LL AY AEA HRY Hunters' Excursions' Good going until November 9th, inclusive, .to all points on Te- miskaming and Northern Ontario | Railway to Campbellton, Bathurst, Newcastle, Chatham, N.B., to Am- herst Truro, New Glasgow, N.B., to Sudbury 8.8. Marie, Penetang Midland, Lakefield, North , Bay, Coboconk, Lindsay, Parry Sound, to all points on lake of Bays steamer line, to all points on Mus- . koka Navigation Co, and to some points on Nar. Nav. Co. All tickets good to return until Dec, 12th, ex- cept to points reached by. steamer lines Nov, 12th, For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, CP. & TA. Corner Johnson and Oat, Streets. oR Fhe IN CONNECTION W.TH OAKADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, HUNTERS EXCURSIONS Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October 7th to November 9th. Mattawa to Kipawa, Temiskam- ing Northern Railway Stations and points in Quebec. - Oct, 17th to Nov. Sudbury to SB. Marie, Sharbot Lake, Parham tp bogle. All Dec. dan, 1912, Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent 9th to stations Havelock to Cala LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF GUINTE STEAM- BOAT CO. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun- day, at 3 p.m, for Picton and tuter- mediate Fay of Quinte ports, call- ing at Deseronto, XNorthport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Freight bandied with despaich and care at reasonable rates. | tickets good to return until! ! y Wh ng | i or crc nih 2 | i MADE | 1M CANADA RATS i mA cicl J rs ra THAT TRY NOLAN'S Special Blend Of High Grade Coffee, 40c a Ib. 338 Princess Street, Phone 720 Prompt Delivery. or. de van's Female Pills | A reliable Franch regulator ; never failr. These sills are exceed ugly Ronetiol in regulating Le generative portion of tae lemale system... Kefise 3 chea 2 imitations Dr, do Van's are soid of or three fu: § Mailed to any "or r Anls a Mahood's drug store. TEA! Gardens of of the finest at 30¢c per TEA! ; the une Gireen and TEA! Finest Tea olored, and Black From Coyk flavor pound, at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. i rien 0000009000000 Women's Pains "I received your sample of Zutoo Tablets, and took them for severe pain (monthly) and headache, At the end of 30 minutes I was entire.y free from pain and experienced no more throughout the period. 1 suffer a great deal at these times and feel grateful that I now have a remedy which affords quick re- lief, Every woman in the land should know about Zutoo Tablets and what they will do." MRS. ALLEN WRIGHT, Pulterd, Q, JAS. SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents J. P, HANLEY, | Ticket Agedt CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Leagih, 570 faut Wirsless Tr Tie, Stgaals YO EANADA AND AN UEBSES « Nov. «Nov. + Nov. a Empress of Deitain | Lake Manftobs .. Empress of Ireland .. Empress. of Britaln ivi Empress iid Empress of Hiltain Dee, of Ire! Dec Jan ------ Tickets end all lafermation t=. suy steamship agegy or #.- JON: WAY, GPALK & PR, Kimmgston Ont / TURBINE er: to LIVERPOOL LARGEST MONTREAL 10 GLASGOW, HAVRE & LONDON MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. Ith 15th " pb - "CORBICAN,S « "Nov. Ast ¥ MONTREAL to GLASGOW, | "GRAMP TANS. Ogi, 15th, Nov. Sth "PRETORJAN® oT 18th, " 16th CHESPERIAN, = 26th, * 2nd "SCANDINAVIAN ( Nov. ind MONTREAL~HAVRE~LONDON an 21st ue Su (1 Gul, Buren. For full wh ft ° apply outa x ates, ot HE ARAN an ¥ 11 Yonge Street, Toranto. Beverages: ALE STOUT LAGER JAMES MCPARLAND, Agent, Bi King * Street an, «| DOCTORS GAVE HER UP es. Stunt Finally Saved By Lydia E. Pinkhan's Vege- Compound--Her Story Interesting. me, ST =] tors and they said I ] bad female troubles address, | Po cabell Drug Co. St. Catharines, Ont | oo! lilled by "crown oftice, ¥ , THE DATLY BRITISR WHIG, SATU RDA AY, NOVEMBER 9, ALVRRSTONE SUEFENRS Pp CANNOT RESUME. | LORD STROKE AN to General 1 | i¥rst of Jewish Race Court. 8 Lord Alverstone, more widely knowy in this country as Sir Richard Wep- and wno through his frequent } visits tothe United States has {into touch w.th most of the [leading | American jurists, sustamned a stroke ! of apoplexy not long ago, and al { though the matter has been kept very quiet, vet his condition has become so much more grave of late, that even it | hia days are prolonged, which imn- { probable in the extreme, he will never | be able' tu resume his seat on bench. as Lord Chief Justice of { land. { That loity office, far more ancient { than that of the Lord High Chancellor {is about to become vacant, either { through death or resignation--possibly | before this letter appears in print, and the government will be called upon to | prese nt King George the nomina- | tion for a successor to the post, which tearries with it a salary of $340,000 a | year, and the offer of =» peerage of the realm Aceording | the office Greneral, punted, of the Je side over thi ster, COT 1s to custom and tradition, should go tp the Attorney- Sir Rufus Isaacs, and, if ap- he will be the first member wish race and creed to pre court, which is particu- {larly styled "The Court of our Lord 'the King, before the King himself," {and to occupy the seat which has been men of such historic fame as Hardwicke, Mansfield, Uoke, lale, whio set at night the illegal mandates of the all-powerinl lord Protector, {Oliver Cromwell, and Gaseeyne, who "rated, rebuked and sent to prison,the immediate heir of Fogland, ward Henrg V. Formerly a popular vailed that it was fecessary lawyer to belong to the established Protestant church of kngland, in ao der 'to hold the office of Lerd Chiet Justice Jut this belief wag dispelled when, after careful investigation as to whether or not there were any leg- al obstacles, the até" Lord Russell of tillowen, a devoat Romau Catholic, was appointed to"the post. lt was then definitely established that no questions of creed were involved in thé appointment to any judicial ollice save that of Lord High UChanceflor, who, as "keeper of the sovereign's conscience," must necessarily belong to the sawe church as the latter, namely, to .the Anghean rite. The oath of the Lord Chief Justice, Aas eniered in the book of oaths in the binds him, among other things, "to do equal law and execu- tion of right to atl the Ring's subjects rich and poor, without having regurd to apy person; nol to wake any giit or reward of gold or of silver, or any other thing which might tarn him to prolit, except meat or drink, and that of little value, of any man that has any. plea or process hanging alore hun; not to take fees or livery of any per son but of the Ning; not to delay any person's common right for the King's Tetters, or the letters of any other person, pot for any other cause; and, In case any letiers come to him con- trary to law, to certify the hing thereof, and proceed fo do the law, the same letters notwithstanding. If Lord Alverstone survives his pre- sent illness he will be entitled on his retiwement to a pension of. R15,000 for the remainder of his life. He is g_fairly rich man, having amassed a considerable fortune by his very and lucrative practice at the ba: prior his elevation to thé bench, his average imcome in these days be ing estimated at™ some SI150,000 4 Year. That Lord Alverstone should ben stricken in this fashion will, doubtless, come as a blow to his many. Amepignn {tiends and. aegpuaing.. ances. For if ever there hes been a man that conveyed the impression of bodily and even athletic vigor i has been the lord chief justice, a big man, large in heat and brain, Who seemed physically equipped for big things. At Cambridge he carried every thing befors Tum in the inter-upiversity sports, and was the champion' ran wer, glso a noted cricketer. He wan aged by means of athletic exercises to keop himself in wonderful cohdition until recently, this being partly by physical exercises, partly by his ab stemiousness, alike in food and drink, and partly. too, by his perfectly even temper, unruffled under the most try: ing circumstances. He is wonderfully musical, accomplished organist, co happy as when seated at his splen- did organ in the lagge hall at Win. teriold, his beautiful place in Sussex. He used to be passionately fond of shooting, taining a forest ench' vear jor deer-stalking in Scotland, where he is jou by, the neighboriag lairdg, all of whem territorial titles, as "Pump Court," oe Intter being a seat in the London 1 Court which is tr of the Pug after impression pre for a big to have and an i i | § Likely to Succeed-- i Head | and was nevi | 1912. PAGE TRAIMTEEN. 5 << EVEN THE EVENING GOWN HAS A CONTRASTING BODICE, The "separate waist" idea is he sing carried as far one way as the pendulum swung the other way in the onesplece gown effect of the last few seasons. This dinner gown for the waist being of cerise chiffon, skirc. crestan ant cluny lace over a trailing skirt of black The extension of below the sash in vandyked points and ible smartness to the simply conceived with French heels and glass button: bodice - of the sash around the lace bodice jong cont-tails adds inexpress. costume, Black satin boots accompany the trailing ° satin wear has charmeuse, a "WHY I AM BACHELOR, Referendum Brings Interest ing Replies. <A Paris weekly journal. bas asking its bachelor readers to say why they prefer celibacy The replies may 'be classified under four heads Here are a few replies from the first and second largest clase, who might be described as egoists : A vity man--Love making takes too mich Sime There's more durable happiuces in making money A Lamrister--1 am vdry fond velling and want to be able my bag and clear off when wife: vould be in the way A cemmission agent--1 don't want to be nsked where 1've spent the evening or what Uve done with my moncy.* My time and money are own \ ~hopkeeper should tention from A journalist duce my personal thanks ! <A wmusician--A weleod *. here ners. balls or suppers for me if 1 get married. A photographer--After a hard dean's the pipe of peace is all 1 want, would expeet me to talk A salesman--A man who cops 'ents to feed . amd "cloth another daughter all her lifer mus 4 be mad--or madly gn love. The re were the second category acribed as timid A stock heuker~I would fay "no." A taijor-=1 am afraid of tongs A postman--<\ widow me aw! since then I have able ww pluck up enough courage propose to another woman. A doctor--1 meet so wiany uubappy BAKER'S Praalfasi Paris been of tra to pack like. A my My never spoiled at mother get the another woman -{ should have to expenditure. me. | same re No alway bachelor is would be no more din woes \ 'wile man's many in not quite be des , who may 80 " she' am afraid & woman's Jilted never been to once vouples that I aw afraid of their fate. A jew veolies from unselfish come as a welcome relief ; An omnibus' conductor est of a large faitheriess family and I can't marry until they've had a start wn life. A sieatist---My life given up to my work, A commercial traveler--I will ask any girl to marry me as law so often away from home. We cou nos bi: happy under these conditions s A chauffeur--My wife would be ur happy. Mine is a dog's life. gular hours, and. meals sw anyhow. Next come the confirmed woman ha ters, who are not very numerous : A prolessor--I can neither work nos think in the society of chattering women. An architect--Women only want money and a home. 1 have no inten tion of playing a fool's pant Ap electribian--Girls always grow to be like their-mothers, and I've never seen a mother-indaw to n taste. Two, Tuck le sons ~ A groe:r--T have proposed to a ™ Jnr been rejected cach time A chemist's assistant--Mother di wnt want me to marry and wouldn't make my wife happy if 1 dide--T.ondon Ob erver. ; gi shaving men Pm the eld: is entirel not No re lowed vou who might be described as the a ones, give the following rea \ thre A WIRE TAPPING SWINDLE, Two Southerners Were Defranded Out of $35,000, New York, Noy. 9. On plaint of Dr. J. W. Rowell and Furln Cleveland Sidbury. a lawyer, both of Wilmington, N.( the New York police arrested two men on a of ha ing defrauded the S25, 000 through v SH y the con charge sout herr at Adentitied © a fan Aho posed graph company official save he S22 oon prisoners harles Ualy and Frank (uo have them booked, however gd 'Frank Gogtiori. notenots indiers - 4 The police later arrested a thinsd man, sixty old, whom 7 the deseribod a= an international swindle and the originator of the wnetap ing gam lie gave his name as dobry Lay, Et the police say often pom at "Nir John GLirav e has been gre widely "Paper ollar Joe.' On complaint of Siwon Jones. of Pittsburgh, Pa. that he lost 3200006 in the same sort of swindle as. that to which the southerners fell ietins and in the sanie house, (hurls Uar bonel also was arrested. AN the prisoners were held in beavy bail for examination next week. iThe police say it i» then that mith <o lost of Ih gave the pames han, police Charles a for years as sw vears krfow't to a puzile even an occasional vietim is found. In the case of the southerners it is alleg wl $5,000 was spent in staging the indie. A "Striper" from New York, sith his wife Loox up resides da Wil ninglon and entertamed lavishly ard through them Ur. Powell and Sadbury aere told how to "heat the game" 'im New York. Cans Vincent Eagle: The editor of the Eagle was re-elected school director for the~tdan of Cape Vin. cent Tuesday. tal salary of $4.00 the last term to SAY gathing of he honer connected of Watertown, N.Y. ir "economical! for the next w weeks, principally becsuse there ust about $500 feualning in in the much pablicity 1 given to the old wire-tanping swingfe | TW: office paid a to ! It's as Pleasing as i Name Coxglort Soap fag h ie i . suiah wi v you take Na-Pru-Co Headache Waters t contin + hey atir hid, mo "wiretapping" | . Ca DY STORE BOYS AND CIRLS. OWN A GANDY STORE OF YOU iR OWN. t maney making and pie. our notal scovipes lo W candy wills & $id inst d ain -- bon boxes. candy bu ABSOLUTELY fact, arary necewsity 8 Bi Bove a dertul stoek - 3 1 Bitines Vo #58 5 or ASH REGISTER NATIONA! PRODUCTS, LIMTED Un ERLE ard Dept, C803 TORONTO, CANARD" = FREE a Extra Present : 1 =i SAE he THEBE SIX MAGNIFICENT EE! PRESENTS ks Piecos) HOST WW ¥ MAL, NIF1CK I SW 1 : FED ' r RENE YY 1 Pir LIFENINE. PTET THF SN BAG ne Is THE : purges Pi . . NATIONAL PRODUCTS LIMITED Dept, k 415 rorownvo, ont ® IT STANDS TO REASON Why So Many Women Have Poor Health Any girl or woman who be- comes run down from pver work, worry or other causes, cannot regain her health readily on account of the natural drains on her system, which only become aggravated by continned ill-health, Her copstitution simply © net stand this straip--con quently paigs ahd irregularitiel occur, she. becomes anaemic, tired and pervods, loses flesh and strength, digestion becomes impaired, she does not-eare ior society and grows despondent. Mary there are who put in an existence of misery trying to bear up to do their household duties while in a state of invalid- sm. It is not natural that women should have such ill- i health. Nature never intended # but and Environment Cause It. A special femedy is required that will remove the weakaess, raise the vitality and nutrition of the weakened part, puriiy the blood and restore each organ to its proper function sg that Each and Every Organ Must Work In Harmon armony, Restoritone ory do thus-they are a special Remedy of gr at value in restoring and toting up debilitated conditions found wm girls and women. 'They positively cure aad/ restore to health in 90% of such cases, No piarter haw bad your Gases may be and bow many remedies you ave tried t-give onf bax of Restoratone Tablets a trial and the benefit re I will bebufficient 1o-induce you to take More if necos sary until you are sn perfect health Bo Not Delay in so Vital a Matter as Your Health Restoratong Tablets wn ome ve You. For sale ur dreggict at 30 cemts z bux oF sx boxes for $2.30, or clicerfudiy sem postpaid 9% receipt OF pore by writing 3 | IETF health in