TAYLOR-REID WEDDING! CELEBRATED IN St. ANDREW'S CHURCH, GANANOQUE. Mock Trial Held Under the Aus pices of Gananoque High School | --~Employee Lost Part of Finger. Gananoyue, Oet. 24.--A ding 100k piace at 12.45 p.m. vester i day, St Andgew's church whes | Miss Clair Reid, youngest daughter of | Mes. DU. J. Reid, Tanner street | united in marriage to Howard Tay lor, som of Mes. C. W. Taylor, Church | street. The ceremony was performed | by Rev. Henry Gracey, i St Andrew's church, before gnth-| ermg of relatives . and friends. The! pride was attended hy her sister, Mis Florence Reid, and was givin in ringe by her brother-in-law, Crooks, [ Paris, Ont. The was unattended. After the ceremony the bridsl party repaired to the home of the bride' # mother, Mrs. 1. J. Reid, | where a dainty dinner was served Me, and Mrs. Taylor left during th | afternoon, for.a honsymoon trip east, i ind on their return will locate in Gananoque. Mr. Taylor is one of ths otlice sta of the Ontario Wheel com: | pany, and also owner of the om ai i heatre. i Under the anspices of Gananoque high school and conducted Ly 'Col. A} V. Newton, the lawver lecturer ot} Woresster, Mass., a mock court trial was held in the opera house last even ing and deew gu fall house, Miss Haz i Wright, the plaintiff, through her at 131 torney, Col. Nowion, entered an ac | against George Webb, who was definded by his lawyer, William Wing, | the action being for trifling with her yliestions Police Magistrate W. BB Carcoll, as judg heard the case; R Johnstan, Jr., acted as clerk; Chief of Police KE. J, Ryan, as court officer, Land F. Laughton, erier. The following witnesses gave evidence, Miss H.! O'Uonaar, Miss Viola Crawford, Messrs, CC. J. Wilson, ( and J. P. Sinclair. The following jury was daly empannelled, Dr. J A Black, Dr. A H. Mabee, Messrs James Donevan, H. J. Reid, Joseph | Fraid, Freeman Britton, J. D. 0'Con nor, Ww. J. Wilson, Philip Conlin, George A. . Robinson, W. W. Bennett pncnbilet, Add A and C. K. Wright. Dagx Meow Co. TorouTo, Unt. (former William Nurse, Jr., an 'employee the works of the Steel company of y Canada, lost part of a finger while af : pretty wed at as] : pastor a large O groom BANQUET I ¥ ready. Especizlly suitable = for Entertain ments by societies or con- ventions. Large, and private. { } I iB) tien J. J. Lackie's | 168 Princess St. ; Cook's Colton Root Compouna. The great Uterine Tonic, und mly sale coffectual Monthly aguialoron which wom n oan depend. Soild in three degrees "of steength-No, 1, 811 10 degroc stronger, i Nou Bl B por hot or went aise XA, Sine Za for special cases, Hold g 4 all dru m operating a press there on Monday af. | tesncon. Medical aid was at one | summoned and his injuries dreased | which are sufficieRTly 'serious to lay | him up for some time Two voung Inds playing with a sharp knife, at the King street school | yesterday afternocky, resulted in one! of them getting a nasty gash in his | hand, hetween the thumb and index finzer. Medical aid had to be sum. | moned, A Royal Understudy. t Prince Arthur of Connaught who) went to Japan to represent the King | at the funeral of the Mikado, must | be wall accustomed by this time to deputizing for his Majesty. i He once laughingly suggested that he should add to his visiting cards the line: "Monarchs under- studied on the shortest notice." Most people would be inclined to think that there are worse business- es than understudying monarchs, | though, of course, this profession has a certain amount of risk attach- ed to it. Still, the pay is good, and the accommodation provided gener- ally first rate. Prince Arthur is very popular with his--=Royal relatives, and is, of course, a welcome figure in society. When the Pritite of" Wales has fin- ished his studies, and is thus free to take up publi¢ duties, Prince Ar- thur's occupation as an understudy of the King will be gone. Still he will find plenty to occupy his time, for he is very interested in soldier- ing. Prince Arthur is a bfchelor, and in view of his relationshio to the throne much speculation has been! aroused from time to time as to his matrimonial intentions. He hiln- self has declared that he does not intend to marry, so that gossip has as usual, proved a 'lying jade. your WE GRIND YOUR LENSES We fit them to your face Satisfaction guaranteed or' money refunded. KEELEY, Jr., - Optometrist "Phone 927. 206 Princess Street. f Reports from the Palkan state capi: tals intimate that their troops all won decisive vielories. Home Treatment For Sallow, Wrinkled Skin do | how | AFC asks: "What should for my sallow complexion, and can | get rid of my wrinkles ?"' Sallowness is best removed by moving the skin itself, This is feetuatly accomplished by the use of ordinary mercolized wax, which causss the offensive outer skin gradually to peel off, in fine partic deg scarcely no! tirsable to the naked eve. Within af week or so vou will have an enviable! complexion, the new skin exhibiting a banlthfol, youthful tint incomparable with artificial coloring. Cet an ounce of this wax at your drug store, ap- ply at night like cold cream, only rub it in. Wash it off in the jag with warm water, For your wrinkles try a solution of saxolite, one ounce, dissolved in a half pint witch hazel. Bathe your face in this every moming for awhile. The will surprise you. ' re ef vs I} } is i {pany vs {lo §¢ : { company { corps; i company; iH opening g Cooke s and Queen games will conmnence Firous * SATY ling invariably alights on its feet. rods to serve for legs, {a tail devised " {The object of the experiment | with sufficient vigor. {not i you. THR DAILY BRITISH WHiG, THURSDAY, A SCHEDULE ARRANGED 4TH iri 8 IMENT INDOOR BASEBARL GAMES, giment Divided Into Two Sections to Play Off--A 'Cap the Officers the FOR Negi --Winners Offered by Winners, An indoor baseball league conducted in conpection with Regiment, PF. WA). Killes, and a sched: tla has heen drawn up. The vegiment will be divided in two sections, the {right and the left half, and the win | ners in each group will then play of 1 he schedule is: Right Half--Oct, Bagle band: Nov. company; Nov, %th, ve B. company; Nov, 1th, {. company, Nov. 19th, A. rompany; Nov band vs D. company; Nov ompany vs U, company; Dec, company B. tfompany; Dec. va Bugle band; Deg company vs U'. company Left Hali--Nov. 1st, bE. COPAY _ company, Nov. Tth, Signal Corps vs il. company; Nov. (i. company vs FE. company; Nov 13 , F. company vs Signal and Bear r Corps: Nov, dist, II. company vs Ul ampany; Nov. 26th, Signal and Bear Corps va (. company; Nov. 2th company vs I. company; Gth, company va Signat and. Beare Dec. 10th, ¥F. company vs. Dec. 13th, CG. company Vi company, \ cup has been ofiered by fers to the winning team. Some of the sergeants that a basketball leay he run in connection will. be the 14th dst, 5th, C. company A. company Bugle band b. company B. com 22nd, Pug | 28th, | '| i va rd, 2] 6th, A 12th, B ve Ek and « « i bee, i} the offi are anxious should with the als reg ue ent . Baskethall. Fhe committee appointed by thé exe entive of the SSA NA to draw wy schedule the baskethall series met at the \. building on | ues day evening entries were received in the the "nor Sunday School the for yy. ML Six junior series and seven in v i play the | | wt, and in the junior. meeting on datice the very de begin on th group and Broek will Senior St. James ame in 1h REPL street the what It 1 should Uetober It will be decided at Friday \ on evening that they i evening, §uesday TO UNDERGO OPERATION. Duchess Reported Suffering an At) tack of Appendicitis, r ) ' DUCHESS »r MARLBOROUGH London, Oct 524. Fhe, Duchess Marlborough, formerly Consuelo Van derbilt, who was ordered by her phy sicians last week to take a month's rest at Harrogate, i& about to under go an operation for appendicitis. The operation was to have {aken place ves terday, but was postponed for a fey days. % Fhe duchess was threatened wit) appendicitis in 1911, but it was decid od that an operation was not neces at that time, Why Cats Alight on Feet Harper's Weekiy. . The ingenuify of a scientist har resulted in the construction of ar apparatus to show why a cat in fall 0 J This apparatus consists of a card board cylinder wherein are stuck fou: together will principles is tc show that a cat's peculiar faculty de pends on the rotation of its tal on similar It appears that this faculty is spe cially developed by climbing and leaping animals, such a members ol the feline tribe, monkeys, squirrels rats and: most lemurs. The tai plays a most important role in the turning process. According to the inventor of this apparatus, all tree-inhabiting men {keys have long tails, and there is the slightest doubt that thess {tails are of great aid to all climb ers in enabling them to turn in the air, The tail also acts as a balancer as evidenced in the case of a sguir rel, which may be seen walking along a tightly stretched wire oi string, swinging its tail from side to side very much after' the manner of the professional wire-walker bai arcing himsell with a pole. Working On New Miracle. The Saturday Evening Post Luther Burbank, the "wizard of horticulture," is subjected to econ stant annoyance at home and abroad hy obtrusive and inquisitive strang ers. He was walking on the street in Sam Francisco recently when one of them seized him by the arm, captured his reluctant hand, and pumped it vigorously. "How are you, Burbank?" How are you!' he inquired effusively. "What miracle are you working om now?" "Well--it's a seeret," replied the expert, "but I don't mind telling I'm grafting milkweed on " 5 "Yes--yes? to produce?" Nat do Yu arpen 5 3 mt os-- Rev. Andrew Pyterson, som of i W. A. Paterson, Carleton oy aight, eased amngston and Napanee, und wother, anee. d his position, to take eliect nd of the vear. fall, riends wd thorough benefit. wd blood maker. Heleod's Drug an explosion in the Ennerdike pow and three persons, tempting to rescue vhile OCTOBER 24, ~ 1012 MADAME NORDICA Mme, Nordica, the brilliant and world-famous soprano, who 8 to sive a concert here to-morrow reached Kingston to-day. This | vonderful soprano will render Host varied program to-morrow | wening for her many admirers hero and, judging by the sale of seals atl 194 she hich apacity RIVED TO-DAY, will ng before an will only be limited b of the theatre Mme. Nordica will be assisted by ummel, the distingushed volinist ind two pianists, Romayne wird Mabel Krog-Rummel n sale at the opera house audience y the TIHINGS FROM NAPAXNEE, Mair--Tea General Hospital, 2. The de tiregomn, on A. Mair, brothe Mair, of Napanee, a lent his Late John A, in Aid oi} th Sunday Napanee, et ed at Portland, of John worge | ne st Napanee da went prospe vears of age We One thre Mis Nap of boyhood lie Lime a re spent RH wes vears ago and red Woy ased sixty-nine leaves, besides his widow, a son and a daughter (ieorge L. Mair and isters, Mrz. T. G. Carscalien, lizabeth and Miss Jessie Mhir, bout fifty was hildren, J. E. Benson, M.A., science the collegiate mstitute, mast) has resign at th Benson has bees ppointed inspector of public school: the county of Prince Edward [ of the Dominion bank, left wday for Toronto. Mrs. FF. 8S, Richardson gave n Tuesday afternoon for the f the kingston hospital fund. ur wag well patronized Miss Ek. IK. Deroche and Mrs. an "at home" to their man) on Wednesday afternoon last worge 1. Hall, of Montreal, 18 spend ig a week With his parents, My Irs. W. F. Hall. The Aid Required. tire easily, if if there weariness or exhaus ion, what vou need is new, riel issue-building * and nerve strengthen ug blood. Wadd's Iron Tonic Pill Laxative) supply mst the re tuired every time. They give quicl 1 Mr. " Yois a ter heneii The af Costi were ant vou % a neve won 1f vou ext thowoughly, tant sense of aid ive a great nerve sirengthene: In boxes, , Store, 53 Brock street above King street: Mone satisigoiory. Kills Five. 24 Fire caused They 2 door il not ne wok Hintosion Haileybury, Oct jer works, and six men were killed one a woman, in- ured. The latter will die emplove of the at the oi field w M R itandard oil company of Taft, Kerr county, Cal, died esult serious Hara eived his two children which had caught fire were asleep. , Unt, Arthur Ellis wa and sentenced to hang ars, as whik of re rom their home they At Lindsay ound guilty n January Perfectly Balanced Nerves are necessary to the sue- cessful operation of Mind and Body. Grape-Nuts FOOD --made of wheat and bar- ley, supplies the necessary elements for perfect hu- man nutrition. This includes the Phos- phate of Potash (grown in the grains, which Nature - requires for rebuilding worn-out brain and nerve cells. And the food is de- hcions served with cream. " There's a Reason" Grape-Nuts ¥ Lamang STOCK MARKETS. LIVE Paid Centres, Oct. 21.- at the East were 1,700 ep and lambs, . 1 calves, There were on the The Prices at ine Various this Stock 1,700 and Receipts End cattle, ,200 hogs Montrea norning Yards y not many good market this morning | trade was rather slow for the | grades, and in consequence | ie tone of the market was nd prices declined a shade Lambs were in better demand | nd a stronger feeling has develop- d Hogs were also he tone of the rm Top steer 0. medium, won, $4 to $4; 5.25 to $5.75: $5.25; do «¢ $3 to $3. $40 to $65; sheep ewes off cars, § Chicago Live Stock, Chicago, October 21 Cattle--Re 3, 26,000; market slow, gen-| 10¢ lower Beeves, $5.45 to Texas $4.40 to | western steérs, $5.65 to 18.90; stockers and feeders, $4.20] 0 $7.40; cows and heifers, $2.80 0 $7.60; calves, $6.50 to $9.75 Hogs--Reeceipts 3.000; market | slow, He lower $8.25 to 19: mixed, $8 heavy, i8 $9.15; 35 to pigs. $4.75 bulk | f sales, $8.70 to $0 Sh Receipts, & veak, 20¢ lower $3.50 western, $4.70; yearlings, $4.70 to 'ams, native, $6.15 $7 arm, $65.40 to $7.40 class | nd wer easier | i { in good demand | market being very 9 $6.25 to $6.75; | to $6; do | cher cows, do. medium, nners, $2 ; milkers, springers, $40 to $4; lambs, $6.25; calves, $3 to $10 8, choice, $5 com- choice | $4.50 60; do choice, | ) ulls, ach 65; ogs, rally 310.80; steers, 35 to $8.60; 7.60; market Native, to RG: sep 0.000: 10e to to $4.85; $3.75 $5 to Stock. 23 slow pts 100 head $4 to $10 4.000 head heavy 26 to ghs, Live East alo, Oct Receipts 1,200 head; Veal Recel ind She higher Hogs Receipts Y ac to 16e lower: 15 Yorkers, $8 to $8.10; rou y; stags, $5 to $7 ind grasserg. $8.50 to $8.77 Shep and lambs-- Receipts 8 head; steady: sheep active; lan slow, unchanged Buffalo Buff Cattle- and easy activ slow $0.14! $8.80; $8 $8 to | $8 v0. dairies 060 n Toronto Street Market, 4 bush bushel Toronto, Oct wheat; Y6e. to ¥i Wk new "wheat per bu al, We, to Se; Barley, sushel, T0¢, $15; hay, mixed, 3114 ton, ¥16 to $17; dr 0% butter Ippo break pound, ose oats, 65¢. X.: ¥ ; hay a to %I6 sued he J bushel, ve 0 TH n, Straw, per 3, 812 to Gar dAaren,. Sk 16¢. to 1% chick (%, pound 13 to 1k potatoss, ¥1.54 to due we, pound, ne, i to 2c. pple s, barrel, ozen, Sg to Mk. "w- x1. celery to I het , fore hind beet, beef, common hight, ew. bee Wr beef, R130 to 312.00. . ¥10 to $10.75 $9: beef, mat ton, common, . $i to S12 d juarrs, Ni owt, aon, to B5, juarters, sides, cwt owt, BEM ta X70 ewi., ¥7 to ®, 5 to SH) i; spriag lambs, showee medium 5 ta 11 veal prime, ewt to ESTA The Scotchman's Prayer. approach Thee this attitude o' prayer, and When we cam expected wi milk and "0 lord, mornin wn the itkewise oo complaint tas the lan' Canady tas in' a lan' Howin honey, but instead o' that we foun a lan' peopled wi' ungodiv Irish. O Lord in Thy great mercy, drive them tae the uttermost points o° {ansdy; mak' them hewers o wood and drawers o' water; gw them nae emoluments © gis them nse place o abode; ne'er 'mak' them magistrates or rulers amang Thy people, But ji yo hae any lavowrs to bestow, or anv guid lan tae giv awn | gic it tae [Thine sin, they peculiar peo- piv, the Sents, Mak' them o parliament an' magisitates an' rulers Thy people. An. as for the irish. tak' them by the heels, an' shak' them over the mouth o hell, | ut diana let them fa in, and a the glory shall be Thine. Amen." . | we © we Postmaster Genoral Pelletier says th Amesl asharg postmaster was fre coud Lar pari iranchip, he fact was' B to lis vo {2h Class Sweets." Simmons | Seats now | 2 1H | | : : 1% ta! PAGE FERim Toronto, Ont, Oct, 20h, Gitawn Valley and | pper Si. ~--Fresh to strong coal and shower) "dada 18 ame Lawrence nartherly winds: and Friday | EERIE) CRIED (EET MRSEE TRY) TS I | The # No, these are not value, will do well to ex- amine our long ulsters made of fine quality tweeds and Blanket Cloth at real values DISCRIMINATING ones' that appreciate $5 50 $6.00 $7.50 $9 00 : " "sale" prices, just ¥ x Th saving Steacy's Discount "Store of STEACY"S Satisfaction" TTNEASESY) (GISINERSET) [SESE We have the-one Easy on your eyes. Ju $a. ~~ STUDENTS' LAMPS This is the only Light to read with want. A nice clear Light. undreds of Students in King- ston use them. You should have one, too. 00 Complete with Green Shade. Fine China China ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Rich Cut Glass Hall "TASTE, SMELL AND HEARING RESTORED A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quick ty Relieves Catarrhal Deafness. The thousands who suffer the ies of colds and catarrh and they have never found a cure wn get instant relief by simply anoint mg the nostnls with Elyse Cream Balm. Unlike internal set the stomach, strong anufie which only aggravate the trouble cleansing, healing, antiseptic Balm in stantly reaches the seat of the trou ble. stops the nasty discharge, clears the nose, head and throat, and brings the wnse of taste, smell and improves hearing Mare than this it strengthens the weakened sand eased tiseaes, thos protecting you =n gainst a return of the troubl This remedy will oure a cold a day, and prevent its beeoming chronic or resulting in catarrh. Nasal catarrh is an inflammation of the membrane. lining the air passages, and cannot be pached by mixtures taken into the stomach, nor can it he cured by souffs and powders, which only cause additional irritation. Don't waste time on them. Get a filty-cont bottle of Fly's Cream Baim from your druggist, and after using it fora day you will wish you had tried it soon: or. Mothers should give the children El's Cream Balm for solids croup. It i= perfectly harmless and pleasant to take. Agent, . W. Mg hood. On October 7th, Fllswood Leeman and Charles Ross, of Hmith's Falls, iefi in a gasoline launch, along with a camping outfit and dog. On Octo | bee 4th, they were heard from m | Trenton: since thes J Aiding al he "comple can a tis r that the boat bas gone down with the msm. A walch is betug kept slang the shoves of Lake Ontario miser claim medicines which up or this back the dis in COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell, SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarsntes prompt delivery: Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STRERT. This is the Flash Light you read about. Just the size for the vest pocket, with Tungs- ten Lamp and Battery, only We ment city have the largest assori- of Flash Lights in the the 1" oh Cronies & Holmapwille, died, on Toewday nigh agsl seventy segfs. He was a} ackamih ang fo formerly "oy wid d in Belletiile. x