Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1912, p. 5

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FT Home University Library Three Family Books Each volume written by a recognized authority on its subjegt. special o By LL. TV Hobhoute, M.A ., Professor of Sociology in London University, CONSERVATISM. By Lord Hugh Cecil, M A. MF, THE SOCIALIST MOVEMENT By J. Ramsay Macdonald, M.P., Author of "Socialism and JAhe Government." : Each subject Is of living and permanent interest, and the books are written for the g-weral Meader as well as the student ; PRICE ONLY 30c¢ volume OVER FIFTY VOLUMES NOW READY AT UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 25. ' se sr re ee tr Cheers the tired after a hard day's work: LIPTON'S TEA Have you tricd the Grey Label Blend. 40c¢ per 1b. THE QUEEN MILLINERY | We never tire of directing your attention to our SPECIAL- TO-ORDER feature of our Millinery Business. We aim to provide Hats that are original and distinctive. We make hats that crest the wave of fashion, giving the materials used in thelr construction the little quirks that make the Queen Millinery distinc ve, Come here and see some of the Hats that we have produced within the past few days, and which are to go out into use im- mediately. One distinguishing feature Is that we never make two hats | alike, imparting ideas and skill to make every hat ordered | Special abmolytely different." Prices Very Moderate N -------- GTON STREET wTewen' 174 WELL'N wey ww wi . Wet Weather Shoes for Men and Women at $4.00, $450 and $5.00 = The demand has steadily grown for a boot © which ¢buld be worn in wet weather, without a subber. , We bave them in Black and Tan Calf with viscolized Soles, See theut at REID & CHARLES HEINTZMAN AND CO. "REAL BARGAINS IN Twenty slightly used Upright Pianos, all in good condition, at one-third to one hall .the original price, on small weekly or monthly payments, ! ' Write for needed particulars, : 3 a5 AN & CO., Limited 199.3.7 YONGE ST.. TORONTO. a 0. please mall We to-day a list ef shighily advertised in' thd Kingston Whis. ; a rhs x x el > = 1 EE EE EN i Seren Saw LP aiearay $ » ® . # MES AGL. Err ------ aint omecuimalat aot ammsiotaanidehis otc ea THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1912 " - ROBBED THE CITY OF NCMBER | UF LABORERS. snd Shovels ' the Dropped Their Picks {ahd Respinded to Calle | | Light Plant's Work Suffers For | Lack of Men, . } The labor market in Kingston is sui | {fering as a result of the war in the | Balkans Manager Folger of the jeivic light plant, bad a squad of men |""on the job," engaged in excavauion iwork, but as soon as war was declar- wd, the mea dropped their picks and shovels, and hurried back to their nat- {ive land, to take up arme. The séar- feity of labor has been felt in all lines jof trade, and wn corporation work it has been a great problan to secure {the wuch-needed help. | | At the meeting of the civic utilities | committee held on Tuesday afternoon, [the question of hurrying up tome of ithe work, the committee has on hand, {was taken up, when the members were {informed by Manager Folger, regard: {ing just how bard it was to secure {men. He told the committee how the declaration of war had robbed him jof workmen, and pointed out that {the labor problem was a most serious one, ; § i tne committee had very little pusi-! ness, apart from that of a routine {mature, to transact. The chairman, Ald. Rigney, presided, and the other members present were Alds. Flliott, Bailey and Harrison. | Bein the lowest tender, in each case, Wilkam Cockburn, Kingston, was , recommended tor the work of the er- tection of a new smoke stack, required a8 a result of the new boilers which {are beng installed, at a cost of $459. | MeKelvey and Birch, for the supply «1 jive tons of lead pipe, at seven cent: {per pound; Canadian Fairbanks com pany, Montreal, for the supply of a toot valve, at #115. ' It was thought that the supply of lead pipe on hand would be sufficient to see the plant through the .present senson, hut owing to the very heava demand made upon it as a result of the great number of new services be ing installed, an extra supply has to be secured. Some new lights were asked by the fire and light committee, and th committee agreed to install them, and at the same time lo investigate th the desire of the committee to place lights where it is possible to do so, but atethe same time to have them placed where they will do the most good. © . A per.tion was received for W>wa ter works extension of about sixty feet on Frontenac street, and it will be reporied upon favorably. The manager was instructed to pun chase twenty-five newb electric meters to meet the demand. The chairman referred to his visit with Ald. Harrison and Manager Fol ger, to Dr. WMeCullough, chief health officer of Ontario, Toronto, regarding water conditions in Kingston The chairthan will report to the city coun. él on the matter. Ald. Harrison gave the members the benefit of the information he had se cured regarding sewage disposal, in Hamilton, and during the courte ot his remarks made a suggestion to the Board of Works for that hody te tion for the construction of a storm drainage system for the city. would be for the carrying off of water from a rain storm. The of works will, no doubt, take up the suggestion. THE LATE GEORGE ROBINSON. | Formerly Resided in Kingston, Cata- | raqui and Morven. ] George Robinson, aged sisty-iwo | vears, whe died in Mettord, Sask., on | Saturday, of heart trouble, was known! tp his mtunate friends as a man of | genuine Christian character, Rev. Wil-| usm Uraig, Alfred street, spoke to the | Whig in terms of highest regard. The late Mr: Robinson vas an official in! his charge at Yasaranui, some years ago, and way a most Liberal supporter | of the church. While in the city he was! a member of Princess street Methodist | church. -- pi | The deceased went west about threo {mouths ago, and visited relatives, among them his daughter, Mrs. \ Koss, of Edmonton. this health not-good: % i The late Mr. Robinson came ovigin-| ally from Morven and went to Catara- | qui as a cheese maker. Mpout eight years ago he and his family removed to this city and resided on Aelson street. For a couple of years he wan inspector of cheese factories fo tenn, but, owing to his ill ! Fetived. | was | (formerly Miss Valleau, and two daughters, Mrs. KN. monton' and Miss school at Sydenham. Ross, Fd- Looked on as a Model. cent issue devoted a page conducted as "I'he Sunday School Chie,' to Syden- ham streec Methodist Bible school of this Sy. The specialist of the week was v. E. W. Halpenny, general se- cretary of ee Bop: Sunday school writer, treats the institution as a model for Sony. He speaks . of its dent" ha claims made for other lights. It ix] give some consideration to a proposi | This | Within reach of the championship otf | all | the Interprovimeial Amateur Rugby board | { straight in, the Big Four, defeating' Froun- varsity x : 2 health, | The deceased is survived by his wife | At of Morven), |. pighting Dick" Hyland pounded tho : 4" iface of Joe Bayley, Lillian, teaching | lightweight A . { feree Tommy Burns called the fifteen, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CLINIC. | round bout a draw. Sydenham Street Methodist School gang i jcome up fresh in the last round, oi; weather The Sunday school Times in: a re | What proved to be the best fight ever THE SPORT REVIEW = ! da ; ---- eon ime vn | Dainty F ootwear for Women Some of the Players sore After! Matches in Toromto and Hamfi}-! ton----LQueen's Soccer Team Leads the League, Lueen's senjor rugbyists were' gut | for a light drill on Tuesday morning. | The team is a little crippled and 11 wiil take three or four days to the soreness out and turn them out! in their best form. Dunlop has a bad | knee which keeps him pretty quit for | the present. kiliogt has a :ore should- | er from Yagsity's gontinusl bucking. | Uther bruises are being rubbed out as! quickly as possible by trainer * Whitmore. } The boss who played Varsity last | Saturday were pleased with the game | It was a hard fought contest and Var i sity played as if they were desperate, | Fhey did not win until the wind drop- | ped in the last hali which was one of | work Joe ; I Patents in Lace, Blucher and Buttons on the new, nar- row lasts, medium and wide toes, at $5.00, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 Tans, Kid and Gun Metals, in all styles, for street wear $6.00, 5.00, 4.00, 3.50 A pleasure to show you these styles the fortunes of war, and it went! against Queen's. Lueon's was super- | ior in bucking and the halves seemed | evenly matched on both sides. Neichey i made any brilliant énd rans. These were quickly smothered by both sides i Une essential superiority \arsity"s hal | ves showed was their quick starting to EE . re------------------------------ ------------------------ ABERNETHY'S run after a Queen's kick. They seemed to get away very rapidly and gained forwards; DB. Hall, centre: long stretches in this way. It' wae and Conley, defence, also thought that Hazlett kicked 0a] seferee--Melville McConnell. far for hs wings wmech could not coy | ght, er the space of his long kicks in time Queen's Hockey Team. and Varsity had the chance of bring The first medting of Queen's hockey ing che ball back from the kick to! club will be held w the old arts build. great advantage. Neither, (eam got | ing on Oct. lst. The weeting will away with many trick plays. Both | be an open one and a big turnout of played a hard close battle all through. | wo. tans and players i expected Clish" Reid heid out splendidly and | the oilivers will be elected and th | played both games in Toronto and! business of the season commenced in Hamilton. Ethott, Slicer, Macdoonell| 4 (and Dunlop were all off in whe Hamil | "4 -- ton game, and spares were put in| READY FOR (their places. Tigers were not such a} stiff proposition. | The A good deal of anxiety was felt], about Lueens on Tuesday morning | jover the absence of Erskine and **Joe { Whitmore, who stayed behind in Ham. | Wrote the jilton. It was feared that they were in| the ctatement : E { the wreck, but they turned up Toor | Corot ola habit was considered dan- having come on the second section oi ' erous and insidious. The statement jthe same train that brought the vest| "8s made by Dr. HM. W. Wyley, late tof the team. | pure foods commissioner of the 1 nited Ahi | States. It was also told at & | Eliminate Flying Wing. New Jersey state gathering the popu { Arthur Ross, coach of the Montreal | 147 drink had an injurious effect upon { Football Club, advocates an amend- | the human system. The Whig's corre ment to the present rules in the in-| SPondent urg®d an investigation. ter-provincial and - Inter-collegiate e afe 10. sein ol uo lutte { Unions, which will probably receive) the geaeral éounse : {consideration at the next meeting | O™Pany, at Atlanta, Ga., calling at lof the respective leagues. He would |1e0HoD to the article. The compan) | have them pass a rule forbidding the | t forth that the statements = ary {playing of the flying wing on the | false, malicious, violent, and libelous line. Ross thinks that the fiyins the Whig, of evurse, in publishing the | wing should be eliminated, and the | letter, had no desire or intention to {teams forced to play an equal num-| 490 any injustice to the company. I {ber of men on the line and back di did not hold itself responsible for thy {vision. He argues that the position | #ssertions made, and it now cheerful fof fiying wing was abolished several |!y gives place to the positive denial j years ago for the purpose of giving | ©f the company and expresses regre | greater protection to the Lacks, but M any unintentional wrong was dom the majority of the tenms have been! PY the publishing of the correspon fusing no full-back, and only two, or dent's letter. The Coco-Cola peopl are anxious that vestigation of it product should be made al any time safely covered , and ut any place, and it has no fear contributes | a8 to the result 10 demonstiratiog that it is sale for general use. | Dur correspondent, spoken to in re | gard to the matter, says the informa tion came through the Union Worker, a publication of the United States. Adams ENQUIRY, Coca Cola Counpany Imputations Made. On October 5th last a correspondent Whig an article in which was made that the i Denies from of the Coco-Uola jthree men behind {Ross says that it j keep a flying wing 'and that hie. presence | largely towards massed play. Ottawas Look Like Champions. The Ottawa Football Club is now | the scrimmage is impossible tc NTATIONS MADE To Sheldon Joyce, Who is Leaving for Belleville. About a dozen of the friends of : | Sheldon = Joyce, clerk' in the G.T.R. 2 55. ticket ofiice, who leaves on Friday for : Ken Williams Out Again. joljorilly, where he takes over ib. Pn ng ey wentbiday } district wanagership of the Imperial when. Ken Williams lined up. with Life Assurance company, gathered in the Varsity' Old Boys, as Ken hau 'b¢ New England Chinese restourant not been playing the game this sea.| on Tuesday evening and presented him son. However, a little bird whisper-| With a' token: of their esteem. A. U ed that Jack Newton had him in the] Derbyshire made the presentation game to get in shape to play with| On Sunduy, in Queen sticel Metho the Argonauts on Safurday in Ofta-| dist churdi, Mr. Joyce was made th wa. With Williams in the game] recipient of a handsome gold signe the Secullers will be well fixed forring by the ushers, among whom h a booter now that Binkley is out, has served while in the city. Fred of the game this season. | erick Clow, after a few words expres | sive of their regard and hope for fu } ture success in his new position, hand ed Mr. the gift Union. In,the match against Mon: treal at Lansdowne Park Monday it had liftie difficulty in making it foun: | -- TWO PRE the Winged Wheelers by a scare of 13 to 6. Queen's 1 the League. Queen's University has a strangle hold oun the Intercollegiate socrel | -- ee - championship. The Presbyterian The Block Paving. beat University of "Toronto 5 to 1 "Ti; laying of the bricks on t, Saturday morning and have tWo| Clapper sireet pavement is bein Sames to play, both at home. The burried as fast as possible Near! standing: three-quarters of a block has bees covered and by Thursday the con McG: an 2 | tractor expects to have thy first bloc : * | completed. As fast as the blocks ar put in place the road is finished with thy last coat of liguid cement, which # washed into the cracks. The bloc! on Bagot swvet, between Brock ane Princess streets, will not be touched this fall, as the company would not be able to finish it before the - col weather sets in. Jove Won. Lost. Pts. | Queen's | | ' 2 0 Fight Declared Draw. Calgary, Alta, although holder of the championship of Cana- da, almost to a pulp on Monday, Re-' Burns' decision | Bayley's ability | punishment and Too Wet for Ploughing. cople are finding th too wet for their fall plow ing. A good rain is usually wel staged in this city. come] hy the farmers in plowing time sewer but the rain has been so heavy and sc Sunday School Basketball. frequent this season that the groumd The 8S. 8. A. A. A. basketball series is.hard to plow. In many seetions opened at the Y. M. C. A. gymnas-| the farmers have been unable to get ium on Tuesday evening when two at their plowing at all so frequent senior games were played. Frank| h.ve wen the rains. Newman, vice-president of the lea- -------------------- Canadian Club Luncheon. was based on the fearful The country gue, threw the frst pat i The first game commenced at eight' ;,. croeiman, president df theAs- O'Clock when Pethel and St. JOhUS'|yicuityral Collage. Guelph, will ad-| ha. Bethel won DE a ney Ee dress the Canadian Club at te next | . bs t, } Bit ee tt 1o tsa ncn, ot Fhmrmiay, Ge 418. of the evening as far as points were! cubject, "Akrieultural Education." SCH. tobe gee TR tor. | He 18.2 very interesting speaker. wards; Veale, centre: Wilson nd Rasy Corn Curing. ' Get a box of Pe®'s Com Salve to orwards: N . day, apply it as directed and a few son, 4 and PF Sg or Mi Te: days hence all your coms will be en "Referco--Harol Trotter ~~ |tirely removed. In big boxes. L3c.. st St. George's and Quesh's clashed Meleod's Drug Store, 53 Brock street, secon: game and the latter ©Be door above King Street. 3 J spaniel owned exhibition of ball by James Holland, ( ¥ stevet, Hunter proved which took first prive at the Toronto the floor. The, exhibition this fall, died at its home on Saturday. The dog was of a very valuable breed. defence. ; It's easier to ask a reise in salar Georges--Ludlow and Duncan,' ibas it is to eam it. 3 oy ¥ Confectionery of the choicest sort. 'delicious varteiy., all the old time favorites, everything de- lghtfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing man, woman or child SAKELL'S Next to Opera House =" Phone 640 Every girt to TOYE'S BREAD Is all that good. bread should be. Do you use it? It 'mot, give it a trial R. H. TOYE & CO. & a ASAE 48s a - KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes. for Milliners. Tailors. Clothiers, Hatters,* Furriers, Confectioners, Bakets, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, i Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Ilan ware, Stationers, - Ete. Stock and Fancy : Boxes of every description made to order : : Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West "PHONE 883 AND A KEPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL, Children 's | Iron Cots IN MARINE CIRCLES, The Movements of Vessel at This Port. M.T. Co's elevator : Steamer Maple ton, from Fou Willinm, is dischary mg a full cargo of whent and oats tug partiett, from Moutreal, three light barges, - will eloas, three grain-laden Larges, tug Emerson is due to arrive during the day, from Oswego, with the barge duebee, coal laden, and will eles for ! 'Y Montreal, with one coal barge and } pi | Hi He 1 wo fran barges of St [iE i est) (ITI Richardson' eles os dale and Iroquois, from Fort Wil { tam, are dischacging a full cargo of KE u rain; steamer Buena Visas is ling 5 Fhbhohd LE 3 imino, for Washburn, fl " The schooner Maise arrived at Cray lord's wharf, with coai from Ouwego The Montreal Trageportation com: pany's tug Bartlett brought the Cal «in company's lake barge Ceylon up, aght, from Montreal, The Ceylon will »® taken to Port Colborne for grain. The steamer Rideau King was .up, sh Wednesday night, from Westport, | nd will clear for Smith's Valle on Thuryday morning The steamer Belleville is due, east, on Wednesday wight, The steamer Dundurn is due, west, Wednesday. Jeska cleared jor Record! with with for Montreal; With the latest [mproved drop side. Boft Cotton Mattresses to lif HBEASS AND IRON BE ATIEADS, KELLARIC MATTRESSES, Fo dy VAND SPIRAL SPRINGS, REID'S QUALITY. REID'S LOW PRICES, The steambarge Uswego, : Lymihurst Locals, Lyndhurst, Oct. 25. ~The sovinl on Friday wight was a grand success The supper was of the . Rev, Mr. Smith Sled the chair. The or JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phang 147 tiong." The proseeds amounted to -- 39, which for the benefit oi Barrie Street Hosdw sy, the street lights. Miss G. Gamble] The Barrie stron pacing am from England, has amived hers to Kressing ws rapidly as can be expects visit friends. Jobmston, of | od considering the wentber and tha Queen's, is home to spend Thanketiv. § fact that it cannot be Joid when the ing with his mother. John Roon: stone is wet. The Gir "soginesr hopes of Montreal, is I i to kave the roadway fnivhed up to i i i Union street in another weok and that will close the work ior the season. Considering the dificulty of Kix work and his poor road equijmnent the city i has dove well on the Barrie street work. Webster has arrived home after spend. ing the summons i Regina

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