Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1912, p. 12

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TORE BE "CONSUMPTION rh Srernex, NI. Jan, 17th. 1o11, wish to tell you of the great praibe-ttess hayedane for me. For years, I was a martyr to Chronic Consti- pation and Stomach Tronhle. T was rely run down and my friends feared had . 1 ria] numerous doctors and all kinds of medicimes, but received no relief until advised fo try "Pruit-a-tives" by Mr. McCready of St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that I now enjoy excellent health. "Fruit. a-tives" are the best medicine made, and I strongly advise my friends fo use them", 4 HUGH McKENNA, "Pruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that will positively and completely cure Constipation. This wonderful fruit juices acts directly on liver, causing this organ to more bile from the blood, and to ve up more bile to move the bowels vegularly and naturally, soc a box, 6 for $0.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, ENN + Jelly Sance i the lite package ¢ La exch carton of ¥ Oink To) . Club Jelly Powder nddi the finishing touch to a ns delicious in Oaver as oting in appearance. « Sixt + Jolly Havers, as thee as the pore Pat up by S. li. EWING & SONS, MONTREAL. desmori i is Ivwit, . REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of tlic person or persons suffering from ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Special Complaints that cannot be cured 805-260 Yonge Street, Toronto, pint se Hunters and-- [rappe IR Best . WILL GET THR - | Honest Treatment, : Correct A by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins To REVILLON FRERES ~ § TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED R WETABLISHED 1723 | the old relisble Firm of the Fu Trade | 134and 136 MeGul St., Montreal Ask for our Free Price List WE PAY EXPRESS CMARGES a i Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- } #' he Ontario Medical Justitute, | Shelter. for the Hogs. IS | {pay the owner manifold for his time So00ccoesnesecccenvee a no * AT oi 3 ? CORA We hi Eo PR & : : a THE DAIL: BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ou, 1912. ; : - er--" --ve-- - A AA SA I AI - | The cow is a good mother, and will ' . i look cali-ter her calf. D L A A LOVELY BABY BOY ! Cows rarely ride in earriages, but on t et nyone Xl e id a fipe calf has frequently been seen) : Tips For : the Farmer Feeding Dairy stock. The feeding of dairy stork does not receive sufficient serious consideration by dairymen, the quantity and qual- ity of the food supplied being largely left to chance, writes P. 1. Suter, dairy expert to the South Australian goveroment. 4 In the flush of the spring months guickly followed up by hot and dry sumner months, when the tural pastures are nol in a condition where: by a cow can continue to make milk to profit, many cattle are obliged to exist upon stubble lands and bare 'paddocks, where there is little food obtainable, and that, ax a rule, lacking suceulence and sullicient nutri. ment to maibtain the system, much les: to allow of making milk. This ot to provide for the feeding of daity cattle is unquestiomably = the weakest spot in Australian dairy practice. There are few outside the metropolitan area who ake that food provision so essential to syccessiul dairying. | Tf dairying practi: is to be carried Yon during the midsummer gud winter then special and cargful "provision must be made. In summer much could be dope where rich flats end a good water supply exiut. In such places lucerne. one of the best, if not the kind, of dairy foddens; could "be grown; and maire, sorghum, wheat, and peas could be produced for silo- ing, thus providing a veftain supply during the periods of scarcity. For winter feed those keeping cow: should give some attention to the growing, &f put in early, will also be found to give good results when fed to cows. Thousand-headed kale is also a useful fodder crop to grow. Shepherd's Notes. reed the best ewes to the rane: i The way to keep ideal sheep is bv trving to improve them. ; |] An uneven lot of good sheen' are | better than an even lot of poor ones. \ Fwes will produce larger and better lambs if in plump condition at the time of mating. = es Sheep are easily managed] are first clase fertilizing machines, good farm gens neers and yield two harvests annually. : When purchasing a ram for breeding purposes, it should be better than the best in your Hock. MH a radical change in (he rations is | made too 'suddenly, growth of both body and fhece is liable to suffer a check, The ram should be changed every two vears, and fresh blood infused in the flock. Al things considered, a three-year-old vam is best when breed- y ing to improve. } In fattening sheep, especially, pube- should be strictly best tuality in feeding + observed, Sheep, independent of are worth shore than their cosp in what ! they do for the farm, and in the moal ! they farnish. wool, Warm nights seldom occur in No- yember. The stockman should bear this in'mind and provide adequate shelter for Nis young stock, especial ly swine, Pigs have no coata of fuy to keep out the cold, 20 nead some additional attention as cold wonthe aporoaches, . Most pigs heave been sleeping on the ground without hedding. This was all right during the summer, but now in order to keep them comfort- able at night they should have ac- coss to shelter of same sort, Il they are not allowed the run of a straw stack or straw shad or a well bed: ded portion of a hog house, enough straw should be hauled into the feed lot to bed all hogs thoroughly. Such a bed would be greatly appreciated by the pigs. They will in turn re. ard trouble by additional galns=W. F. Hagerman. ------ The Best Dairy Cattle, The question is often-asked: 'Which is the best breed of dairy cattle?" This question is ont that must he settled by every individual farmer himself, Nobody can settle it for him. Personally, I don't think there is any best breed. 1 believe that one breed is just about as good as anether when you take everything into consideration. There {8 Ho breed where you can get a bunch of cows together and breed them to perpetu- ate your herd and get everyone of them to be A No. 1 animals. Man mast be master of the situation, and Tous by rigid selection and proper bre keep bettering or attempt- ing to r Bis herd. He will have ai ong Piped ir T dont : or hse: Bi 3 Rk that any mai vould make. « In Belectivg Ayrshives it cattle, that tha g i : # I i : i ] of "efiort ' kis Mother is nuite Enthusiastic over @ well Known Food. Mrs "J. W Pateman, 34 Harriet St, "oronto, in writing about Neave's Food ays "When 1 first knew one of my riends, her baby Jack was eight months 1d and dying by inches. She bad tried ree foods because her Jack could not iigest milk. At last, I fetched beratin # Neavels Food. At the end of a nonth, Jack was rapidly gaining flesh unl was bright and happy. He is a ovely boy now and she declares Neave's Food saved his life. And it did. Then I recommended it to a friend on Victoria Avenue, She had a baby 6 nonths ol that was not thriving a bit. She put 1l1e babyon Neave's Food and it the cud of three mouths, the baby wos iwi ¢ the size. I hure never seen two bigger, stronger woys tio a mine for their ages and we swe it ai to Neave's Food. I have the wmost Ath in Neave's Food.l' Moth rs aad prospective mothers may shtain = free tin of Neave's Food and a aluabic book *'ITints About Baby by sriting tAdwin Utley, 14 Front Street Hast, 1 runt, who 'is the Canadian agent, (Mention this poper.) For sale +r all droggists. 24A the building too cold. Warmth, of course, must ba considered, but the average run of cow barns could stand ffom two to three times as much window space as they are now pro- vided with, and it is better to re- model these cow barns even after they arc built than to get along with them as they now are. This is especially true of basement barns, which are the type generally negiect- ed from the standpoint of window space, Sunlight is very necessary in the cow barn, as sunlight is one of the most powerful germicides known The weil lighted cow barn into which the sun finds ready acces: very seldom has any of those odors ordinarily found in the musty, dar} kennels in which mcst cows have t pass their existence during the win ter months. If you are thinking « building 'as new 'cow barn this fall, b very certain to provide about twice: as much winter space as that pro vided in the ordinary barn in you vicinity. If the cow barn you al ready have is lacking in this par fcular, there is still abundant time to do a little remodelling before the cold weather comes Buying a Horse. When buying a horse take note of the general heaith and condition of the animal, and how it Bas :tooal the work during the examination. If severe distress is noted, coupled with an apparent high state of heal thy conditions, look out for evidence of drugging, especially with strong aliornatives, such as arsemic, very commonly used by unscrupulous deal ers to produce an artificial appear ance of good condition. After seven exercise, he evidence of arsenic wil appear in a vivid. red, and some times a hive, line around the gums, and al<o-at times by severe diaxr hoea and abnoridal thirst. The use of digitalis, in order to hide the incip- jent symptoms of broken wind, will be detected both before and after exertion hy an intermittent pulse. The use of cocaine, opium or morph ine van bo detected during the exami nation by the abnormal varying of the size of the pupil of the eye, and also occasionally by the breath alter galloping. --Horse World. a-- Notes of Interest. Nome tune ago a schoolmaster in a country school asked his pupils to write an ossay on cows, Here is the of a farmer's som :-- The cow is a po-bull afid Kine-heart- ed creature, . The mas whe looks after cows called a cowherd, but he is no coward who lool: altep cows. Cowes fas & regatta every year; yet the cow i¢ not a nautical animal. It iv 'mot ~irue that she. siests with he udders. it is reported that the cow sat at the head of the table in the Ark (s say ark-cow-ologists), because she was the only «aimal that could paive. WHISKEY HOLDS ITS VICTIMS. Until Released by Wonderful Sa. waria Prescription. Liquor sots up inflammation and ir aa of the stomach and weakens the perves. The steady or periodical (spree) diinker is often forced to drink even against his. will by his unr natural physical condition. Samaria Prescription stops the caving, steadies the nerves, builds up the genera! health and makes drink actually distasteful and nauseous. It is tasteless and odorless, and can be given with or without the anowledge of the patient, : Thotenw!s of Canadian : homes have een saved i sgrace y some devoted oe mother or aughter through this wonderful Uan dian . The money formerly wasted ink has restored bappi- eas, Bows comforts, education and to the families formerly in want and ir. " Read tha dollowing, ove of the nu motous uw i eoived : "1 ean sever repay you for your 'worth mere than life to been ered remedy. it has off liar Fer rl would pot say had a seli-feeder and ser. Da sare Knows n i cand wi and 2 Iriend engaged ia a game ot ane Sher Fs - ---- Pusbands 'from "Here, Mr. Sideum," he said in \ ing will give them Four add an energetic whisper, "there's two tes, Dewinton. Alts. {.ygtomers In the shop." | | Slocum never {ook hiz eyes frown descending from a tramcar | Cows exist by means of the ox-ygen| wn the sumospuere (1 got this from « professor al Ux-ford). * By the cow is the milk made. 1 know this to po true, for | have seen the ntitk-maid by the cow. The cow has been introduced into song. ihere is an old song called "I'd Soldier's Steer." 'this was writ- ten in beef flat, as also was tHat very pathetic ballad, tieifer."' I'he cow's sex is sometimes rather complicated. To call a cow an ox is to make a bull. Crutched«for cows are called accous tics, A cow likes resting. It will sleep in. its shed, and lic on the grass, but it will not stretch itself on a cowch; iv does not go sofa as that A cow does mot carry on an argu ment very obstinately; it will soon give whe, © George McKerrow, a prominent horse breeder ol Madison, Wis., writes as follows regarding teeding the colu if the colt lacks danger of feeding him too much, but | if he 1s getting all the exercise he will take every day 1 do not think he can be overfed. Une of the best colts Lever all the oats he wanted, and he grew up wondertul- ly strong proportioned and well mus cled. What appears to be a good remedy to keep potatoes inther and from sprouting has been tried with satis faction at Forest Heefs, N.5.W The | potatoes are simply placed on a luyer| «h coke, together with the oxide or carbon and sulphur resulting from oxi: | disation, mixmy with the aw amd penetrating the tubers, appears suih- cient to retard sprouting. , Produce: and Prices. Kingston, Nov, Y9.--Market reports the following : . Potatoes, 20c. a. peck; cabbage, 50. doz.: celery, De.; lettuce, . a bunch; onions, dlc. pk.; carrols, Ne. pk.; new beets, 20c. pki; chickens, 10¢. to 12]c. Ib; fowl, lve. Ib; potatoes, T5¢. to #1 bag. Jv. A. MeFarlane, Brock street, re- ports grain, flgur and feed selling as follows : Oats, 50¢'; local wheat, 21.10 hush; feed wheat, 85c.; peas, $1 to $1.10; yellow feed corn, .; bakers' flour, 92.90 to ¥3.10; farmers' flour, $2.85 to #3.]0; Hungarian patent, $5.10; oat- meal and rolled oats, $3.50 per bur rel; cornmeal, $2 to £:25; bran, $24 er ton; shorts, ¥8 per ton; baled straw, $10; loose, ¥3; hay, loose, $17 to $18; pressed hay, $16 to $17. Meat--Ikel, local, carcase, Se. 10, gc.; prime western, llc. to 12e¢, éar case; cuts, 10c. to 20c.; mutton, 10¢ to 15¢.; lamb, 124c. to 1I8e. lh; live hogs, $8.25; dressed hogs, 12c.; veal, Ye. 134c. clerk BDairy--Butter, ereamocry, 35v.; prints, 30c. to I5c.; eggs, dVe. to Me. a dozen. John McKay, Brock street, reports as follows : Hides, No. 1, trimmed, at lle. a 1b: No. 2 and balls, 10c. a lb; sheep skins, fresh, Vc; deacons, #I; veal skins, 15¢. a 1b; tally rendering, Sc. per lb; wool, washed, 2lc.. per lb.; wool, unwashed, 4c. per Ib.; ginsing, $5 to $6.50 per Ib.; horse hides, No. 1, $3. Above prices are for No. 1 prime stock, blue pelts and unprime aceord- ag to value. The Dominion Fish company reports the following prices : Whitefish, 15. Ib.; pike, 10c. lb; Chinook salmon, 0c. 1b., kppered herring, 60c.; Yar. mouth bloaters, 40c. doz.; perch, lic, tb.; salt codfish, 12ic; Ib.; halibut, 15e. "For Heifer and for{ axercise there isi § With Your Health When you ask for Duffy's be sure you get Duffy's. One True Medicinal Whiskey Cheap imitations are <o people with the intent to deceive hy dealers only and who care FP prod Ith of their patre ns. Sowe to make vou believa what they ol bY Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Whiskey magical profession, bos 4 b has been used for Jufiv's Pure" Maly over 32 years hiv th pitale and ia home with ungqualle i Ces Whether it He as a tonic stimulant for the sick and rundown patie: the water at meal time, as au aid to dt remember that you are using can be mad BE SURE YOU GET DUFFY'S ~~ a - a hy gonuine is sold hw druggists \ TL » dealers ard hotels in SEALED { » BOTTLES OMY. never in bulk, i ; price 81.25 a large Bottle. If vou | : Vo can't procure it, let us know and ] E * ve will tell you how. Write for doe | We carry a full r's advice apd book of recipes ! line of Pure Spices for table and sickrgom, free on re { and Vinegar a ou ; bg | ) . we b Greatly reine» 1 Cagsim The Duffy Malt Whiske Co Roche NY { > at battle iy WL y , Rochester, N .1. : ~ Y ' . Sin D. COUPER'S ype Thomas Copley, Drop Tele o 13 n Bed. anytk dor ir y line. Est { repaics Hardwood nrdders will 'receive Shop, 40 Queen Siree SALAMA a gr tm --_ Blacksmith Coal ----: High Grade : -- | | DRURY'S Goal & Wood Yard Eingada Business College Highest Education at Lowest Cost Tent aizth year, Fall term begins Augast 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. graray, Civil Bervice and Kng- & Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixly secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor. porations in Canad er any time. Call or write for informa- tion. H. A Metoalle, ar Kiagston, Canada 3 in some homes the talkin machine | No honest man will hug the | 'Phose 76. 341.3 Princess S§. : ; } : = Ty é ) ) 4! > Ay is sci wound and! does business with: | lusion that an outlawed account is | Prompt Delivery. out records - honestly paid ve VEY OWE vee ee TT 2 A 'iA A A : \ A A A I dA a A A A a ¥ 7 ; . r I» . Cn 2A 2 \ > ' " ' » A L SIR La fh 1K A ' ne a , 7 ; > 0 / x 7 x d Zn? aL tae Af fe . esa EE EN v You need this coat iy sear © Whether you golf or motor or drive, skate or snowshoe walk, the most useful item of your wardrobe will be one of t Sweater Couts and you will ag X AMINE one at your local merchant's vou own is more beautifully made Try one ¢ vou sec that it has the snug, nor more exquisitely finist nearly every day /° that nothing stylish fit your taste or Jog. he >< ed Br. = Coy ab rae Se : Tok . ps Sw ¥ a . ¥ ee, NT " a = ot BYE Ee » ~ exacts. Sut it to hard wear and learn that it retains its new, smart / 4 TR shapeliness. I¢ must do that, for our Pen-Angle knitting process shapes J Aff afi these improved sweater coats into permanent fit. Thus they cannot became £ | Fly ¢ ir » saggy or ill-fitting, ny garments do that resemble Yd You will ily when brand-new MARJE BY . PARIS, CANADA Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters For men, women and childrea A A A A A A LA A NT (I IIT EI Al In INE a ; satisfied with the sweater coat that bears this trademark 78 Penmans Limited be 3 i TE 2 i Hl i Ne 4 x - to 20c. tb; fresh haddock, 12}c tb.: stead, cod, 13jc. lb; sslmon b.; fresh mackerel, 15c. lb; oysters 12¢.; fillets, 18¢. 1b; fresh smolts, 20¢ Sc. to OO per quart; shell ovsters, 30c. a doz WHY COLDS COME, If is Because People -Shot Themes selves Up. With the advent of cold weather will come the regular fall crop of "colds." Why ? Because of the drop mn temperature ? Not at all. Because of some peculiar poisonous property --in--the--fall--ais-? No. * Because as soon as cold weather comes about hali of the city's popu- lation tries to live without any fresh air. There are many people who still be lieve that one will drown in night air; and thee are st least as many who hold thai windows should never be eft open unless the thermometer is higher outside the house than in. The fear of drafts is the beginning of speeds. True, one eat eatch 'cold even in fresh air by getting sufficiently chill- ed. But this happens about once in fifty times -or less. s The. usual formula for catching cold is to sit in a close, ill-ventilated room fof several hours, and then go to bed in a room whose windows ure tightly d6sed. This seldom fails. The simplest formula for avoiding colds is to keep the house well ven- tilated and not too hot, take plenty of exercise and sleep in a room with an open window, £ The Checker Fiend, In 4 quiet country town, so quiet *hat the silenec hurt, a commercial 'raveler entered the general store. Going through to the parlor at the back he came upon the proprietor § he board. He merely nodded bis bead and whispered fn reply. | "That's all right. Keep quiet, 2nd they'll go away - seb af jit i) fy §ir : | : I ¥ i FEE 4 HL A £3 iy id Restored to Natural Color WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR . HAIR REMEDY ALMOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as snow when I commenced using Wyeth's Sage ond Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re- stored my hair 15 its natural dark brown color. As I am now 20 years old, I consider the result most remarkable. It isan agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLALLZ, 210 West Maina treet, Rochester, N. Y. SULPHUR HAIR just such results? and Restorer, which Restores Gray one 15 thres months. 7 Your Drue re Company, ~ sw 3 FAT A A Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND REMEDY is daily producing After years of study and analysis of the hair, we have been sble to produce an ideal Heir Teaic of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized . erit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases, It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthy, gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and - No matter how and thick WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REM. * EDY will make it longer and thicker. move cyery trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from set Doss Not Keep Jt Send 500, in Stamos and We Wil Send You nn Large fotrls, Express Prepaid A 35e Cake of Wyetl's Sage and Sulphur Tollet Soap Free 4a. aoyons : nent with 1 4n stamps 10 cover cost of nm ------ os RR ETS SAGE-SULPHIIR NCA CRE contains an actual constituent Hair to Natural Color your hair is, It will re- 5 AT ALL DRUGGISTS A ae BJ

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