Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1912, p. 11

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NATI MUSH ASTE of the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ON RO Enormous Natural : Crop, Ample to Avert Famine % and Hanger, Has Started Wide Activi- ties Looking to Their Conservation (Ceporight, 1011, ty the Mew York Hemid Co. All rights reserved.) OME kind of nations! movement to prevent the enormous annual waste of mushrooms in the United States, estimated to be equal in food value to the entire agricultural product of the country, is not only essential but is actually esmmencing. ' The Stste of Minnesota has the honor to be the leader of the movement In America, It has just issued free to every citizen In the State, an Svo booklet of 100 pages and 124 fllustrations to teach people 'the @iffevence betwéen edible and poisonous mushrooms the former of which Americans have too long con- temgtuously passed over as "toadstools." Professor Frederick BE. Clements, State Botanist, In his preface makes the following statement: -- "An important object of the 'Guide to Minnesota Mushrooms' is fo ake available with safety the enor mous crop, which is now almost entirely wasted through fear or neglect. It is perhaps idle to estimate the size or value of this crop, but if that part which fs rendily sccessible is alone considered the pumber of pounds of Minnesota will reach hundreds of thou- sands. Figured on the market price of the cultivated mushroom, the total value of the mushroom crop of the State can hardly be less than a million dollars Just what would be the effect of utilizing this food supply is a matter of conjecture, but there can be little doubt that it would prove fortunate from the stand- point of dietetics as well as of economics. Coples of the booklet ave furnished free to the citizens of Minne sola, and ten copies to each of its high schools, acad- emies and « Citizens will feel free at all times to send , to the Department of Botany of the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, to be samed." : Although the 1910 crop of the American farmer was valued at almost one billion dollars, it bas been well demonstrated by scientists who know that more than that value in edible mushrooms, measured as a food supply, goes to waste annually within the United Mates. Foreign governments for several years have been exertingi {heir avery resource to teach their citi athe Hhinesiof nature's marvelously gen. ploughed 'fields, woods and groves, many of them far erous supply of so-called toadstools. France has a gest central free school and exposition at Rouen under direction of Professor Paul Noel, Divector of Agrienltural Entomology, and other schools else where, teaching citisens how to select and utilize the Pest edible species. » Hvety afternoon in season Professor Noel, who Is alo Both ani dccomplished eryptogamist and an epl- eave of the first order, | to packed audiences of country folk, ting the great foed re- sources to be found in the edible mushrooms growing pléntitully in the immense) forests. of Normandy. Hun: dreds of specimens are spread on tables in front of hiw, by means of Which Be is able to differentiate in simple lafiguage between the edible, poisonous and woody fongl. of the desirable types have been all France, and especially in Paris, to -- the pobrest citinens to go out daily and collect he richest of foods; both for their own congumptio? matkets, where thirty species have and inspection. 5 regular, systemaiic instruction in all to familiarize children thorough!y. A permanent exibition fs main Government wagots collect spect : Gernny bas similar free on York. Dr. W. A. Murti, director of York Botanical Garden; pave.ihe rst specimens seul me from Foe: i as Armillaria edodes, first Perplexing ypholoma (Hypholoma Per plexum) Edible PROTOS BY W. H. BALLOU SATURDAY . » extend to i or thirty the most editido « part a corps of traine ment of agr NOVEMBER 9, 1042 Pia PLETE Fat Pholiota (Pholista Adi- pura) Edible \_ Puff Balls in the Y Edible Stage (Colvans Coe formas } Scaber) Edible An Italian Gathering Edible Mush rooms on the Palisades. t Armillio Melleo ) Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus (Ostrearus ) Edible : Fly Aminita (Anamta Mascaro) Deadly é Poison better eating? From time lmmemorial our greatest and fhost valuable food crop has gone to waste, much of It right before whe eyes of masses of peopie to is a very serious one, people suffer to get the commonest, whom the food problem who haveato scrape and coarsest provisions, to be compared in any spect to the despised "toadstoois" perishing before their eyes, , not re Starving Amid Plenty. In a small New Jersey village 1 saw a tramp fall, falnt with hunger, noder a tree covered with mush- rooms (Pleuruth from Hmbs, enough to have fed fhe sy mpathizging coterie of villagers that gaibered around him He had only to streteh up his hand for food that in this particalar in stance would have been good enough aw. | can only poorly compare the esirsordinary, the wastefulness of ov ¢ self-propagating pushroom crop ti that of our tak deposits of untouched peat, far base far up among the the distressing raster and more visable than oar coal Beds, The comparison is poor tenants the peat will stay where it ¥¢ and even gi w until wanted, while our amebrooms soon die and rot like a strawberry eft on a ¥ ine. How quickly we pick the Derry wien ripe! How scorafully we pass by the desjiised toadstool, worth many thoes move food value in cald cash! It must be adniiited. however, (hat there has been qulie a growth of people fn this country who ° recognize the vale of mushrooms springing up in thelr vicinity amd gather then The pniversity and college dlement--~that™, the professors and heir fam- jlies---torin a Class in many col manities of this type. ied by the professors in botany. Amoug the people generally tre sowe observing Americans who have been abroad and know with what care many foreign nitions gather and eat musbromis that sre edi ble and who have learned what (ypes 10 leave alone, by reason of their polsanous, woody or flavoriess con dition. Tt would uot be rharacteristie of crowded RKurope and Hagiand to neglect such enormous food resauvces-or to afl to starch daily every nook a: ldo or able om the différence ner. other reasons than (hose above. When | consider ont wasie of peal and mushrooms 1 feel like addme that we are rechiessiy and criminally extravagant. Is it uot criminal when we have a mill fou people in poverty to let millions of dollars' worth of food snd fuel to took ft with perish before car eves for the want of (he smallest exertion? 1 say Se We are called an ex ravagant people. but for g 5 The Japanese Mushroom of Commerce the Shutake. Growing on Oak Wood (Armillaria Fdeodes ) ig reek, for lnstance, the apples of which are worth ae vie fourth as movh a pond The moulds, rosy uel rOIS Ao vast dEmagy tiie sme time they prepare the way for th of thuashrotms, «As a maticr of fael. a diseased fires nay possitdy produce ten dullare of food vaige in edible mushrooms fo every dollar made fram fonit on A soi tree. » 9° Detecting Poisonous Species. » Very lNithe instruction in reatly nesded Ly tea hers i38 aud edible at growih at af polit wiishroones They bave ouly te (ake a fow days dourse on. say, fry spevies of good and Lad muse roofs that grow in the ledality where they teach. @ hie to deisel these spe int the $ut 16 scholars, from earliest spring (6 latest wikia, and in Santhern States all the year avprind. Ail doubtful foris way be 18ft alone of jitked, dried in. an oven or in he sun and submitted to the nearest expert for kuowiodge of They will soon easily cles growing wild andj Coral Fungus (Sporaiiis Herbstir } Edible theta. In North Carolina iv uidwioter 1 have seen tons of edible mushrooms go to waste. On a single dead tree I bave seen enough specluens 1o feed me¥s eral families. The Southern Blates the year round. There use mushreoms and man One can winter; to learn t! market mash Kirst familiar of vooking it It wa purchase | mushroom book Most of these teach how and wheve to find one hundred edible species and how to prepare and cook each one The halian r 1, who mushroois d WaT doubt coin or to fer " rooms k and ought are many t Hooks describing how oe al an the year, eve food values of mushrooms nn He s to start with.' methods Omme time of $a the pr with get its 1 persistent ollect hs of year with a garile tums Fh est in cooking mor est them sil yer black the d Wn SWAY AS Po black ble species pds. In consequence, 1 ar ting y see the It + very best edible species tis ihe poisonoos symptoms of th minttas do not dis until it is too late to help the he victim should at once | phrsicisn, who will adminis t tri rejecting really not dexdiy species gays of lose themselves for severs In case of poison emetic and til © alropine The callerting wile nu nizke a business whrooms in this part of 1 go about with enormons se ishrooms are placed on ele 1 P 2! fresh lone perhaps, af re arter, Pu both the Tree-Killing Fungus. peupls Rave esis lished a great Many factories exist rAOMe for : find won basi- in fhe em tins ifeaine the musi are canned waple wn in aml hrooms dpe on sale in New rc fri Amit their many they knew the con varieties. Ax A vi t would be easy to. find andred sped po § f 3 hap mils : Ni k. auite as delicious fo eat 8s vent, 1 F dried Inrgely WHT fend dred A rab pods Bh 4 fed fran the Selds in the sume Way | in France, No fungus. Kaown % fous to w sells . New me weveral W dred species of Bracket at whieh inten vests-heve destrasad bout th cee-quar ! geriy led ave FOTReONS Al Ro nil so 1s is pode Ax t 3 hax ye fang. the 15 pes gaudy nt tf aud Drandosens % , tog Targe tor get inde ang is to be bojed thal ear Rough Stemmed Boletus (Ceriomyces = S00n hiichment SCONE NYC which they cry day all Quring y this criminal waste of food, and and of free to induce , to ext the mushroo wit] gists, but \ Different species fruit surrounded warm weather Mushrooms are to the taste any of fruits, or much so They digest ax easily if cooks Mttle or nothing. They prop: sell in t) markets. They can or evaporated for future use I't pay a big revenue, t Tre forms of enough to realize our that don't pay and pove turn to a h pr no more chances in bel meats, fish, vegetables, cooked 5 Peonle desirous of m Let us sto] as life as satixfying and combined. They cost They canned made to other Sen ee sustain the meat vegetables them roperly, themselves, w dried or ey as ns can be ause all nation have give up pursults unmacessary and One takes life dle ne ¢ which is ing industry them than from "averripe" when new woul yisoned Ly fruits, &¢, of mushrooms ne food should get luto « with their Xiate botanist and let him de atter of edibility when in doubt. If possible, send un only spe ments which are fre to decay. Pack in sider which will de mails are how so to forward a tain crushir before tion hare not eominenced yt basket and cnr express. Tha no longer x sy sud I wooden box « ver quickest, heavy that it is wail n pastebourd boxes without cer. n the « exer o dry mushrooms the OF EXProess, ing ca t them injure any of their identifying characteristics. In New York, at Albmwny, is our great authority on the mushrooms of the 8 the State Botanist, Professor Charles H. Peck. Cornell Un Ithaca, is another, Professor George F At Cincinnati], Oho, is C. G Lloyd. at Library desirous of information or identifications frond anywhere on earth, pure mushr lanthropist. At + State University of lowa, Is Pro fessor T1 Maciride. - At the Depauw Univer sity, Greé le, Ind, 1s Professot Howard J Bankes great ¢t on hydoums, those fungl that resemble the backs of hedgehogs At Middlebury, VI, is Professor E. A. Burt In other States it should be sufficient to address simply the State Botinist ut the capital or State University or State Agricultarai Cel lege. In If the reader desires mushrooms to eat only, never pick one with a bulb at the bottom of the stem, set in 2 cup or in scales in the ground. These are cha eristic both of the deadly amanitas and the edible amanitas. Leave the gmanitas alone until you know the exact differences, which often pugzle an ex- pert. If you even think you have swallowed a poison. ous mushroom, {ake an emetic at once dnd cousult a phrsician ng them to mail to scoreh yd open to all the only living Wm Towa U1 conclinsion THE CHEERFUL GRIN." HAVE just heard, son, that you are abodt (0 be mar |: ed. 1 me tell you something: lel me give you's thonght to turn over in your wind white you are to he insists upon giviog your time yet-<to her retting guse your bride go much of her time-it he sat trousseau Most marriages, son 5 CARY enou exdibizing the honey- sel to make your flush of mari- are a sue Hoon to be happy you are both in the f asm, But t} a day coming when you will both wink to the dead level married life What then? Ase you prepared for those humdrum dave? 1 am no air 1 pr lives of every married « nd plenty of of prosal joking. son, even though you may think 1 nple there will be There will be days e 4K table from your on married her, and there will 11 te lucky Indeed ir humdrum da when yon will ACTOSE 1 wife sod wonder why ¥ be just as many days--and you w there are not more--when she will almost wish that fed the oiber mar Those are cracisl Those times when you aud your IKE Or mar y¢ sTYriage f Fue, won fous she had mas times, son are wife will n tr the te {Pst i gotug when under just i= a ties in the ablilly ' such a «train and stieas I than 15 walk, be cause when you are ri "oti, §OUT NETVOUS ¥ystem iw keyed up to its high bh, but w hel you come walk, to plod, there Ix noth keep you going but the grinding power of your wi Lad no youtter wh your ey sos, you will walk du r the great ried life You wil 1 pit nels pecupati i» hwy y THI . 20 think ahout 11 now, grt of your me iE 5 ni Best a nee nerves, IL her aid gore tx on drives some men 10 drink | eR 19 barmaial forme of dinsipnrior 3 fae driven huny a 'matrimonial ship apo jagged rocks of the di- vores four! Mes and w ¥ made that #a¥ i i= hard for them | Lut 16 Hire How the Bull nniformity ; vf #0 melt of frety mattied ire is a glorious 3 cement apd we! worth the effort of nay man or woraa % 1 didn't mean to say that iat Le fived dow in Wan, Tha! was a mistake. 11 chould bw bailshed There vou Have the secret of 3 § envied Me, sii, Danish monotony, Mu 2 joy and tis daily problepw of with ou iin There fa i Tot of Inarel aRiv "rpmeed-heatthy Hn There will be & lot of f for Yan An your wife, 1: wiki help op out seeing or fovi ing over Hills, as from pver being sorry tis No Wainan ever sot J man who cond mes! bw & cheerful grin. Jost 1 MrT i eet Tile Fis ig fare ah pte ------

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