RAILWAY NY REL LESS Hunters' Excursions Good going until November] th, inclusive, to all points on Te- miskaming and Northern Ontario Railway to Campbellton, Bathursi, Newcastle, Chatham, N.B, to Am- herst Truro, New Glasgow, N.S, to Sudbury §.8. Marie, Penetang Midland, Lakefield, North Bay, Coboconk, ldndsay, Parry Sound, to all points on lake of Bays steamer line, to dll points on Mus koka Navigation Co., and to some points on Nor. Nav. Co. All tickets good to return until Dec, 12th, ex- cept to points reached by steamer lines Nov. 1Zth. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & TA. Corner Johnson and Out. Streets. ne LEGS ATI AlLWAY IN CONNEOTION WiTd | CANADIAN PACTFIO RAILWAY. HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS , Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October 7th to November 9th, Mattawa to Kipawa, Temiskam- ing Northern Rgfiway 'Stations and points in Quebec. Oct. 17th to Nov, 9th to stations Sudbury to 8.8. Marie, Havelock tc Sharbot Lake, Parham to Cala bogle. d All tickets good to return Dee. 12th, 1912, Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Tickgt Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- ROAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally. except Sun- day, at 3 ky for Picton and iuter- mediate 'ay of Quinte ports, ceil. ing at Deseronto, Northport and . Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. until Freight handled with despatch |[] and care at reasonable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO, { Freight Agents. J. P, HANLEY, ALLAN LINE TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL LARGEST STEAMERS, MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, WAVRE & LONDON MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, "YICTORIAN" - Oct. 10th, Nov. 7th VIRGINIAN" ~ = ""30in, * Siut on ME a ASU "CO HY va Nov. Ist MONTREAL to GLASGOW. "0 NN," - Oct, 12th, Nov. 9th HESPRRIAN" © « 300 « 3508 >. " 3am "SCA. DINA TAN" Nov. ind -- MONTREA L--HAVRE--~LONDON - Oct. 13th, Nov. 17th < ogeth, + 24h ria». hy 27th, mr "Corinthian," « Nov. 3rd, toy 1 lo to ae and navian ang Pre- and all Steamers in Onrry One Class (1) Cabin Passengers. For full particulars of rates, : apply fa Agents, or Rien oto THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toranto. HALIFAX BRISTOL From Mant: : » and Te teamier. From Bristol Oct. 30° ,, Nov, 13 ward |. Nov. 13 CR ere «» Nov. 2 WiyTER SERVICE. From Halifax. Steamer, From Bristol Nov. # "i Ded, 1t Jan's 1818 Jan, 22 by (Summer). Winter), SAE a A Great Tonic for the Nerves LOUIS GACHMAN, with a nervous ailment, tried difierent medicines and but could not get right. tried Duffy's Pure Mall Wh ing a tablespoonful folir times a day. I improved from the first, and to-day am as well as any man could he; am forty-six years old and feel as though I were twenty. There js nothing to equal your excellent remedy. | know for | have had experience. 1 will al. ways recommend it, as I want to help my fellowmen, and in this way do a little towards repaying you for the great good you d " have done me." - Louis Gachman, 327 Tayeo street, Me- nasha, Wis, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey through its tonic and rebuilding con- stituents, will relieve troublesome ner- vous complaints by supplying the sys- tem with those vital elements which it neds to bring about a complete re storation to health. More than half the trouble with ner- vous run-down people is due to faulty digestion, aud this is the result of tired, unexercised muscles. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey used as directed stimulates the digestion and enables many specialist, Finally | iskey, tak- a | you to get vitality, energy, nerve pow- er and strength from the eat. You should have it 'in your home. It will prove Tts value in the many ordinary illnesses of g family or for an emergency. ' BE SURE YOU GET DUFFY'S. Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, dealers and hotels, $1.25 a large bottle, Write our doctors for advice--absolutely free--with valuable illustrated medical booklet. THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY ROCHESTER, N.Y. food vou Co., GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished. enls a Specialty, Bar stocked with --cholcest Hquors and cigars, st yard and stables in city JOHN COUSINEAU," Proprietor, » degrees Stronger r casos, rh Tg ») on © pamphlet, Add ess formerly W FURNITURE Our Re-building SALES Now Going On. To save goods being damaged by rain or lime dust while we are re- moving our roof, we will sell goods almost at your own prices for cash only, 0BT. J. REID "Ry 3 t For about ten years I was troubled THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, EDMOXTON TO FEEL OF WEST. IN MLSE i i | He Says if He Were Lying There Permanently He Would be Ter. ribly Tempted to Think of No- thing But Dollars and Acres, / Edmonton, Alta, Oct. 29.--Blshop Ingham, of London, Eng., who was sta¥oned at Sierra Loome, known as the 'White Man's Grave," four teen years, and has travelled widely in India, Japan and China, is in Edmonton, "to feel the pulse of the { west," as he expressed it, and assist | in solving the problems of the Angli ! can church in the fromtier district. | "We are not out here to show | the western people what to do or how { to do things," the bishop said. "We { are here as brothers to do what we | van to give the church in Western Can- |ada a leg up." Bishop Ingham is a veteran in the services of the church, though his rud. dy Iace does not indicate he passed fourteen years in what is probably the most unhealthy spot for white | men in the British empire. He is ac tive and keenly alive to western con- ditions and in his tactful way he should do a great deal of good. The Church Missionary Society is the largest missionary organization in thé Anglican church and probably the largest in the world. Much of the work done by the society is interwov- en with the history of the North- West and the society is interested in seeing the further progress of this country. Mr. Pritchard, grandfather BULLET ENDS GAY LIFE. Slow Horses and Fast Womens Bad Combination, South Orange, NJ, Get. 30. --""U'm broke--slow horses and fast © women did it, and | don't want to live," was the grin message found in the cloth- ing of an unidentified man who was found dead in a vacant lot in Pros pect street A bottle that had con tained carbolic acid was found along side the body. The suicide was well dressed and about forty years of age. Joseph Me Donotigh, who lives at No. 330 Pros pect street, saw the man enter the lot, but paid hittle attention to him until about an hour later, when he saw the man stretched under a tree. of the spresent archbishop of Rupert's land, was the first missionary of the Church Missionary Society to come to the west, and om his arrival at Fort Garry in 1820 the Hudson's Bay company gave him a grant of land north of the present city of Winai- peg and on which the cathedral, that is to be, stands. The company also granted some land on the banks of the Red River, land now occupied by the Bishop's Court. Other land has heen sold and forms the endowment for the church in Winnipeg. "Winnipeg is the best organized dio- owe in Canada," the bishop said. Many diocese have grown out of the work of Bishop Anderson and Arch- deacon McRae, these including Moo- somin, Athabasca, Yukon, McKenzie | River and Caledonia, on the other side of the Rockies. The Church Missionary Society also recognizes that the S.P.G. and the Continental Church Migsionary Society have as- sigted largely in the development of the work out here. There is, further, the Archbishop's Western Canada Fund, which is represented in Edmon- ton. "Western Canada amazes me with its vast spaces and great labor pro- blem, and its tremendous opportuni- ties now waiting, but soon to be adequately grasped and made use of. H 1 were living here permanently 1 should feel myself terribly tempted to think of nothing but dollars and acres, but there is something else to be comsidered, and I hope that some words | may speak may help men to realize that, as they set God's king- dom first, all thes necessary condi- tions in a new and growing country will most assuredly be met. "It is all very well to talk about the British empire," the bishop con- tinued, '"'but unless there is in it the spirit that created the cradle of the empire in Great Britain, there will be no true unification, no true progress. We don't come out here to tell you what to do or to put you right, but we do come out here to make all our fellow church folk, and others who care to hear hs, that we are heartily with them in the deepest sympathy, for we know they are on the frontier of the empire and pre up against tremendously interesting but difficult problems." The Archbishop of Canterbury. and the Bishop of London, Bishop Ing- ham said, gave them a very helpful send-off at Westminster Abbey - just before they lefts the archbishop re marking what might not have hap- pened if the foundations of the work in the west had been laid four hun- dred years ago when the timbers of Westminster Abbey were still new. While something had been done they wanted to do far more. onest belief is something that no n has the right to rob you of, un- less he can offer something better to wake its place. : To many the really good fellow must have money that he is willing A FASHIONABLE FUR Of moleskin trimmed with tion yellow reef aigretie édo- manage) will be a popular model in this year TOQUR fmmita FINDS $47,000 IN PURSE, Clerk Spends All Day Hunting for the Owner. Los Angeles, Cal, Oct. 30. <Daniel Robertson, an 18-year-old law student at the University of Southern Califor- nia, who is employed as night counter clerk at a local telegraph oflice, found a wallet containing $47,000 in gold, negotiable notes and certificates of de- posit which had been left on the coun- ter. After an all-day search Robertson focated the owner. He was 8. Craver, said to have been formerly president of a bank at Chinook, Mont., and now a resident of this city. Carver deelin- ed to make any statement. The man content with half a loaf may not deserve more. to part with. UPSET STOMACH 4 AND INDIGESTION 'Pape's Diapepsin" Cures Gnssy Stomachs in Five Minutes. Sour, Time it: In fi%e minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sournéss or belching of gas, acia, or eructations of undiges- ted food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upeet stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most certain remedy iu the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear --they know mow .it is needless to have a bad stomach. Please, for your sake, get a large filty-cent. case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable--hfe is too short--you are pot here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and di- gest it; emjoy it, without dread of rebellion in the stomach, Dispepsin belongs in your home anyway. It should be kept handy, should one of the family eat some- thing which doesn't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis, cw stomach de cangement at daytime or during the night it is there to give the quick- est, Wren t relief known. -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1912 THE DECISION OF CANADA May Affect the Regarding Defence, Sydney, Oct. 30. --Premier Fisher, commenting on the speech of the col onial secretary, Lewis Harcourt, re- iterated a desire for at least kiennial conferences, says the London Times correspondent. Premier Fisher added that there was no intention of sending a minister to London before the elec: tions. several prominent pablicists, however, who have specially studied the defence problems, suggest, the ad- visability of sending Mr. Pierce, the Australian minister of defence, to London during the winter in order to acquaint himseli thoroughly with the naval situation as altered hy Premier Borden's proposals. While coinciding with practiesily the unanimous opin- ion in Australia that any claim to a voice in the decisions afiecting imperi- al foreign policy are still premature, they agree with Mr. Pierce in viewing with concern the apparent abandon- ment of the 1909 agreement, which they say should not be altered except with Australia's full understanding and consent. LIFE IN WOMAN'S HANDS. Confident Capital Punishment Will Be Abolished. San Francisco, Oct. 30.--John Rog- ers, twice sentenced to be hanged for the murder oi Benjamin Goodman, a jewellery salesman, expects to live many years through the grace of Cali- fornia's women voters. "Just watch the women vote on the anti-capital punishment amendment at the November election," Rogers said to-day. "I'm counting on that. | know women are opposed to capital punishment." ers' second sentence was necessi- tated because of an appeal to the su- preme court. The murder of Goodman was especi- ally revolting, his body having chopped to pieces and thrown into a gutter, WHIPS STREET WOOER. Resents an Unconventional Proposal of Marriage. Pittsburgh, Oct. 30,--*Your honor, I hit him hard--as hard as 1 knew how. And when he got up I smashed him again. Why should I not thrash him? No gentleman follows a lady to her/ work and proposes to her on the street." So spoke Mrs. Mary Smith, a pretty young widow, a school teacher of the Norgh Side, to Magistrate Matthews in the Penn avenue police court. Frank Lukes, the "ungentlemanly. proposer," a middle-aged business man, was arrested after Mrs, Smith had given him rough handling, and appeared in the police court with the pretty widow as his accuser. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 or serve thirty days in the workhouse. HAND OFF; WANTS IT BACK. Carried Severed Member to Doctor in Handkerchief. Keefton, Okla., Oct. 30.---Ray Mor- gan, twenty years old, holds the re cord for nerve among the farmers of this part of Oklahoma. By accident, he lost his right hand 4a a silage cutter. Morgan a¥ once recovered his hand, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and hastened as quickly as possible to Muskogee to wee if the hand could not be replaced. The accident occurred at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. Morgan stop- ped the flow of blood, caught a Mid- land Valley "train, and by 11.40 o'clock was in Muskogee at the office of Dr. Reynolds. Unfortunately, it was impossible to. replace the hamd. RIDIOULED A WARNING. Climbing Electric Pole to' View Country is Dead. St. Louis, Oct. 30.--Nelson Arm- bruster, nineteen years old, of Fd- wardsville, who climbed an iron. pole on the McKinley system right-of-way near Edwardsville to get a view of the surrounding country, came into con- tact with a power cable carrying 33, 000 volts of electricity and fell to the ground with his clothing on fire and his body burned. He was dead when a physician reached him. R. N. Ramsay, a friend, with whom Armbruster had started to look for persimmons, warned him against climbing the pole. Armbruster, how- ever, laughed. pT Ce, The road to Heaven is free for all, but many there are who are paying toll on the highway to the other place. EE - Cari aranane Ars R rere WL gr ( ON AND STEP NEARER OUT COMES Australian Policy | roughs book Management Business. It tells the out charge or money. D. W. SAXE, 146 Bay Street TORONTO "A Better Day's Profits." is the title of a new Bur- which the most successful Retailers have cut out the wastes and losses, and multi plied their profits. It shows how chain stores, with cut prices, make money while driving the little fellow out of business, The manager of any Retail store can get one copy with- asking for it on his letterhead. Others can get the book at 50 cents a copy--stamps or Burroughs Adding Machine Co. on Scientific in the Retail Principles by obligation 'b Sales Manager AND LUSTROUS IN GIRLS! GET A 25 CENT BOTTLE Your hair becomes light. wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears us soft lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a. "Danderine cleanse." Just try this---moisten 2 cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand-at a time. This will 'cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a jfew moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautitying the hair af once, Dandérine dissolves every OF THIS. ALSO STOPS FALLING HAIR; DESTROYS DANDRUFF, hair | ha YOUR HAIR BECOMES FLUFFY, BEAUTIFUL JUST A FEW MOMENTS "DANDERINE" AND TRY particle of dandruff; cleanses. puri fies and invigorates the scalp, for. ever stopping Itching and falling ir But what will please you. most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair--fine and downy at first--yes--but reslly new hair growing all over the scalp, If you care for pretty. soft halr and lots of it surely get a 256 cent bottle of Knowiton's Danderine from any druggist or tollet counter, and just try it. CAPE-TO-.CAIRO BUILDER. British Engineer Tells of Work Be- ing Done on Railroad, New York, Oct. 30.--Robt. Williams, British engineer in. charge of the con- steuction of the project of which Cecil Rhodes dreamed--the Cape-to-Cairo railroad--and a lifelong friend of the "empire builder," arrived in New York city, on board the Carmania, of the Cunard line. Mr. Williams gave in- teresting details of the great under- takingl now half completed. The American engineer, Mr. Wil liams said, has been very much in evi- dence during the construction of the railroad. His construction chief, John Horner, is an American. Native la- bor does all the udskilled work on the road, and the trained men are Brit- ish or American. Construction work to date has cost more than $25,000 - 000. More than 2,600 miles of line are vet to be constructed. _ "SPOONING" IN SCHOOLS, Principal Forbids Qustom Without Parental Consent. ' Boston, Oet, 20S incipal Charles 8. Jackson, of the Lyun school, the daring young man who banished cigarettes skirts, peek-a-boo waists and "rate" from the classes, has undertaken a startling cru new sade, die "Spooning" i high nt a stop, ii the pupils parents, why, that er matter. His order reads : "Public soustebip and lovemakiog in the corridors the I. Engl high school must stop. Is wish i 10 carry on sich practices must io. Phe a written permission from par ents."