THE DAILY BRITISH WIG. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1042 PAGER FIFTEEN. v ------ MORGAN'S $100,000 INTERNATIONAL UNITY FERENCE Commission Punds--The Assemble All Christian Creeds on | Common Ground, New York Sun, With the payment of a contribution of $106,060 by J. Pile srpont Morgan as a basis, the universal 'movement invoking toward world unity is re- ligioh bas received impetus, and it founders look for a much quicker carrying out of their plans for an In- ternational conference than they had hoped for. The idea was born in the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal chureh of the United States at Cincipnati in Oe- tober, 1916, and the Rev. Dr. W. T, Marwing, rector of Trinity church, Lrought it forward. He is chair nan, of the conumfttee on play and £I0PE. Bho fact that i Morgan had con tribgted such A darge sum to the movement was not generally known until yesterday, Aitred W. Mor Zan, associate I r of the society for ethical resefirch, made the an nouncement in an address before the society at G4thstreet and Central Park west. He instanced Mr. Mor gan's financial assistance as an il lustration of the part that men ol high stationshrd] enmifwy EBhrdimem high standing were taking in it Mr. Morgan is 4 member of the general commission of the Kpiscopa! and associated with him on that hody of which the Rev. C. P Anderson of Chifago Is president, ar Bishop Rhinelander of Penssylva nia, Seth Low, George Wharton Pep per of Philadelphia, Francis Lynd« Stetson, Samuel Mather of Clygve land, and George Zabriskie of Ney York, who Is treasurer, J A "world conference for the con sideration of questions of faith anc order," as the movement is official ly termed, had never been proposed until Dr. Manning introduced a Teso lution In tue general convention of 1910; that steps be taken to bring about such a gathering of rapresen tatives of all christian communities throughout the world, His resolu- tion was adopted unanimously, and Mr. Morgan announced he would ald the plan in every ways Later. it was made known that he would con- tribute $100,000, This sum ha been paid to the joint commission, and in conjunction with many othor gifts, somewhat smaller in alnount, will serve the financial purpobes the commission. until the ok is actually held, If more money Is needed it is understood that Mi Morgan is willing to contribute fur I'he most recent recruit to the world conference idea is Uardinal Gibbons. His support © has greatly endouraged the commission. 'This action on hi part will, it is believed, result in the " appointment to the joint eommission of representatives of the Catholi ¢hureh in America. | ennvention, Moravian ¢harch in have named representatives j omission of CON. {the BROU GHT NEARER. i. Plan is to Prestw te i The religious bodies that / already arg the Episeopal church in the Unite the Longregational church, tt the Disciples of Christ Preshyterian church in the | wire the executive committee of the the Alliance churches holding th western or Amer Methodist i plist "Amer Reformed church in the | nite Mmhodist Episcopal. church Lutheran church, Freshy tevian chureh in the United States { nited Presbyterian church of Nort) America, Keforimed Presbyterian churel North America, Northern Baptis canvention, Free Baptista, Relorme church in America, Reformed Preshy terian church in North America, anc the church of England in America. Lhe Greek Catholic church also ha taken j coguuzance of the movemen! and the chief authority of that see is expected to appoibt a representa tive I'he bishops of the chweh o Fagland also will be represented. Une of the problems is where to hole the workl conference. The Englis! bishops think this country should selected and the members of the eom from the United States ar to that end. When the cop will take piace has not bee Pr. Magning says. It may tWO Years sinte an enol amount of work will be neces sury to arrange for what is expegte to he the greatest religious gathering of modern times, However, the receipt of the Morgm contributfon and other recent gift and the renewed activity of the com mission bring the time of the econvoc ation much nearer. 'Ihe purposes o the conference are set forth in statement made by Dr. Manning, which he says: "Lhe world conference. proposal i that a definite défiort shall now be made to bring together into persona conference representatives of al Christian communions thronghout th world "It is hoped that this may include representatives oi th whale Christian world, , both Catholi and 'rotestant. 'The conference is tc be for the avowed purpose of cop sidering together those things u which Christians differ and which sep arate them one from another. "I'he powers of the couference are to be carefully limited and restricted it is to have no power to take legis lation or formal action. It is to be: conference and nothing more, but it | hoped that such & coming togethe may be the next step--a humble bu still a real step--townrd the fulfilmen of our Lord's prayer. States, Niates senlive commission of Helormed rin svitem, Southern Southern tod can sSeciion, (he piscopal church, os, miales, FEvangelical ot rrission working wrence determined, not be i1d% mos conference Plles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money i Pazo Ointment falls to cure any cas of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro studing Piles in six to fourteen days Unpald taxes in Watertown, N, Y. amount to but $149.99, the smalles in the state's history. MONTREAL REAL ESTATE We are specialists in all kind: of property investments, and will be pleased to. give you the advantage of our knowledge and experi ence, Let us show you where to plice INVESTMENT C0., LIMITED TION BUILDING, your money for a good return, MONTREAL, QUE. 4:% INVESTMENT interest payable half-yearly to suit Investors. Place your money with us and receive a GUARANTEE INVESTMENT RECEIPT under which, in addition to the Guarantée of the Corporation, you are secured Ly. the Mortgage in which your money is iow bein: earnnarked as your property. TE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION. 'Corner Day and Melinda Streets, Toronto, 4. W. LANGMUIR, - . Managing Director. It is only the wealthy investor who can afford to jeopar- dise his principal in the hope of securing unusually large re turns. To the man whose investment represents all or most of his available pital, cossity. 5 me asf cluding * Safety, Bond opens upon Safety, which cab be aeswiaiied only aiter an in- of the a as for the Bond security of principal is a prine ne- several conditions, in We pint Ta the interests of investors a statistical de- contains complete information regarding all in and the leading British and American se- ION BOND » LIMITED | the Veni GRAIN RATE FOR CPR. | qa I SA be Granted' to Company . the Boundary. Otigwa, Nov. 9 the Interstate VU of the United States adian grain similar 10 that frome thé western province to of the lakes will come into effect {anadian i'acitr connections acres the boundary ob December Und in an | atlempt to Tele the which forced the departinent and commerce (ate, last vear, to apply | for the right to route grain for export hrough the Umted Niates at a simil ar rate to thai granted oa ('anadia lines to the bead of the lakes. = oncessions were applied for at a som what earlier date this autamn by th department. I'he railways ded and their co-operation asked for in yhtaimapg the rates. The Grand Jrunk Pacilic the department that it still he rate south, as it had not 'heen can- wiled by the Interstate Commere 'omnvssion. The Uanadian Pacilie; re slizing the responsibility which devol ves upon the system in getting out the gram from the head of Lhe lakes, ex pressed its willingness to have § conceded through southern che and as a result on Des@uher Ind rate will come into foree. To Across sanction of { ommistion Lan enjoyed the head over -i nder yrmeres A rate on swe informe. rat els, the Financial Notes. The Cuebee railway light, heat and Wer company are applying to the goveryment lo have them guacant ne bonds of the Quebec ant 'ailsay on the ground of the new hine will be to the of the St. Lawrence. WW. KK KR. Allan, (I. Dunlop, Montreal, nenibership on the vohynire, The Mexico Tramways company issned a circular to shargholders, fering 3,500,000 new stock at par. Sp ary of record Nov. 16th. The ital «+ the Mexico Tramways is LEM) (el) The London and Canadian Loan and Agency company, limited, is increas ng its paid-up capitalization from LUO, to $1,250,000, by the issa ng of 5000 shaves of its unissued tock at par ($50 a share.) "Hradstreet"s ° reports more failures turing Uectober than in anv same nonth since 1596, were exceeded in many other years. Ihe Saskatchewan Bond corporation imited, with a capital stock of ¥],- 00.000, and headquarters / at aw, has been incorporated Shipments of ore from the La Rose onsolidated Wines Cobalt, arge and the end of the year will se arge ndditions to the surplus fund of this property. north Montreal has of on THE MOTORIST. shops Display Veils, Wraps and Hats in Latest Models. One of the prettiest veils of the sea som is in white marquisette, elabor itely embroidered with a floral vine in lack silk. The most atiractive pat cetn is in morning glories. The veil is long enough to be used as veil and scarf combined. Very attractive i= one of the new conte in blue beaver cloth. It is fash ioned on the modern straight lines, puttaning with large velvet buttons vili to the leit side, having a fitted shvet collar and cuffs buttoned to he elbow on the diop sleeves. The coat is lined with old blue broeade. here is a new model in the worsted hoods that has scarf ends drawn up on top with cord and tassel. [i makes + quaint frame for the face. They 'ome in all desirable colors, \ very swagger coat is in brown novelty goods, with alternating rougl and smooth stripes. It is in a hali fitted model, joined at the waist line with eape sleeves and a wide scallop d cretonpe collar. Large brown vooden buttons lasten the coat at the ft side, and it is lined with soft col ored Persian satin. One of the newest flask cases holding three flasks is of pig skim and is sis inches high. The three bottles are lipped into joner eases of while cel uloid. To admirers of "beaver, it will bx welcome news to know that it will be one of the leading automobile furs for thizs winter's use. Tho... full length coats are ent in maonish models with fur-battons asd storm collars. ~ They wre lined with the daintiest of colored brocades, White wool bald of modified, Alpine shape for touring have very smart sat- in ribbon bows straight up in front, of hunters" green, Sid rose, royal blu or golden brown. They are very jaun ty and youthful in appearance. Audther hood innovation is one of closely shirred green silk. It fits tightly and has long soft ties fasten. ed at the top of a bution. Fur lined coats used for dressy ocea sions are covered with smooth cloths or velvets this year and are almost invariably made in draped models with the short haired furs for collar, enfls and boltoms. Pillows with magazine pockets for winter 'tourist are showa in vel vois and corduroys of staple colors have the large leather mono grams on the corner, some even hav ng the word "Magazine" in leather letters across the flap. Phe small two-tray luncheon hamper and the leather camera case seem tg be' the favorite for practical tourists. For y gifts there will be a marvellous onses bags meg. Every! ness in rorya and compact arrange ment. Kissing on the Stage. A number of plays now plaving foi fai to bod with the heroine in ¥ oz. zk yf 1s} i ir congestion | of rade | mua | were noti enjoyed Nd" Saguenay | the benefit shay | Winnipeg, and Allan | are. applying for] stock | te | continue | § $ COQUITLAM No New Town Has Ever Been So Highly Spoken of by the Press In this advertisement we are going to do very little talking oursclves about Jy the CPR, Instead, we are going to let you hear what the Press say about Coquitlam, and leave you to of investing in Coquitlam tow nsite the Pacific Coast. conclusions as to the advisability terminus at own new' freighe draw your real estate, The Reason for Coquitlam (Extract from Toronto Globe Editorial) "It may be safely assumed has héard of Coquitlam, and has become an important railroad those unfamiliar with parent bting sufficient in itself, mild ancth® terminal yard it nnpossible to extend railroad sufficient area of level land in country expands. The re land at stretch of country at quitlam) was chosen, some repair tracks, although liabilities | Moose- } Harry F. Gadshy, nalist and late editor Collier's, who the Canadian West Star, as follows : The for "Coquitlam townsite its pulse from gots pair shops and other terminal ties, men within five vears, families will make up an city of thirty-five thousand. building, repairing it i "P.R. are needed as the ( ever cars tains empty three thousand miles, the This is all the more the Panama ( make an empty cast an absurdity. car trad "At all evénts, Coquitlam town are on the jump. The town lies jnetion of the Pitt and Fraser hoth of which are navigable of deep draught from Coquitlam the ocean." mailed on request.) The Saturday Sunset norts that buildings, hotels and have been evected, and ptocsse of comstruction. Vancouver Builders ing up with the demand. for work. "One noticeable feature of the eral development work at Dominion Exchange Building, 1 B.C. '8 Vancouver, ¥ - Head Office, vuASEDELS THE HEN, Congider the hen--the industrious ben. Not the an who lays an ogg now and then But the steady little hen, And the ready little hen ~ Who jaya an rt to-day--and to-mor- She's "the I fal Ktle Belper for the thrifty farmer-men. While the other hen just scratches, that city. the situation in Yancouver, One thinks of the present and wonders why it seventeen miles jo the the matier is that the physical conliguration of Vancouver has made facilities the of those huge terminal yards which will become so necessary road management little distance from the junction of the "The official snnouncement re ro undhouses, well-known - jour- is of Canadian made a trip through Toronto paid his respects to Coquitlam the plans of the C.P.R., which will build here roundhouses, facili which will employ five thousand who with their industrial Conguit lam is the'logical place for such shops because if after their hard journey through the moun Instead of having to limp hack erip- pled cars will be mended on the spot neceseary because 'anal trade is going elling back at the Rivers, to ships {Copy of complete ar VANCOUVER SUNSET REPORTS : "scores of dwellings, store rooming-houses are. now contractors have their hands full keep Coquitlam George H. Langan, General Agent Anim: . am jeveapent way to take it." . everyohe who reads newspapers iearned that it is a place destined to I'he reason for its existence, to may not be so ap terminus at the coast should be necessary east, The fact CR as to of farther. There is no of the construction as the to seleet wide open Rivers (Uo- any city to admit had perforce Vancousvdr, "and the Pitt and Fraser | 1 | i rarding { terminal yard will he constructed at | fication yards, | | | | Coquitlam is that a new consisting of classi- an this point, eie., such as will make up-to-date terminal. The terminals will cover about 1,100 aeres, the yards being 24 miles long by hali a mile wide. 'Industrial growth will be probable for several reasons. One is the favorable character of the land, with immediate transportation incilities both by rail and water. Another is found in the high pro om values in Vancouver, which will tend to drive manufacturers to loss expensive points. A third apd important one relates to power, The main trunk line of the Westoru Canada Power 4 Company from Stave Lake to Vancouver passes right through Coquitlam, while the British Columbia Electric Company already has its wires there. The former company is securing right-of-way for a radial line to Mission Junction through Conuitlam, and the latter will also build in a ro ad. "The {ant that the development is not speculative, but absolately assured and that the C.P.R. is actuaily going ahead with the cop. struction of the big terminal scheme, puts Coquitlam entirely outside the rankz of guestionable propositions, {Copy of complete oditorial mailed on request.) Prominent Journalist aid This : the vast done Wn the way cadamizing streets subjected to the ment. The new al ite inception im- in Canada article mailed where re plete VANCOUVER "Development vard to-day dreds work which than to be BNF ot © only 1s with its vast yes, bringing to ahead lots H country, manuwiacturing to erecting hotels, ticle houses, grading of hey of work incidental tq the building into af well-settled com- complete free on request.) v section munity." (Copy mailed ol re- in We could All and you ren ordinary real oquitfam Terminal Co, Limited Coguitiam Townsite Co., Limited t King Street East, Toronto. for Omtario. Kingston Agency, Corner Clarence and Ontario Streets w Refer to R. G. Dun & Co. Peed her "right, and house her well, And your revenues will swell Higher than they've ever been. Chuck the lazy, eggless hen, She's a snide Even fricassed or fried-- But vou take this in your kem, That the steady little layer is a joy to farmer-men. She's a wonder--is the hen ! Of a Saving Disposition. At a funeral in Scotland a stranger clad in solemn black had taken a place in one of the car riages. His presence had attracted the curiosity of one of the other three occupants, who thus.addressed "Yell be a brither of the corp?" "No," replied the gloomy strang- . "Fm no brither of the corp." "Weel, then," pursued the curious mourner, "y'H b his cousin?" "No; T'm not that," was the tan. talizing reply. "No?" went on the insatiate quer- ant. "Thea ye'll be 4 friend of the corp? "Not that, either," admitted the stranger, "To tell the truth, I'm hot weel myself, and as my doctor 48 ordered me some carriage exer. 1 thought this would be the amount ol grading splendid roadways have erushed communit 18 with ten of roadways as can be free PROVINC] and which months ago were prophesied. for Coquitlam, the western and terminals of the ( becoming material thousands about ®t one time were declarations of the ( improvements, but a individuaks and corporations are delv be away at the laborious task of eut- ting a city out of an unimproved piece re making roads, building huilding st and doing all manner of WHAT YOUR EYES WOULD SEE several newspaper: apd magazine articles ten about Coquitigm, have printed enough that Coquitlam estate vou were to visit Coquitlam at to-day Bankers, time eves would other work being BOC, and ma miles of heen R. treat blessed of present your among things Lwenty-seven miles of completed .1 terminals in the centre of Coquit Several hundred new houses al- erected, and more in netruet ior Many already rock lam ready many as hne un sys COHUIRE of found an A ét if com , a mn for on request.) It under constriction industries, and will ial railway the, accommodation is to be two £30,000 \ "hundred-thousand-dollar house nearing completion. A ship building plant, capitalized at $500; 000 under way. A three-track Coquitlam River bridge in course of construction Copy : {Lop of miles long, 3 cost SAYS) round: improvement, promised and new PR. 8s 5 Hun of men are at the very things nothing more what is going facts, Double-tracking and rock-ballnsting of C.P.R. main lines. Heginning of work on new 82.000 000 doubletrack Pitt River bridge. Ntrecis, roads on which the mun wipalit lain has expended nearly million and the 1 25.000, § railways, and bridges, of Coduit- oi Company P.R. driving + quarter inal FOR CAREFUL INVESTORS itated to invest in consider + the facts the Coquit- no get-rich-quick lure, but a conservative real estate investment for careful investors There's a lot more about Coquitlam. Facts glad to know. Photos of recent de velopments you will want to see. So fill in, clip out and mail the cou- pon below. Mail it promptly Doing so places wou under no obligation. to show 'But it may lead you to an excediog BO ly profitable real Investment. If Lots are advancing rapidly in Cogquit- the lam townsite hes hefore, materials, H you have wes and Coquitlam as represented by Press. up lam is article tio tell you y oussdll, be pages with writ- believe but we townsite is estate proposition. wOut Out y Mail Fronptly § © RIA SRREEEer 8 cont, AM TERMINAL CO. LIM x ITED, TORONTO. y % tw Gentlemen, Without Gino in any say please send me, free s full information about Coguitlan Townsite, including maps and photos, obligation t we TESENN EC WE ih Name Address Bank of Hamilton, Box Calf and Water Proof Soles Blucher style with high toe. $2.00 and $2.50 H. Jennings, - King St.