Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1912, p. 9

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NO MEAN POWEF TO BEGIN WITH. Hd " iA | wis [30 i | Will Have 15,000,000 Inhabit. ants--The New Nation Would be Too Strong For Any Single European Country to Middle | With. | Toronto Mall and Empire Mr. Asquith"s statement that the Balkan allies will not be deprived of the fruits of their victory seems to foreshadow the creation of a new European power. Any of the allies {fighting singly could have wom no spoils from Turkey, and singly none of them would be able to keep its share should Austria or Hussia desire to grab it. lo simply drive the Purks tout of Kurope will not settle the Bal Kan trouble. It will not remove the desire of Austria and Russia for ap outlet on the south. As far as the tproblem can be settled permanently it j would appear that the erection of a powerful Halkan confederation, con {sisting of Bulgaria, Servia, Montene tgro and Greece, 1s the best method. | After the military display made by [the allies, even a first-class power {would think twice about wantonly at NEW BALKAN NATION TARRING 19-YEAR-OLD GIRL. Six Men Are on Trial at Norwalk, Ohio. Norwalk, O., Nov. 14 ---A large proportion of the population of West Clarksfield, twelve miles east of hele came to this city, the county seat, to-day, to be at the trial of the six men, charged with tarring Minnis La Valley, a nineteen-yeal-cld girl, in the village on the night of Au- gust 30th. The specific offense ¢rictous conspiracy." The ants are Reginald Thomas; constable; Joseph and Carl ni low and Ernest Welsh, ani Cummings They were three weeks ago. Forty witnesses were in cotitt to answer to subpoenas when Judge John T. Garvey of Fremont took the bench. The trial room was crowded too with people anxious to see the girl and the men she"accuses. Minnie La Valley alleges fhat on the night of August 30th six men hauled her behind a building at West Clarksfield, and after stripping her poured red paint over her. William Smith, constable of Clarkfield town. ship, will be tried later for alleged perjury in the grand jury investiga- tion of the case. is d ofenni- haread twp r, Har J mend inh Meted YEARS. HAD SORE FOUR tacking them if they were united, With | the exception of the (ireeks, the allies | are of the same stock, the differences | {in their tongues being merely varia | tions of dialect. 'They are about on {a level in the malter of civilization' {and for the most part their political! and econothic prohlems are the same. | | This is the contention, at least, Prince Lazarovitch Hrebelianovich, fwho must he reckoned one of the tehief authorities on the subject. The { Prince iz of roval Servian blood He is a soldier, and an author of wide reputation. In fact, as far as the | English-speaking world is concerned, ---- the 1s the chief authority on Servian CHAT TOBACCO | afar, fe his ervian apts' ho h - {the standarc Lnghsh wor on the wv ao The "Ruunts whe It : { subject He has also written upon pe By Ne goes MIONE. | iho "Orient Question," and is gener: ¥ dic per pound. For chewing and| jo qu) of jnformation concerning Fa Nh The only Baking Powder made in Canada that has all its ingredients plainly printed on the label. Sew ol a. For economy wz yecom- mend the one pound cans. Ca power, being without colonies, na- vies, or any considerable foreign trade. Apart altogether from the fact that the plateau belongs to them, they are the owners, whose possession of the key would be no menace to others. } smaking, AT A, MAUHBANS, {the policies of the region that holds Gutarie Street. {the attention of the word to-day. Am ------------------------------------ { The Prince is a patriotic Servian, and Electric Restorer for Men Seoms » he pi, opivion Yat his sou: be try is 'the leader among the allies, Phosphonul REalofeR SXOPY utynin the hod He is profoundly distrusWul of Aus yim and Witality, Franisture d J and-all sex trian, and is not free from the fear, ng. averted at Price hasyhons or two for | Probably, that unless Servia becomes | liad \0 any sddresa. #he Boshall Drug | part of a strong nation she may vet Catharines, ihe the victim of this- power as were For sale of Mabood's drug store { Bosnia and Herzegovina He there fore advocates a permanent Ualkan Oo te confederacy, notionly in the interests . of the peace of Europe, but as =» Blacksmith Coal {means of saving his own country : {from Austria ----: High Grade :---- [§| : | x The Rerviny Plateau. » | "Austria, at least, fears Servian DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard victory in the existing conthets,"' said Ce the, "not because she loves Turkey, "but because she has no wish to have {a strong, coherent country subs. {tuted for the present weak, divided | Balkan states. Whichever power dom- {inates the Servian plateau dominates RADWAY'S READY RELIEF | the Balkans. When Turkey conquered tangs pistol jit, it needed one more battle, the bat CURE ithe of Moliacs, only, to take the Turk CROUP { before the walls ot Vienna. Again, the In attacks. of thls dangerous dis. {Sgryian platenn commands the Dar ease prompt: attention Is ali important | démelles, which again makes it the The moment signs of Croup appear |CTUX And so the present war is real apply Rudwi 4 cay Taltet freely ly of vast importance, and may very sufficient | QUARMEY of the Syrup oi |Ereatly change the: future history of to produer vomiting. If this |lurope. ltaly's war, which she has treatment is isilowed. Bat one cave in {just concluded, was to get another By nd will prove lata! inaval base as a protection in case of As" or RARWAY 8 and he sure you get | war with Austria. Her suzerainty over what you or, I'ripoli was a necessity.' : - " | According to the prince, the Bal- {kan problem is the fight of the pow- & % 9 | ors for mastery of the Servian pla- ) a | tean England has supported the a 4 fos | Turks because she saw in Turkey a ub Jelly Powder {buffer between the Suez canal and 'any European power which might makes, hah inh arent; a dessert 88 | desire to secure a seaport on the pretty, Add Club Jelly Sauce, \ {south Russia desires supremacy on ma.'e from stall package ; {the plateau for the exact opposit: enclosed in tach carton, and reason, while Austria's interest is ou have & rea! treat. | said to have been born of sheer de- ixtoen y flavors, true as sire for territorial aggrandizement. the pure fruit, Putupby .; 2 {in the opinion of the prince it would 8. N. EWING & iB be 4 calamity if any of the great nS, 8 (powers were permitted to gain mas- : 1 tery of the plateau, since it would wii {give that power the dominance over v {the connecting link between the oast + jand west, and he would trust none i. jof them to use it always for good [The united Balkans, however, would p have the connecting link, but neith- x er of the ends. They would be in DREADFUL no position to menace any other How She Was Saved From Surgeon's Knife by Lydia ve kL) E. Pinkham's Ve A Brave Dream. : The new nation which Prince La-| sarovieh believes will be brought | forth as a result of the war would, Bulgaria's population is about 4; 000,000, Servia's is 3,000,000, Greece | has 2,500,000 and Montenegro has 200,000. From what is now Turkish territory, but inhabited by Serbs and other Christians, the prince esti-| mates that more than 4,500,000 could | be drawn, This would make a na-| tion of nearly 15,000,000, which, be- cause of its military. strength, and because of the nature of the coun- try it would inhabit, would be too strong for amy single European pow- er to wantonly meddle. Under 4 common ruler, the - prince chosén from one of the powers, Ferdinand of Bulgaria being by all. odds the most prominent, and probably the most capable, there would de four spheres of influence, that of the Servians, of ' the of the Greeks, und another sphere in which all would be interested. This fourth mon administration, while the other much as common customs and other laws, and a commnn economic development. This is. tae prince's dream, and he believes that only the hostility 'of Austria will prevent it from coming to piss. } Gave Skin to Cure Mother, van, aged sixteen years, undecdent a moved placing would be set aside for' com-| Chatham, Nov. 14.--William Doso- |* Zam-Buk Healed it in Few Weeks. Have vou some old wound or sore which has defied all doctors' reme- dies." If s0. you have a gcase for Zam-Buk, Oliver writes Man of Purvis, . of healing power Sims, "Ihe 'Zam-Buk - is- really wonderful ! 1 bad an old irritating sore on my-forehead that had troubled me for four years. I had used all sorts of remedies, but none of them seemed able to close the sore. Zam-Buk was recommended to me, and in a marvellously short time it healed the obstinate sore per- fectly. You may depend upon if that after this' proof of its power we will never be without a box in the house." As a rapid and certain healer of ulcers, abscesses, piles, inflamed places, outs, burns, bruises, scalp sgQres, eczema, eruptions, cold sores, chapped bands, etc, you can get nothing to equal Zam-Buk. Antisep- tic, too; and immediately applied removes all danger of wound taking the wrong way. Druggists and stores everywhere at O0c. box or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toron- to. Try Zam-Buk Soap for tender skins and baby's bath. 25c. tablet all druggists and stores. ' ---- - An Important Order. Toronto, Nov. 14.--~The Hydro-elee- tric Power commission has directed that an order should be issued for the of all wires in the downtown district Hamilton under ground This order invelyes the Cataract Power company the Hamilton Hydro electric service, and states that pro vision shall also be made for the telo phone and telegraph wires his is the hrst order of the Kind to be issued under the legislation of ust smssion >: under which the Hydro electric commission conld hold joint sittings with "the Dominion railway board. of To Get White Swan Yeast Cakes. li you «ant get White Swan Yeast Cakes from your send your parse and address, and we will send free sample of White Swan Yeast Cakes and tll what grocer in your town Keeps it. White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limited, Toronto. Ont grocer, Professor States Causes. Ihe minister of a country church was greatly annoyed on Sundays by the: women turning every Lime any one came in. 'The next time he preach- od he gave out the following notice "So that you need not turn round 1 will eall out the name of the person or persons entering this church during service." Thén he started: "'Deay be toved brether-- Farmer and his wife--in the gevenih chapter Mrs Brown and baby--of the. fisst book = Mr. and Mrs. Smith with a new hat on Here he discovered his mistake, but it was too late. All the women in the place had looked round. Jacobs be no mean power to begin with. + pit | word that the Chatham, Wallaceburg THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, AN ONTARIO LINE HAS BEEN SECURED BY THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RR, Smart Bag Plan for Exchange Shares -- American Line Likely Parallel the Central men... of Wil Ver. London, officials in Ont, , this Nov city 13.---Railway have received and Lake Erie railway has been bonded by the Canadian Northern in- terests. The sum of $25,000 has been paid down to secure the option The aetion of the Mackenzie and Mann interests in practically secur- ing this line is regarded as further evidence that the C: N. R, means to push through with the work in western Ontario to Windsor Exchange of Shares, Montreal, Nov. 13.---The holds i of the Smart Bag preference shares' will receive $600,000 of preference shares in the new Smart-Woods Limited, divided share for share, ac- ording to their respective holdings, while the holders of the $450,000 Smart Bag common stock will re- ceive $900,000 of Smart-Woods com- mon stock, at the rate of two shar.s new to each one share now held. In addition to this, $210,000 of the 7 per cent. cumulative preferenca shares of the Smart-Woods, Limited, will be offered at par to the Smart Bag shareholdérs, at the rate of one new for each five old. Subscribers to this new preference stock will re- ceive a honus of the preference sub- scribed to by them. This would mean that a holder-of fifteen shares of Smart Bag would have the right to subscribe to thre: shares of prefer- ence stock at par, carrying a bonus of one share of common with it. May Be Reprisals. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 13.--No information is forthcoming to-day from the qfficers of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad company, in the absence of Presilent Charles S. Mellen, bearing upon a supposed agreement between his company and the Grand Prunk road over traffic rights. . It is pointed out here that Presi- dent Hays of the Grand Trunk, who was lost on the Titanie, was strongly in favor of the extension of the Grand Trunk systam to Providence by the Southern New. England, and that his death may have changed the rival policies of the two great cor- porations, which, before his death, nad reached an acute stage. The competing plan of the New ka- ven as against the Grand 'Trunk ex- tension into New England territory, ncluded the building of parallels of the Vermont Central in New Hamp- shire and Vermont, and enlargement of Canadian business, notably to and from Montreal. Party Is Bullish. New York, Nov, 13.--The Standard Jil party is reported to be bullish. Followers of that element are very ( construction of large brick works positive on this point now. If true, it will be the first time a definite bull stand of broad character has been taken by the Standard Oil for | a 'long period Amalgamated bull pool interests are said to be unchang- ed in an optimistic viewpeint on the, stock market | Financial Notes. Fimes says Noiseless to Fhe Montreal Financial that the directors oi" the I'ypewriter company ave planning reorganizé the company Nothing could be learned at the oi fices' of the Standard Oil company of New York in respect to the rumor of an increase in capital of that concern from S15.000.000. 10 S60.000 000 A block of 1900 shares of Green Mechan, once a popular mining stock sold in Toronto for one cent a share Arrangements are heing completed for the organization of the Ontario National Brick company by interests closely. identified with . the National Brick company of La Prairie The new comvany has secured 104 acres of land at Cooksville, near Toronto, on which they wiil at once commence the "It's many years since I started to follow the sea, and like most seamen I have always chewed tobacco. They all say as I say,. that Empire Navy Plug Chewing Tobacco is 1912 PAGE NIYE to a cup In connection with the proposed is sue of 85,000,000 of stock of Mexico Tramways, it is stated that arrange ments have been made with a London syndicate to take at par the eatire amount not applied for by sharehold- Mexico Tramways, selling around does not make the rights for the stock 'at 100 very attractive. It is understood that the Winnipeg ¢'eotric railyay has definitely rejected the offer of the Reese syndicate, which has been negotiating for some time to bring about an amalgamation of the street railway system and various sub sidiary enterprises The statcwsents in various papers that the Vipond mine has Ri n are incsrrect. Development work proceeding as usual, the expenditure for this purpose being aboyt $5,000 per month The Saraguay ers. 103, new is Electric and Water company has petitioned the Quebec provincial government for authority to change its name to the Montreal Pubhe Service Corporation and to in- crease its capital to 35,000,000 The Canadian Car and Foundry company announce that they have purchased the Pratt and Letchworth company of Brantiord The Laval Electric company, one of the subsidiary concerns of the Shaw inigan Water and Power company, has decided to wipe out its outstanding bonded indebtedness of $110,000 by is- suing common stock for that amount at par to the bondholders in ex- change. C.P.R. earnings for the week ended November Tth. 19i2, $2,938.000; same week last year, 193,000. Mileage increased to 11.354 Germany's plan to take over oil business of that country expected to result in United States entering pro- test to protect Standard Oil interests there. SOCIALIST EDITOR SUICEDE. "Appeal Ends Life. Girard, Kan., Nov. 14.=J. A. Way- land, founder and owner of the Ap peal to Reason, a socialist weekly published here, shot and killed him self in "his home, and was found by his housekeeper early vesterday Be- tween the leaves of a book on the bed the following pote was- found "The struggle under the competitive system isn't worth the effort; let il Proprietor of to Reason" pass : Friends oi Mr. Wayland attribute his act 16 despoadency over the death | of his wife, who was Killed in an auto mobile accident a year ago Mr Wayland was hHfty-eight old. As a writer and worker he well known among socialists through out the world vears | was | RECOVERY LUCKY FOR HIM. Life Term Remitted Hecanse Caare- | viteh is Well, i Petersburg, Nov. 14.--"As an ex- of my thanks for the grace of God, to which is due the recovery of the heir to the throne, | pardon Tie. Dachurin iv grave offence St pression One OXO Cube 4 Cubes--10c. 10 Cubes--25c. Tins of 4, 10, 50 and 100 Cubes. Oxo Cabes are b nourishing. No meRy jars or bottles--just clean, dainty little Oxo Cubes, each one made the right size for a cupful. Each cube is full of food value and contains the rich, nourishing dnd stimulating properties of prime fresh beef --combinesd scientifically in the right proportions. On every occasion when a hot beverage is acceptable Oxo Cubes are handier and better than anything else could be. Dissolved in hot water in a few moments--they sustain for hours OX. DE ten 2 oe i g George's KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY IT3ELF! It ats all others in quality and flavour because the process by which it is made differs from others. --It is deli- ciously sweet and non-irritating. SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC » ' ON THE NEW LASTS Box Calf and H. Jennings, - This is the language of an imperial decree granting pardon to a soldier who, on October 23rd, was sentenced to penal servitude for life for leaving the ranks at a review in order to hand a petition to the Russian peror. em AWARDED, NOBEL PRIZE Honors to Europeans For Research ) in Physics and Chemistry. Stockholm, Nov. 14.4The Nobel prize for physics has been awarded Gustaf Dalen, a Swiss engineer, who is head of the Stockholm Gas company The Nobel prize for chemistry Has been divided between Prof. Grignard, | of Naney University, and Prof. Paul Sabatier. of Toulouse Lniversity : The value of these prizes is XIN 600 each i Government Contributes. ' St. Catharines, Nov. 13 ---A prom- ise of a government coutribution of | $50,000 towards the cost of the pro- posed high-level bridge across the old canal, to connect the business section of the city with that portion in the vicinity of the main line sta- recgived by Mayor Merritt from the minister of railways and Eanais through E. A. Lancaster, M. P. The minister declares that the sum will be placed in the estimates just as soon as the ratepayers of St. Cathar- ihes pass a by-law authorizing the construction of the bridge as & mani- cipal undertaXidg. Dev wt of Welland, Welland, Nov. 14.---Satyrday was the eighty-third anniversary of the. e of the first vessels through the first Welland canal, frog Lake' Ontario to the Welland river at Port Robinson, thence via the river to Chippewa and Niagara river to Bufl- fzlo. Between Port Dalhousie and Port Robinson there were forty wood- en locks, 100 feet long snd 22 feet wide, with a depth of sight feet, costing $2,750 cach. The locks of tha mewer or third enlargement of tion af the Grand Trunk railway, was | NSE Er -- - ET TTT ESR r Fletcher's . eh has been hoe sirnature of s andor his pers » fis infancy. scl + yout in this, Tusteps-good * are but wd ends fio he'nith of Be Uaspceriment, i > » i - A 7% ~~ - 0 . ag -T : What IS Roiminad PF ORIA Casteria is 2 harmless substi ote jor Castor Olly Pares gorie, Props and Soothing » 0: It fa pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morph * other Xareotie substance. Tis age is iis cuoranice. it destroys Worms and allays Feverisin wore than thirty years it has been in constanh ¢ tho roliel of Co pation, Flatuleney, Wind Col Teething Troubles and Diarrhea. Ii regulates mach and Eowela, ussimilates the Food, giving and natural sleep. The Children's Panasecu "0 Friend, a PE GENUINE CAST D 2 a egemes of Twn PCAN VIC = fol To in wr A hats Allvwrno All Counterfeits, Imitat! grief 4 Experiments that tn « Infants and Childre ger i mst Y "1 8 «5 Lh i > yn «Ly Lentils ilother's Hip ALWAYS rns ¢ mr TAT rah 2 - The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE MURRAY STRECT, TOR 1

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