Trains will leave apd arrive at Cify Station, foot of Jobnsan street : GOING WEST. Mail Express Lagai intern] Lid. Mail Local s GOING tl aroe pda Mail 2 Fast Express li cent ol Mail . ou Fast Express «*i2 lLocnl Xoa. 1, 2, 3,4 0 6, 7and8 daily. All other trains Sunday. Train Nos. alecpir to and from Oitaws daily af- ter Nov. 17th. Dirpet route to Toronto, Hamilton, BRafialo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebes, Portland, St. John, Halifax and New York, "33 00 10 we daily except a TO THE .| West ladies, Panama Canal, Bermuda | and the i run | and 5 carry Pullman Peterboro, | . HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE Por: Pullman accommodation, Tickets! to and all other information, apply Je P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. IN CONNECTION WiTH OANADIAN PACTFIO RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTCN 11.30 am. FapresssFor Peterhoro, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, =t N.B., Halilsg, Boston, Toronto, Chi cago, Denver, Renfrew, Saull Marie, Duluth, St. : Simple { held out 10 John, X00 Ste. | Paul, Winnipeg, | Yancouver, Seattle, Portland and San} Francisco. 5 pan, Loeal-For Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. Kast and West. 7.45 am. Mixed--For Renfrew intermediate points, daily exeept Sun dav. Passengers leaving Kingston at 11.30 a.m., arrive in Ottawa at 5 pan; Pe terboro, 4.19 p.m.; Taronte, 6.35 p.m; Montreal, 6.20 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 a.wm.; St. John, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at K. & I. and © P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario street, J CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- ROAT C0. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally. except Sun- day, at 8 p.m. for Picton and iuter- mediate of "Quinte ports, call- ing at. rome, ¢Morthport and Betiovitle. on 8, Thursdays. Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at rossonable rates, JAS. SWIFT & CO., Fréight Agents. J. P."HANLEY, Ticket Agent. SS, Limited SAILING SCHEDULE. RLS, Edward." Wednesday Wednesday From Halifax Nav. A Jan, 22 Feb, 19 Mar. 19 . "Royal From Bristol x Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. 27x x Christmas salling x Withdrawn for annual inspection Steamship Agent or Sieamships, Lid, Montreal Apply Canadian 226-230 St, { ALLAN LINE any Northern James Hireet, TURBINE STEAMERS to LIVERPOOL) LARGEST STEAMERS, MONTREAL 70 GLASGOW, MAVRE & LONDON "yr MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. CTO! TUNE 18th," "VIR «Yaw dain wom MONTREAL to GLASGOW. MPIAN + Oot; « Oct. 10th, Nov. ih Ne i 16th "CORSIC. Ne « Nov. 1st "GRA *PRETORIAN, 19th, " 16th *HESPERIAN" . " 26th, * 2nd "SCANDINAVIAN," Nov. ind ---- MONTREAL--HAVRE--LONDON fan" =, Oct. 13th, Nov. a Po Ei eo, a inthian® & Noe 27th th, 3rd, Ae hl Saenaaees 13th, Now..otn} and | i i 8 DELI { Leaving New York by the Palatial i S.S. MOLTKE Jan. 4, 23; Feb. 25; March 29, and the S.S. VICTORIA LUISE | Jan. 15; Feb. 8; Mch. 11; Apr. 10. Also orwises to the Orient, Around the Word, Jialy snd Egypt, elec. - Send for booklet stating cruise 41-45 BROADWAY, N. ; or Local Agents CERES Diabetes Herk Quickly Cures Thin Drend Disease to Stay Cured, has heratofore been con. urable, and the only hope the afflicted has been io vears by strict dieting recently discovered i Dlabetol Herb, has specific in the gqulckly reduce gravity sugar and bulidi up the Diabetes sidered tiiety he a of dinbetes, weifie ane vigor ng remedy wars! harmless . vegetable « the patient of in ithe most his HY MPLOIS, iors withi will 1 ' to prov Ne first Ho¢ hookiet o 1 ie, contalnjng sive takle of feo sof sgmacch and in 150 ist an giving perce (earbuhy drat fo # CHEMICAL I& forwer LACKIE'S BANQUET HALL | is now ready. Especially suitable for Entertain- ments by societies or con- ventions. Large, and private. tJ. J. Lackie's i 168 Princess St. ORRINE CURES DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful hag ORRINF been in restoring the victims of the "Drink Habit" into sober and usefu' citizens, and so strong is. our ence In its curative powers, want to emphagize the fact RINE is sold mder guarantees If, after a no benefit, your. money funded ORHAN E cosis only hax. Ask for frée hoaokiet 3 hood, Princess and Bagot confid- that we that OR positive Streets VAAAAAAALLLSASAAALAAALLAAS The Tiger, The Bull and The Man. These three represent Canada's famous products in Underwear. "The Tiger Brand is the extremely elastic, fine rib form eonforming and unshrinkableand sol at $2.00 and 2.50 per suit, Combinations in best quality only $2 50 per Suit. The Bull™ represents "Tarnbull" or "Cee Tee " Bi brand, and is unquestion- | ably the finest in wool un- derwear made in Canada. | Theyarenot sewn together | like other underwear, but-| are made without seams, ! and full-fashioned to fit the form. They are made | from Australian wool and | India Cashmere, and sell | at $4.00, 5,00 and 6.00 per "suit. They make a Union suit at $2.00 and 2.50 that | is unsurpassed. ! rope S ts | The Man sents " Penmans." j a line of intrinsic worth at $2.50 to 3.00 per suit. It is yeory. widely adver- ised largely called We have Boys' Under- wear in. these lines run- ning from $1.00 to 5.0Q | * . | ge {leen Ryan, Miss Murray, Miss Syl-{_ 0 | o48ts | {land, is expected in town this week {| break up the most severe THE Al m-------- LY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, -- ---- ! : x time. leaves to-day for ber home in {Ta Brerrrssrsnsssssenensll jou { Told In gi tev. Edward and Mrs. Or and wilight the children, who have been spend- . fi | ing some time in England, arrived in | town on' Monday to visit Mrs | J B. Penss, West street, belave going to | their home in Pense, Sask Hoyal Military College 3 % Mrs. Perreau at the = 2 is entertaining this afternoon The boys and girls who assisted' .. hour Mrs. H. Macpherson at the Indian} uN, brpest Cunningham returned on village of the Festival of Empire. yonday from Toronto. gave a very pretty performance, in-| 5, Garnett Greer will be Varsity cgl dance on » cluding a sceme from "Hiawatha," | ..oresentative ut the medi on Monday evening at the Rockwood | (yay evening . ha A mri Sn) le. Lona Lasperight, of _Ofisws h gh } aE ol . Kathleen Crisp, Miss Phyllis Knight, | Toone ai Muuday le Viana sites Miss Marjorie Campbell, Miss Kath-| "yg =~ Uo wo J §. Lesslie, William ea wg are visiting their daughter Ha Cothrane. Mins Goodyin sud Miss | ou, Il. Dykerman, Springhield, Mass. SD o » and . . » . +1 M rs kg 8 ¢ 3 oa . i essrs, Ldward Hyan and Theodor pure A Mingan Hugh and ryan Frost of Smith's Falls, will be guest. freshments were served, and thei oo Hall for the dune snjoye o " 8 . 4 : guests anjoreq a little dance before Mrs Frank Honey, of Toronto, is going. home. { visiting Mrs. K k. Sparks, Johnson street. Miss Beatrice Forbes Rohertson, who to lecture in Grant Hall early in "the Drama of Yester iday and To-morrow, will be the | guest of Mrs. W. L. Grant, Unioe i street, while in the city Friday in * * * Miss Alice Macnee wan hostess on} Monday at a very delightful luncheon | at the Country club, when the guest of honor was Mrs. F. Botterell of Montreal. The table looked very at- tractive with its centre piece of goid- en 'mums, The guests included Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. R. E, Kent, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mrs. | Campbell Strange, Mrs. J. Cappon,| Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Mrs. Hansard | Horn, Mrs. H. Dawson, Miss Con- stance Cooke, and Miss Amy Me- Gill. 8 { December on The Bishop of Michigan left on Mon day after spending the week-énd ir town, a guest of Bishop and Mrs Mills, "Bishop « Court." Mr Hugh AMaedonnell, spent the week-end in dwn, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. J. Minnes and Miss Lor-{donnell, University avenue. raine Minnes, Gore street, entertain- | Mrs. John | rennaman, Preseott, i od at supper on Monday eveming in| the guest of Mrs. Robert E. Sparks nonor of Prof, Seharwenka of Her«lJohusan street. tin, who is a former teacher of Miss! Miss Elsie Pense, West street, return Minnes. [It is interesting to know ed on Monday from New York that Prof. Xaver Scharwenka had his Miss Jessica Red is in town fron title of professor conferred upon him foronta, and is visiting her mother by Emperor William of Germany and | Mrs Fred Leid, Brock street for twe was also court pianist to the em- weeks, peror of Austria, Captain R STE Nimla, India, Broekville, jin town, Mra. George Mahood, street married guietly on Saturday after | returned on Monday from New York noon in Peter's church to Mr. | where she was visiting her mother Hafold Albery, Brockville, Mrs. George Kade . . - . . . Toronto visiling . M. Mae Sikhs day Gardiner, 5rd * is spending a few Miss Florence Turner, Queen's student, is to be Gore st. » H. FE. Metenlle, 354 Alfred] Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, lef will receive on Thursdny, No for Montreal on Saturday to be the vember 14th, and following on the guests of her daughter, Mrs Arthu first and fourth Fridays of the month, | Lingham, : . . . | Ar. E.R. C, Mra siveet, Dobbs, Bank of Mon Ba- !treal, returned on Monday to Ottaw: on- | after spending a week with Mr. ane : | Mrs. ¥. W. Dobbs, Barrie street. Mr. David - tiillies, Carleton . Place spent the week-end visiting friends i town and Mrs. James Minnes, got street, had the pleasure of tertaining Prof. Xaver Scharmenka of Berlin, while he was in the city. . Mr Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street, will reteive on Friday afternoon and | Miss Jessie Dickson left on her guest, Mrs. L. B. Spencer, Mon | for Toronto where she joined he treal, will receive with her, | mother, and after spending a wee { there, they will go on to Kelowna, J ., for the winter, Mr. Hubert Stetham, of St. John's Luebee, has been a guest in town fo a lew days. i - Monda x. mila Mrs. Harold "Davis, 174 'Stuart street, will receive the next two Fri. days. Nov. 15th and 22nd, and not again until after the new year Z - - i Mrs. W. Mcleod, King strest, is vie {iting her brother, Mv. A. F. Mulhern Cornwall, Mrs. Kenneth Mcllwaithe, who ha heen the guest of Mrs. K. M. Saun Mrs. IT. Mewick, Bagot strect, will 'ders, Alice street, returned on Tues receive on the three remaining Fridavs day te Toronto. of November, and not again until af- | Liat. Boswell, who has been visit ter the new year, | ing 'Prof. and Mrs. Iva E. Martin nN. | King street, left to-day for Quebec. Miss Mildred ' Sellery, Napanee, io] br R. Parkin leaves for Wash visiting her sister, Mrs, Charles Tay. ington the end of the week, and Mrs jor. 187 Johuson street, for 'a couple Parkin will stay with Mrs. Lawrenc ol weeks. | Baldwin during his absence. Invitations have been received in town for a Bachelois' Ball tt» he |! given in the Academy in Bellgville on | in Tuesday, Nov. 10th. -. - - Mrs. annountd © streat, vember Charles Tavlor, 157 Johnson! The engagement is on Thursday, No'| Miss Lulu M. Cairns, eldest daughte not on November of Mr. R. 8. Cairns, 445 Claremant Ee avenue, Westmount, to Mr. John Pres lcott Forrest, son of Rev. and Mrs John Fomest, of Halifax, N.S. Th for | marriage will take place shortly. will receive 14th; and . ' - - Mis. H. C. Nickle, Earl street, is entertaining om Friday evening Masters Hugh and Donald Nickle. $88 The engagement is announced 0 Mrs. R. Sweezey, William street,!y... pradia Mary Derbyshire, - niec will be hostess at the Reading club Captain Thomas and Mrs. Draper on Thursday afternoon. of Pembroke, Out., to Mr. Edwax M. Ahearn, son of Mr. and Mrs. W Ahearn, of Ottawa. The marriag will take place on Nov. 30th. BRYCE 18 CRITICIZED. Mrs. Perreau, Royal Military Col- lege, will entertain informally on Thursday evening. * * Dr. BE. H. Young; Rockwood hos pital, returned to town to-day from! Picton, | ett : y Miss Norah Ryan of Smith's Falls| Londen Times Deprec ates His Hard ty' ling of Negotiations. arrived in town to-day to be a guest] of her sister, Miss May Ryan, Brock| {ondon, Nov. 13.<The Times; in an street, for the Medical dance Friday editorial, criticices Mr. Bryce's hand ling . of {he reciprocity and Yanamr evening. Rev. D. M. Gordon, principal negotiations as justifying "the criti Queen's university, is In New York, qos which will always: 'be beard a guest and speaker at the Canadian against the choice Oi K -- statesman ith luncheon ai with a politisal record but no diplo Mr. Starr, of Bridge-of-Weir, Scot- ee Li, vt affee." The Times adds : "Fowiver, these matiers arg of lit i tle account in eomparison with th general influence for good which Mr {fryoe's reputation and personality exerted on Anglo-American affairs He has heen a dignified and capable A i to visit his daughter, Miss Marjori: Starr, at Col. J. H. Ogilvie's, Prin- cess street, » Miss Margaret Macdonnell, who has been the guest of Mrs. Go M. Mae donnell, University avenue, for some BREAKS A COLD INA FEW HOURS FIRST DOSE OF PAPE'S COLD COMPOUND RELIEVES ALL GRIPPE MISERY--CON. TAINS NO QUININE. After the very first dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" you distinet feel the cold breaking and all the dis- | agreeablé grippe symptoms leaving. | Jt is a itive fact that a dose of Pape's C Compound taken every two hours uatil thrée consecutive * The Chronicle, in an editorial, pays a tribute to Mr. Bryce's valuable ser vis, "in having notably quickened the sense of co-gperation between the British and American policy." nnn, wa AINST HYDRO-ELECTRIC. St. Catharines Council Decides * Against Proposal. 8s. Catharines, Nov. 13.--Not ome word was said in favor of the adop- tion of Hydro-Electric power in St. Catharines at the meeting of the city someil. when a petition from one hundied ratepayers for an estimate on Hydro-Flectric power for St. Cath- atines was idered briefly in com- mitten of the whole. Jo. was wndni: mously decided that as u street head erth- lighting contsset wi Lineola - i the chest, back, stomach Conon does not expire for over ar. limbs. ods . {two years, and as it would be ne- habe the most miserable sasaey for the city to expend $50,000 & » tp, x at and dis A that thee is mothing| 7,, condition of Sir hich will oug youe Bowell is such that the suthorities of or end Grippe misery as ly | he Wellesley hospital, Toronto, ex- other 1 to able to temave Jim 10 i residence in - week. All the recent reports from the 1 have been that be is steadily qu jive Oil, in all sied Store, A solved through the action of the laity NOVEMBER 13, 18912. EE -- STAGE OF AMERICA. High Churfh Officials | Indorse Movement for (lean Plays and Modesty in Dre "ommittee Planned in Every City. New York, Nov. 12.--~With the per: sonal indorsement of Cardinal: Farley and in accordance with the hull of Pius X. to the daughters of the faith, Miss Eliza (VB. Lummis, the instigator of the National Catholic Theater Move ment, has issued an outline plan for organization Active co-operation upon the part of cardinals, archbishops and bishops with the laity of their respective dio- ceses is asked in this concerted effort to bring all classes, wrespective of creed, into a national umion for the veadication of immoral drama from, the American stage. (Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, Car- inal O'Connell of Boston, Archbishop Riordan of San Francisco, the bishops of Newark, N.J., Bismarck, Va., have already assured the Cardinal of New York of their readiness io further the project. : Cardinal Farley upon his retusn next week from the Pacific coast, it 1s ex- pected, will announce the personnel of the national and local committees "National Catholic influence,' de Jares the official plan of the organiza. tion, "must Repeoncentrated upon prac viel demonstigtion in New York while foundation 1s bing laid at the same time in every city for support of ro putable plays." The plan of organization as official: ly outlined provides that a national committee shall invite the formation in each city of a Uatholic civic com- mittee under the supervision «fF. its sishop, which in turn shall appoint sub-committees wo cover special fields, The problems of the drama, the lance and modesty in dress must be The purpose of the scheme will be the education of the critioal aculty in the people thréugh social discussion, the charch calendars and she Catholic press. Cardinal Gibbons assures the Car. final of New York that 'in trying to aplift the moral tone of our plays," ae has his hearty support "Freighted with strong possibilities for good or evil," writes Cardinal Gib pons, 'I would gladly see effected this noble purpose of eliminating vicious passages [rom plays otherwise harm- tess. themselves, THE RUBAIYAT Of a Queen's Footballer, With Apologies to Khayyam. Before the phantom of false morning died, Methought a voice within the house cried : "What were all you fellows thinking of when You let that clumsy, left wing off-side 1" So fill the cup and in the fire of hope loss in your new resolves'and other "dope." We have one more team to take crack at, And we hear that team is no® on the slope. A book ot physics underneath the lamp, A brace of ping, a compass clamp; + Beside me lines, Ah, could we camp. club play a and a as I write these limpid only take them into What if | in an aeroplane could glide, And opealy upon the gridiron' ride; Ah. it would make the very angels weep, The big score 1 would roll up for ow side. fyself when young did eagerly fre: quent, Coach and captain and beard great argument Abst this play and. that play never more Came out of the gym door wherein } 7 went." and Nith them the seed of wisdom did 1 SOW, Aad with mine own hand make it grow; And this was all the harvest reaped "Ui you make the most points score will show." : wrought to 1 that the Yet. eh: that spring should vanish with the rose, our chance should close Bsfore we bave had a decent out,' And it may never come agmin, kuows ? But come, my friends, ll up the that clears, Today of past regrets and fot.ra, To-morrow, of championship | Aad work- who «up future why to-morrow we ma Champions for the first time in six years. www. PISPUTE Employes of the Corporation Are Locked Out. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Nov. 13. The wheels of industry are not turn- 'ng at four of the principal shops 3f the Lake Superior Corporation, following the posting of lock-out no- tices. The trouble arose over the desire of ths company. to put in force & new scale of pay in the mat ter of Sunday work and overtime. Three hundred men are involved. A Lord's Day Alliance officer has visited the round houses of the Al- goma Central railway and posted no- tices to the effect that any man working Sundays will be prosecuted. p-- -------- Owing to the persistence of the labor famine on the Grand Trask Pacific ing in British Columbia, both on eastern. and western ends of con- druction, it is altogether improbal that the new transcostinental will be ) " before 1915. wrucied J 5 Bue A i - T0 ATTEMPT TO DRIVE] IMMORMAL DRAMA FROM ie | OVER SUNDAY WORK. [ (Bunting 1s wn full swing but bie | Bes tlio PAGE 1HRES. -- Torente, Ont, Nov. Ih, 10 sme Oitawn Valley and Ugper St Law. rence--=Ntrong easteriy winds, with Hie aud new. Thearsday, strong westerly winds, clearing. Weather Probabilities : | TRAE) MEST CRIA) CORE CRAP ! MEDICAL DANCE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15T We are prepared to meet your every want in materials and accessories for evening wear --you can make no mistake by buying here as our styles are authorative and prices small. " Sa Ninons All new shadings-- $1.00 the yard. Silks Beautiful lustrous Messaline, 36 inch silks $1.50 guality--$1.Q0 the yard. Trimmings Of évery description--bugle and crystal ef fects from §2 1-2¢ to $18 the yard. Gloves White 12 Button (Gloves, best quality French Kid $2.00 and $2.25. Extra quality 16 Button French Kid Glove $3.00 value for $2.78. Silk Hosiery Fin In Black -- excellent values at 50¢, 76¢, $1.00, $1.25 to $2 50. White 50c to $1 50. Sky, Pink, Mauve and Grey special prices $1.00 per pair: "Bee our values before purchasing elsewhere." STEACY'S : . zo wlnk co > nln cor nla uo a - - ROBERTSON'S LIMITED You don't feel the expenditure when buying a new Dinner Set. That is when you get one of those neat white and gold sets we are showing. They are rich---quiet and uncommon. (xo0d enough for ary table in the land--and the price only $1500 ~80Me MOore---some less. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Dinner Sets Tea Bets =-------------------------- ® Last St. Lawrence Saiiing MEGANTIG From MONTREAL NOV. 23 questc, 7p. Going Home for Xmas? FOUR SPECIAL SAILINGS "| Teutonic , Dec. 14) out & BY THE pr Canada . Dec. 21 | a winter port for Lan. While Star- Dominion | x cugr.ic seme, tom oe sm Som LINE INCLUDING THE CANADIAN LINERS 25 Cents to Stop that Heh. Does it of geem strange that i 'suffer year in ahd From Portiand, Me. at 10am and Halifax, NB, the nest day wt Oa m Portiand, Me. is the wearest snd most con. Laurentic , Dee. 7 wif 4% Ask the medrese. agent for particulars of Com the ir for or Come LARGEST | Lan. Offices at Montreal, Toronto, Quebec and n. know how long the ID DD ries will continue the She the remedy is regularly sold only in $1.00 bottles and has never hefore been put om the market in Canada on #ny special offers, If you want relief to-night bottle at 28¢ on our special mendation Princess & Bagot Sts. 40 not Laborate offer, as 80 year wash cone 4 5 i of & simple Mops the lek it will surely vince any patient Thiz wash ix composed of mild and soothirg oll of wintergreen mixed with 1hymel giycerine. ete an® known as Id D. Prescription We Geo: W. Mahood Cor. try a recom- Lantane Locals, Lantana, Nov. ll. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late John Uamphell, Canonto. Deer few dey have been shot eo far. William J Donaldson and party, have secured their usual number of deer and are ree fuming home after spending a pleas ant work in the woods. Mrs. Freeman Lennox, who has been very ill, is re covering. Mrs. James Camphell is vory ill. Mev. Mr. Lioyd has returned to Umpsb to take up his duties again, Bev. Nr. Currie held service in the GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has been thoroughly renovated Feluraithed. 4 Bar Merached T with" choleest i and cigars. ; t yard and stables in city JOHN COUSINEAU, Preprieter, John Nenenzie and Lowis Morrow are visiting at Fish Creek. A.M. McFar lane returned to Smith's Falls after spending 8 week with hus sister, Mrs. Neil Morrow; Gi. Rebtol, J, Tayler, RK, Natt, returned home after visiting st nous. 4d. Moore's at Lo J. Mowmison's; | and Messrs, Card, st Robest ¥dds's ; Norval Lesa at James Sehennon' Boyd Kiliott, Hentah, Mv. sod Mes. Any man kes to be calied a ; hero, because he feally believes he 13 The oldest solloges still retain (heit Tnculbies. ;