Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1912, p. 5

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SEASON 1912-13. PERSONAL THE ' DAILY BRITISH THE CADETS WIN AGAIN DEFEATED . QUEEN'S IL. AT, RUGBY BY 28 T0 3. i Taking the Round by an Over. WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912. + MHJITAIY WEDDING. ! s Solemnized in St Paul's Church on Tuesday Morning. A pretty military wedding was solemnized at St. Paul's church on Tuesday morning, wnen Miss Irene May, only daughter of Staff-Sergt. Wa -- Dainty Footwear for Women and Mrs. H. Jeckell, Queen whelming Lead----Queen's Seniors street, and B. Q. M. Sgt. T. W. Eg- Continue Hard Work for Satur' gj.gione, R. C. H. A, were married by the vicar, Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald, Patents in Lace, Blucher and Buttons on the new, nar- CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS We have our New Sample Books ready: of the New PER- SBONAL Greeting Cards for the coming Chiistmas Season. It Is very desirable to have your selection made early and get the advantage of all the New Designs and Patterns. PERSONAL GREETING CARDS. With y name und address on each card and motto of your own seldetion on dainty, exclusive designs add increased Interest to these looked-for Christmas Souvenirs. COME IN and look over all the New Sample Cards at UGLOW"S ~ 141 PRINCESS STREET and Attractive Telephone 25. day's Game With "Varsity in To. ronto, Fo al Military College 1 won from Queen's H in the second game in the i termedin'e Intercollegiate rugby ser | i played on the Military © campus, on Wednesday af a score of 25 to 3, and won the by 54 to 3. Tha winners had the ter of tha game from the start, 'nz at half time by a score of 14 to I. The teams: | i R.M.C. 1-Flyng wing, = Greenwood; , halves, Clarke, Galt and Barwis; quar- ter, Dlackstock: serimmage, MeKim, Mathews and Wilkins; wings, Storms, | Vo s, Fry, Dobtie, MeGeen and Drum- | mond. Queen's bet- end 1}---~Full-back, Hagyard; halves, Millan, Dick and McFarlane; quart r, lawrence; scrimmage, Put- man, Buchansn and Robbins; wings, faumb, Slim, Ferris, Kane, Mclaren and Waits. Officials--Prof. Malcolm amd Cadet " HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN High Grade Tailoring Specialists in Made-to-Order Clothing. Every order cut and Agilored to your own measureménls in real tailor shops. Classy styles, good linings and every part of the garment well needled. Prices fromi 818: to $30. . Agent for Kingston. . - T. LAMBERT | Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St. Ryerson. 2 During the game "Shorty" Dick and Cadet Fry received injuried and had to ke replaccd by other men, Queen's Hard at Work. Queen's senior team began with a signal pract ce cn Wedpesday eveni at the athletic grounds, and the tri flays were worked out with good in: terest. Uoath E. 0. Sliter keeps add ing to the List, and has the team at this part of the york at every oppor tunity. After half an hour of it they lined up azainst K.C.L for a workout end the youngsters gave tham a good spicy practice. K.C.I. played their ¢i-hieen men and threw all their spare mage. -Apart from weight cv the wing lin:, K.C.I. had a number of little For Cooking and Drinking. also for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY Special Sale We have put on sale to clear out about THREE DOZEN of Collapsable Imported (English) READY-TO-WEAR LADIES HATS, and all ought to sell quick at prices put on them. Come in early and get first choice. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PRINCESS STREET + Range, examine the ° This Range is made of tha best material, handsome in design, has a large ventilated Oven, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. When you require : « "HAPPY HOME." Wg carry allkinds of Heating Stoves. * ELLIOTT BROS. HEINT Upright Pinas. ~ 7 Twenty slightly used Upright Pianos, all in good condition, at one-third to one:halt the original price, on small weekly or manthly payments. $s Write for needed partic ulars, > « mail me to-day a ist of slightly | th nis to show their seniors, - On: of Queen's worst faults is thei slowness in starting a play. : work th ir hird to find the ball. gr.a'ly pleaved when, their yards in runs and pucks, K.CI1. was sttenzth against the wings and serim- | tricks sro fast that it is] after making | they |* M. A. In the absence of the brides father, at Halifax, she was given away by Sergt. Major (W. 0.) W G. Bailey, C. M. 8. C, The bride looked charming as she walked down the aisle in a traveling ' suit of brown heather mixtura, with a hand painted ninoh waist over white silk. She wore a large brown beaver hat, trimmed with golden | pheasant plumes and carried a Jargs, arm bouquet of bridal roses. The, bride's mother wure an exquisite | hand painted overdress of black chiffon over black satin and a largs | black: pieture hat with white os- trich plumes. X The ornament worn by the bride row lasts, medium and wide toes, at $5.00, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 Tans, Kid and Gun Metals, in all styles, for street wear $6.00, 5.00, 4.00, 3.50 A pleasurq to show you these styles | was the gift of the groom, a gold y bracelet watch. His gifts to the ! ushers were beautiful gold and pearl } fleur-de-lis scarf pins and silver cig- | arette cases. ! After the ceremony the guests re- «paired to the home of the bride's parents, where a buffet luncheon was gerved. The parlor was profusely j decorated. with cut flowers, white and gold predominating. dnd the | sides of the rooms were banked with ferns, the table being daimtily ar- ranged with smilaX and white and . yellow chrysanthemums, The many beautiful presents re- | ceived attested to the popularity of the hanny pair and were receivd from Halifax, Montreal, Toronto and Regina. The choir of St. Pauls chureh, of which the bride is a member, present~d her with a beau- tiful hanfl carved makogany centre table, Q. M. 8. and Mrs. Reglostone left "on the fas® train for Moritreal, Bos- ton and other castern cities, | Among.the presents received wae a silver sugar bow! and a pudding dish from the men of "CC sub-section "8 Battery. During the evening Mr. Hodge lavored with.a solo. AT SMALL COST Hair, Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair. What a pity it is to sde so many people with thin, whispy hair, faded or streaked with gray, and Yealiz that most of these people might have soft, glossy, abundant hair of beau tiful color and lustre if they would but use the proper treatment. There is no necessity for gray hair under of | Sixty-five years of age, and there is |no excuse for anyone, young or old, | baving thin, straggling hair, cithe jfall of dandruff or heavy and rank { smelling with excessive oil. You can bring back the natural col | A Simple Remedy Beautifies tne | Confectionery | of the choicest sort. Every delicious variety. all the old- time favorites, everything. de- lightfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, Woman or child. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 to ------ 3 i serimmaged cn Queens goal line and! ko) | push d over for a touch, They show- | Are ! some splendid material on both Yack | té i and forward divisions, and will have | a vey satislactory argument to give| k { R.M.C, whon they meet to play ofi for |. § or of your hair in a few lays and forever rid vourself of any dandrufi and loose hairs, and make your hair grow strong and beautiful by using Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem- TOYE'S BREAD lceal honors in thé junior Intercollegi- ate rugby. Queen's is showing a good line for a winner against Varsity. They will surprise the Toronto men on . Queen's vs. Tigers. Ths exhibiticn game of Queen's sen- ior Intercollegiate team against the Tigers, the Hamilton rughyists of the "Mag Four" league, has not been can- celled, as has been said. Quecn's go to th: Ambitious City on Thanksgiving day, to play in the afternoon. "This game will be an "offshoot" ol Queen's (rip "to Toronto, where they play Varsity on Saturday. A PENSIVE REPORTER Writes About City Conditions These Rainy Days. These are dull days for the merch ants, when the rain falls and makes a brown paste which soils the boots and clothing and the disposition. About tha iF things that sell these days The work on th: pavement on Clar- enes and Wellington streets goes on, rain or sh'ne, and those who are waiting for the street to open in front ef their stores are glad. Concrete is laid now. on the Wellington street blcek and is started on the second block of Clarence street. The block dn | Brock street had to be opened up at | the last minute to put the mains in' order, i parks beginning to loo tare anil forsaken and the rain does not refresh things there as it does | carlier in the season. Building in the! upper parts of the city is being rush- | ed to get thinge closed up before the snow flies. TUE MERCHANTS TO BLAME For Not Receiving Thelr Morning Mail Earlier. Postmaster James Stewart was much surprised when he read the Board of Trade discussion with re- gard to the morning delivery of mail. He sald that the carriers start out about 7.30 o'clock'*¥n the morn. ing, "but #nd that nearly all, the stores are closed, and very few of them have letter boxes. The carriers thus have to return over the same route later on. If all the stores and The are £ Saturday. are umbrellas and rubbers. The rain | and the coldness keep people in doors. | Get Rid of family doctor said: Any part of the " {torture - ceases. j'You can get the regular ledy. For generations common garden 3 : i Sage has bean used for restoring and | | preserving the color of the hair; and Sulphur is recognized by Sealp Spe cialists as being excellent for. treal- ment of hair and sealp troubles. | # If you are troubled with dandruff or 4 : 2 itching scalp, or il your hair is los . ing its color or coming out, gel a fiftv-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and 3 Sulphur from your druggist, and no i Fs "x tice the improvement in the appear i . A : ~~ 3 ance of your hair after a few days treatment. Agent, G. W. Mahood. | Movements of Vessels Reported Kingston, IN {MARINE CTRCLES. : 3 / I'he schooner Ford River, loading feldspar, at Richardson's wha, cloar od on Thursday for Charlotte. at | I } ; I'he schooner Julia B. Merrill clear § ed on Thursday for Fairhaven and will } : ; toad coal there for Belleville. : M. T: Co.'s elevatori--Steamer Win mount from Fort Wiliam, "Mscharged 71,000 bushels of wheat and clehred dght for Fort William to load grain for Mingston; steamer 'Turret Court arrived this afternoon and is discharg ing 69,000 bushels of wheai; steame; Saskatoon due to-night to discharg. a Jull cargo of wheat and oats; steam er Westmount, graw-laden, from Fort William due Friday morning to dis charge. x I'he steamer Rapids Prince, now ly ing at the wharf of the Kingston Ship building company, 1s to be moved u the present berth of the steamer hou sand Islander, at Folger's whaetf. Th 'rince has been out of the dock fo over a week now, and will winter a! Folger s wharf. 'The steamer Thousand Islander is to be towed through th bridge to Anghin's bay, in which shel ter she will spend her first winter. 'The steamer Majestic went east or Thursday morning. The steamers Dundurn and City jo! Hamilton passed up during Thursda) morning. lhe steamer lidean hing cleared o: Thursday morning on her last trip of the season for Ottawa. The steamer Aletha made her tri; down and up the bay on Thursday. A CHARMING GOWN. The gown might be made up in any number of variety of charming ma- terials such as rose-colored satin and flowered chiffon or white broadcloth and flowered taffeta But perhaps the mest artistic of all would be a combination of silver grey satin anu Jats blue brocade, with the pale grey esign to match the coloring satin The short Russian jacket is brought down tothe waistline in the back ahd edgel all round with black linx ur. Capt. A. Lefebure, Valleyfield, Que., was in the city on business ofi Thurs day. Piles at Home Siniple Home Remedy, Easily Ap- plied, Gives Quick Relief and Prevents all Danger From LIGHTS WENT OUT. Coavecation Sat i Darkness. Owing te a mishap in the lightin: ; system, at Uenvocation hall, on Wei nesday evening, where the exercises ir connxticn with the convection o m's theological College, too lace, the audience had to sit in th (darkoess for about filleen minutes ivhm th: trouble was remedied, an the jights were turned on again, Rev J. W. Melntosh was conducting th | opening exercises, when the lights re {fused to work. The theological stu i re; dente immediately started in to sing and kept it up until the lights o markable remedy. oa Sverywhere on again. Arar the eolearions 1p nd Send aor} free tutkints rendered was "Lead Kind, J a Audience at Send. for Free Trial Package and Prove it in Your Case, Don't "even think of an operation for piles. Remember what the old! body cut away is gone forever. One or two applications of Pyramid Pile Remedy and all the pain. "fire and} Ia a remarkably e 3 8 An Address on Egypt. He ahop » Trotter, a returned once for the free trial treatment ! Holiness Movement missionary fro: will you conclusively a Egypt, spoke In the church on Wed | Pile Remedy will do. Then 1°®day - evening. Bishop Trotter, . for dressed in the native garb of Egypt, Jickags for gave an address on the conditions micute, habits and customs prevalent in t truss. Just send in the coupon below at| 50 cents at any drug store. suffer another needless FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Pyramid Drug Co . 452 Kindly send me a trial treat- | y quickly and : boxes, 15c., at Mcleod's Drug Store, 53 Brock street, ome door shove King | | Is all that good bread should be. : / you use it? It 'not, give it a trial. Do Fancy * Paper Boxes, Clothiers, Hatters, Bakers, Druggists, ware, Stationers, i Office and Factory KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Furriers, Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard Boxes of every sedlh made to order Estimates Furnished. | "PHONE 883 AND \ REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. for, Milliners, Tailors Confectioners, Florists, Grocers, [ry te. Stock and Fancy King Street West | A -------- KINGSTON PRESBYTERY Session at St. Andrew's School Room, Wednesday. An adjourned meeting of fhe Kingston Presbytery was held in the school room of St. Andrew's church on: Wednesday afternoon, with the moderator, Rev. Dr. Drumm of seMevirie in the chair, when some matters were dealt with. The Presbytery agreed to the transfer of Rev, James Binnie from weed, with permission for his in- luction at Parry Sound, where he bag-been called, The members also agreed to the ppointment of Rev. A, Bright of In- erspll, to give stated supply to the 'harges of Harrowsmith, Gienvale and Wilton. Rev. Mr. Bright will take up a post graduate course at dueen"s this session. Other routine business was trans wcted by the Presbytery. rE fe Had Visited in the City. George R. Dolan, principal of the ollegiaie Institute at Saskatoon, as in the city on Wednesday. He is ti5t attend ng the funeral of his wife, who died in Port Hope last week, and was boried at Carleton Place Benjamin Morden, of Windsor, ar rived in town to-day to see his wo ther, who is seriously ill. T. C. Crows, Chicago, was in King ston on Thursday. Rheumatism is A Constitutional Disease. Old folks who need something of the kind, find : NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES most effective without any discomfort Increased d t needed. 25c. a box at your drugpi Rational Drug and Chemical Lo, of Sorada, Limited. 5 8 A COUCH BY DAY AKND A BED BY NAT 8 1 a A large, luxurious piece of Fatih ture during the day i Which can be converted into a full size, comfortable bed in a moment's notice. : REID'S QUALITY.

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