Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1912, p. 9

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The Da YEAR 79. NO. 262 - hs rien 0 RHEUMATISH THIS WINTER Thanks lo GIN PILLS ON'T you want to ve ONE WINTER free of Rhewmatism? Dou't you want to ehjoy fife as Gther meu enjoy it? Don't you want . toeatandsiccpand wotk as healthy, normal mew' do, instead of being all crippled uw with Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble? Then take GIN PILLS and conquer your old enemy for , Mr. Beaudr did, with the help of the GIN PILLS. 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. March 29th, 1942 "It affords me great pleasure to inform you that I The used GIN PILLS for about six months, and that tliey have dope me a great deal of good. 1 have had Rheumatism for a couple of years, and this winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS. highly _re- commend GIN PILLS to the public." A. BEAUDRY, Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are sold every year through the infinence of those who fave been cured, and who recommend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, start in right now os CIN PILLS, soc. & box. 6 for $2.50. If you want to try them first, write for a free sample to National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 148 a Baking Powder a your food against Por aver fifty years has be. KINGSTON INDUSTRIES THAT AREZFLOURISHING company, - And Are Source of Strength to the City TEXTILE CO'S. MILLS ARE THE PRIDE OF OLD CATA. RAQUI WARD. The Kingston Shipbuilding Com. pany is Going to be an Important indusiry--The Hox Factory Also Promises te Thrive. One of the largest and most pros perous industries of Kingston is the local mill of the Dominion Textile the head offices of whiel are at Meatregl, The cotton mill at Kingston ¢ i a model in dustry. of the maygage mis pi although gyn one in hand ling its employees is one of human ity, and it is rewarded by content ed workers and a high class of work. ® One ig impressed in passing down the long aisles between the groan ing and roaring machinery at the class of girls who appesr to be em ployed at this work. There is an in tolllgence and a superiority over the usual factory hand. Necessarily girls are in the majority, as the fine ness of the work requires a woman's handling. "™ & buildings are fire protected by a complete spray system, which in cludes special pumps in the power room and a tank on the roof, which gives pressure from 15,000 gallon: of water. The buildings aie wel ventilated and the air is cleansed and - supplied with oxygen by # moistening system. An apparatus of which there are a numbor hung from the ceiling at every so many feet distance, sends forth a sort of vapor which moistens the air and seems to purify it. It also regulates the temperature. In spite of the fact that in one room 500 loom: are pounding away all day, the ah is quite clear and comfortable tc breathe. The aperating of these works is very complete, and designed with every labor saving device imaginable From the power plant to the packing mrehine, every thing is "ssstem. Very few people realize what it mears to bring in raw bales of cot- ton in one door and ship out bales of woven cloth at another. The store shed where the raw cotton comes in has three large pockets into which the bales are dumped. Bach pocket will hold about 1,000 bales. The cotton is brought from the southern states, mainly Texas and the Mississippi district. The bales are unpacked here, and fed into a blowing carrier system which blows the cotton a distance of about 150 feet to the mixing room of th: main mill. Here it is fed into what are ca'lel hoppers and scutching machines, which toss it about and remove it in large rolls or lapy of aout 40 yards in length. . The cotton passes through three of these processes and is then taken to the ecard room where it passes ovar re- volving flat cards of which there are forty in number. These ma- chines comb out the cotton, and it comes ont in a filmy web which is concentrated into a large yarn call ed a sliver. This is fed from eylinders into drawing machines six strands at a time. The six strands are reduced into one this process goes on through three ma- chines. each giving the sliver six doublings and each machine draws ing it down finer. These machines are fittad = with an electric stop motion. Ir one strand of the sliver breaks the machine will stop and vrevent the work be'ng botched. The next op- eration is the twisting of the sliver into a yarn and doubling and drawing it down. This is done on threo sets of machines called slub- bers, intermediates and speeders, The yarn is then taken to the ring spining room where it is drawn down still fiver, spun into thread and wound on bobbins. From the bob- bins it wound on spools, each ear- rying 20,000 yards of thread. The spools are then ret on a rack ind diffieult;. or who jas indigestion, ¥ what is call a warping machine and the thread is wound on a bean in a sheet which forms the warp of the cloth. The beams are then set in a machine which starches the thread and dries it over a large cop- per drum separates the stuck threads and winds it again on the loom beam. The loom beam is put into a rack and each thread is drawn through the eyes of a loom harness which separates each thread. The beam is now set in the loom and there are two sets of harness, each containing sn alternate thread of. the warp. These harness sets move up and down when the loom is in opera- tion. The weft is carried across through the warp by the ghuttle, tha harness reverses the position of the alternate threads and the weft is put through again. This opera: tion gives the web or cloth, From the loom the cloth is taken in 120-yard lengths and run over a black board, where it is inspected for flaws. The flaws are marked by 4 red thread on the edge of the cot- ton. From the inspector it passes over 4 brusher and into a folder, which cleans and then foldg into yard folds. This machine handles seventy yards a minuté. An inspector looks it over and examines the marked folds. He removes or 'emedies its defects. The cotton is then ready for the press, where it is packed into bales 'ontaining 2,200 yards and weigh- ng 600 pounds. The bales are cov- red with paper and burlap, and sound with iron hoops ready for shipment. The Dominion Textile company 'uns an individual plant. It brings in its own coal, produces its own rower, electric light, fire protectior ind is quite self sustained. It em- ploys about 260 men and women and turns out in one day five thousand sounds or 20,000 yards of cotton. 'The local mills pay out in one year $90,000 in wages. In freight it spends in a year about $13,500. in short, it constitutes one of King- ston"s stand-bys, which gives a liv- ing to many of her people and fol- lows the up-to-date plan of mutual penefit to worker and employer. Good For All Babies. Baby's Own Tablets are good for all babies. They are good for the newborn babe of the growing child-- babe who suffers from constipa- or the one whose testhing i= eo" lie, word or any of the other baby- hood ailments. The Tablets banish all these troubles, they are perfectly safe; being guaranteed by a govern- ment analyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs. Sold by all medivine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a Feats of a Woman, Taranto Mail. . Miss Edith Durham, of the Man oflestgr Guardian and London Chron 10lo, next to Lieut. Wagner, has had more opportunities than any other war correspondent up to the present ume. Her accounts of the war, writ wn from the headquarters of the Montenegrin army, have made her a ssputation in short order.. Ii "onh women had votes what a lot of occu ations at present monopolized by men might be successfully adopted by them | Make Your Will To-day. if you have not already made your will you should lose no time in doing it. The unexpected usually happens. Trusts & Guarantee Uo., Limited, and 45 King street west, Toronto, ke a good exeeutor under all cir | tances, and at small expense to your estate. Appoint the company axecubor; and let them hold = your will in their security vauli free of charge until required. No Need te Apologize. New York Tribune Why should a minister apologize lo anybody, even the president of the United, States. for preaching a ser mon that *hite" him? If he is real ly preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and uttering eternal truths, no matter how far they may go un the skin of any individual who bap pets to be in the congregation, he has no need to cxplain or feel em: Sarrassed. a Sick hi hes! Always trace them Aver, delayed. fermenting the bowels or a sick stomach. the delicate brain tissue it causes and that dull, sickening oa remove the cause by the. liver. making the poison move on The FEEL SHAKY, BILIOUS, HE OR CONSTIPATED ? TAKE CASCARETS reaches | keep ' is almost instantaneous. Ladies whose sensitive organisms are es pecially prone to sick headaches need not suffer. for they can quickly cured by Cuscarets. One taken to-night will: straighten you out by morning--a 10 cent pox wilh ur - head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and make you feel bright and cheerful for months. Children need Cas carets. too--they love them because they taste good and never gripe or be |pnown as Anglin's bay. The firm bas terprise energy {quite characteristic of the new King- ANGLIN MILL BUSINESS CP-TODATE SASH POOR FACTOR KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, AN AND A Large Addition to the od Build. ings Being Erected sixty Hand< Are Fmployed. is ton' mdicative in the eity and saw & leo. i the livest of Kiag ir dustries and one at of growth and prosperity it the sash mill business of , whose vards and at the cast end of Wellington sireet, cover about twa acres of land, stretching from Ri- dean streat A The ya! are on both! sides of the railway tracks, entering and leaving the city, and all trains pass through this busy little place, which cannot fail 10 im press the visitor with the thrift and prosperity evi lent®there. ¥ The firm composed of Samuel Anglin and his two sons, F. RB. and Charles Anglin. All three are well known the city as representative citizens. The large:t part of the business is the lumber trade, of which several cars daily are loaded and unloaded at Dae « present wad door factory S&S. Ang works, to the water's edge. in SAMUEL ANGLIN their works. There is a set of the most up-to-date lumber store sheds on the ground which accommodate about 3,000,000 feet of lumber. There is ev- ery 'eonoeivable kind of lumber to be dound in these buildings, in its 'rough state as well as dressed stock for building purposes. Bordering the wa- {er are the power plant, saw-mill, fae tories, planing-mill, machine shop. The power plant supplies mefive power to the mill and factories, as well as heat from exhaust steam to all the build- ings. The saw-mill is the oldest part of the works, having been: the hegin- ning of the businoss when logs were more plentiful. This gave the firm the familiar name which still adheres to it, "Anglin's mill."'. The. main build- ing of the factory is 500 feet Jong hy 10 feet wide, and is two storeys high. This bailding is equipped with up-to date machinery of all kinds for shape- ing and milling house trimmings, doors and sashes. The company ro manufactures office furniture. This part of the works is fitted with a blowing or suction system, which car- ries off to the furnance-room all cut- tings, -sawdust and shavings, to bel burned, and thus keeps the building frea from dirt and dust. The firm is making an important addition tothe factory, which will more than double its capacity. The new building which is now in the course of construction is 105 by 65 feet, and is being built along the most approved plans. It will have hardw floors, re-enforced con- crete girders and supports. It will be equip with an elevator and) well lighted and ventilated. A first! class sixty-horse power eugine will be a part of the mew building's equipment. This business has been built up from a very small beginning. It began nearly fifty years ago on iis pres ent premises, under the name of W. B. and 8S. Anglin, After twen- ty years of development the name was changed to S. Anglin & Co. were made members of the firm. Thé firm now controls a business which is growing every year and recently has prospered more than ever. . The plant and equipment are aow worth probably $200,000, and the yearly turnover is not less than a quarter of 2 million's worth of business, The company employs sixty hands afd ahout $35,000 is paid out yearly in wages, besides that paid to the numbers of men who do carting during the year, which is no small item. ¥ The business has every natural advantage of position and shipping The company's waterfront, affords that shelter ® another property adjacent to the North American Smelting company's on River street, where it will be able to enlarge its plant when it outgrows itz present premises. The Anglin company has been growing rapidly sad apparently has no in tention of stopping. it shows a spiri: of en and and later on the Angling' two sonsj, 1912. re PAPER BOX FACTORY BUSY: TURNING OLY A CLASS OF GOs, » FINE One of the Youngest Industries of the City Which is Making Great Progress «-- Company Manu. facuring Boxes of Every Descripe tiomp--Under New Management, An industry which is filling a long felt want in the city is the Kingston Paper Box Factory, on King sireet west, opposite the Kingston Iosiery Mill. In addition to eatering to all the local 'business the company ear ries on an order business, whi ex &£mds from Halifax to Vancouver. Al though one of the youngest oi. the industries in the city the box factory, as a result of able management, has made a name for itsell, apd is tum: ing ont the best goods of the kind ever manufactured in Fastern Ontar io. At the present time the company has about fifty hands employed, and judging by the amount of business now being handled the stafi will be increased within a very short time. The staff has been working overtime to keep up with the orders. J. G. Brown, the superintendent, who recently took charge at the fac tory, is a man of wide experience, having been employed in the very best factories in New York, and for a time was also employed in the lead: ing factories in Toronto. He, Knows the business from A. to Z, A represontative of the Whig called to see Mr. Brown to learn something about the business, which is. being conducted in the old flome building, which, by the way, -is quite a land- mark in the city, and was shown through the busy factory. Piles ol boxes, of all sorts and sizes, grected the reporter's eyes, and the scribe was informed that they were going to various parts. Just now the Christ: mas r¥sh is on, and Lhe concern . is putting forth every iffort to get out all the orders so as not to disappoint any person. Mr. Brown has a patent on his col lapsible boxes, which have been de: clared, by experts, to be the finest ever turned out, 'There is a big de mand for these hoxes, and everywhere thet are in gmat favor. The company - manufactures fancy paper boxes, and boxes for every line of business. They turn out a fine lot of millinery boxes, and in addition serve failors, clothiers, hai: ters, furriers, nonfectioners, | bakers, druggists, florists, grocers, dry goods, boots and shoes, fancy goods, hard ware, stationerge-in fact hoxes for anything and vthing, The com. pany has something=""te snit - the taste of everyone, and would be pleased to have their representative call and furnish estimates. Ths 'com pawy's telephone number is 853 The box factory has been making a specialty of folding boxes, and has turned out an enormously large stock of them: v It might be stated that just re cently the box factory came under new management, and has_been meet ing with great success. I is ex petted that by the first of the year the company will be employing about 125 hands. The business is owned and controlled by the Dritish Whig Publishing Co..." liniiled, The | Blacksmith in "Human Hearts," at the Orand on Saturday, Nov. 9th, matinee and night: KILLS BEST FRIEND. Discharged Employee Slays Rail. road Official, Greensboro, N.U., Nov 9. -- George G. Thompson, division freight agent of the Southern Railway, was shot and killed by W. KR. Blau, his private secretary, whom he had di 5% Blair was arrested in the room with uched in a corner, mut- "I have Killed by Wat Briand, : shooting took place im' x's home. Blair had not been at his desk for several days, snd Thompson sent him a note of dismissal. Blair sent a note to Thompson, and later Thomp- ron, after receiving a telephone call, left "his office. and went to Blair's heave. Ten minutes after Thompson entered the house neighbors were start- {eff by hearing four shots. i Police forced the doors to * Blair's fibrary and found the body. ---- ily British Whig WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS OF OBERNDORFFER & CO. Ss Mr. Oberndorffer Started on Succeeded--He is Over Kingston's Prospects, © In a review from the prosperity, 'on lactors to Iw erndorfier (1 Here fats i 9 the wr manufacturing finds ness a busines on optimism, thrift and eco hinds a man at been one of prosperity the community The factory brick building on Untario streat, the foot of Barrack. It has a 60 foot frontage, and is about 120 [eet The plant and property represent investment of about $40,000. This firm supplies some fifty homes in the city with wage earners and the man ou this work earns good pay. In regard to help Nr. Oberndofier stated that skilled wien in this line were harcd and here could use 100 mien head whose and benehi occupies a four storey an to get he OBERNDORFF SIMON if he could get them lhe firm was obliged to be satistied with much smal ler markets than it would otherwise have, because of the scarcity which restricts the output. I'he romantic of the life of the head firm is well mention here. shows that one of the keys to a life of "optimism and cheerlulness is hard work, a steep hill to elimb and pat riotism to one s home city and own business. Simon Oberndorifer ston from Germany voung man with scarcely the way « worldly very little knowledge of Eng He acquired a little stock of jewelry and started out into the country to sell it Here he worked steadily for vears un til he had established a good busi ness connection, and had by thrift laid by enough money a store in the ait) {he Oberndorifer jewelery st of the land marks of old Kingston! and for twenty vears he retained this busines ' Princess sireet where ionery store how stands After he was jewelry business of labor story business HH worth enme to King quite anything when ms and pores 5h incessant open to re one Rees' confect time in the Mr. Oberndorfler started to. make "cigars fn A small way in a building across the str At first he manufactured for pu local trade. As tipe went on same energy that had built some tue lis up How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- that of by Catarrh Hall's Catarsh case ed ward for any cannot be ou ure Yur F. J..CHENEY & CO Teoleds, © the undersigned ¥ ? "he y for the perfectly t business transactio financially able to carry obligations by his firm WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is ternally, acting blaod and wo tem. Tstime¢ nls it fred cents per bottle Soid by all gists Take stipation We, J im upon of drug CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Very Little--~By Thrift and Energy he Enthusiadtic to near oep. of the Oberndorfier ong 8 n in| wn takedf In- the the Price FW PAGS 2 TO {& att SECOND PART _ Let Me Sead You | ~ A Treatment of My. Catarrh Cure Free CC. KB GAUSS, I Will Take Any Cuse of Cntnrrh, No Matter Hew Chronle, Stage it in In TIRELY AT PENSE, That i Can be Cured. "atarrh has been my busi. and during this time we mililon people have come te from all aver the land for treat and advice, My method is or cure the disease by first Thus my combined all else [al con in just a few wihod is quick ruse it rids the yolsonous germs 'hat Send your name and e to OC. "KE. Gauss, and you the treatment refer. out the goupon below system cause afddress ' he will send red Lo, Ny catarrt ------ A SAAS ARIA. FREE, coupon is goou fer a { GAUSS COMBINED CURE sent fill ia the lotied lines below, X TAUSS, 5517, Main St, 1 pack. CA. » Marshall jewelry business stood hy him in the new work and it prospered until it crowded the othér, which was sold out and the proceeds invested the cigar factory, Mr. Oberndorfies is the sohl of {optimism, While the useless ®itizen 18 grumbling and finding fault with | the city and its management and cannot see its growth or any future {for it, here Is A man whose life is {known by all to be an example of citizenship, who loves King- Iston with enthusiasm Although {eighty-five years of age, he takes "ong walks daily and knows every | nook and corner of the elty, per haps better than any one else. Not {a new house escapes his notiest not an improvement The pavements, the sidewalks, the parks, everything meets his observation and is retain. in his wonderful 'memory. He {will tell you that the recent growth of Kingston iv "wonderful; and" pre (dicts a future for it. He 1 would change it for no eity in Amer lien Mr. Oberndorflér has always been active in public affairs and has serv- ed in the city council. He Is the friend of every philanthropy and greatly interested in the Odd Fel- lows' Relief association, of which he is really the father. He has been an active Oddfellow and fs a past master of that order. He Is also a prominegpt Mason and a member 'lof the Scottish Rite. The Obeérn- dorfler femily are Jews-aud were for years the only ones in Kingston. Mr. Oberndorfler ik now the hon, out good ed glorious | orary pretident of the Jewish con- gregation in this eity. He has four sous in the business, Heary and Marcus in the house and Herman and Frederick on the road. The ro- mantf® growth of this business from its infancy is 'one of the characte istic features of local enterprise In the manufacturing line sitinued on page 14.) Overland Model 69T 30 HP. Roadster, $1,350, 45 H.P., with electric self AUTOMOBILE CO. $2,275. KINGSTON Five Passenger Touring or F. Toronto, . 9 starter, AGENTS 56 pis 8.

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