ME DAILY { pr. Morse's Indian Root Pills The man or woman with a good appetite, sound digestion, and bowels aug kidoeys | | waking right, never troubled much with sleeplessness. It is when the bowels become cofissipated and the | Iver and kidneys sluggish that the trouble begins. Lazy liver and constipated bowels quickly bring on biliousness, indigestion and sick head- aches, making a sound, refreshing night's sleep impossible. Or the inactive kidneys allow the blood to becomes loaded with uric acid, which cates rheumatism, with all its sleep-destroying tortures, Dr. Morse's Indisn Root Pills, tsken regularly, induce sweet and dreamless sleep by keeping all these organs active and regular. The headache disappear, the digestion becomes good again, the blood is purified and perfect health returns, Dr. Morse' s Indian Root Pillshave been a favorite household remedy in Canada for over half a century, and they are in daily use throughout the world. Being purely vegetable they are safe for young sndold. Made by W. H." Comstock Co., Ltd. Brockville, Ont., sad sold by all dealers at 25¢. @ box. ' loscmeia goss with Ladigertise, Thomas Copley, Telephore 987 Drop a card 10 19 Pire Btreet when wanting anything done in the Carpen- tery ine. Estimates given on all' Kind: of repelirs and new work: Rist Hardwood Floors of all Kinds Al orders will receive prompt attention Shap #0 Queen Street Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the b~dv Phosphonul to its proper teusion ; restores ---------- vim and vitality, Premature decay and all weakness averted at once. wil ) ! two for EL i El Bg Catharines, Ont. vor sale at Mahood's drug store TOYO TYeYV TEA! TEA! Tea Gardens of and of the finest 30¢ per TEA! From the Finest Ceylon, uncolored, flavor, Green apd Rlack at pound, at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. "sixth year, Fall term % th.' Courses in Bookkeeping, orthand, Tele. graphy. Civil Service and Eng- " Our graduates get the best positions. Within 8 short time over sixty secured positions with ue of the mrgest rallway core porations in Canada, Enter any time Call or write for informs tion HF. Metcalfe, Principal J Kingston, Canada Tired our men and run» Sgt down Wbmen cer- tainty do "pick Crieefes gn STOUT Never mgkes you bilious, | Ss-- E. BEAUPRE, Loeal Distributor. Phone 318. ; a : R RR RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. CURES ASTHMA he specifies for thin disease ave the RY Rok the Reeaivont and Radway's Pid The of must be wubb ow ve chest and UAIoat alti] 3 burnihg sons thon 1s produced, angthe Pills bo taken frequently, 10 keiop the bowed may The Rewo'vent Iurst he give St % intervaly, i small und a St i - retiring to rest. apie, i the wernt » ir of Avinas homplisbet » #isk for RADWAY'S and Take no Substitutes - Special 1 Steep More Somndly THE SPORT 'VARGITY MN. REPORTED 9 IN A CILIPPLED CONDITION. It With Play ROMO. Here on Satur day~=\ Large Number of "Varsity simndents Will Come to Kingston for the Big Game. Victoria eazily defeated the Cal. gary rughy team, the score being 45 10 3 Quite a large number of the Var- sity students will come to Kingston Saturday to see the Blue and Whitse play Queen's. Toronto Star Thrift Burnside may vet live to gee his football rules the universal code in Canada. Although the Montreal team has not won a game this season, the players have not given up hopes of winning from the Tigers at Hamil ton Saturday The Toronto World concedes' the Argonauis a ten point margin over the Ottawas in ndxt , Saturday's match, Ottawas will take two bands and 4006 rooters to Toronto for Satur day's deciding game. Eddie Gerard, the Ottawa half- back, will play professional hockey this winter, and this will be his jast geason in the rugby game If Varsity loses to Queen's Sat- urday, McGill will be champions, will play the first game in the ALEXANDRA SINCLATE, The giant Rugby player, who stands 6 eet 3 inches. He is broad in proportion, amd is stated to be the biggest Rughy player in Canada. He is at present with the Argos, To- vonto, in the serimmage line, Canadian finais at McGill against Argonauts or Ottawa as the case may be on Saturday week, Novem- ber le. Coach Warner of the Carlisle In- dian team, in a lengthy article Sent| ing with the recent Carlisle<Toronto| Old Boys' game, admits that the Canadian game is spectacular, but] that the American style is supe-! rior, . While "Bé:"" Simpson has: dn- nounced that he will be unable to act Saturday at Toronto, the Argos sie of the opinion that Ben will change his mind, especially after he is requested by President Hagar of the union to handle the game. The ~Tigers say that they will not; play the Alerts for the c¢hampion- ship of Hamilton unless the Alerts repudiate charges' made and credit- ed to Alert officials, that the Tigers were planning to lay out some of the Alert players, so that they wonld | not be able to play in the Domiin- {on ehampionship series if they were fortunate enough .to win in the O. RE B Torontc World: Tho Varsity sec. onds play R. M. C. on Saturday at Kingston, as the first of a series of home_snd-home games for the inter- mediate <= championship. Their chances look rather clouded from hore, with a xood many of their players on the mjured ligt and their stars neariy all being cafried on the first squad of spares. It, seems & shame, as the seconds have been working hard all season, and now, after trimming McMaster, who sim- ply gored their 'players in both games, their championship aspire- tions may be seriously blighted. » Sport in General. The Montreal West @Qurling Club will erect a $7,000 clybhpuse at once. 'Theres will be goventeen weeks of contincous racing in Western Can- ada next year. The circuit opehs on May 84. Buffalo has sold Outfielder Schirm to the Oakland club of the Pacific Coast league. Fred Taylor of Ottawa will not play hockey at Toronto this winter. | When he named his terms, "Billy Nicholson and Bruce Ridpath col tapsed. At San Francisco two tug of war teams representing Frisco and Losi Angeles pulled for two hours and rel minutes without coming to a on, A. A. Watt of Shanty Bay; Ont. is out with a challenge to race any against Shrul for any dis | through bb,| "Calumet, to be an In- dian 'werd a ace," les. | was wholly ucknown sand -- ut. A REAL BLUE BLOOD. "| Count de Fronsac Tries to Revive the | Old Seigneury. A Montréa information wil Frimsae, a well-koow who has figured articles, He wr To see Count Fronsa gi along the stréete of Montreal is a pic ture. one is not likely for forget lor'| some time. The count, or viscount i as he prefers to, be addressed, is a | striking figure in spite of the unmis takable air of abbiness which sur- rounds him. His collars are usualiy several days the worse for wear, and | his cost is threadbare, but the blue | bluad of old France beats throuzh the upright Carriage, and the clean shaven face looks out shrewdly and apdauntedly through a pair of glasses. | How he lives no one | have mel knows. It is true he has had sever books publishéd by a firm in Nev York, but all of them are on subjects the reverse of popular, and I do net fancy the sale is anything lo boast | about. One, 1 remember, traced the gentalogy of French-Canadian sei neurs away back to the time when Noak took to the ark on sceount of wet | grounds and another traced the de. | cline. of the royalistic spirit in Amer ica. The count lives in a little house outside of Huntingdon, Que. spends a great dea! of his time 1 Montreal. Sometime ago he made a trip to Louisiana where the desceri dants of several once prow ! French families still live and trie interest them in his illusion to make the Governments of the world restore to them their estates and birthright. If there was ever a more Quixotic scheme since the days of the great journapst = : SOM gard to Count de | Montreal man | ly special walking | but Cervantes | have never heard of it. Count de Fronsac can recite to you the uames and family trees of all the French nobles who came to America al any Time since the days of Jacques Cartier. In fact, il is a mania with him, and one glance st the man would conviiee anyone that the thrones of England snd France aré still safe. A couple of rears ogo he called a meet ing of all the seigneurial families still remaining in North America. It was held in the Power Building, Montreal, and when the roll was called there were present Count de Fronsae, one other, and the janitor, attracted curiosity. . Nothing daunted the viscount called the meeting to or. der, passed the minutes and then read | s long report on the progress of his movement. He afterward made a'com- plete record of the meeting in the min. | ute book which is an important part of the growing archives of the Mon- archists of the new world. Dinosaurs From Alberta. The riches country in the world is the manper in which Charles H. Sternberg, the explorer, engaged by the Csoadian Government, described Western Canada in a recent interview. Mr. Sternberg has arrived in Ot- tawn with over twenty pounds' of fossils for the Victoria Me- foorial Museum, which includ&d per. fect skeletons of two of the most ex- truordinary animals ever unearthed by any explorer. One of the skeletons, named by Mr. Sternberg, a duckbill dinosaur, weighed over 6,000 pounds, and was thirty-five feet in length. This animal, Sternberg explained, liv- ed three million years agu. Another specimen he discovered known as the Triceratops (three horn trace) had a skull seven feet in length with horns over each eye and one at the end of the nose. In describing another specimen of the Dinosaur found not very far from the first one, Sternberg said that he had enbugh meterial to complete 3 mount forty feet in length. The frout part of the mouth of the dinosaur was expanded into a duck bill and covered witii horns. The teeth, two thousand in number, were arranged in magazine for and made a decidedly interesting | study. A Rude Lad. As the Duke 'of Connaught was tak ing a stroll after breakfast recently st Victoria, B.C., he passed a school where bays were going in for morning lessons. Acdording to his custom of chatting i he | meets the duke spoke fo a small boy | pleasiniiy. with people. whom and asked his age and other ques- tions, to, which the led gave discour- | teous replies. Then the duke said "Are you a Boy Scout?" ested in the movement low answered impatiently, 'No, you bet 1'm. nob." The duke, somewhat surprised, said that miny boysdound the movement interesting and useful; this was prov. ed by the fact that the scouts in the Doman pumbered 30,000. It was now. the turn of the boy to be surpris- ed. "Fay," he murmured, 'is soi" "Yes," replied the duke, as he moved on, "that is the number; so I daresay they do pot miss you." spp ------ September Labor Record. The Dominion Department of Labor records only 21 'disputes in existence during September, a decrease of 21 as compared with the previous month, though more than in September, 1911. The niust important disputes are those oi the 3,000 coal miners on Vancouver Island, and the #50" earpeuters at Mooseiaw, the latter not of long dura- ton. About 5,000 employes were thrown out of work by the September disputes. Ia 8 r 80 workmen were kill ed and 419 injured, as follows: Rail- way service, 28 tutal and 123 non-fatal socidents; metal trades, 3 killed, 72 injured ; mining, 10 killed, 42 injured; building trades, 10 killed, 33 injured. Calumet ? aw og and was Po pot, by any act on your part become the obstacle hetween the other Oftentimis 5 man's sense of and joe is iw PAGE THIRTERY, | LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: BOAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTR. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and iuler mediate Pay of Quinte ports, call ing at Deseronto, larthport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. : Freight bandied with despatch and care at roasouable rates. JAS. SWIFT & CO., Freight Agent. J. P. HANLRY, : Agent. Ticket lL HE SERVICE ------ BRITISH WHIG , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1912. Better! {Z Even Better! Think of any soup in the | recipe-beok -- think of Good going Navember oth, inclusive, to all points on Te- miskamitg and Northerh Ohtarie Railway to Campbeilion, Bathurst, aE Newcastle, Chatham, N.B, to Ame Fo PARE rite © da Eh FOB sib Fe di : herst Truro, New. Glasgow, N.8., your favourite Soup--arrange to have it fordinner to- |. oc anary 8.8. Marie, Penetang day and make it_better than ever before, like this :-- | Midland, Lakefield, North Bay, ' Coboconk, 'ldind=ay, Parry Sound, to all peints on lake -of Bays steamer line, to all points on Mus Koka Navigation Co, and to some points on Nor. Nav. Ca. All tickets good to return until Dec, 12th, ex cept to points reached by steamer lines Nav. 12th. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, CP, & TA. Corner Johnson and Oat. Streets until Prepare yo 1 5 and before you put i 0 10 bal add a pr of Edwards "--e t row, | to, or W hate van ety s served vou'll Bnd it be nd more nourishing ; fAvourde soup 0 mu to Improve in the book. by adding ys basis for practicnily a ug blends sa naturally Cart a few packets of ~-SouPs c. per packet, Baseards' Deviconted Sanps ave mad vi theee While The Brows variety 1s a Hock anerinis beef and fresh vegebabhs. The olier two of dainty new dishes in our new { ook Book. ker vant WHITESTAR& CANADIAN pe. Jana 0 Liverpool! "LKURENTIC" "MEBANTIC" Pitted with Elevators. Carry Srigg Or chestras. Uns a in all classes at low rates. NIC" "CARADA" " " TEUTONIC Cabin Pussengersin One Clase Only (vie, IT) and Third Class. Every Creature Comiors Send for Map Folder ond Hendsme Bookie, Fares Glen: Mwtoa tod Tm LOCAL AGENTS, J. PF. Manley aad UC. 5 Ki ick Company s Office Tov CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October 7th to November Sth. Mattawa to Kipawa, Temiskam- ing Northern Railway Stations and points in Quebec. Oct. 17th to Nov. 9th to stations Sudbury to 8.8. Marie, Havelock te sharbot lake, Parham to Cala bogie. All Jec, Wiite lor a copy post free, W. G. PATRICK & COMPANY, TORONTO, Representatives for the Province of Ontario. ol] ] NER) R N TAR > ; -- LABATT'S LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK ALES XXX STOUT JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON tickets good to return until 12th, 1812, Full particulars at K. and P. and 'P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent | | ALLAN LINE The Finest and Fastest Steamships on the Canadian Route. Holding All Records. Montreal-Quebeec-Bristol Jlummer), HALIFAX BRISTOL (Winter), From Montreal and Quebed Steamer, Fram Bristol thousand | Nov, Tyal George 27 WLFIER SERVICE. From Halifax. Rteamer, From Bristol Nov 7 Royal Edward .. Roymi George toval Edward Jan. 8 181% Royal George Jan, 22 .. Royal Edward Royal George Nov. 13 gms TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL ar -- | | LARGEST STEAMERS, MONTREAL Ty T0 GLASGOW, HAVRE & LONDON > MONTREAL te LIVERPOOL. "VICTORIAN" - oct. 10th. Nov. Ti} "VIRGINIAN "CORBICAN,"" Bes." 1 Jan. § UWS Feb. 1 write or Agent or Canadian ted, 226 Bt. James 1 nformation , 15tng| s r 2 X .l « "34th, " 2st orthern 8. Lir = Nov. 1st ---efi Street, Montreal MONTREAL to GLASGOW. "ORAMPIAN," - Oct, 12th, Nov. Sth "PRETORIAN" - * igh, 16th + "HES RIA - * 26th "22nd "SCANDINAVIAN, Nov. 2nd MONTREAL--HAVRE~LONDON i tov, 17th 4th GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished > Menin a Specinity, Bar stocked with -- choleest liquors and cigars st yard and stables in olty JOHN COUSINEAU, Proprietor, > Underidear- / is best for men and boys. Carefully tailored garments -- well finished in every detail and made from soft elasticribbed unshrinkable fabric with best qualit trmmingt" Tiger Brand garments are alway s wan. shapely and comfortable "Scotian - t fonian "Lake E th, "Corinthia y V¢ $rd, Steamers Scandinavian and Fre- tovian to Glasgow nnd all Steamers te Havre and London (Carry TRY NOLANS Special Blend Of High Grade Coffee, 40c a Ib. 338 Princess Street, Phone 720 Prompt Delivery. "There s « Tiger Brand Dealer ci your toren Manufactured by KNITTING CO. Ltd. One Class (1) Cabin Paspengers, 3 The GALT For full particulars of rates, ete apply Local Agents, or THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toranto their | As Chief { Scout in Cuneda he is greatly inter | The little fel- | that | BUY.IT.BY.THE BOX § your little ones chew this helpful tidbit regularly. They'll their teeth, digestions and appetites continuously. Do they spend their pennies now as enjoyably -- as beneficially? box handy. Pass it around after meals. Slip'a packet your pocket for when you oversmoke or overeat, or wish to time away. The mint juice gum is a friend in need. ~~ Made in Canada "™ Wrigled Ir. Co., Ltd. 7 Scott Street, Toronts, Ontario