"CITY CIRCULATIO AGEN Of Leading Montreal Daily Endorses GIN PILLS IVE long years of suffering from Kidney Troubie two boxes of GIN PILLS ~~ aud it's all gone, That has Leen ibe experience of Mr. Eugene Quesnel, Chief City Circulation Agent of La Patrie, of Montreal. He describes it feelingly © Mountreal, ; May 3rd, 1912 '"F Lave been suffering from Kiduoey Trouble for over five long years, I had also Rheumatism in all my bones aud muscles, could not sleep nights and ou some occasions conld hardly walk. 1 had been treated by some of our best Plivsicians but without relief and 1 lost over fifteen pounds. One day 1 met one of our leading hotelkeepers, who liad been cured by your famous GIN PILLS, and he advised me to try them. So | bought, two bokes at my druggist's and before 1 had used one box I felt a big change. Before 1 finished the second one 1 was completely cured. 1 can assure you I can hardly believe itor if 1 had only known what I kn now I would not have spent over e Hnndred Dollags for nothing when two boxes of GIN PILLS cured me." EUGENE QUESNEL. GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide reputation, by the way they conquer the wost obstinate cases of Rheumatism and all kinds of Kidney Trouble, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 149 Thomas Copley, Telephone 987 Drop a card to 19 Ping Btreet when wanting anyihing gone in the Carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kind af repairs and new work; als Hardwood Floors of all kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention Shop, 40 Queen Street. » ¢ Kingston Business College (ddmited) Wghest Education at Lowest Cost Fall term 30th. Courses 10 Shorthand, Tele. Bervice and king Our graduates get the positions. Within a short t » oy secured positions with of the largest rallway cor. pe tions lo. Can Enter any ime. Call or write for informu- tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada are best for nursing mothers because they do not affect the rest of the system. Mild butsure. 25¢. a box at your druggist's, RATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL 0. oF CANADA, LUMITES. N added attraction to the appetizing appearance and flavor of Club Table Jelly is the delicious Club Jelly Sauce which is easily made from the contents of the small package : enclosed in each carton of Club S\_ Jelly Powder. + "Sixteen ular Jellies, as true as the pure fruit flavors. Put up by S. H. EWING & SONS, Montreal THE BLESSING OF MOTHERHOOD Healthy Mothers and Chil h is woman's highest 5 fruition of her dearest : life. Itis the : and greatest desires; yet thou . . 'of noble women throagh some de- ranigement have been denied this blessing. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Sa Be bench | Fochive bo tak Jou it famous Rr . '| clining the offer. No ITHE SPORT { SMeGILL COACH SAYS 'VARSITY ] WILL DEFEAT QUEEN'S, i - i But Will Have to Work to do ite] Hamilton and the O.H.\. Notes About Rugby, Hockey and Base. ball, | Father Stanton i¢ helping Dr. Gal vin to whip Ottawa Rough Riders into shape, Srockville will default next day's match to Ottawa seconds. The Hamilton Herald says the Al erts are very deficient in tackling; also very slow at -gefting a loose ball. The Winnipeg, Rowing Club, western champions, ma¥% again challenge for the farl Grey trophy. "Jack" Williams will likely be hack in his old position at centre half fon Ottawa next Saturday against the Argonauts. It ix likely that Varsity will ask for Kingston officials for their game with Queen's on Saturday. Good sports, says the Toronto World. "Ben" Simpson would . not aceept the appointment at Rosedale, Satur day. "Ben is president of the Ham: ilton Tigers, and he feels it his duty to see his team play one game at least this season. "Pete" Ferguson, a veteran scrim mager of the old days, has turned out with the Ottawa Rough Riders again It is suggested 'by the Ottawa Citi- zen that the Ottawa advance commit- tee secure the Canadian football final as a winter carnival attraction. If the leagues continue to tie up, the saow will be here before the champion. ship has been decided. Yale and Princeton clash on Novem- ber 16, when a great battle is expoct- ed. The deleat of Princeton by Har vard has lessened their chances some- what, as Yale are expected to be re turped winners over Harvard when they moet, : Il Varsity come through with a win over Queen's on Saturday, where will the play-off with McGill take place ? Ottawa is out of the question, and Montreal and Kingston are the likely places. Toronto World: It looks at this date as i "Jack" Maynard will not play against Queen's on Saturday, but will rest himdelf up for McGill. Of course, if Varsity are getting the worst of it in Kingston it is a safe bet that the general will jump imo the game, no matter what the cost. Toronto News : Leckie, of the Al- erts, is an ex-Queen's p,aver, and if he was back at the university would make Queen's a big' factor in the In- tercollegiate series. He is the main- stay of the Hamilton team, and easily Satur ris. Toronto" Muil and Empire : Varsity had a rattling good practice last night, and the team showed a lot of the old time "pep." The blue "and white are of the opinion that they will be up against a tougher proposi- tion than MeGill had last week, ns several of the Queen/s players who were out of the game through injuries will be back in line again. An Otinwa despatch says: Some of the McGill men maintained that the Queens players were working hand in glove with Varsity in trying to erip- ple the red and white team, but Coach Shaughnessy scouted that theory, "Queen's can't beat Varsity, but they will give them a run for it," he said Shaughnessy is the man of the houy in the Intercollegiate just mow, andy McGill students see visions of the championship. Hamilton Hockey Prospects. Toronto Telegram. The Hamilton management is anx- ious to play in the senior O.H.A., and will apply to enter that series. They have four players who were last year with Kingston senior and they were in Hamilton before August Ist-the time prescribed by the O.H.A. rules. Hamilton always had the 0.1.A series in view, hut reports from Kings- ton stated that there would he objec tions raised on the ground that these Kingston players were imported for hockey purposes, contrary to the rules and spirit of the 0.H.A. Hamilton must have hockey for their new rink, and fearful lest the O0.H.A. might lake the same view as Kingston they entered into a scheme to form an International: Amateur League, with Toronto, Hamilton, Syracuse and De- troit in. I they can get in the O.H. A. they will doubtless abandon the in- ternational idea. 'Varsity Will Tour, The University of Taronto Hockey Clah haa as raed hvac 3 220 Arsangad fornaticaal the" itinerary of which is as fol- . 26--New Edinburg, at Ottawa. . 27=Boston A.A.A., at Boston, . 28%~Harvard University, at Bos- Dec. 30--Yale University, at New Ha- van. 1--Now York A.C, olas rink. Jan. _d --Dfinceton University, at New York: at St. Nich- § In Toronto they NERO FEARED THE COMET. Garrett P. Servigs Writes of an As tonishing Incident. i Washington Post i A very curious fact, filling a strange. gap in the history of the! infamoys . Emphrar. Nero, has just; been. brought ta light aL the Paris! Academy of lnstriptions by M. Gou- | stante, Not only does iL solve nn! historical puzzle, BRL AL the sae) time. if shows, in the most graphic | maniner, the wonderful influence once a by comets g¥er the human; in ination. : 1a the. gear A.D. 60 & elifiant] comet made its appearance in the! sky, and' the Roman world was thrown into the state of nervous ap prehension and vague vertof which such, apparitions always cansed. In those days. It probably made its enicy. suddpnly, ifke the mysterious 'Comet. jv J of 1510, which many readers: will remember, shone like a plume of fire ln ithe sunset sky at a moment when the astronomers were all loking in apnuther direction for the oncoming comet of Halley, In Nero's time nobody Knew any- thing about the real nature. of com- ets, There were no mathematicians capable of caicnlating their orbits, and, the spectroscopes, with which he now serenely proceed to analyze them, and detect their gaseous se- reais, would then have been regard: ed as the machinery of witches and necromancers. . Nevertheless, men had in those days very definiia, thowgh very erroneous, ideas about comats, They believed, among oth- er things, that a comet foretold death of some ruler who happened to. be reigning in. the year of ia appearance, Nero evidently felt that the hlaz- ing messenger in the, heavens had its figry eye fixed specially upon, him, and ag he had just begun io taste the delights of unlimited pow- denly; translated from the earth. Ae: cordin 4 of averting tha peril, ne was assisted hy some astron- oner, for the, astronomers of that age. were not scrupulous ahout lend. ing. their countenance to supersti: tion, and, in fact, most of thom were little better than astrologe:s, Very likely er he was. ip no mead to ba suds] he cast about for a means!' and they vere probably as much afraid of comets as anybody else. The dovice finally hit upon, ac- cording to M, Constans, was the rec- kon. the year 60----the year of the] comet--as having already expired as far as Nero's incumhency of the tri bunitian office (which was the of-| i Thus it was thought | be thrown in thaj comet's eyes and that, finding Nero| out of reach, it would either [ol away without a vietim or cont ot was concerned. that dust might i= that Nero had to do, after la Z| ignored the remainder of the Ydtal/ year 60, was to issue a decree 1- | ning a new principate for himss [1] with the year G61. This was one, hig sen until recently, greatly ecco: torians. COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS On Present Events, With the Alpha- bet as Guide, A--Achilles Monk sulking under his tent. Long iron pin, rivets and pad- lock far sale cheap to prompt appli cant. : B--Broken pillar were a fit for broken principles ! C--Canada produces nine-tenths the world's supply oi nickel used in hattleships D--Dr.. Tanner symbol of fasted forty days; Cuecl, fifty days. But a record break er in amother line is Albert Harpin, of Australia, who has not slapt for thirty years. That's going some, sure. E~FEnglich farmer, in Western Can- ada, recently prayed thus : "God bless me and my wife; my son John and his wife; we four and no more." F--Funny idea this, asking us if"we are related to Zam Buk! No; and even if we were, it wouldn't be so bad; Zam-Buk aims at curing skin diseases and Zaccheus tried, in his humble way, to make his fellow men as well as himsalf, better and worthier G--Great god Pan seems to he the Greecian guns all right. H-Hon. Bob Rogers is getting oy gay. One would imagine by his blab and bluster that he owns Capada. His -bumpriousness and airy tongue 'may yet be the death of him. J---In Charlottetown, P.E.I., they raise 'foxes' with fair results just. raise "hogs"" and wallow in wealth. Moral : Raise hogs. J=Jdava, the most fertile island in the world. . B--Key that opens the palace of eternity has to be modelled by one's own conduct. L--Lad ia New York has heart on "right" side; a singular instance where "right is wrong." ~Mittgar society wants to regen- erate the "eradies.' They had better regenerate the "mothers" first. N--Negress Bernabet, in Indiana, ac- cused of twenty mine murders, resents the charge and declares she "oniy com- mitted nineteen." with Jan. 5---Uornell University, at Syra- cuse, N.Y, i Raseball Items. Hugh Jennings is one manager who thinks "Jou" McGinnity is still capa- | hle of pitching winning ball on the major league. He his offered the Iron | Man a position on the Detroit staff of | twirlers for next season. "the Guelph baseball team will not! Guelph weéxt year," President | Mahoney wrote to the special ecommit- | tee which had offered him $1,500, de | other town has! i 3 yet heon settled on. : The major league baseball season of | 1913 will begin on April: 10th. Selec tion of this date was announced al New York as the result ofan agree ment between Presiden National League, and I turn that DANDRUFF TO FA You'll know there is some! No one with a healthy scalp has j WHEN THE are and fall out. Then comes a. ATURE GREY HAIR" and ** Has Been Look" shout them. HEED THE WARNING USE-- HAYS ALTH | when you puil least, A SIMPLE HAT TRIMMING THAT SUGGESTS A There is nothing but a bow of if one, crown; § covered, and ap. ght. ds except, the silk tassel th at dangles the bow is a Bost in its elf. Iy arvanged over the hat so that the the top of the bow m akes almost hat is a pew semi-ho nnet shape of old gold plush, and * bow is. in a new turquoise blue he under brim is faced with this color also, and the old gold tassel which falls over the crown is attached to an ornament which ho! the how in place--or appears to MN 5 k b cies Se TA CRT Re RO " 4 Better than the Sun Before OMO the usual way was to spread the clothes on the grass exposed to the sun. Now OMO cleanses thoroughly, bleaches and puri- , fies better than the sun can do it. It has the bleaching end purifying properties of fresh country air for linens and ail white things. Harms neither hands nor clothes, No rubbing. Directions are easy. Works quickly. Coffee, tea, cocoa, fruit and other stains disappear like magic. Safe and sure but must 10 not be used for colored ar- At Pugsley, Dingman & Co. Limited, Toronto > od tcies, woollens or flannels. grocers DRESSY EFFECT ribbon on this new hat of plush-- over the edge of the It is a huge affair most clever. of the crown are entirely a straight line across sides color which is exquisite hy gas | S-- 0<Origin of violin, little friend, uncertain; it 18 supposed to have is a delightiul know irom. ludia. It ment, as evervhody its ear de Paganini made it famous P--Police Magistrate MeMicken, cording ta the code, | ficial sphere of the early emperors) | cuffs, the way of all bullies this, Q--Quite refined, Boh Regers : "To hell R--Reported introducti lem (the "Holy. City' with their cheap, degr; fanation. S--"Snow"' berries" ada ean do wi i-=The in the we in the east sh hen she wi greatest caiam God. Unless Premier ships on snow-shoes Vo-Violation of vested rights wounding a friend in Publie. conscience is aro | Winnipeg, administers (he law, mt vw fre on in } oof wding and wh I'he eile no ith ym | fer seo pt st wat ( iy t Borden | with his navy. he'll have to send ths used hat hu 15 ther ins come tru ven great of i ac fist fon with Quebec.' usn pes' tures outclassen the other halves of the Al jgelf with some barbarian king. All| and performances, really seems a pro raw- an can and the consequent discrepancy has, | befall a nation is to forget there is st los 11 like his own house ehy WoWidespread speculation is revived as to what the powers ill, or choy wld do in the event of the little "'Balkar band continuing to triur nph X--~Xit of Turkey from Europe a possibility Your humble y serve would not shed many tears f ov wnt, or en if at one the whole Ottoman regime, which is a blot on our common civiiizat last, come to an end.» won, had ZACCHELUS, THE STICK HIT HIM. London Man Sues Because Firew orks Came Down Again, London, Ont., Nov ner, a prominent Lond on un an, 7. -George Bre has brought action for damages for per against Mr sonal injuries Fair association. the Wes tern Brener claims that while seated in the grand stand at an evening performance last Sep tember he was struck by a piece of stick used in the constructic works set on of the which had 1 b read een fire Month of Roses and Suicides, Washington, Nov suicide"s favorite mon to statistics prepared Woodrow, pastor of th gregational church Dr. Woodrdty "declare destruction almost neve By June according Dr rst th, e F the 8 At r occurs the H Con- self in time of war or great public dis astar our men kill iove life for the same r serts And he adds woman's good sense Dr. Woodrow says a retarn to simpler | cated laws prohibiting and members af from owning or tarryin the "It themselves where one woman takes her| ason," he proves | as remedy ng and advo- all but police » army and navy weapons Nothing New Under the San. Adan the 'My dear,' Quid Eve iscussing in the Garden Eden, tem of dressmaking do "Waeil,"" replied Eve, "they all have their me loose-leal system me." Judze were ot good as all he fush "which and whe SVS 91s vou iavor ? thoughtially but ugh the for ! i i | QUEBEC LEGISLATURE, From Throne Promises im. portant Measures, Quebee, 6 heutenant alMrooon Speech Nov Sir Praneois [fan geler governor, fot the thirteenth legislature opened first session ol the terday the vinee I'he course of of nro of Luebec the Lo the heutenant-governor, referred in hin address, work of the g the spread of tablishimend® advancing § the es! schools, | other | ver overnment in education and of 4wo Hyacinthe in this he appropriations normal and 'the connection said, had shared in voted in flavor ol municipalities establishing mercial academies I he ment given to municipalities, increased one at Si at Jolietie forty schools the the con encourage whol saluries of teachers, was also. bearing fruit fhe heutenant-governor would he poled with pleasure tha the government had paid ofi the bal ance of the « of 22 005,006), "ey tracted in INNS wit thot fresh Lininliti said an it meurring HATPINS SHAG" ISSUE, Sydney Women City's =< W City Rebel Action, , Nov. 6. For going with their hatpins pro of they society, have been tried one Sydney wonien vow they LO what andl Against Sydney, N about the trading sixty women, most prominent in and fined in Fhe court will nes consider an ini regulation risthes sibimit they quitous HDNEeCOsRAYY and that will than pay fines. So the city authorities may be faced with a sufiragotte situation, It as whispered that several of the prison resolved that, in event of any imprigonments for non-payments of fines, will declare a hunger strike Asser they die for for ers have more they Rubbing It In. 3 sepltuagenarian said one al'tlinner to his fair young "My darling, 1 have. just insured my fe in your favor for £20.000 : "Oh, you duck !'" the beautiful 'gir cried, and, raising and passing round the table, she kissed her hushand lightly on the bald head "Darling," he said, taking her slim white hand, "is there anything else } tan do for you ?"' "Nothing vm earth," answered evening wile Eddy's Silent Parlor Matches Made of very best corkey pine. Every stick a match. Every match a light. Well packed so that a match may readily be extracted in the dark--no fumbling with the inevitable spilling of the matches. AND ABOVE ALL EDDY"S a surety of the best possible quality and full count The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited il Makers also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissue Towels, ete. King Geo 5 Vv res KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! It Smpasieh all others in quality "and flavour because the process by which it is made differs from others. --It is deli- ciously sweet and non-irritating. SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC ' 3 ¢ wd then, with a dittle silvery laugh she added : "Nothing in this world | Nalin 5 : + x NOotning una neaven Lonaon | of | Opinion | i Neighbors. ! C | le Provost i Afraid for the In the course of ments charch, Monday night, Macklem, of Trinity, told. this story \ parishioner, of Spurgeon, once ask ed him if he thought a man who pre tited. playing the corset on the Sal | hath day would go te heaven. . The great preacher though a. while and thea replied : '1 don't any | reason why be should not go.to hea | ven, but | am afraid his neighbors ! would net." rv talk at St woe Among those in the poor house ma. fount] those who once were chara - terized as "easy spenders.' be D7 J.Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered, The best known Remedy for CouGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. J Acts like 8 charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA, Eifectoally cots short afl attacks of SPASMS. Checks and atvasis those too often fats! disgaser~ FEVER, CROUP snd AGUR: The only palliative ix NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISN. odyne ic qa Liguid !ckes in drops, graduated aceording to Phe matady Inaavarbly relieves pas 0 whatever kind : creates a calms refreshing yr allays srvitation of the wervnus syvicm when ali other semedies fail. braves ve bud effects. and can be taken wheid wo ollier medigine can be Folerated, INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Priced in Eaginad. Vi 2/9. 48 Sole Manslactarers J.T. DAVENPORT 14. LONDON, SE The immense success of this Remedy has gives rine fo many imitations. NB - Every bottle of Geanine Chlorodyse investor, Dr. J. Collis Browne