= WAGE TWO, © imeem -------- WINTER COATS Man's Beaver Cloth Overcoat one of onr best sell ers toselay Shell of Wool Eng lish Beaver Cloth, lined with black-1mi- tation Lamb (curly), mterlined with rub her sheeting (being wind proof), woolen wristlets, shaw! col- lar of German Otter or Persian Lamb. Price $18.00 Same Coat with black Wallaby Collar, Price $15.00 A splendid Winter Overcoat that will give you years of wear. : Come in and see, no obligation to buy. JOHN McKAY, The Fur House Kingston, Ont. anna be This season's Rugs ano Carpets are handsomer anc | cheaper than at any time 'in our thirty years in business. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, BLINDS, OURTAINS, COMFORTERS, and GENERAL ROUSE FUR. NISHINGS, | R McFAUL'S COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and ws guarantes prompt delivery. . a EN | PAY of your own? Make up your to own a piece of fi | Mother's Earth, even it's only ange the same as rent. Its | | Bmp trouble to show what we | Cold Weather AND Comfortable Furniture Soft Rich Rugs And Draperies Have a Close Relationship Our Parlor Suites, Easy and Paney Chairs ares strong line, newest de signs in Frames and Handsome Cov- ovings and Lowest Prices. Owr three piece Mahogany Finished Parlor Suite at $25 has no equal for the money. Our Solid Mahogany Suites at $55 up to £150 are beauties: Select your own covers for these, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, all in mense variety. Repair and and well done, "Phone 90. im Upholstering promptly Yours |T. F. HARRISON COMPANY "Phone 00, Cotton Root Compound. Tho great Uterine Toole, und ly wale effectual Monthly den. Sort im hres deptom of strength -No, 1, y whose profita for Canada Life Assurance pelielas' have doubled thro you Cheartully &iven by J J. O. Hutton, 4 S888". ha WILL TRY TO AROUSE § | THE SLEEPING MEMBERS OF | HIE CONGREGATION, I i Preaches a} the Ques. | Rev, F. 6G. Robinson Vigorous Sermon tion, "is it Possible to Arouse aj on Sleeping Chareh?™ in Princess Street Methodist { church on Sunday evening, Rev. F la Robinson took for-his subject jis it possible to arouse a sleeping [eaureh2" 30 introducing the sub- j ject, le said that the early Chris- {tans wsad fo go to sleep spiritually | and the apostles Paul © and Peter roused them up, snd, said Mr Rob- | Pinzon Dimtend to-do thé same this | evening What does the ehurch (stand for? To continue the work of { Christ, ete. It .was not a club, or ja placa where pesple could take {things easy. but was intended to doi | practical: work 'the salvation of the individual and the community." | When people became chureh mem. bers thay teok upon themsalves | solemn obligations, but multitudes | failed tor keep thew, and this was {a proof that thay Bad lost their {love for Christ. There are others | who nrofess to love Christ part of [the time, they make a loud noise {dur ng special services once a year [it may be; but for-the balance of | the: year they are @sieen. But this {is not the religion of Jesus Christ. { A genuine Christian is awake spiv- | itaally all the time. He is always engaged fg God's service. Always' n his place in the house of God on a wit or stormy Sunday. He is not all the time looking for some reason to take offence, for example, when the minister preaches a hears searching s:rmon which touches some of his weak points. ete. Mr Robinson then went on te describe how eloauent some noople could be outside the church, but in the prayer meting or class meeting they wore as silent as the grave, and when the meeting was over they wi'l lament that the services of to- day are not what they wore thirty or forty years ago. These people simply go to the house of God to find fault with the minister and other church members, who are try- ing to save souls. The reason that 80 many services are without life is because so many church members have gove to s'esp, and are not doing their duty. How many people there are in different to-day ! pray until they almost shake building, and vet you can sever them to assist m any work the salvation of precious and mortal souls "I want to tell vou, hrethisn and sisters, that tod will not bless an in dolent or lazy chareh. UW you are | simply praying and doing nothi 2 | more we are insulting our Creat Fa! ther in heaven. There are thousands of professing Chnistians who have never pat forth the shghtest efiovt to save an immortal soul, and spend ull their time finding fault with those in the church who are trying to do Jut this is a mistake, for the Bible says that slothfulness i= wickedness, and how will these people meet God who have entered the church simply that they might take a rest once or twice each Sunday in-afEanfortably vashioned pew. [ question very much if these people who prices to | be Christinns who are doing nothing for the salvation of mankind and the | uplifting of the world will aver get into the kingdom of heaven at all A church that is asleep, or a Christ- ian who is not a worker, is injuring not only the religion of Christ, but ieeping others from accepting Him as their saviour Multitudes are stumbe ilag over professing Christians, whol are hypocrites nto eternal destrae- tion. The only remedy for all this is to get saviagly converted, and then higin to work for Chrikty and keep at it Activily means not only your own salvation but the salvation of the church and the world." In closing Mr. Robinson gave a heartigearching appeal to his congrega tion to wake up and become a living the can the get towards mm: churches who 80. { afficials, ! poor in the extreme _ ------ A \ v 5 THE OFFICIALS ALL RIGHT Mthough They Bid Not- seit the Me- Gill Coach. A Montreal dispatch to the Toron- papers savs: The work if the Messis. McArthur and Park f Toronto, appointed by Jack May- nard of Varsity after the contending cams had been unable to as Their tation of the offside interference ryle Wds 80 strict at times as to render ithe game farcical." terpre Queen's was well satisfied with the! Wicials, who were to the oe sal tactics of the McGill team. Me- @ill's American coach, Shaughneasy, has drilled the Montreal téam in iljes aa! offside interference, and it wad just this that Queen's wanted nipped. MeArthur and ¥ark were all right wise BID NOT LIKE ( OLLEGE YELL, Collie Dog in "Little Miss Fix-Ut" a Prize Beauty. A special feature in "Little Miss Fix-It," at the Grand, on Saturday; wad a line collie dog, a regular prize beauty. The eanine was niuch admired hy the audience. The collie was deck: od out with red ribbon, posed for the audience, and followed different mem bers of he company around (hE stage, taking his pure in an able Than. ner. * When the curtain went up for the first time, the dog ohjected strongly to the yell. of the Mefiill students, and barked back at the hays, in a lively tashion. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened in Kingston and Elsewhere in 1887. Measles are very prevalent at linmsville. One class in the school has been reduced from to twenty-two hy the epidemic. A. McIntosh, Glenburnie, had crop of potatoes. aged about two each. Candidates for aldermanie were down at the market and into the button-holing business Capt. Benson and number of of "A" battery left for British lumbia for service. public and a bali pounds honor right men Co- Fined or Assault, Victor Sudds, pearl before Justice of the Peace George Hunter, at the court house, on | Monday afternoon, charged with hav ing assaulted James Mercer, of the same place, and fined $2 and costs. The father of Victor Sudds will lay a charge against James Mercer charg- ing him with assault at a forme date To Cure a Cold in One Day. Paket-Fftative Bromo (Quinine leis, fails to cure. FE. ture is on each box. Courses of Instruction Open, sree, was | of Simeoe Island, ap | Iab- | Druggists refund money if it] W. Grove's signa- | THE DAILY BRITISR WHIG, MONDAY. NOVEMBER { 1042. i | i et te A gs a tt et et H me -- ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY of ENGLAND JUST RECEIVED. PRICE 65c Cosmopolitan for November Now on Sale. Articles and illustrations hy Chambers, Gibson, Morris, Oppenheim. Chester, Harrison Fisher and others Spring Maid Music. Al the music of this popular Opera now on sale, ~~ Wil | RIN I Se OF a fine} The potatoes aver | Sweater Coats ES We have a big range of nobby designs in sonably priced Sweaters and Sweater (Coats, serviceable garments, nade in pretty colors and rea Boys" Sweaters, Soe, 7c. Joys' Sweater Coats, with Collar, 9c and up. Girly' large sizes $1 0) up. Sweat er Coats, small sizes S0¢ Ladies' Swester Coats, $1.25 and up A Special in Men's Sweater Coats at $1. Grey with Cardinal, als) Grey with Navy Good full sizes, warm and durable On Monday two military courses of | instruction opened. officers, whose names have already ap peared, commenced studies at the Roy al Military College, and a veterinary course opened at Tete de Pont har racks, under the supervision of Lieut .- Cal, James Massie, | Presidential Election Returns, | stock brokers, | FSB: Met'yrdy & Co, will keep their office open on Tuesday night, Nov. 5th, up ustil 11 p.m. and give, their clients the returns from the presidential elections over their private New York wire Hot Water Bottles. A poor hat water bottle is not cheap at any price. We buy only the best and give a guatantee with each one. McLeod s Drug Store, Brock street sam fot ani | Kingston's Famous Fur Store. | church, dead to sin and alive to | righteoustess, so that as a church and people Princess street would ful fil its mission and receive the come mendation of the Master at last "Well done, good and faithful ser | vant," ete, and be welcomed around! the throne by those they had been 'he means of reclaiming from sin, and assisting in the battles of life. Queen's Science Notes. (Un Sartarday morning about seventy students took a geological trip to Barrietield. Lhis vicinity is ome of great wnterest to geologist and miner. alogist for everywhere technical terms are beaut trully exemplitied by nature. Heside Navy Bay the Laurentian gran ite millions of vears old, is" plainly showti above the ground and the hol (lows and erevices are filled with. lime Istone without any intervening laver of decayed rock, showing that away hack | fin pre-Uambrian times glaciers must © [ave swept the rock clean before the | limestone was deposited. This year the geological vongress of the world will medt in Ningston and they are going to take a day specially to visit thas spot. This afternoon Science are to play off the tie in OrIeR. Manicure Tollet Requisites, Emery boards, 10 cents box. Rose Nail Polish, (eake form) 23 cents box. ovat ume Nail Polish, powder, 25 cents 15 and '16 the toe Rose Nail Enamel, 25 cents hox. Nail Enamel pencil, 10e. bos. Manicure sets complete, Ite. 13c., (#5. Meleod's Drug Store, 53 Brock _ Street. William Mellwain, the well knows real estate deilers, ha quarters, 177 new stre:t, «For the firet time in the histery of od by nM lta take up pistiongry alle, has ork im Don't Wait When it comes to the question of buying Furs | there are many important | facts to con- | sider. Don't 3 waituutilthe Mercul Loess way down to 2ere you | can make a better seleclion now when onr stock is so com- léte, Make sure to buy | rom Furriers of expe rieace- manufacturgrs dealing direct with the | Hunters and Teippers. Make comparison and we are sure vou will de- i cide the safest and best place is | Kingston's Famous For WATCH OUR WINDOWS. Dr. Alactzicity on oka : | Makers oF Phe Pars The long course | » a SS ---- -- NEWMAN Our Underwear Department Is teeming with goo | warm garments. Underwear for Infants, Underwear for, Boys, Underwear for (iirls, Underwear for Ladies, Underwear for Gentlemen Underwear, nnbeatable valuesin all lines & SHAW . "»«' THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. m---- PORTSMOUTH METHODISTS Are Delighted With Electric Light From the City The Methodists of Portanouth could hardly beliove thelr eves as they sal fin church on Sunday evening, They { wondere® ii they were still worship | ping in the same old church fron was in the wondetiul change made Phe The rea by the new dlectric light svstom | people's thanks are tendered to Halliday for the beautiul and effic { mstalment, and expedi- Lous manner il was put in the congregation is now ready to the wiater, having had the chureh 've-shingled and also having put up a shee ~ behind the church. Jt is f quite clenr that the pastor, Res W I Sagir, has put fife the { church, and ther 1 no reason Hy | this: chwrch--ane of the oldest in the | districi--should not flourish ax it did Vears ago . i The church, Sunday evening, was nearly full, and «ll were inspired hy ithe words of the pastor. based on the ptext © "1 will Joft up mine eves to the $ hills." the alsa for fac face new new into THE MAYORALTY CONTEST. i | Wha Will be in the Field for Yem 1913" Who will be in (he mayornity con test for the yemr 19137 This is a question whieh je being ssked by a great many these days, but there is | very little gossip gong on in civie "circles regarding the clection. The i political pot has not even commenced | to simmer, as vet. I \A great many - have an ides thiat i Mayor Hoag will stand for x second "term, wirile the name of Ald. Harri son i& also mentioned as a probable candidate. » " Mayor Hong was asked by a Whig representative, on Monday moming, whether he would be in the | ain. His worship did not say he would not be a candidate, but stat. od that. if the people' desired hit to ; be their representative for spother term, he would comsider the matter Seiflitz Powders. We put up our own Seidlitz powders, guaranteed pure and full weight. One Aozen powders to the box, in tin boxes, = cents the box c-MERENS Thug Store, 3 Brock street. t Tames | have arrived at | E. K. PURDY'S 109 BROCK STREET, Roses, Lily of the Valley, | Chrysanthemums and Carnations. All fresh, Store 'Phone 36. House 623A. ORNAMENTS Remember, when thinking soon of Xmas. Presents that our Stock of Whithy Jet 1s comprising very complete, Chains, Crosses, Necklets, Bracelets and Brooches. SMITH BROS. Jewelrs and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. : soins 2S ait Ermine, Persian Lambs, Minks, at GOURDIER'S 76-78 Brock Street. Two choice corner lots, 81 x 106 feet, on Johnson St. Can be purchased. for E. W. MULLIN What a Headache! And all caused by a pair of strained eyes---which a pair of our Evegiasses will do with quickly. me examine your eyes an expert----measure the eiror of refraction--and cor rect It Have it done to-day. J. S. Asselstine D. 0. S Registered Optometrist & Optician $42 King St. "Phone 1019. Kingston's Ezdusive Optician. Real Estate Bought and Seid, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION STS. 'Phone 539, LAUNDRY WORK tell your. friends--if dissatis- fied tell us, That's our platform fo support You and your friends. TESTED ONCE TRUSTED ALWAYS. Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. . "Phone 32.