AR POH CARL ROR 5 ong "W THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESD . AY. OCTORER 30, 1912 - HowartHE®pEMON «RUM © | JAF a Gun Fighter Had Not Bought a Flask of Whiskey a Bit of Its Cork Had Not Clogged His Revolver the Famous Marshal Would Hive Died in a Duel AVEDZJACK ABERNATHY: br T would be @ifficult to pick out the most 'adventurous happening in the life of Mar- shal Abernathy, whose whole life has been one Series of adventures. character of these can be imagined when It is sald that singe his appointment to office he has made more than one thousand arrests, thirty per cent of which were for murder, and character of the desperate criminals and | West. . Born in Central Texas and brought up by his father on a ranch in Western he has lived. the full life of the frontier that merged at last into the rough and tumble that now prevails in the Territo- SOmuTiEht. 1010. by the New York Herald Co. All rights reserved.) \ GOOD many folks don't approve of rum. Lots of folks who know what they're talking ahout and all of those wlio don't will tell you that the titgle red demon furking in the bottle works nothing vut evil for mankind. But when Jack Abernathy hesrs any one light into mim and call it out of its name aad trot out all the bad results the lecturer can rhink of due to it he Smiles unto himself a comfortable smilie. He knows Tr. Now, Jack Abernathy himseif is no devotee of the Sowing bowl. He couldn't afford it. He would find i 00 expensive. A man who has to be ready at any minute to bandle yeggs and sookers and killers, With members of various kindred professions that make life Interesting in COkiahoma, who have no Chuse to love Lim, iso't apt to be convivial. The practice would be likely to make nim just the frac- tion of a second siow on the trigger. And the reason Jack Abernathy Is still pretiy mucha alive is the fact that he always is ap (0 his best speed and always has been. Stil, it shewld be recorded that Jack Abernathy has nothing 10 say against rom. As United States Marshal of Oklahoma he 1s not 'alled upon to lead temperance meetings, so he doesn't. He wouldn't, Anyway. He remembers, does Jack. that once upor 4 time he looked polutblank Into the eye of death when all his courage and gun cleverness could not save him and when nothing but a fantastic accident traceable to the aforesaid red demon, saved him from ---- But thig Is the story On the eve of. New Year's Day, 1010. two men were leaning against the side of a shack tn an unfrequented back street of Oklahoma City. They lounged there peaceably enough, hands in pockets, apparently wet to exchange remarks about the weather and enjoy an evening smoke. They were ruggedly bulit and @ressed In rough, travel worn garments, As smudged againag the darkness by the uncertain rays of a dis tant lamp, their faces were strongd end lean and heavy jawed, with quick, predaceonus eyes. Thelr attitude, for all Ho ease, suggested watchfuiness and something subtly furtive ana alert. Cattle or rallroad men they might nave been, unmistakably of active life and the open spaces of the West. . "What's gone with Quigg?" asked one who wore a greasy red necktie with some affectation of style about the fared collar of his blue flannel shirt, "Huh; still plastered from last night, like's not," returned the other in a tone of deep disgust. "Didnt you tell that ruut he'd got to stay sober?" = "Sure 1 toid him, plenty. I gave bim leave to stay soused for the next year If he'd keep off the stuff to-day." "He ain't safe, what?" | *D'y' mean talk?" "Tes" "Nothing in it. ~ through » hose and every thine he took a breath he'd Tam? "Na. = He's preity flighty when he's dry and nervous, but not when he's "omever say 8 word 'cept ask for more. It sever hits bm in his talk works. wen" "I dow't itke it, you hear me?" returned the wearer "I don't like going on the job with a ! of the necktie. . barren" Quigg, the Gun Fighter. His companion shrugged broad shoulders. 'Be one can handle soup like him they couldn't load a brass cannon 'longside ut Quigg He does it like cracking a peanut. shoot. You knpw it." "Well, he don't go if he ain't sober." The other looked down, the street toward the lamp. "Here he comes pow." A figure detached itself from the night and sided i Up to the two. The newcomer was a little man, war hs 2 noe reply, he tu 1 his back Why you could feed it to him "° PUY. he turned his back up "Ant I've worked with men who thought they knew something about it.- Why, And, say, he can light etched out the words "Larry's Café" Quigg's steps slackened "I'm going In herg'a minute," be sald "You'll do nothin' of the kind!" was the prompt response of IMelback as he caught the little man roughly by the arm. Quigg stood still and peered up at him in the re- iflected flare, "Say, son," he began, with a tone of patronage that 'would have been ludicrous bad if not held a certain grim quality of conviction, "my last legal keeper was planted down In Texas two years ago, and I ain't \ 'been able to stand the thought of another since." » ---- , a dropped his hand quickly. "All right; go he said; "but the whole thing's Dielback as far as you like" off, you hear me? "Look here, Quigg, you ain't gelong to queer the game, are you?!" interposed Carpenter. "We'll never get a soft thing like this again." "I'l have no pal loaded on a job," lusisted Diel- 3 back. Quigg snarled at them. "Whe's going loaded? I ain't bad a drink all day and I'm cold." "If you go in you'll stay till your skin's full," said Dielback. "I'hell with you!" snapped Quigg, with emphasis, thrusting his face at Dielback.. The other making on him and spoke to Carpenter. "Now I'm going in and get a little flask to take along: I'll be out. is twe shakes If you two Jaspers want to walt. well, you can *- Quigg trotted away and passed through the swing Ing door, grumbling as he went. The place was emply save for the fat, putty faced barkeeper who nodded familiarly at Quigg and put down his news paper. : to get The Wormeaten Cork. "Gimme a flask, Ike," said the eustomer, Sipping a quarter on the bar. The attendant locked at the coin dubiously, as be reached for an empty flask. -While he filied it he studied Quigg with some attention. "Can't silp me that five you borried a year ago, can you, Quigg?' he asked, "Naw." sald Quigg, sucking Jn his lips as he fol lowed the pouring of the red stream with avid eyes; "I'l pay you to-morrow." "Yes, you will" remarked the barkeeper, sadly. "What in, tobacco iags?" "Would you take postage stamps? asked Quigg. Sed 0 a0 adsurd overcont many sizes 100 large for absentiy, his attention still on the whiskey. He dbeld us head forward on a thin neck at an The other glanced at him quickly, but made no inquiring angle that gave him tbe apgearaishe of a reply. 'He fnistied filling the Sask and groped in a turkey poulr after a worm. He tight over his eyes. "That you, Carpente with you *¥es. and shut up, and ICs Dieiback." growled the one who held such a bigh opinion of the little man's _ soup' abilities. : | "Been hittin' the boose? asked Dielback, sus- * pictously. "Naw, I ain't," snapped Quigg. "What's it to you? "%. "If you pave you don't go. that's what" 7 "Bay, none of your" -- JT "Aw, ary up," interposed Carpenter, quickly. "He's right, Dielback. He ain't scrappy only when's he's Tr?' he asked. "Who you got, bad» rink al day," sald Quigg, nervously. Wore. a cap pulled 4. wer for a cork, which he drove in with his fist "Say," grated Quigg, as he seized the bottle, "can't you siop if decent? This here cork's worm eaten." "All I got replied the harkeeper. "It ought to keep as long as you'll keep the whiskey." "That's 80." grinned Quigg. with sudden good hu. mor. He staffed the Bask info cue of the capacious side pockets of his overcoat. "It won't last long." He started for the door, but stopped to ask. "How far Is it to Harrow? "Not far. Mebbe an hour" answered the bar keeper. Quigg nodded and disappeared Into the night. After the departure of his tusiomer the barkeeper gave evidences of a strange aberration. For fully five minutes he stared motionless at the doar through which Quigg had gone. For five more minutes He stared at the ceiling, his fat face puckered in Hoes of mental effort. Then he took to scrubbing bis bar briskiy, stopped to scratch his chin and proceeded "th greater energy. Flually he threw down his rag - / throaty exclamation and. faded into the snndows at the end of the ruow. Thence might have been lierd present!y the click of a telephone receiver and in due time this cautious Ogee: : And if there's py re What? Weil again, aid he's on the , Bret U've seen him io (wo at -~ With a Crash Six had evidently come to an agreement and they pro ceeded aboug/their work in a businesslike manner, like the oid hands they were. First they made a circuit of the bank, satisfying themselves that no watchman lurked in the background The officers kept close and were not discovered hen ope of the visitors stood on the curb holding something that glittered evilly in his hand and the other two crouched down against the door. For the next ten minutes there wns no change in the disposition of the forces. The gentle grate and clink of etal showed the progress of sapping at the bank's outer defences. Then, with a rattle, the door swung inward and the guard came back from the curb. Ap parently the smallest of the three burglars was manag ing the affair. Before permitting the others to enter he went inside and brought out a chair. This he placed on the sidewalk. From the inner pockets of his over coat he drew out several small objects with lafinite tenderness aud placed them carefully upon the chair, Having accomplished this ceremony, which the wateh- ers observed with great respect, he motioned the way within. = The three burglars were on the steps of the bank in the act of entering when Abernathy gave his signal Dashing from their hiding place and spreading out in "Would You Take Postage Stamps?" Asked Quiggs Some hour or so later United States Marshal Jack Abernathy, acting on Taformation received from Leahy, the post office Inspector of the district, set ous from Oklahoma, City for the little town of Harrow with two of his best deputies, "Chris" Winters and i ea John Jones. All three men went heavily armed. Cv . 1 Abernathy carried bis favorite equipment, an aulv- ' H watic shotgun, with shell loaded with buckshot. and a magazine revolver of large calibre. That revulver was the Marshal's tried friend and true, and be un derstood it as only a man can who has had to depend upon a weapon time and again. Among other notable exploits In Its manipulation he nad oned used it to drill a moonshiner, three times aiming by the flash of a gun eighty yards away, in dead darkness. The little force proceeded by a roundabout route to thelr destination, arriving soon after the New Year had been ushered In on a stiff wind. Harrow Is vine of those virtuous towns that celebeate New Year's by going to bed 'an hour earlier than usual. There was no bibulous' soul abroad in the streets as the Marshal mapped out his plan of campaign, which Was simple enough. ..| ir Cornéring the Burglars. Jones he placed well down the sireet at one end Winters at the Uther. He took up his own position opposite the post office in the shadow of a brick biuek. There were scudding clouds that obscured the moon, but from time to time be bad a clear view of the plain, square. sfructure that represented the sacred dignity of the government. " It was about one o'clock when Jones came gliding back from his post alosg the dark side of the street and told Abernathy that he had seen three figures . ; skulking into the town from his ead. The word v was passed to Winters, and the officers took cover tan fo tion. ' the. three ors Dest the Inn Senrwag. hea shure watch. shadows Into the moonlight in the middle of the street. won sailed out of rericement presently. and -- ane hands' aberanthy, leveili in its thin light they made out the three whom they Throw up ¥ nds! ron red . ing i : his shotgun had come (0 welcome The Yistiors Kept close fo- ' : 3 A gether on the bright side of the street and beaded eA > SHY OF 253 natant hile Ihe Squires foward ihe post loffice Nevers! doors from thet Stared at the apparitions thus rudely Isterrupting buildihg they came in front of one of \Hartow's twe oo 3 ns 5 a of Weapons Began an Interchange of Civilities and brought his weapon into play again. Abernathy ran up to the sidewalk as thts other crumpled -up-and with his deputies sent a rattie of shots down the street after the fugitive. The Marshal's shotgun was empty, and he had thrown it aside. He had his lnagazine revoiver out, and he pumped at the runner, who was Dielback, until he brought him down. As Dielback fell Abernathy"s weapon was empty Exit Quigg, At this instant the Marshal ln the heat of fighting bad worked up almost to the steps of the bank. Now he faced about to find, half hidden in the entrance, a little man, who held him covered With a big, old fastiioned revolver. The iittle man was Quigg. It was one of those seconds that seem In retrospect to have stretched out into aeons Abernathy kuew Quigg--knew he was a crack shot, A tyro could not have missed at the distance. The big Marsha! heard the burglar chuckle, saw the gleam of the blue steel barrel in the cold moonlight and saw the finger crooked about the trigger--all details took their place in a picture at which he seemed to have been gazing for hours. There was no fear in Mm. no hope, no emotion of any Kind. He waited, helplessly. The hammer fell. There was a olick As If polsed on springs Aberuathy leaped at Winters, who had not seen clearly what was passing, snatched the pistol from him and, turning It on Quigg, pumped a stream of lead tuto him as the burglar levelled again. Quigg screamed and Jumped from the door way. The Marshal met him, closed with him aud, grasping the burgiar's weapon, strove to win it Quige's strength was great. Now it was that of a fiend. The two spun and wrestled in a terrific strug- gle, Quigg striving to bring his gun Into play, Aber nathy bending all his power upon the wrist. And then, suddenly, the thing was over. The Marshal felt his opponent go Hump in his grasp and collapse. Aber nathy caught hin and lowered him to the ground. But Quigg had died on his feet, while still fighting. #he Marshal took account-at a glance. Jones was down, badly hurt. Winters was wounded. Quigg was dead. Dielback, #p the street, tay groaniug + pain. At the foot of the steps was Carpenter. Aber nathy bent over him, "Where'd you get it The wounded mén pressed a band to his breast. "I'm through," he sald quietly, "Did you know me?" "Sure," answered Carpenter, "We knew you the minute you sung out." ys dida't you throw tp your hands?" "Well, we saw it was three to three w we had as good a chance as you, -- be Bukes weakly, "you better look out for that chalr there. Lucky some one didn't kick ft over" 2 When Abernathy "xamined the chalr, which bad not been disturbed in the conflict, he found upon it € packages Quigg bad placed there, & ough nitro. giscerine to have blotted the town of Harrow off the map, Larpenter died of his wounds four hours later, after baving given all the detalls of the burglars' "move ments to the Marshal. It bad been their purpose to rob the Post Office after ¢ leaning out the bank. Diel- back was picked up in a serious condition but iste recovered. He is now serving his time in prison. Abernathy is not a wan who wastes much time In fumbling aroved what might have been. But he had & considerable curiosity concerning the fallure of Quigg's pistol, to which be owed his life. The re- volver, he found, had been carried fu the little man's right hang overcoat pocket. In this pocket' Was aa empty whiskey flask, stopped w cru eaten cork, " ha Biz, worm. When . Abernathy came to exam closely the mystery was cleared, " Ce ger of thd mechanism was a toy plees the cork. It was wedged firmly in such a manner so ster: effectively with the discharge of the revolver. When Quigg pressed the trigger the plunger was crowded obstacle and fell ~ As to the Rum Habit, And so it Is that the U : 3 3 f Okiaboma has nothing to say against He believes it is all very well, like matters, at times and k not insisted upon buying the w have bad the Sask In his pockes, e had the Sask there would have been mo there had been no cork there y Abernathy, .. Barrow, Piped. Halves, | said." & small baoks. UF was an ordiary bank but vee siery ad at i In beight. plaluly built and sepe tov strongly barred. The visitors stepped before its door and gathered In consultation. "By Jinks! they're try the bank first," a soing to try rst; "Parlaying." suggested Jones Abernathy waried them to silence. The burglars thetn. "Then came swift fog "1 have had bullets come so ¢ ed lars got his gau Mio action t, and with a crash six i souid Test We wind of them, be mm weapons begag in interchange of eivilities. The fash DP os ny of rapid shots cieft the pale t Shouts snd Most home rans against my hy crackling reports rang over the sieeping town. close Lo passing out One of the men on the steps e@ptiod an automatic SEAInNSt uy revolver Into the street, whipped out another and "Tha