BM LL a i FAGE SIX. ET WHLL-KSOWS ' THEATRICAL MAN TELLS STORY, Robert Marks' Experience--Started Ont by Baying Halt Interest in Show of. a Magician Who Had Gone Broke. * "You will probably be interested in knowing how | got ito the show bus: ness," ssid Hobert Marks, one of the famous Marks Bros., who has often appearsd in Kingston. "My father was a farmer in Lanark county," went on Mr. Marks. "Une night in company with several other young men 1 went to the village of Mayberry to see an entertainment put on by a magician and ventrilo- quist. The show was all right, but the men were evidently travelling in hard Tuck, After the show 1 agked them what they would take for a week's en gogement. They would not sell out for a week, but oflered me a hall interest in the show at a low price and 1 ook | them up, "1 knew a number of good villages in that locality, and with my father's democrat and horses 1 started out op the road with the company, 1 made money right from the start, and the next season had control of the come pany myself. That was 36 years ago and I was only nineteen years of age at the time. $ "1 hngd the theatrical business very fascinating and satisfying. Twice | have retired, but 1 got lonesome and started out again. Three of my broth: ere are out with Marks Bros.' ecom pames--that is Joe, Tom snd Ernie- ahd they have all been successful. Mr. Marks and his brothers «till muke headquarters in Lanark county in the town of Perth, Ont. TIGHT CORSETS KILL ACTOR. Collapses and Dies. Impersonator on Stage $t, Louis, Mo., Nov. 7,-Tight cor-- get lacing caused the death of Joo seph H. Peunella, an actor, in the City hospital, three hours after col lapsing on the stage of a vaudeville theatre, He bad been a female imperson- ator for many years, and lately had been growing stout. Physicians found that in hig efforts to present a4 feminine figure he had laced sc severely that he bad caused fatal in- jury to his kidneys. His Mistake. After the services were over one ol the congregation turned to his wife and said : "On my way to church I picked up a button and t it in my change pocket, where I bad a quarter." "Gracious, my dear!" anticipated His wife, very much horrified. "And you dropped it into the collection bas ket by mistake 7' "No, confound i replied her husband. "1 put in the quarter."-- Judge. t 1 John Kennedy, Toledo, aged seven: ty-six, died, on Monday, of heart failure. He was «a liberal and a Metdoist. 132134 Princess SL MENDELS | opeusire ve RANDOLPH HOTEL | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS. 10 Doz. Girls' Pure Wool Sweater Coats In cardinal, grey, blue and white, fitting ages two to ten years, Regular value $1.00 each. Friday and Saturday 30c Each 20 Doz. Ladies' Wool Underwear ~ Vests and Drawers, natural and white," Rega. Friday and Saturday 0c Each $1.00 value, Coats and Suits for Ladies and Girls Exclusive styles arriving daily--prices the lowest. See the Johny Coat shown by us. It's a dandy. Don't decide on your new Coat or Suit before seeing the values we can offer you. : Friday and Saturday Last two days for the Free Demonstration of the Famous P.C. Parisian Corsets Come in and get fitted by an expert. Men's Department Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Boys and Children. Every new style, every new cloth, every new for Men, Young Men, shade, The rgest and most complete range ever shown in the city ready for your inspec- tion. Come in.and lgt us show you. We are proud of our showing of Overcoats, and con- sider it a pleasure to show you. No obligation to buy here. | Suits - Suits Suits For Men, Young Men. Boys and Children. Men's Suits $6.50 to $22.50, Boys Suits $2.50 to $10.00. : For values op to $10.50, All sizes, fuonusl meeting, but THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDA N SPORTING CIKCLES SOME CHANGES IX THE QUEEN'S RUGBY TEAM. Capt, Erskine Will uikely Pidy on the Wing--Pound Will go on the Half Back Line, and Rodden! Will Piay Qualiter. The Queen's rughy team which will play Varsity on Saturdai® will profit by its experience with MeGill and wilt have some changes in the lineup, which ought to improve its work, 1h tour on the back division will miss Frskine, who will move up te his old position on the wing. Elliott was not out to the practices this week and the team may be without him on Satur- lay: It had a good workeut on the ipper campus on Wednesday afternoon and Birkett, Hazlett, Macdonuefl and Pound were worked together om the sack division. Heid is not ont for his osition at qusrter, and it may be fil iad by Rodden, who is now becoming accustomed to work behind the scéim- mage. The wings will probably mise 'Ernie' Sliter, who is sulfering with + bad strain «1 the back, Made Record Score. A small turgout of members shot at the Kingston Gun Club traps on Sedpesduy but the few put in a good dternoon. During the shooting the highest score ever made on the grounds was recorded by F. J. Todd, sho shot '24 out of a possible 25. The scores were F. J. Todd, 24; BE. Godwin, 15; E, Webster, 13; X, Vappas, 13. How About the 14th? How about the 14th Regiment P.W.0. Rifles entering a team In tho city hockey league this coming winter? This question has been isked, The sergeants have taken old of the indoor baseball which has "got off for a good start." If ths officers felt so disposed, could; he mess not handle a hockey team? Intermediate Championship. An Ottawa despatch says : Regard less of the outcome A lately get into touch with the Royal Military Club with a view to ar anging for the dominion champion: 4ip intermediate semi-finals, which vill be played at Kingston the fowing week. The winners of the Ot- iawa-Military College game will then 0 to Hamilton on the 2d to aw-off against the Rough Riders. Don. Fraser, formerly of the Queen's weam, who played with Queen's seve. al years ago, has returned from = government expedition up to the Alaska boundary. He is being urged o break into football again. MeGill Calls Upon Queen's. lontrea: Star. the Mctiill students are firmly of the spinion that it is time for Queen's to se up and doing, and that they should herefore, do varsity on daturday next. 'That would prevent a tie, and dl the trouble of finding mpeutral rounds, oibcials, and all the rest of t. Among Queen's most hearty well vishers the students of Metall may be sounted this week. Junior Basketball. The junior 8.5.4 .A.A. basketball! sor- es will open at the Y.M.C A gyumas- wm on Saturday afternoon when lenham and St. James will meet. econd game will be between ieorge s and Queen street. Hockey Notes. Varsity will open the Intercollegiate shampionship season with Queens at Kingston on January 1th. Wanderers: and Canadians may play wn exhibition game st the Arena tinr- dens, on December. 21st, to give To- rontonians a Chance to get usal to siv-man hockey. Basil Frith is captain of the Varsity lirst team, which will play ia the ln tercollegiate Hockey Union. The amilton artifieial ice hockey rink will have a seat capacity of 2,500. The ice space, 175 feet by WW, s rather small, but it may bé made larger next year. The Alerts control the rink, and will try and enter a team in the senior series of the O.1LA. Frank Patrick, manager oi the Van. souver Hockey Club, has announced that he bas practically affanged. to trade "Newsy" Lalonde for Didier Pitre, of George Kennedy's Canadian team. Pitre was the sensation of the NLA. last season. The annual meeting of the Inter provincial Hockey Association will be held on Saturday wight. Applications have been received from three new clubs © this season in Moutignard, Shawinigan Falis and St. Patrick's, of Quebee. All of the clubs in affiliation a year ago will be drawn in the sche dule again this winter. The only amendment to be brought up at the annual meeting of the Na tional Hockey Association so far is the retuen to the seven-man temm, Ottawa will leave no stone unturned to have this amendment carcied, while both of the Toronto teams are with them in their fight. It is net likely that the change will be made at the left to a cotmit- 1 to look after the wlatier. ('01 ofeg uo 10ds WO) mi mins rain, The st. tee appointed there TALE OF SPECULATION Near Saskatoon City in Official Reports. - Ottawa, Nov. 7.-The commission of conservation, in & monthly re port, takes a sly crack at the land speculators in the city of Saskatoon and vicinity. "During the summers of 1310 and 1811,7 says the report, "agricultu- ral investigation work was conduct- ed by the lands committee of the conservation commission eof farms and township number thirty-six, range six of the Provinee of Sas katchewan. "This township lies west of the city of Saskatoon, and in 1910 was being used for agricultural pure poses. In 1511 some of the farms mn the northeastern part of the township were Leginning to change hands for real estate purposes, bul in 1912 it was found that a great part of it had been sold to specu- lators and was being sub-divided and sold for huilding lots. "Many of the farms are grown up to weeds of all kinds and pro- duce nothing of value, Sub-divigion sigus are to be seen on both sides of the road leading west from the city as far as Cory on the C. P. R., which is eight miles out. Many of the farmers who heve not sold are contemplating doing so. "On account of these circum- stances the commission did not es- tablish _an illustration farm in this previously surveyed district, but chose a farm near Kinley, which is about thirty-five miles out and which, it is hope", is beyond, for & few years at l-s=t, the would-be Saskatoon city 1..its." CRIMINALLY ACCUSED. Man Misrepresented 17-year-old Girl's Age. Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 7.'-- Daniel Klouser, 57 years old, a wenithy resi- dent of Washington township, must answer in eriminal court to charges of of Saturday's! natch the Ottawa seconds will imme | iol! Sy | enticing pretty hennic Trumbo of Palo Alto, to go with him to Wilmington, Del, and become his bride. It is alleged by the girl's j that Miss Trumbe's age was given as {over 21 and that she is only 17. Klouser declares he can clear sof of the charges. He and _Klouser have not been seperated. i { parents him- Mrs, : Whe Said it First? "If you write a better book, preach ja better sermon, or make a bettet { mousetrap than your neighbor, though you build your = house in the woods, the world will make a heaten path to !vour door.' It was thought by many that Ralph Waldo Emerson was the 'author of this famous sentence. \e- cording to the Nashville Banner, Dir. | F. W. Emerson, son of Raiph Waldo | Frverson, says that he does not think | the sentence can be found in any of {hie father's writings. Sonieone asked | Filbert Hubbard if he (Hubbard) were | the author. Mr. Hubbard did not ans. fever. Now comes 'Lillian Proctor," of Springtield, Tenn, who sends a clip- ping from Unity which ascribes the authorship to br. John Paxton, pas tor of thy West Presbyvterigw Church, New York SC; from If to 1803, Unity says that the sentence occurred in a sermon on the text, "He could Inot be hid," and afterwards repeated at the New York Chautauqua.--New {Orleans Pleayune. Heating a Flatiron. National Monthly When the thermometer dropped helow ! ero, Mre. Rogers was much disturbed by the thought that Huldah;-Sphe new kitchen maid, slépt in an unheated oom. Huldah,"" she : said, remembering the good old custom of her girlhood, "it's going to be think you had better take a to bed with you." "Yes, ma'am," assented Huldah, without much enthusisn. Mrs. Rogers, happy in the belief that her maid was comfortable, slept souod- lv. In the morning she vieited the kitchen. "Well, Huldah, bow did along with the flatiron?"' Huldah breathed a deep sigh of deep recollection. "Vel, ma'am, 1 got it most warm before morning." flatiron you yet Hopes T. R, Will be Merciful. Milweukie, Nov. T.=Uelieving that Theodore Roosevelt does not bear mal ico. toward him, John Schrank, who wttempted to assassinate the colonel, oapects to escape with a light sentence Schrank confided these hopes to Der- nard H. Bottschalk. a fclow-prisoner. *"faeodore . Roosevelt is only human, after all," Schrank said. *'He was shot aed has recovered. Now that it is all over and he has had time for reflect. ion, his better seli surely has conclid- ed that | should be pitied and. not condemned. When Mchinley was shot he - showed forgiveness. 'The entime caso rests with Roosevelt. | know if he will come here and speak for me, rl adott a broad view of the wat. fer, 1 will get a light sentence. | iuvuld think ne wowid come when the case 1s tried." The Football Passion. The football passion is certainly au overmastering pretty cold to-night. 1 Y. NOVEMBER 7, 1012. MONASTIR SURRENDERS AND SALONSKA MAY ALSO GIVE IX. Although the Greeks Refused to Allow the Turks to Leave With the Hopors of War--Constanti- nople Dumfounde.. Rome, Nov. 7.="I'ne Turkish stromg- hold of Monastir' surrendered at two o'¢lock yesterday afternoon to the Ser vian troops, according to a despatch from Belgrade to the Tribune. saloniki May Surrender. Athens, Nov, 7. -- A Greek naval squadron yesterday occupied the Turk: ish Island and Teénedos near the em trance to the Dardenelles. The Greek army operating in the vicinity of Sal oniki has almost accomplished its ob ject as investment of the fortress 1» x ete. Negotiations for the surrender ol Saloniki were opened on Friday last between the foreign consuls and the military authorities, but the Turkish commander demanded that his troops be allowed to march out with their arms and with all the honors of war, #0 that megotiations fell through. The civil governor is said to have conuait- ted suicide. The Greek newspapers in discussing the proposed armistice say it can only be accepted on condition that the Turkish throme be ironsierred to Asia Minor and that reforms for the bene- fit. of the Christian population there must also be introduced. King Nicholas is Pacific. Vienna, Nov. 7.-King Nicholas ot Montenegro discussed the intentions of the Balkan allies to-day in the course of an interview with a correspondent of the Vienna lagblatt, His Majesty said "While the Balkan nations will sei- tle their afinirs for themselves, their victories have not made them so dar: ing as to forget to accommodate their wishes to the general situation in Europe." \ Servians are Brave. Uskup, Turkey, Nov. 7. <The Turk ish army defeated by the Servians av humanevs and huprili, took ap posi tions in the mountainous districts be. tween Kuprili and Perlepe, where the roads are practically impassable. As the Servian artillery was unable to follow them, the infantry was or- dered to advance, and in spite of a murderous artillery fire from the Turks took position after position. The last ones were carried at the point of the bayoney. I'he Servian troops have occupied Istip, where they found the big rail. way bridge intact. The Montenegrin and Servian armies have joined hands at lpek. Dumfoundered by Defeats. Constantinople, Nov. 7. ~The pub tie is astonished and dumfounded - at the repeated 'Turkish reverses It is now repognized on all sides that the end has come. The Mussulman population of the towns along the Dardanelles, although depressed, maintains calm. Some anti-Greek incidents of small import- ance are reported to havé occurred wm the outlying villages. She Wanted to Know, After the third addition to the fam- tly it became necessary to . seoure the services of a permanent nurse. "Now, my husband is very particu tar whom I engage as a nurse,' said the mistress to a girl who bad ap- plied for the position. "He wishes me to go into the most minute de- tails about your qualifications. Do vou know how to prepare food ? Can you sew end ? Do you 'mind sitting up late at might? Are you faithful and devoted, and have you a kind, loving disposition? Will you "Excuse we, ma'am, am Ito take care of the baby or your husband ?" replied the girl.--Pearson's. \ > Miss Jessie Augustus Cumbers, of Brockville, and J. W. Petrie, Mon: troal, were married on Wednesday. It wn a quiet affair. -- CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignatore ve f RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Auy wife or wothier who wants fo save ber husband or son from "Drink' will be gi purchase not habit for if no benefit ix b bythe Gil TR] oad iil I FIT cd "Ls NDE About "People Who grocers In this city. of them prescribe nfedicine for "taking themselves. \ why don't you act? There's cv city three times every day in Whig--it pays better. cash register will ring oftemer. And the grocers were quite right, small number of grocers who advertise in Kingston, the majority Stop cutting prices, you g rovers. Try it omce or twice every week and your Live in Glass Houses." A certain traveller tame to Kingston a carrying a new line of goods which he few weeks ago tried to introduce to "Sorry, Sir, but we can't stock your goods until you create the demand---advertise first, then we will order." answer he got from almost every grocer. This was the but, judging frém the the traveller whieh they are not i "People wha live in glass houses"--you know the rest, but er £0,000 mouths to beufed in thie the year, - Advertise in the British , Call dp for our low rates. i "The British Whig" Eastern Ontario's Greatest Newspaper LEAS SYSTEM \G going until November oth, Afclusive, to all points on Te miskaming and Northern Ontario Rallway to Campbellton, Bathurst, Newcastle, Chatham, N.B,, to Am- herst Truro, New Glasgow, N.8, Demerkapu Pass to the southeast of to Sudbury 8.8. Marie, Penetang North Bay, Coboconk, Lindsay, Parry Sound, to @ll points on Lake of Bays steamer line, to all points on Mus- koka Navigation Co., and to some points on Nor. Nav. Co. All tickets good to return until Dec, 12th, ex- cept to points reached by steamer lines Nov. 12th. For full particulars, apply to J. P, HANLEY, C.P. & T.A.. Corner Johnson and Oat. Streets, Midland, Lakefield, PES ChE 1 AILWAY ' ! IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. OURSI Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October 7th to November 9th, Mattawa to Kipawa, Temlskam- ing Northern Railway Stations and polnts in Quebec. Oct. 17th to Nov. 9th to stations Sudbury to 8.8. Marie, Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Parham to Cala bogie. All tickets good to return until Dec, 12th, 1912, C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- ROAT CO. LIMITED, BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily, except Sun. day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inler- mediate Pay of Quinte call ing at Deseronto, N poet and on Tuesdays, Thursdays. snd Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at remsonablé rates. «JAS. SWIFT & CO, 3 P Y, Ticket Agent. years, and gutained after a trigl (he money will £ is prepared In two 3 Nb. 1, secret treatment, a od Pg I o nk: . No. 3, Tn rn, is for those whi o Soruntary treat only $1.00 » {ALLAN LINE - Ost, 13th. Noy. th, ier pad a Semmens us Sn <= Nov. Full particulars at K. and P. and; CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES 8 Mu inane, TERS, © fo Wirsless Signals OLD ALL WI DS BETWEEN CANADA LIVA RPOOL Empress of Britain | . Nov, Lake Manitoba .. Empress of Ireland .. Empress of Britain Fmpress of Ireland «+ Nov, » Nav. Dee. + Dee, Empress of Britain .. « Jan, Tickets rnd all Information from any steamship agent, or F. JON. WAY, GPA, K & P.R, Kingston, Ont THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om It I= erowing louder as he goes slong. Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLNANDS, Oatarie Street. | MoToR CARS + By the day, week or houh, Careful lrivers, Gasoleue. Best of Engine Olh Bibby's Garage BROCK BT. FOR PICKLING We carry a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. 4 D. COUPER'S Phose 76. 341-8 Princess #8 Our Work mast bo pleasing to us | RE you. We are particular,