SSSA ~~ PAGE SIX. 2 mp. COMMENTS ON SATURDAYS RUGBY CONTESTS, Ottawas Hopeful, of Defeating Argonauts In Toromto--The To- roto Opinion is That 'Varsity Will Defeat Queen's Here. Toronto Globe: Ii the kind of at Kingston on Saturday that they played against University of Toronto the Blue a Whitd will have to be at their best to wa. Should Varsity tie McGill for the | te championship, it is likely that Ben Simpson, of Hamilton will referee, as he is agreeable to both teams. In the event of R.M.C. winning the Intercollegiate int jate series they will play Ottawa, in Ottawa, on Nov. 2rd, the winner going west to meet Rough Riders in the final Nov. Toronto Globe : Varsity should win from Queen's on Saturday, but with Mavnard not in the best of condi son, it looks like MeGill for the Intercollegiate championship. ¥arsity has a pretty classy back dlivision at | present, even without Maynard, Crawford, Wonter and Cur zen are good omnes. Toronto Argonauts will use the same back division against the Ot tavas on Saturday. will also retain the identical line that finished ott last Saturday's game. ute built an additional ' , to had 600 extra at the Ottawa game Saturday. Father Stanton says that the Ot tawns were miles below form last wetk and does not think they will bave much dificulty in downi sllers, providing they get back into the siride which they used against tha Ti and Montreal teams. Pre. it Caron is very hopefal and all the players appear to think that they are due to redeem themselves to- dav, ' -- Beoretary Art Gray, of the Varsity yugby club, is in receipt of a letter from McGill, stating that in the event 1 of a tie in the senior series, MuJill would 3 © ing like to suggest Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, where there is seating ation for a large crowd. Varsity do not prefer Ottawa, and would toss with ill to see wheth- er the game be played at the M.AA. A. grounds, Montreal, or Rosedale, Toronto. A not agreeing, the Intercollegiate ecutive will decide the Jase, Ottawa Citizen : "Jack" Williams has a grievance because of criticism in connection with his onside kick io * the third quaster of last Saturday's game, when the Ottawas were within a few yards of the Argonauts line. "I went out there to obey the sig nals," said Williams. "The quarter back called for an onside kick and | delivered what he wanted. The cor rect play would have been a high punt over the line. We would have been sure of one point and probably six." Baseball ' News. Chicago Cube, Pittsburgh Brooklyn have refused to waive ex and on National Baseball League will send a team to Cuba this winter. . Australia failed to complete arrange. ments for the visit of Col. Ewing's San' Francisco team, and the tour has been declared off, The ia American League Almendarez team at Havana by a score of 8 to 5. i Athleties will play ten mort games in Cuba before return- . v ake Stahl has re-engaged the train. fark at Hot Springs, Ark., where the Sox trained last year. He plans to take some of the veterans down about the middle of January to "boil out." Nick" Cullop, a youthful south- paw, is the topic of discussion in base- | hall circles because of his remarkable last Saturday, in Cubs. When for the New Orleans team agninst Havana he won by 3 to 0 in twelve innings without yielding a bit and withoul permitting a man to roach first base. ; In Hockey Circles. Lester Patrick says that Hugh Leh: man is the best goalkeeper in hockey none. \ Hockey vers are now being hunt "ed all over the country. They are said be as ay as pairidge and about as soarce. SEM it is ex that weather will drive t out of 5 when Sell baited contracts will enough for i ate use, 1 Star: Like the little girl ing poem that always oles ernck when we "read Ottawa hockeyists that "we are seven," Md | and investigate our wonderful Queen's play * | edntainers, the In the event of the teams | ---- THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. 3 . Lot of Short Items Rua in To gether, "Buy Infants' Foods" at Gibson' Judge Ardagh, Simcoe. county, | tires on full pay. Carbons cleaning fldid. Mcleod' Drug Store, Broek street. {| Wham E. Caiger, a well-known man {in Toronto, died on Jridey, following lan operation. "$1.00 Suspensory 50e. Gibson's. : Franco Bastien, K.U., Montreal, i likely to be made a superior court Judge at Montreal, | Pure medicinal Epsom Salts, | Sargent's Drug Store. it is rumored in Montreal that th | Home bank will absorb Forget's anc i the Internationals banks. i Best quality Olive Oil, in all sized at MclLeod's Drug Store b Fa f 1 Te Bandages,' Brock stMeet. Sale! Ribbon (wide) 0c. yard Blouses, Bbc. Underskirts, Bbc. Skirt {cloth) #1'3Y. Dution's store. "Buy Nestles' Foods" at Gibson's Lindsayites are circulating a petit jon asking that the death sentence o Arthur Eilis be commuted. "Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store is the home of strictly high clas sweets. United States warships have been or dered to proceed to Turkey to loo after the interests of the American citi ems. | "Buy Nestles' Foods' at Gibson's Chief of Police Davis, formerly o Toronto, has contracted to remain ¢ year in charge of the Lethbridge po lice foree, | "Buy Cold Tablets" at Gibson's. ! Rubbers, good and cheap for all Dutton's. | Demoeratic leaders think an extra session of congress advisable jo re vise the tariff. Preeident-elect Wilson will say nothing. i "The Home of High Class Sweets,' i Gibson's, | Dr. Roddick, Montreal, has been ol ected president of the Dominion Medi cal Couneil. br. Spankie, hingston, is on the executive. | We sell English extra strong boots | Dutton's, 2M Princess street. { "The King of Cough Syrups," Res Cross. Sold oaly at Gibson's. i George Bishop, negro chaufieur, sen tenced to die in the electrio chair ai Sing Sing, during the week of Decem ber 16th, for having murdered & Brooklyn widow. {| "The Genuine |son's, | See our value! ton's Store. Clarence Hysted, son of a wealth | Det¥oit manufacturer, was touched hy {a clever female pick-pocket for ¥400 {Une was a pin worth $200, | "Old Fashioned Horehound Can dy." Gibson's. The walk on Collingwood street ;which was torn up on Hallowe'en b some of the skylarkers, has not beer replaced. People of that part of th | city complain of no small incorven! jence during this wet weather. Castoria," at Gib Suitcase $1.50, Dut Sudden Death of J, M. Clarke. Seldon has news of a death caused such widespread and heartielt remors as that of John M. Clarke, , Belleville beloved and only son of Mr. and Mrs Matthew Clarke, Pittsburg. For the {past two years he has been im the employ of the GF R. and on Sunday morning, October 20th, while looking out the eab window inspecting the ear wheels, was struck hy Lancaster bridge and death was instantaneons. The re mains and left in charge of the there whe forwarded the the T. LL. junction, where it was et by relatives of deceased und W, Ed wards, undertaker, Gananoque, who ronveyed the body to hie father's {home, the deceased's wile and daughter having been there a week previous to ! the accident. I Mr. Clarke was a member of Moira Lodge, No. Hh, AF. &AM., GRC, Belleville; Dufferin LOL. 1269, Pitts 'burg, and a Uresbyterian in religion, having been an active member of St. | John's choir for yedrs His funeral service was conducted by Rev. Nr. Reede, and interment took place on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, the cort- «ge being one of the largest ever wit nessed in this vicinity, over one hund- fed and twenty conveyances following a" romaine to Willow Bank cemetery. undertaker casket to A number: of G.1.R. trainmwen were {present to witness the lush obsequiee tof a much beloved fellow workér, | He leaves to mourn his loss his fath- or, mother, five sistbrs, viz: Mrs. W. V. Bulloch, Ganatioque; Mrs. I. J, 'Tol and, Saskatchewan; Mrs. T. HH. Con her, Killarney, Manitoba: Mrs. J. G. Duggin. and. Mrs. William Meddeo, (Pittsburg, and a sorrowing wife and slittle daughter, Mina Gertrude, ten years of age. His popularity was evidenced many beautiful Horal tributes, Boy Used a Knife. Two lads, on their way to From- tense school on Taursday, had a lit- tle sltercation, and one pulled vu! his jack knife and stabbed big com panion, but luckily, the wound was vot of a serious nature, and it is un- ders that no complaint has been made about the lad. Handsome Fur Setts In Persian lamb, mink, Alaska sa ble, Japanese mink, black, brown, na tural coon, ete. See the new styles values. the makers of fine by Fompbult - were taken back to Cornwall THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1012. WITH THE BOY SCOUTS, : ns "omtributions for Wedding Gift te Chief, Scout's Bride. The wut Watéhman 4 tae Hoy Scouts of the city Baw wen invited and will contribute t wards a wedding present to the wik of %heir chief scout, Lieut-Gen. R 3. 8. Baden-Powell. The Scouts al congratulate the chief on his happ fot. The subscription list will Lb circulated among the Scouts of the empire, and the gift will be a hand some token of their esteem for thei Chief Scout, and founder of the movement. Each boy is contributing : his mite, five cents. carriages. take 20 in. sheets, sheets, 10 in. sheets, 8t. George's troop hds commence another successful winter's work, 1 s likely that the senior boys wil ye formed into a eadet corps, thougl t+ portion of the training wil b slong scout lines. Weddings are exidently getting wpular among scout officers. Q. M i. T. Eggleston, assistant scontmas {ter of St. George's troop has recent : ¥ passed into that "sphere of joy." -an use any length special figure work. Last week M. R. Davis, steamboa' inspector of this city, spoke befor: he Sydenham troop on "Naviga n,'" He explained many of the things about which a' sailor mus aave a knowledge, and pass (am tnations on, to become a successiui uvigator, also the various types of steamers and vessels. Mr. Davi made the meaning of the light clear to all. He was asked many ques ions. Last Tuesday evening two pa- rols of the Sydenham scouts hai sharge of the programme in the Methodist church hall. K. Kiel! and W. Shaw were the patrol leaa« <. The following Sydenham souls have tried examinations and cual led for efficiency badges during th ponth of October: Firemen, i. L that vou pay for. TORONTO - - ! Fitting Your Needs. Of course, any really modern adding machine ought to have different sizes of We have 18 in. 516th in. roll paper--that is just the width of the paper only. ) of paper that you desire. In addition to this we have over twenty different kinds of carriages to hagdle No other adding machine company in the world makes so many different kinds of carriages to specifically meet the re- quirements of the case. - You pay only for what you get, and you get the best Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146 Bay Street es that will sheets, 12 mn. 315/32 in. and 2 carri Of course vou ONT. ~. Shaw, C. Blliett, E. Kiel}, N | rost, L. Wells (Chief James Arm | strong, K. F. D., examiner); mis sioner, H. Chown, H. Macgiiivas, I i be 2 w, OE _ : RT, re C. El | Must Attend Day or Night School in iott (Asst.-Scoutmaster K. Light, St | London. Jeorge"s troop, examiner); cyclist! Kingston school trustees, and all en- », L. W. Shaw (Asst. Scoutmister,! ,oml in educational work, wiil be in- {. Light, examiner); naturalist, P.L.| t rested to learn of action which is \. Bond (K. Taylor, St. George's iuing taken by the Board of Eduen foop, examiner); ambulance A.ltion at London, Ont. The tsustees sense (Stafi-Sergt. H. Law, P.AM.C.. | yro considering the puiting in force of xaminer). | the 'adolescents net. The scouts of this troop hav It is proposed to raise the age when nade application for tweniy-3ix [children can be compelled to attend yadges to be examined during NO- | school from fourteen to sixteen years. ember. | Between these two periods, boys and - -- | girls may be allowed to go to work, To-night "Human ilearts.' | but they will have to attend night Few plays can boast of the rec i school for a time, in ovder to take ord held by "Human Hearts," which | lessons in manual training and domes iil appear at the Grandhto-mght,|lic science. < . ither as a money-maker or equal 'Some misapprehension has existed » hold it has on the amu sement_| rezarding the act, said a London loving public, The 'play, which i. |irustee. "We do not intend taking 0 four acts and six scenes, is re- (boys away from work after fourteen Jete with thrilling dramatic situa- | ears, but we want them to attend in- fons and bright, wholesome com- dustrial classes one or two nights a dy. and the many odd characters in | week, in order that they should be 'Human Hearts" furnish splendid better equipped for their work. The pportunities for the capable cast| idld class of buys, youngsters w ho are hat has been engaged to portray | working not attending school, we want hem. The story of the play is wov-| ilo get after, and make them useful mn about Tom Logan, an honest {members of the community. I think it oung blacksmith in the Arkansas|will work 'out advantageously, al 1ills, who marries a refined confi-|though the board will have to exer dence woman. Things go smoothly cise discretion im its operation. enough at first, hut the wife Soar me tires of country life and gets her- hs a % Lid . self and poor Tom into great trou- BIG REAL ESTALE DEAL. ble. The play x be produced here with its full cast and®a complete {roomie production. ALL UNDER AGE OF SIXTEEN Big Purchase of Land--Govern. ment to Assist. Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 9. --Another of those gigantic land deals for which Western Canada is attaining a wide reputation has just been made public in the purchase of 550,000 acres of land, on the Grawd Trunk Pacific, in Northern British Columbia, by Lauch lin Maclean and his associates for a consideration of $2,730,000. This con stitutes what is probably the largest real estate transaction ever carried through in the Pacific North-West ihe land which wus selected along the northern lakes and rivers has been ac quired from various British Columbia syndicates and six months have boen required to complete the deal. OF the tolling affected, 150,000 acres are in the Nation Lakes district; 100.000 on Uabine Lake; 200000 on the North FTacia lake, and 100,000 on the Naas river. The genpfil character of the il is a deop black loam and probs- bly tweniy-tive per cent. of the land is open meadow, the remainder being vovered with light growths of timber and underbrush. In the work oi col ounization the purchasers will have the co-operation of the provincial govern- ment which has already built trunk highways through the districts and as (ist as they are colonized will con: struct school houses and lateral high- ways. The Babine Lake property will be put on the market at once. This The Wages of Sin. Montreal Gazette, Lieutenant Becker, who is under sen tence for the "murder of nthal has offen been in trouble before, once for shooting a thieving boy dead. He » also paying alimony to his dest wife, who div him, His case is one more proof of the truth of the ancient proverb concerning the hard vess of the way of the transgy sor Real Estate Transfers. fT. J. Lockhart has recently sold the | following properties: double brick dwelling on Bagot street, owned by i Bauder, to W. J. Savage; four brick dwellings on Clergy street, own- ed by Alma J. Forsyth, to B. Dechy: shire; larm of 200 acres, owned by Benson Coulter, to John Melvor; farm of I50 acres; owned by Charles N. Spooner, to Benson Coulter; farm of 100 geres, owned by 5. Armstrong, to RR. UC. Lonaldsan; farm of 200 acres, owned by M. Campbell to Abel Chase. Scharwenka's Programme. 1. Fantasie op. 49, Chopin; 2 (a) Ricordanza, Lisst; 5 (bd), Polonaise, Lisast. I. Sonata op. 57 (appassion- ata), Beethoven, 4. (8) Impromptu, Schubert-Scharwenka; (b), Novelette op., 22, Scharwenka: (c), Spanish | heet of water is 110 miles long and Serenade op. 63, Scharwenks; (d),] five miles wide and is pavigable for Polish Dance op 3, Scharwenka. 5. (he largest «'>amers. William ' Tell Overture, Rossini, a ---- Lisst, FAVORED HANGING. City Hall, Monday night. rn tirtiemt 'How Governor of Oregon Decided Last Trip of the Season, | Fate of Murderers Ridesu King will leave Monday, Port] ba have Fics san: Novewber lith at 6 am. for West. Boh ad, Nut oh fixe atate port. J. Swift & Co. agents. jenitentiaty at Salem, AS SE -------- death by popular vote of the people of the state, will hang on the same day, December: 13th, 1912. of thelr execution was set eu it George W. Gordon, Pringer, died, on 1] day, jn Bis saxty-fiest year. "$1.0 uspensory Bandages," fe. Gibson's a oe A petition has heen filed = asking that a vote be taken in Jaouary fig the reveal 'of the local option 'by-law a b---------------- is ' \ Rove' hots, FL Rade! sires 1 ta 5 BL Dution's fine fos more JUST IN --- : A new line of Dainty Domes for Dining-room, Den or Sit- ting Room, all sizes, from $3.50 up. COME AND SEE, Electric Lighting of Kings- ton Homes our Specialty. H. W. Newman Electric Co. 79 Princess St. Phone 441 Lighting Kingston Homes our Specialty. TASTE. SWELL AND HEARING RESTORED A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quick. Iy Relieves Catarrhal Deafness. The thousands who suffer the mis erica of colds and catarrh and claim they have never found a cure, can get instant relief by simoly anointing the nostrils with Ely's €ream Balm. Unlike interval medicines which up sot the stomach, or strong snufiy which only aggravate the trouble, thia cleansing, healing, aatiseptic Balm instantly readhes the sent of the wouble. stops the masty discharge, clears the mose, head and throat, and brings back the sense of taste, smell and improves the hearing. More than! (his it strengthens the weakened and | diseased tissues, thus protecting you agaunst a return of the trouble. This ready will cure a cold in a day, and prevent it becoming chronic o resulling in catarrh. Nasal catarrh is an inflammation of the membrane lining the air passages, and cannot be reached by mixtares taken into the stomach, nor can it be cured by souls aad powders which only cause additional irritation. Don't waste time on them. Get a O0c. bol tiv of Ely's Cream Balm from. you druggist, and after using it for a dey you will wish you had tried it sooner. Mothers should give the children Fly's Creami Balm tor colds and croup. It is perfectly harmless and Jlatant to take. Agent, G. W. Ma. od. Scranton Coal Co's Coal Richmond No. 4 and Oatario No. 1 Mines, the best Antnrscite. Coal wined fn Pennsylvania, your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. mM to Wives You know the terrible affiiction that many h from the result retly., ¥ le sft tL iy $1.88 a bo ' % i ot] nN x x. Come in EB Tr SRE aie Decisive defeat ri h in Saati re e rebels loft one hundrod dead on the y J fresh MeConkey's adminis. Mail-Order Buying Have you ever considered the comfort and convenience of making your purchases in Kingston stores as compared with buying from a mail-order catalogue? If not, consider these facts: --- In buying from a department store the customer is perforce obliged to perform a clerk's duties herself. She must hunt over the pages to find a description of the goods she desires. She must secure the blank order forms and fill them in herself. She must select goods she has no opportunity of examining. She must make a trip down town for an express order or postal note or a registered letter receipt. Then she has to walt one or two weeks for goods which may not please her when they do arrive. How different when you make your purchases at home! The interior of Kingston's retail stores is beautiful, and, therefore attractive. Good-natured salesmen and salesladies are ready to gerve you. They are courteous and obliging. Inspection and com- pariosn of goods is invited. Prices in Kingston Are as low, on the whole as elsewhere. Your purchases reach home almost as soon as yourself. And back of the whole transaction stands the pers sonality and reputation of the firm or the man. That guarantees to you strict integrity; straight dealing, and the prompt' rectify. ing of any mistakes, Added to these inducements in favor of buying at home is the great outstanding, incontrovertible fact that by so doing you are helping in no small way to build up a bigger, better Kings: ton, Every dollar spent in Kingston stores is a dollar fhvested here, Every dollar sent out of town ¢irculation at home. One method makes life easier and better for every man, wo- man and child in Kingston. The other method makes for Be loyal to the home town. "The British Whig" Eastern Ontario's Greatest Newspaper is money withdrawn from the reverse. sgin from to-day. ---- NEW FALL BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS High Grade Goodyear Welts - from $4.35 to $5.50 The Dr. Worth Cushion Sole for Men, solid comfort, one price . . . JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE +70 BROCK ST. | E RANGE | HAPPY HOME RANGE When yon require a Range, examine the "HAPPY HOME." This Range is made of the best material, handsome in design, has a large ventilated Oven, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We carry allkinds of Heating Stoves, ELLIOTT BROS. Phone 35. 77 Princess St. meme ak 32 Teepiore" | JJENDELS T0-NIGHT AT 7.30 PM: es W © Will Place seems ON SALE 100 Pairs Corsets The Famous P.C. Parisian Make Now being demonstrated in our store by an expart in corset fitting: regular value 75¢ a pair. To intro- duce, and have you try them we will sell this limited number at 25 cents a pair TO.NIGHT AT 7.30 PM. We are sole agents in Kingston for this fam corset, fitting all forms, priced up to $3.50, 134 | MENDELS | pres s The Store That's Different. T. J. OCONNDR Sales Manager