Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1912, p. 9

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' AT LAST, HE IS FREE OF LUMBAGO Because He Took GIN PILLS - Winnipeg, Jan, él '1 have been a sufferer from Lumbago for some years past and dariag Christrias week had a very actte attack which confined me to the house. About the latter part of April, I met your Mr. Hill and mentioned my complaint to lim, He advised me to take GIN PILLS. 1 have been taking them at intervals during the early pant of the gm winter, and up to date haye no return of my be trouble --in fact, 1 feel better than | have for years and think that my old enemy has vanished for good and all." H. A. JUKES. GIN PILLS will protect your Kidneys and Dladder against the ravages of winter. No matter how much you may dread cold weather, becanse have beenaibject to Risumatismor mba x you wi ree in if you take GIN PILLS. pen soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 136 WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected 1) the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Catarlo No. 1 Mines, the best Antoracite. Coal wined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SUWATDS cou. 0, 'Plione 155. { f GIBROCKST. PHONE 502 A Mother for the Men. . FB, Sam 'having tabes over the laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re sume business at once unde. the name of HAND LAUNDRY. First-class work guaranteed All buttons replaced and rips sewn. Give us a trial and you will LN ES delivered ow Rage = KF am Prop EASY AND SURE WAY T0 CURE COLDS Don't Neglect a Cold, Eis's Cream Balm Will Stop it in the Sneezing Stage. A cold generally attacks the weakest part, affecting the eyes ald ears in some and nasal catarrh and throat troubles in others. A cold is tue to sn inflammation of the mem brane lining the air passages, and may be Pomp cured with a little Ely's Cream Bala, which immediately relieves the inflammation and all the distressing ptoms, such as sneez: ghig. Tuaning at the nose 8, sore throat, fev. headache. One reason why this pure, antiseptic Bala acts so quick® 1s because it is applied directly to the tender, sore surfaces. ; Even in severe, chronic cases of ca- tarth, Ely's Im never {fails to quickly. snd effectually chock the isonous prge which clogs the } and throat, causing the disgust: ing hawking, spitting and blowing ol the nose. " ly mot only drives out the disease, but heals and strength- ens the weakened membranes, thus ending cataeeh. Catarrh is a Nthy, disgusting dis tase. Don't up with it another day. Get. & BO cent botile of Ely's Cropm Balm from your druggist and see gow quickly you will be relieved. It jis harmless. Gi. W. Ma: hood, agent. . & FOR THE CANADIAN STEEL CON 'capacity throughout the winter month J eent. have been paid on the stock, T0 BE BIG SEASO!] CERNS NEXT YEAR. Many Dividends Paid to Canadia Holders--November 1st Pring Them In Quite a Small Financia Harvest, Montreal, Nov. 4.--THe year 1913 expected to be a particularly active one for Canadian steel rail mills, a plans of the leading Canadian railway. for a very much larger amount of rail. than the Canadian companies will Ix able to turn out. Canadian concerns, however, are en deavoring to get orders in as fust a posiible, with a view of working ful Canadian Pacitic Hailway and Cana dian Northern Kailway will supply the largest portion of the orders Shareholders of Canadian concern reaped quite a small fortune in the wa, of dividends to-day. . Among the most promiuvent of the issues on which the dividends are be ing paid are quarterly ones on Mexie Tramways, Penman's pid.. Rio, Stee company 'of Canada, and Nationale and lmperial Banks. The semi-annual dividend on Mexi can Light and Power is also due, as are those on the lollowing bond is sues. Montreal Cottons, Canada Pap er, Venman's, orto Rico and Price Bros. Bond Sales in Canada. Montreal, Nov. 4.-The munieips bond sales in Canada for October. a compiled by the Monetary Time amounted to $1,060.55, compared wit) £1,V9%,600, for September and £1,730, Wi5 for Getober, 1911. The Septembe municipal bond sales in Canada in cluded New Westminster's sale of ¥2 000,000. These are now being sold ir London and the amount has, there fore, been deducted from the Septem ber total, which amended is $1,995,605 fhe Mrgest issues were made by Mon treal Protestant schools and the town of Bassilo, Alb. "The following are the particulars by provinces :--uehee, $660,000; Alberta, $150,000; Saskatche wan, ¥127,200; Ontario, $76,397: New Brunswick, 35,000; Manitoba, $6,000" Total; %1,060,597, Build Nickel Smelter. foronto, Nov: 4.~The Ontario gov ernment has put through a deal with ont of the largest nickel mining com panies in Canada, and as a resul the company will build a large smel- ter in the township of Snider, a short distance north of Sudbury. An order in-council has been issued prohibiting prospectors and others from «taking out claims on a certain section of the township which has been set aride for the location of the plant. New Glass Plant. Montreal, Nov. 4.--1I'he Atlas glass works, limited, has purchased for cash over seven humdred thousand feet of land at St. Pierre, formally Blue Bonnets, and erection of their new glass plant will begin at once. It js expected Lo have the works in opera tion by April 1st. } The Atlas company will employ 708 to begin with. Financial Notes, bh Daniel G. Reid, New York, was elect. ed president of the Tobacco Products Corporation. Fiteabunglys interests are said to be after the Manufacturers' Natural Gas company of Hamilton. . The firm of Gault, Stephens & Co., Montreal, has been dissolved by mu- tual consent. The business will be carried on by F. C. Stephens. Montreal is to have .another new I'rust company. The organization is about compléted by the house of J, A. Davis & Co., limited. Application has been made for mem- bership on the Montreal Stock Ex- change by 8. McCuaig, son of Colin McCuaig, of Colin MeCuaig & Co. A Nport is current that the old Green-Mechan company is again to as- sume control of the property at North Cobalt, owing to some misunderstand- ing regarding the lease. '. W. Forwood, of Thomas Forwood & to, stock brokers, hay heen elected a director of the Holmes Eledtric Pro- tection company of Toronto. The Bank of Toronto has declared its regular quarterly dividend of 23 per cent. plus a bonus of 1 per cent., which brings the total distribution fog the year to 12 per cent. Dr. ¥. S. Pearson and British in- tereats have purchased 60,000 acres of land near Plainview, Texas, which thay will develop by irrigation. The pro- jeet involves about ¥3,500,000. Frank P. Jones, general manager of the Canada Cement company, said that prices would not be raised as a result of the restoration by the gov ernment of the regular tarill on ce ment. With earnings for the firsi three and a half months of the current years as a basis, Canadian Pacific railway may surpass its record of last fiscal year, when, Jt showed increase over preceding year of $19,000,000, It was reported in Wall stréet, New York, that the Ohio Oil company will increase its capital from $15,000,000 to $60,000,000, The 'company is now said to be earning al the rate of $21, Since dissolution last i of 5 per which has a par value of $23. SUING FOR A DIVORCE. . Miss Adels Blood, fm "Everywom- an," Married Former Clergyman. Miss Adels Biooc, who appeared here in "Everywomau,' is suing for a8 divorce. Her husband, Edward Davis, is a former clergyman, who left the pulpit for the stage. Miss Blood made the announcement in Toronto where she has been playing & weak, Ther is no {il feeling whatever, between the two, but as they could not get along er, agreed to separate. ™ suing on the ground of abandon- ment, which she believes is the ; way out of the difficulty. formerly a society. Francisco. Sho took mn, i Was nthe earthquake, she went on the e Would they other little boys who make mud pies? NEWS OF NEIGHBORS fhe Tidings From Various Points in all the people of this vicinity have finished corn cutting. Frank Quinn of this place, who have been in Manitoba for two returned home the other day. H. Hemp and her daughter, of Ot- tawa, have returned» Elsie McLaren, who is bmployed dt Alexander Shephard's, has returned after spending Thanksgiving at her home at Innisville. Dwinell, Mrs. : shaw is visiting at Mrs. Hutton's here. 3 from Buffalo, N.Y., last week. A raffle wae held here last week number of ducks and chickens ol R. Purtle, party returned down the Ridean good luck, tober 30th, at ding was celebrated terian Rev. Amelia Barton, eldest dau_hter of Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Barton, was united in marriage to Marcus Allan Card, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Card, all of Plevna. The couple were unattended. The bride navy blue worsted cloth, and a waist of white wore 8 pearl set brooch, a gift of the groom. vide at Plevna, where the groom is a prosperous young farmer through this vicinity report deer to be very scarce and son, while returning den last week, stopped on the to help a lady who was in trouble with a ean of cream that had spill- ed. The horses took fright and ram away, smashing liam Newton has returned hom: af- ter spending the last five weeks at Harlowe, building a new house for William Loucks, burned out. Cronk, of Mountma here for a few days hunting. Misys Sadie Gendron and are at W. Ndwton's. lar and Willlam Wood at B. R. New- ton's. me the threshing machine is heard in our bile, foul A Cascaret from your druggist will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regula; and make you feel cheerful and bully for months. TWO PROMINENT CROWN PRINCES. Crown Priner, - oF I'TaLy" ficiniey. The crops, although late, are very abundant. Some of the Young people attended the harvest ball at Chaffers Lock on October 24th. J. A. Kenney spent Sunday with his wie and family. Miss Bella Stuart has returned home afte: spending the past month with her sister, Mis. Stratton, Dufferin. Miss B. Kenney and Miss M. Timlin are visiting friends in Brockville ar Ot- tawa. Mrs. Alfred SBherby and fam- ily, Gananoque, have returned home after-spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Muchmore, Miss Maggie McGuire, Brockville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents. Mrs. Harry tandalls and son, Master "Jack," are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dawson Villiam Glover, attending Athens high school, spent Sunday at home. ; not prefer to be like A Wolfe Island Death. Wolfe Island, Nov. 2.-On Sunday, Oct. 27th, the funeral of Ralph Erle, Marlowe, took place from his late re- sidence, in the village of Marysville, Wolle Island. The deceased was the third son of Peter and Elizabeth Marlowe, of "The Ridge," and was a life-long resident of the island, having been born here thirty-eight years ago. In 1901 he marvied Jessie M. Gates, of Dufferin, Pittsburg township, who sarvives him, together with two child ren, Erle, aged ten, and Isabel, nine years, The deceased had been suffering from heart trouble for more than a vear, and had only just disposed of his farm on Bear Point and moved to the village for a rest one week prior to the day of his death, which occurred Thursday, Oct. 24th. He was 'a Presbyterian in religion and a mem- ber of the O.C.H.C, No. 190. Hw death makes the ficst break in the family of four sous, the youngest of whom «till remaiow with his father and mother at home. TELL US. Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, Nov. 2.--Nearly John and months, Mrs. home. Miss Barviefield Brief 8. Barriefieid, Nov. 2.-Mr. and Mrs. F Symacuse, sre visiting al 8. Mrs. Grief iis «Lillian Pugh has returned to York after visiting at her home 8 Irene Stanton retairned Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Nov. 4.--The girls were entertained at Miss Freeman's on Hallowe'en. Misses Ruby, Helen and Ada Sigsworth spent Thanks- giving at their home. William Mor- rison of Kingston called ou relatives last week. Mrs. Hubbell of Stirling is with her father, T. Trousdale, who remains very ill. M=-. and Mrs. Lake have returned from Westbrook. Mrs. Stover, Wilton, is at T. Trous- dale's. Mrs. Cloakey spent Thanks- giving in the city. Miss Nora Clow was - home for the holidays, Mrs. Jamieson was in the city for a cou- ple, of days last week. Frederick Clow, Kipgston, is at D. Freeman's. Mrs. Myers and daughter of Rome are at John Morrison's. B. Campbell has gone deer hunting. Miss Elsie Clow, Harrowsmith, is at M. Cloa- key's. Rogs Morrison is home from Peterboro, where he has been em- ployed for the last few years. Miss Thompson ts visiting Miss A. Wat- son. Miss Annie Hill is at Thomas Sigsworth's. Robert Gooderham is the proud possessor of a baby boy Wolfe Island News, ! Wolle. Island, Nov 1. William (O'Connor, Toronto, who has been vis. iting friends here for the past two weeks, has returned home. FE. Wood man held a very suceessiul sale, on Wednesday, and disposed of his stoek and farm implements. Miss Aggie Mo- Adoo, Pittsburgh, spent a few days here the guest of William McAdoo. Frank Briceland has purchased . the house and lot in the village lately oc cupied. by Mr. Jones. William Kelly and wife, Kingston, spent a few days here, visiting friends. R. Mosier and wife intend taking up residence in the village. Richayd Card intends to move onto his farm. Mrs. Robert Berry, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly improving. Vineent Fowler, Pittsburgh, spent a few days visiting friends here. Miss Cora Davis, a for- mer islander, was married in Ganapo- que on Monday. E. Briceland has pur- chased Mrs. William Henderson's fifty Quite n were f. Born, to Mr. and Mre a daughter. R. Gray and from a hunting trip and report very A Wedding at Pleyna, Plevng, Nov. 1.---On Wednesday, Oc- 10 am., a quiet wed- at the Presby- Matawatchau hy rsonage at when Evylena ugh Mclean, wore a travelling suit of dotted net over silk. She The bride and groom, will re- Cross Lake Notes. Cross Lake. Nov. 4. -- Hunters Mrs. William Scott from Ar- road the wagon. wil- who was reecntly Drew and D. J. Grove, were M. Mervin Newton John E. Kel- News. ~The hum of Jones" Falls Junes Falls, Nov. 4 HEADACHY, BILIOUS, ~~ CONSTIPATED--CASCARETS T0-NGHT y bad vour liver. stomach or bowels. how mnch your 'No odds hoy head athes: how miserable and. uncomfortable you are from coustipa tion. indigestion, biliousness and sluggish the desired resulie with Cascarets. intestines--yon always set of "They end the headache, biliousness, dizziness. nervousness, sick, SOUr, gassy stomach They cleans? your Liver and Bowels of all the sour gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery to-night will straighten you out by moruning---a V0-cent box THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 35, 1912. acre farm. Henry Yott has secived af position in a hardware store im Syra cuse. William Patterson purchased a drove of cows here on Wednesday The government road is progressing favorably, under the supervision of Alexander Tait. Howe Island Notes. Howe Island, Nov. 4.---The farmers about here are housing their autumn crops with great haste, fog fear of the heavy frosts which are so preval at this season. The rural mail delivery is being inaugurated and Sheiro rah has taken the local contract lowe'en. has passed and the pranks were indulged in. P was the victim ol a serious mishap, | Thursday night, when his herse, om me:lLing some masgueraders, became | frightened and ran away. The driver escaped, but the vehicle was com-| pletely demolished, ©, Smith was at tacked by two mad hounds, on the same evening, hut by sheer luck man- aged 10 escape with a few scratches. H. Quinn has been appointed fish and game overseer for this section and will take over his duties on the 15th inst. Jonathan Prior and his broth: er, William, ex-residents of the island, alter spending Thanksgivieg here, re turned to New Haven, where they have | a controlling interest in the Manbat- tan Flow and Truck company. T Driscoll is buying up poultry for the Guerney company, Clayton, N.Y. Miss Irene Prior has organized a sewing circle among her young friends. Vis itors : James Goodioend at Israel Garrah's; William Mack at J. Prior's; J. Beaubieu at B. Lear's; F. Quinn at Lar- Hul-4 usual | Bolger | -- "Special DEWAR'S Liqueur" Satisfies the Most Fastidious! I. M. DOUGLAS & C0., - Canadian Agents, Montreal Qverls F. Dull's; K. Welsh at T. Marshall's, Fail River Locals. Fall River. Nov. 2.--The farmers are doing thir fall ploughing bat hive been delared on axe» int of tus recypt rains. Soveral of faa people sro taking in the season «r dyer husting. The sale at A' rea Mor rison's ou Friday last was well i- tended, and everything sold at a reasonable price. Mr. Morrison has sold his farm to John Mills Robert Gray has rented his farm to T. Buker. Miss Tena Gray, who was spending a few days in Maber~ Roadster, $1,350, 45 H.P., with $2,275. ly, has returned home. Several of the people from here attended the | funeral of Merton Buchanan, on | Saturday, also that of Annig Mort | pr Pre------------------------ i 1 aka, } TAILOB:MADE moire trimmed with black of more with silver grey beugaline ribbon, trim- A NEW black fox; hat shot mauve mings. of row on Sunday. John Palmer, Mr and Mrs. T. Palmer and family at W. Palmer's: Rev. Mr. nd Mrs. Hok lingsworth,.. Mrs. C. Whittaker, Jr. and family at E._ Conroy's. Village of Newboro. Newboro, Nov. 4 -<Mr. and Mrs J. C. Stanton spent Thanksgiving in Brockville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bolton. George Bell was in Brockville on Friday Mire Ella Bolton is visiting relatives at Cranworth and Perth. The South | Crosby Rural Telephone company | has a gang of men putting up poles from here to Westport, as it is ex- tending = its line that far this fall A. J, Lockie of the Union Bank staff here spent Thanksgiving at his home in Merrickville. J. V. Moriarty spent Thanksgiving in Ottawa E. Chambetlain still continues very low, Miss Margaret Moriarty spent a few days last week with relatives in Westport. A party of government painters were in town last week and painted the bridge crossing the canal Miss Ella McEwen of Cranworth spent Sunday in town, the guest of relatives. GCG. MeMillan, accountant of the Union bank here, was In Westport on Sunday. Richard Gro- thier has secured the contract of painting John Jordan's new resi- dence near Westport. Martin Bruce Bell has recovered from his recent severe illnss. Miss Irene Brown of Bedford Mills is visiting relatives there. A number of young boys were yp before the cadi last week on a charge of destroying a buggy belonging to Perry Lake. hey were let off by paying for the buggy. G. 8S. Wrathall bas closed his business here and is making preparations for going west in the near future. Miss Mae Pinkerton was in Brockville ou Saturday. The Farmers' elab of Crosby held a public meeting on Thursday evening, October 31st, at which refreshments were served by the Judies. William Boss, president, occupied the chair. Prof. Smith, Athens, spoke on "Un- derdraining." Frack Stone also gave an address, outlining the bene. fits of the club from various stand- points. - The home of 5S. Tweedy, Ross' Cor- ners, was into, amd articles stolen. No trace of deed. . ofthe family and a few WON THE GOOD LADY: THE MOTHER DAUGHTER REJECTED. As a Sequel to an®)id Romance, St. Maternal Louis Man Marries the Parent of His Former Fiancee. Chicago, Nov. 2.--The broken engag: ment of Robert Isham Randolph Miss Dorothy tic sequel when Mr Mrs. George A. Maclean, of his former financee. The service was read by Kev DeWolf Randolph, Pastor of Memorial church, Lexington, the at Va a brother of the bridegroom, assisted Summer. Member close by Dean Walter | is a son Of Isham Randolph, the « engineer, was engaged to marry Mis Dorothy Maclean, whom he had wn at a dance given at her home in River side. During the summer of 1909 Miss Mac lean," with her mother, jather brother: took aun automobile through the eastern states ing in New Jersey an accident, in which Mr his son were killed Upon her return August," Mise Maclean announced her engagement to Mr. Randolph been broken, saving that found "she did not care for more Mrs. Maclean and uér daughter took a trip to Europe, and shortl: ter their return Miss Maclean's enjgug ment to Harold Hellyer, a sweetheart, announced ding oceurred late in the 1900 After Miss Maclean Harold Hellyer, the had lived in Riverside 5525 "East "End avenue, Friends noticed that continues to visit the to Chweago, late she him The autumn was we Deen fr moved to Chicago My Maclean home ACOEPTED WHA and Maclean had a roman Randolph married mother war lee OG I * | where he was sent by an English syn friends | dicate to Sgro ok Pos. y fibilitics of the new couples opened Three years ago Mr. Randolph, who vid ! Trund k And trip While tour the party met with Waclean ane in that had had ans then schoolboy Mrs Randolph he Nog | nd Model COT 30 H.P. Five Passenger Touring or F.O.B., Toronto. electric self starter, KINGSTON AUTOMOBILE C0. AGENTS 209 Princess St, Kin gston - -- ----y { but thought that he and Mrs. Maclean friends; as the bridegroom while his merely s just rounding the thirties, bride vears old My Hellyer is mow living in Japan and was present at the wedding eeremon Mr Randolph went for o trip through Virginia and other south arn Mr Hinoi were is 45 not and Mrs states of the Commission National Bank Randolph secretary and Lake the Iirst in River with offices in building THE FRASER VALLEY Described as Beautiful and Intense. ly Intepesting. McDonnell, a prospector of reputation, has retaraed to Edmonton from British Colunbin, western th Pacific up by progress of the Grand railway. He walked o | from Mile 110 Mile 53, over the ' he main line, and reported | that silver and lead are plentiful, also | that copper showed strong outcrop pmgs and that gold had been heard Hof, He further stated that between 4, 0 and 5,000 men were working in the valley on the mew line Fraser valley," Mr. McDonnell the beautiful nnd teresting oi the two routes through the Canad "16 is wider amd more expansive than the panorama in Kicking Horse Pass. On the outhern side of the river the moun taths are some distance off, their snow shi silhouetting the sky-line and hutting out the Caroboo eountry be ond. On the other side of the stream, here and there threatened by | the tumbling river of many rapids which suddenly diverts its bending for twenty or thirty miles to the northward, are expanses of timber all { billowing, surging up from the 50 by mile plains until they reach - the grade, jump it, and climb the in their gourse until they to grade of Fraser i "The I observed, "is most nn Rockies the clad pe railway mountains Randolph rede into the barretimess beyond the imber lines CE ---- {

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