Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1912, p. 1

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ena sasdih tential wad bl v he Daily British Whio_ YEAR 79-NO. 253 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1912. . "LAST EDITION, -- . ROACHES AND BEDBUGS BOY TERRIBLY BURNED. UNITED STATES CONGRESS Are Branded as Carriers of Typhoid PITH 1]3 NEWS Mother Refuses Offer of Two to BECKER SENTENCED > Germs. Give Skin. Washington, Oct. 30.--Cockroaches -- Chicago, Oct. 30. Because she feared MAY NAME THE PRESIDENT ad hedbuge are the latest insects to : that it might result in their death, y he bral as the carriers of typhoid and having the example of William ' fever germs, according to Surgeon R. Despatches From Near And Rugh, the Gary, Ind., newaman-mar- : E. Riggs, U.S.A. Experiments on the . tyr, constantly before her, Mrs. Wil cruiser Newark, made some time ago| * Distant Places liam Kirk refused to permit Edward made Dr. Riggs suspicious of bugs in . Hawley and Vail Gary to give up * . A Possibility if no Candidates \ pons yr Gowrie Jo tweaty square inches of skin cach io | particular. He tells of sn outbreak save the life of her six-year-old son J | of typhoid at a naval post-on apn Willie, The child was terribly burned ) : isolated island where he was ifi charge "But after thinking of Rugh 1 can bh Ef of the water an nod supply. Card not bear, to bt ans "sus ek bo tak. | (FRE 3 ro 1 study was ma 10 discov: » 4 ' B 3 ne, for the alarming spread of the diseass| PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST might save Willie's life. But 1 hope| [2 #0 fe DEADLOCK IN HOUSE R(T men fhe er ol EE TC And LL TAKEN TO SING } ally were convicted by Dr. Riggs as Cl an inch, then there will be no risk. 2 : i ce : es | the distributors. The Whig's Dally. Condensation of TAFT STILL SUPPORTS : AND THERE MIGHT ALSO BE MUCH CASH FOUND. the News of the Worid From Tele- . oN : Lo AND PLACED AT ONCE IN TANGLE IN SENATE. araph Service and Newspaper Ex. | Reciprocity With Canada--Tells) [ERLE Ne DEATH CELI ' About to Burn Bed Pulls Out a| changes. i What He Has Done. . y > ee There are Twenty-two Democratic Roll of $4,000. A doubie funeral wus held to-day for |, Washington, Ot. 30~Drusident i His Wife Collapsed When Her Hus. nd Tw . Republic: $a Rochester, Minn., Oct. 30.--The find-| Mr. and Mes. Wilfinm Manwaring. Tor- Tait, to-day, issued a statement, a enty-two : publican ing of a small fortune in an old mat. | onto. showing a list of accomplishments of band Kissed Het----Accompanied States With Four States Evenly sress that he was sbout to burn, was| N. W. Rowell addressed the Canad- | Bi% Top umes mentioning among other \ Him to Cell----Littie Hope in KHé Divided, so Their Vote Would | ~ the experience of William Schultz. |ian Club, Toronto, on the temperance things, his aru atiempts Arig gard to the Appeal. Not Count. » The mattress had been in the family's | question. Tetiproeity = wi BBACS. a Now York. Oct. 3d Washi sion for years, and some time| John Lyle was ordained a Congrega- | "87% he still supports," and believes it Srey 1 pin Let. He Charles Becker, alin, O30 Wik, dows CRG was rioatad Ls th sermp pie (ional minitr hare of Spesio | Sh, cemLtal some, Lo be bout of ure ad popu' ut ust Ve paigners all confident of victory at the . Mr: Schultz decided to burn the | church, Guelph between the (wo great nations of |' tenced 10 be electrocuted in Sing Sing slection next Tuesday, there was a re mattress and was about to apply the Major Ste bs vs, of Montreal, may | Norte America. He sayy he does not ; prison during 'the 'week of Descuher vival here of speculation as to the ¢ match when he felt a small hard roll, ; OPP 5 Hos. Mr. Coderre in Hoche- think the United States could stand " § h. Becker stood impassive and un possibility that congress might be re ] which he pulled out. It proved toi-laga byc-el ction. . | the shock of a democratic president . moved as Justice Golf pronounced the yuired to name the next president. i h be a roll of greenbacks, amounting to | * 48t¥ss Of a Tammany system in being elected. awful words, Such a Sontingaiicy could only come a $4,000, Mr. Schultz is unable to ex- wary hilar, MrGito, were made at a rtm I'he prisoner's faithful wife, who is about if mone of the presidential can plain the presence of the money in "°° : neg! ng IF SHERMAN DIES to become a mother in January, was didates Secure a majority of the Klee the mattress. : Wilhham Simpson, pioneer furniture mercifully refused ission to stand toral Colle oor 96 ol a manufacturer of Berlin, dropped dead > a . ik parmy 0. a ~or 206 electoral votes . PR ---------------------------- the: stat iatior Hlefore Nov. 1st, Republicans Must + by her husband s side in the court If Wilson, Tali vr = Roosevelt divided 'Genevieve Curl" is Latest. oe "Ma Blo Pr orm, Choose Another Candidate. PRIVATE JACK MURDOCH room in such a fashion that none reeeived Washington, Oct. 30.~The latest] °'F Yagkenze towell is reported at Utica. N.Y f! Oct. 30. ViesPresident Who was aise Killed, Murdoch's real District Attorney Whitman formally 206 votes, then the election would au ! thing in Washington is the "Genevieve | gags '® ll 100, 2 Eye teh. oll elt 3 Hes Lie ne A cj demanded sentence for the murder of i Deh PPI eR hehbe ibd . 5 r c His mothe is Mrs. Washl: C i James Sherman, who is also Prebident | 1rict ; bf Prine Albert = Rosenthal. Lawyer Melniyre, broken tomatically be thrown into the House i ER curl," which has been originated by - pe e 3 X ton Biglow, © of Representatives. 7 Miss Uienevieve Champ Clark, the at: # Talt's running. mate in the coming | ic in health, following his hard fight for : A 5 : OFFICIALLY. RECOGNIZED. #/| presidential elections, is dying at his rei L It ow figured t tod that A hit a LED, presidential elections, is dying . Ronkar i as Lgured out to-cav that = : tractive and brilliant daughter of the @| liome--here. If his death oceurs before | LAURIER WILL NOT GIVE UP Becker's life, made various objections, such a case there would very likely be ; 2 Speaker and Mrs. Clark pS a A " 5 which were noted. It was plain that a deadlock in the house. According to ko The G rinve e ii : ba Washington, Oct. 30.-- &| November 5th, election day, the re : sa he hoped for little from neal , itutional " 1 g A te Gencvieve curl is a baby ring: The high cost of living in &|publicans must hurriedly choose an- [His Naval Policy So Long as He ¥ om aa appeal. the constitutional procedure, in bal * ns SR let just below the right ear. The curl 3 ' { : Contrary to the usual custom, Beck- loting for the president nnd vice-pre PR i ea " . Au g! . € - New York and Chicago has ¢ |other candidate. Leads the Liberals. or 'was not permitted it h sident the representatives must vote must be a positive one to be effective, been recognized officially by --le Sherbrooke, : Que Oct. 30 ow t permitted wo stay in the ; } . .. not 'a mere suspicion of a curl, and the treasury department and Youthful Robbers Hold Up Train. | "There are th par oe. {Tombs prison till the appeal is heard, by states, one ballot for cach repre PRIVATE JOHN BANNATYND above all it must not only grow but hereafter its transient - Tere are those who say to me thut was immediately taken to soli- sentative, the state's electoral vole to | of the s$th Highlanders, who wes| remain on one's head loyees in th _-- - Muskogee, Okla., Oct. 30.--Three| Give up this naval policy': but no,|tary continement in Sing Sing prison be cast as 8 whole. killed in the wreck on the return of Mise Clark is busily engaged teach: Pp owed ae - will youthful robbers held up a . south. |! Will not give it up. So long as 1} Mrs. Becker, who was waiting in Sher- It was the general assumption of | the troops from the Thanksgiving Day |. > oe a J Re : 1 y for ex- bound Missouri, Kansas and Texas |lead the liberal party, so long will it}iff Harburgee's office collapsed when " » dak manoeuvres Bannatyne was aged ing the new wrinkle in 'coiffure to hes penses, 'instead of $5. " > do its Fk b . a " those who "doped out" the situation | cwenty.ane. has relatives in eastern youn: friends, and the creator of The increase however tmain south of Eufalfa yesterday, and |d0 its duty by the nation and by thelher husband came out and kissed her, that where states were divided the | and western Canada A od Holo Tok ean) i ot » weer, compelled the engineer to detach the |empite. The liberal party never|uit.. nemg sentenced. She recovered "unit rule" would apply and the ma the agury express and baggage cars and rup|BiVes up what it believes to be it8|shortly aftewards, and was permitted Burro y : 2 y the eternal gratitude of the younger agents in other cities. 3 " Ei Sudidate ould. receive the SQUANDERED MONEY set at ---- itl ig this Another feature of the them ahead, then rifled the express ut, ineinz: sente NN ol to accompany her condemned husband state's vote. There are now forty fetching innovation. safe. Company officials believe the n ringing sentences and eloquent, his death cell in Sing Sing. eight states, 0 divided that twenty WITH POOR RESULT ; trea vtions te robbers got several thoussnd dollar: patiode, puta > themen tous five Stites Sonitiuse 2 Majority. § First White OhIld 1 Ohl | L applause, Sir Wilfric Laurier las Names Occupants of Car. pre ocratic and re : Dead Duluth, 'Minn., Oct. 30.--Eustace ment is that its employees night reaflirmed his confidence in the : : \ -- will be allowed 50 cents a es : New York, Oct. 30.--William Sha- publican «tl th in the house, by a . LAD DID NOT principles of liberalism, and especial-| ih states, is exactly divided twenty-two Receiver of Hudson Bay Develop- Roussain, Duluth's first white child, is Say Tor His. first timo. the ly in the effectiveness of the naval hiro, driver of the Sr Whishy brouglt Sh ue, other as Co Conc MES. | i ST, 3 permet ha Ser oer THAT HE WAS SHOT| Ly Prosomnasd br he bers ss, seis. Soveean ad Vv mJ ver AS, Baal Delt ally sanctioned the tip. le. 2 he be davit in the district attorney's office st bh, The evenly divided states R all his life. He had taught Indians fettie, and made one of the best and SINE hat the aot Une A could cast no vote, in which case a gport. to read and write and he had long w---- most effective speeches of bis career : ] deadlock between the democrats and | | 40 (ei. 30.--That the resources | DOR known as a sportemsn's guide Revolver Jest Ends in Tragedy-- The occasion was the compliments Bight of the Siling wute Page Prang, 3 + : : / , . v i 4 i ! at ' a « N. * republicans might very well oceur. The of the company have been recklessly | 30d ~friend, interceding between the Werley hospital, Toronto, as showin ary banque x Jandaret 3 Whitey Lewis. situation is further complicated by the | op ied without sufficient regard | White hunters and the Indians in how fame improvement in condition ' MeGrea, 3. P.. for Sherbrooke, 3 the . : , Buti t . 4 : > ; »f Sherb e and ( sur-} pr nn fost a li Be to the object for which it was formed | tile days. A passenger train was derailed at | roping us, "The banquet was| FROM BOYISOOUTS 70 OA va fie elt ¥ | to attain, is the opinion of the official ' a pet Millbrook om Wednesday and just es! . . . WTS. HPN Nous tails feito. hia ohserxations. wuder-dhe SINGER'S DEATH SOUGHT . od plungingeglonn ap embankmens. }. Montreal, Ugtober #0. -- Puncture v semed this constituency | To Form a Cadet Corps in First 3 iid ily Jods Resbiet winding-up order made against the y ne advance in the cost of repairin Ciro the intestines-hy & bullet from | pile Who I adam a 3 Kingston Troop. it de oan ny SOM Hudson Bay and Pacific Railway and shoes went into effect at Toronto a a revolver in the hands of ilfrid » Sir Wilfrid, the Hons. R . : . vice-president who would antomatical: Devel . o 4 ; ' 21 Kin- 1 8 to Sir rig, t sh, A meeting of St. George's Boy ly begome executive. In the wen: velopment company. another will be effective next ng. Warner, of Montreal, Ellison MeéKin | Seouts, first Kingston troop, has been at afoms chil exce a tr-dle-over di- ps accounts show gross liabilities Attorney-tieneral Foy directed that a [non, seventeen years old, died at the Mackenzie King and many members | called for Wed AS hows oy A at 3 | ,752, and the assets, with in- . coroner's inquest be held in Toronto | Royal Victoria Hospital. h roviticial cabinet were les X if u . ' ) pres 3 e's Sev. . Farid i 9a" Tan. Taan. and terest in charter taken at cost price, Jealous Enemy Tried fo Kill Vocalist as a result of the Streetsville wreck. Warner had gone to Avonmore) k ph 2001 vstos All ---- to had oa a . are given at £110,300. The company or Permanently Injure Dr. Paquet, M.P, has resigned |home, to spend the holiday with ited in eulogizing the work of Mr. } on discussed, the chief of whi FPEFPEPPL P2029 Pet pa tad i a ER TR SOR RA ++ Bd Add dd dd > Sb dd ree yee was incorporated in 1901, said the ve from the positipn of Quebec conser |friends. He, with McKinnon, "Ores, who, for the first time since . : HEAVY CONSUMPTION. ceiver, to construct a railway from vative whip in the House of Com- | Frank Grant and a bank glepkwolder- Lo diioiation. was able to win the a the Jetuation i spay w---- Fort Churchill to, Calgary, the capital mons. ed down the main trou, i seat over to the liberal side. Thislp, eg ne he gan My Whiskey, Beer, Cigars, and Cigar. | being £2,500,000, and all that had| Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 30.--Through | - Mrs. Mabel Green (or Potter) cow-|led to firearms. : / achievement was largely due to the 'of "0. Oe. bi i oult ettes Consuined. been done was to syrvey 300 miles of | the agency of candy which had been mitted suicide in Detroit in order that "id you ever see the big revolvers strong personality of the liberals a 0 Te in the (roo * Washington, Oct. 30.--The American the route and construct 750 miles of dipped in a solution of bichloride of ther little child might be taken into » |which we have at the bank?" asked qiidate, and partly, to his popular- Should this move materialize a --- ----- drinki t mo whiskey road through the bush, mercury an unidentified enemy sought orphans' home. the clerk, producing one. ity with all classes as well as 10 they in wnount of the scout trainin flonls are drinking more poy Sue ve the life of Miss Isabel Sparks, soprano | President Madero will interfere no| "No," answered the hoy. 400d cause which he espoused will be continued with the ---- bef in bh fre " rd to OLD SHAH SEEN ABOUT. __ soloist at Christ Church, the leading more in the 'care of General Felix] "That's. a big gun," said Warner The banquet, which crowded the| oo. "Ci ni much to them becom: ta. t ae ied by Toy IE Ca : OMe re: iscopal congregation of the city, |[Diaz, who has been condemmed to !"l# it loaded? largest hall in Sherbrooke to suffoca-{;. 0 oi cadets, and they will have jas returns recei 4 4) = 8°) Goes to Opera; Often Spends Even-| who lives at 2511 Auburn avenue. lt [death at Vera Cruz "No," said the clerk. tion, was attended by the leading he No nition and support of the Fras soutnifuiahet enuina) hy 1619 ing in Auto. is this church that President Tait usu- | Trinity College conferred the honmor-| '"Ihen throw up your hands," {cjizens of the eastern townships, | og Th ay STR ill sor rom A > Hop o'| Odeesa, Oct. 30.--During the last ally attends when in the city. ary. degree of D.1. on Bishop Hamil- | Ellison, or 1 will shoot you," said land was a striking tribute to Sir Ks ue x Live txt y. eou EE a Sai of '1,000,000,000 week Mohammed Ali, the ex-shah of] Miss Sparks ate three pieces of the [ton of mid-Japan, and presented Dr. |Waraer. Wilfrid Laurier and to Mr. McCrea i» : OP smojtd,. sh increase od ofthe | Persia, has been in daily receipt of a candy and became very ill. Her life | Liwyd with a purse of gold "My hands are up," shouted Me ee in Played Ball on Sunda veg. nn ke all S pe voluminous correspondence [vom Per- | ¥3* saved by the prompt ministra- King Ferdinand of Bulgaria dir- {Kinnon wm jest. 'Go ahead aad shoot." RECIPROCITY AND FARMER. a ¥ % y. . Pregipus » Wh TS 150.000 1 sia. Confidential emissarics are a. | 11908 of the family physician ected his victorioup army that ha: |Warner pulled the trigger and the i Boys who play ball on Sunday will ; L aL pg AE gal gain frequently passing between the City and fedéra) detectives have been |Suceeded in turnifig the = Turkish | weapon exploded The Oswego N. Y. Palladium Has | ger nto trouble--that is if the police ons of whiskey during July, August{Fo0 ILE here and the, roy. | fdeavoring to /obiain a clew to the | forces at Adrianople and is advane-| Mchinnon was. the first to speak Comments to Make. get a tip about it. Four lads, wo it and September, an increase of 450,000 Slit ho oo 7 OY" | identity of the criminal. ing to Constantinople. Bi "Come on boys," he said, "l am not 's alleged, had a little game of base gallons as compared with tha. uarter The dun: irs at Lumb. Tope. It is pointed out that the aim of} Fhe season for white fish and lake Pshot," and he started off up the Reports from MNingston, Canada, [hail in Fromtense park last Sunday, sb 1). while AMary 5.800 Song rr ba oy gi Gite recently the sender of the candy might have |trout; 'which expires to-morrow, has street. A few minutes later McKin- show that the potato on - She and they will be summoned 10 Sppess ne and 000 Darel i a gy ¢ close domestic seclu-{}en the permanent injury of the girl's |been extended by order (f the marine | non complained ofa pain in his back |SPOW that the potato crop of the TOV: | before the police magistrate on Friday, A total of 19,500,000 barrels of beor | sion he observed since his return 10 {yoeal organs : i . i ; : Da "Mes ince of Ontano, the most populated § afternoon . rn y Odes 4 . dai ocal 'organs through inducing k- fand fisheries department till Novem. |and he fell, moaning, *'Moys, 1 am 4 C 1 s ote Tail were Consumed during the three | Ode Sand is now almost. daily seen gs "55 the drug has that tendency. | ber 10th on the great lakes. shot." SECLIGR. 'ob anuca, MW & FOMp es a e nionths, wl was ,000 barrels | abroad "in° his motor ar. For the -- Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch,| The young man was rushed to the |Uo® this year and i hat ed oe A temporary bar is being construe: more 4 in the same period of 1911. first fine in any months he, the : aie | the writer, commissioned in 1897 to [hospital here, accompanied by , his | "37 © import nou Bats of te ed in the writing-room of the Ran receipts for Oc- | other ay, exchanged visi®s with the IT WAS EXCITING. finish Robert Louis Stevenson's un- |iather. Young Mchinnon, before he of rip vor orcer 10 Suppl 16 GF | dolph hotel, pending the renovations governor, : : +. wie. | completed novel, "St. Ives," has been [died a few hours later, exonerated his ARC JOF Lhe. . - and enlargement of the present wine > - - Rat in Church Makes Pastor's Wife appointed professer of English litera. [companions from all blame. Un the other hand, the Rotate erop | pqom. oher, in the Marvied Sixty-nine Years. Climb High. ture at Cambrid ita . in the United States, especially io ' ge University. -------------- : : ) _ Washington, Oct. 30.--Mr. and Mw, | Babylqy, L.k, Oot. 30.--An ugly| While playin in the middie of the - TORN TO PIBCES this section, is the largest hn the MARRIED, -- | Stillman Moore are celebrating their | lodking rat was the cause of disorder | street at Windsor, Ont., with a com- ------ Counts has Sve Known, ent po athe BRAMAH--CORKEY---At Kingston, in ; ed will robabiy 1 in- sixty-ainth wedding nhiveraity, Both | at jhe Fmt Baptist ware hare lant panion, pad in atismpting to Sudge In the Pulp Mill at Hawkesbury ou)" gp a half of what they St. Mary's Cathedral. 'on Oct Balkans shortly. are n y-one years old, r Birth . omen jum on chairs anda waggon, William, the ten-year-o Monda ., 2 : Hanley, Thomas Bramah, The Duke of Connaught has gone | days being two days apart, dnd oh] t and the wife of the minister {son of Dennis Behan, was struck by a . yf Canada, like the United States, ha Kingston, to Jennie Corkey, moos Sudbury. ' ) Tha . t : ; ven ba G nd Hawkesbury, Unt., Oct. 30.--~A fatal ja high tariff wall surrounding it. The this city y k "ing erin ee honleh. ie formerly _ lived laps on top of the inne to i" alas eyele, Seven by Sonor Netin, accident took place Monday at the | American farmers 'can not send their | ee oe . . ta" $ - Ios uw oo CC | Riordan paper pulp mill. A Polish [surplus of potatoes into Canada and DIED. Men grabbed chairs, and anything | The police will hold an investigation. : A : re ------------ ------ x} y g ' ohi 8 +. . {workman who tended the kotter gang, Ipay the high rate of tarifi at a point, | FRANKLIN In Kingston, on O#t that was handy to hurl al the rat! Capt. Archibald McMaugh, Si. Ca- 1 £ 2 ' hd 2 4 but it & fully do i he | thavines, Ont., aged seveaty-four, one |® machine jor grinding up the &no ov they must rest opie to take 232 id h tree: harness D br les ae . op a the of the est khown marine officers of |#nd chips not disentegrated in thelwhat they can get this country fon Prankiin, aged 77 years ssiles and took refuge under the the great lakes, died, on Wednesday. ) Pulp digesters, was alarmed by a sud- their crop. And Yauada. can not send | Funeral ii take lace from his late . ' : i ice y y gz n residence, # , at 3% a Deacon C. B. Simmel finall saw | He sailed the great Jakes in the old den spurt of steam from a pipe beside any of its surplds into this country ] Cararannt ery Prion. ---------- Si ---- h . Hei oN. y days, when wooden sailing vessels him and stepping back hastily was Had the reciprocity agreement been and sequaint@nces respectfully in- the tail of the rat sticking out from | Ce. thick siterwards taking charge | C89ght in a large pulley and Literally | carried out this tari wall would have vited to attend. to Pasition of That . under the piano and stood upon 4 of Ome of the biggest steel age torn to pieces. Fragments of the up [been razed and the American farmers -- a in When the other men were rolling the!l./ (W0 O into fashion. "| to¥tiniate man's body were thrown to [would be able to send their surplus 'pnd DOERE J. REID, piano away to get at the rat Mrs. . -- : svery corner of the room. potatoes across Lake Ontario and get Jenting Undertaker, ] . Judson. the Nils > the. wiinkeer, Jost Lavergne Opens Campaign the advanced prices because of increas | Phone 877. Princess Street. . nee rom top of : demand. -- i the piano, but fortunately did not! Uttawa, Oct. 30.-Armand Lavergne SENTENCED This is but one of the many inst mat AMES REID Svar hoeatul Hie Intestians might} sustain serious injury. is open a campaign. in Quebec to ™0 BRUTES ees where reciprocity rl pr The JA Firm of Usdertakers, he wt ad determined upos : uphold . F. D. Monk's position ed the farmer of this eountry 254 and 256 PRINCESS STRENT, or rg legitimate defence of its in: TO WED PROFESSOR. that there should be-a plebiscite on : 10 THE PENITENTIARY "Phone 147 for Ambulance, eres the question of the ney oun HEAVY GALE ON THE LAKE. z ; VES AND RANGES, Widow of Former President An-! tribution. His first meeting 'will be ---- TQ 0 nounces Engagement. puiday; Sov. Int. in Quebes.. comity, For Committing 2 Crile 00 20) rate Marine News Gathered Around reas Dest lot we RL not even been a reinforcement of the| Prince NJ, 'Oot.. 30.Mrs | 'OR Lo. Ue ES Seal. . the Harbor. fe. io. At peace footing of the army. the an. | mranging to hold a series of inet: Aged Woman on Big Island Marine men, arriving in port, this | Tone 705 Sn Bbuncensent of her 5 *Aement to | ings in Quebec. Near Picton. afternoon, report a very hsivy sea on : Not Time ior Intervention. Thomas Jes Prestod, professor of i ' the lake last night. A gale set in New Table Figs New York, Oct. 30.--A London | ehaeology and history of fine arts, Mr. Angley Purchases Cruiser. Picton, Oct. 30. --Wesley Palmer |oarly and continued all night. New Sweet Older cable says: The posishility of inter. {®t Wells' College. The date of the | Watertown, N.¥. Oct. 30.--Harey {and Herbert Henderson were sen-| The steamer Windsor, of the Mont vention by the great / miafrisge is not yet determined, but Angley has purchased the eabindd |ienced to fourteen and sevem years, | real Transportation company, dam Malaga Grapes Balk will be announced later. >| cruiser Marne ftom Hefiry Whitney to! ruspectively, in the pemitentiary by {aged in an accident some time ago, is Cadbury's Chocolates i veplace the boat which was burned | 'kief Justice Sir tlenholme Falcon fnow in commission again, in thecosl| Big Yankee Warship. jut Chaumont several weeks ago. The | pridge at the assizes here yesterday fo: | trade, between Montreal and Fuir-| ~~ Tovegona Almonds - New York, Oct. 30.--In the provence | Te €78ft Will be khown as the Rene |, terrible crime committed against | haven. Grenoble Walnuts of President Taft and his advisers. the Iv. Hts amma plate un je URIQUE | aigy Julia Allison, aged seventy-three | A slight mishap oceurred in the Sicily Filberts mammoth battleship New York, Uncle in hat Rr breaye wion of Mr.}oears in the end of July, in the town- | Montreal Transportation company's Sam's latest super-dreadnought, quiet- | "5icY * handwriting. ship of Sophinstiurgi¥ slip, om Tuewiny. Some of the barge Brazil Nuts slid into the waters here two 'men went home on {were being moved, w was ac ly ay wre and Gymnastic Feat Saves Life, ot 19, on Big Island, twelve males | cidentally jammed into another, lopd Hickory Xu armament of ten fourteen-inch guns, | George Bews, a stotemason, fell {from Picton, at two o'cleck ed with grain, ready to procesd to Chestouts. . Hh greston: Suagiug batty in. dhe | eonul A a ding, k Montreal, and both barges were badly | (oder SPALED OYSTERS shaken up. : y An enormous amount of conl is be (Solid mests only) Mcllillan, of Napanse, jeape. He i , {Orville Allison, seventy ing turned out at Charlotte and Os x -- agi Day in the ol -- forw: v and goi wogo, these days. Some of the local Na Lea Mhrvin, Ring street Taam ; uchoapers wre wing delayed, 'JAS. & C0. : 2 a A 3 4 trips, as a result, a

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