Now Is the Time to Order CHRISTMAS PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Our Saniple Books are now on exhibition, and all the num- bers of exclusive Cards are still in stock. Order at once before the favorite lines are picked up. We will be pleased 10 send Samplé Books to your home to make your selection, ; UGLOW'SE {141 PRINCESS STREET ~ Study the Styles In Men's Clothes and vou will find the best of them empnaje from the House of Hobberlin, They have the classy Hobberlin expression. Every garment is a per! fit, well tailored and has good linings. You select your * cloth from large samples and the gar- ment is made to your own measure ment and order. Prices from $18 {o $35. : Agent for Kingston, j Thomas Eqmbert, 157 Princess Street. ; ge of the prophets of Baal or to the KINGSTON PAPER BOX. COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufaétiirers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, 'Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, - Florists, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- 'ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory : King Street West 'PHONE 883 AND A RE EPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. " 2 ; . +The problem which every business man of to-day is trying to solve is the increasing of his business. There arc three impor- tant ways of doing to. One is by News- paper or Magazine advertising, one by ~givcuar letter and the other by personal salicitation. Newspaper or Magazine advertising is general, and the results arc "usally in an indiréct form. Circular let- tok adyortising is a direct. appeal. to your - *. "prospective purchaser, and in maay cases * Mo ids to an order or more generally to at 'inquiry, which then can be followed up . with a personal interview. : + We have a device known as the Ellams Duplicator which will produce from one original as many as 590 perfect copies of + ag, hing that can be written on a type- "writer. Price complote $20.00. : ge | are_interested, write us, and we s 'our Mr, Brickmann, who will Lope 2 practical Gik of i a a giv THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. SINGING OF "ELUAH" ENJOYED BY LARGE AUDIENCE AT GRAND. The Solo Parts Were Ably Taken, and the Chorus Was Magnificent ~The Storm Scene Was a Fine One. The rarity of giund opera. to. Thy Kingston theatregoer has been so marked during the past two years that the excellent company which sang the "Flijah" on Wednesday evening at the Grand was favored with a good house The music drama from the, pen of Mendelssohn is not a light work and ealls for a high order of dramatic ex pression as well as voices of power and varied quality. tiwilym Miles in the vole of Elijah merits the highest praise for his excel- lent representation. His.dramatie in terpretation of the opera is wonderful, and his full Tich bass voice proved am: to render full justice to the taunt prayer under the jufiper tree. Perhaps the most dramatic situations in the opera and those which gave the artist the greatest play for his beautiful big voice and his dramatic interpretation were the recitative, "Uall Him Louder, We Heareth Not," addressed to the prophets of Eaal, the recitative, '0 Tarn in Merey Help This Widow's Son," and his ery of despair, the aria under the juni tree, "It is Enough, 0 Lord, Now Hake Away My Life." The part of the widow sung by Ma- dame Ester Adaberto, was also jaken as one of the favorite passayes of the work. 'Ihe beautiful soprano of the singer was very clear ahd true and well adapted to the ditheult but beau tiful solos she sang. Her rendering of the aria, "Hear ye, lsracl!" was sup- erb. Pilade Sinagra, tenor, who took the part of Ubedia, sang splendidly as did the other leading characters. I'he suecessfyl production of the Eli jah requires a 'strong chorus and it i a long time since apy chorus has sur passed that which sang with Elijah be- fore a Kingston audience. The halanec and unity as well as the power of this chorus, were the main features. its singing of "Thanks be wo God," after the much prayed for rain came, was magnilicent. produced in the storm scene of the same part. 'Ihe orchestra of there were about thirty pieces, were no small help to the vocal work and did credit to their leader. .J1he cow: pany will sing in Peterboro on Thurs day night. "Human Hearts." Successful in its tenth season can bi said of few plays, but it ean be said truthfully of "Human Hearts." A drama which provides healthful recrea tion for the public and which seems to instruct while appearing in the form of amusement, is a boom to any community. So many questionabli forms of usement are thrust mn the. public, the young and old alike find much in this benutiful living story to think over and enjoy long afterwards. Rich in. incident, in its variety of characters, in it stage sel tings, it is one of the few attractions Une .of the best scenic effects, too, was) which! UNAVOIDABLE DELAY ERECTING NEW FOR MECHANKS. IN HOUSES it WHI be spring Before the Thirty Dwellings are Finished--Short- age of Workmen and Sand the Cause. Ay { It looks as if it would be nearly' spring before the thirty jechanmics' houses, being erected on Stephen street, are completed. The work so tar has been very slow. One of the drawbacks the company has had is the shortage of sand. Considerable! time has been lost thereby. The scarcity of men has also had, to be contended with. V'hen the' work was commenced » number of foreigners were on the job, but! when the Balkan war scale came, on nearly all of these flocked to. their homeland to fight. The de-' parture of these men held back the work, as it is almost impossible to; get others to take their places. The demand for men this season bas been #0 great that mo person who has any ambition need be idle. To get carpenters and masons has been! a trying problem. | The place where the mechanics'| buildings are being erected is at the; upper end of ephen street, just back of Frongnac school, and fac- quarry, . The street; Lopenad out to Divi! sion street. the right side of the street, going up from Montreal street, sixteen buildings wil he -l acted, while across from them, four-| teen more will be built, making =| total of thirty. Each building will contain six roows, three on the first 'floor and three on the second. The! foundation is of concrete, while thes remainder is brick. So far tan of the concrete foundations have been | put in, and the masons are at work bricking the firs§ two houses. will | WILL STAY AT COOKE'S CHURCH | { Rev. J. W. Mdintosh Has Declined | Call to the West, Rev. J. W. Mvintosh has declined the call, extended to him by the con-| gregation of St. Paul's church, Prince 1 Albert, Saskatchewan, and will Pémain | tat Cooke's church. He mud the aun-| pouncement. to the members of his | congregation, at the weekly prayer, meeting on Wednesday evening, and | the members were very much pleased | to hear that their pastor has decided | to remain. He stated that he had givem the call due consideration, and, had decided that he could not accept, | and he has written the western con: gregation to this effect. He received the call two weeks ago. Mr. Mcintosh, who is a graduate of Queen s, was inducted into his present charge in January last. ! It i= understood that Mr. was oliered $2,000 a vear and a free manse, and an increase of $200 in 'a; couple of years. AN INSPECTION MADE Of Ice Cream Parlors and Bakeries by William McCammon, { of great merit on the road. The spec- tator is carried into the delightful at- mosphere of life in the hills of Ar- kansas. The trouble which falls upon the simple folk of the Logan farm, re- minds one of the line. "The Trail oi the Serpent." Wait. The author has struck many true notes in this play and the wellohosen cast blend their harmonies with fine effect. At. the Grand on Saturday, November th, matinee and night. FE IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels Recorded at This Port. The schooner Ford River is al Richardson's whari loading feldspar for Chaclotte. steamer Proctor, arrived at Swift's, with coal, from Oswego. The schooner St. Louis cleared Oswego on Thursday morning. The schooner © Major Ferry cleared for Fairhaven on Thursday. Fhe >uteaimbutie John Randall clear- ed for Montreal withss cargo of can goods. . The steamer Rhodes passed up, day, on her way [rom Montreal Fort Willias. 4 TH: schooner Abbie L. Andrews at Crawford's wharf with coal from Uswega. MN. I. Co.'s elevator : Steamer Co- tunda, fron Fort William, is dis | charging 47,000 bushels of cleared for Cleve: And; steamer Westmount, from Fort William, discharged 70,000 loads of ug Emerson, from Montreal, tor to The ansportation company, of otiating with the Col- i i company lor a duplicate oi t in il build one ling wood 8 ing a steamer that will be hich The. targe Rob Roy, in tow of the] for i | 1 wheat; | The Boart of Health was called to | meet on Wednesday afternoon, but 'as only the chairman, Archibald | |Strachan and Alderman, S. P. Bailey arrived the business had to stand over. The board had authorized Gar- bage Inspector William McCampon to make an inspection of the places whore ice ¢ream Is made and also! the bakerics and he had a written report to present. Mr. McCammon | i reports that with a very few ex- { ceptions, these places met with his approval. A couple were not quite {up to the standard, but the prop- i rietors made = the improvements he asked. 4 F "ER <INEEEN | MUSKETRY INSTRUCTION. Course Opens "Next Monday for | Members of 14th Regiment. Next Monday evening ay course of : instruction in musketey will commence at the armouries for non-commission- ed officers and men of the 14th regi- ment. Q.M.S.-Inst. Edwards, of the School of Muskétry, Ottawa, will conduct it. He his been attached to' | the thivd divisional area for instrud- | tional purposes. Men from every company in the To | giment are eligible and are urged to ai- , tend 'the course. Lectures will be gimme four evenings a week, and it {is mecessary to attend two of these. These coursss of imstruction will be conducted during the winter with the | vavious infentry and rié units of the ! division. 5 3 a ------------------ i November Rod and Gun. { Ihe story of a 4,000 mile trip after 'moose is told By a German hunter in! the opening number of the Novewibef issue of Rod and Gun in Canada. | | Prank Houghton eontributes an amu | ing tale of western life eulitied "Ivo is mot Always Company." Leip after caribou in Newfoundland, the Seventh Summer Uamp of the Alpine Club of Canada, Tenderfoot Deer Hun- | ters in the Leurentian Mauntains, A Trip to the oust, Game Protection in | i | Melntosh ¥ I | 0. $2.50 SPECIALSALE $2.50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We need extra space for our rubbers and to make room we ofier . 500 pairs Women's Fine Am rican Shoes made by Utz and Dunn, Rochester, N.Y. at the special price of $2.50 This lot includes Patent Buttons, Patent Colt Bluchers, Kid Buttons, Gun Metal But-, * tons and Bluchers, regular risers i -- value, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 See them in our windows. ABERNETHY'S HELD ANNUAL MEETING LT.-COL. KENT PRESIDENT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Decided to Hold Next Show on September 12th and 13th--S. N, Watts, Sr., Hay Been .dember of Society for Half a Century, Lieut.-Lol. R. E. heat was re-elect ed president of thé Kingston Horticul- tural Sociely st the annual meeting held in the general commitice room at the city hall on Wednesday evening. {here was a good attendance and the reports, bota financial and otherwise were encouraging. The members of the association are delighted over the suc- cess of the annual show. It was de cided to hold the show next year, on Wednesday and 'Thursday, September 12th and 13th. The following oflicers were elected: Honorary presidents, W. F. Nickle K. 4. P; br. J. W, Edwards M.P; De. A. E. Ross, M.P.P; A. Ran- kin, M.P.¥; Dr. J. M. Platt; Dr. Ed: ward Ryan. President, Lt.-Col. K. E. First Viee resident, J. Kent. B. Walkem, A Second' Vice President, i. J. Baiden. Board «v Directors--W,. 'H. Macnee, George Nicol, George W. Bell, Br. A P. Chown, Thomas Kogland, H. Simp son, W. J. McNeill, Archibald Knight, £. J. Longden. Honorary lwrectors--Mayor F. J Hoag, B. W. Robertson, HH. W. Rich ardsom,* M, Fowler, W. J. Blacklock, <. K. Purdy, J. N, Watts, W. Sears, Ww. Snelling, J. W. Marsh, Jame Daly, KErpest Demnie, K. J. Bushell James Craig. Auditors--L. tels, Secretary I'reasurer--A. W. McLean. N. Watts, sr., was elected an hon orary life member of the association. The matter of appointing repre sentatives to attend the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Horticultural as sociation, to be held in Toronto Nov. 12th to 16th, was leit in the hands of the president. A hearty vote of thanks was ten dered to the president, the warden of the penitentiary, the superinten dent of Rockwood hospital, . and tc all who had in any way assisted ir placing the exhibits at the recen show. There was some discussion regarding the society assisting the new fai association, which is being forme in the city, and the feeling of th meeting was that the society shoul: hold their show at the same tin sa ps to help the fair, and if satis factory arrangements can be made it will be. dome. - It is understood thal the society receiving grant would not be allowed to am slgamate with the fair, but arrapge ments may possibly be made to have the show held at the same time a A. Guild and 0. V. Bar -~ | the fair. The members lendered a Warm wel come to their veteran member, 8 N. Watts, sr., of Portsmouth, who has heen identified with the sociely for fifty vears. Mr. Watts has béen » fuithiul worker in the interests of th society and it is the wish of all hi friends that We will We spared to en | toy many morge ears: of good health t and pros ¥- = KINGETAN STREET MARKET. The Prices Pafd for Produce Dui ing This Week. ¢ Owing to the rain there was a small street market on Thursday morsing Ihe general prices remained about th same as last week, but turkey wa Sold cheaper than a week ago, from to li cents = Ducks' sold at $1.25 a pair, Tow] iron 4 to 51 and chickens from 7 to ¥ cents a pair. f Eggs remained high, averaging #" cents 8 dozen, and butter sold from 32 to 15 bents 8 . On the istand misckel 13 and 14 cenis' a pound was A few cases of honey {were in at 8 a case. mi ng. There is very little oats, at about $0 t6 0 cemis a bushel; buckwheat, 79 cents, and « little local whent "tHe could nol i §For assistance, Kill or cure." a goverameni | > {lady be would do his best. Confectionery of the choicest sort. Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lightfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift to man, woman or child. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 TOYE'S BREAD Is all that good bread should be. Do you use it? It not, give it a trial Electric --------- Heater at $7.50 is a Dandy H. W. Newman Electric Co. 79 Princess St. Phone 441 Lighting Kingston Homes our Specialty. _~ + WEDDED IN KINGSTON, Watertown Couple Came to Kings | BISSELL'S ' R. H. TOYE & CO. SOLID MAHOGANY and WEATHERED OAK DININGROOM SETTS Latest Designs, CARPET SWEEPERS Make Housework a Pleasure. REID'S QUALITY 3 REID'S LOW PRICES; ton to Have Knot Tied, Ihe Lape Vincent Boat had as pas eagers Wednesday, Newby oe] lise A. Hrown, both of Watertown, .¥. They made the trip from Uncle dam's territory, on an imporiant er and, and lost no time in fulfilling i, m their arrival. From the boat they Hogue Js are jssuec, and trom there mmedintely set ott for the Wome of ev. T. W. Neal, pastor of Sydenbiam treet church, where the koot was Lied oth the bride and groom are wll up + years and have fnends in Kingsion ho extend congratulations. Stumping the M.D. A physician, who was swomonel to Attend an old miser"s wile in ber ast illoess, declined to continue his visits unless payment was guarantesd. After much pressure the mister drew up a Jiidment, promising to pay Dr. So- and-So the sun of £--~, "i he cures my wife." ; doctor declined to accept this. promise to cure the who was so seriously ill, but was then altered to. The physician agreed to these terms. In spite of his efforts the patient died, and her husband to pay the The doctor sued him for the The sentence terms of the agrevinent with great de fiberation. : "And did youn cure my wie, su? be asked at the fimwh, 1 bis spectacies "No: thas wat impos. ole," nd Ber, then?" went to a store where marriage licen | J they | | JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Pheu 147 ™ 3, i # wook's Coton Koot omponud. The great (terine Topin, snd miy wile ofvcriual hoothy Zrgulaior od which wore moan Aepend. Sold in three degrees of stemngith-Nan L 81: Se 10 degiecs whronger, 3 or & camen, p 8, all fuids pF wou on Foceip of Add ee © ONT. Gormerly IW St. Apdeew's Satiety Events. ' The executive of 81. Andten's So- ciety hold & meeting in the office ol Postmaster Stewart, on Wednesday alterioon, 'and it was, decided to hold the anmoal servies in Si. Apdrew's chilies, on Now, ith, when presches will be Rev. br Morgan, the mew professor Queen's, who is chaplain of the ciety. The supual dinner will be held on Nov. 20th, but the place hor 'sob » Roots Barks Herbs | nat have great medicinkl power, salted to their highesl efifetency, Tor and enriching the bie are com ia Hood's ¥aress