land near dr.' ' te rte Oct. 24.--That the preva : : : |of a boum in Probed by Dominion BECKER CASE WITH JURY leat back of "Jor kia home in Belleville by the nin : | Stoddart's propedty, and one' farm | by a ASE . ae to M avenn Aohagy 18 8 meno rslock: train, having stopped at To to lancee {Stadt af . said to have refused ct. Wil de, wahirtals gthin exportitg fronton route from the weet. Ho ¥ * provised Structore lownet i already Police. Thought Verlict: Wil. ve. Asquicia) JAMES REID Carruthers, Ch < [still confined to his room, but ite i fo ! S, o_O Yo. : Ottawa, Oct.' 24.--A detachment of | on Disagreement. The Old Firm of Undertukers, thot : : reported that his accident is not off Santa Fe, NAL, Oct. 20. -- Thirty | gp, jleliograph to Kingston. Dominion police has been sent down New York, Oct. 24-- Justice Goff, | 354 and 258 PRINCESS STREWE - serious nature and that so enviet: pinprovised bridges along the Mexican The 41st Regiment, of bDrockvile, | pomt on the Canadign frontier In charging the jury in the Becker "Phone 147 for Ambulances iy need be entertained. hoe of the Sonora radwgy company izaniling #ection and a detachment b v's Pi b it case today, warned them ihat - : o row : not far from House's Point, where, it day, A J mp ---------- were, uriehly erected that special "ECL CWC HA. signailers will, onl; alleged, three preventive officers they believed Becker instigated or en- STOVES AND RANGES ; . trian might earry 11 J. Temple of § vies x > : io Nantel Not to Resign, gh ' Emp. lsat. day, make an AULemPt | o0 iacked and seriously injured couraged the murder of Eosenthal, he Das. bem 30L wa have gver hi position Twenty-First Infantry, who joined Kee out fightis . x The bar ks in which Felix hina had concent cated sr yp x Palma, Mexico, general superintend- E 2 5 ni : . : x ity ; a Ottawa, Oct. MM. ~"The story sen 4 . < to heliograph from Droekvi le to hing: i, Jers and their sympathizers was just as guilty as if be fired the | ji, Reasonable prices. At '. tively false," "tated the Hon. 8. WH 3. Mahe rE oe ston, vis Blue Mountain, near Charles- Tr re ago. Very meagre details actual shots. A verdiot is expected 'Phone 106 p a Nanwl. minister of inland revenue. | ol Aneeling. of Chicago awaited tor lake, which is twenty miles from |; (he outrage have filtered into Ot- to-night. Most people think it will : > when asked as to a report pablished fio pp CR Ted in Santa te Brockville, as the crow nies. The sta- go, hut it appears that the secret be a disagreement or an acquittal. 6 hs in a Montredl paper of any allegeleior otter he arrived ® tron at bug Mountaw, which 15 10 vice men, some half dozen of them, | Ser --------------- = clash hotwesn himsell and Jean V're Within a few hours Mr, and Mpg transmit the message on to Ringston, | jeccended upon a 'store in which had | Main Johnson, secretary of the Op- vost, M.P.1., at St. Jerome. Temple were sponding enstward on a i bem charge of Lieut. A. M. ust been placed a large quantity of tario Motor League, is leaving that "The first | hoard of it was when | lhoneymoon that 'will include Chicago Stroud. lLt.ol. W. B. Buell, of | cmuggled merchandise, : « iposition on November Ist to be wocre- ' aw it in La Presse. Nothing' of the land New Yo 2 and other cities, | brogeville, ANd hue oocpe will be wl It is said that the storekeeper ran tary to N. #. Howell, h.0., B.P.P, > : kind occurred The old bridges had been destroyed of the vile end, and the | uf, returning in a few minutes Nith ; leades of the liberal party in Ontario. | po nighest styndard of Tea Good \ "stom: publi that 1 am [hy Mexican rebels WH URUCHA. men will receive the message |, sung of men, who at ongs made a! 'syndicate of BaMalo, Rochester |, = No change bas been made in : The sont published call pandas in this oity. | mafderous attack on the eative (and 'Toronto men are exploring an lip. quality in spite of advanced ~ Tass the governmen pa Principal Rev 'D. Bruce Machol ~ ot mari-- ' officers, js ol rium wets, th ", 2 autheasie coal find at Shelbuirbe, | ios No other tea is "just as mal. Ll ala of ot. Andrew's coii.ge, Toron-| ~ Wshop Suddenly Stricken. {mn the th ue low | Ont. ' good." 2 "Whitney Won't Adept It. in. has uhnouneed that the site for | Fredericton, RT Det 24c-Revi ter pant of the eg Toe ae Jive en Ind | 5, Packed In Ceylon and tmporied % Hamilton. Ost. 24. Allan Stud- | the Rew hd iain yi wand; De ei, bo suddenty pone J ts Juke baud pith in the battle {ian under sentence of destir at Sarnia. dtreet, THREE GRADES: en Club recital. Con Tolme, MPP. approves uf the ied Foes gh reap bisdy ee : Sundred Tuesday with an attack of appendi- [and the store wpecked, The| U nse will {cn Caddie... .. +. $2.00 each : o have railroads opera ¥ Hy y i the officers - bad |eancel "J 1-2 1b: and 1 1b. pkgs ...... S0cih. 81, AO0UW 's herve and two doctors were at bis automobile in i : welock. f 'rotectric rover. but dows nat {Ay Lon dy SAYER: ordabip's bedside through the Hight. reached the some was bakes. up. Jalen a A fours. Ont is ia) 177 And 1 Ika. he v . . 1 's os IB in back gas ol lie inko the body ofiert lor ids thi Fy cami ss ER a Carne |e 25% mw cans wus. | JASREDDEN & C0. Rink the Legislature will cdnsent to un : elec son's. 3 %

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