NIG THURSDAY SE -- WCIDENTS OF THE DAY] CRNBSERERTS] MONEY GETTING | oes, sous si se or ii y 9P6D X HOUSE) Usually meas money-saying. |. | Happenings in the City snd Vicinlty | > --What the Merchanis Offer to! i To spend all that one earns ls folly. the Readers of the Whig. p Ha ST. FOR SALE. . New table figs at Pickering's. : i eect mn Ce TH, = GO Saving ought to be systematic. The simplest Men's warm underwear, Sia gar: I - -- -- RNGLISH cHuUNCoATs. -- | hd } : , 3 pr aoke, 3 § and best way to save money Is 10 'open a Savings ment. Dutton's i OF SUNDAY EVENING, RETWEEN "es spider, T is visiting { St. George "aithedral 2 EF SSENGER Account with : John Spider, Toronto, is visiting | at. Geo Ry Cathedral ATTOMOBILE, FIVE PASSE ; i Tusertions, = i, a Pair f Eye A Dawson Mcllenan, Barrie street. i ! Birent, 3 FA einen to 18 ho . : few last May, for sale. Apply té Williams Swaibe, piano tuner. Orders | Union Street and receive reward ior Eoh-cge Mid g nd Lavish | MAN'S COON = COAT: WORN nt : ; four . » mo -------------- ;. 2 X SU CF. ne SeRs0 o sige: also x qi. See onr value. AH, oasis, with fo ir | Mr. Savage Offers a New & wisi a FINANCE AND INSUBAR ne R oN oy Fo 38 Laporte. , gra 3 slare, | Produetiun 'of the World's Most | COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. AV. abe up-to-date ply to N. C. Polson Co. A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AXD OAK toma moderate. Mite A. Key, 21 | Vamess perce, |e | GENERAL | INSURANCE, eta 85 EE Las ihe bu, gu hatm i he + . + ng 1 Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Prmeesy street. ; 3 HOLE Arreit, 5% Johnson Street Fire, Life, Accident &pd "a" He fea hens I pr, Some sizes women's chocolate boots, R= - Policies issued. CAPITAL AND RESERVE. .. i} [33 and $3.50, for $2. Dutton's, 20] A STENOGRAPHER. APPLY, STAT. av NTERS, ATTENTION. = FIRST. i Prineess street. ing salary, required, ro Box 103¢ military rifles cheap: i aif bo | Ag oft ive GA SEATS EE H. Cunningham, piano tuner, hil CC Wmgetthet | A ccithnt, fasirange an RvR, Gene, for dtep, namiers | King street. Seave orders at Mc! AOLSEMAID: MUST HAVE RE. toma Broker: Re al Estat XH : ferences. Apply at the Avonmor ¥ business solicited. _ 67 Ci Wo CHOICE REGISTERED RERK. Broker: KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRI} CESS BT. E 12ers hook Bar and Nis Gree} A 4 h i 207 Wililain Street Street, Kingston. "Ph Shire Boars for saie, farcowsd bb 3 Sh f Bath, Thaok i | Say ee -------------- Aprit 23sd, 1512 Price on apps | Pe ot, ath, aunt Thanksgiving | | PRIvER FOR DELIVERY WAGGONH cation ta H. A. Buck, Box 148 GEORGE B. McEAY, . Ram Non oe Suowl. of Miss Fdna | "married man' preferzet: "APY puoxyunAC LOAN AND INVEST. Sydenham, On s oi 85 Princ 3? Genuine sale $1 tan lace or button | : hoots, $2.75. Dutton's. 3 | Ine Kingston gnd rembroke train | | brought 150 passengefs to the ity | id . b nag 612 mn Thursday morning. This is the] | JUNIOR SALESMAN, AGED ARO pl lawed BSS, Manager, #1 : 3 " - ¥ are ce iargeal crowd that has taken advan i CL an i iv ears. AnD ¥ ui Store Utfice | Prey EXCR ANGE von CITY PRO. Our Reputation and Money bx Back | FEF OF (16 CHenp rates in Wm My FRANZ LENA jo daa eee | LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND A San EF Tand: "ali kinds of fruit ay ¥ . it . : fn the Company of 100 there are many " Ee = ra C ny. 196 acres of land in New Ontarie. of This Offer Corsets to sit all figures, opdema the T¢ - A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT: No) Fire ner i2 : er Yall ahs Inquire of Dr. Lake, Battersea, On your Licht Bills We pay for all the medicine used | or ready-made. Dutton's, 209 Prin i original players, ' © during the trial, if our re medy fails] cous stent. Mabel Wilber, Charles Seaking, Ouear by purchasing fo completely relieve you of constipa-| Frwin Morrison, who was convicted | | . © tion. We™ake all the risk. You are [Ly Justice of Peace Smith, of Shar ment Soclety; established ; ee ee | president: Lt.-Col, Henry R smith MOTOR BOAT mn tA, 235 FT. LONG PROBATION NURSES, TWO YEARS money issued on city 4 fi. ¥ beam: new last spring and course. Itiodes Avenue Hospital | properties, municipal and "countey in perfect condition; 1 460 BE 32 Street, Chicago, IL | \_ debentures; morigiges purc 1 taken 2t once Ww. JL ceived and Interest al. Queen and Barrie Streets. 'Phong » i washing. A I ain) which the ine holders have Ont. : Mis Pu x LR bertaen. BS. security the unlimited HabIHtY ro We : : city property Jnsured at ing sto . » - 4 a ------------------------------= EG AREY Tear | possibie rates. ore renewing FARLOR SUITE, FIVE IRCES: Flgman, Arthur Woaley, ¥. J. Me. | . h FOR CrEY On| or giving new business get rates Dressers, Gent's, Dressers, Chales not a ated to us in any way what-1hot fake, on a charge of vagraney, Carthy, Minnie Olton, Olga Roller | EREESS L 20 Apniy. 4 | from Sirange & Strange Agents Morris Chair. Hail stand, Hedn reieteli th D 3. mplete: Carpets a Guarant aver if you accept our offer. Could | was brought to the city, on Thursday | Cynthin Perot, Walter €. Wilson. i ¢ Dobbs Ful Co., $1 Clarence St Som : 126 Victoria Street, sepond S : anything be more fair for you 9 Is] morning, and taken to the county jail. | . y { a { from Joh T I am $ therd any reason why you should hesi- | He will later come up for trial. The Famous Waxim Chores a + COMPETENT won AN AY conn BUSINESS CHANCES. ry ---- VALCAmL » and £ ungsten P tate to put our claims to actual test? | Salo! Moulders' gaiters, $1.50, «Merry Widow" Orchestra. { references required. Apply, even: Er roy 13 Yate FALLS a | fi eallent condhion; lovers of fiddies 'he most scientific, common-senss | ¥/.73, Dutton's Boot, Stove. ings, after & ut 16) King Mree! 3 D. a ---- --"_ | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START nd See this ANAPUENORLS 4 (t ; s ; N 50. a -- pres FROM treatment ix Rexall Orderlies, whith A very enjoyable 'time was spent Prices, Xe to $1. INT 1 LIGENT . a mall order Sve ness at oF snap it taken at once. bo Lessin are oaten like candy. They are very the home of Mrs, C. W. Kellar. Seats mow on sale. earn $100 monthly y orresponting a asaing; be 570 Princess Street ec -- ronounced, gentle and pleasant in | Divigion street, on Wednesday even for news no Soes SCOTT & R y AN BE . and particularly agreeable in} ng. when about twenty-five couples Send for ot ars, Se Syn Heacock, 2069 Feast. § They do not cause diary |&athered there. Games and dancing SATURDAY NOV. : sate, 3349 1 seffpurs. N.¥ pnb SR | ur ponte, a coom _-- - ! ARCHI TROTS. e : : every way. ' " were indulged in until the early brick house, Albert Strest: fms Date Electrician: hots, nausea, flatulence, griping, ot : Up-to- 3 AY > inconveniends whatever. Rexall | hours of the morning. provements; just with barn. Apply, BE 116 BROCK STREET. Orderlies are particular ly good fm Rubbers good and cheap for all Matinee at 2.30. Eveutng ai N.17 BIBBYS LIMITED WANT wey SMITH, a Mack Street, hone 54 : King Street. children, aged and delicate persons. Dutton's store. WHRBA sad LUESCHER PRE : We urge you to try Rexall Order At a meeting of the Boy Seouts ol oo The Foremost Fagtioh two Clothing Salesmen. $2,158 FOR © ENENT BLOCK, sant rooms: for quick sale 3 : 8 he first Kingston troop, in S . 000 lies at our risk. Two sizes, 100 aml | 0 « Pp, mn St Siuging © WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH. . = FRAME HOUSE wn George's hall, on Wednesday evening, coh pp, SS tects, ete. Offices, 368 Bagot ®t sighie and lot a he. Remember, you can get Rex- all Remedies in this community only | the frst siops in forming the fouion n AILW AY | AL wh LBRKS, ory 'Phone 608 SAtantich Nol SE, ae. A strre--The Rexall Stove. 6. hoys ino a cadet corps were taken ail Carriers, antes y Can. -- . ite: urge JOU E00 ab our sen id y Ihe cost of mniform, and maintenance TWO pe JANG: BOAT Ww. Mah ji adian Government: many appofti. | $1, A IN AT ahood. : : ments coming; excellent pay: fui 80 cuse and larg 1; on Ww Tr 7 aaa vill Le considered, and more definite OYD ments coming; Sxealenl Poatitute | PO WER & ON, ARCHITRCES: roe heuke MN ac tine place fof . action f 8 meeting Dept. 611 T.. Rochester, N. i 4 summer cotin TS action taken af mn meeting on fext LL ep! R Rrock and Weiington BATEMAN & GARDINER, REA Ras homas Conley, Wednosday evening. ; eee A--------------_ drop a card W on In We Suton Ruspem 18 Estate, 67 Clarence Street, ' Large variety of high-class | music, 3 CARPET En Smelting Co ton. Perth Road; wages, $& per MPEDIOAL. Telephone 987 vor: and .inttrumental, kept in stock. at Jo Hagen, HM o 8 Pine Street when , ic day Apply, Nort American Drop a card to 18 Plv Dutton's music store. UTTLE MISS Smelting Co. | TO LET. wanting anything done in the Car (lawrence Thomas Hughes, the six: -- tery line Estimates given on all kK nds J A N v ot) repairs and new work: als: | months-old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. CLARENCE A, mowaRD. w Dy OM. FURNISHED MOONS, CENTRALLY Hardwood Ficors of ail kinds Al Thomas Hughes, Barrack street, died XAT Street ty, Napanee Ont. 'Phong v6, lotuied: modern IS, CENTRA AD: priders WwW ce ednesda 3 a 2 e Rho, 40 Queen Street. on y afternoon, after a 0. ply. 1% Barrie Street se illness from meningitis. The With the Brilliant 1 Smpneee------------------" y HEATED OFFICES IN TE A baby was the only child and was a ' Wriginal Cast, : . must PR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. Rain Apply, C. BK} rE severe loss to the young souple . The ; ist, Nose, Throat and Ear, Clarence Street OLEANING LACE CURTAINS funeral will be held on Friday, and Includiog (he Bccentric Fuglish Wellington Street, corner Aas ren MitMary Comedian, Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Sun- 3 > will he conducted by Adjutant Allan, De | dav 2 to 4 and by Appointment as y ere; rymvTORE ye Don't risk sending expen- f the Salval . as . give lace curtains to inexperi: of the Salvation Army. i ionée Walsh Phone $14. , 82 Brock Street. enced cleaners or im attomMdt- 2 STOUR MARKET MARKETS. ---- . - Ti ee re ' : le i ROOMS, ing to do it at hoe. os has 7 PRICES ~Ma!, 235, 50, 73, a « ATANLE, Jn LLouVIRY DUMES. WINDOW. CLEANING i wltheur SHED 4 mgd i 356 years in the business has McCurdy Clagen + Evening--323, 0, 735, $1.00, " ed 1 tober 13th NDO LEANING. venlences: near City rk, 4 E R. McC ; CO a Seals now on 8 Sane. era Badri Ry Ne One 1 Wellington Sreet t weean do it proven that a 1) bers--H. W. Nelles, a 71 Drummond Bot. Montreal | ---- and 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto RB. PARKER Clasing Prices, Oct. lst. ont. NOW 1S THE TIME TO PLACE Youn Dyers ad : orders for your storm windows to Ont, Montreal. DAY SALARY AND ALSO be cleaned sed put up by th " Princess . . . "= BAY a ARY a. rae AL Kingston Window Cleaning Co | 21 Montreal Street Orders re Cannges noes was - tives (either sex). sure mone a I 8 " Cement pid. .. - aaa The Same liremt od as Played. maker; eXperience uUNNegessars; ceived at Sargent's Drug Store. CONGRESS MALL, KING STREET. | Flats and bright, airy offices up» Car ...... I's Twel cokn' samples (ree; dond ostage, Sh wean en s Twelve Weeks' Hus af (he New tvrenty cents. Nichols, Ltd, Pu n " stairs. suitable for dental pariers Spirella Parlors Montreal Power i ae Amsterdam Theatre, New York, lishers, Toronto, Canada, w Jnsurance or other offices; Kiss ichelon ... ....... ANTED-GENERAL. NH or store. J >' Fors : The Most Promsunced Bramatie Sen. oo Kin 8 Stree Fd py, J.P, For Every lady welcome to ¢all Rails sation of the Season. measured and fitted £5 « "Soigels ee or ee ' h} . ---- -- ary ---- Eiriet Thosfgatts bo or Brassiart | Tookets | sitar aproroers <A A SMALL FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR OSTEOPATHY. in "Voge uakets thaee seein © pepe . ¥ a city property. cCann's Real 82 Brock Street. for all figure Ree ve. in oO ina Dress" "Ladies Home. Journal' Estate Agency, "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS it, OU. "Pletoral) "Review, l= Fhe Ue: : ' Ashcroft, D.O., 136 Wellington Hneatars "The StEner. d mmgston 8 m : Offios hours: 10 to 1%: 8 fo & Best Service and Satisfaction opper stonek tba aed t FURNISHED DWELLING, § OR by wi ointment, Edna * Araby? : ; Guar Smelgers ....... Fees 2 OF THE JAGO L HARRISS rooms; also a Statler, one, sraft. .0. Houta: 3 Rodel 4 . / anteed. "0D "akasy ora? i 'ann, lea state gency, Mtice AD No, i 1 filha CPR. is iin § i Brock Street Phony 1509 o _e fight. » cor. Bagot and Gore Sty Reading ..... 1703 . (8D; © a Ay amen X23 No. RE foe il M. . F. Dunnett Uni Wr rors oes 1 Highest wages paid. BUSINESS NOTICR or 3 Somenlences; i CORBETIERE. « BS vswmsinitn phpentien; eben. Ti Bricklayers - bbe | MCE CLEAN RAGS WOR € | coars: LS! COALS! No. 3--Double solid heick, King Etie hv + moders in every WEE wociiiinnninnd somes os savin: A = machiner: i hi good Buen W wii sell whole pro. 1 Welliagton st Phone Cotton ' , " i 4 Carpenters - - 4H¢ i ue. his such hy To oal bis w UK of Saparatel). House or ie NET ii TS Hy EUGENE WALTER, { Best Wires id to | ompany. to. David Marsha ~ baa ui dey 117 | From the widely-rend Wook of the | ages pr { Riheet, for prices on gas : i i ! i lined Outside with meta ie A BE cmm-------- lathing and cement; eight | f : ---- en same name by Johm Fox, Jr, Wi laborers. TOO elllARLOn Street, Des Y.M.C.A. Membership Campaign. | aon Vor* Cm and Massive Produc: A . gwen, Karl and "Gore es p 8 Lhe, membership campaign of the| pRICES~5, 50, 75, 100, $150. | Apply to 0. eR) SLO wo ato «MF ptt 2 Zr . gutting keener cach day. Seats on Sale Friday, W E | ad Stension,. Collin . " 8 Slreet} ten rooms; We carry & full Whea = count. was taken on Wednes- fastert 1 Tl conven pnena; dot, 8 3 * 13 day evening it showed that R. Atkin. Y | No 6--tond® belek, ten rooms' line of Pure Bpiges ron's team was still first, with a total Football Matches Iroquois Hotel or | CESIONERS WANTING, CARTERS DENTAL. Astinetty BRT ones and Vinegar. ¢ hci 2190; BR. Ward's second, with $100; \ Stephen Street will receive prompt attention b A YOUNG LADY PIANIST WiLL apt engagements for parties, Al] TRY, CHARLES ANDRES cuunNy Homes, et Apply, «Box 422 Mixer for your cement walks » Hh of floe - all kinds of concrete work: will handle any size raved; plastering ahd repair chimneys treet. telephonin 1301, Carters' Stang i venlences: ern jot; location R10 Wightman 's third, with $93; H ' THLETIC ~ | foot of Johnson Street reet. ' i " oO ; 4 it. ; A. BE. KNAPP LDA, ne. Jeg on Mp COUPER'S Jie gar ih; QUEENS K GROUNDS | RR gs Ba Veneer and of house: | BF | Haines 67th, with 867.36. An addi SATU _ NOV. 25D. [= PA Fanging From Neat | 1.8 i} | tisnal X34 was reported from the of- : SPARKS AND SPAR on Rorla "Phose 70. 841-8 Princess fice. It is expected that by nine Quesns Ii. vs McGill | i [SHO En lret Class works LR ranging f Rk fai or gf | | o clock on Friday evening, $1,000 will EY . 3 en LADY : SURSE, HOU se. | logther oO used; Jone trig) wi i and' ad or the whole - w in hand. =m. weper oF HOuNewWor fl ¢ o rep a) ~ anion , for sale oy bloc at an attrac- sdmission to afl parts, 13c, aux Rind. 18 «iy of Country: good | oy 308 Beeld" s Street, cor. of | PR. ati ASE, DENTISTY bat oh. ©. Sarticulars. of the ana Men's Defects Sized Up. AFTERNOON GAME. mah cor, Momifeal and Stewhen| Street. 'Phone 118 Streets KS, DENTIN, SHOE REPAIRING OF VERY ox 83 wellington Street, Ringaion: 0 D - , Lo i many gibers (ta i y . | Tho len chief defects of men; as de. " . « MI. SIMPSON, LDA, D.0A; DEST, aa a iB] c'did by the votes of the women rend is. . FOR SALK i | LasTINGS or EDMONTON PRO ist. Alorner Princess Bagot. fre of Femina, one of fhe most popu = 30 . Valuable Centrally Sitanted Kingston Pay ar On a sallehs . Pes on Bagot Siren. ie" pn. Sharp. roperty . lir women's weeklies in France, are This gaunte should practically de: | Ia the Mutter of the Fintnte of ton. | and Financial Agents, 40 "Jasper egotisiy, easily fifst with 2,987 y bi: | cide Inter-Collegiate Championship bella Fowler, | Avenue Bast, Edmonton, Alta PERSONAL, Ye eemned, a gm . ss TENUERS Will, BE RECEIVED] NEE NY ae . 17% ATS i inf Mpliey _ Admission, 25c; Bleachers, 35c; | by the undersigned until acon Aun, MN ARTS pe e, cowardice | Grand Stand, 50¢; Reserved Seats | Saturday, N swember 9th, 1912 TAKE NOTICR, THAT I WILL BUY ark LES, WALTS (or rather base méean-spiritedness), . 75¢. ryrehase of she, revisionaty ! 3 All_kinds of second-hand a + rod Ld Re remo Pet Phe Xi immorality, 1,670: despotism. | Plan at U Paster. in the morth-enst i ricea' sug ime Betorerin " er ; ange z glow's up to noon, Sat-| Powier. in the gorifi-enst half of Lot risks: sof Mme Detore aN on reise Sncn Tr Eimer hg . 3 7; 8 r, 1.051; ceit, 1,000, andy urday. forty-six on Clarence Strest; Kings 4 333 - Bees Far, Xo mar FL 8 93s. H x 150 ey airew's wrch. Bpec falim 5s Bagat St . - . Upon the said property are erected | ' " the buildings now in tt occirpied Retuimed to Sudbury. hy the. Canadian Pacific Railway and | GRNTL CATERER. Ce. aud Mrs. 7. ©. yuekson, and} WE GUARANTEE J utuss, Vode of ek aoe a am, nS n i pr i wine raiaires fa Oh by 4 have been Vig: Crossed Sardines part of the sald reversion. subject ip Eaaranioed to WE CATE " ERTIES BALLS = i trary contains Ihe . finest setacted [i Novwever io cerigln liens for, inc Patan ha apairing dong ob ste: tise Heat Di usts home to to Sudhars SULA ught fish. carefully provements an etiprments made. by the shortest potice. Thomas Gallo. Linens and Rily Sa a Jackson e I rat the Jacked pare uiive the Lane oni SER tetiok net AY i Brock Street, wear Hambrook 'Phone $43 or 30% - n ended nes . v engineer, ns a at present icing a the highest grade tain cestarily feo ¥ i ---- of the work ou the Jdbury Ie 'also guarantee that al' Further -particuiars may be hid on " "eC I application to W. F. Nickie, 194 On. LBGAL. UPHOLSTERER. Canadi > of the an N i a own factories tario Street, Hing san, Ontario. ! in tins, Bnd thet I Mri CuNNINGH - vor, namnior. w. ed BA yIsE Uhm ubme LATERING, WE and cleanliness are rigidly en- | and Roriitorn w ehovAl ig Ba. gps forest _ubider a ata Elarence Street, Ringion Bar ating op 8 a in all stages of -- FREE Sarre \Will be Left &t your home ow ESTABLISHED 1806 a P pn TRA ons |* (EE Coal Deliveries LONGER LIFE #10 CARPETS. 2 1 Orders for Coal from this ¥ | ¥ te will be delivered in their on turn. We cannot promise any i hf bine ting OWinE Lon RIDAY or SATURDAY.