Ly + THE DAILY BRITIER WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1012 ------ ---- Te ---- ROSY CHEEKS THIS YEAR. "TWO-PENNY BOX" BARGAINS, THREE GENERATIONS WELFARE uF WOMEN) C22 | ove rem ow sasous. Kept Healthy By COUNTESS OF WARWICK GIVES the Womenfoll. London Barrows. Br. Merse's Indian Root Pills HER YIEWS ON QUESTION. Canadian ladies faces have always The "twopenny box," so well known : a been charming. and the Dominion has | to frequenters of second-hand book Over fifty years ago | And Points Out What May ne Done | been noted for its beautiful women hops does not seem to be a very ' » of the high = d, ho . ine field hich to wo pre eople began to find to I" i» TH 2 A In spite of the high standard, however, promising field in which to go pros. peop 8 =--Discusses in In an improvement has lately been notic pecting for a fortune, bat big finds out the sficctivencm of teresting Manner the Co-operative | oy A gradual, ailuring change has | have actually been discovered there, Dr. Morse s Indian Housekeeping Proposition. been at work, a subtle, unthought-of | gil the same. There are two values to Root Pills in correcting | 6f course I want every oeponsible | influence, and, lo, our girls are more | old books--the bibliomaniac's value constipation and tonin: : ravishing than ever. I' isn't that] and the dealers value, the two not Pp 8 up the system. SIawi-up woman have a vole iu | their features have been altered; nor being of necessity related--and owing the management of her country, writes | is it the result of a closer attention fo this the "twopenny box" is not the Since then the po- | ye Countess of Warwick, she goes 09, | to the laws of beauty. The change has | Tom Tiddler's ground it once was. pularity of this reliable | not because she has this or that pro. | come in the complexion, and th: good | A]] the same, a man recently picked All the stimulating extractives old family medicine riy in land, or a house 'of Her own. | fairy is something which the benefi- up an old copy of Quarles' "Divine i has grown Yeatny and | Put just because she is a citizen of | ciaries have hated and execrated. Be blems" there, and sold it hall an of beef that jane upthe nervous , the increase in' sales | ® CiVilited and -- so we are told --| Such is the peculiar method of that Br ter Tor 35 system, and aid digestion and One Oxo Cube toa cup during the past year was the poner in JaBrecray: | state. No woo with ghty uoiathyjpable goddess, Nature Sersell, A more lucky fing wa Made by a the rich nourishing protein Simply dissolve an Oxo Cube in acup- t -respe ;t or dignity could de d| says a writer in The Toronto Star. elist in an inn at Basingstoke some okich fond 33 Iv and hi and you have hnme the whole half century. . less the i that for herself. But the hat rain and damppess are the oii ago. He was held up by the which feeds the body and builds $31 if fot water, and you have ime As long as livers get sluggish, bowels | YO¥e in itself will be far less of al best "creams" for the complexion is | weather and to help pass the time up strength and stamina, com. Devernge that i cap has toed (ang ers gt sugges, } revolution, when Woman's Suffrage | easily capable of prool owing to uni. he landlord hunted up a lot of old : reba hs: 3 . a8 IP GP YOU 18 comstipated or kidneys inacti L365 y capa fh . ¢ the landlo Pp bined scientifically in the right muscles and send a glow of health and ; pal y live, just so somes; that many Peo le secu) 10 im-| versal example. he Canadian fom books for his amusement. One of . > ftions-that's Oxo Cubes vigour throughout your whale bods ng wil ; t, i rather a yays has be t . i ¢ that $ Ux¢ rE a > . Morse's Indian Root Pills Struct hiv of sevalution, wh an piexion ays har Men aly y jheis. so Sook bis got. he witesed po i h3 s FOOD- Nandy for everybody--everywhere . That ig often the way in this world.) afflicted with long periods of drought. | him as & gift. It turned cut to be INVENTION SINCE MEN BEGAN TO . a. cure these conditions and banish itheii | People Bink that the little revolu-| Except by the mast prejudiced, how- first edition of Pennant's 'Account &f EAT & WOMEN LEARNED TO COOK. | diewing fe fo hose who ae wie | (0 18 28 2 hie bo nl | ovr, ta been agi that the Eng | Rendon. a hr sventasiy aspoed a -- y el ge- | lish complexion is Wore ic e | of it for nearly E . Sough to use them, mes we almost eT a one typical of Contin. Oscasionally, A find pearly as lucky was made TINS OF 4.10.° & 100 CUBES 4 CUBES 10¢c.-iO CUBES 2 c 7 Sick headaches, coated tongues, in. | exaliple, there may possibly 1le | of course, the English face coloring in the "twopermy box" by a man wy? dhe : rill digestion, biliousncss, dyspepsia, they. practical alterations in everyday life is 100 pink and almost borders on the who fished out an early edition of . matism and similar disorders are almost when women have the doubtfully use-| florid. But the average should be the | Omar Chayvam's "Rubaiyat," and pi > ST ---- ful right of voting. Whereas, it| basis of comparison, and this method | soi4 it subsequently for $300. It is invariably caused by impurities which | might shake society to its founda-| awards the palm to Great Britain's extraordinary how books will in ocer- should be removed from the system by | tions if housewives made up their| daughters. tain oases become as valuable as > the bowels, the kidneys and the pores | minds to one or two easily arranged | The reason? Undoubtedly, the | precious stones. Take the original : of the skin. By toning up these organs changes in their domestic economy ; | humidity and dampness of the British | edition of Burns, for instance, which oy Rasy - {so that they can do their work properly, and certainly, the changes I have in| sles. The air of France is clearer was published at $1, and on which Fo A my mind would make a vast differ-| and drier; it probably quickens the | the entire profit to the author was | Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cure, or ence in the everyday lives of the| intellect, but it dulls the Sheeks. For something like $100. There is a copy prevent altogether, a large proportion of | housewives themselves, this summer, Canada has been Eng- | in the Burns Museum for which $8,500 | : "% ' . " Kk. Couldn't wait, Grandpa the common everyday ailments which Take the case of the kitchen fire||and at its very dampest, and our wo- | was paid. keep s0 many people miserable, and all that centres round the do-| men are now the possessors of the | But there are a few bargains still ' v mestic altar. Can we really believe | same delicately-hued, silk-like skin. t> be picked up. How would Mo- Made by V § H. Comstock Co., | that the sensible woman will much| The effect of the climate on the com. liere's comedy, "Le Misanthrope," do Limited, Brockville, Ont., and sold by | longer regard the possession of a pri-| plexion is nowhere mere. graphically to begin with? It was published in sll dealers at 25¢. a box. 29 } vate kitchen as an essential part of ) liustrated than. in Western Canada. 1667, and may be worth $120. Or -- her life and home? Just try to 1mAag- | The present flood conditions have pre- | there is the 1719 "Robinson Crusoe," ------------ =i | ine all the energy, of thought and| vailed on the prairies also this season, | for which you might get $260 without e---------------- ee a deed, which 18 necessary to keep a| hut usually the air in that region 1% | much trouble, asd for the two-volume private kitchen at work each day. remarkably dry. It is one of the chief | edition (1766) of Goldsmith's "Viear From Yard to Cellar Work tut im somber figures the | advertisements of the West. and is ex. of Wakefield" $340 has been obtained. | amount of coal, the wages of private | tolled in all rea! estate advertisements, Then there is Lamb's "Tale of Rosa- Cowan's | ---------------------------------- cooks, the loss of time in making little | and praised by every man, who feels | mond Gray," published in 1798, cop- . i i T 0 : puddings for two er three or four peo-| his blood tingle more vizorously and | jes of which have been sold for $350, : Cocoa shares with We deliver at latest prices ple, when 3 wall be almost aa easy his mind act more briskly The WO | and $420 has been given for a copy 3 L ; milk the first place as a A "© Ina em for twenty or fifty?| men, however, either keep silent or of the "Poet for Children," b 3 } a i La : the very Dost grades of coal Think of the facet that every business openly complain. They know that] Charles and Ty Lamb. y drink for children. A pure This is a good time to put in man knows so well, the fact that, as| their complexion is suffering, and that } * Just think of the man who found a od / Cocoa, it contains nerve, flesh | your supply for next winter. a general rule, the larger the organi-| only the wholesale use of lotions and ¢opy of the 1653 edition of Walton's : Td I and muscle - building material. ARERR GL OS ony ; Beh S OLE TE fm oT zation under his' control the more | a periodical visit to a damper climate #Compleat Angler" and thereby net- | ; : Perdue w LSH economy will thers bs In She working will prevent ther skin drying and eed over $1,350, or the other who found | & IEE Made with milk it is a perfectly P A expenses -- the pr of whieh is the | cracking. small fortune most unexpectedly in 3 y i . continual crushing of the smaller]! Travel a few hundred miles further, 3 propel old Be Hoyt Juepediediy in : balanced food, as well as a drink 55.57 BARRACK STREET. trader by his greater opponents. to the British Columbia coast, and see | gple and dated 1556, 'which turned SRT the children love. 1 take the, private kitchen fire as| ihe difference. After living on the | ous 45 be the - "Orlando Furioso" of : ET 3 208 OUR GROCER HAS IT the most vivid expression, perhaps, | prairies for a year, it is almost start Ariosto the Italian poet, and sold at of a system of domestic economy, | ling to drop into. Vancouver some af- | gi otion for $650. The writer once ¥ Ng, . - | which will soon, probably, be left be-| ternoon, and to go down to the docks | Grew un fond attention to the fact The COWAN CO. Limited hind in the of ancient history. | where crowds of gaily-dressed women that a copy of three-volume edi- i 4 There are, all around, inevitable signs | are waiting for the coast steamers to tion of Scott's "Pirate," published in § TORONTO that the system of small private house. take them for a trip to Victoria. The 1822, in his possession, and on which ' : Ids -- regarding them as industrial | |adies' faces are like roses, the dainty | he set no particular store, was worth concerns -- will soon give place tof pink roses blooming in the innumer- 250. As a matter of fact, he sold RADWAY'S READY RELIEF the larger industries of the Co-opera- | able Vancouver gardens. The rain has x for $430. : D tive homes; in just the same way, as | done it all. : The man who allowed a first edition 1A it were, that the spinning-wheel in Perhaps our girls here will never | .; George Herbert's "Temple" to go the cottage has been replaced by the | have as good an opportunity again a | ous of his hand must have had many The symptons of this form of indigestion are knows | great machines in the vast factories, they have had during this wet sum- | 5 rostieqs night if he ever learnt that MaeTEAtIon to the other Ball Aid cas hd The first steps have been taken. mer. They should realize, however, it is now catalogued at $1,060; and 1t i icine acation atvl iusal heaton of ane food an There are inging up, in the larger| the real blessings of damp weather, is safe to say thal ilton's "Paradise | bus Li liver dnd bowsia. ke. Radway' Pills to son towns, blocks of flats, the occupiers and should determine to take every Lost" of Teor cha d Bande a good im i, Sour fae By overvine hen su | Of WHICH share common kitchen, | possible advantage from even infre. | po OF HOF CROBREA Bande a good pry ave of dyspapma may bo permanently cored | 0OMmon dining-room, and a certain quent rains in the future. The trouble | yaiue for $500. AYH what suman' U0 lowly study their diet, wi * number of servants. So far, as al is that Ontario women don't know how : rule, the plan has been adopted main- | to act in wet weather. When they see : ond ASK FOR RADWAY'S and take no SUBSTITUTES 'y by single women, and less fre.| the clouds roll up and the sky darken. Blind Alex's W derful Memory. ? quently by single men. But there i#| they mumble and grumble about not _ Blind Alex, who lived in Stirling, not the smallest reasop why the sys. | bine able to go out. They avoid the | Scotland, from 1830 to about 1840, had tem should not FSusaR the normal] rain like a plague; they will run for | the most wonderful memory of which family with children. a block to get away from it. Rather | Any account has ever been recorded He was familiarly known as "The . Neither is there amy reason why | should they welcome it, and rush oul Just Arrived co-operative Donk pmP A agin Tey elem Complete Concordance' on account of used only in dwelli s puilt in the r------ the fact that he knew the entire Old y ng ; It's foolish to talk of what a man| and New Testaments ' by heart." He ' 1 form of huge blocks of flats, arranged Brown S ine : one ee ge other, up ge im- | should do when you know what he | ws tested a half dozen or more dif ssible h tow, . will do. I ferent times before the Scottish Socie- possible height wid She sky. The go ty of Advanced Learning and always | | i | | | | | | Bat oc qa paver cover all Pos:| A woman can sometimes help her Succeeded 1 CORVIReit the © role i sible cases for it prec t . snjoy y s tri u y 8 Butterscotch e tp es the easily: | husband to enjoy a pleasure trip by sore' that he war all (Bat Sad ton ! { i | Bn adit reached garden, and the 'desire for| not going with him. : She rural a heity which" would be] Time is said to be money, but asa tained 10 Bil 3} any Sepa in v d mechanism , > i i 3 20c. per pound Sunda Ly the of 88 rule the more time a man has the he would instantly name chapter and Perhaps the mont vaual foie of ob more money he requires -- verse, or il the book, chapter and 4 ry operative households in the future will ha Yerse were named he could give the J S be on the plan of single detached, or | [F:*= exact words. i . » semi-detached, or wholly attached 166 Princess St. Phous 58 houses grouped round a garden, as in Sound Dramatic Sense. the case of an older-fashioned square, r 3 A the stories told by Arnold - re pod | 81d within that central garden a group Y ou.can t Bet ot Te his American tour was ! of Sprtients which will be for the F ; one about a young actress. use of the tenants in common. ' Thus réeze "Two men, just before her debut, | » there will be a common, . were discussing this young actress' ' a ' a kitehen with its attendant s, a Corb 's Special future," Mr. Bennett said. "The first Th B: a f y : library, amusement halls, and, in y man remarked thoughtfully: : € 4as818 oO Cost mn Cloth eS short, all the accommodation that one Sel ed "I believe her stage career will be SR0es og the generous scale of a u ect extraordinary. She has a most re- What makes the difference ir gost of Clothes ? ya. -- . markable dramatic sense.' . hes } -------- W y " Yes? said the other man. 'And 1 8 and: whi San Decapitating Words. hisky how does this dramatic sense display Why #18 and why $30; A a : I 4 . » itself?' h , WS 23' ahesdide 1 1 FR 1 a 8 The trick Chronic) * 'Well,' replied the other, 'it dis- Cheaper wools and shoddy mixtures can be bought in Suits as low tating words, as in 'bus,' 'phone' and plays itself best, perhaps, in the ser- A as p10 and $12. But these are fabs which cannot be guaranteed, 'wig,' is not at all a modern failin ies of dinners at $4 a plate that she Wool is Take the common words 'spend' ps has been giving week by week to all the Basis. Wool is the basis of cost. 'sport.' Our very early os had . : the dramatic critics and theatrical : 3a verb Mpanden, ahd yet 'spend' is That's one correspondents. . - Whether it is fine woo! or coarse wool counts for more than the really a disguising abbreviati ' difference i 'e OF Dates: ry ; Latin 'dispenderss. to pay out oct reason why . Bacon's Mother's Advice. § erence in Weave of I attern, } very new pattern is firet sh wn is another very old English word, yet it makes the Bacon's mother appears to have : in the expensive or finer grade of wool, and is afterwards copied in it is really 'd --'dis-port,' to car- h kept a sharp eye on his behavior long the coarser wool, ny apart, whic uired the meta: best highball i after he had attained years of dis. P dor hh iad aati HY | pe 2 TE ann hers n fie diflrece i she cout af work whe it in done By True port." : tor in the House of Commons, we machinery, so that the cI difference in the crst of a suit lies in anil . Another 1s And hte Hing 30 bes wl 5 the quality of the wool ind the other fabrics and materials used " Fs in the tailoring of the suit. t mor sit up late. Surely I th . nt f because of your drinking \ bedwards. hindetoth BL 3 lr a a a its unusual digestion very A #15 suit is of necessity made of cheaper woal than the $35 suit, : ; : . any but sickly : a : which followed bim about like sweetness and it, besides being ill for The relative fineness is as Ro to 40 in good wools, and as 86 to 26 and upon which, "having suffered b t head and Observe well, yet in in the fi Ich A ale ouquet as Tad an eyes. Chronicle. in the fine and the, coarse wonls he bestowed the names of "Edin. compared to { ume} apdon . ' : burgh" and "Quarterly." As a : Australia's Uniforms. There is a pound of wool or more in every yard of cloth, he & monkey and an eagle the lat, 1 Australia's soldiers wil bt : 5 : ' ; insipid taste In ture Au 's ruil} : Better linings and materials are weed in the mak of ordinary te branch of the service Tepre- In a first-class tailor shop, where skilled labour is 'employed, the ing of fine clothes, Retail es i ..s : : whisk i corps will be found in Wholesale cost of making and trimming a suit ranges from $14.40 $18. Some y the color of the hat-band. For in- Tailofing coarmakers are paid as high as 812 for makiog a coat. In these stance, the t Horse will have a : " ite ; artillery, seazlet; in- . shops a Semi-ready suit at $50, or one of the same quality of cloth f , greem; engineers, ¢ blue; and workmanshi il 0 : fairy ma ite 5 orkmanship, will cost $45 to $350. J t Die; omy ne, Ad In an immense business like Semi-ready Tailoring, with as organiza. i CORBY 'S butsite; : uP aed ble, . : tion extéanding from the Wool Exchange in Bradford, England, to brown. . every point in Canada, every basic of economy and quality is studied, en Tome thers %an = 2k - Semi-ready suits at $15 to $35 are the best value you can possibly of dns Corbyville io mn Hogi 00 ae apt i buy at the label price, : : | : word by marrying a "desd ome" lat 3 ; Semi-ready Tailoring / fade re en Ho ; ¢ Bottle $1 00--under | 3 4 you : oi ; Bot Howtivand at best Hh i Sim aos 401 thé. pul , BIBBYS LIMITED Pitt frothomn | owl KINGSTON, ONT. t for over half-a-century