Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1912, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. r THERE IS NO PROSPECT LEATHER GOODS We keep the most complete assortment and best value Ir LEATHER (001s. was the one great question, and the policy to be pursued to secure this power had to be decided upon i Ald. Shaw, speaking about the pro-| posed route for a passenger station, at the head of Princess street, near! the Bath Road, referred to the fact | that in the adoption of this route, the curves would be eliminated and the route shortened. A. W. Wheatley, gen- eral manager of the locomotive works, was unable to be present at the meet- jog and he was very sorry, as he) OF G.T.R. BRINGING "ITS MAIN LINE INTO CITY Correct Styles for Men & Young Men For Young Men we offer the snappiest lasts in Tans, Patents, Gun Metals, and Velour Calf, in Buttons and Bluchers. 5 i $6.00 - $5.00 $4.30 : 1.00 For Meu of middle age who are conservative in their styles. We offer neat fitting plain straight lasts shoes that will give comfort in Kid Calf and Patents at $400 - $450 $500 At the Present Time--When the City Has More Business to Offer the Company the Latter Will ' Consider the Mattér, LADIES BAGS, WALLETS, LETTER CASES, YARD -CASES ' That there is no prospect, what. would have been able to explain the | TIEWALS, ever, at the present time, of thejmatter. Mr. Wheatley bad given it as] Grand Trunk Railway bringing its|his opinion, that there would be every i mdin line into the city and that! possibility of getting the compiny to there would be no chance of the com-| consider the proposition. The Grand pany doing so until the city had|Trunk was now under new manage something additional in the way of|ment, and this should be considered.) industries, to point out to the com-{ "There is a fighting chance we never pany that it would be to their ad-|had before," said Ald Shaw, "and 1 vantage to make the change, was in| thing we should fight it out." brief the summing up of a deputa-| The members of the Board of Trade tion from the Board of Trade, which [stated that they would certainly' do waited upon the city council Monday | all in their power to further any night in reference to the movement | scheme put on foot to have the company place its main line in the city. The deputation, while admitting this, i8 not allowing the matter to be dropped as a "dead letfer," by any means, and stated that the Board of Trade is willing to work with the cauneil in an endeavor to bring the main line into the city. Messrs. H. W. Richardson, Cor- nelius Bermingham and D~. E. Ryan, of the Board of Trade, waited upon the council, and expresed their views on the matter. IDEAL SCRAP AND MEMORY BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES. INK STANDS, cAsH BOXES. CARBON PAPER, TYPEWRITER RIBBONS, WILE DEK AND PAPER BASKETS, 1918 NOW READY . PALLY JOURNALS FDR AT UGLOW'S nen STREET i MHE CANADIAN | ME BIQEL BRR ASME REGS dB Ge CLEAR AWAY UBSTHUC- TIONS, -- "ABERNETHVY'S We are informed that W. F. Nickle, M.P,, is urging upon the Dominion govern- ment the desirability of clearing up the ground sur- rounding the custom house and the post office, and thus adding materially to the Clarence street park. The fences and buildings sur- rounding the custom house and the post office could very properly be torm down, and we heartily endorse the proposal being made to the government by the local member. The street Study the Sivles. In Men's Clothes and you will find the best of them emanate from the House of Hobberlin, They have the. classy Hgbberlin expression. Every garment is a ect fit, well tailored and has good linings. You select your cloth from large samples and the gar- ment is made to your own measure ment and order. . Prices from $18 to $33, ' Agent for Kingston, Thomas Lambert, 157 Princess Street. Committee's Recommendations. The question came up in the fol- lowing recommendations, from the Industries committee of the city countil through the chairman, Ald. Shaw: "Your committee, with the co-op- eration of the Board of Trade, af- ter various meetings and Tull con- sideration of rallway facilities fo the city, recommend: "That efforts Be made to induce the Grand Trunk Railway to bring their main line of road into the city, since by so doing certain grades would be reduced, curves partially eliminated, digtance shortened about three-quarters of a mile, while at the same time the present unsatis- factory and costly suburban service, which to-day is Kingston's most seri- ous handicap, would be done away with, . "To establish a pasenger station at the head of Princess street, near the Bath road. "That the city council authorize the committee to consider the pur- chase of property in that section of the city for manufacturing purposes and if necessary, to make grants to the railway of sufficient land for their needs. "That a delegation consisting of ; : ; Asis the Comittee of Industries, his wor- | GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ship the mayor and the city engin- T-- eer, together with a similar number | Production of "The Trail of om the board, of trade, Jlegetigte Lonezsome Pine." with the Gran runk officials to ar- . i i A most creditable resentalion oi range a meeting with them here, or if the dramatization by , rn Walter such is not practicable, then at Mon- of Jobn : Fox's novel. "he Trail oi tredl, . a } "oe i "That in case such is adopted, we the Lonesonse Piss. * war given at, the arge the Grand Tenax Raliway 10 story, which has been read by many, he t ied ~ Me 8 gua) hogesi appeals strongly to those who appre Ra an tween onirea or Yer ciate the dwellers of the mountains Yeaving here every morning "" land hills, their independence, lack of "That efforts be made to have the | learning and their hatred for an en Canadian Pacific and Canadian North SS ad decution_ te in. The al | J yO gE €l per, « i 0 he Grand | of ) . - NAYS ae. With He raid heart of the ignorant but true June! Address by Dr. W. J. Mayers in the passenger station." Tolliver, is romantic. A side-light i i City Hall, Monday Evening-- | Dr" Ryan was the first to give his! given of the character of the moun- Boys From the Homes Gave Fine' Come in when you're read How i. He said that | taineer, Fron J ¥ % y: Flows to the counedl. dle oq Anat Miss Isabelle Lowe displays talent in Musical Selections, Rev. W. J. Mayers, who afforded an Cast would consider the question of bring- [her dillicult role of the heroine, evening 8s enjoyment to a large aud & & ing the main line of their road into| "June," and James Vincent, as | H TH ND & BRO fence in the city hall on Monday even J. » SU ERLA ® the city, but he wished i under-| "John Hale," the engineer at the |i mg, called attention to the fact in the The Home of Good Shoes stood that she Board of Trade was|[Gap, is at his forte, as such. Jack course of one of his 'talks, that In ab EE Te we Confectionery of the choicest Sort. Ever, delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lightfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift to man, woman or child. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 appearance of the would be greatly im- proved, the park could be enlarged, and this very cholce piece of ground made available for the pleasure of the citizens. It would like- ly be followed by the authori- | ties of St. George's Cath- +: DINING-ROOM SETTS edral removing the fences %! Latest Designs. along their property, and the whole square would, virtually, be open to the public, and they would greatly appreciate the beauty that would follow, the gov- ernment and the church buildings showing up to greater advantage than. at present. A fine park in the heart of the city would be a splendid thing. Fee You Ought To Get In Touch © With The |Sutherland Shoes later. Why not now ? Yon want good shoes--we sell them. PLIGF ITEP IPF PP PFI IPA PE P2244 S P2200 TOYE'S AAPL EI TABLE | BISSELL'S CARPET SWEEPERS Make Housework a Pleasure. REID'S QUALIT?Y, REID'S LOW PRICES, JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 DR. BARNARDO HOMES HAVE Is all that good bread should be. Do you use it? the It not, give it 'a trial SENT 22000 BOYS AND GIRLS TO OQANADA. (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard ware, * Stationers, Etc. Stock and Fane Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West | "PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. heartily in accord with the council{Penelleton, as "Bob Herkley," John in any step which might be brought Hale's iriend, proved a happy and de: | Barnardo's Homes have trained and forward to secure the object desired. voted companion, and, _of course, He pointed out that the C. P. R.|Noah Berry, as Judd Tolliver, June': was already building a line from |father, was one of the strong charac Smith's Falls to Belleville. Vice-| ters. The principals were well sup President Fitzhugh of the Grand! ported. > Trunk had given some good advice | on one occasion, and that was to the, "Elijah." effect that it would be a very casy| Those interested in the advancement thing for the company to place the) + music and drama will be glad to line. into the ity, when thers WeTC know that the Majestic Grand Upera industries enough in the city to WAL-| mpany will present Mendelssohn' {ant a..change being made. They, sterpicce "Elijah" in grand opera speaker looked. upon this as the key of Pe the : Grand on Wednesday to the situation. 'The city had been en 6th. The artists engaged to sing making_good. progress in the way of the principal roles of the opera are sent out into Canada 23,000 boys and | girls, and were at the present time | training and caring for 9,000 children He considered the work done by these | homes was no small factor in the Tif | of Canada ! Ihe programune ol the evening sisted in a short introductory talk by | Rev. W, J. Mayers, after he had been | presented to the 'audience by Re Principal Gordon. In his first talk, | Mr. Mayers luid special stress onthe | quality of the material the Barmardo | homes were training and sending out. | They ure étlicient in service of almost : ek ma con yew wew www ew "H leat --" BE & gfe 15% S . a is) of its firebox--by the number appearance. by is general 0 contider Where-You-Want-It" sof ge o" wimmings by the size eof in oven--or influstries; in fact, the city, in this respect, was never in a better posi- tion than at the present time. Pr--Ryan said that-one great need was that of cheap power. It was needed to build up the citv. Other cities had secured it, and they were making good progress. He had no criticism to pass upon the Civie Utilic tics committee, on the power question, a8 he felt that the committee had no other course open for them than te take the action they did. Additions had been made to . the plant, to see them over the situation for the pres- ent, as it were. IL appeared to the er, that what the city needed was Hydro-Eleetric power. - Speaking for himself, he would have no hesi- tancy in signing up with the Hydro- Electric Commission. Western cities and towns had secured this power, and just recently cuts had been made in the rates. ~ Mr. Bermingham said that the ques- tion of securing the main line of the Grand Trunk for the city was an old + An effort along this line had been made again and aga. , stated, had seen' the the following: Gwilym Miles, the great American "Elijak"; Bernard Fergos; Mme. Ester Adaberto, prima donna with the Met- ropolitan opera compsny, season 1910; Mme. Hortense [)'Arblay, dramatic soprano; Pilade Sinagra, tenor oi grand opera, St. Petersburg and Mil- an, who created the tenor role in the English vegsion of "Ihe Girl of the Golden West'; Sebastian Burnetti, tenor Komische opera, Berlin; Miss Eva Vera, contralio grand opera, Léip- sic; Miss Marie Louise Rogers' contral to Boston opera company, and Arturo Bovi, conductor. The emtire company of over one hun- dred people, includes a full symphony orchestra and a large chorus. In every respect the organization is the most important and complete grand opera touring company. Mr. W. de Wag- statfe made the dramatized version for the American production. Does Insurance Insure. To insure means to make sure and secure. Insurance that does not make indemnity certain is not insurance. Any company can issue a nicely print- ed icy, but comparatively few furn. ish security to cover Svaliugea- tions and al contingencies. Make 'sure that you are safe by demanding a policy in the Liverpool & London & Globe. Agents, Strange & Strange. any kind; they often rise high in the social life of Canada: Many were now ministers of the gosphi: some were doc tors: Large numbers of the girls are now happily married After his talk Mr. Mayers called for the first musical selection which was a number of patriotic airs played on hand bells by five boys. The bells were beautifully toned, and were handled with great dexterity by the bovs who displayed, not only a keen sense of harmony, buf much careful training fhe next number was.a selection op mandolins by six boys and very well provided. lhe carriage of the boys before the audience was one of the features of the emertainment. They were quiet, sell-possessed andl polite "I'he Boys of the Old Brigade" wae then plaved on the hand bells and was followed by a solo, "Thora," fully rendered on the hand bells by one of the boys. The hand bell tables were now cleared sway and the svstem and despateh with which the hoys re moved the table pads, folded and ear ried away each section of the tabl brought a weil deserved applause from the audience. Une of the young musicians then favored the audience with a& cornet solo, "The Trumpeter," by Airke Dix. The piece was piaved with splendid taste. The first part of the program- me was closed by a selection from four gallant pipers. Their highland costumes and bearing brought a wary applause. In =u brief address, wita which Mr. Mayers varied the programme here, he said that the knowledge of the Bar {mardo Homes" work was very limited (in this coutitry. He made the state (ment thar out of the 23,000 boys and girls who had been sent out to Can- ads our own official records show that ninety-five per cent. turn ou well. He showed views of the various institutions and was the of the pictures w i of the gris' village home at i Essex, hore beauti- | Essex, was another of the inleresting features. Watts naval traiming school, which has provided already ten men for the Canadian navy; the Scepney Causeway, London East; Baby's Cas tle, Hawkhurst, Kent. We have also a | gird # home in Canada under the same system. Ur. Barnardo's homes now j conta" WOO destitute, orphan, crip- {pled' and incurable children and no destitute vhild turned away The homes receive on an uv eragy nine children a day the programme was brought to a close about ten o'clock after a couple of very good selections had been ren: dered" by the boys on the ocarifiag and on the auto-harps with the sing ing of the national anthem. Mr. Mayers, before closing expressed his gratitude to Mayor Hoag and the ¥.M.UA. jor their kindness and hos pitality extended to him and his mus wal boys. Tae Cpsgrave Brewerv company, To ropto, has iaken action against W Telfer, Kingston, to recover $1203.03 alleged due for goods sold and deliv. ered County Warden D. Godkin, of Plev- na, was in the city on Tuesday. 2d THE ig BANK VALLE OF EXPORTS. From Kingston to the United States During October, Declared value of Kingston to the United ing the month ending October Actinolits, $330 hosts cattle, $3 727% 64 ream, § : drawings, $10% drugs BL0Y 88; feldspar, $5.824.79. fNsh, 86.626 5h; hay, $3,785; hides and sking, $1378.43; household goods, 33. 614; lumber £6.0237.08 mica, $844.10 pldmbegs $2520.60; rags, $452.23; returned goods, $1,087.30; serap iron $1,014.46; wooden patterns, $300 Total $41,386.08 Corresponding 4923.53; from cARaris Stary month, 1911 $61. decrease $20,107.05 I nion evangelistic services opened in Brock Sireet Methodist chureh on Monday evening, and will continue during the week. Nev. John Webster, pastor, took the seripture, 'Prove all things," 8s the busin of his address at the opening meeting. Rev. 3. 1. Campbell will be the speaker this j evening, ARLISHED nis STANDARD is an advantage sometimes wo keep a bank sccount m the panes of two persons, so that ctier one may make withdrawab. ul un account i called a "joint secon" We dal be plensed 0 lornol pa

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