. PAGE SIX. THE SPORT REVIEW COMMENTS ON THE QUEEN" VARSITY CLOSE SHAVE, McGill-- ar 'Varsity Hope to Defeat Hazlett's Great Kicking Was Obstacle to the "Varsity Team. The paid attendance at the Argo Uttawa game on Saturday in Toronto was 6,043. Keceipts were almost $3, Mn, BO bets of the Parkdale {eam clain that McUill wings do 'a lot of illegal holding on the hne. Varsity also com plained of this when they played i Montreal, but Varsity have no peer as illegal holders. Metiill will be weakened in the game against (niversity of Toronto by the ce of Captain Lee and halfback Paisley. Both are out with injuries. I Varsity can defeat MeGill, the reign of the American coach will be over. Ur. Galvin has done down i» Ottawa and only Frank Shaughnessy remains. The, Ontario Agricultural Uollege, which defeated Kingston Collegiates in the junior intercollegiate, intends to challenge the O.H.F.U. for the junior o championship, and, should these games be arranged, they expect fo take the championship of the inter collegiate union to Guelph, Montreal Herald: --Metill Varsity if the men get to work. they don't, Jack Maynard and Pete Campbell are going to slip some of their fast stull over on them and the championship will remain up in' the Good Uity, The Toronto World says that if the scullers expect to win agaifst the in tercollegiate union they will have wo steengihen their half lime, and a few tricks Would not go amiss. Two bucks and a kick will not win from the col- lege boys. Toronto Telegram: --Hazlett gave a great exhibition of booting a water and-mud soaked ball that must have woighed nearly three pounds. He di rected his punts at Urawford, who the first hali played a great game, but the youngster faltered under the fusilade and commenced to fmnblo, At 'the Intercollegiate Rugby Ex ecutive meeting in Montreal, L Malcolm of Queen's suggested that 48 Queen's was haifway from both places the Varsity-MeGill game ghould be played there. This wae voted out of the question, due to the condition of the field las. Saturday Toronto Mail and Empire-~The ralibirds at Varsity had an idea of how the going was at Kingston Saturday when the Blue and White trotted out for a short signal prac- tice last night. The uniforms were all caked with mud and stil wets from the Queen's encounter. You wouldn't be able to even bribe a ¢leaner to put a price on the uni forms. +. The. Winnipeg team, Manitoba champions, met Regina, Saskatche- wan champions, on Saturday. Regina won by § to 0, and become western 'anada - champions. They will not filer e the eastern winners. Snow «fdllen in the west and practices i t be Neld. 'What pleased the Varsity support- ers more than anything else was the fact that the Queen's line didn't u their yards once on bucks bout the afternoon, says the Toronto Mall and Empire. _+ Toronto World: All the Varsity were pretty well used up om day plowing through the mud, and many earry sore bones as me- mentos. All the players feel that were lucky to win, and they inly were surprised at Queen's orm. The Presbyterians were fore- g at all times, and it was only Var- sity's captain who saved the day. "Fhe Toronto Telegram says that it it is Varsity and Argos in the Cane- dian final, it will be a great game, ® with the odds on Varsity as cleaner in t catching and strong avery- w If it is Argos and McGill the Oarsmen should win, because their style of play will fit against the Montreal students to greater affect than againat the trickier system of areity. can beat i a General Sport, Fred Taylor has been sold back to itawa by Montreal Wanderers for Canteron of Port Arthur has sign- ed with Torontos and Tecumsehs. The N. H. A. will decide the owner of the player. - idpath and Nicholson of Torontos umsehs, respectively, are east scouting for players, Batch and Johnson of the Roches- ter baseball team have been sold to Binghamton of the New York State jo. - Philadelphia Americans de: feated the Almendares baseball team at aus on. Monday by a score of to 4. ; Fred Welch, the English light- weight, regained his title of light. weight champlon of Great Britain In a twenty-round fight on Tuesday with Matt Wells, the British title- holder. The fight went the full dis Welch winni te Gerrard of hockey 1 was his last appearance on Gerard is a grand on points. tawa will play Ottawa uso carry both Shore and Lake. ieneral regret. is expressed at the 'allure of the league to revert to the teven-man game for the hockey last | Finter-was of a very inferior quality and hundreds will refuse to patron: ize it again. - The National Hockey association, baving declared war on the Pacific Coast league by refusing their term: for a National commission, is now going to bave a little internal dis sension. The Ottawas are up it arms over the decision of the league to retain the six-man game. They claim that the Torontos promised they would vote to revert to the seven-man style providing they were given the services of Hruce Ridpath. he Torontos, according to the Ot- .awas, double crossed them. Now he Ottawas demand $500 for Bruee Ridpath"s release, otherwise they will retain him. AGED LOVER JILTED. Answered Matrimonial Advertise. ment, He Declares. Sunbury, Pa., Nov. 13. -- James (. Wilcox, 2 years old, of Ithaca, came nere Friday to wed Miss Beyiah Hep- ger, seventeen, a girl he had corres sonded with as the result of her ans wering an advertisement in a matri- monial newspaper, but was jilted by her a few hours before the ceremony was to have been performed. When the saw him she gave him an excuse that she was "'going to buy some lothing," and then she seni him this note: "Dear Mr. Wilcox: Please forgive me. I cannot marry a man as old as you." When he could not find her, he left on an afternoon train for his home. Wilcox, it is said, told the girl's friends that he had secured her prom- ine to become his bride through lei- ters and advanced her $200 with which to buy her wedding clothing. He also had a diamond ring and a certified check for $1,000, which he declared wns to be hers alter thie wedding and which he had 'shown her. le said also that he had told her his age. Wilcox is a wealthy man, having farms, stocks in many manufactories and being part owner of a hotel. He is said ta be worth 350.000, I'he girl was nowhere to be found to- night. She is of good parents, prety, and is a belle of the town. ALDERSHOT MOBILIZATION, No Special Significance Attached to Latest Order, "Aldershot, Kng., Nov. 13.--The Irit- ish troops at the Aldershot military camp, which have been ordered to make a test mobilization, ave virtual. ly always on a war féoting, The com mand is the most extensive in the British Isles and the troops of. the London garrison are attached to it. 'The various arms are represented by 24 batallions of infantry, 24 batteries of horse and field artillery, two regi- ments of cavalry, engineers, army ser- vice corps and medical corps. Frequent mobilizations are carried out, and the whole army corps parti bipated with the troops from ether commands in the autumn manoeuvres in September, Fhe camp is abouf 35 miles from London, and the London battaliohs are despatched there by railroad in case of mobilization. HIGHWAYMAN 8. BESTED. efforts of the children were | OCCUE every lew years. THE DAILY BRITISH WIHG, WE DNESDAY, TOWN OF GANANOQUE FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. J, T. GREEN, The School Children Were Photo: graphed in a Body--Other News of the River Town. Gananoque, Nov. 13.--The funeral of the late Jane Rogers, wife of Joseph- us 1. Green, postmaster of Ganano- que, took place yesterday afternoon from the home of her sister, Mrs. John B. Abbott, Stone street, to Ganano- que eemetery. Rev. Wilmer Taylor pastor of Grace church, conducted the funeral service and a large number ot friends were present to pay their last respects. The floral iributes were num. erous and attested to the high esteem im which the deceased lady was held in the community, Ibe Winona mission circle met terday afternoon and evening. fea was served trom six to seven p.m., fol- lowed by a short programme and busi ness session. A feature of the meet ing was the reception of eight new members of the circle, which is grow ing in a very satisiactory manner. No. 5 of the Winona Circle Magazine was read; Ihe annual sale of aprons and other useful articles was held in the lecture room of St. Andrew's church under the auspices of the Thousand Island Mis: sion Band of St. Andrew's church. Th booths were neatly decorated and the rewarded by a fairly good attendance, as well as sales suthicient to aggregate a sub. stantial sum for the furtherance ol their work, With the consent of the Gananoque Board eof Education, all the public and high school pupils of the town as sembled with their teachers at the market grounds at 11.30 an. ester day and were photographed en masse. It is estimated that 70 pupils oi th sublie schools and 100 pupids of th Rich school were in the assemblage, A session of the quarterfy' board of Grace church was held last evening Among the business of the session to meet the effort being put forth throughout this conference to raise the salaries of all ministers, it was de cided to increase the satury here by 20 dollars, making the salary now 51,490 dollars per annum. Mr. and Mrs. William De Grafi, Re cheater, N.XY., sunmoned here by the death of the latter's mother, the lat. Mra. 4. 1. Green, are spending a few days in vown with relatives. kK. X Belnois, spending the past week in Smith's Falls, has returned home. ves ® r DAMAGE BY HIGH WAVE. Water Sweeps Upon Association Js- land. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 13. -- From along the shores of Lake Ontario re ports come of what appeared to he almost a tidal wave. The water ross from three to five feet and did consid. erable damage. Similar disturbance The latest onc is said to have been unequaled during the past twenty-five years. The wuter washed over a part ol Association island and came within a few inches of the caretaker"s house, 100 jeet or more from the shore line At Henderson liarbor one large launch was lifted from its moorings and land- Pennsylvanian Teacher Batters Ase sailant With a Rock, Shamokin, Pa., Nov. 14. Miss Anan! Harvis, a school teacher, and her guest, Miss Mary Haudenbush of Mt. | Carmel, were crossing the hills at Hickory Swamp, when they were at. tacked by an unknown man, who knocked Miss Raudenbush down, Miss Harris pounded his head with a rock, rendering him uncenscious. The girls then ran to the Hickory Swamp colliery and told of their ex- perience. Miners ran into the place where the girls had been assailed, but the man had disappeared, OFFERED TO ANDREW ALLAN. He May Become Chairman of Mont. real Harbor Comission." Montreal, Nov. Hi Andrew A. Al Jlan, local head of the Allan line, and 'thi winter, and} president of the shipping federation, it is reported, has been asked by ' the government to accept the position ot | chairman of the new harbor commis sion. Mr. Allan will arrive in Moh real by the Virginian Saturday. Semators For Nova Scotia, Sydney, Nov. 13.--Your corre Spondent has it on good authority that appointments will be made shortly to two of the four vacant senatorships in Nova Scotia. The new senators will be E. Lavin Gir- rior, M.P.P,, Antigonish, and J. 8. MecLennah, proprietor of the Sydney Post, > Colds Cause Headache and Grip. Laxative-Bromo Quinine removes the cause. There is only one "Bromo * Look for signature of E. W. Grove, Sa. Inability ashions for women, was the reasoh given for the. suicide of Harry A. Fox, head d er at a $15,000 a year salary for firm of Strawbridge & Clothier, Philadel- hockey team will use on its defence and will | phia. ed high on vhe shore, smashing a holo in one side of the boat, A party of duck hunters, including John Pawling, C'. W. Gray and John Solar, had an exciting experience at what is known as the Isthmus. The boat, a large launch, was thrown fa: ashore by the huge wave. Thé com: bined efiorts of the men were requirid to move the boat an mch or two at & time. Planks and jacks were finally secured and the boat taken back to the water, A rowhoat was found nine miles from the point at which it had been tied up. -------- g Foso Quickly Removes Dandruff Stops Falling Hair and Scalp, Changes Gray or Faded Hair to its Halv, Men ling iris nly for it, and mail to«day for a free package that will 'prove all I claim, ABY'S 0 OAP Bes T of the skin with the crea of Baby's Own Soa skin--help nature 4 or tresses have been hair falling out, switches; whose all find in Just the relief that 1 don't ask you to take my word #ill out free coupon helow $1.00 $1.00 PACKAGE FREE T0 Natural Color. Grows whose hair or all gone women thinned by the u boys coarse and K re want fe requiring fittle children, hair is this they 1 " " HE particles which are ru Itching beards are st NOVEMBER, 1912. Every Man or Woman Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair by Using the Wonderful Foso Treatme nt, Mail Free Coupon To-day. Eree $1.00 Outfit Coupon, i your name and address bland lines bélow, eut put . spon and mail te The o Company, 2070 Foso Bulid. Cincinnati, Obio Enclose 1 cents In stamps or silver as wn evidence of good faith, and to. help cover packing, postage , an! 84 complete $1.00 outfit you at once hy mai' of eharge and "UL Ar New eu will be sent prepaid free duty free Name. . Clty Street State se of and un- medy pr of pure vegetable oil bbed into the open pores amy fragrant lather renew the life of the ng. It assures a soft, white, healthy skin and its use delights both oung and old. Baby's Own is for sale almost everywhere. ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, MFRS... MONTREAL - A -------------------- . 1] / \ STALK 'Don't Live From Hand to Mouth keep waiting anxiously for your tide you over the following wee Now don't say you cannot cases indeed where Every bank appeals to vou only save $1 a week; they will you just the same service and in tish Whig; choose same ban. a manager. Start to Save NOW Require no elaborate made in a way to win and worth. either before or after tl exist in the dictionary of ambitioug people wages are so low as not thing being laid aside every week, no matter haw Read their advts., which ap Suthelrand Shoes Are you among the many men and Women in Kingston who pay envelope every Saturday to K°® save----bacause 'cannot' does not There gre Yery few to permit of some- small » Wage earner, even if you can welcome your account and gice terest as the man with thousands. pear almost every day in the Bri- nd go and have a talk with the "The British Whig" Eastern Ontario's Greatest Newspaper arguments, They are and hold trade--they are offered to you on a basis of honest merit Our showing of -the new Fall and Winter styles represent our best efforts to give you Y ge 2 fe good shoes--the kind that need no apologies 1e sille WOMAN DRIVEN TO DEATH. Buried Treasure is Given Cause ot Suicide. Council Grove, Kan., Nov. 13.~- Worry over her inability to find $3,000 in gold, which she knew tom be buried in an iron pot on her' farm, is believed to have caused a fit of despondency which led to the suicide here of Mrs. Joseph Rut- ledge, who shot herself through the head. Thé woman's husband had concealed his savings in his own way, promising to reveal the "cache to his wife before he died. His death ------ "DISASTROUS IF DEFEATED. [TO PENSION 'PHONE WORKERS, London, Nov." ond, (alist party, in a government reverse in the commons Rule bill, says it will result in a Tay of & week apd will throw third reading of the Home Rule over Christmas. To 'imagine that the incident would Effect of Vote on Amendment lays Third Reading. 18. Johan 'E. the leader of the Irish Na statement on 1 committee on the house De- | Fund Financed by American Tele. phone and Telegraph Co. Xew York, 'Nov. 13.<Ten million dollars will be distributed annually among the telephone employees the country over. The announcement the this huge séin i to be paid out at {year in the form of pensions, sick | benefits and life insurance to the 175, 1000 employees of the Bell system and {associated * interests has just heen made public. wk Red tion the of ome de the bill to cope with next spring's ! in New York! came fore he could reveal place. the WANT AUSTRALIAN CONTROL. Fear Watriams Group the 'Japanese. Sydney, N.S.W., Nov. 13.--Represen oi defence by the residents of the Wa wish that up controlled by Aus ia. Hit ie is not done they asser to be soldiers and spies. ork, 'Nov. 13.~Cleveland suddenly last February, be hiding May ge to tation has been made to the minister trinma group of islands in which they express: their loyalty to. the King and , a8 six thousand Japs in the mines and many H this city, received the fol from Dr. Gates, pre College at Constan- defeat the home rule measure was ab- surd, in his opition, but he felt if to be his duty b> raise a note of warn ing that if such incidents were re peated the result must necessarily be disastrous. The statement was issued with the idea of keeping the nationalist mem bers in closer attendance ad the house _{of commons. HAS DIAZ ESCAPED? ut in Letter From Mexico, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 13.-A letter received here by R. G. Kirwan, of this city, from R. H. Dickerson, at Oaxaca, Mexico, dated Nov. 3rd, says: : "This afternoon a special edition came out here saving General Felix Diax had. escaped from prison by ibi sentries and gone by boa: down the coast. The whole town is wild." Story Comes ( : 1 Gets $1,000 in Loot. Canton, 0, Nov. 13.---~A barefoot burglar is giving residents of the north end district heart trouble these days. In two mights he has Leo- entered eight homes ard carried off $1,000 or more loot. The burglar always takes off Mis shoes on the Mr. [porch of the home he is about to. po four or five Nefirooms aad rifled tha clothes of the sleeping oc cupants. ~- A committees of the Privy Conneil is to be appointed at an carly dale to consitler the advisability of the crea- tion of a federal district, to inclade Ottawa and some of the adjacent ter W : This fund of $10,000,000 will be made from year to year by annual appropriations on the part of the American Telephone and Telegraph company and associated companies, the . Western Union Telegraph com. pany and the Western Electric ocom- pany. The initial amount will be available on Jan. lst for the 175. 0 employees and their families. None of the employees are expected to eom- tribute any portion of this sum. The Marriage Question. Ottawa, Nov. 13.-J. RB. Burnham, M.P. for Peterboro, has sent in the first questions for the order this coming session. They are on the mar- riage question, so, appatgntly, it is far from a dead subject, despite the decision of the Privy Council. No one is quite cottain just what Mr. Burnhans is driving I i the ciyptic questions he has asked of the government. Mr. Burnham will ask : (Lj What portions of Canadas are solely' under federal' tontrol and Juris- diction * (2) What are the laws in to marriage in these districts * Riptaluita, Sask. Nov. 13-Nomi- nations for the Byweleetion for of South Go pple caused t re provincial to fill the vas mw ation of Mon. W. 0. F. Haultsin, we has a 'appomted chief justice of the 1 rovinge, 'are set for November ith, w..a polling December #th. public schools of New York do not comply with the fire prevention regu- lations, it is estimated that the re pairs and improvements demanded will cost between $2,600,000 and §3.- 048,000. Mrs. Hiram Flanigan, Brockville, died on orgie dbo vg after long years - Poh Her masien antns was Eb EI Re rey HEIR TO THREE MILLIONS, Son of Former Quebec Pastor Gels Big Estate. Sutton, Que., Nov. ¥.--The report i confirmed that the son of the late Rev. J. J. Theakston, formerly of this place, hes fallen heir to thaw mil lion dollars in Russia, as well in terests in coal lands The late Mr. Theakston was horn in Russia, and when he grew to man hood was arrested and sentenced Riberia for the political views which he held. Upon being liberated he came to Canada and was for a number of years a pastor of this place, His widow and son now reside in Winches ter, Mass, ad to The Coal Supply. New York, Nov. 13.--Strikes de elarad because part of the employes decline to continue payment of union dues and wear union buttons ~gtrikes In plain violation of the agreement between the mine workers and the operators----have caused & serious loss in production. This last combined dally capacity of from 5,000 to 8,000 tous a day were idle The operators are convinced that al- though this year's production is be Rind last year's, consumers will not suffor for want of coal if they will | The ovérwhéiming mibjority of the] $ content themselves with moderate purchases for the time, and not at- tempt to lay in a large store in ad- vance and thus create an artificial scarcity. I A New Stock Of the following at McLeod's Drug tore : Satol. Huffman's Goitre Cure. Winearnis. me. Ely's Cream Balm. Mcleod's Brug Store, 51 Brock St. -------------- Mrs. Margare! Cadman died at Pelle and t sh FR week, for example, collieries with a : J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes FURNITURE Our Re-building SALES Now Going On. To save goods being damaged by rain or lime dust while we are re- moving our roof, we will sell goods almost at your ownprice: for cash only, T. J. REID 230 Princess St. Phone 517 more the trusts want the loss