ECONOMICAL ET LEAL 3 RELIABLE = PURE #/ 4 / NE Cr MUL MAGIC Ye Sold by J. Bunt & . WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Belected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antoracite. Coal wined in Pennsylvania, Place your next oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. Nortly End Ontaric Street. 'Phone 156. Nearly Anyone May Secure a Spleu- did Growth of Hair. We have a remedy that has a record of retarding baldness and promoting hair growth id 93 out of every Hi, cages: where used according to diree- tions for a reasonable length of time That may seem like a strong state- ment--it is, and we méan it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual*test. We are go certain Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will eradicate dandruff, act to prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, arrest premature loss of hair and promote hair growth, that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it in every inslance where it dacs not give entire satisfaction to the user, Rexall "93" Hair Topic is as pleas: ant to use as clear spring water, It iw delightially perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hair. Two sizes, Se, and 81. With our guarantee back of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold only at our store--The Rexall Store. 6. W, Mahood. dn Smoked Giscoes SAFE REMEDY EN CATARRH MISERIES Gives Instant Relief, Cures and Prevents Catarrh and Cold in the Head. hah The quickest, best And saftst way to eure catarch or a cold in the head is by tding a remody that will "touch the spot" and do its work quickly without leaving any bad effects. Ely"s Crear Dal, which is applied to the nostrils or rabbed on the throat or chest. geis right at the root of the trout «and instantly relieves even the worst uf catnerh or cold. A few minutes alter applied you can feel a loosening up in the head, the pain and sores are goue, the sense of taste, smell and hearing come back, and you feel like wo differmit person: Fly's Cream' Ral; clonnses, heals and strengthens ihe inflamed raesa- branes, takes awn¥ that stufied-up foeling and dull pgin in the head, re- lioves the throat soreness and stops AR nb no alec pra ha aa the pasty distharee whisk fo tha anna 'of the disgusting hawking, spitting, blowing of the nose, and foul reat . Hay Jose Sista who are made mis- erable # of sneezing, coughin, and wheezipg get instant and Sy ent relief the use of this simple remedy, : Don't sufier ano minute. Ely's Cream Balm. wj eve you immedi ately, and cent. bot le will more than liked work a toques. All iste sell it. G. W, Mahood, ag: as 4 Young Mills, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS ® TELL US. | fhe Pidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--Whas People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, Nov. 2.--Nearly all the people of this vicinity have finished corn cutting. John and Frank Quinn of this place, who have been in' Manitoba for two months, returned home the other day. Mrs. H, Hemp and her daughter, of Ot- tawa, have returned home. .Miss Elsie McLaren, who is employed #t Alexander Shephard's, has returned after spending Thanksgiving at her home at Innisville. Leavigg Maberly, Maberly, Nov. G.--Mr. Wilson, repre senting the Chase Hros., is staying in the village. W. J. Thompson was in the village on Monday with a load of choice snow apples. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan, Montreal, are visit ing with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mr. John Buchanan. John Miller ship ped a cardoad of beei caitle to Mon teed. to-day. William Barker and Mr, Hodgins, of Brockville are selling ran- ges and kitchen cabinets through this vicinity Mrs. Hawley is showing im- provement. The ladies' guild will meet the kame of Mrs. HK. Hughes on William Stinson is leaving and will reside at Betheny at Fuesday. Maberly village. Sand Bay Notes. Sand Bay, Nov, 4.--The farmers have finished digging potatoes and report a fairly good crop. A num- ben from here attended the sale at P. Dier's, Tilley. The many {friends of Mra. Joseph Lappan are pleased to hear she is recovering. Mrs. William Ferguson is spendi a week with friends in Mooretown. William Fer guson had a ploughing hee on Thurs day last. Miss Wyrile Griffen has gove to the general hospital to un- dergo an operation, Gorden McPher- son visited at Charles McDonald's oe Sunday last. Joseph Hearn visited at William McDonald's on Sunday ev ening last. Mr. Clanson, who has been working for Charles McDonald has gone to Work for R. Williams Fairfax. A Sydenham Wedding. Sydenham, Nov. 4.--A quiet wed: ding took fiace at the English church on Weddesday evening, October 30th, when Miss, Daisy Mabel, fourth daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole, of. Harrowsmiih, was united to Walter Turnham, of Sydenham, Rev. Mr. Dowdell officiating, The bride, who was given away by her father, was daintily dressed in cream lustre, trimmed with old rose lace, and wore a beaver hat trimmed with plumes, Miss Lillie, sister. of the bride, was bridesmaid. The guests repaired to the home of Mrs, C, Turnham, where a dainty supper was served. The hroom's gilt to the ride was a gold bracelet; to the bridesmaid, a gold lockét: and chain. E. Higney bought a new huggy last week, H. Smith's house is completed. Farmers around here report plenty of rotien potatoes. Mrs. F. Bowen, Na- panee, has returned home, after at tending the wedding of her sister. If. Smith has gone deer hunting. Co News From Enterprise. Enterprise, Nov. 6.-~Miss Evelyn Wagar i8 spending a fow days visit-s ing friends and relatives at Trafford and Wagarville, Edward Finn, who was taken to Kingstoa hospital, suf- fering from appendicitis, is improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sim. mons, of Bicknell's Corners, spent Sunday at J. L. Louck's. Mrs. An. drew Burns passed away very sud- denly on Monday morning last. Mrs. Cyrene Huffman, of Camden Fast, is visiting at J. I. Loucks' for a few days. Thomas Wagar is shipping lots of fowl away these days. Mr. and Mrs. William Loucks, and fam- ily, are visiting relatives at Ross- more. Mrs. Cyrus Wagar spent the jast week visiting relatives at Fifth Lake and Wagarville. The farmers are busy doing their fall plowing. J. L. Loucks, painter, is working out west of Centreville. Messrs. Hert Raymond and German Wagar, of Napanee, spent Sunday at Albert Raymond's. Harry Moore Is work- ing at W. H. Roberts' residence. Mallorytown Matters, Mallorytown, Nov. 4.--A branch of - the Mallorytown publie library, has meen installed at Junetown, with Ross Purvis as libarian. Mr. M. E. Guild has picked several bunches of raspberries in his gar- den. William Edgley returned from Toronto hospital on Saturday and is able to walk around by the use of crutches. having first hurt hp knee at Brockville asylum. = The farmers have not all finished digs ging potatoes, but those who have, say that the rot has decreased the ¢rop by one third to one half Quarterly service was held at the Methodist church here Sunday morning and 'the Presbyterian ser- vice will be held In the stone church next Sunday. The thodist minister of Mallorytown Athons exchanged pulpits for t day. In the Presbyterian ureh service le held in the fore- instead of evening for e winter months. Alexander Mor row begins the rural mail delivery toute. No. 8. John Mallory and family hve moved to the west. Thad. rvis- had a stac! f oy | How's This? Xp fate Sve, Sundied Dolls Be Tal" ured by Hall's Catared . PJ. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O We, the Mndersigned, wiv known F. J. Cheney th S18 years belie Bh perfect honorabi al a fri Hos po ee carry out any ncially WA : & MARVIN : anes. ede. ° Cire is taken In 1% ally, iy upon surfgces of the sent free. Price Sold by all drug- (given by the young people of THE DAMLY BRITISH WHI, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 ---------- hay blow over, With the Saturday. pes wind on Wolfe IslanG "Notes. Wolfe Island, Nov. 6.--Sacrament- al services were held in the Meth- odist church last Sabbath. Tht La- dies' Aid met ai the home of George Keyes. E. P. Jenkins and family of Kingston spent Thanks- giving day at the parsonage, guests of Rev, Stewart. Mrs. Payne; who has been on the list, is improving. Rev. G. | Mrs. Campbell of Kingston spent Tuesday at the Methodist parson- age. Miss M. Hughes, trained nurse of New York, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Wiggins, and other rela- tives on the Island. Miss Ferguson of Gananoque is visiting her niece, Mrs. Stewart. Miss Hazel Ruther- ford of Kingston is the guest of Miss Olive Woodman. Miss Ruth- erford and Miss Woodman rendered a duet very acceptably in the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening. James Brash has returned home af- ter spending the summer in the west. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mosier have moved to the village. H. Brown has moved into Capt. Crawford's house. and St, Lawrence, Wolie island. Lawrence, Nov. l.--Rev.- Mr. Stewart conducted quarterly service in the St. Lawrence Methodist church Sunday. A very good attendance. A surprise party was held at the home of William: Michea, Tuesday even- ing. A very enjoyable time was spent. Miss Lena Bolton, of Marys ville, returned home Thursday, after spending a few days at George Gil- fespie's. Mrs. Wallace Mosier and ¢hildren returned home to Marysville Thursday, after spending a week at William Gillespie's. Sheridan Malo ney, of Clayton, N.Y., returned home Saturday, aiter spending the summer at John Niles'. Miss Emma Leeman is spending a week in Kingston Misses McDonnell, Kingston, are visit St Frank Fawcett spent Sunday evening at William Gillespie's. = Miss Della 4. Gillespie ieft for Toronto Thuxs- day, where she intends spending the winter months with her sister, Mrs. fl. French. Mrs. John Niles, sr., re wirned home Saturday, after spend- ling the week with her daughter, Mrs. George Woodman, Allen. Centreville News. Uentreville, Nov. 4.--Potato mg in this vicinity is about pleted and people report a very crop. About one-hali of them rotten. News of the rural mail tivery from Hinch was received here joyfully. The kitcher shower at Ar- thur Wilson's, on Tuesday night, was a decided success. He and Miss Beatrice Huffman, Colebrook, were ourctly married on the 16th inst, at Yarker. The Young Men's Club, of Camden, had a very enjoyable ball in the town hall here on Frida: night. Although the night and roads were unfavorable it was weil attended. -The remains of the late James Joyce, of Rochester, were bur- ied here on Friday. Misses Annie and Stella Ingoldsby, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving . at home. Mrs. Michael Jordan and son, John, were recent callers at Charles Ingoldshy's, Some from bere attended the Frins ville ball. Visitors: Mrs. -P. Shan- non, at S. Cassidy's; Mr. and Mrs James Dewey, at ¥. O'Connor's: Perey Thompson and Miss J. Long and H. Robinson, at J. Fairbairn's; William Qnith, Erpesttown, is moving into the village to-day. M.. Lantana Happenings. Lantana, Nov. 5.--Fine weather has come again and was very welcome to some who were caught in their po- tato digging by the heavy frost. The Chandler Jones Co. has shut down iis mill for this year, having cieaned up 'the logs. James Moore received a severe wound on his hand while re paiting a gate. The Lord's Supper was served in Ompah church on Sun day, 3rd. A good attendence is re ported. Mrs. Robert Ferguson and two little girls, Katie and Hazel, ars renewing acquaintences around Snow Road, that being their former home. Harry Morrow reports seeing a large lynx in his yard the other night Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson made a flving visit to Canonto last Sunday Miss Mary Richardsan, has moved in with her children to Sun day Creek to keep house for Mr Hugh. Mr. Cameron is suffering from a large abscess but is improving Miss Dawson has returned from Wing ston. Miss Mammie MacKinnon, teacher, has gone back to resume her duties at Clarendon Station. Visitors: Mr. Kintol, R. Watt and Mr. Taylor, from Balderson, at James Moore's; J McFarlane, at his daughter's; Alex Watson, at Charles Dunham's, Canan to. sh------ Yarker Episode. Yarker, Nov. S=The sacred concert Yarke and viemity in the Methodist church was a great success. John Watt ha goue on his annnal deer hunting trip The Commercial hotel is having som fine improvements made to 1 inter jor by Andrew Galbraith. Frederick Stormer bas bonght the Drury proper tv jo Yarker and will reside there James © hus bought the Thom os Carr farm from ira Salsbury. Mrs Joby Ewart and daughter, Frances pick- com- poor are de- ke Hal's Family Pills for con- stip . thi 3 itors:--Mrs, Jed. Fry, of Norwood ; Mac. Vanluves, wile and two daugh TURKISH BATTLESHI This is a photograph of the © ultan's warship, daring Grecian torpedo boat that « scaped unscathed pot several hundreds, were drowned, and the vessel | i Robert : "8g. sick | ing at their sister's, Mrs. H. O. Day's, Ds a +Feth-1.Buland, wh i. It is probably » I sank in five minu ters; Eo and wile, of donald College, Que; John Marni Cobourg, at John: Wright s Mrs Gsire, of Dunnville, at her fathers, F BR fF. EE. Beajamin is home again from the west, also Rov | man apd Harry Woodrufi i. Peter bas moved to Newburgh At the concert in the Methodist church on Friday night, Fenwick Con noily was presented with a travell fo token of esteem, the congregation. Mr. Conmolly ganist «f the Methodist chure h. y- mour Burgess has boughl the id Woodmarker saw mill. Next Sunday being World s Pemperance Sunday, Rev dr Wilson, of Wilton, will preach' here. William Silver had moved to Yarker, from Napanee. Marshall Bab { cock has purchased a farm near West brooke and will mové there. Mrs F Alton is visiting friends in Harrow- smith this week James Warner and Mr. Footer have returned irom Mon- treal. where they bad been disposing of stock, bought in this vicinity Emberiy fen jamin by as a shight De Battersea Budget. Battersea, Nov. 6.----Sacramental services were conducted in the Methodist church last Sabbath by the Rev My. Sheridan, followed on Tuesday by a meeting of the official board, at which the business of the church was transacted. The regular Young People's meeting was held in the Orange hall on Wednesday even- ing. Readings and recitations, in- terspersed with instrumental and vo- cal music, made a good programme for the evening's entertainment. Mrs. (Rev.) Sheridan entertained her mother, Mrs. Stanley, and bro ther, from Lucan, Ont, during the Thanksgiving holiday. Nelta Van Luvan, with his wife and nephew, spent a week with the formér's par- ents, after which they left for Wa- tertown and Syracuse, N. Y. Last week. J. D. Miller, R. Lake and George Kirkpatrick left on a trip north. 8. Jamieson, who: has been absent in the west for several months, returned, feeling well pleas ed with his investments, he having sold part of his property, from which he realized several thousand above what he invested. Miss Ethel Clarke spent a few days in the city Mabel Anglin and Irene Clarke of K. ¢. I. spent the holidays at home I. Van Luven has returned after spending the week end with his son, F. Van Luven, Brockville. W. Suth- erland has finished picking a fin# ¢sop of apples, all of which are good quality. C. M. Van Luven, Kingston Station, speut the haljdays at home, Miss Chown was at her home in the city for Thanksgiving W. Ormsbee was kept busy this fall with his potato digger. The farm- ers are having a large quantity of potatoes, but not of good quality, as the. greater part of them have rot- ted. They have almost finished threshing and are now engaged in fall plowing. % Centre of Rich Mines. Montreal, Nov. f.--~A report comes down from rrince Rupert to the effect that the big copper d posits seventy miles north of the city at Granby Bay are likely to turn out enormously rich. These copper claims were known as the "Hidden Creek" claims and were abandoned as not being worth op- erating. Another company now has 500 men at development work, and is said to have blocked out an enormous body of ore. The reports are so large tHat they will certainry not be accepted here in mining circles, heing to the effect that 12. 000,000 tons of copper ore, with a net profit of $4 per ton ($50,000. 006) has-been blocked out. At a meting of the trustees Columbia university, New York, the and legacies received in the vear a annual reports showed that the gifts mounted to Gertrude Ackerman, twelve old, was attacked by a pack of dogs in Highland Park. north of - Brook hn, and may die from her injuries Years How to Make Better Cough Syrup than You Can Buy A Family Supply, Saving $37 and Fully Guaranteed. much as you coud buy for $2.50---can easily be made at home. You will find nothing that takes hold of an obstinate cough more quickly, usually ending RI inside of 24 hours. Excellent, too, for croup, whooping cough, sore lungs, As- tama, hoarseness and other throat trou. es. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one, cup of warm water, and siir for two minutes. Put 234 ounces of Plex (fifty cents' worth) in a l6-ounce bottle, then the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfect. ul every one, two laxative enough to help ~ Also stimulates the appe- United: States and Can- has been imitated, but wl formuly has never a tn thee goes. t Pingx. or win 'not, send to The P SUXK BY A GRECT AN TORPEDO. C.P.R. SPECULATIONS ! done nothing Sixteen ounces of cough syrup -- &8 | ape PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE ALONG CERTAIN LINES, Enthusiasm Waning--Numerons Difficulties That Reset the New Government the Time of us Establishment Have Nat Yel Been Surmounted. It is just a year since the first young Chinese republic was esiab- lished at Wuchang and the rebel leader at Hankow notified the for- eign consuls of the existence of the new government, But after a year under the administration of young China it would seem that general enthusiasm is waning. The Chinese press, except for subsidized political journals and the missionaries, agree that although young China may differ from the old in externals and education, the racial characteristics cannot be altered so suddenly. However, it is pointed out that a nation that has known only despot. ism for countless generations is no more able to achieve freedom sud denly than the leopard is to change his spots. Theres appears to be some tendency toward provincial autonomy. and this would be aug mented by any rebellion against the present regime. The result would probably be to abolish the mon- archical principle and Confucianism, There is already a general dis affection through the provinces, per. hans as marked as that under the last of the Manchus. An important result has been to set at naught the authority and the treaty obligations of the central government in regard to opium abolition. A recent edit- orial on "Defiant Human" in the North China Herald says: "The prestige of the republican govern- ment has been dealt another heavy blow, and the time when the gov- ernment In Peking will be able td impos its will upon the provincial authorities has been rendered more remote than ever. According to a telegram from Peking, thers ia ouite. an extensive racrudescence of the cultivation of the poppy throughout Hunan. Thus is the im- potence of the authorities in Peking becoming more and more demon strated by the ever Increasing ar- rogance of the provineed., Notwith standing the treaty obligations of the government and its Instructions to the provinces, at this moment the noppv is being enltivated | in | Kuefehan, Shans. Szechuen, Che. kiang, Kilangsu, Fukien and Yun- nan." - +The brevity of the revolution and local | the suddenness with which the new Halifax | regime has takem hold partially ac- Tramways. This company was recent: | count for a change only in the out- ly taken oves hy E. A. Roberts wnd|er form of government. . which associates, of Montreal, at $160 per|leaves the masses politically uncon- share. 'The final arrangements wera | scious and unchanged. Correspon- completed yesterday. ¢ dents of the North China Herald, writing from the provinces, volce th's feeling of the hopeless fmmo- bility of the peonle at large. "What- ever is happening In other parts of | China," says one writer, "it is cer- tain that In Kuantung men and is at ich was blown up and sunk by a cores of men forming the crew, if tes. z FAILURES LAST MONTH LOW. EST IN SOME YEARS, Mr. Wilkie Spoken of For President of Bankers Assotiation----The Latest Financial Notes. Toronto, Nov. 6.--Failures in Can- ada during October made a distinctly favorable comparison with previous years, the number of defaults, Sac cording th Dun's reports, being small or han' any similar period since 1906, while the sum of indebtedness involved was considerably lighter than in October, 1911. Total in- solvencies last month numbered only 106 "and supplied $1,480,457 a year ago, 130 for $917,499 in 1910, and 150 suspensions in 1909, when the amount was $1,352,180 « He May Be Chosen. Montreal, Nov. 8.--In banking cir cles it said that D. R. Wilkie, president and general manager of the Imperial Bauk, will become president of the Canadian Bankers' Association in succession Sir Edward Clous ton. who has retired from awive banking. is to C.P.R. Earnings. Montreal, Nov, 6.--The gross earn ings of CP.K. last month preached $12,962,000, the largest in the history of the road. The increase over Octo ber of last year was $1,547,000. The earnings for the first foun months of the company's fiscal year were $48. 845.000, which is an increase of 87. 198,000 over the corresponding four months of last year. 161 Was Bid. Nov. 6.--On the 161 was bid for Montreal, exchange Canadian Pacific Speculation, In looking back over Canadian Pa-| cific's record for the past five or six years, all of the factors which go to make up a large speculative move] ! ment can be found, large increases in! women are being executed in aston- earnings, gradually increased divi- | ishing numbers dends, and one stock issue after an-| The Hangchau correspondent | other, with valuable "rights." In re- | Writes: We are rather tired of cent years speculative Wall street has hearing what the new governors are in Canadian Pacific, | KOIDE to do. So fur they have done because the carrying charges were too! hothing Only a work of destruc. high, compared with other stocks. In 1%" goes on and things are improv Berlin, London, Montreal and Toron- ing for the worse t ¢ nusuall to. however, large lines of the stock re rt ithe Abundant r Ione : wrovinees » were arvied by speculators on mar ! Bes oNter - NB :s | 80le encouragement. Rice and cot- mn. When the decline started it] 05.0, reported. far above the av- jbroke easily as far as speculative erage, and this has drawn many holdings were concerned. The de- called: "troops" 3 418% any 80 g a pod as 4 ps" back to productive cline from 283 two 2561, however, had labor. While they are busy har English investors. ! An vesting tendlon ie being relieved, never sells his Can-| p.4 yhoge on the ground feel appre- ; hension for the future A strong -------- central government seems the mos To be Increase in Output. | feasible or out, and as the moat Montreal, Nov. 6.--The plants of gan the establishment of a dic the Canada Cement company at the tatorship is favored. To this end present time are operating on an power is being concentrated in the output of 8,000,000 barrels a Year, bands of Yuan Shib Kai, and hopes but with the extens'on to present for the future rest on him. So far plants and new ones being erected, Yuan Shih Kai has shown himself the company expect by the first of an opportunist of ths oriental type, August of next year, that there will ' guided by an extremely acute in have been an Increase of G0 per cent. telligence and sound judgment of in output, bringing the total output hig fallow countrymen for the year to cover 12000009 | barre's. The interests of Canada Relics of Druids Cement maintain that their Inabil- | Eon oooh White FSA Leven ity to fill orders in the west was -Seotland, recently found an group of due entirely fo car shortage than to cup-marked stones near the Leven-to- want of production, and that the | ; reo road, He thought there was present output can easily look after | something peculiar in the markings of the whole Canadian market i ori. me whin boulders which were giving ders will only be supplied to them |. hls 16 some laborers engaged at a early enough in the year. | drain. He got the stones photograph- i | ed, and from these photos expert anti Company Increases Capital. | quaries at once pronounced the bould Mentreal, Nov. 6.--The Canadian ers to be cup-marked stones, relics of Sardine .company, limited, has re- | the Druids. > ceived authorization from the gov- ernment to increase its capital from $1,000,000, to $1,600,000, This is the new sardine concern which was organized by Mr. Johuston, of John- | ston, McConnell & Allison, and Sir | way, New York. William VanHorne. The entire pro- | A new anaesthetic, composed duction of the present plant is said | ether and salt solution, used success 'o Le sold for the next year, and | fully in several hospitals, is said to the pew capital is being secured | rob operations of shock and discom- with the view of increasing the out- fort. DE "CASCARETS " FOR SICK HEADACHE Bilious, Throbbing Headache Means Bowels are Clogged and Liver Stagnant--You Need Cascarets. no effect on English mvestor adian Pacific. Jerome D. Grieve resigne! from the | Rockefeller Institute of Medical le search to join' M¥- Rockefeller's stalk in charitable work at No. 26 Broad of Large Orders on Hand. Montreal, Nov. §.--Recent reporis | show That the orders on hand of the | Dominion Textile company, repre-| sent a value in excess of $4,000,000 | which compargs with orders of $2. 000,000 at the same period last | year. Prices for prine'pal lines | are a'so said to be slightly in ad-| vance of those obtained a year ago. ,.) Oo" re bilious, you have a throb. {bing semsation ia.your head. a bad - . {taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, . Well Up to Earnings. "Jyour skin is yellow, with ak rings Montreal, Nov. 6. --What with the funder your eves your = lips recent issue of new stock an dnow parched. No wonder you feel ugly, with: the announcemnt of $500,000 mean and ill. fempered. Your Fystem new debenture stock ta be issued {iz full of bile not properly passed off ii is unlikely that Shawinigan will land what you need is a cleaning up show a much greater parcentage of inside. Don't comtinue being a hibous surplus for common stock dividend | nuisance to yowself and those who than heretofore, the meeting of the !love vou, and don't resort to harsh shareholders being called for Dec. [physics that irritate and jnjure. Re 10th, to take the necessary meas [member that most disorders of the ure in connection with the new de-|stomach, liver and intestines can he denture stock. - Although the direc- [quickly cured by morning with gentle, tors are getting the anthority now, |thorough Cascarets--they work while 't js thought that they will mot {you sleep. A 10-cent box from your wake use of it far some time to |drogeist will keep your liver and bow- come. e's clean; stomach sweet and your head clear for months. Childeen love 10 take Casearsts, because they taste are Occasionally a man commands re he good und never gripe or sicken, spect by merely looking wise. A -- Paon ELEVIN. YOUR GRAY HAIRS _ \QUICKLY VANISH A Harmless Remedy, Made Fram Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair, sad accampanios the discovery L grav. hairs which unfortunately are looked upon as . akis of advancing age. Gray 4: however handsome it may be. makes a person look old. We all know the advantages of being voung Aside from the good impression a youthful appearance makes on others, simply kmowing that vou are 'Hooking Ht' gives one courage to undertake and accomplish things. So why suffer the handicap of locking old on account of gray hairs, when a simple romedy will give your hair youthful color and beauty in a few days' time? Most people know that common gars den sage acts as a cvlor restorer and scalp tonic as well. Our grandmoth- ers used a "Sage Tea" for keeping their hair dark, soit and luxuriant. In Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur Haire Remedy we have an ideal preparation of Sage, combined with Sulphur and other valuable remedies for dandruff, itching scalp and thin, weak hair that ig split at the ends or constantly coms ing ont. A few applications of this valuable remedy will bring back the color, and in a short time it will ves move every trace of dandroff and greatly improve the growth and ap: pearance of the hair Get a filty cent bottle from your druggist to-day, and notice the differ. ence in your hair after a few dave treatment. Al druggists sell it, uns der guarantee that the money will be refunded if the remedy is not exactly as represented. Agent, G. W. Mahood, A feeling of sad of the DRURY'S Caal & Wood Yard Pr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator nares fale These pilis are exceedingly powertul jn © tag the generative portion of the lemalg system, | cheap imitations Dw, de & box, or three for Soebell Drus oben are so Cou Bb Oa fo bid oar For sale ad Mahootd's drug store. TEA! TEA! TEA! Finest Tea Gardens af ed, and of the finest nd Black at 3c per From flavor, ' pound, at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, A Mother for the Men. K. F. Sam having taken over the laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re- sume business at once undey the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY, First-class work guaranteed. All buttons replaced and rips sewn, Give us a trial and you will be well satisfied with our work, Goods called for dnd delivered to all parts of the city. 'Phone 11882, K. F. SAM Prop R RR RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CATARRH 8, obatructions in orf nox, are the symp in complaint f ¢ Relief a tumbler of water, and sonff the mixture y several times a lay. #18 the nNnweis with Radway's Pilla Ask for RADWAY'S and Take no Substitutes running a teoEnOC ¢ Satins. Ganong's Famous Chewing Candy. | 20c. per pound | 'A.J.REES 166 Princess St, Phone 58 This ix the Flash Light you read about. Just the size for the vest pocket, with Tungs- ten Lamp and Baltery, oaly 75, cents. We have the largest asgorts ment of Flash Lights in the city.